Discover healing apricot oil. Peach oil for nose and throat: use wisely. Instructions

In winter, we are often accompanied by colds, including rhinitis. It often turns into a sluggish chronic form. Overdried mucous membranes, irritation, constant congestion, crusts in the nose. Treating such a runny nose is a very difficult process. Apricot oil can be a lifesaver from this condition.

How is apricot oil obtained?

Apricot oil is not obtained from apricot fruit, but from apricot kernels. The method of mechanical pressing makes it possible to obtain a valuable ready-made oil for cosmetic and medical procedures. It is very important that it is obtained by cold pressing, not hot pressing. That is why many valuable and beneficial micronutrients and vitamins are preserved in it. Since the oil is light and nutritious, it is perfect for nasal instillation with a runny nose, even for a child.

Apricot oil is prized for minerals


Thanks to special cold pressing, it contains such full-fledged natural ingredients:

  • fatty acid;
  • natural wax;
  • vitamins of many groups;
  • calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus;
  • tocopherol.

Apricot oil is not addictive, so it can be used for years. Its range of application is quite wide: for the treatment of hemorrhoids, lubrication of wounds on the skin, treatment of otitis media.

When choosing this product from a seller, it is worth consulting about the method of its production. The oil should not be dark, thick, with a slight smell of nuts or seeds. This oil will actually be beneficial for colds and other treatments.


Even babies can bury apricot kernel oil. It is possible to moisturize the mucous membrane, get rid of excess mucus, soften and remove crusts as a result of overdrying the nasal passages. You can get rid of sinusitis and rhinitis for a long time.

Before instilling oil, you need to clear the nasal passages of excess mucus with saline or other solution. Then add our preparation. For children, drip 1 drop, for adults - 2-4 drops in each nostril.

It is very useful to prepare a mixture of apricot kernel oil with oil vitamin A, which additionally strengthens the walls of the vessels of the nose.

You can also lubricate your baby's nasal passages. This will also be a good use of this remedy for a cold.


Apricot oil can only be used externally, it must not be taken internally!

It is important to know that apricot kernel oil contains amygdalin. It is capable of getting inside, namely into the stomach of a person, to cause harm. It is a natural cyanide, which includes hydrocyanic acid. Gastric juice can break down amygdalin, and hydrocyanic acid is released into the stomach cavity in its pure form. Therefore, you need to be especially careful not to swallow drops when rinsing your throat. In view of this, it is recommended to store the oil out of the reach of babies.

How to store?

Like many natural products, you need to store oil in a dark bottle with a tightly closed lid. In a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight. In this way, many beneficial substances for the nasal mucosa will be preserved. With this method, the properties of the product will not deteriorate and will remain valuable for up to six months.

Since the drug does not contain a drop of chemical components, but is completely natural, which means it is safe, it can be used even by young children, as well as by those who are allergic to various products and odors. This remedy is non-toxic and usually does not develop so unpleasant for many addiction, so you can bury your nose for a long time, even for years.

So, apricot kernel oil is an excellent remedy for a cold. It can be added to a rinse solution, to various cosmetic creams, masks and scrubs for body, face and hair care. It contains a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins. You just need to know and remember that, like any other drug, it must be used correctly.

Apricot oil in the nose is a good remedy for the prevention of a runny nose and for moisturizing the mucous membrane of the nasal passages with a runny nose. In the cold season, there is a risk of colds. Treatment of protracted and chronic rhinitis is a laborious process, since the mucous membranes dry out, irritation occurs and manifestations can last for a long time. An excellent solution to this problem is to instill apricot oil in the nose, with the addition of a small amount of vitamin A. Such a procedure will help in the shortest possible time to get rid of a prolonged runny nose with all its unpleasant symptoms, relieve dryness and irritation in the sinuses, and breathe easier. Its clear advantage is safety and the fact that it can be used to treat children.

