How to choose the size of pregnancy compression tights. How to choose and wear compression stockings for pregnant women. Compression stockings for edema during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman should especially carefully monitor her well-being. Often, expectant mothers have to deal with diseases such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids. The reasons for this are strong hormonal changes and weight gain. Also, over time, the growing uterus and the baby put pressure on adjacent organs, veins and arteries. This article will tell you about compression stockings for pregnant women. You will find out what this device is for and what types it has. It is also worth telling how to choose compression stockings for pregnant women and how to put them on.

What is a compression garment?

Currently, for the treatment and prevention of many pathologies, doctors prescribe the wearing of special clothing. Compression jersey facilitates the work of internal organs. It also promotes proper blood and lymph circulation.

Among the large selection of such accessories, you can find knee-highs, tights and compression stockings for pregnant women. They should be worn on the recommendation of a specialist in the presence of some indications. However, many expectant mothers make their own decisions about the use of such clothes. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right compression stockings for pregnant women. Their sizes may be different.

First degree of compression

Such compression stockings for pregnant women are suitable for those women who have not previously experienced problems with veins and leg health. The pressure of such clothes is from 18 to 22 millimeters of mercury.

The accessory is made of a thin elastic material that helps to improve the functioning of the circulatory system of the lower extremities. So, stockings with the first degree of compression help to reduce the severity and pain in the legs. Expectant mothers note that swelling in the foot and ankle area decreases. Also, the accessory becomes a good prevention of blood stagnation in the lower extremities and varicose veins.

Second degree of compression

These maternity compression stockings should only be used if indicated. These include a pronounced venous pattern, which began to intensify over time, varicose veins, which were found earlier. Also, this type of underwear is indicated for expectant mothers who have previously undergone phlebectomy or vein hardening. The pressure of this compression ranges from 25 to 33 millimeters of mercury.

Often this type of underwear is used in conjunction with medicines. Such preventive measures can reduce the risk of new varicose veins in the legs during pregnancy and subsequent delivery. It is worth noting that every expectant mother with indications for wearing stockings with a second degree of compression is recommended to give birth in them. This is due to the fact that in the process of pushing, the load on the lower limbs and the pelvic region is greatly increased.

The third degree of compression

The pressure of such knitwear is from 36 to 47 millimeters of mercury. The wearing of such an accessory is prescribed exclusively by a specialist. Expectant mothers are strongly advised not to wear such stockings without specific indications.

The third degree underwear is recommended for all pregnant women after several vein surgeries. For thrombosis of the lower extremities and large ulcers, it will speed up the healing process and help prevent the problem from occurring during pregnancy.

Fourth grade compression stockings

Such linen is characterized by a pressure of about 60 millimeters of mercury. It is worth noting that expectant mothers very rarely use it. In most cases, the indications for wearing such stockings are practically incompatible with the ability to carry a child.

The use of underwear with the fourth degree of compression is prescribed for the formation of blood clots, elephantiasis of the legs, severe edema and the inability to move independently.

How to choose the size?

Compression stockings for pregnant women have positive reviews. However, this is only when the product is selected correctly. Contact a specialized store, where they will help you decide on the type and size of knitwear.

If you plan to choose a product yourself, then you should first measure the circumference of the leg in the area of ​​the ankle, knee and thigh. Then refer to the table on each pack of compression stockings. With its help, you can choose the right size. Don't forget to factor in your height.

How to wear compression stockings during pregnancy?

Expectant mothers need to wear the product in exactly the same way as ordinary women. It is necessary to put on stockings neatly and in a supine position. It should be noted that with an increase in the term, this becomes not very convenient. Purchase medical gloves. They will allow you to put on the accessory easily.

Compression stockings for pregnant women deserve only good reviews. Knitwear can help ease your condition and improve leg health. Remember to take proper care of these things. Purchase several pairs of products and change them periodically. When heading to the maternity hospital, do not forget to bring compression stockings with you. Their use will save your legs from the appearance of varicose veins and vascular pattern in the process of contractions and attempts.

