Face cream without water for the winter. Winter foundation. Variety of types of cream


Women who carefully monitor the condition of their skin are well aware that in winter the skin requires special care. Low temperatures, frosty air affect the face differently than high or moderate temperatures and the sun's rays. Be sure to moisturize and protect from the cold winter, providing the skin with nourishment, your face.

The cosmetic product market provides many different products. Use water-based creams to moisturize the skin, vitamin creams for nutrition, and oily daytime creams for protection. To protect the face during the day, fats and special vitamins are required, because cold air takes away moisture, does not allow cells to renew at an optimal rate.

The cream, intended for the cold season, is a cosmetics that cares for the face and protects it. Choose products that have a denser consistency, include various trace elements, since the skin requires useful components and full protection.

The skin of the face, without timely care and protection, flakes, becomes irritated and inflamed, dry.

Girls, regardless of their skin type, feel that bad weather leads to the above problems. For this reason, the cream must be combined, must guarantee nourishment and hydration of the face.

When choosing a cream, do not dwell on only one property of the product. Believe me: one characteristic will not be enough, because the face is forced to face the negative effects of frost.

What's on offer for winter?

When studying the cosmetology market, give preference to a suitable type of cream. What are the products offered by beauty brands?

A protective cream is a unique product that can increase the degree of protection of the skin. Winter frosts, weathering, low temperatures cease to play a negative role. The care is created thanks to synthetic components, including silicones. The ingredients come into close contact with the skin, creating a special layer, thanks to which it is possible to retain the optimal amount of moisture.
The nutrients used in modern creams have an important impact. Regardless of the type of facial skin, study the composition of the product. A hydrolipidic layer is created on the face as a natural protective barrier. In summer, the sebaceous glands work actively, as a result of which lipids are produced enough, but in winter every girl starts having problems.
far from ideal for winter use. Beauticians and girls argue over the use of moisturizing cosmetic products. Before going outside, you should not use such a cream just before going out, carry out the procedure an hour before going outside.

Analyzing the composition of winter creams

When choosing a winter cream, study what components should be present in the composition of the product?

Silicone based components that form a film to protect the face. In summer, these components will harm the skin, in winter they will be beneficial. After you return home, wash off the cream, then apply a product to nourish or moisturize your face.
Vegetable oils. Suitable ingredients are jojoba, cedar, and cocoa. The above options have a high level of benefit for maintaining moisture and tone of the face. The components allow the skin to receive nutrients, acquire a lipid layer for protection.
Allantoin, as well as panthenol, restore and moisturize the skin of the face.
Vitamins, or rather A, C, E, are required for the face in winter cold. The ingredients restore the condition of the facial skin, give strength and elasticity.
Requires glycerin for moisturizing,. These components should be contained in a winter cream.

Focusing on the composition, you will understand which option to opt for. Buying a suitable cream guarantees benefits for preserving beauty and appearance.

How to use cosmetics during the winter cold?

How to care for your face so that winter does not turn out to be dangerous? What recommendations should I take into account?

Apply cosmetics containing water one hour before going outside. Otherwise, the water will not be absorbed into the pores, after which it will turn into ice microparticles, leading to hypothermia, violation of metabolic processes. Unfavorable particles will lead to deterioration of the skin condition.
At temperatures below ten degrees, use a cream based on. The ingredients must be natural, and the origin can be vegetable or animal. Fat is an additional coating for warming the face.
The nourishing cream is required for additional protection of the skin, which is less exposed to winter frost.
Use thermal water for extra hydration.
Use oils that are natural to soften your face.
Avoid exfoliation that can be too harsh for skin that has to deal with winter frosts.
Creams with a thick consistency do not allow the skin to breathe, so you should wash your face immediately after you return home.
Avoid ordinary tap water, as it turns out to be too harmful. You can wash your face with green tea or thermal water.

By purchasing a quality cream that is appropriate for the season, you guarantee your face beauty, hydration and protection.

