How to make up eyelashes with mascara and make the look expressive? How to make eyelashes so that they are lush

Any woman is sure that she knows everything about how to paint eyelashes correctly. However, there are several important recommendations, the knowledge of which will help you always have flawlessly made up eyes.

Mascara is one of the most important cosmetic inventions given to women. Thanks to her, in just a few minutes you can make your eyes charming and expressive, and your eyelashes - long and fluffy.

In order for the result to always be perfect, you need to know how to properly paint your eyelashes with mascara. There are several recommendations, the knowledge of which will facilitate the application of makeup. So, if a cream was used at first, then traces of fat may remain on the eyelashes and the mascara will not “lie” well. To get rid of the greasy effect, they need to get wet with a napkin, and the eyelids should be powdered.

Do not be upset if a little mascara has got on the eyelid. You need to wait until it dries, and use a damp cotton swab to remove excess. If you do not want to work with cotton buds, you can do it differently. Before applying mascara, apply a little loose powder to the area under the eyes. When the makeup is completed, the powder is simply brushed off with a fluffy brush along with particles of mascara and shadows.

Makeup artists and cosmetologists have long been arguing about how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara. Many recommend not to paint over the bottom row, so as not to visually reduce the eyes. In fact, only full coloring of eyelashes will help create a harmonious and complete make-up. However, if the young lady still believes that the painted lower eyelashes visually reduce her eyes, she can try to use one little trick.

Before applying mascara to the inner lower eyelid, apply a thin strip with a white pencil.

This technique will help visually enlarge the eyes.

Application methods

There are many techniques for applying mascara, and each has its own characteristics. The brush can be held both straight and vertically, moving it along the eyelashes. You can just bring it to your eyes and blink quickly. Movements can be straight or zigzag. The difference between this movement is that more mascara gets on the hairs, the volume of eyelashes visually increases. This method is ideal for owners of thin and short eyelashes. But if you use it for long ones, then they will get an ugly shape and the makeup will look sloppy.

To get fluffy eyelashes, you need to bring the brush to your eyes and blink quickly. At the same time, the mascara lays down in a thin layer, and the framing of the eyes looks more natural and fluffy. Most of all, this technique is suitable for women with long eyelashes.

To prevent the hairs from sticking together, the brush must be held horizontally. If you apply mascara with the tip of the brush, the lashes will stick together because there will be no combing. Mascara will stick not to individual hairs, but to several at once.

Separately, it must be said about how many layers of mascara should be. Of course, this is a matter of taste, but there are still a few tricks in this matter. If there is a need to apply a second layer, do not wait until the first one dries. Otherwise, the eyelashes will have a “broken” look, the mascara will crumble. If the second layer is applied immediately after the first, then the mascara will simply come off. It is better to apply the first layer, then paint over the bottom row, and then return to the top ones. So, the ink will have time to dry to the desired state.

Immediately after applying mascara, the lashes should be combed. To do this, use a special comb or an old clean brush. To make the lashes fluffy, you need to use a bristle brush. A plastic comb will help to ideally separate the hairs.

What should be the brush?

The result depends on the right brush. There are many of them today. They differ not only in the material of manufacture, but also in the shape and length of the bristles. You should choose which type to use, depending on what you want to get in the end. In order for the cilia to be perfectly separated, you need to take a classic silicone brush. However, you will have to forget about the large volume and a significant increase in length. Such a tool is suitable for owners of thick and long eyelashes who just want to emphasize their natural beauty.

If by nature the eyelashes are sparse, then the best solution would be to use a plastic brush with sparse bristles. She will divide them not into individual hairs, but into small groups. If natural eyelashes are not only rare, but also thin and soft, then such a brush should be discarded.

A plastic brush with densely spaced bristles will help add volume. This is perfect for short lashes.

A regular brush with solid bristles will separate the hairs well and create fluffy volume. However, if the natural eyelashes are hard and naughty, then the mascara will only smear over them and no volume will come out. For hard ones, it is better to use spiral bristles, which will help to get extra volume and a beautiful curve.

Long bristles are able to comb the hairs well and add volume, as they leave enough mascara on them. A short one is better to use for painting the corners of the eyes. She will apply mascara well and will not stain the eyelid. A tool with a combined bristle allows you to simultaneously increase the volume and paint over the corners of the eyes. The bristles are longer at the edges to help lift and curl your lashes.


