Marriages of different nationalities. "Ethnically mixed married couples in modern Russia: a sociological analysis

Is it possible to disobey parents on the issue of marriage, that is, to marry or marry a person whose candidacy does not suit the parents? Since I live in the Caucasus, this problem is relevant due to national and class prejudices.

It's hard to say for sure. Each situation is different. I would not ignore the opinion of my parents, especially at your age. When making a decision, you should weigh all the pros and cons before God, society and your predictable future. Feelings and emotions should not blind and outweigh everything.

Relatives of a young man, a Muslim, insist that he marry a girl of his nationality, and his beloved does not fit this criterion, although she is a Muslim. What should he do? To marry without love at the will of relatives or to follow the dictates of the heart? Ruslan.

Relatives will never wish bad things, much less parents. Your question requires a purely individual approach.

You should never rely completely on the command of your heart in the matter of starting a family, this will sooner or later fade into the background before deep feelings for your parents, close people who raised you. Or, suppose, tomorrow you may like another girl, will you run after her, "following the dictates of your heart"? Of course not. After all, you will understand that you already have a family, there is a great responsibility before the Almighty for the peace and well-being of your home.

Together with your mother or father (depending on who is closer to you in discussing this kind of issues, who is more sensitive and fully able to understand you), or maybe both at once, sit quietly on the next quiet evening with a cup of tea and in detail talk about this vital topic. Perhaps they are overly limited in looking at this issue, but it is very likely that now your feelings are drowning out the arguments of common reason and worldly prudence. After all, you must take into account that, as a representative of a certain people, you need to preserve national customs, traditions and language within your family. The spirit of religious practice and righteousness must also be preserved and developed. Mutual understanding, a favorable atmosphere for the upbringing of a new generation and much more - all this must be taken into account.

For example, I am more of a supporter of the community of future husband and wife in religion, as well as in the issue of nationality. Since this contributes, as it seems to me, additional relief to an already difficult life. I agree that there is an exception to any rule, which is also true and appropriate. This is exactly what you need to decide with your parents in calm communication over a cup of tea.

My mom is totally against my fiance's nation. She doesn't even want to hear anything when I explain to her that it is wrong to accuse the whole people of something. There are good and bad people in every nation. So, is it possible for us, without asking her permission, to make nicknames, and then announce it to everyone? I don’t want to upset my mom, but I don’t want to lose this person either. How are we to be? Amina.

It is difficult to say something unequivocally. What is the attitude towards your choice of your father or close male relatives? If you are under twenty years old, then the opinion of your parents is decisive for you. If you are over twenty (and even more so - twenty-five), then find weighty arguments in favor of your groom. Arguments proving the need for this marriage (for example, brought up, does not drink, does not smoke, does not walk, is able to provide for a family, etc.). After all, it is not so easy to find a normal groom without bad habits today. Do not be categorical, try to observe the utmost tact and diplomacy. I hope you know the groom's parents? Let them see your parents. Communication and acquaintance of your relatives and friends with the groom plays a very important role in the subsequent family well-being.

I met a girl, we have a good relationship with her. We want to connect our destinies. Her parents are not against this union, but my parents (especially my mother) are totally against it. The whole problem is that the girl is not of my nationality (I am a Turkmen, she is half Kazakh, half Tatar).

Dear imam, what would you advise on what decision should be made - to marry or to abandon this union? I understand that you have to obey your parents, even the words "ugh!" you can't speak. Dowd.

If she is a good person, suitable in character and outlook, then convince your mother of the correct choice. Mothers are usually very critical of their daughters-in-law, and therefore some young people do not get married until they are 30 years old, and some even up to 40. Take this into account.

I am Russian, my young man is Tatar. He professes Islam. I also converted to Islam. We have been dating for almost three years, but his parents do not agree to our marriage in the registry office and in the mosque. We only agree that we rent an apartment and live outside the secular and religious law. We don't want that. Tell me, can we hold a nikah (marriage) without the consent of his parents or will it be wrong? My parents want us to be happy and have nothing against it. I have been going to madrasah for almost a year, but for some reason I am ashamed to ask our revered Hazrat about this. Vera, 22 years old.

If he is already an independent person, then you can become a full-fledged family without the consent of his parents, especially since you have been dating for three years. It's time to become a normal husband and wife with appropriate functions and responsibilities.

I married a Pakistani. We studied together at the institute. Then I was not yet a Muslim. He did not get the consent of his parents, but he was very insistent on the wedding. We read nikah, a year later I converted to Islam. After that, I realized how important parental consent is, and I got very worried. He always said that everything will be fine and they will accept us. A year later, we registered the marriage at the registry office.

Then a year later he left, I finished my studies and went to him. I met his mother, sister. My father was not there at that time. My husband did not introduce me to my elder brother (he was afraid). I stayed there for three months and my husband sent me home. He said that we still have to wait until they agree. Now we have a son, he is two years old. The husband never saw him. He promised to come, but everything did not work out, there were important reasons.

I think he just could not go against his parents. They know we have a child, but they don't give a damn. The husband does not provide for us, although he says that he loves and we will definitely be together. I have been thinking about divorce for a long time. Recently, a friend of his went to Pakistan, and my husband assured him that he would come very soon and that I would not divorce him. But the friend himself does not believe him. Tell me what should I do? Forget, delete from life and divorce? Or persuade, wait, endure, give more time? I don’t demand to leave my parents. I always told him: take care as you see fit. Hope.

Ask your heart, your mind, not your emotions. I think this will help. Still, I advise you to initiate a divorce through the registry office and seriously think about arranging a normal family life.

I have a situation from which I see no way out. I have been friends with my girlfriend for a year and a half. During this time, we fell in love with each other very much and would like to be together all our lives. My girlfriend is also Muslim, but of a different nationality. The whole problem is my parents' insistence that my wife be of our nationality. I cannot go against my parents, but I cannot part with my beloved either. I want to emphasize that I am not driven by an impulse of feelings, but by reason. Perhaps you will say that the parent position is more important, but is there any way out of this situation?

Find the right moment and introduce her to your parents. Gradually convincing them and, if a blessing follows, without shelving, marry your beloved.

Set a goal for yourself. Go to her tirelessly and measuredly, and you will reach her if you are patient, polite and diplomatic.