January 17, 2014 5:51 pm

Every winter becomes stressful for the body. Lack of vitamins, sudden temperature changes, constant exposure to cold and dry air - all this negatively affects the health of the skin. Finding a good winter face cream is important to stay out of trouble. Using a quality product, you can safely forget about the unpleasant sensations, peeling and dryness of the epidermis.

What face cream is needed in winter?

Some of the fair sex think that their skin changes type during winter and becomes dry. Therefore, they stock up on nutrients and actively use them. This opinion is not entirely true.

The only thing is correct - the epidermis in the cold season really loses a lot of moisture and becomes drier, but its type does not change. And unreasonable hydration only aggravates the situation.

What kind of face cream you can't use in winter is a moisturizer. There is an understandable explanation for this: such products contain water, and in the cold it will begin to freeze, thereby tightening the skin and harming it.

The best face cream in winter is nutritious, containing some natural oil - shea, aloe, olive or any stone fruit - and vitamins. There is also water in the composition of such nutrients. But its content is quite small. In addition, they are alcohol-free.

Choosing the best cream for skin care in winter, you need to based on what type of skin you have:

  1. For oily, it is better to choose products containing natural extracts of aloe, sage, lemon.
  2. For a mixed or dry type of epidermis, more oily creams are suitable.
  3. Fading skin needs serious care. In addition to the nutrient, anti-aging serums should also be used in the evenings.

Updated: 24.07.2018 17:19:40

Our skin needs care and maintenance all year round. In the spring, due to a deficiency, fortified products are needed, in the summer it is necessary to protect from ultraviolet radiation and dryness, in the fall - to recover after the stressful effects of high temperatures. But special attention must be paid to winter care, since at this time the skin is exposed to the maximum influence of weather factors. From frost and wind, it becomes dehydrated, exhausted, vulnerable, loses its protective properties, as a result, inflammatory processes begin.

Creams for the winter period are thicker and more oily consistency, they contain more nutrients. Manufacturers of cosmetic products offer three types of care products for the cold season:

  1. Protective... The main tool that should be in the arsenal of every family. It forms an invisible film that serves as a kind of barrier against low temperatures and strong winds. This cream must be applied immediately before going out.
  2. Nutritious... Essential for the restoration of thinned skin. It helps to cope with the lack of vitamins, regulates the sebaceous glands. Many contain complexes of useful nutrients necessary for the epidermis, which normalize metabolic processes, increase immunity.
  3. Moisturizing... The cream is able to fill the lack of fluid, restore the hydrobalance. But in no case should it be applied immediately before going outside, otherwise you can expose the skin to even more stress and, as a result, get chapped and even frostbite. The optimal time of use is 1-1.5 hours before going out.

Rating of the best creams for winter

Nomination a place Name of product price
Best nourishing face creams in winter 1 426 ₽
2 1 080 ₽
3 2 325 ₽
4 990 ₽
The best protective creams for the face against chapping 1 3 516 ₽
2 1 803 ₽
3 1 926 ₽
4 424 ₽
Best baby face creams in winter 1 186 ₽
2 419 ₽
3 930 ₽
4 305 ₽

Best nourishing face creams in winter

Our skin needs nutrition at any time of the year, especially in winter. The composition of the products includes useful ingredients: natural shea butter, cocoa, jojoba, mango, grape seed, herbal extracts of verbena, calendula, chamomile, vitamin E. ...

Eva Esthetic. Daytime nutritious

The Russian brand has created a day cream for dry, sensitive skin with a well-formulated composition, which includes herbal extracts and natural oils. It does not contain synthetic dyes and parabens, normalizes the skin condition, and gives comfort during unfavorable winter conditions.

The cream has a pleasant vegetable smell and a rather thick consistency, which is well distributed on the face and quickly absorbed, does not leave a greasy film and greasy shine, after drying it is not felt on the skin.

The product is packaged in 40 ml miniature tubes, making it easy to carry and use when needed. According to the interviewed customers, after the first application, itching, peeling disappears, the skin becomes elastic and soft.


    harmless composition;

    affordable price;

    compact package size;

    intensive recovery;

    natural ingredients;


  • not identified.

