Terzhinan for pregnant women. Burning from Terzhinan. Terzhinan during pregnancy: consequences and side effects, reviews

Pregnancy is always a joyful event, but some moments can overshadow the expectant mother. And these include not only irritability, fatigue, various ailments and mood swings, but also visits to the doctor. The most common reason for such visits is the common thrush, which often occurs during pregnancy. The disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida - the natural inhabitants of the vaginal microflora, the reproduction of which is restrained during the normal functioning of the immune system. But during the period of expectation of a baby, immunity drops sharply, which is necessary to maintain pregnancy, and it is this factor that gives a kind of start for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Terzhinan vaginal suppositories during pregnancy can help in this case.

During pregnancy, diseases of the vaginal microflora are exacerbated, caused by various microorganisms, bacteria, Candida fungi, Trichomonas, vaginitis, various types, so gynecologists prescribe Terzhinan suppositories to normalize it and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

The composition of the drug and the main action of the components

Terzhinan vaginal suppositories contain:

  1. Nystatin - a time-tested, effective substance that is excellent in the treatment of many fungal infections, especially candidiasis.
  2. Ternidazole - is the main component of the drug and shows the greatest activity against Trichomonas, while it has an antibacterial effect.
  3. Prednisolone- the substance belongs to the group of corticosteroids and its main action is the relief of various inflammatory processes.
  4. Neomycin - neomycin sulfate is an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group, it is necessary to eliminate purulent complications in diseases and disorders of the vaginal microflora.

Considering the action of all components of the drug, Terzhinan is highly effective in the fight against many types of microorganisms. Due to the active effect on pathogens and the suppression of the function of their reproduction, suppositories also contribute to the reduction of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

Indications for use

Terzhinan is prescribed to a woman not only during pregnancy, but also during the normal state of the body, if necessary.

The main indications are:

  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • fungal vaginitis, including those caused by fungi of the genus Candida;
  • mixed vaginitis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • violation of the state of the vaginal microflora.

Often the drug is prescribed for the prevention of the occurrence of various diseases, for example:

  • before any gynecological operations or procedures;
  • before an abortion;
  • before the start of natural childbirth;
  • before the installation (and after it) of intrauterine devices, in particular, spirals;
  • before hysterography;
  • before diathermocoagulation of the cervix and after this procedure.

In some cases, Terzhinan may be prescribed as a preventive measure during pregnancy in the first or last trimester.

The cost of the drug depends mainly on the number of vaginal tablets in the package. Most often in pharmacy chains there are cardboard boxes containing 6 or 10 candles, costing from 370 to 550 rubles, respectively.

Can Terzhinan be used during pregnancy?

The drug has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal and antibacterial action, which allows you to normalize the work of the vaginal microflora. Can Terzhinan be taken during pregnancy? For women during the gestation period, it is prescribed in cases where there are symptoms of the disease, as well as for their prevention.

Some women are afraid to use such vaginal suppositories, because they contain an antibiotic. But according to many doctors, the drug has an exclusively local effect, without being absorbed into the bloodstream, so it has no effect on the fetus and its development. Terzhinan can be used at any stage of pregnancy and during breastfeeding, because due to the local action, its particles do not penetrate into milk.

Terzhinan is often used during pregnancy for prophylactic purposes, including in the early stages, for example, in cases where a woman has previously had various diseases of the vaginal mucosa to prevent their exacerbation. In the presence of diseases in late pregnancy, the drug is prescribed to a woman in order to avoid infection of the child passing through the mother's birth canal.

Some women are afraid of increased discharge after the use of Terzhinan during pregnancy and the appearance of abundant white discharge of a foamy structure, but this phenomenon indicates the active effect of the administered medication and the cleansing of mucous membranes from pathogenic microflora.

Dosage and method of application

According to the instructions Terzhinan during pregnancy is introduced into the vagina once a day, one tablet. It is best to use the drug at bedtime, lying down, so that the effect of the drug lasts as long as possible. If suppositories are used during the day, then after the administration of the drug, it is necessary to remain in the supine position for at least 4 hours.

To prevent the tablet from falling out of the vagina, it is not worth using a hygienic tampon, since it will close part of the mucous membranes from treatment with medicinal substances and the treatment will not be effective.

The course of application of the drug is from 7 to 10 days, but if the mucous membranes of the vagina are affected by any type of fungal infection, the treatment can be extended by the doctor up to 20 days.