How to paint eyelashes with mascara? To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to act in a certain sequence. First you need to make up the bottom row, using only the tip of the brush for this. To do this, it must be in a vertical position. Then the brush is transferred to a horizontal position, the upper eyelashes are painted. You should start from the middle of the century, gradually moving towards the outer edge, and then return to the inner.

Mascara should be applied along the entire length of the eyelashes, moving from the roots to the tips. Movements should be smooth and long, slightly twisting and lifting. After applying one layer of mascara, you need to wait a few seconds for it to dry. Apply a second layer if necessary.

Women who are interested in how to make up eyelashes beautifully so that they look longer should take into account that in this case the brush must be “stretched” along the hairs in an upward direction. The head should be slightly raised. To make the eyelashes look curved, the eyes should be covered. Move the brush, winding the eyelashes on the upper eyelid.

To make the almond-shaped eyes more pronounced, the brush should move obliquely in the direction from the center of the eyelid to the outer corner. If, before coloring the eyelashes, comb them with a special brush, the mascara will lay down in a perfectly even layer. Each hair will be separated.

To train in order to know how to properly paint your eyes with mascara, you need not on the day of a significant event or date. It is important to try different techniques in practice in advance in order to choose the most suitable option. The reward will be perfectly made-up eyes, luxurious long eyelashes and a charming look.

Daily and evening, it is impossible to imagine without the finishing touch - mascara on the eyelashes. For most women, the tips of the eyelashes are light, so without additional tinting, they lose their expressiveness, and the eyelashes look much shorter than they really are. Properly applied, emphasizes the color of the iris and visually lengthens the eyelashes, making them thicker.

Any mascara requires mandatory allergy testing - all women are individual and what suits one ideally may not suit another at all. Allergy sufferers and those who wear contact lenses should approach the selection of mascara with special attention.

The external effect of the mascara depends on the correct selection and application. Sometimes just after the make-up was completed with a few strokes of mascara.

Mascara is divided into several types:

  • lengthening,
  • voluminous,
  • color or accent.

Lengthening mascara helps to color the eyelashes along the entire length, covering even the tips, and makes them visually longer. Mascara with the addition of special polymers or tiny threads is able to "increase" the length of each eyelash.

In addition, this type of mascara gently curls and curls the eyelashes, which makes the look more open, and the eyes - more and more expressive. This type of mascara requires more thorough testing - in some women, additives and fibers in the composition provoke conjunctivitis and allergic reactions.

Volumetric mascara is designed to make thin and light cilia more dense and noticeable. The consistency of this tool allows you to layer it on the eyelashes, thickening them with each layer. Eyelashes carelessly stained with such mascara can stick together and look untidy. Proper storage is especially important for this type of mascara, as it tends to dry out quickly and form unaesthetic lumps.

The composition of colored mascara is no different from the usual one, the only difference is in color. Usually it is used as an accent in evening make-up, sometimes painting over only the tips of the upper eyelashes with it. Very popular in summer makeup - bright colors look great against fresh tanned skin.
The type of mascara is selected individually depending on the shape of the eyes and the type of eyelashes.

Long naturally curved eyelashes framing large expressive eyes look beautiful with any mascara, the main thing is not to overload them with paint.

Sparse eyelashes are painted with voluminous mascara, which makes them visually thicker, and short ones are trying to beautify with an extension.

Many modern mascaras combine the properties of both volumizing and lengthening mascaras, making them a versatile eye makeup tool. In one make-up, it is quite possible to combine several types of mascara - the upper eyelashes can be painted over with voluminous mascara, the lower ones can be lengthened and color accents can be applied to the tips of the eyelashes using colored mascara, the shade of which looks harmonious with the color of the eye shadow or outfit.

Methods for applying mascara for different eye shapes

Mascara is an excellent means of correction. By painting over a certain area more intensively, you can visually change even the shape of the eyes, and the combination of mascara with eyeliner, pencil and shadows completely changes the impression of appearance.

With the help of mascara, you can correct:

  • close-set eyes
  • too bulging eyes
  • narrow slit eyes
  • round eye shape.

With the eyes located close to the bridge of the nose, they need to be visually “pushed apart”, for this they use light shadows in the inner corner of the eye and mascara, layered on the outer sections of the eyelashes. You can use the color correction method - the eyelashes are stained with brown or gray mascara, and the outer areas are actively darkened with black.

A transition of tones is created, visually removing the eyes from the bridge of the nose. With this makeup, it is important to carefully paint over literally every eyelash.