Apricot oil is used not only for the treatment of colds. protracted rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis are treatable with this remedy. Natural oil is successfully used in medicine and cosmetology. It has a good effect on the structure of hair, eyelashes, facial skin, nails. The availability of the tool and simplicity are other advantages in its use. It is good to combine apricot kernel oil and thuja oil for the nose in the treatment of rhinitis. The latter contains many phytoncides that suppress the negative effects of viruses and bacteria. By itself, thuja oil does not have a special effect in the treatment of the common cold, since it is more used as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent. Thuja is used to prepare various decoctions and tinctures that increase the protective functions of the body and help fight viruses and bacteria. But for the treatment of the common cold, this remedy serves as an adjuvant therapy.

The mechanism of obtaining the oil and its composition

Apricot oil is extracted from the seeds of the fruit of the apricot tree by mechanical pressing. The result is a ready-made oil for the nasal mucosa and for other purposes. It is light and nutritious; it is most often used in cosmetology and medicine.

There is a great benefit in a product that is obtained by pressing or cold pressing, therefore, when choosing an oil, be guided by these indicators.

Apricot oil contains useful substances:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, pantothenic);
  • stearin;
  • natural wax;
  • vitamins of group B, vitamins A, C, E, P;
  • minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium;
  • tocopherol.

Apricot oil in the nose has been used for many years. In addition to the benefits for the nasal mucosa, it is often used to eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of hemorrhoids, with otitis media, it is instilled into the ears, the active substances in it contribute to the healing of wounds.

Choosing such a tool, you should focus on production technology, density, color and smell. The natural product is thick, light, with a slight nutty smell, and is able to bring maximum benefits to the body.

For proper storage, it is necessary to tightly close the lid of the container with oil and place it in a dark and cool place where direct sunlight does not fall. This will preserve the beneficial qualities of the nasal oil. The storage time under such conditions is from six months to a year.

What is apricot kernel oil used for?

The product has been widely used in cosmetology for the preparation of various masks for hair, face and body skin. Traditional medicine offers a remedy to treat small wounds, bedsores, abrasions, as it has good penetration into the structure of the skin and mucous membranes.

For the treatment of inflammatory processes in the throat, a solution is used with the addition of drops of a plant product, with its help inhalation is carried out. When processed, apricot pits form milk, which contains oil. This milk is used in the manufacture of pharmacological antitussives, which are used to treat bronchitis, whooping cough, inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx.

Apricot seed oil contains an optimal balance of natural ingredients that gently affect the surface of mucous membranes, improve the condition of hair and nail plates. This drug has no age restrictions.

Benefits of using oil

Instilling the nasal passages with this remedy is a good method for treating dry and itchy problems that accompany a runny nose. A few drops of oil can help deal with such problems. To speed up and improve the result, apricot oil can be combined with an oil solution of vitamin A (the mucous membrane will be moistened, and the runny nose will go away faster).

This substance softens the skin, promotes the process of skin regeneration, accelerates the healing of wounds and abrasions, nourishes the skin, relieves allergic rashes, and fine wrinkles.

This aromatic natural remedy helps in the care of nails, prevents them from flaking and brittleness. If you apply it at night on the nail plates for a week, you can feel a noticeable result from the application. To eliminate the manifestations of cellulite, use a wrap with apricot kernel oil, massages, scrubs. To improve the condition of hair and eyelashes, to prevent their loss, masks are used with the addition of a useful substance (apply to the eyelashes with a cotton swab soaked in a solution). Benefits of the oil for the body:

  • nourishing and moisturizing dry and dehydrated skin;
  • collagen production;
  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • elimination of skin inflammation;
  • healing of wounds and ulcers;
  • elimination of brittle hair, nails, eyelashes;
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite;
  • quick relief from rhinitis, sinusitis, inflammatory processes in the throat;
  • antiseptic and antibacterial action.

Since this product is plant-based and natural, it is safe to use it even for children and those who suffer from allergic reactions. The drug is non-toxic, non-addictive, so it can be used for a long time.