I am a Russian Muslim. Timur is a person whom I love very much - a Tatar. We meet for four months without doing anything forbidden. We talk about a future life, about a family, about children. But the fact is that his parents and all relatives are very much concerned about the issue of nationality. Yesterday I met his dad. He said that he liked me very much, but still ... I am not a Tatar. Unfortunately, there are no examples of successful mixed marriages. Timur introduces me to the Tatar culture, and I myself am glad to study, strive to preserve the spirit of religiosity and Tatar culture in the family, this is also important for me, because I want to be a part of the whole. But! Timur's dad asked him to give up his love for me, endure the pain and forget ... But I can't do that. Together with Timur, we are constantly developing spiritually together. And the answer is no! I know how important the opinion of parents is, and my boyfriend will never go against their will. And, naturally, I also do not want to separate the family, I have only good intentions. Oksana, 23 years old.

Leave it as it is. Don't rush things. Time will tell and put everything in its place. Perhaps the peak state of feelings will pass, and you can look at what is happening more objectively and from a perspective. Timur will be able to convince his parents if you are really kindred spirits.

I intended to marry a girl, but her parents are against it only because I am of a different nationality. I would really like to see this girl as my wife. I feel that she is my destiny. What to do? Is it possible to marry without their consent? This girl is religious, she dresses appropriately for a Muslim woman, but her parents prevent her from doing so. If we got married, she would be able to freely observe religious requirements.

How do your parents feel about this intention?

I believe that very often we ourselves create problems for ourselves, especially when we diligently follow our desires, without trying to think over, weigh everything, analyze the expected consequences.

I think that if you, your friend and her parents are reasonable enough people, then there is no difficulty in finding a way out of this situation together. And of course, don't lose your sense of manhood. Not pride, but dignity.

I am Russian, but my mother says that there were Muslims in our family, and the faith was passed on to me by blood. I teach prayers, perform namaz, pay zakat. My question is: I want to marry a faithful so that she can perform prayers, be covered and live according to the laws of God. But, unfortunately, we have no Muslim acquaintances. I tried to get acquainted, but they turn away from me, because I am Russian. Can you advise how I should be? How to find a wife? I cannot choose among the unbelievers. Ahmed.

The most suitable bride for you will be a Russian Muslim. There are even more such religiously practicing girls than boys. I think it will not be difficult for you to find it. The main thing is desire, with the hope of the grace of the Almighty, and a certain amount of effort in this direction.

He is a Muslim and I was a Christian. We got married, as it should be according to Islam. We started having problems due to the fact that a woman should completely submit to a man, but I don't think that this is right, I was brought up differently. Also, for example: my husband is a very hospitable person, but I, on the contrary, like to be alone. My husband is Chechen by nationality, and they are not supposed to help a woman with the housework. It's hard for me, I have a small child, I have to look after him, and my husband has guests all the time and I have to keep up with everything. I stopped praying. She became very irritable, nervous, often hysterical. I tried to explain to my husband that I need time to come to Islam and that I need help, but he wants everything at once. Now we want to get divorced. Please advise what to do? Anastasia, 23 years old.

Better to make up and not take on more than you can bear. Find a common language in a kind way.

“Living together is a clash of two micro-cultures. The couple is called upon to create a common culture, and irritation arises when the other manifests its own characteristics ... From the moment the movement towards each other slows down or stops, the damage from bouts of irritation becomes greater. "

The situation is such that I am a Georgian, a Christian, my young man is a Chechen, a Muslim. The only reason he cannot marry me (even when I accept Islam) is that it is not accepted in his family. He can only marry a Chechen woman. How to be? Tamara, 24 years old.

If he is convinced that a marriage between you cannot be concluded, then it is necessary to break off all relations with him and worry about your marriage. Don't comfort yourself with good relationships if they don't have a family perspective. Try to forget about him forever.

Do not be frivolous, after all, you are someone's future wife and mother. If your friend insists on continuing the relationship, saying that "maybe it will work out," then immediately get to know his parents, relatives, and your eyes will open to the true state of affairs. What can be done today should not be left for tomorrow.

My brother married a Russian girl who converted to Islam, but immediately after her marriage, she stopped observing minimal religious practice and resumed her old way of life. We tried to convince him to divorce, but he did not dare. Now he says that she repented, and therefore he will continue to live with her. How are we to be? Said.

He must do what he thinks is more correct. It is difficult for an outsider who does not know all the nuances to advise something.

How to be two adherents of the Sunnah, if they want to get married, firmly determined in their mutual choice. But the girl's father forbids her to marry a guy due to the fact that he is a representative of another people and a different locality, although they are all Caucasians. Can a girl choose her own guardian (besides her father) from among the righteous Muslims so that he will pass her off as what she wants? Her father, considering himself a Muslim, does not perform namaz and can forcibly give her in marriage to another. After all, he is at least a fasik (sinner)? Muslim.

The prospective groom needs to find a common language with her father, treating him not as a fasik (sinner), but as someone who raised, raised, took care of, took care of his daughter, the future bride, for many years. So, he, worried about her all these years, wants to give her in safe hands. Prove to him your reliability, good manners, eliminating the issue of religiosity, in which you are still green, not fully ripe. A person's maturity, by the way, is determined by his serious life successes and achievements.

It is necessary to communicate with him as with an elder, and not as with a peer of the same age, and convince him of his diligence and decency. And give him, for example, an expensive gift to win over. Ask your friend what kind of car her father dreamed of, and present it to him as a respectable generous Muslim.

Shamil, in all your answers you write that you need to marry a person of your own nationality, sometimes you get the opinion that this is the main criterion! And not at all the degree of a person's faith and not the feelings of people. It seems to me that this is wrong. Amir.

The realities are such that often even people of the same nationality cannot get along together and come to family harmony and understanding what to say about different ... The degree of faith, piety can be one, but the mentality is different, and this will play an important role in life together.

But I will note that when the chosen one has positive human qualities, the distinctive features of the mentality inherent in his people will not interfere with the creative well-being of family life. In another case, if bad character traits are found in the chosen one, then the indicator of his nationality is turned on (although these traits may be inherent only in him, and not in his people), and it all comes down to the fact that the cause of all quarrels and quarrels is nationality. Often because of this, interethnic families break up.

In an interethnic "union", both (husband and wife) must meet each other halfway and develop that common culture that brings them together. “One's” is thus partly lost in this.

It's up to you how to proceed. You just need to analyze all the pros and cons, do everything possible and rely on the Creator's mercy, especially in that which is beyond our strength.