Too bulging eyes require minimal accentuation. To reduce their volume, only the tips of the eyelashes are stained.

Narrow eyes will look more rounded if you paint over not only the upper but also the lower eyelashes. The concentration of color and density of shadows above the center of the eye (above the pupil) also changes the shape in the direction of rounding.

Round eyes appear more elongated and almond-shaped if the lower lashes are not painted at all. The color is concentrated on the outer areas of the upper eyelashes, stretching them in the form of a wing towards the temple. Such "flying" forms distract attention from rounded eyes and give them a beautiful shape.

Lengthening mascara is usually applied in zigzag movements from the bottom up, trying to paint over the eyelash from the very base to the tip. With this movement, the ink covers their entire surface. Individual eyelashes are tinted by holding the mascara brush vertically. Some manufacturers produce special small bottles of paint intended for coloring the lower eyelashes. This is very convenient - they have a small brush that allows you to carefully and accurately draw each eyelash without ruining your makeup.

Tricks to help increase eyelashes with mascara

Smoky "smoky eyes"

With any make-up, there are a number of secrets that help make the eyes brighter and more expressive, and the eyelashes thicker and longer.

It could be:

  • twisting with special tongs,
  • applying powder to eyelashes
  • layering mascara depending on the size and shape of the eyelashes.

An easy way to make your eyes look open is to curl your eyelashes with special tongs. At the same time, it is important not to pull or “squeeze” the eyelashes so as not to injure or break them. This stage is especially important for straight eyelashes, curling lifts them from the roots, and the subsequent application of mascara fixes the shape.

If the eyelashes are thin, you can add thickness to them not only with mascara, but also by lightly dusting the first layer of mascara. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of powder, otherwise the eyelashes can stick together and become like hairy "spider legs".

Mascara is the final stage of makeup, when all the “operations” for applying makeup have already been completed. This procedure requires accuracy and lack of fuss and haste, so as not to spoil the already applied make-up. First, mascara is applied to the very tips of the eyelashes - they are usually the lightest. Having painted over them, mascara is applied to all upper eyelashes, moving upwards in zigzag movements from the lash line. Eyelashes try to paint in the direction up and out, giving them a shape directed from the nose to the temple. This technique allows you to visually enlarge the eyes, stretching their outer corner. Coloring eyelashes from the very roots fixes the bend, revealing the look. If possible, color the eyelashes located in the outer corner of the upper eyelid as much as possible.

Pale, colorless eyelashes are covered with mascara in several stages: first, the upper ones are painted with the eye closed from top to bottom, painting over the part that is not visible with the eyes open. Then the tips of the upper eyelashes are stained with open eyes, and then all the cilia completely. Thus, the entire eyelash is completely covered with paint and its natural red or light shade is not visible under the mascara.

If the mascara lay unevenly or there is too much of it, the eyelashes are combed with a special brush or comb. If the result is not satisfactory, you can carefully add another layer of mascara.

If you follow the simple rules of applying makeup and using it, the result can radically change your appearance. Highlighted eyelashes set off the beautiful color of the eyes and give brightness to the entire face.

Mascara, like the rest of cosmetics, is a subject of individual use and only one person should use it. Carcass-borne infections start with a simple inflammation of the conjunctiva and end with serious infectious diseases that are very difficult and expensive to cure.

Open mascara is stored for no more than 3 months, ideally use a bottle for a month - then microbes will not have time to settle in it.

It is unacceptable to pour foreign liquids into the container - dried ink can only be thrown away, even diluted, it will lie down in lumps.

The eye needs, which is applied according to the individual characteristics of the woman's appearance.

In contact with

An expressive look framed by lush eyelashes is a powerful weapon in a woman's arsenal. A few strokes of the brush with mascara can complete the make-up. The history of mascara began in ancient Egypt - girls mixed soot with oils and framed their eyes with this mixture. The possibilities of the cosmetic product are extensive: you can paint eyelashes with mascara to lengthen and add volume, use it to carefully emphasize the ciliary bend in everyday makeup and for a rich accent in an evening look. Mascara is one of the most popular types of cosmetics with high sales rates.

Mascara selection principles

You don't have to be a professional makeup artist to learn the basics of eye makeup. The main key to success is in the selection of carcasses. It is she who, ideally suited to a particular woman in her characteristics, will become an assistant in creating a beautiful make-up. Cosmetics manufacturing companies tirelessly release new varieties of mascara, improve its composition, add caring components to the formula, change the size and shape of the brush.