Using it to instill the nasal sinuses, you can achieve softening of the nasal walls, elimination of excess phlegm, getting rid of chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. Even babies are allowed to do this procedure. Before that, you need to cleanse the nasal passages of mucus that has accumulated (using saline or other means), then drip the solution into each nostril a few drops. The dosage for children and adults is different, you need to see the instructions for use. In combination with vitamin A, apricot oil will eliminate nasal discharge and dryness of the mucous membrane.

Using a remedy to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of throat diseases (gargling), you can eliminate the manifestations of chronic tonsillitis, chronic infections of the upper respiratory tract. Children are advised to gently lubricate the throat with a bandage wrapped around a finger. This will relieve sore throat, swelling and redness.

Contraindications and product harm

Despite the benefits for the body, the use of oil requires its own rules. Do not take this substance internally. It can be useful and has valuable qualities, but it is used only in the external version. This is due to the fact that apricot pits contain a substance - amygdalin. It belongs to the category of natural cyanides. If the substance enters the stomach, it is broken down by gastric juice into its constituent parts, which also include poisonous hydrocyanic acid. It is dangerous for our body, as it is a powerful toxic poison. Care should be taken not to swallow oil when gargling. Storage out of the reach of children is recommended.

Apricot oil is a good helper in the treatment of rhinitis.

It is used for instilling sinuses, gargling. Serves as an addition to many cosmetic products for face, body and hair care. It is saturated with a large amount of useful vitamins and minerals. But you need to remember about its correct use and storage.

Apricot oil is produced from seeds by pressing and further cold pressing of plant materials. As a result of such processing, the product retains the maximum amount of useful substances, which determines its properties. Apricot oil in the nose is prescribed for rhinitis, to soften the mucous membrane. Such a remedy drips into the nasal passages, when they need to be cleaned of crusts, the oil contributes to their softening and easy removal.

Beneficial features

Apricot oil is rich in vitamins and minerals. The product is rich in vitamins A, B and C, as well as iron and copper, which activate the process of hematopoiesis. The natural product contains wax, stearins, pectins and a number of enzymes. The drug has a number of useful properties:

  • has a tonic effect;
  • promotes early tissue healing;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • softens and soothes well;
  • eliminates inflammation and swelling.

This oil is quickly absorbed into the skin. It leaves no greasy marks, while leaving the skin silky and supple.

Apricot emulsion can be used both for the treatment of adults and children. It softens the mucous membrane, prevents it from drying out and has a detrimental effect on a number of pathogens. Due to this product, you can quickly cure not only rhinitis, but also sinusitis.

You can use the oil both in its original form and by mixing it with other components. Olive oil is most commonly used for blending.

Apricot oil can only be used externally. You cannot use it inside, as there may be severe poisoning.

What is it used for

Apricot oil is often used for cosmetic purposes, but it can be instilled into the nose for rhinitis of various etiologies. Thanks to a natural product, mucous membranes are softened and tissues are quickly regenerated. Natural products are used in such cases:

It is advisable to mix apricot oil with fir or eucalyptus oil. For the preparation of nasal drops, tea tree extract is also suitable.

The apricot kernel emulsion is used in the pharmaceutical industry for the preparation of a number of medicines for cough and respiratory tract diseases.

Apricot kernel oil has long been used to treat various diseases. It is not a panacea, but it can be supplemented with medication.

Contraindications and precautions

Apricot oil has a softening effect, so it can be used to treat both an adult and a child. The product is not addictive at all, it can be dripped for a long time, side effects are extremely rare in the form of redness and irritation of the mucous membrane.

The use of this drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity and individual intolerance. In this case, there may be symptoms of allergy, which are eliminated after discontinuation of the drug and taking adsorbents.

Do not forget that the product can only be used locally. Amygdalin is present in apricot pits. When it enters the stomach, it is converted to hydrocyanic acid, which is extremely toxic to humans. When treating the nose with oil, it is necessary to ensure that the product remains on the mucous membrane and does not enter the digestive tract, otherwise severe poisoning is possible.