I live with a man from Egypt, we have been together for ten months. I converted to Islam almost a year ago. Before that, my life was not very good, and I had men before him, but I repented of my sins and fell in love with this man with all my heart! He is afraid to marry me because of my past, although he loves and wants to be with me. His parents may also be against me. Well, he just told me that if we get married and then suddenly meet the person with whom I was ... how will he feel? I imagine it’s very bad! Lord, I don't know what to do. I'll just die without him! Zulfiya, 20 years old.

Believe me, there are a lot of such "words of love" hangers-on. Reasoning about “how he will feel when he meets the person you were with”, that “your parents will be against it,” is a veiled denial and not planning something serious with you for the future. Those men who approach marriage with all responsibility and understanding “think” quite differently. Be realistic about life. You are young, and all the good and the best are yet to come. Do not waste your precious time, beauty and energy on someone who has been using you for ten months, shamelessly committing adultery and not wanting to take responsibility for your future. Adultery gradually burns out all that is sacred in a person, his morality and ethics, and if they remain, then only in the language.

Take the future into your own hands and, without fear (you are a believer), step forward to your happiness, including your family happiness!

I am a Christian, but after the death of my mother, I lost faith in God and in everything that surrounds me. At that time, my boyfriend was nearby, he is a Muslim Arab. With his help, I again believed in the existence of the Supreme. And I think that I am ready to accept Islam, I read, study the Arabic language. But it so happened that he had to fly to another country, and I was left alone. When he flew away, he swore to God that he would do everything so that we could be together and get married. I've been waiting for him for ten months. I do everything that he says, but when he doesn't like something, he wants to part with me and this offends me very much. And he never asks for forgiveness. He doesn’t help me financially either, he promises something, but then he doesn’t do it, he finds some excuse.

I can't find a place for myself, I am very worried and nervous, my health is already below average. I forgive him everything, because I am afraid to lose. After all, God gave love, and we have to keep it, right? How can you kill love and renounce love?

Among my acquaintances, and they are all Christians, I cannot find support, because they give advice: either to leave, or to lie to him, living my own life, to pretend that I am waiting. But how can you part at a distance without waiting? Galina.

Do not be afraid to lose, then you will easily find the best. If Muslim values ​​are dear to you, then take them into service in the context of your life and move on. Feelings are transient, and creating a strong family is much more, bright, high.

I am a Muscovite, Russian, converted to Islam three years ago. My father died when I was two years old, only my mother remained. I am the only child in the family. She married a man not from Russia, he is from India (Muslim), but lives in Saudi Arabia. Now I'm here too. There are no claims to her husband, he is observant and God-fearing. But! My mother was left all alone in Moscow. Every day I am tormented by the thought that I left her alone and that all the responsibility lies with me. It's hard for her alone, how to work to earn a living, and live alone. She has no one to help but me. Mom will not move from Moscow anywhere. For a long time now I have been thinking about going back to my mother and being with her. The husband replies to offers to move to Moscow that he is not ready for this. Let me go to live with my mother. Therefore, I decided to go back and support my mother, as it is my duty.

I do not maintain relations with my husband's relatives, they have a completely different mentality from mine, I am not comfortable with them, we have zero mutual understanding. I have no idea how to live in their environment, alien and unusual. Because of this, I don't want to have children. These thoughts, they say, still nothing will work out because of different mentality, push me to leave. Am I doing the right thing?

If we weigh all the pros and cons, I think you are right in your choice, you are doing the right thing.

From an interview with an employee of the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris J.-C. Kaufman // Psychologies, April 2008, No. 26, pp. 94–98.

More and more Russian women are marrying foreigners. Men also marry representatives of other ethnic groups, but this happens less often. Consider why international, interracial marriages are so attractive for people, their advantages and disadvantages. We will tell you how the law regulates the procedure for formalizing such relationships, the rights of parents and children in these unions.

During the Soviet era, free crossing of the border was not available to most citizens. The foreigners were people practically from “another planet”. The percentage of marriages with members of a different nationality or race was extremely small.

Since the nineties of the last century, these restrictions have disappeared. Our citizens got the opportunity to travel outside the country. In the modern world, Russians travel a lot, work and study abroad. All this inevitably led to expansion and personal contacts.

The Internet also played a big role in this. It blurs the boundaries between countries and continents. Electronic translators help overcome the language barrier.

Numerous dating sites offer broad prospects for a possible relationship and marriage with a foreigner.

Modern statistics show that inter-ethnic marriages in Russia are becoming the rule from an exception. Their percentage is increasing every year.

The attractiveness of starting a family with a foreigner

Why is international marriage so attractive to women? We talk mainly about the fair sex, because men in our country marry foreign women much less often.

Consider the benefits that potential spouses see when planning a wedding with people from another ethnic group.

  1. Financial security.

Most seek to marry a European or a citizen of the United States. It's no secret that these countries have a fairly high level of economic and social security of the population.

Most women, especially those living in the provinces, are tired of everyday problems and small salaries. They want a different standard of living. They think that by getting married, they will be able to realize this dream, since the future husband will be obliged to provide for them.

  1. Positive characteristics of men.

Unfortunately, alcoholism, drug addiction, parasitism and domestic violence are becoming common things for the image of a Russian man outside the capital, in the provinces. Wives have to solve all the problems and provide themselves not only for children, but also for their husbands.

Trying to escape this reality, women are looking for a candidate for husbands abroad. Often they want to find a strong man who can take care of his wife and children himself. Also, for some women, a man of a different nationality or race is more attractive and interesting, since he is different from the people around her. In search of thrills or exoticism, she may seek to enter into such an alliance.

  1. The opportunity to see the world.

Not all Russian women can travel to other countries. An alliance with a foreigner is seen as an opportunity to break out of the gray limited environment.

Such a marriage allows you to learn another language, get acquainted with a new culture, religion, cuisine. All this undoubtedly helps the personality to develop.

  1. Children.

It has been known since ancient times that intra-ethnic and intercommunal marriages lead to degeneration. The number of hereditary and genetic diseases increases in offspring. An alliance with a foreigner leads to the so-called mixing of blood, as a result of which children are born healthy and strong.

Also, interethnic marriages are attractive because children grow up and are brought up in a country with a high level of social security. A child in an economically developed state gets much more opportunities than in Russia.

These are the main reasons that force women to enter into such marriages. Depending on the life situation, there may be other advantages of such an interethnic union.

