What does the play of a mother's daughter develop? Daughters and mothers. About the importance of play in a child’s life. "Plane Travel"

Nadezhda Rogozhina
Role-playing game “Mothers and Daughters”

Target: formation of role interaction.


1. Learn to reflect in plot-wise- role-playing game of various household items stories. 2. Develop the ability to identify a topic, plot, distribute roles, engage in different role-playing dialogues.

3. Foster friendly relationships between children.

Preliminary work.

Conversations: "My family", “How I help my mother”, “Who works for whom?”.

Consideration story pictures, photos on the topic.

Reading fiction literature: N. Zabila "Yasochkin's kindergarten", A. Barto "Mashenka", B. Zakhoder "Builders", "Chauffeur", D. Gabe from the series "My family": "Mother", "Brother", "Job", E. Yanikovskaya “I go to kindergarten”, A. Kardashova "Big Wash".

Progress of the game:

V. -Today we let's play a game"Family". No wonder it is said in people: “The whole family is together and the soul is in place”.

What do you think a family is? Who is in the family?

What are dad's responsibilities?

What are the responsibilities of a mother?

What is their child doing?

V. - Guys, where do you think we’ll start? play(Answers from the guys)

V. - That’s right, Ilya! First, let’s distribute roles:

V. - Guys, what do you think mom does in the morning?

D. - prepares breakfast

V. - Today my mother decided to bake pies for breakfast, and who will be my assistant?

Q. - What should we do to start baking pies?

D. - Wash your hands and put on aprons.

V. - Look, I have a saucepan. What do you need to put in to bake pies?

D. - Flour, butter, milk, eggs, salt, sugar and yeast.

V. - Gleb and Ilya take the food and bring it to us. (Children bring) Well done boys.

V. - First we pour milk into a saucepan, put butter, the butter melts and we put yeast, eggs, salt, sugar, and last of all flour, so we kneaded the dough.

V. - Now I will give you a piece of dough, and you will roll out the dough using a rolling pin. Dasha, what kind of pies do you like?

D. - With rice and egg

V. - Ilyusha, what do you like with pies?

D. - With jam.

V. - Guys, these plates contain different fillings for pies. And with rice and eggs, and jam.

V. - Oh, where are we going to put the pies? What are we going to bake them on?

V. - It’s a great idea, let it be a baking tray, like in my mother’s kitchen. Place your pies on a baking sheet.

The children continue to bake pies and place them on a baking sheet.

V. - Why are you, Nastya, baking pies, and you Kolya (Children's answers)

V. - We made a lot of pies, but there wasn’t a single free space left. We need to put our pies in the oven and let them bake. Where will our oven be?

Children's answers.

V. - Ksyusha, turn on the oven.

Ksyusha "includes" oven.

Q. - Who wants to put a baking sheet in the oven?

Children's answers.

V. - Be careful, Nastenka, the oven is hot - don’t get burned.

V. - While our pies are baking, we will set the table for you. Lay out the tablecloth and lay out the tea utensils. Place cups, saucers and napkins. How delicious does it smell here?

V. - Igor, look, are the pies already browned?

D. - they are ready. I'll take them out of the oven now.

V. - Be careful, it’s hot! Help yourself! Bon appetit.

D. - Thank you.

V. - Whose pie is this? Dashi?

V. - arrange the chairs and sit at the table. Enjoy your meal.

V. - Artem, what kind of pie do you have?

D. - Ruddy, crispy.

V. - Dasha, what do you have with your pie?

D. - With jam.

V. - Dasha, collect the dishes and put them in the sink and wash them. And the guys will help Dasha.

enriching social play experiences between children; development of gaming skills plot« Family» .

family, about the responsibilities of membersfamilies.

Develop interest in the game.

Continue to teach children to distribute roles and act according to the role they have assumed, to develop plot.

Encourage children to be creative in everyday play families.

Promote installation in the game role-playing

Foster love and respect for members families and their work.



Summary of the role-playing game “Mothers and Daughters” Target : enriching social play experiences between children; development of gaming skills story "Family".

Program content:

Strengthen children's ideas about family , about the responsibilities of members families .

Develop interest in the game.

Continue to teach children to distribute roles and act according to the role they have assumed, to develop plot .

Encourage children to be creative in everyday play families .

Promote installation in the game role-playing interactions and relationships between players.

Learn to act in imaginary situations, use various objects - substitutes.

Foster love and respect for members families and their work.

enrich the social and play experience of children by story "Family" depending on the situation - a trip to the hairdresser, a trip to the store;

learn to choose a convenient place for games and organize the gaming environment, select the necessary gaming material and attributes.

develop role speech; (communicative actions)

encourage the development of simplestories with 2-3 situations(visiting a hairdresser and a store). Regulatory actions.

form friendly relationships. Personal universal learning activities.


Dolls, toy tableware, furniture, doll bed, telephone, boys toy tools(hammer, screwdriver, etc. construction kit, large machines for carrying loads).

