The most famous speaker without arms and legs. Nick Vuychich: biography, personal life, family, interesting facts, quotes

Nick Vuychich - this name has already become a symbol of courage, fortitude, victory of reason, hope and faith over bodily weakness.

Nick was born on December 4, 1982 in Brisbane, Australia, to a family of Serbian immigrants. His parents, Protestant pastor Boris Vuychich and nurse Dushka Vuychich, did not expect that the joy of the birth of the long-awaited first child would be replaced by a terrible shock: the baby was born with a rare genetic pathology - tetra-amelia. The boy lacked full-fledged limbs - both arms and both legs (partly there was one foot with two fused fingers, which allowed the boy to learn to walk, swim, skateboard, surfboard, play on the computer and write after surgical separation of the fingers). At the same time, in all other respects, Nick was healthy - that is, with all his terrible congenital defects, the rest of his body worked properly.

Then the whole maternity ward cried - nurses, obstetricians and even seasoned doctors. It is not difficult to imagine the state of the parents of a newborn - in a kind of stupor they observed their baby, and no one even dared to imagine how he would be able to adapt, and whether he could at all, to the world around him.

And yet, be that as it may, the time has come to decide - what to do with their unfortunate, but at the same time so desired son. Can a person with such a pathology be happy? And does he need such a life? But, on the other hand, if life is given to him, then whether they have the right to even think about whether this life is needed or not. Later, Nick's mother recalled that at that time they did not dare to look into the future for a long time - they simply set themselves small tasks and solved problems one after another, in small steps.

This is how, difficult, painful and very dramatic, the life of a little Australian named Nick began. As a toddler, he didn’t think at all how much and how he differed from his peers.

Depression came later, when Nick grew up and realized that he was different from other children. At the age of 8, he made his first suicide attempt. The boy not only suffered and suffered because of his shortcomings, but also realized that it was useless to ask God every night to give him legs and arms. God, unfortunately, remained deaf to his prayers. Later he recalled that every morning he was ready to wake up with new arms and legs, but with each new morning these hopes became more and more illusory. Disappointment replaced hope. The electronic hands bought by his parents did not help him either - they were too heavy for the baby, and Nick continued to live and use only that semblance of his left leg that he got at birth. At the age of 10, he tried to drown himself in the bathroom in his home. Only the thought of the pain and inconsolable grief that he would inflict on his parents, who gave him all their love and care, stopped him. It was then that he once and for all stopped thinking about suicide.

Nick's hard life continued. Nick's parents managed to get the authorities to get their son to go to a normal, regular school, but classmates and peers refused to play with him. Indeed, Nick could not do anything - neither kick the ball, nor catch it, nor catch up, nor run away. But the boy held on - he tried his best to be "like everyone else", tried very hard. He went to school, studied well, could write, learned not only to walk and swim, but also to skate and use a computer.

He also thought a lot - about life, about God. One day my mother read to Nick an article about a seriously ill man who inspired others to live. Mom said: “Nick, God needs you. I do not know how. I do not know when. But you can serve Him. "

When Nick was fifteen years old, he read the parable of the blind man. The disciples asked Christ why this man is blind. Christ replied: "So that the works of God may appear on him." Nick says that at that moment he stopped being angry with God. Nick believed - if God created him this way, then this is how God needs him. “Then I realized,” says Nick, “that I'm not just a person without arms and legs. I am a creation of God. God knows what He is doing and for what. It doesn't matter what people think that God did not answer my prayers. This means that He wants to change my heart more than the circumstances of my life. Probably, even if I suddenly had arms and legs, it would not soothe me so. Hands and feet on their own. " And, therefore, you need to look for and, most importantly, find your purpose. And Nick had no doubts that he had this purpose, and it was very important.

The answer came when he was already a student at Griffith University, where he studied financial planning. Once Nick was offered to speak to students and he simply told them about his life. By the end of his short speech, many were crying in the audience. And one of the girls even jumped out on stage to hug Nick. And Nick understood what he wants to do in life. Returning home, he announced to his parents that he had finally found his destiny - he wants to talk with people, wants to be an orator, a preacher, to help other people gain faith in themselves, the joy of life, hope and inspiration. After all, there are so many unfortunate people in the world with their troubles and sufferings, and Nick knew what he could say to each of them.

