How to meet a normal man? How to meet on the street - video. At a football match

Every girl dreams of an ideal life partner who will be a reliable support, good friend and loving spouse. However, modern gentlemen are afraid or in no hurry to win women's hearts, preferring to remain free from serious relationships. Women wanting to meet men , must take the initiative and go in search of a handsome prince. After all, somewhere lives the same beautiful, intelligent, wealthy and successful guy, about whom a lonely lady is dreaming. Where to meet men to create a strong family?

The best places to meet

"Normal men, where are you?" - this question worries much more the fair sex than it seems. Very often a woman is honored with attention completely unsuitable for social status or not corresponding to her idea of \u200b\u200ban ideal partner guys. To find a person who will be the embodiment of a girl's dream, you need to leave your comfort zone and go “hunting”. There are several dating places where you can really meet the one with whom your heart will beat in unison. Where can you really meet for a serious relationship?

Cultural institutions

Where is the best place to meet men? Theater, cinema, car or art exhibition, music concert, museum are all versatile places where you can meet an intelligent gentleman. Walking up and starting a conversation is not difficult at all: you can ask about your impressions of a theatrical premiere, talk about new artistic directions, or ask a question about a novelty in the film industry. A person interested in acquaintance will gladly support the conversation and offer to continue it in a different setting or meet again.

With friends

Where do they meet decent men? At parties with mutual friends! This is considered one of the surest and most reliable ways to meet a worthy contender for the hand and heart. Friends can be asked about the details of the life of their friend, asked to give him an objective assessment. If your relationship is successful, then there will be no need to join someone else's company and you will not have to look for common topics for a long time.

the Internet

The global spread of the "World Wide Web" has made virtual dating extremely popular. How can you meet on the Internet? It is enough to go to specialized sites, view the profiles of registered users and write a message to the person you like. They make interesting and promising acquaintances on social networks or on thematic forums.

The main danger of virtual resources is the discrepancy between the description of candidates and real data; behind the invented images, losers or people looking for short-term entertainment often hide. You don't need to immediately tell too much about your personal life, and a date in real life with a new acquaintance should not be postponed for a long time.

How to meet a normal man on the Internet? Your potential husband should:

  • upload real photos;
  • answer questions frankly;
  • do not insist too much on a meeting on your territory;
  • don't give up on a date if the conversation has lasted long enough.

Very often virtual acquaintances are successfully transformed into serious relationships.

Public transport

Trams, trolleybuses and subways are used today not only by losers and bankrupt people, but also by well-to-do men. It is quite easy to make a long-term acquaintance on public transport or at a bus stop. How do you meet a good man who looks so distant and inaccessible? It is enough to ask how to get somewhere, whether the number of a trolleybus or a bus you need has passed by, to clarify the time or to unobtrusively talk about the weather. Having heard the answer, a woman will immediately understand whether a person is disposed to further communication or not. It is possible that a casual acquaintance will have an interesting continuation.


Where can you meet a normal man? Rest is conducive to relaxation and the thirst for new emotions. Many women specifically go to resorts in splendid isolation or in a purely female company in order to find themselves a romantic adventure on the shores of the azure sea. How and where to meet a man on vacation? Stop by your favorite cafe or sit at the bar. There will definitely be a person who wants to treat a beautiful stranger with a cup of coffee or a light cocktail. You can start a conversation with a nice holidaymaker about the sights of the place where you are resting, ask where you can go in order to have a fun time. Perhaps the male interlocutor will not refuse to become your companion during the trip, and then he will not mind continuing the communication.

Get attention

A woman who wants to meet a man for a serious relationship should take care of herself first. Not a single gentleman will pay attention to an unkempt, unkemptly dressed lady with defiant makeup and ugly hairstyle. How should you prepare for a meeting with your betrothed?

  1. Men love with their eyes. Visit beauty salons, do light styling, watch your skin, wear beautiful things that really suit you. Make-up should be natural, and manicure and pedicure will emphasize the beauty of delicate hands and graceful legs.
  2. Every self-respecting lady should have good manners. Your weapons are politeness, erudition, ability to maintain a conversation, tact and complete control over emotions. Informal vocabulary, imposing gait, cheeky behavior only repel normal men.
  3. Study the weaknesses of the stronger sex. Talk to male friends, find out how they see family relationships, how they prioritize, and how they might be attracted to a potential wife. Read psychological literature to better understand the inner world of guys.