Actual problems

Along with the positive aspects, marriage with a foreigner has many disadvantages. There is also a downside to such an alliance. Oftentimes, an advantage turns into a problem. Consider the cons of interethnic marriage.

  1. Mentality.

Every society has different concepts about the same things. Attitudes towards family, women, money, and the solution of issues differ. Not everyone, entering into marriage, is ready to unconditionally accept concepts and definitions alien to him. For example, German pedantry and frugality are incomprehensible to the generous Russian soul.

Even more problems arise in marriages with Muslims. Russian women are strong and independent. In Arab and Caucasian cultures, the wife is completely subordinate to her husband and children. No one is interested in her opinion, she is obliged to meekly provide for the needs of the family.

  1. Religion.

This problem is closely related to mentality. With Christian cultures, everything is simpler, since they are not radically different from each other. Difficulties arise with Islam.

To marry, you must convert to Islam. However, this is not just a formal procedure. Religion leaves an imprint on all areas of a Muslim's life. Many Sharia requirements are alien to European Orthodox women. All this inevitably leads to problems.

  1. Children.

It can be difficult for spouses to agree on parenting. There is controversy about which religion and culture they will grow up in, whose language to learn.

  1. Family and Society.

Not every family can accept that a son or daughter has entered into an alliance with a foreigner, especially one professing a different religion. Interracial marriages, even in modern Russia, sometimes cause censure or misunderstanding. Also, a Christian woman with her views and upbringing with condemnation will be accepted in the Muslim society.

  1. The language barrier.

Poor knowledge of the language creates communication problems not only with the husband and his family. It is difficult for a woman to adapt to society, find a job. She finds herself in a kind of vacuum, feels loneliness and misunderstanding.

  1. Career.

Some women, after getting married and changing their country of residence, wish to pursue a career. But they may not have such opportunities in their husband's homeland. Russian diplomas of higher education on the territory of foreign states are not valid. To work as a doctor, teacher or lawyer, you have to retrain.

Many years previously devoted to education and career building will be wasted. It is extremely difficult to get a new diploma and a good job in another country, given the language barrier as well. The specificity of the union of people of different nationalities and cultures gives rise to many other difficulties.

Women need to remember that foreigners are the same people. They also have problems with alcohol and work, they are not alien to all the shortcomings that Russians have.

It is no secret that most of these marriages are made by calculation, in the hope of a better life. If warm feelings arise for a subject of your state, love and patience will help to overcome and solve everything.

Conclusion of interethnic marriage

When an alliance on the territory of our country is concluded with a foreigner, the procedure for such a procedure is governed by Russian law. The registry office must register the marriage. But you can not apply to any of its departments, but only the one that is authorized to formalize relations with a citizen of another country.

Prospective spouses must apply for marriage registration. This can be done in person at the registry office or a multifunctional center. It is also allowed to apply in electronic form through the portal of the State Service. The following documents must be presented:

  1. Identifying the identity of the bride and groom. The foreigner's document must have a certified translation into Russian.
  2. Certificate stating that the foreigner is not married. It is issued by the embassy or consulates of the country of which the potential spouse is a citizen.
  3. On the termination of marriage, if one of the applicants was previously in a legal relationship. When such a document is provided by a foreigner, it must be translated into Russian and certified by the consulate, embassy or notary.
  4. Marriage permit when one of the applicants is a minor.
  5. Document on the transfer of state duty in the amount of 350 rubles.

The conditions for registering a marriage in Russia for a foreigner are determined by the normative acts of the country of which he has citizenship. At the same time, there are restrictions for marriage, enshrined in the Family Code. This is a ban on unions between close relatives, adoptive parents, incapacitated ones.

Children's rights

Most international families have children. The question inevitably arises: the citizenship of which state will the emerging child receive? It happens that after the registration of the relationship between a Russian woman and a foreigner, the heir is born on the territory of our country. In this case, he acquires Russian citizenship.

When a child is born in another state, then here it is necessary to study his legislation. Currently, most European countries give the born the right to acquire the citizenship of his parent. So, if the dad is French, then his son or daughter from marriage with a Russian woman receives the citizenship of the father.

If the law of such a country establishes other rules, then the situation is as follows: a child born to a couple, one of whom is a Russian, outside our state, becomes a stateless person.

The following rules are established in relation to the rights and responsibilities of the father and mother, including the provision of children, in interethnic unions. They are determined by the legislation of the country where the family has a common place of residence.

When a family lives separately, it is necessary to be guided by the laws of the country whose citizenship the children have. In the event of disputes over alimony, as well as other relations, the regulatory framework of the state where the child is constantly located can be applied.

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows its citizens to enter barges with foreigners. Before entering into such an alliance, it is necessary to objectively assess all its pros and cons. We must not forget that overseas grooms are also characterized by human flaws, and life abroad is not only a beautiful picture from films. Inevitably, there are problems of mentality, religion, language, differences in laws.

Pros and cons of marriages between people of different origins, whom you trust or are free from them. So, let's start analyzing this issue.

We are in the know

According to statistics, in the nineties in Moscow the number of mixed (interethnic) marriages was twenty-two percent of the total number of unions concluded. But already fifteen years ago this number "exceeded" half and amounted to 58%. The upward trend in the indicator continues. This means that women entering into interethnic marriages in Russia see the prospects for such unions. Otherwise, the “percentage” would only decrease from year to year.

Now in Moscow every year about one and a half thousand interethnic marriages are officially registered.

Opinion was divided according to opinion polls among residents of Russia. 36% of the respondents do not believe in such marriages. Almost the same number of people have a positive attitude to the issue of different citizenship in the family - 35%. 14% of all survey participants consider international marriages to be the same as other unions. And the rest do not know what to say about this, so they abstained from voting.

Psychologists, on the other hand, believe (and common sense suggests) that it is not nationality that plays a role. Purely human qualities are important: patience, skill, warmth of feelings, trust. The basis of strong family ties is the commonality and similarity of interests of both parties. It is desirable that the general were:

  • Hobbies, hobbies.
  • Culture, traditions, religion.
  • Language, nationality, mentality.
  • Habits.
  • Character, period of activity, biorhythms (morning "lark" or evening "owl").

The problems of interethnic marriages were known at the beginning of the 17th century. In 1600, British Protestants living in America in the British colony banned such unions. Interesting fact: this veto ceased to exist after 367 years.

