Life will no longer be the same - the responsibilities of a dad after the birth of a child. Male and female roles in the family

It is the son who is the successor of the Family, heir, protector and deputy of the father in case of his death, illness or absence from home, the breadwinner of his parents in old age. Therefore, the birth of a son was always perceived as a particularly joyful event, and a large number of sons in the family was a blessing of the Almighty.
After the birth of a son, the boy's umbilical cord was cut with an ax or an arrow. This was done to make him a successful hunter and skilled artisan.

How did the relationship between the son and the father and the son and the mother build? And what are the main family functions of father and mother in the family of our Ancestors?

In the Russian tradition, for many centuries, the image of the father as a person who embodied the law and duty, who is given the right to determine the lives of children, to make decisions that ensures their happiness and well-being, to punish and have mercy, has developed. That is why the father, without interfering with minor household chores and chores, always came to the fore at crucial moments in the lives of his children and played the role of the judge of last resort in disputes.

Public opinion demanded from the father, in the upbringing of children, first of all, strictness. A man who showed excessive affection, gentleness, and solicitude towards his children could not be considered a good educator. The father's duties included the punishment of the children: "An unpunished son is dishonor to the father." However, the father was not supposed to punish the son or daughter in a rage when they came to hand.

It is believed that immediately after the birth of a baby, an internal connection is established between the son and the father, they begin to understand each other perfectly. The father came into contact with the son only after he passed the stage of infancy. The father began to make "male" toys for him, from time to time he took his son on his knees, telling him what a good man he would be when he grew up. During adolescence, the contact between the son and the father becomes even closer, the growing son in Russia had to master everything that the father knew and was able to: sow, plow, hunt, fish, fix minor breakdowns. The young man learned from his father the correct housekeeping, therefore, when discussing economic issues, he was almost always present as a listener. Along with household skills, the son adopted from his father and his demeanor. An adult son of marriageable age already worked on a par with his father, being considered his assistant and successor. At this age, he already has his own opinion, which he can express and to which the elders begin to listen. The son gains freedom of behavior, without asking permission from his parents, he could not come home to spend the night, and spent part of the money he earned on new clothes and treats for the girls. Despite all these indulgences, the freedom of the unmarried son was still relative. In important, serious cases, he was obliged to coordinate his actions with his parents and with his father in particular.

As for the responsibilities of the mother in the family, she had not only to give birth to a child, but to raise and educate him: "He knew how to give birth to a child, be able to teach."

The relationship between the son and the mother was based on a completely different scenario. Until the age of seven or eight, the son was practically at the complete disposal of the mother. She fed him, watered him, healed him, and, as the bearer of ancient Slavic wisdom, protected him from damage and the evil eye. The excessive role of the mother in raising her son was considered undesirable, such a boy is the subject of ridicule. After the onset of adolescence, the son was "detached" from his mother in order to become a real man. And the boy, who prefers his mother to his father, received, and is still receiving, the nickname "mama's son", "secondhand child", "mother". The mother also took care of the correct physical development and morality of her son.

Boys were raised to be real husbands. And for this it was necessary to develop two basic qualities.
First, a man must be able to protect his woman. Protect physically: if enemies attacked, he had to be able to stand up for his wife and family. Protect financially: from childhood, boys understood that they were solely responsible for supporting the family, it was natural. And to defend psychologically.
What does it mean to defend psychologically?

Women have a very active mind, and their mood can change every minute. And it is important for a man to be firm in those moments when a woman throws a tantrum. He shouldn't be hysterical with her. It is important for a man to understand that it is difficult for a woman to cope with herself without his help, he must be able to calm her down, his duty is to protect a woman from her restless mind, to give care and support.

And the second quality of a real husband is the ability to control your feelings. Especially when it comes to other women. A man should be faithful to his wife and not offend her by looking at his neighbors.

The turning point in the life of his son was marriage, he could stay in the house with his parents, or, having received part of the family property and the permission of his father, become an independent owner. Changing a craft, marrying a girl you liked, moving to another city or village, without the blessing of the parents, such decisions were not made.

In Russia, the relationship between sons and parents was built on love and filial duty. The filial duty consisted of obedience to the parental will, respect and courtesy towards parents.

The outward expression of respect for this was the generally accepted affectionate appeal to parents: father, father, mother, mother, mother. The son must constantly take care of his parents, and in the departure to inquire about their life and health.

