How to narrow jeans at home. How to sew pants: a few simple tips. Jeans hem processing

Even if you are a happy owner of a super-standard figure, you must have wondered at least once: how to sew in jeans? And it’s not at all about those cases when the thing was bought out of size. It happens that it is difficult to pick up tight pants for thin legs. It happens that the model is not satisfied with the width of the trousers. And there is also such that jeans fit perfectly, but they are a little puffy at the waist, the reason for this is the features of the figure.

So, if you do not know how it is at home, this is not a reason to carry them to the atelier. They charge so much for such a service that it’s easier to buy new ones. Decided! We take out a sewing machine, threads, tailor's chalk, scissors and tailor's pins (those with round heads).

That depends on the place that we want to reduce. You can do this in three places - in the back of the belt, on the sides and the legs at the bottom.

The first case is "your" if you have a strong deflection in the lower back, then even the tightest jeans at the back of the waist are a little puffy. To get rid of this defect, we take the following steps. We rip the back seam, cut the belt lengthwise, after rebuffing the belt loop (belt loop). Before unripping, you need to measure how many extra centimeters you need to remove. We divide these centimeters by two and draw with chalk on each side how much needs to be removed. The line goes from top to bottom, gradually disappears to "no" towards the end. Before cutting off excess fabric, measure how many centimeters are taken for allowances on the left and right (usually these are different values).

So, the excess fabric is cut off, according to the measured allowances, we combine the parts, sweep, sew, fold inward O Lsh allowance, stitching. Turn out to the front side.

We cut off the excess fabric from the belt, sew the belt, sew the loop back. Ready! By the same principle, jeans are sutured from the sides. Only the side seams are ripped, of course, the belt is cut on the sides. We cut off the excess fabric, re-sew the side parts and the belt, return the belt loops to their place.

Also, the question of how to sew jeans in trousers is not of great difficulty. For example, if you have flared jeans, and you have a passion for skinny jeans! Of course, if you have rapper jeans, take them in or don't take them in - the panties will not work. The rest can be dealt with.

Before narrowing the jeans at home, we put them on, stand in front of the mirror (it is better to stock up on an assistant). With tailor's pins, we carefully pin those places that we would like to remove. This must be done on the front side. It is enough, however, to stab only one leg, and measure the second on it, otherwise there is a great risk of getting different widths.

After pinning, carefully remove the jeans, turn them inside out, mark the places of pinning from the wrong side with tailor's chalk. We remove the pins, draw the line of the future seam along the lines, it should be as even as possible. Next, we combine both legs, along the drawn line we pierce all layers of fabric through and through, draw a cut line on the second leg.

We cut off the excess, sweep the seams, sew on a typewriter, process the edges with a zigzag or overlock. turn out, try on. In general, it is very useful to try on the product several times in the process.

Now you know how to sew jeans at home. Dare!

Today, flared jeans are already out of fashion. But what if your favorite, but old model was lying around in the closet? You can give a second wind to these jeans by sewing them in from the bottom and turning them back into fashionable ones. The narrowing procedure depends on the style itself and the fabric from which they are sewn.

Trying on jeans

To stitch the product you will need:

  1. pins;
  2. Needle and thread (any color);
  3. Sewing machine with threads that match the color;
  4. Overlock or overlock foot for a sewing machine;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Sewing chalk or soap;
  7. Iron.

In work, care must be taken and accuracy so as not to spoil anything, and you do not have to go to the studio. The first thing to do is to turn the jeans inside out and put them on the person who will wear them, or take trousers that are skinny and fit perfectly, as an example.

Remove excess pins

Using pins, remove excess fabric evenly from both the inside and outside, to avoid deformation, wrinkles. See if the length and width suits you, if there are any inconveniences when moving and sitting. If everything suits you, take off your jeans.

We mark the line and seams

Lay out on a flat surface and correct any bends and irregularities. Use sewing chalk to mark where to attach the pins. Pull out the pins and draw a straight, solid line.

We spread the product

Unfold the hem and trousers to the length you plan to sew. It can be from the hip or from the knee, it all depends on your preference and the original style of the jeans. Very wide flared pants must be sutured along the entire length, but if they sit perfectly on the hips, then they are removed only from the knee.

We sew a line

Using a threaded needle, overlock or needle-forward stitch, sew along the line drawn with the sewing chalk.