Pregnancy is a colossal test for the body of a future mother. The longer the gestation period, the higher the load on the legs of the pregnant woman. Compression stockings during pregnancy can help cope with it. Gradually, the pressure on the legs increases and one of the unpleasant consequences may appear - varicose veins.

Expansion of the veins of the lower extremities is an increase in superficial veins, which is accompanied by valve failure and impaired blood flow. This ailment can cause not only discomfort, but also negatively affect the aesthetics of the legs - the veins in the legs expand and protrude, a varicose mesh appears, puffiness.

Unfortunately, with the second and subsequent pregnancies, the situation is likely to worsen. In order to preserve the health of the expectant mother with a predisposition to varicose veins, you should purchase medical compression underwear. It is used not only to relieve tension and give lightness to the legs, but also for preventive purposes.

Many women in a position are wondering, do they need compression stockings?

The huge assortment of compression stockings can get you into a stupor. In order for the product you have chosen to give a feeling of lightness and comfort, the expectant mother needs to consult a doctor. Indeed, in the case of incorrectly selected linen, even more harm can be done.

Compression underwear is an indispensable helper for discomfort in the legs and varicose veins

Pregnancy is a big test for the whole organism. For the most part, the lower limbs are affected. Many pregnant women often ask themselves: do they need compression stockings? The indications for wearing compression garments are:

  • varicose veins, venous mesh, asterisks on the legs;
  • swelling or tiredness of the legs towards the end of the day;
  • leg cramps;
  • second and subsequent pregnancies (if problems have already occurred);
  • heredity, chronic venous insufficiency.

Carrying a baby makes the blood in the body of the expectant mother become thicker and more viscous. The high level of clotting is due to the preparation of the body for the expected birth. The birth of a baby provokes a lot of blood loss. It is in order to prevent this from happening that the woman's blood becomes so thick.

Cramps at night - a sign of the initial stage of varicose veins

But this factor can lead to venous congestion and blood clots. Compression underwear is designed to prevent the negative consequences of pregnancy and childbirth. Moreover, the use of stockings according to indications is recommended not only during pregnancy, but also during childbirth.

Based on the foregoing, we can safely answer: compression underwear can and should be worn. But you need competent specialist advice so as not to harm your own health.

Causes and stages of varicose veins in women in position

In the case of vasoconstriction and blood stagnation, blood flow is impaired. It is this blood that expands the vessels from the inside, showing an unaesthetic effect.

Varicose veins have three stages of manifestation

Varicose veins appear in three stages:

  1. The appearance of fatigue and swelling of the legs. A woman may not notice these symptoms, since they disappear by morning.
  2. The symptoms of varicose veins become more pronounced: there are nocturnal leg cramps, throbbing pain, and sometimes itching.
  3. The most terrible stage in terms of both appearance and health. Veins in the legs are visible through the skin and even bulge, deforming it. It is noteworthy that a pregnant woman may not even feel a bursting vessel, since there is no pain.

What causes of varicose veins can be called the main ones:

  • the walls of the vessels become thinner as a result of changes in hormonal levels;
  • the increased volume of blood flow, in turn, increases the pressure and load on the vessels and veins;
  • heavy load on the lower limbs with excess weight.

Do not forget about the individual characteristics of the body, as well as about genetics: varicose veins more often occur in women with a predisposition to it due to heredity or the general state of the circulatory system.

It is important! Manifestations of varicose veins in pregnant women can be found not only on the lower limbs, but also on the labia and in the anus. Such conditions should be treated with the participation of a doctor, and urgently. Delay can lead to profuse bleeding from a ruptured vein.