Where is my man the one and only? This question often completely engulfs a woman. Remember that girls who are too persistent and approachable will never interest a normal guy. They are afraid of "hunters" and try to stay away from them. Act, guided by female cunning, and your chosen one will never guess that he did not make the choice himself, but was chosen by you!

After hearing my friends' stories about how fun it can be to find your soul mate on dating sites, I decided to follow their advice and register. My choice fell on a dating site from the service, since my main mail is located there. Having quickly gone through all the procedural nuances, I proceeded to fill out the questionnaire and post photos. It took another couple of minutes and now the first letter is blinking in my profile.

The main activity fell for the first few days, then the questionnaire began to shift down in the search results, and fewer and fewer potential candidates looked at me for a light. The first impressions after this experience were quite contradictory, but I was able to identify a number of patterns.

Men on dating sites are divided into several types:

1. Offended by life

Most often, in his profile, a man honestly writes that I have been on the site for the nth number of years and have almost lost hope of finding my beloved, but still ... And then there are a lot of requirements for the future second half: beautiful, well-groomed, sweet, pleasant in communication, smart, with a sense of humor, not impudent ... You get tired of reading. The photo is usually an average man, not handsome, just dressed.

I avoided this category, since men of this kind are quite aggressive in communication, they do not hide their resentment against the entire female sex and present unrealistically high criteria for a woman.

2. Sultan

A huge number of photos from different angles, on yachts, near cars, in the Amazon jungle or near the Egyptian pyramids ... Such men are usually quite honest in their intentions and often write openly in the questionnaire about focusing on easy and numerous relationships. Their criteria for choosing a partner are also quite high - clever, beautiful, expert and wizard.

There are quite a few interesting and gallant men among such men, but there is almost no chance of turning them into monogamy. At least I wouldn't waste my time and attention on them.

3. The last romantic

The questionnaire contains many poems of his own composition (although not a fact). Such men communicate very gallantly, fall asleep with compliments, almost immediately confess their love and promise to sing serenades under the window until old age. They are smart, well-read, but usually they don't get beyond talking. They never go over to decisive action, having time to pretty much tire the lady of their heart with lofty speeches.

4. Mama's Orlik

These are men from 30 years old and older, who never managed to escape from under their mother's wing. Their profiles are very modest, descriptions are minimal, one or two photos in an unsuccessful perspective. Usually, the expression on the face is shy, in correspondence they are boring and stereotyped. There is an acute feeling of inability to find an approach to a woman and interest her. Although there are very smart and interesting guys among them, to enter into an unequal fight with their "maman" a woman needs remarkable strength, cunning, dexterity and assertiveness.

5. An ordinary guy

The questionnaire begins with these words: "I'm an ordinary guy." A couple of photos, most often in the company of friends at barbecue and drinking alcoholic beverages. The guys are not bad, very hard-working. Many of them are visitors from other cities and try to make their way in life with honest work. I managed to make friends with one of them, we still communicate.

There may be only one photo in his profile, or there may not even be a photo. In the column "who am I looking for" one line - my soul mate. Information is minimal and it is reduced to parameters of height, weight, eye and hair color. In correspondence, they are honest and concise. Almost immediately they invite you to a meeting in a cafe and behave delicately. If the girl did not like it, then she finds out about it at the very end of the meeting, when the request for a phone number indicates the continuation. These men are usually busy with work from morning to evening and use dating sites as a way to find a companion, maybe not in life, but for some foreseeable period of time.

So, are there any chances of meeting the one?

I would say 50/50. The first marriage of one of my friends happened thanks to a dating site. What needs to be done to increase these chances?

1. Bright profile

A lot depends on your profile, how bright, interesting, attracting attention, what photo you put as the main one. More specific weight have questionnaires written brightly, lively, with a sense of humor. Since men love with their eyes, they will be kept by several successful photographs from different angles and from different periods of life. But it is desirable that the photos are "fresh", without Photoshop, otherwise, when they meet, a man may accuse you of deceiving his expectations.

2. What do you want

Another important point is the choice of the direction of your search: a serious relationship, just meetings or communication, marriage and starting a family. These parameters are used to screen out questionnaires that do not suit your interests.