Before buying, be sure to find out the expiration date indicated on the label. By the end of this period, the product begins, when stained, it will lie down in lumps and crumble. Expired mascara is dangerous to eye health.

From the variety of beautiful tubes, it is difficult to choose the right option without understanding the characteristics of your own eyelash growth. Recommendations for choosing a mascara according to the type of eyelashes:

Having decided on the structure, you need to understand how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara and which tool to choose. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get a mini version for testing, so buying a full-fledged copy in 10 ml should not be a mistake. There are several types of mascara:

When the treasured bottle is selected, you can start staining. But before you paint your eyelashes with mascara, you need to make sure that there is no day cream left on the ciliary edge. Otherwise, at the points of contact with the cream base, the coloring matter will not dry out or will delaminate and crumble. Makeup artists recommend degreasing the lash line with light dusting to begin with. The procedure is performed very carefully, avoiding powder getting on the cornea. The advice is not suitable for owners of sensitive eyes prone to allergies.

Most girls prefer curled eyelashes, but if nature does not endow them with a natural curl, you can use special curling irons. In a couple of minutes of careful actions, they will lift, curl your eyelashes and open your eyes. The main thing is to practice in advance in the use of tweezers, so that subsequently long twisted hairs do not break off during the staining process. Curling with tongs occurs strictly before applying mascara.

A variety of bases and primers are very popular with beauties. Thanks to this base, the mascara will lay down in a smooth layer, without the formation of lumps. Bases also have nutritional properties. It is possible to use a solo primer - eyelashes with it will look very natural, but will gain length and bend.

Books have been written about the technique of applying eye makeup, but the most important secret is to “stuff” your hand (or both hands, because some girls paint their left eye with their left hand). The gradual development of an individual staining technique is a matter of time and experience. There are several most applicable methods of applying mascara:

Depending on preferences, mascara is applied in one or two layers. When creating the most natural look, one layer will be enough. For an expressive look with voluminous eyelashes or creating a cat-eye style, you need two layers. Before applying each subsequent layer, you need to let the previous one dry a little, but not completely - otherwise, as a result, the mascara will fall into lumps. For stage images, 3-4 layers are applied.

The lower eyelash row, according to the recommendations of the makeup artists, is painted in one layer. Some women should avoid applying mascara to their lower lashes as such makeup can visually. It is best to make a trial version and evaluate all its pros and cons.

5 secrets on how to color eyelashes correctly

  • you need to use mascara after, powder and shadows - it must complete the makeup process, otherwise powder particles can dust the hairs;
  • if the eyelashes stick together during dyeing, they can be carefully separated with a dry brush (a thoroughly washed and dried brush from a used tube will do);
  • if there is no special primer at hand, dried mascara can be used as the first layer for voluminous eyelashes. It will create the necessary adhesion to the eyelashes for the subsequent application of fresh liquid mascara;
  • to avoid sticky eyelashes, before applying mascara, you need to wipe the brush on the neck of the tube, removing the excess mass. If the composition began to dry out and lies tightly on the brush, it is necessary to wipe off the excess on a napkin;
  • if a few hours after applying makeup, the mascara slightly crumbled and lost pigment, it is not necessary to wash everything off and re-paint. You can lightly tint the edges of the eyelashes with mascara, without getting close to the roots, to restore brightness.

These are the tips gave you. I hope you understand everything, interesting, and most importantly useful. If you have any questions or wishes - write comments, we will understand. Visit our site for more!

Makeup is a daily procedure familiar to every girl. Mascara will help to highlight the eyes, make the look more expressive and mysterious. But not everyone knows how to make up eyelashes correctly so that they look thicker, longer and more voluminous. There are special techniques and secrets of applying makeup. If you follow the instructions and use high-quality and properly selected mascara, then an excellent result is guaranteed.

Mascaras are different. Choose them based on what effect you want to achieve. There are the following types of mascara:

1. Mascara for volume will help make eyelashes fluffy, creating a kind of film on each hair. Its composition is saturated with synthetic fibers and wax. Volumetric mascara will make the look more expressive. Micro-particles create the look of fluffy lash extensions that look much thicker.

2. To make the eyelashes long, apply the appropriate mascara. This effect is achieved thanks to the microfibers of nylon, viscose and silk. The mascara has a light texture and lays down well. The lengthening tube is equipped with a brush with sparse hairs. Synthetic substances in its composition can provoke allergies.