Dressing table with mirror, washbasin, towel, hairdryer, cape, robe for the hairdresser, empty bottles of hairspray, shampoo, set"Hairdresser" , albums with hairstyles, magazines, hairpins, bows

Cash register, grocery sets, toys, newspapers, books, etc. overalls for the seller, checks, bags, wallets, money, price tags, packaging, adding machine, scales, bags, substitute items

1. Conversation. The teacher reads a poem:

Who will sing me a song?

Who will sew my shirt?

Who will feed me delicious food?

Who laughs the loudest

Mine, hearing a ringing laugh?

Who's sad when I'm sad?


Children, about whom did I read you a poem?

What do you think a family is?
Children: This is when everyone lives together in one house, many people live together.
Educator: Who is in the family?
Children: Mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother.
Educator: What are dad's responsibilities?
Children: Hammer nails, watch TV, work at work.
Educator : What are the responsibilities of a mother?
Children: He washes the dishes, cooks food, reads fairy tales, does laundry, goes to the store.
Educator : What is their child doing?
Children: Playing.

Today we will play the game "Family". No wonder people say: “The whole family is together and the soul is in place.”
3. Distribution of roles.
Educator : Let's distribute the roles: first we will choose who will be the dad, who will be the mother, grandmother, grandfather, brothers, sisters.(Distribution of roles at the request of the children).
Educator : What else is needed for the game?
Children: We need to choose a place to play.
Educator: Correct. (Selecting a place to play).
Children: We will play in a dollhouse.
Educator: Indeed, it will be convenient for us to play in a dollhouse.
4. Joint game with the teacher.
Educator : Dad, mom and little daughter Mashenka live in this house. What does mom do in the morning?
Children: Preparing breakfast.
Educator : What is dad doing?
Children: it works.
Now you and I will determine who our dad will work as.Our dad will work as a builder, he works on a construction site, together with his comrades, i.e. a team of construction workers, which also includes a driver who will deliver loads to them. (Distributed roles).
Our mother goes to the store to buy products needed for cooking. Let's choose a seller.

Also, mother, daughter and father can visit the hairdresser, which means we need to decide on the choice of hairdresser.

The roles have been assigned, now you can begin to perform your duties.

Mom cooks breakfast and feeds the family. Dad gets ready and leaves for work. Mom is going to the store, buying groceries.

The sister calls the hairdresser to make an appointment (a dialogue is underway. The teacher can take on the role of the hairdresser).

At this time, the plot unfolds at a construction site. Cargo is being delivered, construction is underway). What's going on in the apartment? Mom is preparing lunch so she can feed dad. My daughter cleans up the room, washes dishes in the kitchen, plays with dolls, and changes their clothes. The game continues when dads come home from work and need to be fed lunch and dinner. A casual conversation is taking place at the table. Children play freely communicating with each other.
5. Summary.
Educator : Children, did you like the game?
Children: Very much.
Educator : What did you like most?