Keep the vial of apricot emulsion out of the reach of children. This will prevent poisoning.

Method of using oil for nasal treatment

The pitted emulsion can be used to treat the common cold in all patient groups. The product works well with antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Before using this medication, you should consult with your doctor.

The drug is not only instilled into the nose, it is used for rinsing the nasal passages, massage and steam inhalation. Before starting treatment, the nose is cleared of mucus. It is very important to properly prepare the composition for instillation into the nose.


The nasal cavity is cleared of mucus using a saline solution prepared from two teaspoons of salt and half a liter of boiled water. After washing, the mucous membrane is drained with cotton turundas. For treatment, you can use the following compositions:

  • 4 drops of thuja oil are diluted in a teaspoon of apricot emulsion;
  • 3-4 drops of tea tree oil are taken on a teaspoon of apricot kernel emulsion.

The patient's nose is dripped 5-6 times a day, no more than 1 drop in each nostril. The duration of treatment is a week, but already on the 5th day, the state of health improves significantly.

Such formulations have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. If they are used at the very beginning of a cold, then the development of the disease and serious complications can be prevented.

If you add peach or lavender oil to the apricot emulsion, then this composition can quickly eliminate nasal congestion and hoarseness.


In case of infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, it is recommended to carry out a composition prepared from a tablespoon of apricot emulsion and half a glass of heated water. Such procedures should be carried out several times a day. The duration of treatment is 4 days. If everything is done correctly, then by the end of the 4th day a person feels almost healthy.

If the mucous membrane of the pharynx is dry, it is recommended to lubricate it with an oily composition. This can be done with a piece of cotton wool wrapped around a pencil. You can go the other way. 4 drops of the solution are dripped into each nostril, after which the head is thrown back for 5 minutes. Thanks to such actions, the drug flows down the back of the pharynx and moisturizes it.


The oily composition is well absorbed into the skin, providing a softening and anti-inflammatory effect. This drug can be used for massage. Thanks to such procedures, blood flow is activated and the metabolism in soft tissues improves. If you do a regular massage of the nose with a cold, then the recovery will significantly accelerate.

To massage the nose, it is enough to apply a little oily solution on the index fingers and gently rub the wings of the nose, first clockwise and then against it. After the massage of the wings of the nose is completed, begin to massage the bridge of the nose. It is also rubbed on both sides with index fingers.

It is advisable to massage the nose after taking a bath, when the skin is well steamed and the pores are open.

Steam inhalation

Help quickly eliminate nasal congestion. To do this, bring 2 liters of water to a boil, add a teaspoon of apricot emulsion and 4 drops of eucalyptus oil to the pan. They bow their heads over the container, cover them with a large towel on top. The procedure should last at least 20 minutes. After inhalation, you need to refrain from talking and eating for an hour.

Instead of eucalyptus oil, you can use tea tree or lemon oil. All of these drugs are anti-inflammatory.

Inhalation of essential oils

To strengthen the immune system, you can prepare a composition of a tablespoon of apricot emulsion and 8-10 drops of thuja, fir, lavender or tea tree oil. In the resulting composition, cotton pads are moistened and laid around the room.

It should be borne in mind that prolonged inhalation of vapors of natural substances can lead to severe headaches. Allergy sufferers resort to this treatment with caution.

How to choose and buy a quality product

Only high-quality apricot oil is suitable for treatment. To buy a good product, you need to adhere to these recommendations:

  • good products have a delicate aroma of apricot kernels, without any foreign smell;
  • if you moisten a finger in the product and lick it, a light taste of apricots will be felt in the mouth;
  • good oil has a consistency like a vegetable and a light yellow color;
  • good oil is poured into darkened bottles, which are packed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use.

It should be borne in mind that quality products cannot be cheap. For a bottle of 100 ml, you need to pay more than 300 rubles.

Buy apricot oil in the pharmacy chain. In this case, you can be sure of the high quality of the product. You should not buy the drug from your hands or via the Internet from dubious sellers.