In the rating we include the universal cream of the famous Swiss brand Five Elements, which will become a reliable skin protection in winter. It is based on water from healing natural glaciers, instantly moisturizing dry skin and providing a comfortable feeling for the whole day.

Nutrition comes from macadamia oils, shea butter and meadowfoam extract. They help to activate the recovery processes, increase the tone, and eliminate the feeling of tightness. Rice proteins, pomegranate extract and rice bran oil actively fight free radicals. A rejuvenating complex of rose and pine extracts prevents premature aging.

According to the respondents, the cream copes with the problems of the skin that arise in winter: it protects against low temperatures, prevents chapping.


    meals for 24 hours;

    natural smell;

    natural ingredients;

    anti-aging effect;

    instant results;


  • not identified.

An innovative French product created according to the latest scientific developments, designed to care for all types of skin, including especially sensitive and prone to allergic manifestations. It relieves irritation, removes keratinized residues, restores natural processes, and improves immunity.

The composition is enriched with probiotics and prebiotics, useful plant extracts. The rich, buttery texture dissolves, absorbs well and takes effect instantly. After application, traces of fatigue and stress disappear, the microrelief is leveled, the skin is rested and well-groomed.

Women noted its high protective properties against weathering and low temperatures in winter, as well as the minimum amount per application.


    innovative formula;

    protects from frost and wind;

    relieves itching and redness;

    actively nourishes and restores;


  • not identified.

The next in the rating was the cream of the Israeli manufacturer SPA Pharma, which has long been loved by Russian buyers. Created on the water of the Dead Sea, it will become indispensable in winter, when the skin is maximally exposed to natural factors.

Due to the high concentration of jojoba oil, intensive nutrition occurs, the process of regeneration and renewal of epidermal cells starts. Chamomile and aloe extracts soothe irritated skin. Collagen and elastin help to restore tone, while vitamins E and B regulate the hydrobalance.

Fans of this brand and new users have confirmed that all actions declared by the manufacturer are performed by the cream 100%. Especially he received high marks from people with sensitive skin.


    protection from external factors;

    evens out the microrelief;

    pleasant natural smell;

    based on natural ingredients;

    instantly eliminates dryness;


  • not identified.

The best protective creams for the face against chapping

On a frosty day with a strong wind, you feel extremely uncomfortable, especially this is reflected on the unprotected skin of the face. If you don't take care of it in time, you can get unpleasant and sometimes painful consequences: peeling, itching, swelling, rash. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the best weathering remedies to help avoid these symptoms during the winter.

The product from Switzerland in a short time soothes irritated skin, restores its structure, strengthens and protects against stressful natural factors: strong wind, frost, ultraviolet radiation.

Main ingredients: flax and calendula seed extracts, vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, lecithin. After application, dryness and feeling of tightness disappear, fine wrinkles are smoothed out. With regular use before going out, you can avoid chapping and keep your skin healthy.

According to consumers, the cream reduces sensitivity, significantly increases the protective properties, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. For a lasting result, it is recommended to use it daily in the morning and in the evening.


    instantly soothes;

    pleasant texture;

    stimulates cell regeneration;

    protects from all natural influences;

    prevents chapping;


  • high price.

The French brand medical cream takes a worthy place in our rating. Developed by the company's scientists with the participation of dermatologists, it is intended for recovery and care after stressful environmental influences. NUTRITIC INTENSE RICHE is sulfate and paraben free, hypoallergenic and recommended for people with irritation-prone and sensitive skin.

Lipids accelerate the work of vital processes, regulate the hydrobalance. The rejuvenating formula prevents premature aging from the effects of wind, low humidity, dryness. Shea butter has a softening effect.

After use, the skin becomes elastic, soft without signs of irritation and inflammation. Pleasant consistency after absorption does not form a film, does not cause discomfort.


    for hypersensitive skin;

    non-comedogenic agent;

    anti-aging effect;

    quick removal of irritation;

    hypoallergenic composition;


  • not identified.

The company from Germany specializes in the production of natural cosmetics with safe natural ingredients in the composition and a high lasting effect. Quince Day Cream will become an indispensable remedy in winter, it will support skin health and protect it from the stressful effects of bad weather.

