Detailed overview of all cosmetics intended for newborns from Mustela. Cream-emulsion "Mustela Stelutopia": reviews

Currently a lot of means in the form of cream in dermatological diseases. So the company Expanscience, developed cream flying from atopic dermatitis. It is worth noting that the French company has released a whole product line for children.

For example:

  1. Oil substance. It is designed for baths.
  2. Emulsion cream, which is intended for outdoor use.
  3. Mustela in the form of a cream, which helps to cope with the signs of dermatitis.

It should be noted that the drug mush can be used as treatment from early age.

Properties and composition of the drug

All drugs that produce a French firm on an oil basis. Therefore, you can use the drug for both dry and sensitive skin.

According to the results of the study, it was found out if the cream during diathesis, an inflammatory process on the skin, after a while, all these signs disappear. In addition, the cream can be applied to ulcers, as well as on a pus-rash.

Musmale for children with atopic dermatitis helps to soften, calm the skin. In addition, thanks to the ACTIV Lipid-Replenishing Process®, the drug has both a disinfecting spectrum of action, therefore prevents the penetration of secondary infection.

The equipment includes the plant of the plantain. It is this component that helps to stimulate the synthesis of lipids of the epidermis.

It is worth noting, steplatopia flights from the atopic is used as a wash.

  1. Castor oil.
  2. Glycine.
  3. Glycerol.

Such natural substances help moisten the damaged skin, rather quickly remove the depths, and also for a meek period of time restores the lipid layer.

Please note the cream of flying stelctopia does not have a variety of harmful dyes, as well as soap and fragrances. Therefore, the drug is completely safe to use.

If you use an emulsion tool, and it includes additional components.


  1. Glycerol.
  2. Extract of natural plum bones.
  3. Natural vaseline.
  4. Candelil wax.

This medicinal preparation on a natural basis also helps to reassure the epidermis, well strengthens the hydrolynid film of the epidermis.

Some parents prefer to use bath oil. In contrast to other dosage forms, this tool has an enhanced composition.

  1. Sunflower seeds, it is the oil.
  2. Natural Roman Drug Chamomile (extract).
  3. Almond oil.

Also, there are additional substances that enhance the range of the preparation:

  1. Paraffin, but only liquid.
  2. Lecithin.
  3. Vitamins from the group E.

Such a unique composition relieves pouring from damaged skin, nourishes well, and also creates a protective film.

Indications for the use of muses

It is this drug that is prescribed with many dermatological diseases in childhood. For example, it helps well with atopic dermatitis at an early age. The tool removes signs of the inflammatory process, helps to eliminate peeling, as well as prevent penetration of secondary infection. The tool can be used not only for diseases. Often, doctors prescribe a cream flying at a very dry skin in newborns, with a tendency to allergic reactions, as well as in complex treatment during allergic dermatitis.

Contraindications and side effects of a cream of mushroom with atopic dermatitis

Currently, no side effects were detected, after use.

But, we can assume the occurrence of an allergic reaction to one or more components from the preparation.

It is also noted from contraindications, it is impossible to use any type of drug in hypersensitivity to its main composition.

If you do not know if your child has allergies to natural elements from the composition, do not independently use the means as treatment. First you need to consult a doctor to avoid serious complications of atopic dermatitis in a child.

Instructions for using muses with atopic dermatitis

With such a dermatological disease, a drug can be used several types of drugs. When defeating facial often, the doctor is recommended to use stelctopia flying in the treatment. This means you need to use daily.

When used in the form of an emulsion, it is recommended to apply the cream 2 times a day. Please note that the means is applied only for the washed, dry skin. Apply a thin layer, after which the neat, massage movements rub into the affected areas of the skin.

IMPORTANT! In no case do not apply any kind of medicine on mocking eczema on the skin. It can provoke an increase in the symptoms of the disease, and bring more discomfort to the child.

We have already said that parents prefer to use millet oil. In the bath you need to pour 2-3 caps, after which everything is well mixed. Be careful at the moment of swimming a child, try to make water with butter in the eye area.

With severe dermatitis, after such a bath you can additionally apply an emulsion on the affected areas. Such comprehensive treatment will help to quickly cope with the dermatological disease.

