Apricot oil. Useful properties, application, calorie, contraindications

Apricot oil: useful properties, application, recipes

Name:Apricot oil (bone) Inci: Apricotkerneloil, Prunusarmeniaca

Used part of the plant:apricot seeds

Oil get: Cold Aprach method

Oil color:colorless or light yellow, liquid, slightly viscous.

Penetrating ability:has a high percentage of absorption in the skin

Chemical composition:the oil contains vitamins B and C, potassium salts, magnesium, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocopherol, etc. The high concentration of vitamin A. was detected.

Keep:for 12 months from the date of opening in a tightly closed darkened container in the refrigerator.

Application area:

Apricot oil is widely used during massage, provides a slight slip on the skin, contributes to heating it. Applied as part of massage creams. Together with essential oils, it is used in the manufacture of cosmetic faces for skin care and body.

Participates in the process of recovering the epidermal barrier.

Apricot oil contributes to moisturizing and mitigating the skin. Used with abrasions and rashes. Also possesses regenerating properties. It can be used for all skin types, especially recommended for tired inflamed and flabby. Oil effectively increases the tone of the top layer of the skin, gives elasticity and smooth color, smoothes wrinkles.

Application in cosmetology:

An apricot bone oil is well mixed with various oils (almond, avocado, jojoba, wheat embryos) in any proportions. The share of oil in the manufacture of home cosmetics as an additive can reach 50% (in a mixture with other oily oils). However, apricot oil is not recommended to be used in pure form.


Used in pure form as massage oil. Or as a basis for a mixture of essential oils of the nerhi or chamomile (on 50 ml of apricot oil 1-2 drops of essential oil), or 1-2 drops of Essential oil of Bergamot and Lavender or patchouli on 50 ml of oil - bases, or 1 drop of ethereal Lavender oils and orange on the same amount of oil.

It is shown to eliminate dry plaques, rash, inflammation on the skin. It is used as a prophylactic agent during sharp respiratory diseases in children.

Cellulite treatment recipe.

It is also used for the elasticity and softening of the coarse leather.

Take one part of the apricot oil and mix with one part of an avocado oil (1: 1), add essential oils (based on two tablespoons of basic oil for 2-3 drops of orange or grapefruit, pine or juniper)

Face Mask (Applique), to smooth wrinkles.

Suitable for tired skin

Take one part of the apricot oil and mix with one piece of almond oil or wheat embryos. On problem areas, put napkins impregnated with a mixture of oils. To keep for 20-30 minutes, you can repeat the mask 2 times a day.

Mask to eliminate spots on the skin.

Add to one teaspoon of apricot oil 1-2 drops of essential oils Sandal and daisies

Face mask (applique) with problem skin.

Eliminates rash and inflammation.

Take one teaspoon of apricot oil in a mixture with any vegetable oil (1: 1), add 2 drops of lemon essential oils, lavender, tea tree.

Mixture of oils for daily skin care.

Suit against peeling and inflammation, restoring.

One part of the apricot oil is mixed with a peach bone oil, or almonds, (1: 1), add 1-2 drops (on 1 tbsp. A spoon of base oil) of natural essential oils of lavender, sandalwood and ylang-yulang. Apply on the body after taking a bath or soul.

A mixture of oil-skin care oils gives elasticity and elasticity.

Apricot oil mix with peach bone oil (1: 1), add to one tablespoon bases 1-2 drops of essential oils of ylang-ylang, neroli, lemon and mint. Use every day, implanted cleaning skin.

Handmade soap

In winter, often we are accompanied by colds, including rhinitis. Often it goes into a sluggish chronic form. Pesked mucosa, irritation, constant mortgage, crusts in the nose. Treat such a runny nose is a very difficult process. Apricot oil can be salvation from this state.

How do apricot oil get?