So began his wanderings, during which Nick Vuychich traveled to more than twenty countries, delivering 250 speeches a year, he was heard by more than three million people - in schools, nursing homes, prisons. And offers to speak still exceeded Nick's capabilities. He is on the road ten months a year, two months at home. It happens that Nick performs at stadiums with many thousands of people. Each week Nick receives up to three hundred offers for new performances. He became a professional speaker. Nick tells episodes from his everyday life. How people still stare at him in the streets. As children run up and ask: "What happened to you ?!" And then he replies in a hoarse voice: "All because of the cigarettes!"

And to younger children he says: "I didn't clean my room." What he has in place of his feet, he calls "leg". Nick reveals that his dog loves to bite him. And he begins to beat off a fashionable rhythm with a "leg".

During his speeches, he often says, "Sometimes you can fall like this." Nick falls face down on the table he was standing on. And he continues: “In life it happens that you fall, and it seems that there is no strength to rise. And many are losing hope ... I have no arms or legs! It seems that if I try to get up at least a hundred times, I will not succeed. But after another defeat, I do not give up hope. I will try over and over again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. The main thing is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength to rise - like this, ”he leans on his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up.

Here's what Nick says about himself and his mission: “… I couldn't find anything else that would give me peace. Through the word of God, I learned the truth about the purpose of my life - about who I am, why I live, and where I will go when I die. Without faith, nothing made sense.

There is a lot of pain in this life, so there must be an absolute Truth, an absolute Hope, which is above all circumstances. My hope is in heaven. If you associate your happiness with temporary things, it will be temporary.

I can tell many cases when teenagers came up to me and said: “Today I looked in the mirror, holding a knife in my hand. This was supposed to be the last day of my life. You saved me".

A woman came up to me one day and said, “Today is my daughter's second birthday. She listened to you two years ago and you saved her life. " But I can't save myself! Only God can. What I have is not Nick's accomplishments. If it were not for God, I would not be here with you and in the world would no longer be. I would not have handled my trials on my own. And I thank God that my example inspires people ...

… I don't always get up in the morning with a smile on my face. Sometimes my back hurts, - says Nick, - But, because there is great strength in my principles, I continue to take small steps forward, baby steps. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to act, relying not on one's own strength, but on the help of God.

Usually parents of disabled children get divorced. My parents are not divorced. Do you think they were scared? Yes. Do you think they trusted God? Yes. Do you think they are now seeing the fruits of their labors? Quite right ... "

This is how Nick Vuychich found himself and his destiny. It may seem strange, but a young man without arms and legs has already managed to do much more than other healthy people in a whole long life. He is completely independent and lives a full and rich life: he received two higher educations, independently types on a computer at a speed of 43 words per minute, surfs, is fond of fishing, swims and even dives from a springboard into the water. His book Life Without Borders is an inspiring, emotional story about how to overcome difficulties, despair, believe in yourself and become happy. In it, Nick formulated the rules of life that helped him, and now he shares them with readers.

"You have complexes about the fact that you have freckles, your hair is not lying correctly, your ears are not like everyone else's, your nose is too big ... How do you think I felt?" / Nick Vuychich /

"If you are tired, and I am very often tired, then I want to cheer you up: we will have an eternity to rest!" / Nick Vuychich /

"The hardest thing for me was at the age of 8. I seriously wanted to commit suicide. But the Lord did not let me make such a mistake." miracle, asking God for hands and feet. But God did not give me a miracle. And then I realized that in this form I am a miracle for other people. Now I travel around the world with the ministry "Life without limits." There are many people with hands and feet, but they are disabled in the mind. They need help to find truth and happiness "/ Nick Vuychich /

In 2005, Nick Vuychich was nominated for the very prestigious Young Australian of the Year award.

In 2009, he starred in The Butterfly Circus, which tells the story of Will and his fate.

Nick is also the president of a charitable organization, he has his own motivational campaign "Attitude Is Altitude".