3. Communication

Literacy and humor will only play into your hands. And also the ability to advantageously show your strengths and hide flaws. Men’s messages will tell you a lot. Already from the first phrases, you can determine the main points - politeness, respect for a woman, focus of interest, seriousness, presence or absence of a sense of humor, speed of response.


Much has already been written about the first meeting, but I will remind you again. It should take place in a crowded place, preferably during daylight hours in a cafe or on any other neutral territory, so that you can quickly leave in case of unforeseen circumstances.

A man's arrogant, cheeky and disrespectful behavior is another very important warning factor. If he behaves this way at the first meeting, then it will only get worse.

Another factor is the man's unmotivated aggression directed at you or at the people around you at the time of your meeting. This is not a very good signal.

Try to come after the first date and entrust all your impressions to paper. Usually, first impressions are not deceiving. The voice of intuition is still working in full force and tells you whether this man is worth your attention or not.

A wonderful phrase from the book of Antoine de Saint-Exupery will perfectly complement my last thought "Only the heart is vigilant, you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes".

Women who think that getting to know a man is extremely difficult are wrong. There are no difficulties neither in finding a man, nor in getting to know him. But, can each acquaintance continue with a serious relationship? Of course no. Therefore, a free woman should know where to find a worthy ally in creating family happiness, and how to carry out the dating process.

When will I meet my man?

Do not think that there are certain age ranges in which you need to urgently look for a soul mate. It all depends only on your perception of the situation.

If your loneliness in love does not give you any special inconvenience, but acquaintances claim that at your age you need to urgently solve this problem, don't fall for provocation... It will be better if you enjoy the freedom and mentally prepare your relationship.

In the case when you are really tired of being alone, and you are over thirty years old, you should look for dating options. Don't forget to set yourself up to find the right candidate. Despite the fact that it is a little more difficult to get acquainted with the opposite sex at thirty or more years old, the chances are very high, and you do not need to desperately rush to any available option.

How to get acquainted for a serious relationship?

Before indulging in a desperate search, decide on a suitable place.

Nowadays, such popular places for dating as restaurants, clubs and bars. In fact, the question of whether to get acquainted there for a serious relationship or not is controversial. Especially when it comes to a nightclub. Most men believe that mostly easily accessible ladies meet in clubs. Therefore, even if you behave unusually with dignity and modesty, a man can still regard you as an easy prey, because the stereotype about club dating is strong.

As for the rest of the places, that is, cafes and restaurants, the chances of serious acquaintances here increase, but only if the object of your attention is not drunk. If his body and mind are oversaturated with alcohol, the chances of effective acquaintance are reduced to zero.

You can meet successfully with the help of friends and acquaintances... Surely, there are unmarried men in their environment. And, if your friends are very sympathetic to you, perhaps they communicate with similar men who will be nice to you. Meet with your friends more often and ask them for help if you see someone you love in their environment.

Online dating do not lose their relevance. But, you need to be very careful when looking for a match for yourself on such sites. They are visited not only by decent people, but also by those who can harm you in any way. Try to meet those who have a lot of photos in their profile and an attached real personal page on social networks. And, do not forget to warn your acquaintances if you are going to meet a person from a dating site, especially if the meeting takes place in the evening.

Dating at work are not always successful, because the workflow often makes people annoyed and not too friendly. Therefore, if you really like a colleague, approach him only when he is in a very good mood.

How to start a conversation with a man

Let's say you saw a person you like. Your task is to start a conversation with him. The best way to start it is to come up with a request for help or any question. For example, you can rearrange the numbers that indicate the time on the phone and ask the man for the exact time. Or you can ask about the location of an object and ask to accompany you to it.

If the man turned out to be quite friendly and gladly helped you, you can continue the conversation without hesitation.

If the situation is the opposite, nothing should be done. Remember to smile naturally and look the person in the eye. But don't overdo it. Do not intrude or interrupt, do not immediately start flirting and flirting, be polite.