3. In order to give the cilia a seductive curve, you can use curling mascara. This effect allows you to achieve the keratin and resins contained in it. When dried, these substances tighten the cilia. Curling mascara is usually supplied with a curved brush with hairs of different lengths.

4. Waterproof mascara will be needed in high humidity conditions. It is resistant to tears and sweat. It can only be removed with a waterproof makeup remover. As a rule, such mascara does not have any other useful properties. Hair from it will not become longer, thicker or fluffier. Therefore, makeup artists recommend that you first paint your eyelashes with lengthening or voluminous mascara, and then with waterproof.

5. Hypoallergenic mascara is suitable for women with sensitive eyes. It contains vitamins and minerals that care for the hairs, give them shine.

It is equally important when choosing a carcass to take into account the shape and design of the brush:

  • The classic brush has the same bristles that evenly distribute the paint over the cilia. It will not add volume or length to the hairs.
  • The brush with spirally arranged villi separates and coats even tough lashes well.
  • The silicone brush paints the cilia well, slightly lengthens and twists.
  • The tapered thick brush has longer bristles at the tip. Usually it is attached to the mascara, which increases volume and twists.
  • Get long eyelashes will allow a flat brush like a comb. With the help of it, the hairs are given volume and rich color.
  • The curved brush has villi of different lengths. It will help to tame naughty cilia.

With the right selection of mascara, the chance to get a good result when staining increases.

Step-by-step instruction

This instruction will tell you how to properly paint eyelashes with mascara:

1. If a woman wants to make up her eyelashes and get a beautiful bend, then one twisting mascara is indispensable. You must first curl the hairs with tongs. If they are not there, then the cilia are bent with your fingers and kept in this position for a while.

2. The bottle of mascara is opened and the brush is taken out. If there is too much mascara on it, then the excess must be removed by brushing it off the edge of the tube or with a paper towel.

3. Eyelashes begin to be painted from the upper eyelid. Particular attention should be paid to the inner corner of the eye. Then they move on to the central part. Smoothly move to the outer corner. With each stroke of the brush, you need to make sure that all eyelashes are affected. The hairs are fixed between the villi of the brush.

4. It is necessary to paint over the cilia from the roots, gradually moving towards the tips. The largest amount of mascara should remain exactly at the base of the hairs. This will create something like a wireframe. At the same time, the eyelashes are not weighed down.

5. How to make up the bottom row of eyelashes? Without dipping the brush in the mascara, pass it through the hairs once. This will help to avoid weighting the lower eyelid and the appearance of lumps.

6. Allow the product to dry. For additional separation, the cilia are combed.

7. Apply a second layer of makeup.

8. After the second layer, you need to comb the cilia again with a clean brush so that they do not stick together.

If everything was done according to the rules, then a great result is guaranteed.

In order for eye makeup to always be neat, it is important to follow certain rules:

1. In order for the mascara to fit well on the eyelashes and last as long as possible, the cream must not be allowed to get on the hairs. Therefore, before staining, it is best to degrease with a special tonic. Then the cilia are lightly powdered. And then they apply mascara. So the eyelashes will look much fluffier and thicker.

2. Eyelashes that are too straight should be twisted before coloring. This can be done in different ways. A radical method is a biowave, which has to be repeated periodically. In this case, before you make up the eyelashes, they can be straightened with your fingers. The second method involves curling the hairs with special tongs. When using them, care must be taken not to get burned. Eyelashes are lifted with tweezers and slightly clamped. Do not hold them for more than 10 seconds, so as not to burn the hairs. This will cause them to break and fall out.

3. Makeup must be created in stages. It is preferable to paint the cilia only after the shadows are applied and the face is powdered. Otherwise, paint particles can settle on the hairs, and when applying mascara, lumps form.

4. Only one layer of mascara is applied to the eyelashes on the lower eyelid so as not to unnecessarily weigh them down.

5. In order for the brush to glide better through the hairs, it is recommended to pre-wet them with a damp cloth.

6. Use ink for no longer than 4 months. After that, it is better to buy a new bottle. An old product is poorly applied, forms lumps, crumbles and looks sloppy on the eyelashes.

7. It is known that a couple of hours after makeup, the cilia can fall. In this case, it is better to update the makeup. But the paint is applied only to the tips of the cilia and in a small amount.