Apricot oil is not obtained from apricot fruits, but from apricot bones. The mechanical pressing method allows to obtain valuable finished oil for cosmetic and therapeutic procedures. It is very important that it is obtained by the method of cold, and not hot spin. That is why it retains many valuable and useful nutritional trace elements and vitamins. Since the oil is easy and nutritious, then it is perfect for instilcing in the nose with a cold even a child.

Apricot oil is valued by minerals


Thanks to a special cold anneal, it has such full-fledged natural components:

  • fatty acid;
  • natural wax;
  • vitamins of many groups;
  • calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus;
  • tocopherol.

Apricot oil does not contribute to the development of addiction, so it can be used for years. Its application range is quite wide: for the treatment of hemorrhoids, lubricating the wound on the skin, the treatment of otites.

Choosing this product from the seller, it is worth consulting about the method of its production. The oil must be not dark, thick, with a small smell of nut or bones. Such oil will actually benefit when dripping and other procedures.


You can even damage the oil of apricot bones even kids. It is possible to achieve moisturizing the mucous membrane, get rid of excess mucus, soften and remove crusts as a result of overhanging the nasal strokes. You can get rid of sneamitis and rhinita for a long time.

Before injection of oil, you need to clean the nasal moves from excess mucus with a solistency or other solution. Then drip our drug. Children drip over 1 droplet, adults - 2-4 drops in each nostril.

It is very useful to prepare a mixture of apricot seed oil with oil vitamin A, which additionally strengthens the walls of the nose vessels.

You can also lubricate your nasal moves. This will also be a good application of this means in a cold.


Apricot oil can be applied only for outdoor use, it cannot be taken inside!

It is important to know that the apricot seed oil includes the Amigdalin substance. It is capable of falling inside, namely in the stomach of man, bring harm. This is a natural cyanide, which includes blue acid. Gastric juice can split amygdalin, and the blue acid is highlighted in the cavity of the stomach in its pure form. Therefore, it is necessary to especially follow so that when rinse the throat does not swallow drops. In view of this, it is recommended to store the oil in an inaccessible place for kids.

How to store?

Like many natural foods to store the oil in a dark bottle, with a tightly closed lid. In a dark cool place, where direct sunlight does not fall. In this way, many useful substances for the nasal mucosa will be preserved. With this method, the property is not ruled and remain valuable to six months.

Since the drug does not contain a drop of chemical components, but completely natural, which means safe, it can be used even to small children, as well as those who suffer from allergies to various produced and smells. This tool is non-toxic and usually does not develop so unpleasant to many addiction, so you can bother the nose for a long time, even for years.

So, the oil of apricot bones is a wonderful remedy for a cold. It can be added to the throat rinsing solution, in different cosmetic creams, masks and scrubs for body care, face and hair. It contains a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins. Just need to know and remember that, like any other drug, it needs to be properly used.

Apricot oil is produced from the bones by pressing and further cold spin of plant raw materials. As a result of this processing, the product retains the maximum amount of beneficial substances than its properties. Apricot oil into the nose is prescribed at rhinitis, for softening the mucous membrane. Such a means dripped into the nasal passages when they need to be cleaned from crusts, oil contributes to their softening and easy removal.

Beneficial features

In the apricot oil, the large content of vitamins and minerals. The product is rich in vitamins A, B and C, as well as iron and copper, which activate the blood formation process. The composition of the natural product is wax, stearins, pectins and a number of enzymes. The medicinal product has a number of useful properties:

  • has a tonic effect;
  • contributes to the speedy healing of tissues;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • softens well and soothes;
  • eliminates inflammation and ethnicity.

This oil quickly absorbed into the skin. It leaves no greasy traces, while making the skin of silky and elastic.

You can apply an apricot emulsion both for the treatment of adults and children. It softens the mucous membrane, prevents drying it and is destructively acting on a number of pathogenic microorganisms. Due to this product, it is possible to quickly cure not only rhinitis, but also sinusitis.

It is possible to use oil as in pristine form and mixing it with other components. For mixing, olive oil is most often used.

