May you live happily ever after! Best wishes on your wedding day. How to make your own wedding cards: gift and invitation cards

Today, in shops, markets, post offices, you can see thousands of options for a wide variety of postcards for a particular occasion. Including wedding cards. But the celebration associated with the most important day in the life of the bride and groom is more than a banal holiday on the calendar. A do-it-yourself wedding card will become a real work of art if you use a little imagination and take beautiful materials. Further more detailed MK.

I want to continue the wedding day as long as possible. Preparations for it bring a lot of pleasure, while the groom and the perch experience a lot of pleasant emotions, just like many of the guests.

So why not make your own hands instead of buying a wedding card as a gift for the celebration? This also applies to greeting cards. You can put a piece of your soul into a small piece of cardboard, as a result, the bride and groom will keep it in the wedding album. And the template at the bottom of the store will simply go into the trash just like a lot of other unnecessary things.


Greeting cards can be made large, voluminous and memorable. They take a lot of time and imagination. How to make your own invitations? After all, the process will take a significant amount of time. This article will provide a master class that allows you to make invitations, wedding products and money cards on your own. If desired, the groom can also join the process by adding a little creativity to the style of the postcards. Techniques such as quilling and scrapbooking will be used. MK will help even beginners to cope with the work.

Gift option

The product is intended to become a rarity. To make it, you will need investments: a handmade souvenir should be a gift in itself. But you can do with a compartment for money or a small pocket for jewelry. Then the bride and groom will definitely associate a beautiful handmade postcard only with pleasant impressions. A postcard can be of considerable size and have many handmade elements. It is not difficult to make a product that will become a masterpiece, but the results will definitely justify themselves.

invitation cards

Now you need to try the heroes of the occasion. The groom can also contribute to the process of creating congratulatory cards, especially if there are many guests. To create postcards, you can take one template, and change only some elements.

For example, men will be given invitations with blue ribbons, and women with red ones. There are many options for fantasy.

Basic tricks

To make a handmade postcard, you will have to master a simple technique for creating them - scrapbooking. MK will be described below. Quilling, a method of creating various decorative elements using narrow paper strips, will also help in creating the product. The quilling kits have everything you need to create a handmade piece of art. There you can also find a master class on working with the material and the template you need.

Scrapbooking when creating postcards (MK)

In essence, scrapbooking is pieces of memories collected on a piece of paper. If you watch a master class on creating products using this technique, you can be sure that lace, cutouts from other printed cards, buttons, artificial and dried flowers, and many other little things are useful for making handmade postcards.

The main thing is to harmoniously put everything together, using only beautiful things that will help create a festive atmosphere.

Scrapbooking is gaining wide popularity among DIY enthusiasts. Scrapbooking kits can be found in art and stationery stores, most of them also provide a master class on working with them. You can use individual elements, scrapbooking - opens up wide opportunities for creativity.

Such decorative materials are suitable

  • lace;
  • beads;
  • clippings from photographs;
  • embossed cardboard photo frames;
  • beautiful herbariums;
  • artificial flowers;
  • doll dresses.

By the way, a small dress from a doll can be cut in half lengthwise, and the front part can be glued to a postcard. The result is a bridesmaid dress. The same can be done with the suit of the groom. Scrapbooking prescribes this use of improvised materials.

We take embossed cardboard sold in stationery stores, velvet cardboard as a basis, inside the card you can make a pocket for money from a wide silk or velvet ribbon. You can buy it with MK.

Small compartments for money are a separate topic for creativity. They can be made of lace, leather, decorative money, or you can glue a ready-made small envelope inside. Scrapbooking invitation cards can be made small, but very effective. For example, they may have small bouquets of artificial flowers, which can be made from ready-made material. We use embossed cardboard frames, inside which an invitation for each individual guest will be written manually.

To facilitate the work, printed sheets can be ordered at the printing house, and they can already be pasted on invitations. Scrapbooking perfectly complements the quilling technique.

Quilling (MK)

A detailed master class on working in the quilling technique can be found on the net. But the basics of MK are usually provided in the creative kits themselves.

Here are popular options for postcards that can be made using the DIY quilling technique:

  • two white birds sitting on a branch on a red background;
  • blue and pink heart of small flowers;
  • pale blue heart on a beige background using a silk ribbon;
  • a wedding bouquet of many multi-colored or white large flowers.

Quilling opens up great opportunities for creating beautiful works, making them quite simple, a master class will help beginners. When you get acquainted with the basic elements and techniques, the master class will no longer be needed, and you can make an author's postcard literally in a matter of minutes.