8. If the mascara crumbles and leaves spots on the face, it is recommended to cover the eyelids with powder. This will make it easier to remove the paint. It will be enough to wipe your eyes with a regular damp cloth.

9. If the hairs are too soft and thin, then they may not hold their shape well under a layer of mascara. To prevent lashes from sticking together, you should not use products with silicone brushes. They are able to create the effect of ugly spider legs.

10. If the eyelashes are very thick, then you should choose brushes with long bristles that can comb them well.

11. For long eyelashes, a stiff brush is perfect.

12. With overhanging eyelids, it is impossible to carefully paint over the bottom row of cilia with a thick brush. The brush should be very thin.

13. Judging by the reviews, it is better to apply colored mascara over black. If you apply it on unpainted eyelashes, then the makeup will look vulgar.

14. When creating age-related eye makeup, you should not use mascara, which will make the eyelashes more voluminous. It is better to choose a regular extension.

15. It is necessary to start painting the eyes with mascara from the middle of the century, moving towards the outer edge. Then apply makeup on the inside.

16. Mascara is distributed with light movements from the bottom up. If you do the opposite, then the eyelashes will stick together.

17. The largest amount of mascara is applied to the roots, stretching the remainder to the tips. This will help avoid sticking and lumps.

18. To be voluminous, long and fluffy, eyelashes are painted in 2 layers. In this case, before applying the second, the first should have time to dry slightly. So the hairs will appear thicker, but not stick together.

19. To curl the hairs without the use of forceps, you need to close your eyes, and pull the cilia up with a brush towards the eyelid.

Possible mistakes

With the wrong choice of mascara or non-compliance with the rules for its use, you can often get an inaccurate result in the form of glued eyelashes and unaesthetic lumps on them. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to know the most common mistakes that women make:

1. More than two layers of mascara were applied to the hairs. At the same time, the cilia become heavier, look sloppy. But the worst thing is that after a while the cosmetics will begin to crumble or spread. Dark spots remain under the eyes.

2. If you apply too much pressure with the brush, the mascara can be imprinted on the skin.

3. Dried ink was diluted. It will be easy to apply, but after a while it will crumble and cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Read about what you can dilute mascara with.

4. Mascara was applied to the hairs directly on the oil-based firming agent. In this case, the adhesion of paint to the cilia is broken. As a result, the mascara will begin to smear and will certainly leave ugly dark spots under the eyes and prints on the upper eyelid.

5. Using an eyelash curler after mascara has been applied will ruin your makeup. In addition, there is a risk of damaging the hairs, they will begin to break. The tool is recommended to be used only before applying paint.

6. Sharp and frequent opening and closing of the tube speeds up the drying process. The mascara starts to form lumps.

7. Application of damaged and expired cosmetics. A tool that has been used for more than 3 months loses its qualities. The consequence of this will be burning, irritation and redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

8. Poor staining of the roots visually makes the cilia shorter.

9. To avoid the effect of sticky eyelashes, it is necessary to degrease them before coloring.

10. Reviews indicate that applying too much mascara to them leads to gluing of eyelashes.

11. Applying eyelashes with sharp, hasty movements can result in sloppy makeup and black prints on the eyelids.

12. Sloppy makeup will turn out if you apply mascara before using shadows. Eye makeup will crumble and remain on the cilia. They will lose their brightness and neatness, lumps will appear.

13. Do not keep a bottle of mascara in your purse and regularly expose to low and high temperatures. As a result, cosmetics will change their texture and begin to fall into lumps.

By knowing how to properly apply mascara on your eyelashes, you can avoid many mistakes and get a neat make-up that will emphasize the natural beauty of your eyes.

Almost all girls use mascara. Someone does it more often, someone less often, but in any case, there is such a cosmetic product in every cosmetic bag. How to paint eyelashes, many do not even know. It would seem, what is difficult in this process? But in fact, the slightest mistake can lead to the fact that the cilia "decorate" the lumps, the mascara crumbles or another trouble occurs.

Determine the type of eyelashes

Before proceeding with the selection of mascara and coloring of eyelashes, their type should be determined. Conventionally, all eyelashes are divided into soft and hard, as well as rare and long.

Choosing the right mascara

In modern cosmetic stores, near the departments with mascara, the eyes simply run up. Indeed, dozens of brands - both foreign and domestic - offer us a variety of options. However, how not to make a mistake with the choice and buy exactly the tool that will help you beautifully make up your eyelashes with mascara? Let's look at the main types of this cosmetic product.

