Ways to make a guy fall in love with you. Rich inner world. Reasons for resistance from a man

If you are interested in the question " How to make a guy love you", Then this article will probably come in handy for you. It often happens that you fall in love with a person, but, unfortunately, unrequitedly. In this case, there are only two options: to abandon the attempts to achieve the location of your object of adoration and silently suffer until the love passes, or to do everything possible to attract his attention. This is often not as easy as it seems at first glance. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can only scare the guy off and aggravate the situation. Let's take a look at ways you can get your boyfriend to love you and why you didn't.

How to make people love you?

Sometimes, making people love you seems like a completely impossible task. But the main thing in this matter is not to despair and not to retreat after the first failure.
To please the object of your sympathy, you need to take into account his temperament, character, habits and hobbies in order to know exactly what levers should be pulled. To understand this, let's try to consider the main types of guys.


How to charm


You will be able to recognize this type of guy right away. He is constantly busy, his phone is always torn from calls and with him most often you can find a folder with some papers. He also often looks at his watch.

The requirements of such guys for their future darling are quite high. Convince him that you are an excellent housewife, know how to cook several varieties of borscht, bake delicious pies, and at the same time vacuum the apartment - and he is at your feet. These guys are looking for a reliable girl who won't hang out in clubs every week. She should pay attention only to him and always find time to meet with him, because he always has little free time.


Guys in this category almost never sit still. They know everything about everyone, have been to almost every place you can name him, and have a pretty decent list of hobbies in their arsenal. It usually does not include quiet gatherings at someone's home. Most often, he likes to spend his leisure time on the move.

It is quite difficult to charm such a guy, since it will even be difficult to catch him, because he never sits still. But if the long-awaited meeting still happened, try inviting him to diving, cycling or an ice rink. Rest assured, he will appreciate the offer to spend an active holiday together. And during such a pastime, do not hesitate to mention several times that you really like playing paintball, throwing snowballs, and in general, as a child, you often go rollerblading ... He needs an active chosen one who will share his lifestyle with him.


This type of guy is visible from afar. He is unshakable, calm, always knows what he is doing, and knows how to achieve what he wants. Perhaps a little persistent. Likes to make plans for a long time ahead and adheres to them carefully.


He most often looks unhappy, something happens to him all the time and he does not mind complaining to someone about the villainous fate. Quite touchy, not very talkative. In any conversation, he will find a place in which he mentions himself and his problems.

He needs a psychologist. Try to listen to him, if possible - help with advice. Show that you really sympathize with him, and he will see in you the one with whom he wants to start a relationship. After all, not every girl will agree to carry on her shoulders the burden of other people's problems. Show that you are strong and cheerful. He needs a ray of positiveness in his dark and hopeless life.

Lover Hero

There are always a lot of girls around him, he loves to swim in the rays of popularity and does not hide it. Most often, he already has a girlfriend. Or two. He always looks good and is very worried about his appearance.

Do not see his charm, show your disinterest in him. But at the same time take an active interest in his hobbies and try to "accidentally" get carried away with what he likes. Thus, he will see you often, and he will not have the opportunity to charm you. Then he, most likely, will "push" and will do everything in order to fall in love with you. And if you let him close to you in time, and then take a step back, then this race can develop into something more than just sports interest.

He is always with books, sits on the Internet only for information, does not like noisy companies and discos, preferring to them a library or watching some scientific film at home.

Such guys do not like stupid guys and fifocals. He needs a simple girl who will understand his hobbies, or at least try. Try inviting him to a museum, to an exhibition, to a cinema for some kind of intellectual film. Learn new information from him and do not forget to sometimes admire how he knows so much and how great it is. He will definitely appreciate it.

Bad guy

The most common type of guy... Around him, you can most often see a crowd of his friends. He likes to hurt people, to demonstrate his superiority. He is selfish and proud, rarely taking into account other people's opinions, and his ego knocks down satellites in orbit.