Use your imagination, invest a little soul, and you can contribute to creating a unique, unforgettable holiday for two lovers.

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Greetings, my dear readers. Thank you for not leaving me unattended. In return, I want to present a surprise today - the topic that will be discussed now concerns a wide audience, and not just the bride and groom. Yes, yes, yes, it will be interesting for invited guests to learn about the design of a wedding day card, which can be presented with wishes for the young.

I do not argue, now there is a large assortment of similar products on the market for wedding services and goods, which will not be difficult to find and buy. But I think that you will agree that a unique and original handmade wedding card for your friend or girlfriend will not leave them indifferent and they will remember you with gratitude for many years to come.

Choose a style

In any creation, you always need to think over the concept first. Postcards are small, but still a work of art, and its creation must be treated very responsibly. Since it is she who will carry your message to the newlyweds on their wedding day.

There are a lot of execution techniques, but we will consider the most interesting of them. Which one to choose will depend only on your desire and imagination. So, let's begin.

In the technique of quilling

Funny word, right? But by making a congratulation in this style, you will create a very cute and charming creation that will not leave anyone indifferent. For it, you will need:

  • Thick base paper
  • Thin paper for decorative elements
  • Special paper for scrapbooking
  • Additional decorative elements (beads, satin ribbons, rhinestones)
  • Special quilling tool (but can be replaced with a thin tube or ballpoint pen)
  • Standard set for creativity: glue, scissors, ruler and a simple pencil

And in order to inspire you, I have prepared several examples of greeting cards made in a similar technique. Hope you can choose something for yourself.

And, of course, a master class. After watching this video, you will learn how to perform quilling and, perhaps, it will hook you and you will do it professionally.

For the bride and groom, this is a great idea how to make invitations, so I advise you to watch this video too.

Origami or kirigami

Another kind of postcard. In this technique, as a rule, not the postcards themselves are created, but the packaging. That is, the congratulation itself can be inside.

Also, a similar type of needlework is used for postcards-purses. When guests don't know how to give money as a gift, this is the best idea.

Again, let's turn to Japanese art, but from a slightly different angle. You can create a free 3-D picture with your own hands as a congratulation. The most interesting thing is that there is nothing complicated in this, but it is incredibly beautiful. Watch and see for yourself.

The most popular drawings in this wedding-themed design are flowers, butterflies, doves or hearts.

To make your work easier, here are a couple of free examples of how you can design a kirigami postcard:

For this technique, you will need a standard creative kit: decorative paper of various textures, scissors, glue, a simple pencil and a stationery knife. I advise you to use colorless glue so that there are no white spots left.


I bet you haven't heard of this kind of cardmaking technique, right? But, it is very difficult to resist such beauty - you just want to create something like this yourself.

In order to make such a charm, you do not need to purchase special devices, you will need:
  1. White gel pen
  2. Empty refills from ballpoint pens of different diameters
  3. Knitting needles (also different sizes)
  4. Thick large needle or awl
  5. Regular paper clip

Of course, paper is a separate item in this technique. When creating parchment, tracing paper or parchment is used (in fact, why the name came from).

All the subtleties can be learned from the next training video with a master class:

Gorgeous scrapbooking postcard

Scrapbooking is, one might say, an art in which everyone can express themselves. Using this technique, you can give a gorgeous handmade card for a wedding or its anniversary.

Very often, guests invited to a celebration are lost in conjecture about the gift. Naturally, in this case, the most reasonable thing is to donate money so that young people can get what they really need. At the same time, the question again arises: how to do it better and beautifully? The answer is very simple - make a greeting envelope that the guys will keep for many years as a memory.

The next option is ideal for congratulating the newlyweds to each other - postcards in which there will be photos with the bride and groom in the most memorable moments for them. This is a kind of photo album with the story of their love.

I suggest you make gifts to the guests as well. In addition to the bonbonnieres beloved by many, you can make invitations that your friends and family will keep for a long time. And scrap will help with this too.

Have you already had experience in a similar field of activity? In what technique? I will be glad if you share the results of your efforts in the comments. Maybe you want to supplement the article with your ideas - I'm all for it.

Anniversary greetings - how to decorate it

In the same spirit, you can make a card with congratulations on your wedding anniversary. As you probably already know, the wedding date is celebrated every year, and each time it has its own symbolism. In this article, I will not completely describe the entire list, most likely, a separate article will be devoted to this, where we will discuss this. Don't forget to subscribe to blog news under the article so you don't miss it.

It is the symbol of the anniversary that can become the main concept in creating a greeting card. So, for example, a leather wedding is celebrated on the 3rd anniversary of the wedding day, and by completing a congratulatory message in this style, you emphasize that you remember when your family was born. This way you will give them a lot of pleasure.