Contraindications and side effects

At the beginning of drug therapy, many women note a burning sensation and itching in the treated area, but it is not necessary to stop treatment because of this, since this condition is a normal reaction of the pregnant woman's body to the process of suppressing existing pathogens in the vagina. Such unpleasant symptoms with the normal course of treatment disappear on their own after 2-3 days. But if after 3 days this did not happen and the burning sensation persists, you should consult a doctor.

The therapeutic effect of Terzhinan tablets occurs exclusively locally, therefore it does not have any effect on the body of the expectant mother as a whole, as well as on the development of the fetus.

Perhaps the only contraindication to the use of the drug can be called the presence of individual intolerance to any of its components, which is rare. The symptom in this case is an unbearable burning sensation and severe itching in the vagina, which occurs almost immediately after the administration of the pill.

To avoid re-infection with the infection and subsequent relapses, sexual contacts should be excluded for the duration of therapy, while the partner also needs to undergo a course of treatment.

The opinion of specialists about the drug and some important points of its use

Most gynecologists claim that Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy are not only an effective drug in the fight against thrush, vaginitis and various infectious diseases of the female genital organs, but also completely safe for both the mother and the fetus.

In the instructions for the drug, you can see a record that its use during pregnancy is possible only with caution and under the supervision of a doctor. For example, in the second and third trimester, suppositories are often used when there are good reasons for this, for example, the threat of infection of the fetus at the beginning of the opening of the cervix or during birth.

There is also some myth that Terzhinan suppositories are able to influence the hormonal background of a woman, dramatically changing it, which during pregnancy can cause a lot of complications, including its interruption. But this applies to other drugs of the Terzhinan line, such as injection solutions and oral tablets, which are never prescribed to pregnant women.

Some women complain of inconvenience and discomfort when inserting suppositories, as well as insufficient effectiveness. But, if you use the product strictly according to the instructions, that is, first lower the vaginal tablet before inserting it into the vagina for 20-30 seconds in warm water, then no inconvenience is felt. In addition, pre-soaking the candle contributes to its faster dissolution and the most effective effect.

It is important to remember that you should not prescribe the drug yourself, even if there are indications for its use. This can only be done by a specialist. It is dangerous to self-medicate while waiting for a baby.

Useful video: treatment of thrush during pregnancy

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Terzhinan- These are vaginal suppositories, produced in the form of flat and oblong yellow tablets. The letter T is printed on them. They are used for various diseases associated with changes in the microflora of the vagina. Terzhinan is often prescribed during pregnancy, but is it possible to use such tablets during the period of bearing a child? Let's find out together if they are safe for the expectant mother and fetus.

Composition and indications for use

The composition of Terzhinan tablets includes:

  • ternidazole - a substance due to which these vaginal tablets have a strong antibacterial effect and are active against Trichomonas;
  • nystatin - a substance that suppresses fungal infections, including those caused by fungi of the genus Candida;
  • neomycin - an antibiotic aminoglycoside that helps get rid of purulent complications;
  • prednisolone is a corticosteroid that stops inflammation.

According to the instructions, Terzhinan can be used during pregnancy to treat:

  • mycosis;
  • bacterial and mixed vaginitis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • mixed infections of the genital tract;
  • trichomoniasis of the vagina.

It can also be used to normalize the microflora of the vagina, restore the mucosa and epithelium, or for prophylaxis necessary before surgical interventions or childbirth.

This drug prevents the reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. They are present in a small amount in the vagina of healthy women, but sometimes they begin to multiply and dysbacteriosis occurs. This condition increases the risk of inflammation of the uterine appendages, can cause premature birth and complications during childbirth.

Contraindications to the use of Terzhinan

Many women are afraid to use Terzhinan during pregnancy, because it contains an antibiotic. Such substances are really dangerous during gestation. They can cause disturbances in the formation of pairs of cranial nerves. But clinical studies conducted to find out if Terzhinan suppositories can be used during pregnancy have confirmed that these suppositories are absolutely safe. And all because it is an oral drug. It does not pass through the gastrointestinal tract, that is, the substances contained in it are not absorbed into the blood. But still, it is not advisable to use Terzhinan in the early stages of pregnancy, when the risk of various harmful factors affecting the fetus is very high.

An absolute contraindication to the use of this drug is hypersensitivity to any of its components.

Side effects of Terzhinan

Taking Terzhinan during pregnancy in the 2nd or 3rd trimester can cause discomfort (burning) if there is severe irritation on the external genital organs, or an allergic reaction.

Features of the use of Terzhinan

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, Terzhinan is used only in cases where there are clear indications for treatment with this particular drug. You need to enter such tablets into the vagina only once a day, after moistening them in warm water. It is advisable to do this before going to bed. This will ensure that the drug stays inside for a long time, that is, the effect will be better.