If you decide to conquer this ignoramus, then you need to be prepared for the fact that this nut cannot be cracked just like that. If you are a vulnerable and gentle person, it is better to immediately give up these attempts, otherwise your psyche will certainly suffer. But if you are a confident girl, show him that he can neither offend nor offend you, and in general you are amused by his stupid attempts to assert himself. But do not overdo it, otherwise, if you hurt the pride of this guy, he may harbor resentment and there can be no talk of any relationship. Try to become "your boyfriend" for him. Share his interests, try to instill new habits, suggest a new hobby. Perhaps you will be able to re-educate him and conquer him.

    men, do not say, first of all love with their eyes. Therefore, if you want to attract the attention of a guy you like, try to look good at all times. Face, hair, nails, clothes - everything should be beautiful.

    Don't overdo the first point. The fact that men like beauty does not mean that you need to smear all your cosmetics on your face, wear revealing outfits and behave defiantly. Guys love natural beauty.

    Don't be too pretentious.

    Be an interesting conversationalist. Do not talk only about yourself, learn to listen and interest.

    Use physical contact. For example, during a conversation, accidentally touch your fingertips to any exposed area of ​​the skin of your target.

    Don't be pushy. Try to make sure that it is the guy who is the initiator of the subsequent meetings. Do not intrude, do not offer your number first,

    Show that you have a good sense of humor. There is no need for hammered or vulgar jokes, it is enough just to neatly joke in time, make him smile, and half the job is done.

Using these simple tips, you will surely be able to charm the guy you like and make him love you. The main thing is to be yourself. We hope our article helped you solve your problem.

Absolutely all representatives of the fairer sex at any age want to be loved, surrounded by attention and affection. Unfortunately, 80% of the sympathy between a guy and a girl does not arise at the same time. While one has feelings, the other not only does not notice them, but also does not consider a person as a soul mate. With men, everything is clear - they are hunters and are used to seeking the favor of women. But what should a girl do if a man does not notice her feelings?

The main thing in the article

Is it possible to fall in love with a guy if you only want to?

The answer is yes, but not in all cases just one desire will be enough. To do this, you need to understand the person well, know what he likes, what attracts him to girls. And the most important thing is to be ready for possible changes, and we are talking not only about external indicators, but also about the internal perception of the surrounding world.

Another question - is it worth it? Indeed, sometimes girls are so fixated on a guy that on the way to his heart they lose their personal and individual "I". As a result, they only push away from themselves and become uninteresting to the opposite sex, having gone a long way to a relationship in vain. So how not to overdo it - to remain yourself, but at the same time become loved?

Should you fall in love with a guy: assess your chances

When a girl is completely overwhelmed by sympathy and feelings, there is no place for common thoughts in her head. But, despite your desire to get a guy, you need to soberly assess the situation. You need to think carefully about whether you really need this person. Maybe he is not worth taking any action, maybe you need to look around and you will notice guys who are already crazy about you.

But if the guy is very important to you, then enough thinking - it's time to evaluate your chances.

  • Take a landscape sheet of paper, divide it into three columns.
  • First - points of contact ... In this column, write down all kinds of places where you communicate and see each other.
  • Second - make up psychological picture guy. Describe how you see him (romantic, brutal, rude, gentle, smart, athletic, fashionable, humble, etc.)
  • Third - what does he like about girls ... You probably watched your lover and know him at least a little from the outside, and if you are friends, then you will definitely have something to write.

If you have questions with the last two columns, then carefully talk about these topics with his close friends. You can ask your friend about this, who will be able to find out the necessary information for you.

The next step will be direct assessment.

  • Look at column # 1, mark the common ground where you can talk for at least 15 minutes. If there are more than 5, then go to the next column. If there are no such points or there are few of them - add more possible options for places for casual meetings and communication.

For example, if a guy goes to play football, you can start running there, by accident, at the same time.

  • Moving on to column 2. You probably had a relationship before, check the box for those characteristics that you met earlier in other guys. Remember how the relationship with the closest guy in terms of characteristics began and proceeded, and most importantly - why they stopped.

If this sympathy is your first experience, then do not be upset, mark for yourself everything that you like about it. And below write what you have in common, perhaps in the process you will find common interests and topics for communication.

  • Column # 3, the assessment is very difficult. Here you may need the help of a person who will tell you the truth without bending your heart. You have to tick the boxes that you really correspond to.

This must be done honestly, without any "but" or "almost". You write all this for yourself and no one will read it except you, so do not hesitate.