Try on the product again, if there are defects, eliminate them now, as then you will have to redo it anew, and you will ruin the thing. It is worth considering that if the trousers are longer than you need, then you need to take them in only after shortening the bottom.

Cut off excess with scissors

After making sure that the pants fit perfectly, cut off unnecessary fabric from both sides of the leg with scissors, leaving a few millimeters for the seams.

Sew back

In order to sew in trousers at the bottom, you need to have a basic knowledge of working with a sewing machine and overlock. Sew the product along the intended line, after ironing the seams. Try to connect the old and new seam smoothly, without a noticeable transition between them. The hem should also be sewn back.

We process the seams

If there is an overlock, process the seams. This can also be done on a sewing machine with an overlock foot, which should be replaced with a standard foot, or additionally stitched with a zigzag seam.

Ironing and turning trousers

Remove the extra thread with which you outlined the line. Turning jeans inside out and trying on. If they fit perfectly on the figure, we iron them - and you can wear them. Your new jeans are ready!

Taking into account all the professional nuances and minimal sewing skills, the end result will be fashionable "pipes" that fit perfectly on the figure, without extra costs and additional assistance.

Tips on how to sew jeans on the sides, at the waist, how to alter flared jeans.

Many people have jeans or even a few pairs in their closet that they haven't worn in a long time. Perhaps the thing has gone out of fashion, or maybe the jeans have become too big or small. Today we will talk about the case when jeans became great. Namely, how to properly sew them in.

How to sew in men's and women's jeans on the sides?

Important: It’s worth saying right away that sewing on jeans on your own is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. If you are not confident in your abilities, it makes sense to contact the studio. Otherwise, you can simply spoil the thing.

However, if you think that your sewing machine should not just gather dust, but work, you can try it. Just do not forget, this is the case when they say "Measure seven times, cut one!".

For work you will need:

  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors
  • Tailor's pins
  • Threads
  • Overlock
  • Ripper
  • Chalk or bar of soap

First, try on your jeans to determine where you need to sew in the product. If you need to remove excess fabric only on the sides - this is one way, and if you need, for example, to sew in the hips - there will be another technique.

Let's discuss all the options one by one. Immediately, we note that women's and men's jeans are sutured in the same way.

You can often find extremely simple tips on how to quickly sew in jeans on the sides. The bottom line is this: put a model that fits your size on top of the old jeans, cut off the excess and sew. Of course, this is by no means the case.

Important: It will not work to sew in jeans only along the side seam, it is necessary to sew in both the side cut and the inner one. Otherwise, the product will be twisted.

If the jeans fit perfectly at the waist and it became necessary to remove a little fabric from the sides, you can do this:

  • Put on your jeans inside out.
  • With tailor's pins, mark the places where you need to take in, first on one leg.
  • Do this with the inside seam and the outside.
  • Without tearing or cutting anything, take off your jeans.
  • With chalk or remnants, mark a line for the line.
  • Sweep the product by hand.
  • Try on jeans again, sit down, walk around.
  • Make sure your jeans fit properly.
  • Only after that you can cut off the excess 1 cm further from the future seam.
  • Now it's time to sew the jeans on a typewriter with threads that match the color.
  • Sew the finishing stitch along the outer edge of the jeans with double thread.
  • Iron your jeans carefully.
  • Finish the cut edges with an overlocker.

Video: How to sew jeans on the sides?

How to sew jeans in the hips?

You can try to sew in jeans only in the hips. This is appropriate in the case when the hips are narrow, and only the jeans are large in the hips, but sit normally on the legs.

Important: You can sew in jeans in the hips if you need to remove no more than 4 cm. Otherwise, you will have to flog the codpiece, which is often beyond the power of a novice needlewoman.

Jeans can be sewn in a few centimeters

You can remove excess tissue on the hips in this way:

  • Open the side seams.
  • Open the middle seam around the buttocks.
  • Sew, taking into account the necessary preliminary measurements.
  • The edges must be sewn strictly in the same style as the old seams, otherwise it will look ridiculous.

Important: It is almost impossible to sew finishing lines without experience. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this process by watching a video tutorial.

Video: How to sew a finishing line?

How to sew jeans on the pope along the back seam at home?

To sew in the back seam of jeans, you will need the sewing tools listed above. Sewing jeans by hand in this place will not work.