Teaching children with intellectual disabilities the primary ways of assimilation of social experience through role-playing games. Pedagogical experience of a teacher-defectologist of category I Dovbenko E.M. The game section is central in the teaching and upbringing of preschool children with intellectual disabilities, which is determined by the place and importance of gaming activities in the development of a preschool child, including those with problems in intellectual development. The widespread use of a variety of games in all forms and areas of correctional and developmental work with preschoolers during their stay in a preschool institution is a necessary condition for the successful physical and personal development of children. During these games, respect and tolerance for people with whom constant communication occurs, regardless of nationality, familiarity with the rules of safe behavior on the playground, familiarization with the basic traditions and customs governing communication between representatives of different nationalities in the Middle Urals and place of residence. . Role-playing games play an important role in the social and personal development of children. In the process of these activities, the most significant moments for a particular game are clarified and expanded: the child’s speech development, the formation of individual play actions in him, the modeling of relationships with adults and peers. Each plot-role-playing game unfolds for one month, during which children learn to perform various variations of game chains according to one plot: - games aimed at sequentially playing with dolls: “Daughters - Mothers”, “Family”; - games to reproduce various social situations: “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Hairdresser”, etc.; - games that require constructive abilities: “Bus”, “Sailors”, etc. The relevance of the issue is determined, first of all, by the fact that in modern kindergartens most often they pay great attention to the material equipment of the game, and not to the development of the game actions themselves and the formation of play as an activity in children. In order to carry out adequate pedagogical influences in relation to the role-playing game of children, educators need to have a good understanding of its nature, have an idea of ​​the specifics of its development throughout preschool age, and also be able to play with children. At the same time, today researchers (R. A. Ivankova, N. Ya. Mikhailenko, N. A. Korotkova) note that in kindergarten there is a “displacement” of play by educational activities, studio and club work. Children's games, especially role-playing games, are poor in content and theme; they feature multiple repetitions of plots and a predominance of manipulation over figurative representation of reality. The proposed scenarios for role-playing games will help make playing with your children interesting, and recommendations for preparing for them will make it easier for you to organize games with your children. Each game is designed for 1 month, and the plot of the game is distributed over weeks. Role-playing game “Daughters - Mothers”. Goal: - to teach how to recreate in a game a logical chain of game actions aimed at completing a practical task (washing a doll, feeding a doll, walking, putting a doll to sleep, etc.); - develop imagination and verbal communication; - cultivate an adequate attitude towards role actions; Equipment: Equipped play area (cribs, table, chairs, dishes, bed linen, naked dolls, dolls in clothes, stroller, bathtub, ladle, laundry basin, clothes dryer, etc.) 1. Preliminary work: 1.1 Attraction children's attention and interest in the game. The teacher brings a photograph of his child (son or daughter) to the children’s group, drawing the children’s attention to the fact that the teacher is a mother who takes care of her child; 1.2 Appeal to the personal experience of children, clarification of family relationships; 1.3 The teacher reveals what children know about the relationship between mother and daughter (son), what they do at home (sleep, eat, play, etc.) 1.4 Conversation about the attributes necessary for the mother to do household chores; 1.5 D/i “Let’s make a delicious soup from vegetables”, “We’ll learn to brew tea” (see Gerbova A.B. Development of speech. Pages, 38,42) 2. Literary and informational preparation of the game: Tolstoy L.N. - children. See Reading Book for Preschoolers p. 52 Muraveyka I. “I Myself” p. 55 Aleksandrova 3. “Katya in the Nursery” p. 54 Kvitko L. “Daughter.” 3. Game scenario: Week 1: “Masha’s doll’s breakfast.” The teacher brings a new doll to the group and explains that my daughter, now I will feed her. The children sit expectantly next to the teacher. He himself takes on the main role - the role of the mother and gives a model of communication and action: “Masha, daughter, I’ll cook porridge for you now, while you play, take this toy, if you don’t like it, then this one! Fine." Mom cooks porridge on the stove, puts it on a plate, and seats her daughter at the table. Week 2: “Taking our daughter for a walk.” The teacher entrusts the game, started in the first lesson, into the hands of the children, observing their play from the side and unobtrusively guiding the children in the development of the plot. After the children have fed the doll, the teacher invites the children to go for a walk with it, and shows an example of interaction with the doll: selecting clothes for the season, gradually putting them on, talking with the daughter, etc. p. 3 week: “We wash our daughter’s clothes.” The children repeat play actions from previous lessons, then the teacher offers a new plot of the game: After a walk, the daughter got dirty, and the mother starts doing the laundry. Week 4: “The doll wants to sleep.” Games are repeated at the request of the children, from those that the children played, after which a new plot is introduced and new actions are played out: feeding - sleeping; walk - sleep; feeding - walk - sleep - washing, etc. Mom says kind words to her daughter, strokes her head, calls the doll to swim before bed, prepares a bath, soap, towel, then puts the doll on pajamas, puts her to sleep. The teacher acts himself, involving children in the game, showing them a sample of actions with a doll. 4. Ways to get out of the game: 4.1 What a wonderful daughter we have, she really liked the porridge, she ate it very carefully, she ate her fill, she said thank you to her mother. Now help me clear the table... 4.2 If the game does not die down, then you can warn in advance that “the doll would have eaten something and breakfast would be over,” or “Now we’ll take another walk along the path and go home,” and etc. 4.3 The teacher takes on the role of a strict mother and says: “Daughter, you’re already full, leave the table, let’s clear the dishes” or “You already want to rest, stop walking, or you’re frozen, so go home.” 5. Roles that children can play: Mom (dad), daughter (son). 