But it is necessary to understand that one such means, you will not be able to defeat adults. Therefore, it is necessary to use such natural agents in complex treatment. Only so you can cope with the ailment.

Video cream mush from atopic dermatitis

Wastela Stelutopia - cosmetics, specially designed to care for dry, prone to the atopy of the skin of children.

Release form and composition

Cosmetic medal series Stelutopia is released in the form:

  • Emulsion cream. The composition includes: water, petrolatum, glycerin, cyclopentaxiloxane, vegetable hydrogenated oil, glucose, capricious triglyceride, Dystearate sucrose, dimethicone, sunflower oil, dextrin, plum fruit extract, 1,2-hexanediol, Candelil wax, citric acid, glyceril pearlylate , squalene, ceramide 3, sucrose stearate, xanthan gum, sorbitol, phytosfingosine. In 200 ml tubes;
  • Washing cream Stelutopia. The composition includes: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt, water, glycine, cetearyl alcohol, kokoglyukozid, gidroksipropilproizvodnoe guar acid, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, sodium cocoyl isethionate, castor hydrogenated oil, corn starch, citric acid, sodium chloride, polikvaternin-10, glycerin, sodium gidroksimetilglitsinat, Titanium dioxide, unlimited sunflower oil fractions, sodium hydroxide. In plastic bottles of 200 ml with a dispenser;
  • Bath oil. The composition includes: ethylhexyl Kokoat, ethyl cyclohexyl propionate, sunflower oil, Roman chamomile extract, almond and mineral oil, propylene glycol Dipleagonat, PEG-6 Izostearate, lack of fats Sunflower oil, laurete-2, lecithin, tocopherol, ascorbil palmitate, palm glyceride citrate Oil. In plastic bottles of 200 ml.

Indications for use

The cosmetic means of flying steplatopia, according to the instructions, are prescribed to care for dry, prone to skin atopy. They contribute:

  • Restoration of the protective function of the skin;
  • Reduce the severity of itching, discomfort and irritation;
  • Restoration of the natural balance of skin flora;
  • Soft cleansing and mitigating the skin.


The use of steplatopia muses is contraindicated with hypersensitivity to components that are part of the components.

Do not use cream and butter when weak dermatitis without consultation with your doctor.

Method of application and dosage

Means of flying stelctopia, according to the instructions, are suitable for daily care.

Cream emulsion should be applied twice a day to dried clean skin, paying special attention to the most dry plots. To improve the penetration of active ingredients, it is applied with soft massaging movements.

Cream for washing (1 portion - 2-3 Pulling pumps) Apply with light movements on the body of the child, after which it is washed.

Bathroom oil (1 portion - 2-3 lids) poured into a bath for swimming and shackled for uniform distribution in water. After use, the means to rinse the skin of the child with clean water is not needed.

Side effects

As a rule, the use of steplatopia muses to the development of side effects does not lead.

special instructions

In the event of atypical symptoms, it is necessary to cancel the use of a cosmetic agent and seek advice to a dermatologist.


The counterparts of steplatopias on the mechanism of action are cosmetics designed to care for dry, prone to the atopy of the skin of children.

Terms and conditions of storage

Cosmetic means Mustela Stelutopia are released without appointing a doctor. Shelf life - 36 months when stored at room temperature.

Each young mother faces a variety of problems when the newborn appears. Such a problem is the emergence of seborrheic crusts on the head of the baby.

From this disease, the manufacturer Mustela introduced a special cream Stelaker. The formula was developed and tested by dermatologists and pediatricians for safety and minimizing the risk of an allergic reaction.

Whether he can cope with the problem of seborrhea Consider below.

general information

Mustela Stelaker - cream for outdoor use. Created to eliminate seborrheic crusts, as well as for the skin, prone to allergies and dermatitis. Thanks to the natural composition and soft kerato-regulating components, suitable for newborns.

Seborrheic crusts are scales covering the hair of the head. Have a yellow, whitish or grayish color. There are practically every child aged from 1 to 3 months. Due to the immaturity of the work of the sebaceous glands, the ability to combat infections is lost, Malassezia Furfur fungus will affect.