Prevention of varicose veins

It is necessary to carry out preventive measures in the complex. Use effectively in conjunction with the following measures:

  1. Staticness should be avoided during pregnancy - standing or sitting for a long time is harmful. Better to lie on your side. This pose relieves tension from the legs and pelvis by distributing equal amounts of blood throughout the body.
  2. If it is impossible to lie down, you should at least move your legs while in a sitting position. This will slightly disperse the blood in the calves.
  3. Wearing compression stockings is advisable not only during pregnancy, but for about two months after.
  4. Pregnancy is not a disease, so no one has canceled physical activity. Light warm-ups, exercises, walks - all this will benefit not only the legs and blood vessels, but also the body as a whole. It is better to check with your doctor what level of stress is acceptable for you.

Thus, the benefits of compression stockings will increase.

Stretch your legs often to reduce swelling and blood congestion

The effectiveness of using compression stockings by pregnant women

Experts have proven that medical compression garments are very effective for various degrees of varicose veins. The principle of operation of the products is to support and normalize the work of a woman's blood vessels.

The effect of graduated tissue compression allows for good drainage and prevents stagnation of blood clots in the veins of the lower extremities.

How to choose the right compression stockings for pregnant women

Stockings differ, first of all, in the force of pressure on the ankle area. In order not to get lost in the huge assortment of models on the market, it is recommended to consult a doctor - phlebologist or doctor - surgeon.

In some advanced cases, medical linen may not be enough and it will be necessary to adjust nutrition, hours of activity and lifestyle in general. In advanced cases, regular physical activity or limitation of activity may be required. And with surgery, you will need to wait until the baby is born.

Choosing compression stockings is not as difficult as it might seem.

In order to avoid a conflict situation with a fake, you should not purchase the product in local markets, but trust a pharmacy or a specialized store.

One of the quality guarantees is the RAL mark. This means that the product has a European certificate. If it is not there, then most likely you have a fake in your hands.

If you nevertheless decide to ignore the visit to the doctor or his recommendations, then you should remember about the aggravation of the situation with varicose veins. In the case of correctly selected compression stockings, no negative consequences were identified by specialists.

The use of special underwear provides a graduated compression effect. It is she who allows you to normalize blood circulation in the legs. The use of medical linen during pregnancy will reduce the stress on the legs. In particular, this applies to the ankles, because they suffer from weight the most.

There are compression knee socks

Types of compression underwear for expectant mothers

The most common types of compression garments:

  • Stockings. The most popular type among expectant mothers. They are quite comfortable, and also securely fixed in the ankle area due to Velcro;
  • Knee socks. Not so much in demand, but no less comfortable than stockings. The unpopularity of this type can be explained by the fact that knee-highs do not look so aesthetically pleasing and can be seen from under a woman's dress or skirt. Knee-highs are necessary for those who have a problem of varicose veins not higher than the knee;
  • Tights. They are very popular, but not among pregnant women. Often, expectant mothers are forced to give up compression tights due to pressure on the abdomen and some difficulties with going to the toilet. But those women who experience the problem of enlarged thigh veins, as well as the external genitalia, should incline their choice to compression tights;
  • Compression elastic bandage. It is prescribed to the expectant mother only in case of local strong varicose veins. But such cases are extremely rare, so such appointments are not common.

When choosing compression, remember that the elastic of the product should be 5-10 cm above the problem area.

Compression Stocking Classes

Compression underwear is divided into compression classes - pressure intensity in millimeters of mercury. The division looks like this:

  • 1st class (light compression), 18-22 mm. rt. Art.
    This class is allowed for pregnant women and women with the initial stage of varicose veins. Indications for wearing class 1 underwear: fatigue in the legs, burning sensation, the appearance of spider veins, genetic predisposition;
  • 2nd class (treatment class), 23-33 mm. rt. Art.
    The indications for wearing this class are severe swelling, varicose nodes and severe varicose veins, night cramps, as well as a previous minor operation on this problem;
  • 3rd class, 24-45 mm. rt. Art.
    Medical jersey of this class should be worn for such problems as: lymphatic insufficiency, deep vein thrombosis, severe venous insufficiency, after major leg surgery;
  • 4th class (heavy compression) - more than 50 mm. rt. Art.
    This type of knitwear is prescribed for an immobile lifestyle for a long period, disorders of lymph flow, as well as during a stay in an intensive care unit. For the expectant mother, antiembolic jersey is prescribed only for the period of childbirth to alleviate the load on the vessels of the pelvic organs.