On February 12, 2012, Nick Vuychich married the beautiful Kanae Miahara. The wedding took place in California, and the newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Hawaii.

Today Nick Vuychich is 36 years old. And this guy with no arms and legs has managed to achieve more than a huge number of people achieve in their entire life.

Nicholas James "Nick" Vujicic (4 December 1982) is an Australian writer and singer. Born with a congenital tetraamelia disease - a mutation disease, as a result of which all limbs stop developing and the fetus is born without arms and legs.


Nicholas was born on December 4 in Australia to a family of Serbian immigrants. Despite the fact that his mother was not diagnosed with pathologies during the entire period of pregnancy, the baby was born with a genetic mutation that is quite rare even for the modern world - a complete absence of limbs. The scientific diagnosis is "a child with congenital tetraamelia." No other pathologies or diseases were found.

From childhood, Nick - as his parents began to call him - was constantly tormented by the ridicule of everyone around him. For a long time he could not come to terms with his position in society and, starting from the age of two, stopped going out. At home, he tried to learn at least elementary things - reading and writing, but due to the lack of limbs, as well as the parents' experience in such matters, the child's socialization was long and difficult.

In order to somehow help Nicholas adapt to birth defects and get used to the idea that it is impossible to get rid of them, his parents send him to one of the Australian schools for the disabled, where the boy is taught everything he needs. However, two years later, the United States government issued a law that persons with disabilities with any physical disabilities have the right to study in mainstream schools without infringing on their civil rights. Nicholas is transferred from specialized to regular high school.


By the time Nicholas turns ten, he still lives for only one purpose - to die as soon as possible, because he simply cannot imagine his life with such a congenital defect. According to Nick himself, once he even tried to drown himself in the bath:

“Once I asked my mother to take me for a swim and not interfere with me. Like, I wanted to try to do it myself. For half an hour I tried to face the water, but it was damn hard to stay in the slippery bathtub. And when I finally succeeded, and I was already imagining how my mother and father would stand at my funeral, it suddenly dawned on me: "How can I hurt them so much?" It will be so selfish and unfair, I absolutely did not think about WHAT they will feel, WHAT pain they will experience! And after I realized this, I was able to get used to the thought of my illness ... ".

When the crisis age was far behind, and Nick himself was imbued with life and the achievement of something new, he independently and successfully entered Griffin University, located in Brisbane, and graduated at the age of 21, receiving a double bachelor's degree (Nicholas was simultaneously studying at faculties of accounting and financial planning).

Career and charity start

After that, Nick decides that his rare illness should not only alienate those around him, but also encourage people to live. He begins to travel around cities and visit places that ordinary people rarely go to. Nick performs with small oratory numbers in prisons, orphanages and specialized schools for the disabled, proving to everyone that life is beautiful, and even the absence of limbs does not give anyone the right to wish death!

In 1999, Nicholas, thanks to the support of relatives and friends, opens the charitable organization Life Without Limbs, which begins to gain popularity, first in the city, and then around the world. It was for this that he was nominated and received the Young Australian of the Year award.

Apart from charity trips around the world, Nick never stops there. During his life, he wrote several books ("Life without borders. The path to an amazingly happy life", 2010; "Unstoppable. The incredible power of faith in action", 2013; "Be strong. You can overcome violence", 2013; "Love without borders . The path to amazingly strong love ", 2015), released a song (" Something More ", 2011), a video for it and even managed to star in the film" Butterfly Circus "(2009), which tells about the life of Will, the same a guy, like himself, from birth without limbs.

Personal life

Despite his physiological defect and the illness that accompanies him throughout his life, Nick Vuychich is absolutely happy in the family and promotes healthy and fulfilling family relationships.

In early 2012, he met his first and only love, Kanae Miyahare, whom he married a few months later. At the moment, the couple already have two absolutely healthy and strong kids - sons Kiyoshi James and Deyan Levi.

Nick Vuychich is a millionaire without arms and legs, whose story will shake everyone to the core. He showed by his example that you can be happy, regardless of life situations. His every day is an example of faith that truly works miracles. Nick teaches on how to find faith and hope in your heart. And most importantly, it proves that you can live a happy, fulfilling life if you perform a feat every day. This story is about the most powerful man of our time.