Form release

The tool is available only in a tube with a volume of 40 ml.


The cream is located inside a soft tube with a rejected lid. For moderate distribution, the tip of the tube is narrow, has an elongated form. The contents of white color, low-fat texture, does not smell. Easily applied, quickly absorbed.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance based on Butyl-avocado acts on the causes of the appearance and clinical symptoms. Ointment in a short time is able to remove seborrheic crusts from the child's head. He exfoliates the burdown cells of the epidermis, deeply moisturizes and soothes the tender covers.

Normalizes seminal sebum. Aloe Vera and cucumber oil eliminate itching and irritation. Cleansing ingredients help limit the spread of microorganisms and reduce the risk of re-infection, attaching bactericidal infections and fungus.

Does not contain fragrances, dyes and parabens, phthalate, chlorophesin, phenoxyethanol.


An indication for use serves seborrheic dermatitis and other problems associated with the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands on the hair part of the head, face, neck, behind the ears.


Instructions for use

Massaging movements to the complete absorption means of therapeutic action, better
immediately in front of the night bed, on the affected areas of the skin. Leave for all night or 2-6 hours. Then follows with neat movements combing the hair soft comb with natural bristles. Next, wash off hypoallergenic shampoo by age. The manufacturer recommends using for this foam-shampoo for newborns Mustela Bébé.

Similarly, you can use on the surface of the face. The cream is suitable even for the most sensitive zones, does not irritate the eyes. Once a day, apply with light massage movements, after some time wash off the cleaning agent for the face.

If necessary, repeat the procedure after 15 days. It is possible to use 1-2 times a week in preventive purposes.

Thanks to the designed light texture, the STELAKER quickly absorbs, not leaving stickiness and unpleasant sensations, not dirty bedding and clothing.

With the following situations, it is necessary to appeal to a specialist:

  • lack of improvements over a two-week regular care;
  • the appearance of rough spots on any parts of the body;
  • inflammation on the affected area.


Even with prolonged use of the drug, an overdose does not occur. The components act only on the upper layer of the epidermis, not penetrating the blood.

Adverse reactions

Despite the fact that the cream is designed with minimizing risks, in very rare cases, individual intolerance is possible.

Application during pregnancy, lactation, children

Drug interaction

All products of Mustela have no prohibitions for sharing with other medicines.

How parents speak about this preparation

Reviews of people who treated their children with this cream:

At 4 months, the daughter appeared terrible crusts on their heads and eyebrows. We turned to the doctor, it turned out to be seborrheic dermatitis. Immediately bought a fly in a pharmacy, very ugly looked. After two applications, there is no trace.

Olesya, 25 years old

I know that up to the year these crusts usually pass, but my son has very short hair, and because of the crust it seemed that he was red. I did not like it. That is why bought Mustela Stelaker in the pharmacy, did not even stop the high price. But I was saddened when I was not removed after the first time of use. Later we tried again, and again the result was practically not. But I did not cease to smear, because in the reviews I read, it was written that this is a great remedy for Seboriy. And here 4 times the crusts almost left. I hope after five applications there will no longer be a red boy in the black-haired family.

Anastasia, 30 years

Our child has a crust for 3 months after birth. The wife began to immediately smear his head with some oil and keep the child in the header. Baby, and I didn't like such bullying, and then I began to search for other means from getting rid of seborrheic crusts. And found Mustela Stelaker, of course, the price, of course, was rather big, but almost everything wrote about it only good. Therefore, we purchased it and smeared only once. More we do not need it. The only thing that would be good to reduce the volume and cost.

Dmitry, 35 years old

Very expensive drug, much more efficiently any oil, you can not even boiled, apply under the cap, after a few hours, washed and tear off your crusts with nails.

Instructions for use:

Wastela Stelutopia - a series of treatments for dry skin in children.

Description Series

Therapeutic and cosmetics of Mustela Stelutopia are represented by the French laboratory of Expanscience.

Under the Mustela brand, funds are produced for special care for the skin of pregnant women and children, behind the skin of children from their very birth.

The stelatopia series includes children's wash cream, cream emulsion and bath oil.