The load on the legs and pelvic organs can lead to pain and the development of varicose veins

How to choose the right size of compression stockings during pregnancy

In order to correctly choose the size and compression of the stockings, the expectant mother needs to consult with a phlebologist, and also make some measurements on her own.

In order not to stumble upon a low-quality product, medical linen must be purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies.

How to choose a size for your stockings

The following measurements need to be made:

  1. Measure the lower leg under the ankle at the bottom of the ankle.
  2. Also measure the top of the lower leg under the knee joint.
  3. Based on the height below 180 centimeters, you need to measure the thigh 25 centimeters from the knee. If the height is more than 180, then you need to measure at a distance of 30 centimeters.
  4. Measure the entire leg t of the foot to the measuring point at the thigh.

You can choose the size of compression underwear using measurements or with a consultant in a special store

Choosing a size for tights:

To choose compression tights by size you need:

  1. Take all measurements to select stockings.
  2. Measure OT and OB.
  3. Measure from foot to groin.

Also, for the correct product such as compression knee socks, it is necessary to measure the distance of the leg from the foot to the knee. The obtained measurements are correlated with the values ​​indicated on the packaging of compression underwear. If you purchase underwear in a specialized store, the consultant will select the right size for you. To do this, show him your measurements.

Knowing how to choose the size, you just have to study the issue of the correct use of stockings. And this is not difficult.

How to wear compression stockings during pregnancy

Before using compression garments, you should read the instructions on the packaging in detail.

The average warranty period for compression products is 10 months. This means that stockings provide reliable support and comfort throughout pregnancy. And after giving birth, they will give the slenderness of the legs of the newly-made mom.

To improve the effect of wearing compression stockings, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In order for compression products to please a pregnant woman day by day, you should adhere to some rules:

  • wear all day long. This means that the pregnant woman should put on stockings without getting out of bed and take them off when going to bed before going to bed at night. It is better to sleep without stockings, since the legs just need to - simply rest;
  • if a woman needs to take a shower or just swim, then the stockings need to be removed and no longer put on;
  • in order to put on the product correctly, it is necessary to pull the fabric first on the heel, collecting it with an "accordion", and then straighten it along its entire length;
  • if you have difficulty putting on tights or stockings due to the long term of the pregnant woman, it is better to ask for help from your next of kin.

Recommendations for the care of compression stockings for pregnant women

Proper care of the product is a guarantee of long-term use:

  • any automatic equipment is prohibited for the care of compression underwear. Washing machines and tumble dryers can deform the product. It is necessary to wash only by hand;
  • the iron is a terrible enemy for fibers - stockings cannot be ironed;
  • dry products only in a horizontal position on a flat surface. Otherwise, the jersey will stretch;
  • wash only with laundry soap and warm water. Hot water will damage the product.

Some women use elastic bandages, but they have certain disadvantages.

Contraindications for wearing compression stockings during pregnancy

According to scientists' statistics, there are no restrictions on wearing medical jersey, no matter what degree and severity varicose veins are. But, nevertheless, there are a number of cases in which doctors ban the wearing of products:

  • open wounds;
  • pustular infections;
  • diabetes mellitus, which gave complications to the lower extremities;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cardiopulmonary insufficiency with complications in the form of circulatory disorders, even at rest;
  • inflamed venous walls;
  • arterial insufficiency.