6. Game actions: - setting the table, arranging the dishes; - cooking, stirring, pouring, plating, etc. - washing the doll’s hands; - feeding the doll; - wiping your mouth with a napkin; - clearing dishes from the table; - washing dishes; - wiping dishes with a dry towel; - selection of clothes for a walk; - dressing the doll; - walking with a doll: playing with a ball, swinging on a swing, riding in a stroller, playing with a rattle; - the doll fell, shake it off; - undressing the doll; - washing the doll; - plant on a pot; - put the doll to sleep: prepare bed linen, make the bed; - pet the doll, kiss it, sing a song to it, rock it; - washing clothes: wrinkle the clothes, wring them out, shake them, hang them on the dryer, touch them to see if they are dry, remove them, iron them, put them in the closet. Thematic role-playing game "Family". Goal: - continue to teach how to recreate a logical chain of actions in the game; - diversify children’s actions with dolls and other figurative toys - form ideas about the reflected area of ​​reality; - develop the need for communication, the ability to use both speech and non-speech means of communication; - to cultivate a strong interest in the s/r game; Equipment: The same as in the previous game, broom, vacuum cleaner, dusting cloths; 1. Preliminary work: 1.1 Examination of the family album; 1.2 Conversation with children about the relationship between children and parents and relatives; 1.3 Conversation with children on the topic: “What do we do at home?” (children’s games, housework, responsibilities of family members; 1.4 Conversation about the attributes of the game; 1.5 D/games: “Matryoshka’s housewarming” see Gerbova p. 47, “Doll’s room” see p. 62; 2 Literary and information support games: Dora Gabe “My Family” p. 191 Nursery rhymes p. 81 Alexandrova “My Bear” p. 172 cm Reader for preschoolers 3. Game scenario: 1 week: “The teacher invites the children to play and distributes it.” between the children the roles and play actions that they will perform. The children are already familiar with the actions from the previous game “Mothers and Daughters.” Mom invites the family to the table. While mom was preparing dinner and setting the table, dad and children washed their hands. , wished each other a bon appetit, tied bibs on the children (dolls) or placed napkins on their knees, etc. Mom gives instructions on the rules of behavior at the table, asks if anyone needs extras, dad asks for extras and praises the dinner, etc. Week 2: “Family day off.” After breakfast, dad announces that everyone is going for a walk in the park. They dress and preen themselves. Mom dresses and braids her daughter, dad helps his son get dressed, etc. They go for a walk in the park: they look at the trees around them, cross the road together, etc. Week 3: “Helping Mom” Roles are assigned in advance. Mom asks for help in cleaning the house, distributes responsibilities. Children perform the already familiar actions of washing clothes on their own, then the teacher introduces new actions for cleaning the apartment into the game (wiping dust, vacuuming, sweeping, washing the floor). Week 4: “Guests have come to us.” The game reinforces the children’s previously acquired skills. The teacher takes on the role of mother and organizes the children; cleaning the house, preparing food, setting the table. Then he shows a sample of new actions - meeting and receiving guests. 4. Ways to exit the game: 4.1 Offer children a logical conclusion to the actions, i.e. Completed the task and the game ended. The adult sums it up. 4.2 If the game does not die down, then children should be warned about the imminent end in advance. 4.3 The teacher assumes the role of an elder, for example, a dad, and completes the game himself, arguing for the end of the game. 5. Roles that children can play: Mom, dad, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather, guest, etc. 6. Game actions: - preparing for dinner: washing hands, wiping with a towel, - setting the table, serving food, seating, using a napkin, - cleaning and washing dishes, wiping off the table, etc. - dressing for a walk: choosing clothes, shoes, combing your hair, pinning hairpins, braiding, spraying dad and mom with perfume, playing with children on the street (see the c/r game “Mothers and Daughters”) - cleaning the house: sweeping, vacuuming, wiping dust, collecting scattered toys, washing clothes (see s/r game “Mothers and Daughters”), meeting guests (see s/r game “Mothers’ Daughters”). Role-playing game “Bus” Purpose: - to teach how to create various buildings from large and small building materials that will be used in the game; - develop interest in role-playing games, the desire to play with adults and peers; - cultivate a caring attitude towards toys; friendly relations with each other. Equipment: Steering wheel, chair covers with a picture of a bus (bus model), road signs and indicators, bus repair tools, canister, hose, bucket with a rag, gearbox, microphone, gas pump, money. 1. Preliminary work: 1.1 Examination of the pictures “Chauffeur” (from the series “Who to Be”). “Riding on the bus,” illustrations in the albums “Transport” and “Professions.” 1.2 Monitoring the bus and the driver’s work. 1.3 Board-printed games of the same theme. 1.4 p/i “Colored cars” 1.5 p/i “Attentive driver”. 2. Literary and information support for the game: 3. Alexandrova “Truck” S. Marshak “Policeman” A. Kardashova “Rain Car” E. Motkovskaya “I am a car” B. Stepanov “Chauffeur”. “Bus Driver” 3. Game scenario: Week 1: “Building a bus.” The teacher suggests building a bus so that the whole group can go to the forest or to the river, etc. To do this, you need to place the chairs in the same way as the seats on the bus. All structures can be fenced with large building material, leaving “doors” in front and behind for boarding and disembarking passengers. At the beginning of the bus there is a place for the driver. The teacher chooses the driver and conductor, the rest of the children are Passengers. The role of conductor can be taken on by a teacher. Please go to the center of the salon. Don't forget to pay your fare! The children are given money, then they buy tickets. Week 2: “The family is traveling on the bus.” Children assign roles in advance: mom, dad, children. They agree on why and where they are going, and at what stop they get off. In a preliminary conversation or during the game, find out who takes places and who can stand. Who needs to give way? How dad behaves - he lets mom go ahead during boarding, offers his hand, supporting her on the way out. Week 3: “We’re going to the forest.” The teacher announces that after breakfast there will be a walk in the forest. Reminds you that you need to be well prepared for a long trip - What should you take with you? -Who is traveling with the “children”? -What should the “children” take? During the trip, a stop is necessary to rest, have a snack, and play. Mothers feed their children, pick flowers, tell what can be seen in the forest, what to be wary of. After the walk they return home. Week 4: “City tour.” The teacher takes on the role of guide. - Dear passengers, please look to the left, we are passing... - ... in front of us is a wonderful building called... (“Toy House”, “Post Office”, “Shop”, etc.) During the conversation The purpose of these structures is being clarified. You can get off the bus and take a tour of the territory of the village. 