Problems and prospects of interethnic marriages

Let's start by listing the unpleasant aspects of interracial marriage. Minuses:

  • Discontent of girlfriends, friends, acquaintances. The anger of parents and those who consider it necessary to tell you how to behave, whom to marry.
  • If you go abroad with your husband, but then quarrel, you will have to solve the problems that have arisen in connection with the departure on your own.
  • When a husband adheres to strict religious views, the “fool in love” has to accept his faith and obey other people's rules.
  • Your children may have confusion about two languages.

Almost every woman about to marry a foreigner meets with resistance rather than support from her family.

  • The parents' language barrier also leads to conflicts, which are often incompatible with the further normal family life.
  • The approaches to the methods of educating the younger generation are not similar in different countries.
  • Culinary traditions, oddly enough, become a "stumbling block" between the symbiosis of two nationalities, called interethnic marriage.
  • And again about the offspring: when such a sad situation arises as a divorce, already born children of interethnic marriages are “divided” between their parents. And what if one of the spouses leaves back to their country? The wishes of children in such situations are not taken into account at all.
  • An almost superstitious fear of “mixing blood”, before letting a “stranger” into his family and initiating him into the secrets or traditions of his own family. Older relatives perceive this as an “invasion” of their territory. Perhaps this is due to the echoes of the war through which they went, despite the fact that they were then small.

  • If you leave your hometown, from the country, you have to say goodbye to all your acquaintances and friends who are dear to you.
  • If the marriage is contracted through an agency or a specialized dating site, it is possible that you yourself agree to pay the costs of the flight, moving and related issues.

The advantages of entering into marriage unions between representatives of different countries:

  • Interethnic marriages are a very informative and useful event for your life. After all, getting to know a person who differs in language, traditions, thinking is fascinating.
  • Inter-ethnic marriages concluded with Russians, according to statistics, imply departure for further life together abroad. And there, in other, more developed and civilized countries of the world, life is better than in Russia.
  • Such a marriage also diversifies, because a new life is always an adventure.
  • On the one hand, bilingualism turns into a minus, but on the other, it develops cognitive abilities if your children manage to become bilingual (that is, to speak two languages ​​at once - mother's and father's).

  • Another positive point is the fact that children from mixed marriages become, for the most part, strong, healthy and beautiful.
  • With the tolerance of both spouses to each other, different religions are not an obstacle for.
  • Food preferences are present in both the pluses and minuses of the problem under consideration. Why? The fact is that a meager or boring native diet is saved by new dishes from the cuisine of a different nation. And a talented host or hostess (men are even more famous as chefs) will make a delicious assorted lunch, including a favorite dish of one and the other side.

Inter-ethnic marriages enrich the traditional cuisine of different nations by adding new ingredients.

  • A marriage that unites two nationalities, two cultures broadens the horizons, raises the consciousness and awareness of people. He fosters tolerance for others, essentially the same, but different in skin color or eye shape, people.
  • And yet, love conquers everything! It is she who is able to unite the hearts of people of different origins. In the end, even when meeting similar individuals - a man and a woman - after a couple of years it turns out that they are still different. Why not then the opposite situation arise: two initially dissimilar people (neither skin color, nor habits, nor attitudes) become “one whole” upon marriage? They can overcome the obstacles set by the stupid prejudices of human rumor in their path.

Children of interethnic marriages, pregnancy and genes

Are children born in these marriages healthy and strong? Yes, in the event that good, high-quality genes from both sides are transferred to the fetus. But there are some nuances. The fact is that parents of different nationalities will make the first offspring strong and strong, but with the assimilation and further mixing of different ethnic genes, this effect will fade. Only the first mixing of genes distant from each other gives positive results.

With a very strong remoteness of the racial characteristics of the parents, there is a danger of the birth of a child with an innate immunity unadapted to the local climate. This applies to a radical change of time zones (living far from the place of birth of one of the parents). In addition to this negative phenomenon, there is a likelihood of rejection during pregnancy, intrauterine conflict between the fetus and the mother.

Judging by the estimates and studies of scientists, marriage is favorable (for the birth of a healthy, strong child) between one or different ethnic groups (ethnic groups). And with a different race, the likelihood of a successful outcome is reduced.

Marrying a European: common misconceptions and attitudes towards interethnic marriages

One of the most common misconceptions remains the following: our girls who follow their new husband to one of the countries of Europe can live either very badly, like slaves, or very well, like queens. These are two extremes that hardly fully reflect all the scenarios for the development of events after the conclusion of an interethnic marriage. The fact that life “over the hill” is generally richer than here does not mean that the “rich, gagged bourgeoisie” will use your slave labor or, conversely, “bathe in luxury” without waiting for retaliatory actions.

The next (unflattering for foreigners) misconception sounds like this: only losers look for wives outside their country. This is not true, because in any country of the world you can find like-minded, interesting people.

There is a rumor among the people of a different nature: they say, wealthy foreigners need only young beauties. Also unlikely: maybe such girls are needed as a mistress, but this is typical for the whole world, but as a future wife, the selection is scrupulous. After a divorce, no one wants to leave half of the fortune to a windy beauty who turned her head and subsequently deceived a gullible man.

The attitude towards interethnic marriages abroad, in a European country, is not negative, as Russians think. In the event of an unpleasant divorce, you can stay in the country if you already know the language at a sufficiently high level. In most cases, no one will expel and deport you. And so that a divorce does not happen, you need to immediately find a common language. Moreover, this does not mean the linguistic phenomenon itself, but human understanding, sincerity and comfort of communication. This is doable, although another myth is the misunderstanding between different nationalities or ethnic groups.

The last misconception considered here is the absolute universal wealth of all the inhabitants of Europe. This is not entirely a lie, but there is not much truth in this statement either. Only the general standard of living there is higher, and the ease of "making" money is the dreams of girls who do not know foreign countries. You need to earn money all over the world. Yes, someone has the prerequisites for this, someone does not, but they don’t pay money anywhere for nothing.

Features of connecting your life with foreigners

Do not take literally all of the listed features, these are generalized signs of behavior that are not inherent in 100% of the inhabitants of a particular country.

  • The Germans as spouses (spouses) are not distinguished by wastefulness, they love children, clearly calculated expenses, although they are sentimental. Residents of Germany, who have taken as wives (husbands) someone from abroad, will amaze their soul mate with their conservatism. It is customary to stop patting children on the head as soon as they reach the age of eighteen.

You can apply for the status of a citizen in Germany only when you have lived there for at least three years.