The series is considered special, because The means included in its composition are designed to care for excessively dry children's skin, prone to the appearance of atopic dermatitis (children's eczema) - an allergic skin disease. The main current component of all means of the series - sunflower oil, recycled in a special way (oil formula is patented by the ExpanScience laboratory).

The cream of flying Stelutopia for washes contains additionally castor oil, glycerin, glycine, it cleans the skin, softens and eliminates its depth, restores the natural lipid layer. Parabens, soap, faddles and dyes The means for washing does not contain.

The cream emulsion contains additionally glycerin, vaseline, plum seed extract, Candelle wax. The cream emulsion helps to retain moisture in the skin, quickly softens it, nourishes and strengthens the hydrolyphic film of the skin.

Mustula bath oil - remedy remedy, sunflower seed oil contains more than in a wash cream and emulsion cream. Additional active oil substances: Roman camomile extract, almond oil, liquid paraffin, lecithin, vitamin E. Bath oil cleans baby skin, feeds it, creates a protective film, quickly removes irritation and inflammation.

Indications for the use of stelctopia

A cream of flying Stelutopia for washes is designed for daily washing and washing of children (incl. Newborns), which have congenital dry dryness and a tendency to allergic reactions.

The cream emulsion is also used with increased dry skin in children. The tool can be included in the complex treatment of allergic dermatitis in newborns and older children.

Bath oil is also effective for treating dermatitis. Judging by the reviews of the steplatopia fly, a good result is observed if used oil in a complex with an emulsion cream.

Method of use of oil and creams Wastela Stelutopia

Washing cream Stelutopia is used daily when the baby batches in the bath or under the shower.

Cream-emulsion 2 times a day is applied to the washed, dry skin of the child, slightly rubbing it to absorb better. A little more means it is recommended to apply to the sections where the skin is particularly dry. It is impossible to apply cream to the skin sites on which the waving eczema is detected.

Mustel oil is added to the bath, in which the child is going to bathe - two or three caps, and mix well. After that, the child bathe, take out from the bath, but they do not wipe, but just wrapped in a towel to remove excess moisture. If an integrated and enhanced effect on dry skin is assumed, you can apply after bathing cream emulsion. Wash off the water oil from the skin is not needed.

Side effects

There are no negative reviews about stelutopia flying, indicating that any means from the series caused side effects. Presumably, an allergic reaction to some component of care products can develop.

Stop using Washing Mustopian tools if the condition of the child's skin is worsens noticeably.


There is no age limit on the use of funds from a series of flying stelctopia. The only contraindication is the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of creams or baths for the bath.

Atopic dermatitis in kids is a problem with which almost 90% of young parents faces. In most children, this disease occurs in a light form, but sometimes very serious skin lesions appear. One of the options for treating and skin care is mushroom products. We'll figure it out how to properly apply a cream flyer with atopic dermatitis.

Many kids have skin diseases. Parents should not ignore the first signs of manifestation of atopic dermatitis. It is necessary to consult a doctor and together with a specialist need to be actively and systematically struggling with the disease. We will figure it out how to properly apply in the treatment of this disease cream mushroom.

A little about the disease

Maybe according to a variety of reasons. The most common of them is hereditary predisposition to allergies. In addition, external factors can provoke the attack.

Tip! The probability of transferring a tendency to allergies from one parent to the child is 40%. If both parents are sick, then the child has a disease in 80% of cases.

The first manifestations of the disease can manifest itself from the kid from the first months of life. As a rule, the reaction is noted if the nursing mother violates the hypoallergenic diet. If a child is on artificial feeding, he needs to make a special caution to feed a mixture for feeding and entering the adhesion. The following situations can provoke the appearance of skin reactions:

  • translation of the baby with breastfeeding on artificial;
  • ringing a child;
  • incorrect administration of dust.

In addition, the following pathologies may be caused by the development of skin disease:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • any violations of digestive organs.


The main sign of the disease is:

  • redness of the skin;
  • the appearance of mocking;
  • formation of crusts;
  • the rash can form on the face, neck, as well as on the skin of the limbs and buttocks.

Tip! The inflammatory response on the skin is accompanied by a strong itch, the child can comb skin, and this will lead to secondary infection and suppuration.