When the work is over, take a look at the sheet again: the fewer "buts" and the more you meet the guy's requests, the easier it will be to get his sympathy. The points that you do not correspond to are very important: it is with them that you will have to work. Nobody is forcing you to become a stupid blonde (if there is such an item), perhaps you should become more relaxed and not worry about trifles.

All girls and guys know one simple truth: when you like someone, in his presence for some reason you start to behave stupidly, speak out of place or be silent altogether. But you can deal with this if you stop worrying when you meet. Below you will find some good tips to help you on your tricky relationship journey.

Tip 1: attractive and well-groomed appearance

Unkempt and unkempt girls were never attracted to the opposite sex. If you haven't paid much attention to your appearance before, then it's time to do it. This is not about bright makeup and provocative clothes. Not at all, your makeup should match the place where you go, your hair should be neatly combed or styled, and your clothes should be clean and ironed.

Attention should also be paid to the choice of things, they should suit your figure and emphasize the merits, hiding the flaws, if any.

You should also not recklessly chase fashion: for example, if leopard leggings that do not suit you have come into fashion, or you cannot organically combine them with other things, it is better to do with the usual trousers or a skirt.

Tip 2: open communication, kindness

Communication is the most important thing in developing a relationship. If people do not understand each other, then nothing good will come of it. There is no need to talk about your merits, making fun of other people's shortcomings. This kind of "bitchiness" and "viciousness" will not play into your hands. Only openness and goodwill can win over not only the desired guy, but also his friends to you.

Even an unattractive girl can bypass the first beauty if she is open, kind and cheerful.

Tip 3: sincere interest in his hobbies, search for common interests

Sometimes, on one common interest, strong communication can be built, which in the future will grow into love. You need to find something in common with your beloved: music, sports, studies, hobbies - whatever.

If you don't have common interests, then watch what the guy is fond of. You can show interest in his hobby and ask for help with the study of this direction. The guy will be flattered and, most likely, he will gladly agree to help you. In the process, you will be able to communicate and bond.

Communication consists of dialogue that some girls ignore. Such "tarahtelki" themselves do not even give a word to insert, which not only puts the guy in a difficult position, but also repels him. Do not forget that everyone wants to speak out.

Sometimes you just need to listen to a person, delve into his problem, understand and support. This is very important for guys. Many people want to see a girl not just an object of desires, but also support.

Cheerful and perky girls are always popular. These girls have a lot of friends and they have to themselves. Don't be afraid in the presence of the guy you like to act natural, joke, and have fun.

Tip 6: unobtrusive display of your talents

Demonstrating unobtrusively what you're good at is a great idea. But here, too, there are some nuances. The fact is that your so-called "talent" first needs to be given to your loved ones to evaluate. For example, show your singing to your friend or parents first, because you may think it is perfect, and others will argue otherwise.

Everything should be in moderation. The guy himself should want to communicate with you, and not dream of getting rid of the annoying girlfriend. Every time you see him, you do not need to come up and pester with conversations - sometimes it is enough to say hello and smile. If the guy wants, he will come up, maybe not right away, but it will happen.

You can't give everything to the stronger sex at once - so they will lose interest in you, not having time to feel it. Only by intrigue, withstanding the time and teasing, you will receive more attention than you expected.

If advice with communication does not work and the person perceives you only as a friend, deprive him of this. Let your guy feel that he needs you, that he needs to communicate with you and is bored. Only then will he understand what feelings he has for you, and it will not be you, but he that will hunt for communication and affection!

A mystery should remain in the girl - that's what they said for a long time and it works 100%. When something mysterious remains, there is a desire to find out, which pushes for communication, in the process of which relationships often develop.

When a man receives maximum attention and everything is done based only on his desires, it certainly pleases and bribes him, but not for long. This attitude quickly becomes boring and annoying.

Add a little pepper to the "barrel of honey": sometimes small disagreements only provoke the stronger sex. This will remind the guy that not everything is done at his click, after all, you are a person and have a right to your own opinion. Don't be afraid to argue if you think you're right, but don't overdo it.

How to quickly and reliably fall in love with a guy?

  1. Always look attractive and neat.
  2. Build good ongoing communication.
  3. Reduce your interests to meetings, perhaps at first with friends.
  4. Provide unobtrusive signs of attention - glances, assistance and support.
  5. Try to be alone by accident.
  6. Chat, joke, offer to walk together or go somewhere if you feel reciprocity from him, but you see that the guy does not dare to take the first step.
  7. Do not run to him at every meeting, let him know that he wants to communicate with you and see you, no less than yours.
  8. Calculate what he likes most about you, do not forget to emphasize it.