Apricot oil is allowed to use only externally. It is impossible to use it inside, as it can be strongest poisoning.

For what is applied

Apricot oil is often used for cosmetics, but it can be bought into the nose with rhinitis of different etiology. Thanks to the natural product, the mucosa is softened and the tissue is rapidly restored. Apply natural products in such cases:

Apricot oil is desirable to mix with fir or eucalyptus oil. For the preparation of nasal drops and tea tree extract is suitable.

Emulsion from apricot seeds is used in the pharmaceutical industry for the preparation of a number of drugs from cough and diseases of the respiratory tract.

Apricot bone oil has long been used to treat various diseases. It is not a panacea, but they can be complemented by medication treatment.

Contraindications and precautions

Apricot oil has a softening effect, so it can be used both for the treatment of an adult and a child. The product does not lead to addiction at all, it can be dripped for a long time, side effects occur extremely rare in the form of redness and irritation of the mucous membrane.

The use of this drug with increased sensitivity and individual intolerance is contraindicated. In this case, there may be symptoms of allergies that are eliminated after the abolition of the drug and adsorbent reception.

Do not forget that the product can only be used locally. Amgdalin is present in the apricot bone. When entering the stomach, it is converted into a sinyl acid, which is extremely toxic for people. When processing the nose, the oil is required to ensure that the product remains on the mucous membrane and does not fall into the digestive tract, otherwise heavy poisoning is possible.

Store a bubble with apricot emulsion needed away from children. This will prevent poisoning.

The use of oil for the treatment of nose

Emulsion from stones can be used to treat rhineel in all groups of patients. The product is well combined with antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Before applying this drug should be advised by the attending physician.

The drug is not only injected into the nose, it is used for washing the nasal passages, massages and steam inhalations. Before proceeding with treatment, the nose is cleaned of mucus. It is very important to properly prepare the composition for injection into the nose.


The cavity of the nose is purified by mucus with a saline solution prepared from two teaspoons of salt and half-liter of boiled water. After washing the mucous membrane dries with cotton turtles. For treatment, such compounds can be used:

  • in the teaspoon of the apricot emulsion, 4 drops of turbo oil are breed;
  • on the teaspoon of emulsion from the bones of apricot take 3-4 droplets of the tea tree oil.

The nose fell sick 5-6 times a day, in every nostril no more than 1 drops. The duration of the treatment week, but for 5 days, well-being improved significantly.

Such compositions have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. If they are used at the very beginning of a cold, then you can prevent the development of disease and heavy complications.

If you add peach or lavender oil to the apricot emulsion, then it is necessary to quickly eliminate the nasal congestion and voice hoarseness.


In infectious diseases of the nasopharynk, it is recommended to carry out the composition prepared from the tablespoon of the apricot emulsion and half a glass of heated water. Such procedures should be carried out several times a day. The duration of treatment is 4 days. If everything is done correctly, by the end of the 4th day a person feels almost healthy.

When drying the mucous pharynx, it is recommended to lubricate it with an oily composition. You can do this with a piece of cotton wool wound on a pencil. You can go to another way. In each nostril, 4 drops of the solution are dripped, after which they throw the head back for 5 minutes. Thanks to such actions, the drug flows along the back wall of the pharynx and moisturizes it.


The oily composition is well absorbed into the skin, having a softening and anti-inflammatory effect. This drug can be used for massage. Thanks to such procedures, blood flow is activated and the metabolism is improved in soft tissues. If you have a regular nasal massage during a cold, then recovery will increase significantly.

To make a nasal massage, it is enough to apply a little oily solution to the index fingers and gently rub the wings of the nose at the beginning clockwise, and then against it. After the massage of the wings of the nose is made, proceed to massaging the bridges. It is also triturated on both sides by stable fingers.

It is desirable to do a nasal massage after taking the bathroom when the skin is well sparkling and the pores are open.