Nourishment and strengthening comes from the oils of avocado, apricot kernels, almond, shea and olive. Plant extracts of carrot, marshmallow, ulcer and witch hazel have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, help to eliminate small wounds and cracks.

Natural waxes - quince and bees - provide gentle protection from adverse atmospheric factors, prevent moisture loss, and control the hydrobalance. Applying Quince Day every day in winter, you can maximally protect your skin from chapping and frostbite.


    effective protection in winter;

    pleasant consistency;

    intensive nutrition;

    emollient action;

    natural ingredients in the recipe;


  • not identified.

LOreal. The luxury of food

The brand, beloved by many Russian women, once again pleases its fans by releasing a nourishing cream that, after one application, eliminates problems, especially those manifested in winter: dryness, peeling, itching. Thanks to the excellent reviews, we are pleased to include him in our rating.

Main active ingredient: Royal jelly. It is rich in vitamins, proteins, lipids, is able to instantly restore and strengthen weakened skin. Floral oils soften and eliminate signs of chapping and frostbite in winter.

The creamy melting texture absorbs quickly and serves as an excellent makeup base. The luxurious golden design will delight women who value not only the quality of the contents, but also the aesthetics of the packaging.


    sulfate-free agent;

    beautiful packaging design;

    ideal for winter protection;

    pleasant floral scent;

    instant elimination of tightness;


  • not identified.

Best baby face creams in winter

Baby's delicate, imperfect skin is more vulnerable and susceptible to natural factors. Wind, frost, sun rays immediately leave marks on the baby's cheeks: redness, peeling appear, often accompanied by itching and painful sensations. For a winter walk to be enjoyable, you need to use specialized protective creams designed for children.

Natura Biberica "LITTLE POLARNIK"

Many mothers who themselves use cosmetics of the Russian brand and have already been able to assess its quality, are happy to choose creams from the special children's line Natura Biberica for their babies. Safety is guaranteed by the exclusion of parabens, synthetic oils, perfumed fragrances from the formulations.

Means "LITTLE POLARNIK", thanks to cedar oil, reliably protects the child's skin from the effects of strong wind and frost. Calendula extract, known since ancient times for its healing properties, eliminates itching and irritation.

The action of the cream has been tested in the harsh Siberian climate, where its effectiveness has been proven at an especially low temperature of -50 ° C. It has a dense consistency, which, after being absorbed, forms a transparent film.


    for kids 0+;

    organic ingredients;

    delicate vegetable smell;

  • maximum protection from natural phenomena;
  • calming effect;


  • not identified.

Weleda. Protective balm from wind and cold with calendula

The following balm, selected in our rating, will help to reliably protect the baby's thin skin from bad weather. Mothers can be calm and confident in the safety of their child, because it contains no artificial substances: dyes, synthetic oils, fragrances, preservatives. It contains only natural ingredients.

Organic calendula, grown on bio-farms in Germany, soothes, relieves irritation, and prevents redness and itching after prolonged outdoor exposure. Sesame and almond oils are enriched with beneficial nutrients. Lanolin and beeswax protect against the stressful effects of temperature extremes, strong winds and frost.

The balm can be used as protection in winter and for adults with particularly sensitive skin, when they are outdoors for a long time.


    protection immediately after birth;

    light texture;

    active nutrition;

    100% natural safe composition;


  • not identified.

Mommy care Winter Balm

Designed for effective protection in winter, the cream is suitable for babies and adults with a tendency to allergies. It does not contain any aggressive chemicals and is absolutely safe. Active ingredients: organic oils of olive, shea, sunflower, calendula.

The balm forms a barrier against external influences, prevents moisture loss, protects against chapping. The nourishing complex makes the skin elastic and soft.

According to reviews, Winter Balm has become a full-fledged protective agent for the whole family during the cold season. It has a non-sticky texture that spreads well, does not form an unpleasant film, and allows the skin to breathe. Particularly highlighted was the economical consumption of one tube, even with frequent use by all family members.


    age 0+;

    intensive nutrition;

    delicate aroma;

    protects from stressful weather conditions;

    only natural ingredients;


  • not identified.