  • The Japanese love to look at the blossoming cherry or sakura, but in life they do not let their real feelings out, but hide them. Careful when filling out papers. When practicing calligraphy (artistic, thoughtful, meditative depiction of hieroglyphs in ink), they get upset if they put a blot.
  • Africans (with dark, black skin) always have fun, dance, attract the attention of the opposite sex. Suitable for these parameters, cheerful Russian girls and boys. They are sincere, do not hesitate to show feelings and.

Question: I have a question about inter-ethnic marriages. Young people in our republic often marry people of other nationalities. Older people condemn such unions, believing that in such marriages there is often a loss of national identity and mother tongue. What does Islam say about such marriages?

Answer: Assalamualeikumwarahmatullahivabarakyatuh! One of the keys to a successful marriage is compatibility (kafaat), when young people match each other in terms of religiosity, social status, educational level, including nationality and culture. Shariah emphasizes that without such compatibility, it will be difficult to maintain a stable and harmonious relationship in a marriage.

Of course, a situation may arise when young people from different nations (it is clear that in this case we are talking about Muslims) have serious intentions and firmly decided to start a family. In this case, they can marry with the consent of their relatives, but they must understand from the very beginning the possible difficulties of such a marriage and be ready to make compromises regarding their cultures, lifestyle, etc. In particular, women should consider the following things before accepting offers from men of other nationalities:

1. The young man should be strictly religious and have a good disposition.

2. He must be willing to put up with some of the differences that may arise due to cultural differences, the girl must also be prepared for such a difference.

3. If a young person is from another country, his goal should be more than just obtaining citizenship or some other benefit from such a marriage.

If it happens that young people marry girls of a different nationality, and the girls also have to look for suitors among men of a different nationality; in this case, we advise their parents and guardians not to immediately reject such offers (from men of other nations), but to consider it from the positive side. Perhaps such a marriage will also be successful, and it will be a means of protection from turmoil and various sins. The hadith warns about the undesirability of rejecting a marriage proposal if there is no good reason for the rejection:

عن أبي هريرة قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم إذا خطب إليكم من ترضون دينه وخلقه فزوجوه إلا تفعلوا تكن فتنة في الأرض وفساد عريض

“If a person whose religion and disposition you are satisfied with marries your daughter, do not reject this offer, so that unrest and immorality does not spread on the earth” (Tirmidhi, hadith 1084, narrated by Abu Hurayrah).

This hadith indicates that the main reason for rejecting a marriage proposal may be the lack of religiosity of the young man and bad character. You should not reject an offer just because of a different nationality and culture. As a result, it may happen that girls will remain unmarried for a long time, and troubles and various sins, social and moral degeneration, and the like will spread on earth.

And Allah knows best.

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Chapter 1. Definition of the concept of interethnic marriage

Chapter 2. Features of the attitude of modern youth to marriage

List of used literature


Relevance my job is that the main form of social organization of relations between a man and a woman is marriage. Marriage is a form of relations between a man and a woman, sanctioned and regulated by society, which determines their rights and obligations in relation to each other and to children. The value of marriage as a tightly controlled social education in Russia is declining for various reasons. Among them are the low stability of marriages and the growing attractiveness of individual private life, which is increasingly spreading in connection with the transformation of the norms of family and marriage relations, changes in the economic situation, progress in the field of household and living conditions. In the modern world, people who do not marry and are deprived of the burden of responsibility for another person are not subjected to social pressure and have all the opportunities and services organized by society. The transitional economic situation in the country also has a destabilizing effect on the institution of marriage. Getting into a legal marriage, which still has an economic side, is inaccessible for a certain part of the population due to limited material opportunities. Even more difficult for a scientific description and analysis of facts in the field of marriage are the processes taking place in multicultural regions, since serious problems of interethnic compatibility join the general problems of forming a new value system of family and marriage relations. The problem of interethnic relations has deep social roots and is due to a number of social, psychological, historical, religious and confessional reasons. Nevertheless, these issues need to be resolved, since the phenomenon of interethnic marriage as a mass process of concluding nationally mixed marriages is quite widespread. Every seventh marriage in Russia is interethnic, and in Soviet times this figure was even higher. Nationally mixed families are a means of integrating society. The formation of ethnically mixed families plays an important role in the process of changing the ethnic composition of the population.

Object of study: new generation.

Subject of study: features of the attitude of modern youth to interethnic marriages.

Purpose of the study: to conduct a theoretical and practical study of the characteristics of the attitude of modern youth to interethnic marriages.

Chapter 1: The Concept of the Definition of Interethnic Marriage

The research is based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of sociology, philosophy, ethnoculture, sociology of family and marriage. Theoretical analysis of the problem of the attitude of modern youth to interethnic marriages. Revealing the attitude of young people to family life and marriage presupposes, first of all, an appeal to the analysis of such basic working concepts as "family", "marriage". Analysis of the concept of "family" indicates that there are many approaches to its interpretation. So, in the "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegova, the word "family" means "an association of persons related by kinship or marriage." The "Philosophical Dictionary" defines "family" as "a kind of social community, the most important form of organizing personal life, based on marital union and family ties, that is, on numerous relationships between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters and other relatives. living together and leading a common household. " A.G. Kharchev, in his research, considers the family as "a small social group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are linked by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance."

In recent years, the family is increasingly called a specific small socio-psychological group, thereby emphasizing that it is characterized by a special system of interpersonal relations, which are more or less governed by laws, moral norms, and traditions. Foreign researchers recognize the family as a social institution only if it is characterized by three main types of family interactions: marriage, parenthood and kinship; in the absence of one of the indicators, the term “family group” is used. We consider the family as a spiritual and moral union, consisting of parents and children and connected not only by housing and economic dependence, but also by feelings based on blood relationship. Marriage as a stable union between a man and a woman arose in a tribal society. The basis of the marriage relationship gives rise to rights and responsibilities. Regarding the concepts of "marriage" and "family", it should be noted that there is a close relationship between them. It is not for nothing that in the literature of the past, and sometimes of the present, they are often used as synonyms. However, in the essence of these concepts there is not only general, but also a lot of special, specific. So, scientists have convincingly proved that marriage and family arose in different historical periods. The marriage went through certain stages of development - from polygamy to monogamy. The very word "marriage" in Russian comes from the verb "to take". In the "Philosophical Dictionary" marriage is defined as "a historically conditioned, sanctioned and regulated by society form of relations between a man and a woman, establishing their rights and obligations in relation to each other and children." Monogamous marriage as a union of one man and one woman is the later and most widespread form of marriage.