If you have noticed, lace is very often used in the manufacture of postcards. This is a great material for congratulations on the 13th anniversary, because this is a lily-of-the-valley or otherwise lace wedding.

For a pearl anniversary (30 years of marriage), mother-of-pearl beads can be chosen as jewelry. For coral (35 years old), use material of delicate colors or red shades are appropriate here, you can also choose a marine theme and add the appropriate decor. Well, the golden wedding is self-explanatory, I guess.

Unusual approach

In this section, we will consider a special kind of postcards. Such congratulations are most suitable for people who, due to the circumstances, could not share the joy of this event, but consider it their duty to congratulate the guys on their marriage. I will not languish for a long time - these are video greetings, musical and animated cards. Also, audio and video congratulations are in great demand as a wedding gift to a husband or wife. Very often, newlyweds record a clip with a romantic song in their performance.

To create them, you just need to come up with an original script (romantic or comic), and then it's a matter of technology. If you have the skills to work with computer programs such as ProShow, Nero or Windows Movie Maker, then you already have half the battle in your pocket. If this is the first time you hear about this - do not be upset, there is no difficulty in this, but there are a lot of interesting things. A master class on creating cool videos and animation clips will instantly turn you into a first-class director.

Such a message, of course, can be sent by e-mail. But it will be much more interesting if you save it to a USB flash drive, and present it in an original way as a gift.

Another creative idea is unusual wishes in English. Such creations are very appropriate at international weddings (as you may know, they are not uncommon now). In this regard, I can throw a couple of ideas on how to do this.

We select words

What's the best way to sign? This question is often asked by people who are preparing to present original gifts and cards on their wedding day. I agree - in our time, the choice in congratulations is so great that it is not difficult to pick up a good wish with poetry or in prose. In this case, be sure to personalize the card with the names of the newlyweds: you need to title the card with an appeal to them. Also, do not forget about the date and signature.

But your congratulations will be more valuable if it (even if short) is written in your own words and from the bottom of your heart.

So let's work on it:

  • Fatherly and motherly words for daughter and son on their wedding day are a blessing and guidance on the right path. In order for the covenant from the parents not to be lost in time, it would be very correct to issue it in the form of a congratulatory card, which will be kept by the children, one might say, as a family heirloom.
  • The brother or sister of the bride and groom should also think about it - congratulations are not only wishes for happiness and love, but also a way to show that you are ready for replenishment in your family. And be sure to use more diminutives “Beloved brother”, “dear sister” - since the bride and groom are sure to experience excitement on such a significant day, and with such words you can make them more confident.
  • In congratulations, it is worth praising the best qualities of the newlyweds that you think they possess: beauty, strength, thrift, purposefulness, etc. But the emphasis should always be placed on their love, devotion and harmony.

In order for the words and the card itself to look beautiful and neat (not all of us can boast of calligraphic handwriting), type the text of the wish on the computer in a beautiful font. A suitable font can be found in Word and Photoshop. The main thing is not to overdo it with the design: remember - the congratulation should harmoniously fit into the postcard. Next, you need to print on beautiful, decorative paper, which will then be framed as an insert or will be an integral part of your congratulatory composition.

And finally...

Well, I think I was able to help in your choice, and you will create a wonderful greeting card for your loved ones, which will certainly please them. I would be very grateful if you share this article on social networks, as more people means more reviews and additional information that may be useful to other readers. And do not forget to subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss the next article that I have already started preparing for you.

See you soon, friends. Bye Bye!

How nice to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day! The newlyweds prepare for this event for a long time and carefully: they choose the time and place for the ceremony, make a list of guests, and what can we say about buying outfits. It is clear that at the time of the celebration they are waiting for congratulations and manifestations of enthusiasm from the family and relatives. Congratulations for the young can be different, and of course, it is best to congratulate the happy couple in person. And if they are far away on this significant day?

With the help of the Internet, you can not ignore the newlyweds, even if time and distance are on your way. Do you want to be the first to congratulate the bride and groom? This can be done with an electronic postcard (funny pictures or ornate wishes - the choice is up to you). It so happened that on the day of the wedding you are far away?

It is not difficult to download congratulations on your wedding day, and the bride and groom will be pleased to receive news and know that they have not forgotten about their holiday.

How much I want to say to a couple who are just starting their life together! Wishes for unclouded happiness and well-being are mixed in the mind with warnings against minor mistakes. Beautiful postcards will help to send congratulations beautifully. Elegant pictures, which we have provided with wishes that are appropriate for the occasion, will convey the joy for the young in the best possible way.