4. Ways to exit the game: 4.1 The teacher suggests continuing the game during a walk, taking the necessary takeaway material and attributes for this. 4.2 You can invite children to leave the buildings they have made in order to return to them after a while. 4.2 The teacher takes on the role of a conductor and reports that the Car is heading to the garage. 5. Roles that children can play: Driver, passengers, conductor, controller. 6. Game actions. - building a bus; - driving a bus (rotate the steering wheel, imitate with your voice the operation of the engine, warning signal, siren, open the door, etc.); - change a wheel, inflate tires; - repair the car; - wash the car; - refueling; - boarding and disembarking passengers from the bus; - sale and purchase of tickets; - announcement of stops; - providing space for elders and children; - preparing for a long trip (packing things, water, food, combing your hair, dressing up); - rest stop. 7. Companion games: “Family”, “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Hairdresser”. Role-playing game “Shop” Purpose: - to form children’s ideas about the work of people in a store, the variety of stores and their purpose; - develop visual and effective thinking, communication skills; - continue to cultivate an adequate attitude towards role-playing games; respectful attitude towards each other. Equipment: Seller's uniform, scales, bags for packaging goods, money, wallets, cash register, trucks, goods (vegetables, fruits, toys, shoes, groceries, etc.), shopping bags, display case. 1. Preliminary work: 1.1 Conversation with children on the topic “Shopping”; 1.2 Appeal to the experience of children. Were they in the store? What stores are there and what can you buy in them? 1.3 Conversation about the attributes necessary to work in a store; 1.4 D/i “Shop”, “Vegetables”, “Who needs what? " 2. Literary and information support for the game: A. Barto “Toys” O. Vysotskaya “Watermelon” I. Yancharsky “The Adventures of Ushastik the Bear in a Toy Store” see Gerbova p. 106 3. Game script Week 1: “Grocery Store”. The teacher announces that today a “grocery store” will be opened in the group. Children who want to shop line up. The adult himself takes on the role of a seller and gives the children examples of communication and action: “Hello, don’t be shy, come over, what would you like to buy from us? We have fresh vegetables for sale: potatoes, cabbage, etc. The seller presents his product and serves customers. Next please! Week 2: “Toy Store.” The teacher entrusts the game to the children's hands. He takes on the role of a buyer, saying that he would like to buy a toy for his beloved son (daughter) and asks the child seller to help him choose a suitable toy. The teacher plays the role of a polite, but very demanding client. If it turns out that the child’s experience is not enough, then the teacher prompts him: “Could you show me that toy over there? Do you think my child will like this toy? How should she play? and so on." Weeks 3 and 4: “Clothing store”, “Shoe store”. Same scenario. 4. Ways to exit the game: 4.1 “What wonderful purchases we made today. And now the store is closing. Tomorrow I invite you to do some more shopping.” 4.2 If the game does not die down, then a warning is given in advance: “Attention, the store is closing, we ask you not to stand in line anymore.” 4.3 The teacher can take on the role of a director and say that the Store is closing in order to replenish it with new goods. 5. Roles that children can play: Seller, buyers, loader, packer of goods, cashier. 6. Game actions: - putting on the uniform by the seller; - weighing of goods; - invoice at the cash register; - calculation and delivery; - packaging of goods; - putting goods into bags; - fitting of clothes and shoes; - waiting in line; - delivery and unloading of new goods. 7. Companion games: “Family”, “Bus”, “Mothers and Daughters”. Thematic role-playing game “Barbershop” Purpose: - to form children’s ideas about the activities of a hairdresser; teach to perform a sequence of actions aimed at fulfilling his duties; - develop the ability to use substitute objects; - cultivate a culture of communication with “clients” Equipment: Mirror, bedside table for storing attributes, various combs, bottles, curlers, scissors, hair dryer, cape, apron for a hairdresser, hairpins, elastic bands, bows, towel, fashion magazines, etc. 1. Preliminary work: 1.1 The teacher’s conversation about how he went to the hairdresser; 1.2 Appeal to the personal experience of children; 1.3 Introducing children to the work of a hairdresser; 1.4 Examination of illustrations on the theme of the game; 1.5 Conversation about the attributes of the game; 2. Literary information support for the game: 2.1 Riddles: Easy to wear, I’ve been wearing them for many years, It’s hard to count, but I don’t know how to count them (hair). Two ends, two rings in the middle - a nail (scissors). Look at me all day long, if you’re not too lazy to look at yourself (mirror). She was walking among the curls and lost a tooth (comb). 2.2 Nursery rhymes: Grow your braid to your waist, don’t lose a hair. 3. Game scenario: Week 1: “Barbershop”. The teacher announces that a hair salon is opening in the group today. Those waiting line up. The teacher himself takes on the role of a hairdresser and gives the children examples of communication and action: “Please sit down. What would you like? Are you satisfied with my work? and so on." Week 2: “Let’s get ourselves in order.” The teacher entrusts himself into the children's hands: he complains that he has absolutely no time to go to the hairdresser, and asks the child to help him. The teacher plays the role of a polite but demanding client. If the children’s experience is not broad enough, then the teacher prompts the child: could you wash my hair first? Now blow dry me! and so on. Week 3: “Visiting the hairdresser with the whole family.” The same actions are carried out, only the teacher first organizes the “Mothers and Daughters” game, gradually leading the children to enter the “Barbershop” game. Week 4: “Purchasing goods for the hairdresser.” Before the game, the teacher removes all necessary items from the hairdresser. Then he informs the children that today a new product has arrived in the store for the hairdresser. Thus, the teacher leads the children to the store game, and then gradually takes the game in a new direction: invites clients to participate in the presentation of a new product, examines each attribute, discusses what to do with it, and offers to decorate the corner in a new way. 4. Ways to exit the game: 4.1 “How beautiful you all are. Our hairdressers did a great job. But the working day is over for today. Tomorrow our hair salon will reopen for you." 4.2 If the game does not die out, then a warning about the end of the game is given in advance. "Attention! The hairdresser is serving the last client; those who didn’t have time can look at magazines and choose a hairstyle that they will do tomorrow.” 