Key staining rules

If you are wondering how to paint over eyelashes correctly so that they are lush and beautiful, then you should learn eight key rules. Once and for all, they will allow you to master the secret of creating perfect eyelashes.

  • If you want to give your lashes more volume, it is important not only to choose the right type of mascara, but also to apply it along the entire length from the very roots to the tips. Move from the inner corners of the eyes to the temples.
  • Get a special comb for eyelashes. Comb thoroughly both inside and out to remove lumps and excess product.
  • To color the cilia in the very corners of the eyes, use a brush with short bristles. Open your eyes as wide as possible and carefully paint over all the hairs.

    Apply mascara not only on the outside of the eyelashes, but also on the inside, so you will make your eyes more expressive and help the product to be distributed evenly.

  • Do not think that black is the only successful mascara color. If you're a natural blonde, black mascara won't look too good on you. In this case, use lighter options.
  • Know the measure and do not overdo it with mascara. For daytime makeup, do not apply more than 1-2 layers. In evening make-up, you can use 3-4 layers of mascara.
  • Do not neglect eyelash curlers. They will help your eyelashes acquire a very beautiful curved shape in just a couple of seconds.
  • If you want to make your eyelashes as long as possible, use the following trick. Apply the first coat of mascara, powder the lashes, and then apply the second coat of mascara in a zigzag motion.

What to do if mascara is imprinted under the eyes?

Many girls are constantly faced with the fact that mascara is imprinted under the eyes. This is very unpleasant, especially if the makeup is done in a hurry before work. In fact, dealing with this problem is extremely simple. Let's find out how professional makeup artists solve the issue.

Makeup masters always apply a generous amount of powder under the eyes before starting to color the cilia. After the process is completed, they simply brush off the powder with a soft brush and remove particles of imprinted mascara along with it. Use this trick to make applying your makeup much easier.

Eyelash coloring techniques

Modern makeup artists identify three key techniques for applying mascara to the eyelashes:

  1. Horizontal. This is the most common option that allows you to carefully paint over all the cilia and not stick them together. Place a mirror near your chin and look into it. Hold the brush horizontally and gently apply mascara from the bottom up, moving from the corners of the eyes to the temples.
  2. Zigzag technique. This option allows you to give the cilia more volume, but it is important to consider that it is not suitable for owners of short cilia. Mascara is applied with soft but precise zigzag movements.
  3. Vertical. This technique is used to create the effect of tearful eyes. It lies in the fact that the brush is thickly wetted into the mascara, and all movements are vertical.

How to paint eyelashes (video)

Now you know how to dye your eyelashes, it remains only to figure out a few points that will help you get even more stunning results.

  • First, always use only high-quality, and most importantly, fresh cosmetics. The opened bottle with mascara is stored no more than three months. If you use this product after the expiration date, you risk irritation or inflammation.
  • Secondly, always hold the brush strictly horizontally.

    This will help you avoid the formation of so-called spider legs and prevent the eyelashes from sticking together.

  • Third, don't put on too much mascara. Modern tools allow you to put mascara in 1-2 layers to get the effect stated on the package. A large amount of mascara will only make the hair heavier.

How to remove mascara from eyelashes according to all the rules

Applying mascara to your lashes is only half the battle. It is also important to remove this cosmetic from the eyes correctly so as not to damage the structure of the hairs and not to lose luxurious cilia.

The first thing to remember is: never go to bed with mascara on! Prolonged exposure to the components that make up its composition greatly destroys the structure of the hairs, making them brittle and thin. In addition, if particles of the dried product get into the eyes at night, this will lead to swelling or even conjunctivitis. Do not regret 2-3 minutes in the evening to carry out a simple make-up removal procedure.

Also, don't use regular soap and water to remove mascara. Purchase a special product at a cosmetic store. It will not only carefully cope with its task, but also nourish your cilia with useful substances.

So, let's start the removal process:

  1. Take two cotton pads and apply a little special product on them.
  2. Next, squeeze the eyelash from above and below and hold for a few seconds.
  3. Repeat this action a couple of times.

    Don't pull on the pads to avoid pulling out hairs, and don't rub your eyes with a cotton pad to avoid wrinkles. Perform all actions carefully and gently.

Long and beautiful eyelashes will never go out of style. They give expressiveness to the eyes, and the image as a whole - femininity. No, even the highest quality, artificial eyelashes can replace natural ones, so treat with love and care what nature has given you.