If the parents are poor - help with money, if they are old - to feed, drink and care for them during illness. In the event of the death of his parents, the son must bury him with dignity, organize a commemoration, submit to the church for a forty-day, annual or eternal remembrance, pray for their sinful souls. "Parents are alive - read it, died - remember!" - says a Russian proverb.

If the son follows his duty, he will be, as it was believed, happy in his life and respected by people: "He who honors his parents will never perish."

Each person has an important place in his family. Through the prophets, the Lord explained how fathers, mothers, and children should behave and how they should feel for each other. As husbands, wives, and children, we need to know what the Lord expects of us in fulfilling our family's destiny. If we all do what is required of us, we can live in our family forever.

For teachers: As with chapter 36, be empathetic towards those who are not perfect at home. Emphasize that with guidance from the Lord and with the help of family and Church members, single parents can successfully raise their children.

In fulfilling the sacred responsibilities of parents, “fathers and mothers should help each other as equals” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Liahona, June 1996, p. 10, or October 2004, p. 49). They should work together to meet the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical needs of the family.

Certain duties must be performed by both husband and wife. Parents should teach their children the gospel. The Lord has warned that if parents do not teach their children about faith, repentance, baptism and the gift of the Holy Spirit, sin will fall on their heads. Parents should also teach their children to pray and obey the commandments of the Lord (see).

One of the best ways parenting can teach children is by example. Husband and wife should show love and respect for each other and for their children in deeds and words. It is important to remember that every family member is a child of God. Parents should treat their children with love and respect, showing firmness but also kindness.

Parents need to understand that sometimes children will make wrong choices even after they have been taught the truth. When this happens, parents should not give up. They should continue to teach their children, express their love for them, serve as good examples, fast and pray for them.

The Book of Mormon tells how a father's prayers helped bring a stumbled son back to the Lord's way. Alma the Younger departed from the teachings of his righteous father, Alma, and tried to destroy the Church. The father prayed with faith for his son. Alma the Younger was visited by an angel, after which he repented of his unrighteous lifestyle. He became a great leader of the Church (see).

By lovingly teaching and guiding their children, parents can create awe and respect in the home. Parents should also make sure that there are bright and memorable events in the lives of their children.

    How can a husband and wife support each other in fulfilling their responsibilities? Who can parents from single-parent families turn to for help?

Father's responsibilities

    Give a positive example of a father's involvement in raising a child that you happened to observe.

“In accordance with divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness. It is the duty of fathers to provide families with protection and all that is vital ”( Liahona, October 2004, p. 49). A worthy father who is a member of the Church is empowered to hold the priesthood, making him the priesthood leader in his family. He should instruct his loved ones with humility and kindness, not through coercion and brute force. The scriptures teach that priesthood holders are to lead others with conviction, longsuffering, kindness, love, and kindness (see; Ephesians 6: 4).

A father shares priesthood blessings with family members. If he has the Melchizedek Priesthood, he can share these blessings by ministering to the sick and reciting special priesthood blessings. Under the direction of the presiding priesthood leader, he can name babies, perform baptism and confirmation, and ordain to priesthood offices. He should set a good example for his family members by keeping the commandments. He also makes sure that family members pray together twice a day and has family home evenings.

The father should devote time to each child individually. He should teach his children the correct laws, talk to them about their problems and concerns, and teach them with love. Several good examples can be found in the Book of Mormon (see;).

In addition, it is the father's responsibility to meet the worldly needs of his family by ensuring that they have adequate food, shelter, clothing, and education. Even if he is unable to provide all this alone, he should not relieve himself of the responsibility of caring for the family.

Responsibilities of the mother

    Give a positive example of a mother's involvement in raising a child that you happened to observe.

President David O. McKay said motherhood is the highest responsibility, or calling, in the world. Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay, p. 179). This is a holy calling, cooperation with God in bringing His spirit children into the world. Having children is one of the greatest blessings. If the father is not in the house, then the mother presides over the family.

Elder Boyd K. Packer praised women who could not have children of their own but were eager to care for others. Here are his words: “Speaking of mothers, I mean not only those women who have ever given birth to children, but also those who raised children born by others; I am also talking about many women who, not having children of their own, were motherly to strangers "( Mothers , 8).