One of the best ways to get rid of the pain of the past is to replace it with gratitude.

December 4, 1982 Dushka Vuychich is giving birth. The firstborn is about to be born. Spouse, Boris Vuychich, is present at the birth.

A shoulder appeared. Boris turned pale and left the family. After some time, a doctor approached him.

"Doctor, does my son have a hand?" Boris asked. "No. Your son has no arms or legs, ”the doctor replied.

Nicholas's parents (as they called the newborn) did not know anything about the "Tetra-Amelia" syndrome. They didn't know how to handle a baby without arms and legs. The mother did not breastfeed her son for 4 months.

Gradually, Nick's parents got used to and fell in love with their son for who he is.


Failure is the path to mastery.

Leg leg. This is what Nick called the only limb on his body. The likeness of a foot with two fused toes, subsequently separated by surgery.

But Nick thinks that his "leg" is not so bad. He taught them how to write, type (43 words per minute), operate an electric wheelchair, push off on a skateboard.

Not everything worked out right away. But when the time came, Nick went to a regular school, along with healthy peers.


When you feel like betraying your dream, force yourself to work for another day, week, month, and another year. You will be amazed at what happens if you don't give up.

“You don’t know how!”, “We don’t want to be friends with you!”, “You are nobody!” - Nick heard these words every day at school.

The focus shifted: he was no longer proud of what he had learned; he is fixated on something that he can never be able to do. Hug your wife, take your child in your arms ...

One day Nick asked his mother to take him to the bathroom. Driven by the thought "Why me?" the boy tried to drown himself.

"They didn't deserve it" - 10-year-old Nick realized that he could not do this to his parents, who love him very much. Suicide is not fair. It is dishonest in relation to loved ones.


Other people's words and actions cannot define your personality.

"What happened to you?!" - until Nick became world famous, this was the most frequently asked question to him.

Seeing a man without arms and legs, people do not hide their shock. Sidelong glances, whispers behind his back, grins - Nick answers everything with a smile. “It's all because of the cigarettes,” he says to the particularly impressionable one. And he makes fun of the children: "I just didn't clean my room ...".


Laugh as much as possible. In the life of any person there are days when troubles and hardships pour out, as if from a cornucopia. Don't curse trials. Be grateful to life for the fact that it gives you the opportunity to learn and develop. A sense of humor will help with this.

Nick is a big joker. There are no arms and legs - life "played" him, so why not laugh at her?

One day Nick dressed up in a pilot's uniform and, with the permission of the airline, greeted passengers at boarding with the words: "Today we are testing a new aircraft control technology ... and I am your pilot."

People who know Nick Vucic personally say that he has an excellent sense of humor. And this quality, as you know, excludes self-pity.


If you are deeply unhappy, then you are not living your life. Your talents are being misused.

Nick Vuychich has two higher educations: accounting and financial planning. He is a successful motivational speaker and businessman. But his main talent is persuasion. Including through art.

Nick's first book is called Life Without Borders: The Path to a Stunningly Happy Life (translated into 30 languages, published in Russian in 2012). In 2009, he starred in the short film Butterfly Circus (IMDb rating - 8.10). A story about finding the meaning of life.


It is impossible to argue with the fact that insanity is a genius: anyone who is willing to take a risk, in the eyes of others, appears to be either a madman or a genius.

"Crazy" - many people think, watching as Nick searches for a wave while surfing or jumping with a parachute.

“I realized that physical dissimilarity limits me only to the extent that I limit myself,” Vuychich admitted once and did not limit himself in anything.

Nick plays football, tennis, swims great.


Think of your relationship to the world as a remote control. If you don't like the program you are watching, you just grab the remote and switch the TV to another program. It's the same with your attitude towards life: when you are not happy with the result, change your approach, no matter what problem you are facing.

At the age of 19, Nick was asked to speak to students at the university where he studied (Griffith University). Nicholas agreed: he went out and spoke briefly about himself. Many people in the audience were crying, and one girl went up on stage and hugged him.