How to fall in love with a pen guy on social media?

Falling in love with social media is faster than with life. There, communication takes place immediately, moreover, without outside interference, and only then visual contact occurs. Although there are times when a person is crazy about a person on a social network, and when you meet, you realize that you don't like a guy or a girl outwardly.

The main thing in correspondence is sincerity (without falsity), because sharing your thoughts and getting support is very important for both parties. For a girl, the main thing is to interest and intrigue the guy. At the same time, it is better to exchange photos before a personal meeting in order to understand how a person looks and whether it suits you.

  • You do not need to react too quickly to sent SMS, especially those with a question.
  • Don't get bored by sending your boyfriend messages every minute and demanding an immediate response.
  • It is not worth showing your interest too openly, the guy should not feel it, otherwise he will lose interest in you.
  • You don't need to tell every step you take - it's annoying and annoying.
  • Communication should be easy, without obscenities (this does not paint a girl at all) and a little mysterious in order to whet the guy's interest.

How to fall in love with a guy if he is in love with another?

Falling in love with a guy with a rival who already owns his feelings is quite difficult, especially if people are in a relationship. Firstly, for many girls this is unacceptable due to the principles, and secondly, for this you need to have both good external indicators and cunning.

According to statistics, 25% of men cannot be taken out of a relationship. These people are loyal to their soul mates and will not be affected by either stunning appearance or deceit.

But lovers are not always together, now we are talking about a situation where a guy is unrequitedly in love with another. And you so want to be with him ...

In such cases, you can pull the blanket over yourself only by becoming a friend who understands and is always ready to listen. It will not be possible to quickly get a love answer from the chosen one, it is even possible that at first the guy will use your communication to forget the other. This will offend many, but for girls who are ready to go all the way, just to get their love, this is a good chance.

Constant communication, support and tenderness will gradually be able to oust the guy's unrequited feelings for another. The misdeeds of his passion can speed up this process, but you, for your part, can unobtrusively point at them, slowly opening his eyes. The main thing is not to be harsh and rude.

In such a situation, the expression “you drive quieter, you will continue” is suitable. The only risk is to be humiliated and named # 2. You need to be ready for this and decide in advance whether this guy is worth such efforts and sacrifices.

But there is another option for solving such a triangle - letting the situation go by itself. Not to distance yourself, but just to communicate, have fun and move on. It is possible that in the process of communication without hints and pressure, the guy himself will fall in love with you and begin to act, forgetting about his previous passion.

How to please a guy: special tricks and tricks

  • Appearance. Neat, tastefully dressed. With makeup, but not with a combat color, everything should be natural and in moderation.
  • Intelligence. A well-rounded girl is always interesting. Do not try to show off your mind where you do not understand anything. This will only cause ridicule. But if you are in the subject, like "fish in water", then do not forget about the trick - men like to be smarter. Give the guy an opportunity to prove himself and do not "chop off the shoulder" even if he is wrong.
  • Confidence. Self-confidence is important, because a confident girl looks more attractive, and her gait is more seductive, and communication with her is more interesting.

Inexplicable but the fact! If a confident girl dresses in an unusual way, then everyone will say that she looks individual and unique. If you dress a lady who is also insecure in herself, then her outfit will be called bad taste and she will become a reason for ridicule.

  • Love yourself ... Love yourself and others will love you. It's not about narcissism, but about accepting yourself with all your flaws. Nobody says that you don't need to change, but you shouldn't gnaw yourself for them. Girls who engage in self-criticism do not just get bored quickly, they repel both girlfriends and guys.
  • Positive. Positive, funny, with a great sense of humor, girls are very interesting to guys. A special feature is being able to laugh at yourself.
  • Mystery. Leave the intrigue for the guy, do not open up to him right away. A mysterious look, charming behavior, an easy gait and a positive outlook on life will not leave any guy indifferent.

How do you know if a guy is in love with you?

A guy in love will clearly be interested in you, he will be interested in communication, he will look for a reason to meet. The constant glances that you will feel on yourself will tell about his sympathy. Contact for any reason is a sign of falling in love.