Latter-day prophets teach: “The primary responsibility of mothers is to care for their children.” Liahona, October 2004, p. 49). The mother should spend time with the children and teach them the gospel. She needs to play and work with them so that they can get to know the world around them. She should help her loved ones figure out how to make home a pleasant place to be. By showing love and warmth, she helps her children feel good about themselves.

The Book of Mormon tells of a company of two thousand young warriors who became heroes thanks to the knowledge they received from their mothers (see). Under the leadership of the Prophet Helaman, they fought their enemies. They learned from their mothers honesty, courage and reliability. Mothers also taught them that if they did not doubt God, He would deliver them (see). They all survived the battle. Confidence in what their mothers taught them was expressed in their words: “We do not doubt what our mothers knew” (). Every mother with a testimony can have a profound impact on her children.

Responsibilities of children

    How do children help their parents build a happy family?

Children participate equally with their parents in fulfilling the responsibilities of building a happy family. They must keep the commandments and work with other family members. The Lord is unhappy when children quarrel (see).

The Lord commanded children to honor their parents. He said, “Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days on earth may be prolonged” (Exodus 20:12). To honor your parents means to love and respect them. It also means obeying them. In the scriptures, children are commanded to “obey their parents in the Lord, for this is right” (Ephesians 6: 1).

President Spencer W. Kimball said that children should learn to work and help do household and field chores. They need to be given assignments to keep the house clean and tidy. Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball, p. 141).

    What actions of your own parents have motivated you to honor and respect them?

Accepting Responsibilities Brings Blessings

    What can each family member do to make the home a place of joy?

21.03.2016 3026 3

Should a husband help his wife after giving birth, and if so, what should be his responsibilities? This question is asked by many mothers, especially those who unconditionally need the help of their spouse. What is dad obliged to do and how to tell him about it?

For any man, the birth of a child means a complete change in his life, because now he has a responsibility and a number of obligations not only to himself. After the birth of the baby, it is important to convey to the dad that they need him and explain to him what the husband's help will be after the birth of the child.

The appearance of a baby through the eyes of a dad

For any man, a newborn child is comparable to an alien. The newly-made father does not know what to do with the baby, he feels insecure and is afraid to harm him with a wrong move. Such confusion at the first meeting with a baby is understandable, so you should not immediately point out to a man his mistakes. When the newborn and dad meet for the first time, try to maintain an atmosphere of trust and calmness, because it is this moment that the man will remember most of all.

Many young dads are afraid that with the birth of a child, their lives may change beyond recognition. What was previously loved by them and what they could do for whole days will now have to be exchanged for a time with the child. In fact, this is true, however, as soon as the child is in the arms of the dad, all male fears disappear somewhere. The father feels a close proximity to the child and willingly begins to spend time with him. The main thing is not to rush a man and not demand from him expert knowledge on changing diapers, lulling a baby and other things, everything will come with time.

Help in the first days after childbirth

Recently, within the framework of one TV show, statistics were published in which it was reported that a working man devotes only 4 minutes a day to his baby. Psychologists have found a reasonable explanation for this: wives simply do not trust their husbands to take care of the child. For this reason, fathers eventually distance themselves from their children, as they think that the help of the dad after childbirth is not required.

The list of things to do that you can entrust your father with with peace of mind is quite extensive:

When the baby cries at night, dad can calm him down, pamper him and sing a song.

  1. Bathing. Dad can fill the tub with water of the required temperature, install a special slide in it and go swimming on his own. Many fathers enjoy swimming with their baby.
  2. Night help. When the baby cries at night, dad can calm him down, pamper him and sing a song. If the child is hungry, the man can take him to his mother, and then back to the crib. In the event that the baby is artificial, then the dad can warm up the bottle and feed the baby on his own.
  3. Housework. Such help to the wife after childbirth will be especially useful, because it will be hard for mommy to stand at the stove, vacuum the rooms, do laundry and ironing, go shopping for groceries. The main thing is, do not demand this kind of help from a man, just let him know that you need him.
  4. Walking. Many dads take a walk with their children with pleasure. In addition, the time spent alone with the child will help the man quickly get used to the new role.

Relationship between parents

For young parents, the relationship after the birth of the baby begins to change immediately after discharge from the hospital. Unfortunately, these changes are often negative. The man simply begins to be jealous of the baby for his mother, because now she will give all her time to the child. And the woman, in turn, scolds her husband for the lack of help in household chores or caring for the baby.