4.3 The teacher can take on the role of the director of the hairdressing salon and say: “We have run out of shampoo, and there is no more hairspray, we will have to finish the job. Tomorrow we will certainly buy everything better and new.” 5. Roles that children can play: Hairdresser, hairdresser apprentice, manicurist, clients, mothers, their children. 6. Game actions: - putting a cape on the client; - combing; - haircut (shaking hair from cape); - washing head; - drying with a towel; - drying with a hairdryer; - hair coloring; - varnish coating; - spraying with perfume; - curling curlers; - braiding (hairpins, elastic bands); - looking at magazines, offering a cup of coffee. 7. Companion games: - “Daughters - mothers”: invite the parent to go to the hairdresser or take the child; - “Store”: organize a temporary shelf for the sale of cosmetics; - “Bus”: offer the hairdresser to go buy a new product by car. Role-playing game “Hospital” Purpose: - to acquaint children with the work of a doctor, teach them to perform game actions by demonstration, by example, and then by verbal Instructions; - develop interest in the game, stimulate and encourage speech activity; - cultivate the ability to sympathize, empathize with the patient, and the desire to help. Equipment: Medical gown and cap, doctor's bag, play set "Doll Doctor", phonendoscope tube, spatula for examining the throat, thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, iodine, tablets, medicine (all toy, made of unbreakable material), heating pad, forms recipes 1. Preliminary work: 1.1 Examination of the painting “Doctor” from the series “Who to be?”, a set of sequential pictures (individual pictures or screen) to familiarize yourself with the work of a doctor, nurse; 1.2 Excursion to the medical office; 1.3 Didactic games “Different tablets”, “Find where it hurts?” 1.4 Conversation about the attributes of the game, substitute items. 2. Literary information support for the game: Reading Chukovsky K.I. “Doctor Aibolit” (excerpts) Kardashova A. “Our Doctor” 3. Game scenario: Week 1: “At the doctor’s appointment” The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that everyone’s favorite doll in the group has fallen ill. The teacher himself takes on the role of a doctor and examines the patient. Draws children's attention to the tools he has and clarifies what they are needed for. Demonstrates to children the sequence of examination: measuring temperature, examining the throat, listening, then prescribing treatment. Then he invites the children to play as well. Week 2: “Examination by a doctor” The game is entrusted to the children’s hands. The teacher helps distribute roles among themselves. She can take on the role of a mother in order to provide the necessary assistance to the child. Week 3: “Mom calls a doctor at home.” The teacher takes on the role of a mother and demonstrates new play actions: worrying about her son or daughter, touching the child’s face, taking the temperature, asking to show her tongue, etc. , calls the doctor and says what happened. Children assign roles in advance: who will be a doctor, who will be a nurse, who will be a driver, and perform play actions with the help of an adult. The nurse takes a call by phone, writes in a notebook, the doctor packs a bag, the driver prepares the car for the trip, etc. Upon arrival at the place, the child performs already familiar actions independently. Week 4 “An ambulance takes a patient to the hospital” Follow the same scenario as the previous week. Then the teacher leads the child to the fact that the patient needs to be taken to the hospital: dressed, put on a stretcher (if the patient is a doll) or escorted to the car, taken to the hospital, the nurse prepares a room for the patient. Treatment is underway. 4. Ways to exit the game: 4.1 “Doctor” says that the appointment is over for today, offers to come next time; 4.2 The adult takes on the role of the chief physician and warns in advance that he is accepting the last patient and the appointment ends; 4.3 The phone rings, the doctor is informed that he is being called to the patient’s home and the appointment ends; 4.4 Players are informed that the patient has been admitted for treatment and needs rest; they can visit him tomorrow. 5. Roles: doctor, nurse, patient, driver, mother, medicine seller. 6. Game actions: - preparing tools, washing hands, putting on uniform; - conducting an examination: listening, examining the throat, ear, wound, measuring temperature, etc. - performing procedures: write out a prescription, give a pill, give an injection, apply a bandage, apply a heating pad, etc.; calling a doctor at home; - arrival on call: preparing the car (fill with gasoline, - inflate the tires, wipe the windows, etc.), collecting a medical bag; - Taking the patient by car to the hospital. 7. Companion games: “Family” - invite the children to play house, and then lead them to play “Hospital”; “Bus” - organize a trip to the hospital to examine children. “Pharmacy” - similar to the “Shop” game. Working with parents The participation of parents in this work is important in enriching the experience of children, who, receiving specific tasks (shopping with the child in a store, market, pharmacy; showing and telling him how to do it, etc. .), become active participants in the educational process. Such joint activities are very effective. Some forms of work of parents with children: Conversation with children on the following topics: “Mom, dad, me”, “Who does what at home?”, “Different professions”, “Cars in our city”, etc. conversations based on story pictures; Organization of observations of housework of mother, father, grandmother; in the store at the work of the cashier, the seller, the actions of the buyer; in the hospital - the work of a doctor, the behavior of the patient; the work of a driver, conductor; the actions of the hairdresser and his client; Parents' own example. Targeted trips to various stores (depending on the theme of the game), hospital, hairdresser by car, bus, train; Reading fiction, watching cartoons recommended by teachers on game topics. Forms of work between teachers and parents: Showing options for playing games. Joint development of scenarios for role-playing games. Making attributes for role-playing games (sewing doll bed linen, clothes for dolls, receipts, recipes, etc.); Album design “Professions”, “My Family”, “Fashionable Hairstyles”; Production and exhibition of homemade toys (cookies, candies, vegetables, fruits, cars, etc. Exhibition of photographs (photo newspaper) in a group on the topic “We play at home and in kindergarten”; Literature used 1. Teaching role-playing games for preschoolers with problems in intellectual development: Educational manual / Edited by L.B. Baryaeva, A.P. Sokolova - St. Petersburg: LOIUU, 1996. 2. O.A. V. Loginova. We play? We play!!! Pedagogical guidance of games for preschool children. - M.: “Scriptorium Publishing House”, 2005. 3. Gubanova N.F. System of work in the first junior group of kindergarten. M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008. 4. Book for reading in kindergarten and at home: 2 – 4 years: A manual for kindergarten teachers and parents / Compiled by V.V. Gerbova and others - M.: Onyx Publishing House, 2006.