The mucous membrane absorbs almost all the medicine, but some of it still comes out. Therefore, during the next day after application, yellow colors may appear.

While waiting for the birth of a child, expectant mothers note that the body becomes more susceptible to infectious and inflammatory diseases. This feature is associated with a natural decrease in the synthesis of protective antibodies. The deterioration of the mother's immune system is necessary for carrying a baby.

Terzhinan during pregnancy is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of urogenital diseases of an infectious nature. The drug is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation, so it is used during the period of bearing a child. The medicine has high efficiency and affordable price, therefore it is widely used in obstetric practice.

The composition of the drug

Terzhinan is a combination drug, which includes four components. The first of them is the antimicrobial agent Ternidazole.

The drug is effective against many types of bacteria living in the absence of oxygen - anaerobes. These include clostridia, peptococci, fusobacteria, spirochetes, etc. Also, the drug is effective against some protozoa - Trichomonas, Chlamydia, Giardia, Amoebas and some others.

When used locally, the medicine produces an anti-inflammatory effect - it relieves redness, swelling, soreness. Also, the drug has an antioxidant effect, it improves tissue regeneration.

At high concentrations, neomycin can damage the cell membrane, making it permeable to various substances. Due to this effect, harmful metabolic products and digestive enzymes enter the microbial cell, which causes its death - a bactericidal effect.

The fourth component of Terzhinan is the steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Prednisolone. This substance reduces the intensity of the body's immune response to the infectious process, reducing the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. The drug helps to relieve redness, swelling, pain, migration of lymphocytes.

The drug Terzhinan almost does not enter the general circulation, acting locally. A small part of the drug that enters the bloodstream is metabolized in the liver. The half-life of the drug is 8 hours. About 70% of Terzhinan's metabolites leave the human body with urine, the rest with feces through the digestive system.

Release form and expiration date

Terzhinan is available in the form of vaginal tablets of 6 or 10 pieces in one package. One suppository contains 0.2 g of Ternidazole, 0.1 g of Neomycin, 100,000 IU of Nystatin, 3000 mg of Prednisolone.

The drug contains additional components - geranium and clove oils. They have a softening and astringent effect on the mucous membrane, relieving discomfort in the vagina. Also, plant extracts have a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect, which enhances the therapeutic properties of the drug.

The drug should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 22 degrees Celsius. The medicine has a shelf life of 36 months, after its expiration, taking Terzhinan is prohibited. The medication should not be left in places accessible to small children. The drug can be purchased at pharmacies only with a prescription form.

Indications for use

Terzhinan during pregnancy is used for the following indications:
  • treatment of infectious inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • therapy of vaginal trichomoniasis;
  • therapy of vaginal candidiasis;
  • therapy of vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • prevention of postpartum infection;
  • prevention of bacterial complications after caesarean section;
  • prevention of infection after surgical abortion.
The drug is included in the list of recommended medicines for the treatment of infectious diseases of the vagina. Terzhinan is a priority for the treatment of trichomonas inflammation in expectant mothers.

Terzhinan: indications, side effects, course of treatment, analogues.

The effect of the drug on the fetus

In the course of clinical trials conducted in Europe and Russia, it was found that the drug does not contribute to the increase in complications from the fetus - and so on.

However, experts believe that taking any medication is not desirable before. In the 1st trimester, the formation of all organs of the unborn child occurs, harmful metabolites of drugs can affect the complex processes of tissue division. That is why doctors do not recommend resorting to drug therapy in early pregnancy.

Terzhinan can be used according to indications in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. The drug does not affect the intensity of labor, so it is prescribed before childbirth - at 37-39 weeks of the gestation period.

Instructions for use

The duration of the course of treatment is selected by the attending physician and depends on the disease. Its average duration is 10 days. It is impossible to interrupt the course of therapy immediately after the disappearance of symptoms, as the patient increases the likelihood of relapse. Cancellation of the drug is possible only after a negative smear from the vagina for pathogenic flora.

Terzhinan is prescribed 1 tablet once a day. According to the instructions for use, the drug should be used at bedtime, however, the patient can administer the suppository at any convenient time of the day.

Before use, the patient should thoroughly clean her hands with soap and water, then dip the tablet in water for 25 seconds. After that, the expectant mother should lie on her side, bend her legs at the knee and hip joints, inject the drug into the vagina to the maximum depth.