Be sure to discuss all your problems and specifically explain your requests to your spouse

What to do if after the birth of the child the relationship with the husband deteriorates?

  1. Try to avoid misunderstandings. Be sure to discuss all your problems and specifically explain your requests to your spouse, just do not stoop to requirements. Remember that men rarely take hints, so if you want him to do the dishes, just ask him about it, and do not refer to fatigue.
  2. Do not forget that after the birth of a child, a man begins to feel lonely. Try to pay due attention to him, for example, meet him from work with a kiss, such a gesture will already instill confidence in your love.
  3. Don't hide your sexual concerns.
  4. Do not forget that a man and a woman need to be together. At least once a week, arrange for each other to go to the movies, go to restaurants, or walk in the park. The baby can be left to grandparents or a nanny can be called.
  5. Do not jump at each other. Irritability, nerves and fatigue occur in all people. Just try to communicate more with each other about your problems, and you will see that fights in a relationship are not at all necessary.

Material liability

Recently, divorces often occur after the birth of a child and the departure of the father from the family. In this case, the man must be financially responsible to his child, that is, pay alimony. There are two types of such payments: by court decision and by voluntary agreement. In the latter case, the amount is fixed by an agreement concluded between the parents (or between the father and the child, if he is already 14 years old). Alimony can be fixed only if:

  1. The father does not have a permanent job.
  2. He is a self-employed entrepreneur.
  3. Earns in a different way (investments, royalties, and so on).

Alimony is paid by the father until the child reaches the age of majority. Payments from a non-working payer are: 25% for one child, 33% for two, and 50% for three or more children of the minimum wage in the region. On January 29, 2016, some changes came into force, according to which it follows that alimony is paid in the same amounts and conditions, only interest is calculated from the average monthly salary in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

With the advent of the child, you should not abruptly heap all the household chores on the dad and try to force him to sit with the child. Show him by your example how fun and simple it is to deal with the baby, and the man himself will reach for the baby.

Hello, my dear readers and blog guests! The family is the center of human life and society. It can consist of a different number of people, but usually it includes a husband and wife. Most often they have children, and sometimes representatives of the older generation live with them. All this imposes a number of responsibilities on each of them. In a good marriage, spouses are like two horses in a strong harness. The load is evenly distributed, and the load of problems and life tasks moves quickly and does not present any particular severity either for both, or for each separately. And today I would like to speculate on the topic: "The responsibilities of a man and a woman in the family."

The woman fulfills her duties, which are difficult for the man, and the spouse takes on specific matters that would be difficult for the wife to carry out. Reasonably sharing the burden of everyday worries makes a marriage strong, happy, and leaves plenty of time for relaxation and self-development.

The role and responsibility of men in the family

Traditionally, the husband is considered the head of the family. His responsibilities include a huge number of cases. Most often, all the well-being of loved ones rests on it.

First of all, he tries to:

  • provide for his wife and children;
  • determine the strategy for the development of family life;
  • take on hard physical work;
  • make minor repairs;
  • follow the reasonable planning of the family budget;
  • morally support the wife;
  • set an example of good behavior for children;
  • defend their rights;
  • do not give offense to family members;
  • take care of the continuation and preservation of the genus;
  • to be a support for those close to you;
  • to bring up decency, kindness and wisdom in children;
  • teach children about male household skills;
  • monitor the general order in the house;
  • guard the house;
  • help family members during illness, take on the hassle of transporting them, providing everything necessary;
  • resolve difficult life situations;
  • be able to negotiate and conduct business;
  • monitor the condition of a house or apartment;
  • to be a decent person, to be the pride of your wife;
  • take good care of your health and the health of family members;
  • fulfill the basic commandments of God;
  • not to interfere with the wife in the performance of her duties;
  • be able to find a common language with everyone;
  • run a house instead of a sick wife;
  • be able to cook simple meals in her absence;
  • read to children before bedtime;
  • accustom pets to order;
  • work in a summer cottage;
  • be able to comfort his wife and children;
  • love and respect your wife;
  • have an idea of ​​female psychology, etc.