For preschool children: today we’ll play mother and daughter. Watching a child unfold a family story is very interesting and useful. Firstly, you see yourself from the outside: the most frequently heard phrases, typical behavioral reactions, intonations are reproduced by the girls exactly. It is especially important for self-control to take a closer look at the above details during the period when the baby is not yet attending kindergarten and essentially copies only her mother.

On the other hand, playing together is a good opportunity to make adjustments to the child’s behavior, to gently draw attention to how difficult it can be with a capricious baby who does not want to go to bed or take a bath. There is a high probability that the daughter herself will tell her parents a way out of problematic situations through play: for example, fall asleep to a song, and not after a fairy tale, etc. However, all educational moments are introduced very delicately so that the game does not turn into an edifying puppet show.

Plot options for playing mother-daughter (family):

  • cooking with my mother (echoes);
  • daughter's birthday;
  • taking care of the baby;
  • the baby is sick;
  • We welcome guests;
  • on a walk;
  • the family goes grocery shopping (see accessories for);
  • dressing up my daughter for the holiday;
  • any other plots familiar to the child from real life.

If adults do not know or have forgotten how to set up such games, you can start with online toys available for free on the Internet. Many girls aged three and older love Baby Hazel. Colorful, divided into separate games, the baby’s life is varied and interesting. The controls are simple, no reading skills required. However, a virtual analogue cannot and should not replace the real “mother-daughter” scene - it is better to use it as a start and a hint.

Accessories for family role-playing games(the daughter takes on the role of mother, older sister):

  • baby doll (doll) in clothes;
  • play furniture and bath;
  • doll dishes or bottle;
  • comb;
  • the other depends on the actions with the doll.

It would be great if you could arrange a small themed corner in your children’s room. Playing daughter-mother develops motor skills, imagination and speech, trains children's memory, teaches them to play in a team, helps to consolidate polite behavior skills, and care for younger children.

Not all girls like to play with dolls. Quite often the reason is that they simply do not know what and how to do with toy beauties. Play with your daughter for a few days/weeks yourself - enthusiastically, without looking at the clock. There is a high chance that your enthusiasm will rub off on your baby. Or maybe she will like not baby dolls, but small dolls? The website “Crib for Parents” published a detailed description for a four-year-old girl. The instructions include 26 photographs.

This concludes the description of role-playing games for preschoolers, but you still have many options for implementation: post office, library, fishing, pharmacy, circus, space, school, zoo, bus, photo studio.

Played by Alena Rubtsova

And only over time, after reading a bunch of books and articles on the Internet, talking with child psychologists, I realized what role occupies in a child's life a game. Through play, children learn about the world, become familiar with the objects around them; in play, children try on and rehearse social roles and relationships, and learn to navigate their own feelings and experiences. The game teaches the child to obey certain rules and laws; the game even heals if used wisely. Child psychologists use games to relieve many fears and complexes in children. In short, the more and better a child plays, the easier it will be for him in adult life. Do you think I'm exaggerating? Not at all! See for yourself.