The young man understood - oratory was his calling.

Nick Vuychich traveled to 45 countries, met with 7 presidents, performed in front of thousands of spectators. Every day he receives dozens of requests for interviews and invitations to speak. Why do people want to listen to him?

Because his speeches are not limited to the banal: “Do you have problems? Look at me - no arms, no legs, that's who has problems! "

Nick understands that suffering cannot be compared, everyone has their own pain, and does not try to cheer people up, they say, "compared to me, everything is not so bad with you." He just talks to them.


I have no arms, and when you embrace, you press right to the hearts. This is amazing!

Nick admits that since he was born without arms, he never missed them. The only thing he lacks is a handshake. He cannot shake hands with anyone.

But he found a way out. Nick hugs people ... with his heart. Once Vujicic even arranged a hug marathon - 1749 people a day hugged with a heart.


If you are open to love, love will come. If you surround your heart with a wall, there will be no love.

They met on April 11, 2010. Beautiful Kanae Miyahara has a boyfriend, Nick has no arms or legs. This is not love at first sight. It's just love. Real, deep.

On February 12, 2012, Nick and Kanae got married. Everything is as it should be: white dress, tuxedo and honeymoon in Hawaii.

A family

It is impossible to live life to the fullest if your every decision is driven by fear. Fear will keep you from moving forward and keep you from becoming who you want to be. But this is just a mood, a feeling. Fear is not real!

Syndrome "Tetra-Amelia" is hereditary. Nick wasn't scared.

And on August 7, Kanae Vuychich gave her husband a son weighing 3.023 kg. The baby was named Dejan Levi - and he is absolutely healthy.


All good things in life begin with hope.

Nick Vuychich is a man without arms and legs. Nick Vujicic is a man who believes in miracles. There is a pair of boots in his linen closet. So ... just in case. After all, there is always a place in life for something more.

Nicholas James (Nick) Vujicic is an Australian motivational speaker, philanthropist, writer and singer. Nick was born with a rare hereditary disorder, missing all four limbs. He learned to live with this disability and began to help children and youth with disabilities.

Probably, everyone has a friend who considers himself bypassed, and life is unsuccessful due to the fact that he did not come out in height or has more than modest external data. Such people often withdraw into themselves and, indeed, are of no interest to anyone. And they blame anyone for this, but not themselves.

The story of Nick Vuychich is amazing: it is the story of a young, handsome, cheerful man who was born without both arms and without both legs. Now he is successful and famous. He is the happy husband of a beautiful woman and the father of two sons.

His life changed from the moment he realized that he could and should help other people. He became one of the best Christian preachers.

"He is beautiful"

Nick Vujicic was born in 1982 in Brisbane (Australia) into a family of Serbian immigrants - nurse Dushka Vujicic and pastor Boris Vuychic. The mother's pregnancy was proceeding normally, the father was present at the birth. Noticing that the child who had appeared did not have a pen, he left in excitement. Later, the doctor who gave birth told him that the baby was missing both arms and legs and only had a part of the foot with two toes (with the help of which the baby would later learn to walk, write and even swim). It turned out that the child has a rare disease - Tetra-Amelia syndrome. One of her symptoms is the absence of limbs. In those years, little was known about this disease, and children with this syndrome very often died without being born.

The father returned to his mother and when asked what happened to the child, he answered: "He is beautiful."

Nick had courageous, wise and loving parents. They were true Christians, so they took the birth of an unusual child as a test of their faith. They did not try to restrict the child's actions, serving him as a disabled person. On the contrary, they encouraged him, convincing him that he could do a lot on his own. “You have no idea what you can achieve until you try to do it,” they told him.

Nick could have turned to his parents or his younger brother or sister for help, but he preferred to learn everything himself. With the help of special devices, he learned to serve himself: take a shower, wash his hair, brush his teeth, work at a computer, swim. (Nick Vujicic, 32, is currently surfing, skydiving, fishing, golfing, ski jumping and diving.)

Often we ourselves, unaware of our abilities, he thinks.