The role and responsibility of women in the family

If a man in a family can be compared to a rod, then a wife is like a vine twining around him and providing a prosperous, cozy and kind atmosphere in the house. Her main duties, undoubtedly, include caring for loved ones, supervising the welfare of children, helping representatives of the older generation in medical, hygienic and everyday matters.

In addition, a woman should help her husband move along the path outlined by both of them, support him, help in difficult times, take on part of his responsibilities in case of illness or excessive workload.

She should fully meet the sexual needs of her husband. The husband should not look around or waste energy on questionable TV shows or sites on the Internet. He has the right to be satisfied, contented, and use excess energy for work and household duties.

A woman needs to keep her appearance, the appearance of her children, husband and older family members clean and aesthetic.

The spouse must be able to prevent conflicts. And if they do arise, then try to reconcile everyone and establish such rules of behavior so that such situations arise as rarely as possible.

The wife should carefully and vigilantly monitor the health, well-being and good mood of her husband and other family members.

Nursing, cooking, cleaning the apartment, washing, ironing and other traditionally female duties are usually already implied from the beginning.

Do not think that lazy men are simply trying to transfer the burden of worries onto their spouses. Nature has ordained representatives of different sexes to different types of activities. For a husband to sew on a button or put a patch is the same work as it is for a wife to repair a TV or drag a new stove to the second floor.

Joint responsibilities

Of course, one should not think that there are purely female and male responsibilities. Many things are best done together or alternated. And in some cases, the spouse, due to his innate abilities, copes with some matters even better than his wife.

Likewise, it often happens that a woman takes on traditional male responsibilities because it is easier for her to fulfill them.

And, of course, in case of illness, carrying and caring for a newborn, all-consuming care of the older generation, the spouse is obliged to take on many of the wife's worries. In the same way, in case of his malaise, forced absences or colossal workload, she must redo the maximum necessary around the house in order to make his life easier, as well as keep peace and love in the family.

If the spouses can save each other's strength, then the general positive attitude in the house and their marriage will only get stronger due to the emerging trust, gratitude and a constant feeling of support.

In any case, both should:

  • contribute to families;
  • take care of each other's parents and children, even from previous marriages;
  • to care for or ensure the presence of caregivers for those relatives who have become disabled or bedridden;
  • monitor the safety of the household and replenishment of the budget;
  • maintain peace and harmony in the family;
  • respect the beliefs of everyone;
  • not interfere with the development of careers, studies or spiritual improvement of each other;
  • create a prosperous image of the family in the eyes of others;
  • in any case, do not complain, do not blame or arrange noisy quarrels.


The first responsibility of each spouse is. The main requirement is that they be healthy, well fed, have good living conditions and receive the necessary education.

Mother and father should equally monitor their well-being. Of course, the greatest burden in this case falls on the woman, since she is more observant, spends a lot of time with children and monitors the schedule of visits to doctors.

But the father is also obliged to do everything to keep them warm, they slept in comfortable beds, and the place for playing and practicing was environmentally friendly and did not pose the slightest threat to health and well-being.

Both parents must follow the child's studies, participate in his school and preschool life.

Each of the spouses contributes to the upbringing of children and their mental development. The wife is obliged to do everything to explain the concept to her daughter, prepare her for the role of the future mother and teach the basics of housekeeping. The husband usually makes sure that his son grows up as a real man, within reasonable limits, expresses his authority in the event of serious misconduct of children and, by his example, creates in them an idea of ​​decency, honesty and culture of behavior.

Parents should monitor the physical development of the younger generation, provide them with the necessary sports equipment, and if children show undoubted creative abilities, then assign them to the appropriate school, circle or in other ways to help them.

It is desirable that both the father and the mother monitor the child's presence at the computer, TV and telephone, as well as monitor the possible circle of his communication, delicately eliminating those who have a bad influence.

It should be strictly and vigilantly observed so that children do not smoke, do not come close to alcohol, and even more so to narcotic drugs. It is necessary to watch closely so that the child does not fall under the influence of any sect, a dubious community, or simply into the hands of scammers or pedophiles.

Non-performance of duties

The manifestations of selfishness, individualism, or elementary greed or laziness can become very dangerous. No less harmful is the compulsory appropriation of uncharacteristic duties.