In case of swelling and tingling of the legs, you should consider buying compression stockings

Popular brands-manufacturers of medical hosiery for pregnant women

At the very beginning of the search, it will be wiser for the expectant mother to decide on preferences in appearance, density of knitwear and material of the product. The appearance of future stockings depends on the taste and wardrobe of the pregnant woman. As for the choice of material, it depends on what quality the future mother wants and can buy for herself. It is important that the product has a certificate and a compression class. Otherwise, this is a fake.

Also, the choice of a medical product can be influenced by:

  • price-quality ratio. It is unlikely that a pregnant buyer will stop at compression with an extremely high price category, but low quality. Indeed, in anticipation of the baby, financial reserves have long been planned out and are unlikely to be spent unreasonably;
  • feeling of comfort. For pregnant women, this indicator is almost the most important. Indeed, with an increase in the term, the load on the legs increases and they, more than ever, need support;

Today, compression products are extremely popular. Many are so surprised by the result of their use that they wear them almost all the time. Others, on the contrary, are very critical of such products, refuse to follow the prescriptions of a phlebologist. What are compression stockings, what is the essence of anti-varicose underwear, and can it be bought at a pharmacy?

What are compression stockings

Medical treatment-and-prophylactic products made of elastic material, which have a therapeutic effect on the legs, veins of the lower extremities, are called compression stockings. In most cases, they are recommended to be worn at the first sign of varicose veins, therefore they are also called anti-varicose veins. They changed the elastic bandages, which are impractical to use. Anti-varicose stockings do not cause allergies, are well ventilated, effective, differ little in appearance from ordinary ones.

Compression ratios

Products differ in the level of compression, each has its own specific class. They are divided according to the strength with which they can pull. Each degree has its own characteristics:

  • The first class compression is 23 mmHg. Art. These products are recommended for people with spider veins on the skin, and if the work involves constant exposure to the legs, fatigue is felt at the end of the day.
  • Compression class 2 linen exerts a pressure of about 33 mm Hg. Art. It is prescribed for thrombophlebitis and developing varicose veins.
  • Products of the 3rd level of compression have a pressure of up to 46 mm Hg. Art, and is prescribed for venous insufficiency.
  • For grade 4, the compression is more than 50 mm Hg. st (maximum pressure). These stockings are prescribed by a doctor to reduce swelling and normalize lymph circulation.

A person can choose a medical device of the 1st class on their own, without the recommendation of a doctor, without being mistaken with the choice of size. You can purchase the correct products of the 2nd and 3rd compression classes together with a phlebologist. Class 4 products can only be purchased with a prescription, and only in pharmacies that sell products with orthopedic effects. The doctor will tell you not only the desired model, but also the rules for caring for such products.

Indications for use

Experts are of the opinion that compression products should be worn both for the prevention of varicose veins and at the first signs of it. It is also sometimes necessary to buy stockings for the operation when it is agreed with the doctor. The indications for their use are:

  • manifestation of the vascular network;
  • constant footwork;
  • pregnancy;
  • discomfort when walking, decompression sickness;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • rehabilitation postoperative period.


There are a number of cases where compression products must be used with caution, under the supervision of the attending physician. It is strictly forbidden to use such products in the development of chronic diseases of the arteries of the legs, which have arisen due to a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels with a pressure below 80 mm. rt. Art .: aortoarteritis, atherosclerosis, endarteritis. Relative contraindications include:

  • eczema;
  • necrosis;
  • open wounds;
  • dermatitis;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes.

How to wear compression stockings correctly

Recommendations for putting on compression underwear can be given by doctors, or you can study them yourself in the instructions. It is recommended to put on stockings after sleep, without getting out of bed. The main thing is to correctly distribute the stockings, because the level of compression and treatment depend on this. During the first application, there may be unusual sensations of squeezing, cold. This is normal, because venous blood flow is accelerated, the walls of the veins are aligned. After 2-3 days, the limbs get used to it. The stocking should be evenly spaced across the entire leg to provide the correct amount of compression.