If everything is done correctly, the patient should not feel discomfort. After the introduction of a vaginal tablet, a woman should take a supine position for 20 minutes. After a few hours, yellow discharge from the genital tract may appear - the remnants of the drug. If there is a sexual partner, he should also undergo antimicrobial therapy.


The drug is strictly prohibited for use in persons with allergic reactions to its components. The drug is not recommended for use in the presence of the following contraindications:
  • defects in the mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • chronic renal failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • severe chronic liver disease.

Side effects

Usually the drug does not cause negative reactions during the course of treatment. Very rarely, patients report the appearance of local effects. The most common of them are burning, itching, redness, irritation of the vagina. Pain in the genital area is less common. If the described symptoms appear, treatment should be suspended.

Less often, against the background of drug therapy, patients note the development of allergic reactions. They appear as rashes or blisters on the vulva or other parts of the body. Very rarely, hypersensitivity causes angioedema. If symptoms of allergy appear, the patient should immediately stop treatment, rinse the vagina from drug particles and seek medical help.

Terzhinan's analogs

- a drug whose active ingredient is the antiseptic Chlorhexidine. The medicine is sold in the form of suppositories. The drug is effective against many pathogenic microbes - chlamydia, staphylococci, etc. The drug is used to treat and prevent urogenital pathologies in women.

Betadine is an antiseptic drug available in the form of liquid soap, solution, ointment and vaginal suppositories. It is effective against many types of bacteria, protozoa, viruses and fungi. In obstetrics, the drug is used to treat vaginitis of various etiologies. The drug is not recommended for use from the third month of gestational age.

Polygynax is a multicomponent preparation containing the antibiotics Neomycin and Polymyxin. It also contains the antifungal agent Nystatin. The drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of vaginal capsules. The drug is effective against many types of microorganisms. The drug is not prohibited during the gestation period.

A drug sold in the form of vaginal suppositories. The active ingredient of the drug is the antifungal substance Ketoconazole. Livarol is indicated for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis and for its prevention during the use of antibacterial agents. The medicine can be used during pregnancy only according to indications after being prescribed by a specialist.

The drug is sold in the form of a cream, tablets and vaginal suppositories. The drug is intended for the treatment of fungal pathologies, its active ingredient is Natamycin. In gynecological practice, the drug is used to treat and prevent thrush. Pimafucin is not contraindicated during the period of bearing a child, but its use is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Pregnancy- this, of course, is a joyful period in the life of every woman, but it cannot be experienced without the use of drugs. The whole point lies in the treatment of a woman who is prone to the development of various diseases due to reduced immunity. One of the common ailments at this time is the development of infectious lesions of the genitals and vagina. For the treatment of the presented problems, specialists in most cases prescribe Terzhinan during pregnancy. This is a universal remedy used by the fair sex for treatment and obstetrician-gynecologists during prenatal prophylaxis to prevent infection of the fetus during the passage of the birth canal if vaginitis is suspected in a woman in labor.

Indications for use during pregnancy

The use of Terzhinan during pregnancy is carried out only after a thorough examination by a specialist and with his direct permission. Here are the following indications for the use of the drug:
  1. The presence of bacterial vaginosis is characterized by an unlimited growth of opportunistic flora, which does not yet show itself as typical signs.
  2. Various infectious lesions, the causes of which are opportunistic microorganisms of various fields, which causes the risk of infection of the fetus.
  3. A typical candidal manifestation is thrush (discharge in large quantities, resembling sour milk in appearance).
  4. If a pregnant woman underwent suturing of the cervix due to the diagnosis of isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  5. Preventive goals for the development of infectious diseases and as a “flushing” of the birth canal before childbirth in order to protect the fetus from infection.
Terzhinan during pregnancy has a positive effect of preventive and therapeutic nature. The pharmacological properties of the drug allow you to get rid of problems after the first course of use.

Features of the use of the drug during pregnancy, depending on the timing

Many women are quite skeptical about the assurances of manufacturers about the safety of using drugs and wonder if Terzhinan is possible during pregnancy? Experts say that this drug is safe for use by women during pregnancy. Moreover, some gynecologists prescribe suppositories as a prevention of vaginal infectious diseases already before childbirth or with the beginning of the third trimester. The antibiotic neomycin contained in the candles of the drug, when used correctly and in compliance with the dosage, is absolutely safe for the health of the baby and the expectant mother.