The accumulation of all family money in the hands of the husband and the refusal to the wife of what is necessary will entail disorder in housekeeping, severe tension in relationships and a constant need for essential. Such overbearing and greedy can lead to a lack of adequate nutrition, a shortage of clothing, footwear and basic necessities, and the lack of medicines for the older generation. It is a woman who clearly understands the needs of everyone, she cooks, knows the price of products and knows how to buy them profitably, economically and with a margin.

Likewise, the spouse should not assume the functions of the head of the family, even in cases when she earns more. The male brain is designed in such a way that it is easier for the stronger sex to see life as a whole, to highlight a general line in it, to take large-scale steps to achieve goals. A woman is more focused on small tactical steps to improve the general situation, correct shortcomings and organize the general order in the house. She should not undermine the authority of the father in the eyes of children and argue with him, let alone refute or ridicule his words and actions.

All issues between spouses should be resolved in private and behind closed doors. The image of a parent should be held in great and undeniable respect.

It is also unacceptable to refuse any kind of help to family members without justification or accompanied by dubious explanations. Especially when it comes to life, health or well-being. The words should not sound: “I will not do it on principle”, “I don’t owe anything to anyone”, “And who makes money here?”, “Nothing, you won’t die, I cannot buy you new boots every six months”, “We institutes didn’t graduate and you will manage ”.

The duties of a husband and wife are not strictly fixed. They can be exchanged, take on more or less worries, depending on the workload, health status or material security.

And yet, every woman has the right to know that she has a spouse who, in any difficulty, will lend a shoulder, protect or simply allow her to relax, rest and temporarily plunge into other concerns.

In the same way, a man must be firmly convinced that in his absence the children will be fed and cared for, the older generation will receive all the necessary medications and procedures, and that cleanliness, order and comfort await him in his house.

All these household chores are quite laborious, but quite feasible. When done in good faith, the family thrives, and each of its members feels loved, needed and useful.

Therefore, the distribution of responsibilities should begin at a time when the future spouses are just becoming the bride and groom. It is better to discuss everything in advance and immediately decide who will be easier with what to cope with.

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A father is not only a breadwinner and a performer of hard household work, he is a person who pleases his household just like that, for no reason. He constantly gives flowers to his beloved wife, Victoria's Secret swimwear, jewelry ...

Fatherhood is one of the most important roles in the life of every man, especially if he decides to start a family. Therefore, men should be well prepared for their new responsibilities in order to effectively help their women in caring for the child and the home.

Paternity studies are best started before the baby is born. Even then, there are such homework that pregnant women can cause a lot of difficulties. For example, if a woman is suffering from nausea, help with food preparation will be very helpful. In addition, it is important to talk as much as possible about the child (his name, the way of upbringing, the arrangement of the room), as well as the partner's well-being. Thanks to this, the future dad will look forward to the day of birth with even more enthusiasm.

After the birth of a child, the father's life becomes completely different, but this does not mean that it is worse. Men quickly notice the positive aspects of a new situation, and the baby's smile is the first reward for fatigue and various deprivations. Of course, the roles of dad and mom are not only different but complementary and just as important. That is why it is worth taking care of the distribution of responsibilities.

Dad and household chores

Cleaning. Clean home, safe home. This is of great importance, especially when a child arrives. Luckily, workout makes a champion, so over time, every dad will start to differentiate between liquid and dishwashing liquid, cleaning the bathroom and the rest of the house will even become a habit. Of course, the support from women is very important here, who should not criticize their partners, both minor and major shortcomings.

Cooking. Culinary arts seem to be the closest thing to men. Already in their student years, after leaving their home, men are often forced to learn how to cook. However, a young mom's diet should be slightly softer and more balanced than the pre-pregnancy diet. Therefore, dads can use tips, for example, using the Internet, where it is easiest to find interesting recipes, tasty and healthy dishes.

Purchases. This is an area that, as a rule, gives owners a lot of trouble and difficulties, so in this case, help will be invaluable for women. The most effective way to do this is to have moms prepare a list of errands and dads to go to stores and deliver purchases home.

Dad and childcare

Men who regularly help their partners in caring for a child value more the work that needs to be invested in raising a baby. Undoubtedly, this has a positive impact on the development of family relations. Although initially tasks such as feeding, swaddling or bathing a child may seem very difficult, over time, even the most unpredictable dads, of course, come to practice. The activity and awareness of the consciousness of modern fathers is also evidenced by the fact that more and more often there are men on the street with strollers walking with their children.

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