The dressing procedure takes about 15 minutes. If the size is selected correctly, but it is difficult to do it yourself, then a special device is used to put this jersey on the lower limbs. It makes it easier to put on special silk gloves, which are not recommended to be used for any other purpose. The time of wearing stockings depends on the appointment of a specialist. For sports activities, it is recommended to wear them for the entire workout. Pregnant women can use the products throughout the entire pregnancy and postpartum period.

Stocking care rules

Stockings from varicose veins need to be washed daily. Preference should be given to hand wash in warm water, without the use of detergents and soap. In order for the product not to lose its shape and properties, it is necessary to dry it with a towel. Medical jersey must not be boiled, twisted, ironed, or dried on a battery. Stain removers and other chemicals should not be used, as they can damage the fiber structure of the product, and it will lose its medicinal properties.

How to choose compression stockings

In order to choose the right high-quality compression products, you need to take individual measurements from the patient: the size of the thighs (5 cm below the gluteal cavity), calves, ankles, the height from the floor to the thighs. Particular attention should be paid to.

To reduce the load on the legs and prevent the development of varicose veins during the period of childbearing, doctors increasingly recommend wearing compression stockings for pregnant women - medical jersey. They negate the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases of the lower extremities, not only for 9 months, but even during and after childbirth. For those who suffer from dilated veins, asterisks, cramps and pain in the legs, such underwear is a real salvation.

Before purchasing this amazing knitwear on the legs, it is better to first find out why pregnant women need compression stockings and whether they are needed specifically in this or that case. Since this is a medicinal linen, it has a number of indications:

  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • tired legs;
  • swelling towards the end of the day;
  • painful sensations;
  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombosis;
  • venous, eczema;
  • spider veins on the legs.

If, when carrying a child, any of these problems are present or at least suspected, compression tights for pregnant women or stockings are simply necessary for the normal well-being of the expectant mother and a successful delivery. Their healing effect is obvious:

  • veins are protected from expansion;
  • constant pressure is exerted on the surface of the leg, which forces the blood to circulate actively;
  • the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients improves;
  • the appearance of thrombosis and convulsions is prevented;
  • the ability of vessels to absorb extracellular fluid increases, which leads to the prevention and elimination of edema.

The benefits of such underwear when carrying a baby is obvious. It is recommended to wear it even during childbirth so that the veins do not burst from the tension that the woman is experiencing at this moment. It is very important here to choose the right compression stockings for pregnant women so that they are as comfortable and useful as possible. They are divided into several classes.


You need to be able to determine the compression class of compression stockings for pregnant women, necessary for a given situation. If preventive underwear can be purchased by any woman in a pharmacy in the public domain, then medical underwear, which includes 4 classes, can only be prescribed by a phlebologist. Accordingly, you can buy it only in a specialized salon exclusively with a prescription. What is the difference between these types of knitwear?

  1. Class 1... The compression created by these stockings (tights) on the legs is up to 23 mm. rt. Art. They are recommended for pregnant women with the appearance of spider veins and pain towards the end of the day, with enlarged veins.
  2. Class 2... The pressure distributed by this underwear on the legs does not exceed 33 mm. rt. Art. It is used to treat thrombophlebitis and varicose veins in pregnant women.
  3. Class 3... Compression on the legs - no higher than 45 mm. rt. Art. Tights (stockings) of this type are prescribed by a phlebologist for severe venous insufficiency, which is characterized by a violation of trophism.
  4. Class 4... The pressure exceeds 50 mm. rt. Art. Lingerie of this class eliminates disorders of lymph flow, eliminates severe edema caused by this disease.

In addition to the above classes, there are also prophylactic compression stockings for pregnant women that can be worn by all expectant mothers to prevent similar problems with blood vessels, veins and capillaries in the legs. If a woman is at risk, the supervising gynecologist will definitely advise you to wear such underwear. The question is which is better - compression stockings or tights for pregnant women, and what is their fundamental difference.