A guy in love is easy to spot, although in most cases they try to hide their feelings until they are sure of mutual sympathy. A guy with feelings looks completely different - with tenderness and awe. For him, every touch carries a storm of emotions, which is impossible not to notice with a woman's gaze.

How to fall in love with a guy: video instruction of female tricks

Every woman wants her beloved man to belong to her and only to her, constantly thinking about her, fulfilling any desires, staying true in reality and in his thoughts ... It is not so difficult to make a dream come true, the main thing is to follow the advice of sexologists and psychologists. Rest assured, not only you, but also he will wake up and fall asleep with your name on his lips. Want.ua will tell you how to make a guy think about you!


At their core, men are hunters. They love to conquer and take impassable fortresses, so roosting and galling at his eyes is not the best tactic on your part. Pull yourself together, even if you are crazy about a man. Let him, and not you, look for opportunities to meet and talk, to interest you in something unusual. A man should feel like you are a woman in great demand. that he was lucky to draw your attention to himself, that he is still competitive. Even if for you now there is no more important thing than hypnotizing the phone - do not focus on this and do not say phrases like "I have been waiting for your call for so long."

Let it be a secret for him. And never pick up the phone on the first ring - it's indecent for a decent girl... Show that you have an interesting and fulfilling life outside of it - work, hobbies, friends, family. You should always be fully armed and to the question in the style of "What are you doing now?" you can never answer "NOTHING!". What do you mean by nothing? Sitting in the middle of the room on the bare floor, without the TV, music, computer turned on and waiting for his call? This is at least strange, don't you think? You are not a girl obsessed with his call, who is ready to wait and answer the call at any time of the day or night.

Anyway you must be busy with something- watching an interesting movie or TV series, learning a new language or reading a book, going shopping (even for milk or bread), walking in the park with a dog, sitting in a cafe, working out in a fitness club with a trainer, learning to dance go-go, sitting in line to see a doctor, going to a meeting with friends. But you never know what you can be busy with, even if it is not very useful business - this guy does not need to know.

But also don't forget about flirting... If you are cold as an icicle, the man will not be interested in you. You need to be moderately affectionate, sociable and inaccessible. Flirt and flirt with your boyfriend. He should think that you are an easy, mysterious, elusive, businesslike, busy and passionate woman with whom you want to spend your free time.

Appreciate what the man does for you. Many girls turn up their nose from a nondescript bouquet of flowers, surprises, gifts, which repel the stronger sex. Learn to say thank you for small gifts, give thanks for actions, laugh at jokes, and he will reach out to you.


1. Become a man not just a lover, but also a good friend. Listen to what he says, console him with a word in difficult times, try to delve into difficult situations in his life (well, if you do not understand anything at all about his problems, at least listen). Give him advice, but never say "I told you so!"

2. To make a man think about you, it is enough to leave in his life subtle hints of your presence. It is not at all necessary to transfer a good half of your wardrobe, a toothbrush to his apartment, arrange shampoos, shower gels and creams in the bathroom. It is enough to accidentally leave your rubber band or hair clip in his bedroom, lipstick or hairbrush in the hallway on the nightstand. You can give him an unusual diary, a perfume with an amazing scent, a mug with a funny inscription - and everything, using your gift every day, he will unconsciously remember you.

3. Be unpredictable and don't intrude. If every day you call him first, send 100 SMS, he will take it for granted. And if you send an erotic photo session with himself in the lead roles with a letter of unambiguous content to his work e-mail (in the case that no one looks at his work mail except him), he will remember you all day. Leaving notes with unusual content in his jacket pocket, in his car or at home makes him think of you more often.

4. Create reasons for jealousy, but not serious. He should be jealous of you, but in vain. You can accidentally flirt with a waiter, bartender, taxi driver or seller, smile at a random man, appear on the doorstep with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, but say that this is a friend who has a birthday tomorrow. Go to the corporate party in all weapons - makeup, hair, heels and a super-cool dress, but leave it early and go to your husband with a bottle of wine. You should drive him crazy, but never create feelings that you can change.