Modern scholars define marriage as a historically changing form of relationship between a man and a woman. A.G. Kharchev notes that the family is a more complex system of relationships than marriage, since it unites not only spouses, but also children, as well as other relatives or simply close to spouses and people they need. V.A. Ryasentsev gives the following definition of marriage: "A marriage is concluded in accordance with the established procedure in compliance with the requirements of the law, a free and equal 16, in principle, a lifelong union of free men and women, aimed at creating a family and giving rise to mutual rights and obligations among them." Thus, the union of a man and a woman is not yet a family, and only after the appearance of children does the marriage develop into a family. A.V. Mudrik believes that "... a family is a personal environment for a person's life and development from birth to death, the quality of which is determined by a number of parameters of a particular family." Marriage is a social mechanism designed to regulate and manage the many human relationships that arise from the physical fact of heterosexuality. As such an institution, marriage functions in two directions:

1. Regulation of personal sexual relations.

2. Regulation of the transfer and receipt of inheritance, succession and public order, which is its more ancient and original function.

The family created in marriage itself strengthens the institution of marriage, along with the mores that govern property relations. Powerful changes in the structure of interethnic marriage of the population of the former Soviet Union are determined by a number of factors, among which the following are the most significant: 1) a decrease since the end of 1988-1989. natural growth of Russians in a number of union republics; 2) an increase in the migration activity of the country's population since the end of the 1980s; 3) the ethno-selective policy pursued in the republics of the former USSR. This allows us to conclude that attitudes towards mixed marriage are determined by many factors, among which the state of interethnic relations in a particular region is of no small importance, which, in turn, is an indicator of tolerant relations. There is reason to believe that the latter trend may intensify with age. The influence of the protective, protective forces of the ethnos is weakened in two cases:

1) crisis phenomena within the ethnos to which the subject belongs;

2) the crisis state of the subject himself, causing him problems in relations with representatives of his ethnic group (in this case, another ethnic group, at least temporarily, may seem more attractive). Let's consider these reasons in more detail.

The protective, protective forces of the ethnic group in these conditions can provoke a feeling of anxiety about the existing marriage, subjectively felt unhappiness, the nature, the reasons for which a person often cannot understand. Psychological protection from traumatic experiences in this case can be expressed in the following phenomena:

1) a person tries to distort reality in that direction in order to reduce in his own eyes and in the eyes of those around him the positive features and significance of the ethnos from which he emerged;

2) a person becomes an ardent patriot of the ethnos of his marriage partner, while denying the problems of this ethnos and the shortcomings associated with them;

3) a person becomes more and more ardent and uncritical patriot of the ethnic group, where he came from, trying to integrate his other spouse and his children into his ethnic group as much as possible.

If we talk about the crisis state of the subject, which causes him problems in relations with representatives of his ethnic group, prompting him to perceive marriage with representatives of another ethnic group as more attractive, then on a mass scale it can be triggered by the crisis state of society itself. As the crisis develops, more and more situations become sources of long-term psychological trauma, most often of low intensity, which leads to a large number of neuroses and neurotic states, destructive attitudes manifested in communication. Interethnic marriage should be viewed as an element in the process of rapprochement between the two ethnic groups. This process can last for quite a long time (centuries) and depends on the degree of intensity of contacts between ethnic groups. If contact is infrequent, an incident is formed that, over time, acquires a historical significance, contributing to international relations. Thus, the formation of interethnic marriage as a form of interethnic interaction has a historical character. The development of interethnic marriage shows: in a stable society, the number of mixed marriages increases, which allows us to speak of interethnic marriage as an indicator of the well-being of society and the presence of tolerant, tolerant relations between peoples. The dynamics of interethnic marriages in Europe and the world is associated with the development of globalization processes, that is, it can be assumed that the development of interethnic marriages is also an indicator of the informational development of society.

Chapter 2. Features of the attitude of modern youth to marriage

The attitude to love and marriage of each generation reflects the features of the time and the psychology of people, bears the imprint of living conditions and moral and aesthetic principles that have developed in a given society. According to experts, the fragility of modern marriages is largely determined by the fact that young people do not develop true respect for the institution of the family. In addition, the common misfortune of young people is ignorance in matters of marriage, and a common mistake is that, when creating a family, they rely only on the strength of feelings. This problem has already been sufficiently reflected in sociological studies of the past decades. Such studies were carried out in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga, Ryazan and other large cities. However, the current stage of development of our society, which is characterized by major transformations in the main spheres of its life, the transformation of socio-cultural norms and traditions, introduces significant changes in the results obtained earlier. The obsessive "sexualization" of Russian literature and cinema, which has been observed in recent years and is not characteristic of Russian culture, changes in the style and way of life, could not but affect the attitude of young people to the institution of family and marriage. The place of love and marriage in the system of life values ​​of young people differs depending on age. So, if the most significant values ​​were designated by adolescents of 13-16 years old "relatives and friends", "health", "friends", then among the respondents of the age group from 17 to 23 years old the first positions were given to "love" and "marriage" ... Age and gender differences were identified in the responses to the proposal to add the phrase: "Love is:". It was noticed that respondents aged 13-14, as a rule, found it difficult to give any answer. The most common answers in the 15-16 year old group were the following: "Love is a complex feeling that defies description", ": joy for two and the need to be together." Moreover, it turned out to be interesting that 40 percent of girls in this age category answered that love is pain, self-sacrifice. Apparently, such an assessment of love is associated with an unrequited feeling, which is characteristic in general for a given age, and especially for girls. Most of the young men answered that love is mutual understanding, tenderness, "the meeting of two hearts and the merging of two bodies." In the 18-20 age group, love is understood as trust, mutual understanding, and respect. Moreover, in the answers of young men of this age, it is quite often noted that love is also an attraction, an element and intimacy.