Steam inhalation

Quickly eliminate the nasal congestion will help. For this, it is adjusted to a boil 2 liters of water, a teaspoon of apricot emulsion and 4 drops of eucalyptus oil are added to the pan. Shone head over a container, covered with a large towel. The procedure must continue at least 20 minutes. After the inhalation, it is necessary to refrain from conversations and eating.

Instead of eucalyptus oil, you can take a tea tree or lemon oil. All these drugs have anti-inflammatory effect.

Inhalation of essential oils

To strengthen the immune system, you can prepare the composition from the tablespoon of the apricot emulsion and 8-10 droplets of the Tui oil, fir, lavender or tea tree. In the resulting composition, woven discs and lay them on the room.

It should be borne in mind that a long inhalation of the vapor of natural substances can lead to a strong headache. Caution is resorted to such treatment of allergy.

How to choose and buy a quality product

For treatment, only high-quality apricot oil is suitable. To buy a good product, you need to adhere to such recommendations:

  • good products have a thin aroma of apricot bones, without any odorous smell;
  • if you mix your finger in the product and lick it, the light taste of apricots will be felt in the mouth;
  • good oil has a consistency as vegetable and light yellow color;
  • good oil is bottled in darkened bottles that are packed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use.

It should be borne in mind that high-quality products can not be cheap. The bottle of 100 ml needs to lay out more than 300 rubles.

Buy apricot oil in the pharmacy network. In this case, you can be confident in the high quality of the product. It is not necessary to acquire the drug from hand or through the Internet network for dubious sellers.

Natural oils have always been valued, and not only as cosmetic, but also medicines. One of the most popular and affordable oils is peach, obtained from the fruit bones by the method of cold spin, followed by filtration.

It is a liquid with an unobtrusive pleasant smell and taste.

In medicine, the use of peach oil for the nose and the throat is considered very effective, as it acts very softly and efficiently. What help can peach oil in the treatment of throat and nose diseases?

Indications for use: Useful properties

Therapeutic properties of oil from peach bones were assessed by the ancient Chinese, because it contains a lot of diverse biologically active substances, including:

  • vitamins A, P, D, E, C, Groups in;
  • pectins;
  • carotenoids;
  • minerals: Fe, I, K, Mg, Ca, P, Zn;
  • enzymes;
  • rich and unsaturated acids, including oleic, linolevoy, arachinova, palmitic, stearinov, etc.;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates.
Such a rich composition causes an extensive area of \u200b\u200bdrug use, so a list of what peach oil can be used is quite length. It:
  • cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis;
  • anemia;
  • colds;
  • pathology of the organs of the urogenital system;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • synechia;
  • diabetes;
  • bronchites and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • burns, etc.

When taking inside it contributes:

  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • removal of toxins;
  • improving the condition of the skin and hair;
  • strengthening immunity.
Source: The site is often used in otolaryngology, as it helps to quickly cope with:
  • rhinitis of various etiology;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis (mainly by hymics);
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillites;
  • larygitis, etc.

Thus, the use for the nose and the peach oil throat is possible in almost any diseases of the ENT organs.

Application for nose

Often, otolaryngologists with great experience of work advise patients to bury oil into the nose from a cold with an ARVI, flu, or other ailments of 2-3 drops to 5 times a day, as it contributes:

  • sokil's dilution;
  • separation of dried mucus from the inner shells of the nose;
  • moisturizing dry mucous membranes;
  • death of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • strengthen vessels;
  • prevention of the development of complications, especially sinusitis.

So that the manipulation brings the maximum benefit, it is recommended immediately before it is to rinse the nose with saline or any other salt solution.

Such a procedure will not be superfluous and in the treatment of hymorite or chronic rhinitis. But in such cases it should be only one of the components of therapy, but in no way the only means of treatment. It is possible to increase the performance of the manipulation by adding 10 ml of the peach oil to 30 ml of peach oil (with its absence it is possible to cook a decoction of dry vegetable raw materials).