Distance is a test for any relationship. Most couples, when faced with an obstacle of several hundred (or thousands) kilometers, part, unable to withstand the test of strength. It doesn't matter if a man went on a business trip to another city, or you flew away with friends on vacation, or he went to visit distant relatives, it doesn't matter, the distance can both strengthen and shake relationships.

Be sure to give the man your PRINTED photo so that he can look at you whenever possible. It would be nice to put your scarf or panties soaked in your favorite perfume in his bag. The unexpectedness of the surprise will make him think of you.

Wear sexy outfits when chatting on video skype. You can do some phone or video sex to whet your interest. Send the man funny SMS in the morning that will definitely cheer him up.

Present the man with a trinket that he can hang on his arm or neck. Looking at your present, a man will remember you and want to see you as soon as possible.

You can surprise the man - without warning, come to him in another city. The surprise should have a positive result, unless, of course, it turns out that your beloved has not only work in another, but also another woman. Although it will be useful to find out.

Every woman wants to love and be loved, but, unfortunately, a man cannot always reciprocate. Before you force a man to love himself, you first need to love yourself, not make mistakes, give in return and exalt the man. Before you try to fall in love with a man, you need to remember that it will take time and effort to make yourself known.

First of all, there is no need to make such mistakes:

  1. Do not heed the advice of friends and acquaintances. You always need to act as you see fit, because you live.
  2. You shouldn't seem to be better than you really are. Try to behave naturally, stay on your own, do not build illusions in front of a man, otherwise he may later become disappointed in you.
  3. Do not get hung up on your complexes, try not to notice them, and then your man will not notice them.

How to make a man love you

  1. Do not give all of yourself to work, otherwise the man will be jealous of you. It is better to try to spend all your free time with your beloved man. A man should know that you are ready to sacrifice something for him, and in return you will receive no less.
  2. Do not provoke jealousy in a man. Jealousy is not the best way to test feelings. For many men, she is annoying and causes not at all positive feelings.
  3. Do not torment him with constant calls. He, like you, may have a desire to just be alone. You should not be offended by this, and fetter his freedom with constant calls too.
  4. Respond with gratitude to compliments addressed to you, without shyness or embarrassment. In women, men respect confidence.

How to behave when dealing with a guy

  1. Show how happy you are to meet him. A man should feel your sincere feelings.
  2. Try to do what he likes. Find out more about his tastes and preferences and adapt to them as much as possible. If your tastes don't agree, then try to find compromises.
  3. Praise the man more often. They love it when they emphasize their significant features and enjoy compliments.
  4. Don't humiliate him. No men will like this, as they do not like to feel weak.

What feminine tricks will make a man fall in love

  1. As you know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Indulge your man more often with culinary delights and his favorite dishes. He will definitely appreciate it.
  2. Do not bother with little things. For example, after work, a man wants to rest, relax, feel wanted and loved, and not listen to your comments.
  3. Get rid of bad habits. No man likes women who smoke. For the sake of a loved one, you can eradicate this addiction, especially since it is necessary primarily for your health.
  4. Try to make concessions. Thus, your loved one will be able to regain lost self-confidence, feel himself in charge of the relationship, for many this is an important aspect.

What else you shouldn't do

  • in any case, do not ask your loved one about his past, if he himself does not want to talk about it. Curiosity can be your problem. Try to live in the present and make plans for the future;
  • if a man swears, then this is not a reason to repeat after him. A woman is not painted with obscene expressions;
  • do not allow clutter in the apartment. A man should not think that you are a slob. Women who care about cleanliness are always valuable.

What else will help to win the love of a man

  1. You always need to look attractive, as men love with their eyes. A woman should always look good and be well-groomed, in the end, she needs it herself.
  2. Know how to always listen to a man. They love it very much when they are listened to. Let him be the main one in the conversation, but also take part yourself. Be interesting to the interlocutor, show him that you are interested in a lot and are interested in a lot. If your interests coincide, then you will simply charm the man, and he will respect you.
  3. Be reliable for the man. He should always know that he can rely on you and trust. Do not tell anyone his secrets and desires. Open up to him too, tell him something to make him feel comfortable.
  4. Joke and laugh at his jokes more often.

If you adhere to at least some of the tips, then the man will certainly show interest, and you will not be left without pleasant compliments and attention.