Own way

Nick's parents insisted that he attend a regular school, not a school for disabled children. The child was very worried when he realized that he was not like everyone else. He had to experience the ridicule of stupid peers, and loneliness, etc. He thought: why did God, who loves everyone, allow him to be born like that, why does he not answer his pleas to give him hands and feet? Sometimes he was haunted by thoughts of suicide: at the age of eight, he wanted to choke on the water in the bathtub, but his love for his parents stopped him. He knew how much they loved him and didn't want them to feel guilty.

He no longer thought about death - he began to be occupied with thoughts, why he was born, how he felt. The answer was a story, read to him by his mother, about a man with a serious illness, who not only did not fall into despair, but also provided spiritual support to people in need of her.

An understanding came to him that God does not make mistakes - he sends trials so that people who will endure them with honor, fill the lives of other people with faith, hope and love.

“No one can know what God's plans are for us,” says Nick.

He was 15 years old when he trusted God and began to help those in need: at school he became a headman and a member of the student council for charity and assistance to the disabled.

Motivational speaker

At the age of 19 he was invited to speak to students. Within a few minutes after his speech, half of the audience was crying. And an agitated girl got up on the stage, hugged him and said that thanks to him, her life would change from now on. “Nobody ever told me that they love me the way I am. You saved my life, ”she said. And this further strengthened Nick in his consciousness that he correctly understood his mission: to help people find the joy of life and faith in themselves. “I found the purpose of my existence,” he said.

Nick Vujicic founded the non-profit organization Life without Limbs and became a professional speaker. Of course, he also understood the importance of higher education. And he even got two of them - in the specialties "accounting" and "financial planning".

In 2005 he was nominated for the prestigious Young Australian of the Year award. This award is recognized in Australia for outstanding service to society. And in 2009 he starred in the film The Butterflay Circus, where he spoke about the fate of a man without limbs.

All good things in life begin with hope.

Nick has visited 45 countries around the world, speaking in front of a wide variety of audiences: students, businessmen, church meetings, etc. 110 thousand people came to his speech in India. In total, he had more than 3 thousand performances.

Once, after a speech in Singapore, he was approached by a respectable person who turned out to be a successful banker. And he asked Nick for help. His wealth could not protect him from moral suffering.

Nick Vuychich is often invited for interviews to tell his story. He is asked the question: "How can you smile and enjoy life?" But after talking with Nick, people understand that he lives a fuller and more versatile life than many of them.

He says that you need to be able to look beyond personal circumstances, and consider obstacles and failures as an opportunity for personal growth. “And guilt should not paralyze you,” he says.

Thanks to Nick, many children were born, whose parents, after the examination, strongly advised doctors to get rid of the unborn child with disabilities. These parents watched a video of Nick (the famous motivational video No arms, no legs, no worries) explaining what a wonderful life he has that could have been deprived of it if doctors had found out about his disability earlier.

Nick Vuychich is not a bore, he is an interesting and sincere conversationalist who possesses. He loves jokes and all kinds of practical jokes.

Nick Vujicic's books

He writes books by typing with two toes on a computer at about 43 words per minute. The first of them is “Life without borders. The path to an incredibly happy life ”- was published in 2010 (in 2012 the book was translated into Russian) and immediately became a bestseller.

  • “Unstoppable. The Incredible Power of Faith in Action ”(2013),
  • "Stay strong. You can overcome violence (and everything that prevents you from living) ”(2014),
  • "Love without borders. The path to amazingly strong love ”(2015).


In 2012, Nick married a beautiful girl from the Philippines, Kanae Miahara. In the spring of 2010, mutual friends introduced them. Sometimes the girl is accused of self-interest, but then she had no idea about Nick's wealth. And in general, at that time she was already dating a young man. As Nick later said, before that he looked into the souls of people, and now she looked into his soul.

Nick Vuychich with his wife Kanae Miyahara

“I can't take his hand,” says Kanae. "But I can hug him." “I can't touch my wife's hand, but I can touch her heart,” Nick said. After all, any person, even with a perfect appearance, first of all needs love, protection and support.