When isolation of thick green snans, indicating a bacterial infection, a mixture of essential oils (tea tree and lavender 1 cap) and peach (1 tsp) will help. In each nostril, there are 3 droplets of the obtained composition three times a day. You can also use a mixture of 30 ml of means and 10 ml of propolis tincture. It is buried 4 drops 3 times a day.

Frequently often with various diseases, in particular, atrophically ritin, and simply, when living in conditions of increased dryness, the mucous membranes dry out, which causes strong discomfort.

Conduct with this easy for the forces of natural products. To get rid of dryness in the nose, it is recommended to lubricate its inner surfaces or just for 10-15 minutes. Insert cotton-soaked wadded or gauze tampons three times a day.
Few people know, but with the help of peach oil is easy at home to restore voice ligaments affected by excessive loads. It is buried in the nose, thipping the head as much as possible to be freely in the nasopharynk.

This simple procedure can be replaced by the complex manipulation of irrigation of voice ligaments, conducted in the walls of medical institutions. Therefore, it should be armed with everyone whose labor activity is connected with the need to say a lot, that is, the operators of call centers, teachers, singers, sellers, providers, etc.

The child peach oil can help at no less than an adult person, because the use of this fund does not have age limitations. But children should be buried twice the number of drops.

Rhubstick often provokes the development of otitis, and than the younger kid, the more often it observes such complications.

Peach oil is useful in this case, since it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is introduced into every ear of 2 drops (with double-sided lesion). Pre-medicine is heated to room temperature, tightly clasping the bottle with hand or on a water bath.

For the newborn

Since peach bone oil has a very soft effect and does not irritate the mucous membranes, it is allowed to even apply infiltration into the nose.

This procedure is carried out as a morning and evening toilet, as it helps to remove the crumbs from the nose mucous membrane, which prevent normal breathing and sleep the kid.

Attention! You can start cleaning the nose only a couple of minutes after driving oil.

Also, nothing can prevent the use of peach oil for the treatment of rhinitis in newborns. Originally washed the nasal moves by salt solutions, but only a neatly injection liquid, since use sprays for the treatment of children up to 1 year is prohibited!Each nostril is introduced 1-2 drops of medication 3-4 times a day.

In addition, the remedy is applied to the treatment of the synech (the battle of the sexual lips) in newborn girls and eliminate the dialords that are so often found in the infants. But before the use of oil for certain purposes, it is necessary to make sure that it does not cause an allergic reaction in crumbs.

Cosmetic oil is not suitable for therapeutic measures, because it may contain all sorts of fonders and other chemicals. Therefore, for the prevention or treatment of ENT disease, the tool should be purchased at the pharmacy, especially since its price is usually lower than cosmetic.

Peach oil for throat: Application

If a child or adult has a throat and annoying, there is an annoying dry cough, most likely, it is signs of developing pharyngitis or laryngitis. But in these cases, peach oil will be indispensable. If they lubricate the throat and pour into the mouth through any sprayer in the house (for example, the old bottle of thermal water), it takes carefully cover the irritable mucous membranes with a thin film and will quickly eliminate the hole in the throat.

You can also twice a day to make inhalation with this natural product. For their holding, 5-10 drops of oil should be diluted in water and pour into the inhaler. The procedure will help moisten the mucous membrane, soften the throat and relieve nasal breathing.

For the most quickly obtaining the therapeutic effect, it is necessary to combine the use of peach oil with the reception of other medicines or folk agents.

Peach oil is great for the treatment of throat diseases in young children, including infants. If the crumb does not know how to rinse the throat, it is necessary to process 4 times a day moistened in the bandt to the agent (it can be coated on a finger for convenience) almonds and necessarily the inner surfaces of the cheeks, as well as the language.

Is it possible to drip peach oil into the nose: contraindications

Whatever natural and safe medicine would be, it still can not always be used. Therefore, it is not recommended to drip it into the nose or take it in the first place in the presence of an individual sensitivity to it.