Depending on the individual preferences of a woman, she can opt for various types of compression underwear - pantyhose, stockings or socks. There is also an elastic bandage with the same effect. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Compression knee-highs for pregnant women, they are used if pain, cramps and varicose veins affect only the calf, not rising higher to the thighs. The disadvantage of this type of underwear is that knee-highs do not always look aesthetically pleasing under short dresses and skirts. Although they are ideal for wearing under pants.
  2. Compression stockings- one of the most popular options for this lingerie for pregnant women. They look aesthetically and beautifully on the leg, do not cause any inconvenience if you need to go to the toilet (which occurs quite often in this position), do not put pressure on your stomach. The only drawback, which, however, is very significant, is that they do not hold well on the leg and often slide down, which disturbs the uniformity of the pressure exerted by them.
  3. Compression tights for pregnant women are an excellent alternative to stockings. Their advantages are that they definitely do not slip off their feet and do not need to be constantly tightened. The disadvantage is the pressure they put on the stomach. Although manufacturers are actively fighting this disadvantage and reduce it to almost nothing.
  4. Compression elastic bandage for pregnant women it is useful only if there are any local problems with the veins in the legs. Phlebologists rarely recommend it to women in position.

In addition, you need to know how to choose compression stockings for pregnant women in accordance with not only the class and type of lingerie, but also its size. This affects the correct distribution of pressure across the legs.

Dimensions (edit)

To choose the size of compression stockings for pregnant women, you need to take the following leg measurements before buying a home:

For stockings:

  1. Girth of the lower leg above the ankle (in cm);
  2. The girth of the upper leg under the knee joint (in cm).
  3. Thigh circumference at a distance of 25 cm from the knee (with a woman's height up to 180 cm). If the height is taller, the measurement should be carried out at a height of 30 cm from the knee joint.
  4. Leg length to the point where the thigh measurement was taken.

For tights:

  1. All sizes taken for selection of compression stockings.
  2. The circumference of the waist and hips.
  3. The length of the leg from the foot to the groin.

After the dimensions have been taken, the data obtained must be compared with the dimensions given in the tables. When buying lingerie in a specialized salon, show your measurements to the sales consultant, and he will pick you up compression stockings or tights of the required size.

Size table for women's stockings:

Now you know which compression stockings are best for pregnant women and how to choose them correctly in order to get the maximum benefit and comfort from them. It remains only to learn how to use them, which is not difficult at all.

Terms of use

There are several nuances that will help to achieve greater efficiency from compression maternity underwear:

  • first you need to consult a phlebologist who prescribes the use of compression stockings during pregnancy and after childbirth;
  • underwear should be selected only for the individual size of a woman;
  • high-quality compression hosiery comes under the RAL sign - its presence on the packaging indicates a European certificate for the product;
  • the warranty period of compression underwear for pregnant women is no more than 10 months.

If you follow these recommendations and use the above tips for choosing compression stockings and tights for pregnant women, they will bring maximum comfort and benefit. Protect your legs from excessive loads and varicose veins for all 9 months. This will allow after giving birth to regain its former harmony and beautiful shape.

Compression underwear for pregnant women can be worn not only throughout the entire period of pregnancy, but also in the first months after childbirth. Doctors recommend to wear this type of clothing for women who are prone to problems with the vessels of the legs and suffer from pain, cramps and varicose veins.

The latter can have serious consequences, especially during gestation: in some cases, during pregnancy, thrombophlebitis can develop, in advanced cases, internal bleeding is possible.

Compression underwear and its types

Compression underwear belongs to medical jersey and is made of special hypoallergenic materials. Such clothing helps prevent stagnation of blood in the veins due to the correct distribution of pressure on the walls of blood vessels.

There are different types and classes of compression garments, and certain types of such products can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription at specialized retail outlets.