Behavior at first

And so, the acquaintance took place and turned out to be quite successful. You need to keep acting and the actions must be very competent. There are several taboos in behavior during the first days of acquaintance. Pay attention to the fact what not to doso as not to ruin the prospect of a serious relationship:

  • openly hint at consent to enter into an intimate relationship;
  • tell very personal details about yourself;
  • start talking about a wedding, about a relationship;
  • try to introduce a man to his parents;
  • try on new, unusual images for you (it concerns clothes and behavior);
  • to devote a man to his personal affairs.

Helpful information:

And here are the behaviors that are maximum acceptable:

  • Become friendly, but not intrusive
  • listen more and talk less;
  • being not too approachable in every way to make you seem like a woman of mystery;
  • behave naturally;
  • maintain a positive attitude.

Stories of girls who took the initiative when meeting

I met Vadim in a cafe located in the cinema building. The film premiered, all tables were occupied. Of course, I had the option of getting hooked on single girls, but I wanted a romantic adventure. Vadim turned out to be very sociable and even invited me to walk along an alley in a nearby park. We have been meeting with him for almost a year, and I did not regret at all that I myself started an acquaintance. Tatyana, 34 years old

A friend helped me to get to know her future husband. At that time, I was at odds with her. And somehow I saw her in the company of her husband and a nice guy. I really liked him, and I realized that I would have to make peace with her in order to get the man of my dreams. As a result, I made peace with her and asked to tell about the person who walked with her. It turned out to be her husband's business partner. She arranged a meeting in a cafe, where he and I realized that fate had brought us together for a reason. A few months later we got married Natalya, 28 years old

I was sitting in a cafe with my friends and noticed a handsome lonely man at the next table. When the waiter brought him an order on a tray, he stumbled and dumped all the contents of the plates onto him. Honestly, I felt sorry for both of them, and I ran to them to offer my help. I gave this handsome man wet wipes and helped save his documents on the table from the spilled soup. He appreciated my help and still appreciates my help, because we have been meeting for a long time! Alexandra, 30 years old

How to meet on the street - video

Sep 22, 2015 I myself

If you are tired of loneliness, but cannot find your soul mate in any way, do not rush to complain about fate. We hurry to the rescue and reveal the places where lonely serious men are found!

Even those self-sufficient women who give the impression of ladies enjoying a free life, sadly embrace a pillow at night and yearn for loneliness. Certainly the absence of the right person in life is not a reason to surround yourself with empty men, therefore, we will not urge you to rush at strange creatures whose passport indicates a male gender. We will tell you about where to meet a serious man who does not waste his time on trifles and is waiting for his only soul mate.

Virtual sites - affordable and fast

Let's not argue with the fact that the easiest way for modern people to get acquainted on the Internet. We have already written about how they live there, why they and how in the vastness of the global network. Once again, I would like to remind the main thing: the same people who live near you are registered on dating sites, there are no aliens or special creatures.

Therefore, on the site you can meet anyone: a busy businessman, an official absorbed in public work, an overly modest student, and a gigolo, anxious about how profitable it is to settle down at someone else's expense, and a normal single man looking for where to meet for a serious relationship with his half.

Our advice may seem strange, but even if you are against virtual communication, be sure to register there - it will come in handy for dating in the real world. How? Hundreds of compliments, dozens of people who want to get to know each other, and an army of numerous fans will raise self-esteem, “light up” the sparkle in your eyes, improve your mood and make you more attractive to other men!

It has long been proven that representatives of the stronger sex, with some unknown instinct, feel that a woman is already liked by someone, and it is these ladies for some reason subconsciously attracted to males!

Finishing touches for an irresistible portrait

And now, confident in ourselves and in our irresistibility, we will go to places where you can meet a serious and decent man. But before leaving the house, critically examine yourself in the mirror. Perhaps the hunt should be postponed for three days in order to have time to lose a few kilograms on a fast one, or maybe it is worth putting in order, or?

If everything is okay with the appearance, open the closet and choose outfits that will not look too provocative, but will attract the attention of a man. Remember: you have to spin in an ordinary everyday environment, where frank cleavages and vulgar mini look inappropriate. For a successful hunt, dresses, sets from a skirt and the right one matched to it are suitable.

If you are plump, use tricks to help hide excess volume and highlight your dignity. Do not neglect high heels, but if you are a very tall lady, then they can reduce the number of potential fans, whose height is not much taller than you. (Read the tips for those).