Apricot oil is not made from the fruits themselves, but from their seeds, using the technology of cold mechanical pressing and squeezing. Thanks to this, all substances useful for the body are retained in the final product, which are usually destroyed under the influence of high temperature. These compounds include:

  • linoleic, pantothenic, oleic and other unsaturated fatty acids;
  • stearins;
  • vitamins A, F and C;
  • a complex of B vitamins;
  • tocopherols (vitamin E group);
  • a large amount of trace elements, in particular potassium and magnesium.

What is it used for?

This product is widely used as a cosmetic product. But the instillation of apricot oil into the nose is primarily for medicinal purposes.

The healing properties of milk from apricot kernels were known in ancient China, and from the 1st century AD this substance began to spread in European countries. For centuries, they tried to treat hemorrhoids, tumor diseases, ulcerative lesions, as well as a variety of pathologies of the ears and nose. But, as modern medical research has shown, this product is not a panacea. However, several applications were found for it:

  1. Moisturizing mucous membranes with rhinitis

This is perhaps the main indication when using apricot. Chronic inflammation of the lining of the nasal passages causes it to dry out with the formation of hard crusts. Thick and immobile mucus often accumulates under them, which serves as an excellent substrate for the development of bacterial infections. That is, the process of inflammation becomes self-sustaining.

In order to break this vicious circle, it is necessary to constantly moisturize the nasal mucosa. In this case, the contents of the nasal passages will be actively removed from the body, simultaneously ensuring the removal of microbial bodies. And apricot oil is able to cope extremely effectively with the task of moisturizing the mucous membrane.

Before instilling the drug into the nose, it is required to clear the passages from the accumulated mucus.

To do this, it is enough to rinse them with a pipette with warm saline solution. In childhood, the dosage is 1-2 drops in each nostril, and for adults - 3-4 drops. In addition, children can not bury oil, but lubricate the inner surface of the nostrils with a cotton swab. An even more effective remedy is a mixture of apricot oil and vitamin A, which also has an oil base. It will allow, simultaneously with moisturizing, to reduce the fragility of the walls of the vessels located in the nasal cavity.

  1. Prevention of colds

Instilling apricot oil into the nose can protect its mucous membrane from drying out and hypothermia in the cold season. Namely, these factors are one of the main reasons for the development of upper respiratory tract infections.

  1. Treating a cold or flu

In its pure form, this product is not a remedy for the treatment of such diseases - it simply does not have a sufficient antiseptic effect. But on the basis of apricot oil, you can prepare nasal drops by mixing it with essential oils (eucalyptus, tea, fir, etc.). And this aromatic mixture is already becoming an excellent option for the treatment of colds.

  1. Application in pharmacology

Restrictions on use

Apricot oil is not addictive or adaptive, so it can be safely used for a long time. Its effect on the body is extremely mild, which means that it is shown even in early childhood. Of the side effects, one can name only a rare individual intolerance.

The only important limitation when using apricot nasal oil is that it should not be consumed internally.

It is necessary to ensure that the entire volume of the drug remains on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, without penetrating the pharynx.

This is due to the fact that the oil contains a compound called amygdalin. When it enters the digestive system of the body, it is metabolized to form hydrocyanic acid, which is a strong toxin.

How to choose a quality product?

The product obtained naturally will be very thick, light in color and with a nutty aroma. Its price is usually quite high, since the process of making oil is not easy and it is not produced on an industrial scale. If the cost of packaging is underestimated, there is a high probability that the bottle is not apricot oil, but almond oil.

How to store?

This should be done out of the reach of children, since, as mentioned earlier, its ingestion is strictly prohibited. In addition, the glass container must be made of dark glass and have a tight cork.

At a temperature of no more than 15 ° C and in the absence of exposure to direct sunlight, the shelf life of apricot oil is about six months.

A quivering droplet of oily liquid of a light yellow hue on the tip of a finger, a light nutty aroma with a delicate shade of apricot. With gentle movements, it is rubbed into the skin and it is filled with life-giving moisture, nourishing and protecting its beauty and health. What is this miracle cure? This oil from the seeds of the amazing southern fruit - apricot, is a real treasure of health.