Check how the body refers to the product is very easy. To do this, its small amount is applied to clean skin, for example, the forearm or bending of the elbow and evaluate the skin reaction immediately, a few hours later and the next day. If no change is observed, it can be used to apply for therapeutic purposes. In general, the peach oil allergies occurs extremely rarely, therefore it is referred to by the number of hypoallergenic products.

Also should not be resorted to the help of this means for diseases of the nervous system, especially related to increased excitability, since it stimulates the CNS.

Where to buy peach oil for nose and what to choose?

For medicinal purposes it is better to acquire a means in a pharmacy, good, now it is easy. After all, this drug produces many different pharmaceutical companies. Its cost depends on the names of the manufacturer and the volume of the vial (25, 30 or 50 ml), but it usually does not affect the means. Thus, it is possible to buy peach oil both for 25 rubles and 200.

Nevertheless, to carry out inhalations, it is better to choose a peach essential oil. And in order to increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is additionally necessary to purchase and add to the solution of tea tree, pine, eucalyptus, cedar, or other, which has pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The huge advantage of peach oil is the possibility of its use during pregnancy. Ladies in the position are often faced with colds and cosmetic problems due to reducing immunity and physiological changes characteristic of this responsible period. Therefore, for them, peach oil can become a real salvation.

It can be used both for the treatment of ENT diseases described above and to prevent education or combating existing stretch marks on the abdomen, chest and other parts of the body. In addition, applying a means mixed with water or beloved face cream will help the skin to purchase a healthy rested look, which is usually difficult to achieve pregnant women, even observing the mode of the day.

There are 80% of people around the world. Girls are usually more often susceptible to age-related changes, since their skin is more tender. On the other hand, the age of a woman can be determined quite difficult, especially if the care of the face is a sufficient amount of time. In pursuit of beautiful, well-groomed skin, the girl buy a huge number of various cosmetics: scrubies, oils, masks, creams. But are they all so effective? Today we will talk about one of them, namely, the apricot face for the face from wrinkles: reviews about it, to whom it is suitable and as applied.

Why leather older

Before we find out whether the apricot oil is coping with the problem of aging, find out why this process occurs and is so noticeable on the skin of the face. It is primarily important to note that wrinkles are divided into several types. Mimic wrinkles arise as a result of active facial facial expressions. It belongs to laughter, wrinkling the forehead. Aging wrinkles appear as a result of the death of elastic fibers. The skin becomes a flabby and sagging. In order to remove such sad processes, there are many different ways.

It is very important to know that most wrinkles are formed as a result of dry skin. So, in women with a fatty type of their manifestations are less noticeable than with dry. In addition, over the years, the skin loses its useful trace elements and vitamins. They need to constantly fill through various means. One of them is the apricot oil for the face from wrinkles. Reviews of this agent, properties and methods of application will be considered below.

How to produce apricot oil

Apricot oil is manufactured from the bones of this plant by cold spin. It is in them containing a huge number of useful vitamins and minerals. At home, perform such a process is quite difficult, because this requires a special press. Sometimes for the preparation of apricot oil also partially use the seeds of Alychi. In order to make an apricot face for the face from wrinkles, reviews about which we will look at later, the kernels of the bone use. They are crushed and pressed several times with a cold way. Cake, which remains, is also used for various cosmetic products.


Almost all vegetable oils have a lot of positive properties. Apricot no exception. It contains 20% linolenic acid, amygdalin glycoside - 5%, as well as vitamins A, C, B, F, lactase enzymes and emulsin. It has a significant amount of mineral salts and other beneficial components. A cold dual spin allows you to save all these elements in kind. With a strong heating of the apricot bones, most of these useful components are split, it is especially true of amygdaline.

Properties of apricot oil

The benefit of this oil can not be underestimated. It is used for both skin and hair and nails. Apricot oil, properties and application of which we consider, can be found in many cosmetic products (scrubs, masks, creams, balms). It nourishes, softens and protects hair and skin.