Expert opinion

Experts believe that in order for a man to fall in love with you, you must follow the rules of three. Its essence lies in the fact that three roles should be combined in you: a passionate lover, an affectionate mother and a best friend. It is this feminine combination that is ideal for any man.

As a mother, you will take care and pity for the man, cook him a delicious dinner. As a friend, it is fun to chat and spend time with him. And as a mistress - kindle the fire of passion in him. Try to keep harmony so that the roles complement each other, and then you will conquer any man.

Reasons for resistance from a man

The first reason is distrust. This happens if a man was cruelly deceived in a previous relationship and stopped trusting the fair half. It's time to do something that will change his attitude.

Resistance can also be caused by the fact that a man is already in love with another woman. Then you can use the following actions:

  • Spontaneous act, impromptu. The man you desire may have vulnerabilities when he may need help. It is worth providing such help or service, unobtrusively and without demanding anything in return.
  • A decisive act or a pre-planned action taken at a convenient moment. It is important that at the same time the man was aware of how much effort was spent on this. This will undoubtedly arouse feelings in a man, which can later develop into falling in love. There is no need to be afraid that nothing will work out, because today many women for the sake of their chosen one make sacrifices and commit bold deeds. Don't be afraid to be happy.

We girls run in love, and they often trample. You, of course, want the feeling, high and light, like a starched pillowcase, born in your friend in the very first seconds of your acquaintance, to gush forth more and more. But men are other creatures in which, if we sit back, the opposite happens. At first, they flare up like a peat bog in the heat, and then they begin to "smolder" like an unquenched cigarette in a clogged ashtray. But our happiness is that this trouble is fixable, you just need to know how.

MEN (like us) are divided into types, and this is one of the clues. You cannot approach them in the same way, they are not on the "one face", like chicken eggs. Only one thing, in addition to sexual characteristics, unites them - the structure of the brain (read: thinking) and some psychological and natural characteristics, typically male, from which there is no escape.

So, first about what is common to everyone, then about the types. As a result, we will understand how to teach him to love himself. Not forever, so long!

First. Honestly, I asked to write: "All men are bastards!" You understand ... But no, not all. And not bastards, but simply others. It is important to recognize this, then it will be easier to look through the eyelashes at many male actions. The book that Bridget Jones read, studying the world of relationships, was called: "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus." In general, the way it is. Our left, emotionally-intuitive hemisphere of the brain is more involved, they have a logical-efficient-insensitive right hemisphere. Is it any wonder then that "these goats" shed tears only from toothaches and migraines, you can't get a kind word out of them, and they are almost devoid of romantic fantasy (or fantasy romance - it doesn't matter).

Second. Proceeding from the first one, it is necessary to know that men do not have a “center of Love”. That's the secret! They do not know how to love, as we, with our hearts wide open and a fire-breathing (what a horror!) Soul. Such outbreaks are found only in rare males, romantics, who are becoming less and less on the planet, like the Red Book Panda bears, or in "blue" ones. All the other "macho", even the middle class, cry "for love", if only the woman with whom it was "all good" and familiar, says: "I'm leaving." The hunter's instinct is triggered, from whose hands the victim swims away (like a roe deer, on which a paw of a lion that caught up with it lay just a minute ago). "My! It's a pity! The other will get it, ”the wounded male pride yells. Then everything calms down. Either he will be able to return it, or another "roe deer" is on his way. And nothing - no body in the noose, as promised by the hero, is not revealed.

And even if a man “seems to love”, his love is different. Many women are dissatisfied because they are unaware of this difference. For a man, for example, it is quite natural to completely forget about you for a few hours, even if he is very attracted to you.

But! Unable to experience love on his own, a man is susceptible to female manipulations that can awaken in him the ability to feel. And those ladies are wrong who build relationships according to the principle: “After all, I love you, so you have to ... Conquer the whole world for me, and I will appreciate it. And love me, love "! All this works wonderfully, but only after you show him love, but in a cunning way, unobtrusively. It is not he who "should", but you "must", because you love - you. Remember the principle: "What is in me is outside." For a man to love you in return, you need to become attractive, interesting, necessary for him. It's simple. You just need to give up the idea of ​​having it.

