Look through photoshop clothes. Interesting transparency effect on clothes. Photoshop tutorial

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create an interesting and creative transparent clothing effect on a woman's body.

The finalresult

Source materials:

Step 1

Open the 'Beach' stock image, resize it to 400 x 600px. For this we go Image - Image Size(Image> Image Size).

Step 2

Choose a tool Straight Lasso(Polygonal Lasso Tool (value Feathering(Feather): 1px) to separate the model image from the background.

While selecting areas of the background between the arms and body, hold down the Alt key to add areas of the selection to the main selection.

Press Ctrl + C to copy the selected area, then go to our working document with a prepared background and press Ctrl + V to paste the copied image of the model.

Go (Use Edit> Free Transform) to slightly reduce the size of the model image, and also apply the option Flip horizontally(flip it horizontally) as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 3

Because the background, where we moved our model, is brighter than the model itself, then we need to adjust the brightness of the model layer. While on the model's layer, go Image - Correction - Brightness Contrast(Image> Adjustments> Brightness / Contrast).

Step 4

Open the ‘Pink Daisy’ image and use the tool Straight Lasso(Polygonal Lasso Tool), separate the flower from the background.

Press the keys Ctrl + C to copy the selected image of the flower, then go to our working document and press the keys Ctrl + V to paste the copied image of the flower.

Let's go Editing - Free Transform(Use Edit> Free Transform) to reduce the size of the flower image as shown in the screenshot below.

Duplicate the flower layer several times to create the top and bottom outline of the dress.

Duplicate the last flower layer again, and then press Ctrl + T to reduce the size of the duplicate flowers a little. We need these flowers to create the straps on the dress.

Go to the layer with the model and using the tool Straight Lasso(Polygonal Lasso Tool), create a selection as shown in the screenshot below.

After that, press Ctrl + Shift + J to copy the selection to a new layer. Next, set the opacity value Fillings(fill) to 0% and apply layer styles Inner glow(Inner Glow) and Color overlay(Color Overlay) to the created layer.

Interesting transparency effect on clothes

My job

First, I would like to find a suitable picture for the background, on which we will create an interesting effect of a transparent dress in a futuristic style. I think this picture will do. We open it. On this canvas, I'm going to show you the magical transparency effect. Now we need a suitable picture of a woman in a swimsuit, in which we will work next. You can find the picture using Google Images or use my picture freely.

We take the tool Polygonal Lasso Tool to separate the woman's silhouette from the white background.

Press the button Alt and also crop the inner parts of the background between the arms and the body.

Ok, now we press Ctrl + C to copy the selection, then go back to the main background image and click Ctrl + V to paste the copied portion of the image. Then we reduce it a little and move it down, as shown in my picture below.

Since we cropped the girl's silhouette from the white background, its outlines contain white. How can we fix this? Very easy! Just apply style properties Inner glow to the current layer.

Looks better, but still not realistic. Applying the tool Burn Tool(Brush: 40 px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 30%) to darken the highlights a bit like the arms and legs.

Great, it's time to create a magical sheer dress. I think it will be nice if we make it out of flowers. In this case, we have to find a suitable chamomile picture. We use Google Images to find a suitable image or you can use mine. Open up the picture and copy it to the main canvas.

Now we use the tool Magic wand tool to highlight the black background that the chamomile is on. Push Delete to clear the selection.

Remove selection with Ctrl + D... Then we apply Edit> Free Transform to reduce the size of the chamomile.

Duplicate this layer several times to create the top and bottom outline of the dress and add one flower to the hair for decoration.

Duplicate the last flower layer again and click Ctrl + T to reduce it slightly. We need smaller flowers for the belt of the dress. Also add more colors to the top of the dress.

Now duplicate the smaller flower and click Ctrl + T to reduce it a little more. Duplicate this smallest flower several times to fill the area of ​​the belts on the right and left.

After that we can move several flowers of different sizes to the dress as a pattern.

Ok, let's move on to the next step. Go to the woman's silhouette and create with the tool Polygonal Lasso Tool such a selection as shown in my picture below:

After that we press Ctrl + Shift + J to crop the selected area of ​​the image to a new layer. Then set the opacity for this layer. 0% and apply layer styles Inner glow and Color overlay.

The result should be as follows:

We now have a small hole in the dress at the bottom. To remove this defect we use Polygonal Lasso Tool and create a selection as shown in my image below. Fill this selection with any color.

Remove selection with Ctrl + D... Merge all layers except for the interior background and the woman's silhouette. Duplicate the resulting layer and apply a filter to it Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur.

Change the display mode of the layer to Soft light for this layer and we get the following result:

Now we merge the current layer with the previous one and apply the filter Filter> Other> High Pass with these settings:

The result should look like mine in the picture below.

It's all! We got an interesting effect of a transparent dress in a futuristic style. I'm finishing this tutorial, thanks for taking the time to read it!

Functionally, the Intimate Scanner is similar to an X-ray device. The scheme of the program: people caught in the field of view of the telephone camera will be displayed on the screen without any clothing items. The modes of photo and video recording allow you to save on your mobile phone the material captured during the operation of Intim Scanner. The program meets high quality standards and is characterized by ease of installation, ease of use and compatibility with most GSM phones.

The app is for entertainment purposes and all information about the app is partially fictional and should not be taken seriously!


In mid-November of this year, spam and advertising for determining the location of the owner of a mobile phone and reading other people's SMS practically disappeared. If a month ago the Google Adsense ad unit on the page for selling java games was completely occupied with offers to spy on, for example, your unfaithful boyfriend, now it contains the usual advertising of cellular salons.

However, a few days ago we noticed an advertisement worthy of a new investigation by Brandz.Ru. It turned out to be an application called "Mobile Scanner". "Download and download Mobile Scanner to your phone to look at anyone and see what others do not see!" - we found such a text on the site in addition to animation showing how using a mobile phone you can see not only what kind of underwear a person is wearing, but also what his skeleton looks like. And the phrase "Mobile human scanner using a unique technology" immediately aroused a great desire to test this technology in action.

Since it was initially clear that hundreds of rubles would be written off from our mobile phone account, we mentally prepared for this loss and went to the site mobile-scanner [dot] ru.

Judging by the design of the site, it can be assumed that it was made by the same people who, until recently, fished out significant sums of subscribers by offering to read sms-ki of their friends. However, it is clear that they did not try here as they did before. The page with the user agreement is empty, there is not even ICQ on the contact page, only a boring feedback form - write and wait for an answer. However, the link "SMS cost" in the best traditions leads to the page of short numbers prices of the First Alternative Content Provider (A1). They only show you the cost of the number 1121 (about three rubles) and not 3649, which is used on this site and costs more than 300 rubles.

We send the first SMS. For our operator, it costs 307 rubles 79 kopecks and we get the answer: Authorization passed. Repeat sending SMS with the same text to receive the code.

We send the second SMS. The amount of money spent on our experiment is already equal to 615 rubles 58 kopecks. In the return SMS, the access code comes:

We return to the site, type in the code and, lo and behold, the long-awaited "Download Scanner" button appears.

But then something unexpected happens, the file with the scanner is downloaded, but it turns out to be empty. The file size is zero bytes. We repeated the action several times, using different browsers just in case - the result is the same - zero.

Q.E.D. It is quite possible that in the near future dozens of similar sites will appear and their advertising will flood the Internet again. Don't fall for the bait and tell your friends about our experiment!