Makeup is important, but don't make it too flashy. Save the war paint for another occasion, and for the first casual acquaintance, natural tones and light shades are more suitable. Do not forget that you need to highlight one thing: either the lips or the eyes.

Places of congestion of serious men

And now about the most important and important thing: where can you meet a man in our fast paced time? Try to benefit from your favorite activity - shopping... Only this time, visit the departments not with women's, but with men's goods. Take your time to review ties, shirts, briefcases, and other accessories. Just do not circle around your underwear - this is how a potential groom might think that you are choosing panties for your husband or lover.

Be prepared for the fact that a man can take the initiative and ask for advice or help in choosing one thing or another. Be sure to help and not with dry phrases, but by showing sincere interest and participation. Immediately ask him to help you "choose a gift for your boss, brother or colleague." Courageous ladies may not wait for the initiative from the representatives of the "modest sex" and show it themselves by asking the man they like to try on a sweater "for his brother."

A good chance for those who are looking for where to meet a rich man are provided car dealerships... Go around among those who choose expensive cars, ask for advice, share your opinions. Complain that you are just going to study law and would like to practice, but there are no such friends who would give a few lessons. Perhaps luck will touch you with its firebird tail, and the young man you like will ask for a phone number.

Continuing the theme of shopping, we can recommend places such as construction supermarkets, computer goods stores, departments for fishermen and hunters (to help those who dare to go there - a small educational program). Don't want to complicate your searches?

Spend more time in departments of semi-finished products and ready-made cooking in a regular supermarket - where single men, as a rule, buy their simple dinner. You can also visit the ranks of alcoholic beverages, where they sell good cognac, and act out the scene of choosing a gift for the doctor. (Read a nice one about dating in the store).

Besides shopping, there are other places where you can meet a good man in just one day. it exhibitions, which are now regularly held in various cities. Crowds of men, some of whom are lonely, attend exhibitions dedicated to cars, construction, computer technology, and medicine.

Where else can you go to meet a guy

When you ask the question of where a girl can meet a guy, and you get the option: a cafe, do not rush to reject this offer. IN cafe you can get acquainted for a serious relationship, only you need to go there not late in the evening, but at lunchtime. It was at this time that the employees of banks, offices and all those who could not eat at home or take with them to work the cutlets prepared by a caring wife, came there just to eat.

Just keep in mind: well-fed men are usually disposed towards acquaintance, so give the guy a meal first, then cast your modest but interested glance at him. For very brave girls, it will not be difficult to start a conversation first and get hooked on the man who has already started his dinner, and the shy girls can only wait for their prince.

Girls who are happy with their bodies may well go alone on beach and wait for your "dolphin" there, and if there is no beach, then nothing prevents you from signing up for the gym, where lonely guys often work on their muscles, dreaming of a faithful and devoted friend.

Statistics say that 60% of dating ends in failure and the reason for this is the woman's wrong behavior. How can one avoid a mistake and not miss the possible happiness that has managed to be in the hands of?

  1. Do not give away your main goal in any way - you have come to the point of congestion of men in your business, and not looking for a place where you can better get to know the lonely prince. Don't be overly happy and interested when the guy pays attention and takes the initiative. Remember: representatives of the opposite sex love to hunt, and prey falling into their hands is of little interest to them.
  2. Do not rush to immediately accept the offer to continue your acquaintance and go with the guy to a cafe or to another place, refer to being busy, but do everything so that he asks for your phone number. It would be nice to have business cards for this case, they can be handed out unobtrusively to new acquaintances. Do not worry if the guy after the first refusal loses interest in you - either he is not interested in you, or offered a continuation only because he was sure of a negative answer.
  3. Don't be too active and intrusive. If after the first question the man did not show a response, back off and wait for a new applicant.
  4. Do not attack the "victim" immediately, let your potential lover notice you, evaluate, draw conclusions, and only then take the initiative. Otherwise, he simply will not have time to understand that before him is his fate!

After meeting, be prepared for the fact that your husband may ask you to suggest a place for a date. Arm yourself how to behave there in advance!

If you can't get to know a guy for a long time, go through which will help you understand who your ideal is, maybe you are just looking for that man.

Dear ladies, if you know more places where you can meet a man, write about it in the comments. Let's help each other and share useful information! Also, if you want your girlfriends to read this article, click on the social media button. I wish you happiness and great love!