In most cases, you can get by with the first and second classes, which often play an exclusively preventive role. Of everything exists four classes compression underwear:

  • IV class - designed to eliminate severe edema that occurs when lymph flow is impaired.
  • Class III - recommended by phlebologists for severe venous insufficiency.
  • Class II - the most common underwear for the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis during pregnancy.
  • Class I - such underwear can be worn with the appearance of pain, swelling and a noticeable increase in veins in the legs, which may serve as the first sign of developing varicose veins.

Lingerie of each class also divided into types... In this regard, the choice is made depending on which area of ​​the legs problems arise:

  • Compression knee socks - are used when pain and spider veins appear in the area from the knee and below.
  • Stockings are the most common option, since, along with efficiency, such underwear looks more aesthetically pleasing than knee-highs.
  • Compression tights - completely cover the legs, and also partially cover the abdomen, which can cause inconvenience in late pregnancy, so when buying such underwear it is important to choose the right size and pay attention to expensive models from well-known manufacturers that use elastic and high-quality materials.

An alternative such jersey is an elastic compression bandage, which can be found commercially, but it is advisable to use such a product for local problems in small areas.

Indications for wearing compression garments during pregnancy

As a preventive measure during pregnancy, you can wear class I and II compression underwear, but at the same time there are a number of indications in which wearing such underwear is desirable and even obligatory:

  • thrombosis;
  • cramps in the calves;
  • tiredness and swelling of the legs at the end of the day;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • constant pain in the muscles of the legs;
  • varicose veins;
  • spider veins.

Compression underwear helps to get rid from these problems and even prevent their appearance, if you use it at the first signs of the listed diseases and disorders. The therapeutic effect of linen is achieved through constant pressure on the vessels. As a result, the blood begins to circulate actively and the tissues receive more nutrients and a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Also, experts insist on using compression underwear. directly during childbirth: this reduces the risk of rupture of blood vessels from excessive stress.

What compression underwear for pregnant women is right to choose

When choosing lingerie of the 1st class you can do without consulting a doctor, in all other cases, it is better to coordinate the purchase of such clothing with a phlebologist. In addition to the recommendations of a specialist, it is worth remembering the basic rules for choosing a compression underwear:

  • Different types of underwear should be used at different stages of pregnancy. So, in the early stages, you can use any kind of such clothes, depending on the preferences and prescriptions of the doctor, in the later stages it is better to use stockings or tights - it is such underwear that provides maximum protection of blood vessels from heavy loads.
  • It is advisable to buy tights with a special elastic band in the abdomen. Some models do not have such an addition, and when wearing them, you may experience discomfort from excessive pressure on the abdomen.
  • If the choice fell on stockings, it is advisable to buy models equipped with a corset belt, since stockings without this element slide off during wear.

Some women during pregnancy may well do without compression underwear, but even if the doctor says there is no need to use such clothing, preventive jersey still worth buying.

This is especially true for expectant mothers who lead an active lifestyle, regularly go for walks or are forced to make frequent trips. In such cases, you can purchase class I and II linen. Such jerseys should also be purchased with a hereditary predisposition to varicose veins.

Before purchasing a compression garment, you must read the information on the package. Consumer interest should be two special marks: RAL-GZ 387 and Oeko-Tex Standart 10. The first indicates that the linen fully complies with the established quality standards, the second indicates the use of hypoallergenic materials in the manufacture of products.

The best manufacturers of compression maternity underwear

Compression underwear is produced by dozens of companies, among which not all are trustworthy and offer consumers quality products. at affordable prices. When choosing lingerie, you can be guided by its cost: in all cases, expensive products will meet quality and safety requirements. These prices are due to the use high-strength materials, thanks to which one product can be worn throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

The same high quality is guaranteed by the manufacturer Relaxsan (Italy), but in this case the high prices are explained by the fact that this company makes compression underwear only to order from expensive high quality materials.

In the middle price segment Venoteks (USA) and ORTO (Spain) can be noted. But such products will not last the entire duration of pregnancy.

Video about compression maternity underwear