Among girls, such a characteristic as dedication is common. A similar picture is observed in the age group from 21 to 23 years old. The perception of jealousy as one of the manifestations of love is observed in a significant number of respondents. Moreover, this indicator is higher in the younger age group. Apparently, at a younger age, the manifestation of jealousy has approximately the same value as love, while with age, jealousy is perceived more as a manifestation of pride than love. When studying such an aspect as the attitude of young people to sex, the following data were obtained. The presence of intimacy in love is considered mandatory by 48 percent of the respondents, and in the group of boys this indicator is almost 2 times higher than in the group of girls (61 and 35 percent, respectively); 35 percent of the respondents indicated that the presence of intimacy depends on the strength of feelings (girls gave such an answer 1.5 times more often). A regularity was found that among those who do not live a sexual life, the majority is guided by the principle that "intimacy is determined by the strength of feelings", and 2/3 of respondents who are sexually active consider the presence of sexual intimacy optional. The answer to the question: "Are you sexually active?" most indicative in terms of the age of the respondents. Thus, with age, an increasing percentage of young people are sexually active. Most of the respondents had their first sexual intercourse at the age of 14-16, and young men begin to have sexual intercourse on average 1.5-2 years earlier than girls. The analysis of the data below allows us to conclude that the ideas of young people about love and marriage differ from those of the older generation.

Thus, 71 percent of respondents consider it possible to have sex before marriage, and this indicator remains high in all age groups and does not depend on gender. This conclusion is also illustrated by the fact that 1/3 of the respondents consider registering their relationship to create a family not obligatory at all, 35 percent admit such a possibility under certain circumstances, the rest (40%) adhere to the traditional point of view. Among the criteria for choosing a partner, two were named as the main ones: personal characteristics (73%) and external charm (67%). It is indicative that, despite the increasing role of money in the lives of Russians, the majority of young people value personal qualities rather than material conditions. The difference in views on love and marriage between the two generations was reflected in the answers to the question: "What role does the opinion of parents play in creating a family?" Thus, 62 percent of the respondents chose the option "does not matter" and only for one tenth the opinion of the parents is decisive.

And what is the attitude of young people towards interethnic marriages? Interethnic and ethno-confessional relations in modern Russia are an area of ​​increased social and political risks, where objective contradictions are easily ideologized, and nationalism becomes a way of political mobilization, a source of high-intensity conflicts. By now, the situation in the country looks more stable. In what direction the situation will develop in the future, where the fragile balance achieved to date will shift largely depends on the moods of a new generation of Russian citizens that is just entering life, which in 10 to 20 years will determine the socio-psychological dominants of the country's political and public life ... As you know, there are several standard indicators that can be used to fairly objectively determine the measure of the intensity of ethnic nationalism. One of them is the acceptability of interethnic (interethnic) marriages in the event that a close relative enters into such a marriage. In the USSR, this was very common and was always perceived as completely normal. And what do Russian youth think about this today? marriage interethnic society family

For the Republic of Bashkortostan, the issue of interethnic marriages is relevant: two-thirds of the respondents are tolerant of interethnic marriages, while Russians are more liberal than Bashkirs, Christians are more liberal than Muslims. Among the Bashkirs, there are more supporters of ethnically homogeneous marriages. This was manifested in the assessments of students: 77.6% of Russians and 66.3% of Bashkirs showed a positive attitude towards interethnic marriages. However, there were fewer people who were really ready to marry representatives of other ethnic groups than those who positively assessed mixed marriages. At the same time, there are differences between Russians and Bashkirs (see Table 1).

Table 1 - Willingness to marry representatives of other ethnic groups (% of the total number of respondents in each ethnic group)

Ready to enter into interethnic marriage

Not ready for this

The data obtained indicate a more loyal attitude towards interethnic marriages on the part of Russians, both at the ideological and behavioral levels.


Throughout the history of society's existence, interest in the study of family and marriage relations has constantly increased, which is due to the enduring importance of the family in the life of each individual and the entire human society as a whole. Interethnic marriages are an object of increased interest in the social sciences, since their study affects two aspects that are of great importance in modern society. First, at the stage of social development that our country is going through at the moment, the relevance of the study of the family as such, which is called upon to play an exceptional role in the life of society, its stabilization, and overcoming social tension, increases. Secondly, one of the priority issues not only in the country, but throughout the world, is the ethnopsychological and cross-cultural aspect of social relations. In conditions when, on the one hand, there are processes of globalization and strengthening of cross-cultural ties all over the world, and on the other hand, there is an acute issue of interethnic tension and interethnic conflicts, many sciences are addressing the problem of relations between peoples, including, of course, psychology.

Young people are a special socio-demographic group that is going through a period of formation of social maturity, the position of which is determined by the socio-economic state of society. The study of young people today allows us to look into tomorrow and make a forecast of the dynamics of the development of social processes in the future.

Love and marriage are still one of the main life values ​​of today's youth, and the importance of love and marriage increases in direct proportion to the age of the respondents. Changes in the views of young people on love and marriage, introduced by the transformation of sociocultural norms and traditions, significantly reduced the degree of influence of parents on the formation of their ideas about love and marriage.

WITHlist of used literature

1. Hunger, S.I. Family and marriage: historical and sociological analysis / S.I. Hunger. - SPb .: LLP TK "Petropolis", 2004. - 272 p.

2. Horizons, L. Law against happiness. Mixed marriages in the history of two peoples / L. Horizons // Homeland. - 2004. - N 12. - P.64-67.

3. Elizarov A.N. Towards a conceptual scheme for the analysis of interethnic marriages // Theoretical problems of ethnic and cross-cultural psychology: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on May 29-30, 2008 in 2 volumes / Ed. ed. V.V. Gritsenko. - Smolensk: Universum, 2008 .-- T. 1. - S. 221 - 225.

4. Kornev, V.A. Manifestations of ethnopsychological interference in the field of family relations in mixed marriages / V.A. Kornev, A. El-Zhurdi // Actual problems of social and humanitarian sciences. - Voronezh, 2000. - Issue 22. - S.50-52.

5. Mikheeva, A.R. Marriage, family, parenting: sociological and demographic aspects / A.R. Mikheeva. - Novosibirsk: NSU, 2001 .-- 74 p.

6. Ozhegov, S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. - M .: Publishing house "Az", 1992.

7. Samoukina, N.V. Paradoxes of love and marriage / N.V. Samoukin. - M .: Vlados, 20068.- 135 p.

8. Sillaste, G. Russian family in the republics of Russia in the conditions of a new interethnic situation / G. Sillaste // Issled. Grew up. acad. state service. Ser. 1, Sociol. - 2006. - N 3. - S.5-59.

9. Philosophical Dictionary / V.N. Miroshnichenko, L.V. Ostapenko, E.V. Shakhova - M .: Phoenix, 2004 .-- 560 p.

10. Kharchev, A.G. Modern family and its problems / A.G. Kharchev, M.S. Matskovsky, Moscow: Nauka, 2007, 198 p.

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