So let's get started:

  1. First, put on your jeans.
  2. It is inconvenient to make basting in this part of the body on your own, ask someone to help you remove the excess and make a basting with pins.
  3. Then you need to cut off the belt.
  4. After that, you will have to rip the back seam, it is not difficult to rip it.
  5. Measure with a ruler the same distance between the old seam and the pins on both sides.
  6. With a remnant, draw a cut line, do not forget to leave a 1 cm allowance.
  7. After that, baste the seam, then try on the jeans.
  8. If the jeans fit well, you can sew a seam on a typewriter.
  9. Overlock the cut with an overlocker.
  10. On the front side, make finishing lines.

How to narrow the back of jeans

How to sew jeans on the pope

Now you need to properly trim the belt:

  1. Shorten it to the desired length by cutting off the fabric on both sides.
  2. Sew the sides of the belt together.
  3. Then sew the belt to the jeans, make a finishing line.

How to sew jeans in the waist, belt?

If the jeans are large in the waist, it is best to take them in, as described above - along the back seam. If everything is done correctly, they will sit well on the pope.

If the jeans are too big in the waist and you don't want to bother, you can narrow the waist a little in an easier way.

You will need:

  • Rubber
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Regular pin (in another way English)

Let's get to work:

  1. Take a small piece of elastic. The length depends on how much you want to shorten the belt.
  2. Make slits in the belt in two places (the distance between the slits is a few cm longer than the elastic band).
  3. Now thread the pin through the elastic band and pull it along with the elastic band between the slots.
  4. Pin with a pin to the jeans so that the tip of the elastic does not “run away”.
  5. On the sewing machine, sew two stitches from both ends.

Pull the elastic in

How to sew jeans in a belt: before and after

Video: How to sew jeans at the waist?

How to sew in, narrow in the legs flared jeans, straight to narrow at home yourself?

The now unfashionable flared jeans can be narrowed and get modern skinny.

Important: You should not try to make skinny jeans from flared jeans if the flare is initially too wide. The cut is completely different, the result will not please you.

It makes sense to narrow the flare by a few centimeters (3-4 cm). In this case, arm yourself with sewing tools and get to work:

  1. Iron your jeans and try them on.
  2. Have someone help you pinpoint the inseam and crotch.
  3. Open the folds, as well as the side and crotch seams.
  4. Draw seam lines with chalk or a bar of soap.
  5. Leave an allowance.
  6. Cut off excess fabric.
  7. Baste the seams by hand.
  8. Try on jeans again, walk around in them, try to sit down.
  9. If everything fits, you can sew the seams on a typewriter.
  10. Finish the edges with an overlock or zigzag.

Flared jeans need to be sewn on both sides

How to sew in men's and women's jeans a size smaller?

Important: Jeans can be sewn in a size, a maximum of 2 less. It is easier to sew new jeans than to take them in more than 2 sizes.

If you do take the risk, be prepared to completely recut your jeans.

To downsize your jeans, put them on and take a close look at exactly where they sit ugly.

Try to choose the easiest way to rework, with minimal labor investment and the best possible result.

There are several ways to change jeans a size smaller:

  1. Cut off the excess on the sides and the inner seam.
  2. Sew along the back seam.
  3. Remove a little in the hips only on the sides.

A few simple rules for successful sewing jeans:

  • Jeans, both women's and men's, are altered according to the same principle.
  • Before starting work, wash the product and iron it.
  • It is advisable to find an assistant (-tsu) to help you make correct and even marks.
  • Do not rush to cut off the excess, it is better to finally make sure that you are doing everything right.
  • Remember, there are some models that are not subject to redrawing.

How to sew jeans to size

How to shrink jeans at the waist without a sewing machine?

The above tips are suitable for those who have a sewing machine. If you do not have the opportunity to sew in jeans on a typewriter, you can resort to other methods:

  • Wash the product in water with a temperature of 90 °, the fabric will sit down for a while, however, then the jeans will become large again.
  • Choose a suitable belt if you need to collect only at the waist.
  • Sew the elastic by hand into the waistband.

In principle, it is possible to sew on the legs by hand, but it will not look aesthetically pleasing, finishing stitches cannot be done manually either.