The scope of its application is huge. This is cooking and medicine, soap making and cosmetology ... The list goes on. But for women, the most important aspect is self-care, so it's worth learning more about this wonderful product.

Apricot oil - how to get it

To obtain apricot oil from seeds (kernels), a rather expensive method of cold pressing is used. It is not the most practical economically, but the product is of the highest quality. The hot method is much cheaper, but it is not suitable, since the temperature of the raw material rises to 300 ° C, causing the destruction of a number of very useful substances contained in the apricot.

Another possibility of obtaining a liquid is based on solvent extraction. But it also has its drawback, as it is able to change the chemical composition of the final product.

Apricot oil - beneficial properties

To understand what useful properties apricot kernel oil has, you should read dry and uninteresting, but necessary information about the most important components of its composition.

1. The content of fatty, organic acids is important in any oil. Apricot is especially rich in oleic and linoleic acids. It is very healthy, as the composition is dominated by unsaturated fats, which contain a significant amount of vitamin E.

2. Of the micro-nutrients, it contains the most phytosterols.

3. Vitamins D, E, B, C are very necessary and valuable.

4. Useful liquid contains proteins, sugars.

5. It is a miniature periodic table, containing a whole list of minerals, including: Zn (zinc), Ca (calcium), Fe (iron), Mn (manganese), Cu (copper) and others;

6. Due to the specificity of its chemical composition, it has the ability to absorb oxygen radicals.

With such a rich composition, apricot oil has a beneficial pharmacological effect on the skin:

- tonic;

- regenerating;

- moisturizing;

- anti-aging;

- antiseptic.

Apricot oil - contraindications (and possible harm)

Well-squeezed apricot kernel oil is practically harmless. In fact, the only contraindication is individual intolerance. Before use, a small test should be performed: apply an oily drop to the bend of the elbow and rub into the skin. Thanks to its sensitivity, in this place it will be seen how the body reacts to a new substance. If redness appears, then it is better to choose another remedy for yourself, if not, you can safely apply this miracle of nature.

Another nuance concerns internal use. Apricot oil is produced in two types: for cosmetic, medicinal purposes and for cooking. For topical use (in dermatology), it is absolutely safe, with the exception of a possible allergic reaction, and oral administration is associated with a certain risk.

The nucleoli contain amygdalin. Once in the body, it is converted into a sufficiently poisonous substance, with an overdose of which it is easy to get poisoned. The development of respiratory failure and even death is quite likely.

Amygdalin should be completely excluded from the product at the manufacturing stage. This is usually the case for responsible, reliable suppliers, which is not the case for handicraft production. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase the desired product either in pharmacies or in proven specialized stores where only certified products are sold. In this case, subject to the expiration date, complete safety is guaranteed.

Apricot oil - indications and methods of application

Apricot stone oil is widely used in dermatology, the main direction is external use. The peculiarity of the product is that it is perfect for all absolutely skin types, and it is harmless for such sensitive ones as babies. If there is no individual intolerance, then it can be used even in such delicate periods of a woman's life as pregnancy and breastfeeding. Side effects from active use have not yet been identified.

Apricot oil is indicated not only for all skin types, but also for all ages. In youth - in order to prevent and maintain tone, in maturity - to combat the first and subsequent signs of age-related changes.

Main indications:

- skin imperfections - wilting, wrinkles, dryness or dehydration, hardened epidermis;

- dry dermatitis;

- cellulite;

- inflammation on the surface layer, etc.

Apricot oil is used for cosmetic procedures:

- massage;

- nutrition;

- cleaning;

- moisturizing.

The main ways to use apricot oil:

1. In order to nourish the skin of the face and neck, you must first cleanse and moisturize it. Then rub in 4-6 drops with soft, gentle movements, following the massage lines.