Opinion of the child psychologist of kindergarten 160 Natalia Kolobova:

Modern children have completely stopped playing. Observing children aged six to seven years, I notice that in terms of development of play activity they are at the level of four to five year olds. Why? Well, firstly, the environment surrounding the child has changed. Our kids spend more and more time watching TV and at the computer. Secondly, parents became interested in the intellectual development of their children. A modern school requires a high level of preparedness; a poorly prepared child has no chance of getting into a decent educational institution. Therefore, parents, and even kindergartens, devote all their efforts to mental development, forgetting that without emotional and creative development, it is impossible to talk about the child’s full readiness for school. Thirdly, mothers and fathers themselves, and often teachers, simply do not know how to play and enjoy it.

Previously, children grew up in courtyards, on playgrounds, where there were both peers and older children. There was an exchange of experience in itself. The older ones taught the younger ones how to play. Now the connection between generations is broken. Most parents prefer not to let their preschoolers into the yard. Children communicate only in kindergarten, with peers. But they are extremely busy there! They have several classes a day, plus English, dancing, chess, etc. Teachers also have no time to play with children - they need to complete the curriculum. So the question arises: who will teach children to play? Responsibility falls only on the parents, on the family. It’s good if there are older children in the family - they will teach. Otherwise, parents themselves should become children for a while and enjoy playing with their child. It is with pleasure, because without positive emotions there will be no good result: children always feel false and obligatory.

How to play with a child?

Rule one:

Accept the game only in a good mood.

Rule two:

Choose a game according to the child's age. With a one-year-old baby, you can simply take cars from the garage to the “construction site”, dress a doll, etc. With an older child, you can play in the hospital. Let you be a doctor, and the child will bring a bunny to the patient’s appointment. Show what the doctor does and what he says. Then switch roles with the baby. With an older child, you can improvise, move away from the planned plan, introduce new ideas and images.

Rule three:

At home, the child should have a large selection of play materials. This includes a puppet theater, a construction set, a set of cars, doll furniture, dishes, a set of tools, natural material for creativity, etc.

Rule four:

Remember that both girls and boys need to try on the roles of the opposite sex. Therefore, buy your daughter several cars and a set of tools, and buy your son at least one doll. Teach them to play with these toys!

Rule five, the main thing:

The child should have time to play!! Don't overload your children with intellectual activities! Remember: children who did not finish playing in childhood will definitely “finish playing” at a later age, but their games are completely different and far from safe.

What to play with your child?

One or two years

At this age, children usually simply manipulate objects and study their properties. They often use objects that fall into their hands for other purposes.

Role of an adult: Provide your child with a wide variety of stimulating materials. These don't necessarily have to be toys. Kitchen utensils, parent's shoes, clothes - everything fits!

Two to three years

At this time, the beginnings of a story game appear. Children begin to play without thinking, the choice of game is determined by the toy that catches their eye, and the desire to imitate other children. The goal arises during the game. The main content of play at this age is action with objects. Only at the end of the third year of life do children move on to displaying the simplest relationships between characters (girl “mother” - doll “daughter”). The plots of games, as a rule, are everyday, they are few in number, monotonous and unstable.

Role of an adult: At this age, adults take the initiative in playing with the child. Invite your baby to feed the doll and go for a walk with it, ride in a car, build a house, etc., so that he has an idea of ​​what to play with. And besides, provide your child with the company of other children, this is necessary for his full development!

Three to four years

Children of this age begin to independently set game tasks for those with whom they want to play, but they cannot always understand each other, so an adult needs to help them define the game task in words. The plot-display game turns into a plot-role-playing game. In play, children begin to reflect not only the purpose of objects, but also the relationships of adults. The kids are already trying to play roles, although they are still poorly able to live up to the roles. Role-playing dialogue gradually develops, even with an imaginary interlocutor. Children begin to use substitute objects, switch to designations and replacing objects and actions with words (“It’s like I gave you a bath and combed your hair”).

Role of an adult: at this age, an adult can help the child choose a plot for the game, assign roles, and choose substitute items. Pay attention to the behavior of your partners in the role. If you and your child are playing “Bus,” you need to show your child what the conductor, driver, passengers, etc. are doing.

Four to five years

Children of this age already agree on their own before starting the game. Now they are mainly interested in adult relationships. They play house, store, hospital, school. The plots of the games are detailed and varied. Players themselves combine episodes from fairy tales and real life. Their role-playing dialogues become longer and more meaningful. Children convey the characteristic features of the character through movements, facial expressions, gestures, and intonations. Most children prefer to play together because... they manage to interact easily. They follow the rules in accordance with the role they take on. Monitor compliance with the rules of the game by partners.

Five to seven years

At this age, children's play plans become more stable, they develop, and a long-term perspective for play appears. Before starting the game, children outline a general plan, and during the game they improvise. The role of conversations increases; players often replace action with words. In play, children now widely use improvised materials to replace certain objects. The players realize that a necessary condition for fulfilling the role is compliance with the rules of the game.

Role of an adult: Create conditions for creativity for your child, do not limit him in play! The most important thing is that he has enough time to play. Do not overload your son or daughter with preparation for school and intellectual development.

We thank the child psychologist of kindergarten 160 Natalia KOLOBOVA
for invaluable assistance in preparing the material.