Features of the use of the drug

Candles Terzhinan during pregnancy are prescribed mainly in the I and III trimesters. The course of treatment takes only 10 days, but can be doubled due to the severity and pronounced nature of the infectious disease. The introduction of candles is carried out carefully, lying on your side. A woman inserts a candle into the genital tract once a day, mainly at night, before going to bed. This fact is important in connection with the high effectiveness of the drug with prolonged exposure - after the introduction of the candle, it is necessary to remain in the supine position for at least 3-4 hours.

Early use

Very often, gynecologists prescribe Terzhinan in the early stages of pregnancy, which makes expectant mothers anxious, because in the first trimester the use of drugs is not recommended due to the risk of miscarriage and negative effects on fetal development. The instructions for use also indicate that it is not recommended to use candles in the early stages, only if you cannot do without their use. Is the drug safe in the early stages?

Experts say that Terzhinan in the early stages of pregnancy is prescribed only in cases where its use is really necessary. Firstly, the doctor is guided by the results of the tests performed in the form of a study of a vaginal smear. If the presence of fungal infections and the development of other microorganisms are indicated, the specialist will be forced to prescribe the described drug for use by the pregnant woman. Secondly, the gynecologist always listens to the complaints of the pregnant woman herself. If she is really worried about discomfort, and the test results indicate a high content of microorganisms, he will also be forced to prescribe Terzhinan. Here, the specialist is more guided by the comfort of the woman, which directly affects the development of the fetus.

In addition, Terzhinan has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is sometimes necessary for use during pregnancy at any time. The anti-allergic effect of the constituent components of the drug prevents the occurrence of itching of the genital organs due to the use of the usual hygiene products during pregnancy.

Aids in pregnancy

Terzhinan during pregnancy- not the only remedy that can be prescribed to a woman for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of the genital tract. Yes, in most cases, pregnant women are prescribed this remedy due to the diagnosis of a genital tract infection, which is observed in 75% of the fair sex during the happy expectation of a baby. Together with Terzhinan, pregnant women often take:
  1. It is often prescribed to normalize blood pressure and relax the walls of blood vessels and muscle muscles. This drug does an excellent job with edema and blood clots. Through its pharmacological properties, magnesia is used to treat preeclampsia at the stage of eclampsia and nephropathy with convulsions.
  2. The prescribed can improve blood circulation. This drug helps to normalize blood pressure by improving its circulation, which acts as a prevention and treatment of edema, headaches, and seizures.
  3. When a woman is diagnosed with a threat of interruption, it will help. This is an excellent hemostatic agent, therefore it is used during nasal and uterine bleeding, if placental abruption is suspected.
All of these drugs should be taken only with the permission of the attending physician and through an examination with the identification of relevant indications.

Dosage of the drug during pregnancy

Treatment with Terzhinan during pregnancy is carried out strictly according to the instructions for use and in compliance with the indicated dosage. The permissible rate of use of the drug is 1 suppository per day for vaginal administration, the time of which should take at least 20-30 seconds. The instructions indicate the time required for holding in the supine position after the administration of the drug - 15 minutes. But experts advise increasing the duration of the horizontal position to 3-4 hours for the treatment to be effective.

Side effects and contraindications for use

Terzhinan, like any drug, has its own side effects and contraindications for use. Here are the following aspects in the use of the drug:
  1. As contraindications, individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug is distinguished, which must be identified even before the introduction of suppositories.
  2. Side effects of the use of the drug include itching and burning immediately after the introduction of the suppository into the vagina. If such discomfort occurs in a pregnant woman, then she should stop using the drug and consult with her gynecologist leading the pregnancy.
Sometimes itching and burning are caused by an allergic reaction to the constituent component of the suppository, which also requires discontinuation of the use of the remedy. In this case, it is necessary to choose another drug that is similar in composition and pharmacological properties. Such discomfort after the administration of the drug is explained by the sensitive vaginal mucosa.

Also, many girls who use the described remedy are afraid of the discharge after Terzhinan during pregnancy. You should not be scared here, because such discharge is just a “part” of the candle, which was not involved in the process of influencing the vaginal mucosa. The remains of the candle can come out throughout the day, which is not dangerous and does not lead to discomfort.

Terzhinan's analogs

If the use of Terzhinan has led to side effects in the form of itching and burning, the specialist may prescribe an analogue of the drug. Among the most common are:

Any of the drugs requires permission for use from a gynecologist during pregnancy. According to experts and warnings, all women should consult with gynecologists before using any gynecological infectious disease.

An important issue is the possible pregnancy after Terzhinan. The fact is that this drug does not affect the reduction of the possibility of conception. Also, there is no need to withstand a certain time after application for conception. The drug in this regard is absolutely harmless, and therefore it is recommended for use during pregnancy and at the planning stage.