Contrary to idle speculation that their marriage would not last even six months, a year after the wedding, the couple had their first-born, Kiyoshi James Vuychich, and in August 2015, their second son, Dejan Levi Vuychich. Their children are perfectly healthy. Nick Vuychich currently lives in California with his family.

Imagine that you were born without arms.

There are no hands, it is impossible to hug anyone, there are no hands to feel the touch, or to take someone by the hand. How about being born without legs? Not being able to dance, walk, run, or even just stand on two legs. Now put these two scenarios together ... No arms and no legs. What would you do then? How would this affect your life?

Meet Nick.

In 1982, in Melbourne, nurse Dushka Vuychich and pastor Boris Vuychich were preparing for the birth of their son. This was their long-awaited firstborn. The father was in childbirth. He saw the shoulder of a baby - what is it? No hand. Boris realized that he had to leave the room at once, so that his wife would not have time to notice how his face changed. He couldn't believe what he saw. When the doctor came out to him, he began to say: “My son! Does he have no hand? " The doctor replied, "No ... your son has no arms or legs." Doctors refused to show the baby to the mother. The nurses were crying. Without any medical explanation, or warning, Nick Vuychich came to this world without arms and legs. His mother's pregnancy was proceeding well, and there was no inheritance to expect such a condition. Imagine how shocked his parents were when they saw their first child, this boy, and found that he was the one whom the world considers imperfect and abnormal. How will their son live a normal, happy life? What can he do, or who can he become, living with what the world considers such a severe disability? Few thought that this beautiful child without limbs would one day become the one who would inspire and motivate people of different backgrounds, touching the lives of people from all over the world.

Nick only had the likeness of a foot instead of a left leg. Parents made sure that their son was taken to a regular school. Nick became the first disabled child in a regular Australian school. Nick faced more than the usual difficulties of school, such as attacks from classmates or a lack of self-respect. He also suffered from depression and loneliness when asked why he was different from all the children around him; why he turned out to be the one who was born without arms and legs. He often wondered what the purpose of his life was, or if there was any purpose at all. When he was eight years old, he even tried to commit suicide - he dived into the bathroom face down and several times tried not to come out to choke. But could not. He felt unbearably sorry for his parents, who loved him so madly and whom he loved. Nick never tried to commit suicide anymore, but he kept thinking - why should he live. He will not be able to work, he will not be able to take his bride by the hand, he will not be able to take his child in his arms when he cries. One day my mother read to Nick an article about a seriously ill man who inspired others to live. “Then I realized that I am not just a person without arms and legs. I am the creation of God .. And it doesn't matter what people think. "

One hundred attempts to climb

After a lot of frustration and feeling like he was the only weird person in school, he tried out specially designed electronic hands in the hope that he would be even a little like other children. After a short trial period, Nick realized that even with his hands he still did not look like his classmates, and besides, in practice, they turned out to be too heavy for Nick to control them, greatly affecting his mobility.

As Nick grew up, he learned to deal with his shortcomings and began to do more and more things on his own. He adapted to his situation and found ways to perform many of the activities that humans can do using only their limbs, such as brushing their teeth, combing hair, typing on the computer, swimming, skating, and much more. Over time, Nick began to take advantage of his situation and achieve great things. In seventh grade, Nick was chosen as the headman of the school, and he worked with the student council on projects to raise money for local charities and in companies to help people with disabilities.

According to Nick, the victory in his struggle along the entire route of his journey, as well as the strength and passion he had for life, can be attributed to his faith, his family, his friends and many people he met in his life, and who supported him all the time.

After school, Nick continued his studies and received two higher educations. One, as an accountant, the second, in the field of financial planning. One day, when Nick was studying financial planning at university at the age of nineteen, he was asked to speak to students. They took seven minutes to speak. Within three minutes, the girls in the hall were crying. One of them could not stop sobbing, she raised her hand and asked: "Can I go up on stage and hug you?" The girl went up to Nick and began to cry on his shoulder. She said: “Nobody ever told me that they loved me, nobody ever told me that I am beautiful the way I am. My life has changed today. " After that, Nick began to pursue his dream: to be able to inspire other people, to give them hope through his motivational speeches and telling his story. "I have found the purpose of my existence as well as the reason for my circumstances ... There is a reason why you are on fire." Nick truly believes that there is a reason why we face struggles in our lives, and that our attitude toward those struggles is the single most effective factor in overcoming them.