Apricot oil is well absorbed and regulates the water-lipid balance. This explains this property as a struggle with wrinkles. Absupping into the skin, oil moisturizes it, dry cells are obtained by the required amount of moisture and lipids. Due to this, the skin is tightened, becomes smoother and elastic. Properties and the use of apricot oil were studied by many scientists, a mass of experiments was carried out. In the course of them it became known that this product regenerates dead cells, contributing to the emergence of new ones.

For sensitive and problem skin, apricot oil is also very useful. This is explained by its antibacterial effect. It heals the wounds, dries pimples, fights with the occurrence of acne.

Useful microelements of apricot oil are launched in the body of metabolic processes and have intensive rejuvenating effects. In addition, they give the skin a healthy and well-kept look.

Hair oil

As mentioned earlier, the apricot cosmetic oil is successfully used to treat not only the skin of the face, but also hair, nails. For dry and brittle curls, it is recommended to add it to the shampoo in the proportion of 15 drops per 100 ml of the product. Oil is suitable for frequent use. It leaves no greens on his hair, but at the same time nourishes them, makes soft and silky. If, after use in the shampoo, all the same hair is slightly fat, then it can be added to your hair mask and use once a week.

Especially effective such oil in hot summer days when hair most need care and protection. Apricot oil lipids are capable of protecting curls from drying out and exposure to high temperatures.

Apricot Oil for Skin Hands

For the skin of hands and nails, apricot oil, whose properties we have considered is also perfect. After the bath and manicure it is recommended to rub into the cuticle. But besides that, massage movements can be applied to the brush of the fingers. It will moisturize the gentle skin of the hands, and the nails will be stronger thanks to the regeneration processes. To improve the effect, the agent can be heated a bit (no more than 37 ° C). Also, the apricot oil is perfectly combined with other vegetable oils.

They can be mixed in various proportions and experiment. If the nails are too soft and brittle, and the skin's skin is dry, then it is recommended to use wrapping. Problem areas are abundantly smeared with warm apricot and pine oil and turn into a food film for a better thermoelectility. One hour of the surplus oil (if it did not absorb everything) you can wash off with warm water.

Apricot oil for eyelashes

Another pretty interesting area of \u200b\u200bits use is eyelashes. They can shoot makeup. It does not injure gentle skin around the eyes, but rather, on the contrary, moisturizes it and nourishes it. In addition, due to therapeutic properties, the apricot oil also affects the cilia themselves, accelerating their growth. To use, you need to take a cotton swab, moisten it with water and add a few drops of the tool. Light movements you can remove the remnants of makeup. To strengthen the cilia on a cotton swab, several drops of oil are applied and attached to them with the help of a food film or parchment paper.

Apricot bone oil for face

Of course, for delicate skin of the face and neckline it is suitable as it is impossible. This is especially true of dry skin, prone to peeling. The oil is very quickly absorbed into the damaged areas, drinks them, lines the structure. Useful vitamins and minerals are quickly absorbed in the subcutaneous layer. There is a huge number of various homemade masks and creams that use exactly this oil.

The easiest and fastest way to moisten the skin, get it and treat it - it's a few drops of oil on your cotton swab and wipe your face. For intensive nutrition, it is possible to heat the oil to 37 ° C and to impregnate them with gauze or bandage. Next, it must be carefully applied to the skin of the face, not forgetting about the neckline area. From above, the smeared areas are wrapped with a food film, for a better effect you can also cover with a terry towel. After 20 minutes, it can be flush with warm water.

Oil apricot bones for a person can be purchased on any pharmacy, in addition, other vegetable oils are sold there: ylang-ylang, mint, lemon, roses, pine and many others. Each of them has a multitude of useful properties. They are perfectly mixed, complement each other and improve the effect of using. Cosmetic oils for the face of wrinkles have a positive effect on the skin and hair. Almost all of them possess an antibacterial effect. In addition, they drink skin and hair with all necessary vitamins and minerals. Especially relevant use of cosmetic oils in autumn and spring, when the body is prone to aircamint.