Description of the drug

Under the brand "Mustela" there is a complex of drugs that can be used to care for the kid's skin under the skin diseases.

Tip! It is possible to use drugs from a series of flyers not only to treat the skin of the baby, which has already diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, but in the event that the child falls into the risk group for the development of this disease.

Tip! The series has not only skin care creams, but also means for bathing and intimate children's hygiene.

Applying funds can be used to care for the skin of children of different ages. It is suitable for newborn babies, and for older guys. It is possible to use these funds itself, it is especially recommended to use them during pregnancy and subsequent feeding.

What makes it?

The means from the mustula ruler are produced in several species, therefore the composition of the drugs of different forms differs. However, there are general features. So, in the means there are no synthetic ingredients that are in other cosmetics of factory production. The main component of the drugs is oil, pressed from the sunflower seed nuclei, which has passed special processing.

Tip! The technology of processing the main ingredient is maintained by the manufacturer in secrecy, it is patented as an invention.

In addition, the following components are contained as part of the funds:

  • purified petroleum;
  • paraffin in liquid form;
  • castor oil;
  • herbal wax;
  • hood, obtained from bias of bones of prunes;
  • extract from pharmacy chamomile;
  • glycerol.


When applying mushroom cream, you can expect the following results:

  • allows you to hold moisture in cells and intercellular space;
  • softens;
  • provides additional nutrition;
  • cleans;
  • eliminates signs of irritation.


The following means are presented in a series of flyers for kids:

  • Cream emulsion. Restores the natural protective function of the skin, creates a hydro-lipid barrier, softens, prevents the development of infections.
  • Butter. This tool is added to the water for swimming. Eliminates excessive dry skin, relieves symptoms of irritation.
  • Balm. The tool contributes to the rapid regeneration of cells, moisturizes, eliminates signs of irritation.
  • Bathing cream. This tool is used instead of ordinary soap and gel. It does not tighten the skin, effectively moisturizes, prevents the appearance of cracks and irritation.


We will understand what the rules for the use of cream cream from dermatitis, as well as other drugs from this series. The prophylactic purpose is recommended to use the emulsion:

  • mode of use of the means - twice a day;
  • impose them to be required on peeled and drained skin;
  • cream is applied with a thin layer, slightly rubbed. It is well absorbed;
  • you can apply the tool for all skin, but special attention needs to be given to places where there are signs of irritation.

Tip! The use of the emulsion cream is prohibited if the skin has mocking sites or open wounds.

Fight with dryness will help the drug in the form of a bathing cream. Apply to the tool:

  • palm is wetted with water so that they are slightly wet;
  • they pour a little cream to the palm, it is rubbing it between the palms and the body of the baby is launched;

  • it is impossible to use a sponge;
  • having finished the procedure, rinse the body with clean water, and then shine the skin with a soft towel.

Balsam apply twice a day. Apply it on clean and dry skin. We use with delicate movements, slightly massaging the skin. Washing cream is applied to the skin, and after a few minutes we wash off with water. In no case, do not rub the irritated towel skin. It is necessary to gently flush irritated areas. This tool is used daily in the morning for washing.

Bathing oil is added to the bath. For this, the bath is filled with water, two caps are poured there and whipped with hand water. At the same time, foam is formed on the surface of the water. Bat with a child in this water, without applying any additional means (gels, soap, etc.).

It is not necessary to rinse with clean water, the baby's body is not required, just boil the baby in a fluffy towel. After the skin is completely dry, it will be possible to apply a cream emulsion.


During the research and when applied in practice, no negative side effects were noted. There are no contraindications, except in cases of individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug. However, cases of intolerance are very rare.

If nevertheless, after applying the means from the mush line on the skin of the child, signs of irritation appeared (redness, rash), then you need to immediately stop using it. In this case, you need to refer to the pediatrician so that the specialist recommends another version of skin care products that will not cause a negative reaction.

So, drugs from a series of flyer for children with atopic dermatitis are used as part of complex therapy. To get rid of the disease, it is necessary to comply with the diet, as well as perform other instructions of the pediatrician. Tools for skin from a series of flyers are perfectly moisturized, nourished, remove signs of irritation.