Now it has become quite normal to make acquaintances on the Internet, and many people find a mate in this way. Of course, people get to know each other at work, on the street, and in places of recreation. But, for the most part, when a woman's life is built according to the "home-work-home" scheme, and "going out" does not happen often, and even then in the company of friends, the Internet sometimes becomes the only place to meet.

But is it possible to find there an adequate, educated and ready to create a family man? And find it on a dating site, and not in other social networks or forums of interest.

Of course, it is possible, because good single men also may not go to parties, and in their immediate environment there may not be women suitable for them.

Dating a man on the Internet. Is it possible to?

Many women, having registered on a dating site, are quickly disappointed and put the verdict “there are no normal men here”. Of course, it is not so easy to remain positive and believe that it is here that there is a suitable man when a page is attacked by a large number of messages from some strange citizens: without photos and with incomprehensible goals, anxious teenagers, womanizer, losers with large complexes, married, outright psychos, and other unattractive candidates. Do you feel sorry for the time spent, disappointment comes, and sometimes thoughts that you might need to moderate your appetites and try to see something attractive in these unattractive citizens?

But the problem is often not your big queries, but just the wrong approach to search. Of course, if you want to find one suitable man, and not just carry on long-term correspondence with different men for years. It is important to act rather quickly here, since decent and good men do not stay on a dating site for a long time, because they need real relationships and are not interested in spending a lot of hours on virtual communication and a huge amount of useless messages.

Is it possible to find a man on a dating site

Worthy candidates quickly find a suitable woman for them, do not delay with a real meeting, and then move on to a relationship with her, deleting the profile from the site. The "old-timers" of the site are unlikely to be ready for a serious relationship, otherwise they would have had it long ago. Often such old-timers are married womanizers, bored losers or lovers of virtual perversions, for whom acquaintance is a way of entertainment, and not an attempt to start a family.

Therefore, if you see that a man has been on the site for several years and still cannot find a bride for himself, then do not waste time on him. Even if you enter into a relationship with him, he will still sooner or later go back to the site and look for someone else there. Why do you need a man who is in the eternal search for some ideal that does not really exist? Or an outspoken womanizer who simply loves all women in a row. Or a lover of free relationships without obligations (of course, if you yourself are not looking for just such a relationship).

How to meet a man on the Internet

And, of course, pay attention to your profile. After all, a man will evaluate you by your photo and what is written in your profile. Perhaps your profile scares off potential candidates or just leaves them indifferent. Just look at her through the eyes of your ideal man. Given all the wealth of his choice among competitors.

If your profile is completely empty or with unsuccessful ones (against the background of a shabby sofa or peeling wallpaper, amid chaos and disorder, or without hairstyle and makeup, and so on), then it is unlikely that it will interest a worthy man.

Who is the text in your profile written for? For the desired man? Or for those you don't like? Why are you writing anything to them at all?

What should be the reaction of a normal man if he comes to look at your profile and sees there some aggressive and hysterical inscriptions addressed to womanizers, married women, youngsters or perverts? What do you think will be the impression of the person who first entered the dating site. After all, he does not know that you have already been tortured by the above-described personalities. He will simply see the "evil aunt" demonstrating her inaccessibility and arrogance and will make a choice in favor of an open-minded and pleasant woman.

Imagine, for example, that you are not looking for a man, but a good job. After all, you are aware that many one-day companies have posted on the site a huge number of vacancies and offers that are not interesting to you. You will not write in your resume “scammers and deceivers - pass by!”, Or something like that. You will only write about yourself and the kind of job you are looking for. And surely there are some valuable suggestions in this heap of rubbish. You just have to find them and present yourself correctly.

And you are unlikely to waste time on those who offer you a penny salary or questionable offers. You will simply ignore them and send them to the trash, and you will not write threats and curses on your resume to those who pay less than 50 thousand and invite them to go past your resume in unknown and distant ways. Is not it?

Observe the same ethics when filling out a questionnaire on a dating site. After all, your task is to find an adequate decent man, and not to scare him away with bad manners and vulgarity.

So, just pass by the site's veterans and other personalities that you don't like. And fill out your questionnaire, referring not to them, but to the person you want to find. And may you be happy!

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