Finally, I would like to say, if you are not sure of a good result, it is better to take your expensive thing to the studio, professionals will do everything right. However, following the advice, you can take in your jeans so that you can wear your favorite thing again. We hope everything works out for you. We suggest watching the video to better understand how to alter jeans.

Video: How to make skinny jeans?

How to make jeans?

Many faced a problem when new jeans fit well in the hips, but the legs turned out to be wide, or a good thing was inherited from their mother or did not fit a friend. Updating your wardrobe and narrowing your jeans is very simple: all you need is a little patience and perseverance.

There are several ways to make jeans already.

Method 1. Simple

Method 2. Decorative

From an ordinary wardrobe item you can make a designer thing. To do this, you need to perform steps 1-6 until the moment when the lines are marked along which to cut excess fabric. When these lines are ready, make 1-1.5 cm seam allowances and cut the fabric.

Next, you should cut out a strip of lace, leather, suede or any other fabric that you like. The pattern is a triangle with a base of 5-10 cm and a height that is equal to the distance from the point of narrowing to the bottom of the leg. Next - step 6 from the first method.

Method 3. Using other jeans

To narrow your jeans, you can use old skinny jeans that fit well. To do this, lay out wide jeans on a flat surface, put narrow ones on top and mark new seams on relatively narrow legs. Next - steps 4-6 from the first method.

Method 4. Using a pattern

This method is the most difficult, but will help to achieve the highest quality result. To do this, you will need to rip wide jeans and old skinny jeans into patterns. Next, transfer the patterns of narrow jeans to wide ones, make markings. After that, you should make allowances for the seams, cut off the excess fabric and stitch the pattern.

Today, wide flared jeans are gradually going out of fashion, and many are thinking about how to narrow jeans from the bottom at home in order to give them a second wind and turn them back into a fashionable style without an atelier. The very procedure of narrowing depends not only on the style and style of the trousers, but also on the fabric from which they are sewn. Today we will tell you a life hack on how to make skinny ones out of wide jeans simply, quickly and at no additional cost.

How to make jeans already at the bottom?

Updating your wardrobe and properly narrowing women's and men's jeans to make fashionable leggings or stylish skinny out of them is easy, you just need a little patience and perseverance.

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Sewing machine with threads that match the color of the trousers.
  • Pins.
  • Needle and thread (any color)
  • Overlock or overlock foot for a typewriter.
  • Tailor's scissors.
  • Chalk or quality soap.
  • Ruler or measuring tape.
  • Iron.

There are several ways to solve the problem, the main thing is to do everything carefully and carefully so as not to spoil the thing.

Method number 1. Simple

Jeans should be sewn along the inner seams of the trousers, since finishing lines pass along the outer side seams.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Stretch the bottom of the legs, as the model of the new jeans provides for a narrower bottom as well.
  2. Work with a steam iron on the bottom of the trousers so that no creases are visible.
  3. Turn your jeans inside out.
  4. Put the product on yourself and measure the places where you need to take in. Using pins, pin the legs along the line of the future inner seam.
  5. Look carefully if the length and width suits you, if there are any inconveniences when walking and sitting. If everything suits you, then take off your jeans.
  6. Lay the product on a flat surface and straighten out all the folds and irregularities.
  7. With sewing chalk or soap, draw lines along the marks laid with pins, sweep the line along the line with an “overlock” stitch or a “needle-forward” stitch.
  8. Try the product again, make changes and eliminate defects. If the trousers are longer than you need, then you should first shorten them, and then take them in.
  9. Remove the trousers and mark new lines with chalk, leaving a 1.5 cm allowance from the seam line.
  10. Cut off excess fabric with scissors.
  11. Sew over the allowances on the overlock from the side of the front halves of the legs. The threads must match the color of the fabric.
  12. Press the finished seams with an iron on the back halves of the legs. For this purpose, you can use a special block-sleeve, which is attached to the ironing board. You can also use a homemade pillow.
  13. Sew the product along the marked lines. Try to connect the old and new seam smoothly, without a noticeable transition between them.
  14. Align the lower sections on the legs, mark with chalk allowances along the bottom of 3-4 cm.
  15. Pick up the threads for processing the bottom of the trousers in the color of the finishing stitch.
  16. Fold the bottom along the chalk line, sew on the front side with finishing threads on a typewriter (stitch width 0.4 cm).
  17. After finishing the bottom of the trousers, iron the finishing stitch using a sleeve or pad.
  18. Remove the extra thread with which you outlined the line. Turn jeans inside out and try on. If they fit perfectly and the result satisfies you, iron them, and wear fashionable and stylish trousers, to the envy of everyone.