In 2005, Nick received the Young Australian of the Year nomination. This award, which is highly prestigious in Australia, recognizes young people for their excellence and service to their local community and their nation, as well as their personal achievements. Only truly inspiring people are awarded this award.

A speaker going beyond pure motivation

Today, at the age of 29, this limbless guy has achieved more than most people twice his age. Nick recently relocated from Brisbon, Australia to California, USA, where he serves as president of a charitable organization. He also has his own motivational speaking company called Attitude Is Altitude. Since his first motivational speech at age 19, Nick has traveled the world, telling his story to millions of people, speaking to different groups such as students, teachers, youth, businessmen, entrepreneurs, church gatherings of all sizes. He also told his story and gave interviews to various TV companies around the world.

In his speeches, he often says: "Sometimes you can fall like this" - and falls face down on the table on which he stood. Nick continues: “In life, it happens that you fall, and it seems that you have no strength to rise. Then you wonder if you have any hope ... I have no arms or legs! It seems that if I try to get up at least a hundred times, I will not succeed. But after another defeat, I do not give up hope. I will try over and over again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. The main thing is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength to rise - in this way ”.

He leans on his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up.
The women in the audience begin to cry.

Nick's performances go far beyond pure motivation. He had and still has the opportunity to communicate with several leaders, including, for example, the Vice President of Kenya. Nick plans to perform in over 20 countries next year.

“People say to me:“ How can you smile? ”- says Nick. Then they realize that“ there must be something more than what is visible at first glance if a guy with no arms and legs lives a fuller life than I am".

These two short videos showcase this man's powerful charisma. Try to watch them and not cry.

Nick tells his audience how important it is to have your own vision and dream big. Using his own experiences around the world as an example, he challenges others to consider their perspectives and look beyond their circumstances. He shares his point of view on how to stop looking at obstacles as a problem, and instead start to see them as an opportunity for growth, how to influence others, etc. He emphasizes the importance of our relationship and that it is the most powerful tool at our disposal; and also shows how the choices we make can have a great effect on our lives and on the lives of those around us.

Through his life, Nick shows that the key to making our biggest dreams come true is consistency and the ability to use failure as an experience, and the ability to not let guilt and fear of failure paralyze us.

How does Vujicic feel about his disability now?

He accepted it, took advantage of it, and very often he laughs at his circumstances when he shows many of his "tricks". He meets challenges with a special sense of humor. His perseverance and faith always inspires everyone around him to get to know his perspective, to create and define his vision. Using these new definitions, he challenges every person he meets so that he can change his life in such a way that he can begin to fulfill his biggest dreams. With his extraordinary ability to connect with people from all walks of life and his incredible sense of humor that captivates children, teens and adults, Nick is truly an inspiring and motivating example.

This year, Nick Vuychich married a girl named Kanae Miahara. The wedding took place on February 12, 2012 in California, after which they went on their honeymoon to Hawaii.

He has a healthy and very beautiful wife. Now they live together happily and amicably in California.

Butterfly circus

In 2009, he starred in The Butterfly Circus, which tells the story of Will and his fate.

In the midst of the Great Depression, a showman and owner of his own small circus, he toured with his troupe across the ruined American province, delighting and raising the spirits of ordinary people at this difficult time. During his travels, he visits a fairground booth, where he discovers a man without limbs, who is being exploited there as a living exhibit of show freaks. As a result, this person becomes part of a traveling troupe of circus performers. Later, with the help of his new friends, he gains faith in himself, and does what he did not even dare to dream of before ...

Short film, 22 minutes long. You can watch it with Russian subtitles.

And finally, watch the amazing video he shot in 2011.

In life, always remember that any "difficulties" are relative. Having the will, you can overcome them and then mock them from new heights. Fortunately, the world around us is replete with examples such as Nick Vuychich.