Begin follows with work on oneself. No man in the world needs a sad (even sometimes), offended, thoughtful, angry, teaching him how to live, finding fault with trifles, pestering, requiring infinite attention (and so on) beloved. You need to gather the will, look at yourself from the outside, evaluate your behavior and become (so far only in his presence, at least) cheerful, smiling, not annoying him with your small problems (you can even ask him to solve large problems) and any good. But not a docile Darling, but the most desirable woman worthy of his admiration and exploits.

You need to try only for the sake of standing copies. Scum, maniacs, chronic alcoholics and gigolos are not of interest to us.

In order for him to reach out to you, you must:

Enjoy every meeting with him;

To praise in many ways, to make compliments, men are more susceptible to this trick than we are. But don't overdo it. Sometimes it is worth entering the role of a silent "observer" so that he misses sweet speeches;

Become sexually sensual and attractive. If a woman wants to keep a man, she must give him such variety in bed that he could not get anywhere else;

Show in every possible way that he is the sexiest;

Demonstrate, but infrequently, their independence from him;

Give him (and at the same time yourself) the right of personal freedom. It works the same for all men. Nothing keeps you from going “to the left” like the feeling that you are not being held “on a leash”, but they are not wearing it either;

Try to look the way he likes (well, or almost so, not completely infringing on his tastes): clothes, hairstyle, makeup, figure.

These rules are for everyone. And with separate "breeds" you will have to behave a little differently.

"Mama's Sons"

Men who are lovingly raised in a fatherless family require special attention. Therefore, if you fell in love with "mama's son", you will need to "include mummy" in yourself. But, if you yourself are a “daughter” in life, it will become torment for you later. If you are ready to conquer territory, then pay attention to the following.

“Sons” love it when they solve all everyday and household problems for them. And they got used to order. We'll have to learn how to cook like his mother or grandmother, meekly collect socks for him around the house and make Solomon's decisions even on joint leisure. But, knowing that only you have a violent imagination, a patient disposition and the ability to “correctly” bake pies, he will be yours.


Alas, most of us have to win over and over again the person we love. And even the "romantics" are required to evoke love, as the first time. True, with this type it is a little easier than with others. They, these "mammoths" from love, often speak the same language with us. Often these are people of creative professions. They are emotional (sometimes, even too much), so they will have to learn how to write poetry (and, possibly, prose), be patient with their spiritual outpourings for any reason, both at work and in any life situation. That is, to be a listener.

Like no one else will need to invent a variety of "forms of communication and expression of feelings." "Holiday" is loved by all sorts of men, with the exception, perhaps, of learned "crackers", just "romantics" are especially sensitive to them. For example, you can invite him to the rooftop in the summer ... to have dinner. Of course, by making the most intricate sandwiches and snacks. These sensual guys, unlike most of their fellows, sometimes love women's tears, they like to pity and sympathize, they can even cry for the company. But they cannot stand authoritarianism, aggression, monotony and boredom. For example, if you are an inveterate cleanliness, demanding from the doorway that guests put their shoes “in a row”, then the shoes of a “romantic” who are not amenable to discipline will soon cease to appear in your house altogether.


These include those who cannot imagine their life without round-the-clock vigorous activity, in any sense, careerists. They can be representatives of business, politics, education, medicine. And among them, of course, there are "sons" and "romantics", but even on them the lifestyle imposes the stamp of restraint. These men are dedicated, but it is from them, oddly enough, that you can get more sense. Because most of them perceive a woman as a Woman, and not as a Mother or Muse, and even worse a friend-familiar. The situation is worse with those "business people" for whom the Woman is a being below the man, who must stay at home and raise children. It is difficult to "re-educate" such people even with the help of the above wisdoms and tricks. And is it worth trying if it's not for you?

But the best representatives of the "business rusks" are the best at biting on "games" such as "deliberate retreat and a newly proposed ploy." With them, a subtle calculation takes place at once, helping to maintain love, when it is not "stockings and garters" in the bedroom that are used. Knowledge of his interests, tastes, the desire to always be at his best externally and internally, unobtrusiveness, lightness, freedom and passion - this is how the fire is maintained in the “furnace” of the “business”. Then, after eating this hybrid, he will want to give himself, invest and, of course, love. In my own way.

And further. If suddenly all the efforts made are not crowned with success, do not blame yourself and be sad for a long time. This means that someone better is waiting for you .. It is important not to delay such an experiment, in order to avoid the torment of love. But more on that next time.