Important! For a denser and more expressive finishing stitch, thread two spools of the same color into the upper thread. Put the thread in the color of the fabric into the hook - there the thread should be single.

Method number 2. Using old skinny jeans

This method practically repeats the entire procedure of method No. 1, with the only difference being that the old narrow ones are superimposed on top of the wide trousers, which fit perfectly on the figure. Then the marking of new seams of a relatively narrow model is done. After that, the lines are swept away, and the jeans are tried on. If everything suits you, then start sewing by cutting off the excess fabric and processing the allowances on the overlock.

Or maybe it's time to use the pants in a different way, without wasting time sewing and hemming them? Think about it, because we offer a lot of interesting ideas, with detailed master classes!

Method number 3. We use a pattern

This method is the most difficult, because for its implementation it is necessary to rip wide jeans and fit narrow jeans into patterns. However, this method will help to achieve maximum and high-quality results.

The essence of this method: the pattern of tight jeans is completely transferred to the fabric of wide trousers, then the pattern is marked with chalk on the fabric and additional seam allowances are made. After that, you should cut off the excess fabric and stitch the pattern.

To keep your pants durable, practical and beautiful longer, and you do not spend a lot of time caring for them, read the recommendations on. You will not have problems with caring for things made of denim!

Additional decor

If you want to not only narrow your jeans with your own hands, but also make an original designer item out of an ordinary wardrobe item, you can insert a strip of leather, suede or lace into the side seam. For this:

  1. Turn the jeans inside out and measure the areas that need to be sewn in on both sides of the legs.
  2. Remove the jeans and trace the seam lines according to the marks.
  3. After sewing the legs, draw lines along which the excess should be cut off, making allowances for the seams of 1-1.5 cm, cut off the excess fabric.
  4. Cut out a strip from any fabric you like.
  5. The pattern is a triangle with a base of 5-10 cm and a height equal to the distance from the point of narrowing to the bottom of the legs.
  6. Insert strips of fabric into the legs and stitch them.
  7. Finish the bottom of the trousers.

How to narrow jeans from the bottom at home without a sewing machine?

Fashion dictates its own terms, so many people are now trying to look beautiful, stylish, youthful. If you want to make your jeans skinny at the bottom but don't have sewing machine skills, you can use the simple method of wrapping excess fabric around the legs.

This option for narrowing your trousers will take you no more than two minutes if you proceed as follows:

  1. Put on your pants, stand in front of a mirror.
  2. Pull one leg to desired width with one hand.
  3. Holding the leg of the leg with the fingers of one hand, wrap the excess fabric to the right or left, as you like, with the other hand.
  4. Roll up the bottom of the leg once, securing the folded fabric. You can wrap the bottom and twice, if the length allows.
  5. Evaluate the result - if this width satisfies you, then do the same manipulations with the other leg.
  6. Experiment with the height of the trousers, their width until the result completely satisfies you.

How to narrow jeans at home by size?

There are many reasons why we want to change our wardrobe. Here are just a few of them:

  • Often, purchased clothes do not sit on the figure as we would like, since any item of clothing is cut and sewn according to certain standards. And if the pants are a little big on you, then you can take them down a size so that they look perfect.
  • The figure of a person is prone to change, and when clothes become large, you can alter them in order to continue wearing your favorite thing further.

We will tell you more about how to take in trousers a size smaller. But before you drastically change the look of your pants, check out those for different types of figures.

Reduce the waist of trousers

First of all, it is necessary to decide where the product is to be sutured. Indeed, in addition to the style, it is necessary to determine the purpose of adjusting the size. For example, if straight-cut jeans of medium width have become too big at the waist, then the following algorithm should be applied:

  1. Turn the product inside out.
  2. Step back from the middle seam at the back 7 cm in both directions, at this distance unlock the belt.
  3. Open the crotch about 8 cm.
  4. Open up the middle seam.
  5. From the wrong side, mark the places for sewing with pins, outline the lines with chalk.
  6. Sew along the marked lines. If necessary, duplicate the seam with a double line.
  7. Cut off the excess fabric on the belt, sew it on.