Marriage is an event that links two people for life. And couples who have come a long way together deserve congratulations on the anniversary of their life together no less than those who have just decided to tie their destinies. Spouses who have lived together for many years can rightly be proud, because they were able to save and strengthen their feelings. An event such as a silver or porcelain wedding is not complete without attention and congratulations from friends and relatives.

Our cards will help you congratulate your spouses on their wedding anniversary and choose the wishes that suit this particular couple. As you know, relationships change with age. And if in the first years of their life together, the young husband and wife appreciated touching pictures and beautiful phrases, then the silver anniversary, it is quite possible, will change priorities, and they will be more attracted to cool pictures as a congratulation on the anniversary.

Statistics say that about 85% of spouses congratulate each other on their wedding anniversary. The silver wedding is all the more worthy of celebration. Having lived with one person for half a century, you begin to rediscover it, because with age people change, grow spiritually.

How can you miss such an event in the life of relatives or friends as a silver wedding, and not congratulate them on this day? Give joy to your loved ones with the help of an original postcard.

The ability to laugh at life in general and yourself in particular is very useful. Humor helps to look at life easier, to overcome everyday difficulties. Cool pictures as congratulations on the anniversary? Why not? Spouses smile with joy after reading your congratulations on your wedding day, but there are never many smiles.

It does not matter which anniversary you want to congratulate the couple on, a two-year anniversary, a quarter-century anniversary or a wedding day when the newlyweds are just about to get married. This event will forever be remembered by them as a bright holiday, as well as all the congratulations and wishes that they will receive from their friends and relatives. Who knows, maybe together they will go through beautiful postcards more than once, reread warm lines and cool wishes, and remember the one who gave them.

Cool card with the bride and groom. The bride and groom are handsome!

Cute in the outfits of the bride and groom look cool!) What a funny bride and groom!)

Bride and groom in a hot air balloon. The picture is cool!)

Photo of the bride and groom in the registry office. The wedding ceremony is in full swing. The groom holds his fingers behind his back with a cross. It is terrible for him to be faithful to his wife all his life. But what about the joys of life?

align: center;">

Japanese bride and groom. Cherry blossoms and love blossoms! The beauty!)

Bride and groom on a swing. May you live happily ever after!

Blooming meadow and the bride and groom! Great show!)

The fountain is a happy couple: the bride and groom!

Picture wedding. The bride and groom are sitting by the river. A touching sight!)

Funny bride and groom! So funny and cute!)

The bride and groom in white are dancing a delightful wedding waltz, and they themselves are like pictures!)

Sweet couple: bride and groom! She fell in love with him for suffering, and he loved her for compassion for them!))

A photo bride and groom! Is it all mine? I just can't believe it!)

The bride and groom in the registry office. The groom signed with blood. A wedding is like an execution! Tough photo, but a dull wedding.

Funny photo. The bride is in the hands of the groom!) The groom carries the bride in his arms. She's lucky!)

The bride and groom do not part with their phones at the wedding either.) Everyone talks about his own!)

The bride was abandoned by the groom, so she is going through! The groom ran away from the wedding. At the most crucial moment, the scoundrel fled!))

In the photo are cool wedding suits for the bride and groom! Choose any!))

The bride drags the groom to the registry office at any cost. He just started crawling!

Happy couple: the bride and groom laugh merrily! Good for them and right! It's a festive day for them!

The bride kisses the groom in such a peculiar way!) Is he short or something with her?))

The bride found the groom on the Internet, but he was not going to the registry office, his thoughts did not go so far!))

The oath of the bride and groom in our time!) This is how the marriage of the bride and groom is now taking place.))

Funny photo! Happy newlyweds rejoice!) Joyful bride and groom literally soar above the ground with happiness!))

The bride under the gun pulls the groom to the registry office. What a cool, God forbid anyone such a treasure! A forced wedding is not a wedding!

The groom kisses the bride on the nose. Both touching and funny!

The bride is Pugacheva herself, and the groom is Galkin Alkin!) Sweet couple!) The newlyweds are sitting at the table.

They married me without me! The bride and groom at the door of the registry office. Belated reaction: it's already done, honey!))

The wedding was played in the fall. Satisfied bride and groom left the registry office happy, they don’t walk, but fly with happiness!)

Cool kids in beautiful outfits of the bride and groom!

The bride and groom from India are very cute! A wedding in India is beautiful!) And the rituals in India are unique!)

Don't be scared: the picture shows a scary bride and groom! What a groom, such a bride!