2. To nourish the skin of the eyelids and the area around the eyes, it is necessary to apply tiny portions of oil and rub them very gently, trying not to get on the eyelashes.

3. To moisturize and soften the surface of the body, you can apply a few drops of liquid to wet palms and spread them over the entire skin with sliding movements.

At the end of the oiling, the residues of the product must be blotted with a damp cloth made of natural fabric, for example, cotton. It is enough to perform such procedures once every 6-7 days to make the skin look healthy and radiant.

4. In order to enrich lotions, night or day creams, you can add 5-8 drops of oil per serving.

5. For self-preparation of masks for nutrition and moisturizing, add 5-10 drops of oil to 1 portion of the agent used.

Enrichment of creams and masks is also performed at the rate of 1 time per week.

Apricot kernel oil - for face

Apricot kernel oil is most effective for the skin of the face: flabby, sensitive, flaky, with rashes, with numerous fine wrinkles and "crow's feet". It is good to use it for everyday self-care, and the choice of methods is quite rich.

1. You can wipe your face every time before going to bed using a cotton pad with a couple of drops of oil.

2. Daily lotions are good for the eyelids. Apricot oil perfectly removes puffiness and strengthens the skin around the eyes, prevents the appearance of dark circles from lack of sleep, fatigue. If you are not lazy and use oily liquid regularly, then such procedures can reduce the risk of expression lines and fine lines around the eyes.

3. Any creams, ointments or lotions for face care can be enriched by adding literally 2-3 drops of the product to a serving before use.

5. An excellent face mask can be made from 1 chicken yolk by thoroughly rubbing it with a teaspoon of oil. However, it can be added to any care product, the effect will be great.

6. To perform facial massage use a couple of drops of liquid in pure form or as a component of an oil cocktail with jojoba, avocado, etc.

With a certain degree of caution, the oil should be used by people who have a predisposition to acne, as the product can clog pores a little. This can cause the appearance of acne, blackheads.

Apricot kernel oil - for hair

With proper use of oil from apricot kernels, even elite shampoos with balms cannot be compared with it in terms of effectiveness. The most unsightly looking strands will come to life after a course of procedures. Yes, shiny, luxurious hair without the slightest sign of grease - this effect can be achieved with regular use of oil for masks. By the way, in the summer it is also irreplaceable - it perfectly protects the strands from the negative effects of excessive ultraviolet radiation and retains moisture in the hairs due to the thinnest film formed on them when a slightly viscous liquid is applied.

How to Treat Hair with Apricot Oil? This can be done in several ways.

1. The easiest way is to saturate your shampoo at the rate of 15-20 drops per 100 ml - you get an effective balm for a flowing waterfall of shiny strands. It is good to apply such a remedy on damaged hair for about 1 hour, only then rinse with warm water.

2. A small amount of oil can be heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven. In a hot state, it must be rubbed into the roots of the hair, wrap the head with a film and cover with a towel. The procedure takes from half an hour to an hour (depending on the condition of the hair and its volume). Then gently rinse everything off with shampoo and warm water. This method of hot processing allows you to provide the hair with full nutrition, especially vitamin E. Due to this, an optimal rate of growth is achieved.

3. If dandruff appears, then a useful mix of apricot oil and rosemary oil, tea tree, rubbed into the scalp will help get rid of it.

4. To make hair thicker, you can mix 1 teaspoon of oil in equal proportion with honey and cognac. Then grind the composition with egg yolk and apply along the entire length of the curls, while massaging their roots for 3-5 minutes. Roll the oiled hair in a towel for 2 hours, then rinse off the product. Just a couple of applications and the result will be clearly visible.

5. If the hair grows annoyingly slowly, then it is worth making such a mask: add 2 teaspoons of sour cream (heavy cream), 2 tablespoons of apricot oil to 3 chicken yolks. Grind the whole mixture until smooth with the addition of a pinch of hot pepper.

A woman who is used to taking care of herself and does it with pleasure will always find a place for natural cosmetics among cosmetics, and wonderful apricot oil has every right to be among them.