NEOBIO from wind and cold

For lovers of ECO-labeled products, we have included a cream from Germany in the rating, which will become an indispensable protection for babies and adults with especially sensitive skin from wind, low humidity, frost, and temperature extremes. It has wound healing, softening and anti-inflammatory effects.

Natural ingredients are carefully grown and certified for safety by dermatologists. Soybean, grape and sunflower oils form a barrier film that prevents the penetration of harmful factors, softens and prevents chapping.

The mothers noted the unobtrusive herbal aroma and the delicate texture of the cream, which is well absorbed, does not cause discomfort, and does not clog pores.


    safe natural composition;

    pleasant texture;

    antibacterial action;

    protects from harsh weather conditions;

    has ECO certificates;


  • not detected.

Attention! This rating is subjective, does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Winter is a tough time for the skin. Which cream to use in winter, moisturizing or nourishing? Dry air of heated rooms and frost, coupled with a cold, piercing wind, reduce the elasticity of the skin, and lead not only to peeling and inflammation, but also to wrinkles. A sharp drop in temperature after leaving a warm room on the street only exacerbates the problem. What should be the cream for the skin to “survive” the cold season?

Which cream to use in winter, moisturizing or nourishing? This question is asked by many girls, regardless of their skin type.

Dermatologists advise helping the skin in winter and protecting the face with special means. But what is good for oily skin during frost periods can be detrimental to dry and sensitive skin. Therefore, you first need to understand the differences between nutrients and moisturizers.

Moisturizer composition

The main function of any moisturizer is to saturate the cells with moisture. Therefore, the lion's share in such a product is made up of moisturizing components, which are helped by substances that retain water. Usually, manufacturers use the most common glycerin and pure hyaluronic acid as moisturizing ingredients. Therefore, carefully read the composition of the cream, since it is undesirable to purchase a product with glycerin for winter. The fact is that glycerin dries out. That is why this substance is less and less used for the production of cosmetics. Hyaluronic acid is a higher quality component, and it is better for oily skin to purchase a cream for the winter with it.

But valuable components are also very important, which help the cells to retain moisture. It:

  • Refined animal or vegetable fats;
  • Essential oils;
  • Organic acids.
All these substances contribute to the accumulation of moisture in the cells, which is especially important during prolonged stay in heated rooms, in which the air is always very dry.

But I would like the protective cream to contain vitamins, which the skin desperately needs in the winter. The quality of the product must contain vitamins A and E, which have protective functions and promote faster cell renewal. Vitamin E is a female vitamin of youth and beauty, and vitamin A is a growth vitamin. Look for creams with these vitamins.

But the main thing that you should pay attention to when choosing a moisturizer for the cold period is the content of water in the product. Moisture in a deep moisturizer should be at least 70%.

Moisturizing action... It is imperative to use moisturizers in winter, especially with oily skin. But you only need to apply moisturizers before bed. In no case do not apply the product immediately before going out into the cold, because the frost will quickly cover your face with a thin crust of ice. In winter, moisturizers are used only at the end of the day, if you are no longer planning to go outside.

The composition of the nourishing cream

The nourishing cream looks more like thick sour cream. The fat in the nutrient must be at least 70%. A moisturizer has two functions at once - nourishes and moisturizes. That is, for dry skin, a nourishing cream is a real salvation during the winter cold. What's in the nutrient:

  • Fats - animal and vegetable;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Acids;
  • Vitamins;
  • Water.
In addition to these components, hormones that stimulate cell renewal are often included in the composition of expensive nourishing creams. But such funds are necessary only for mature skin.

The action of a nourishing cream

Nourishing creams penetrate deeply into the epidermis, and in addition to moisturizing, they also have a protective effect. After applying the cream, the skin is covered with the thinnest protective oily film. Therefore, the nourishing cream perfectly protects the face from low temperatures.

But in winter, even protective nutrients must be used carefully. If you immediately go out into the cold air after waking up, then it is better to refrain from applying the cream altogether. All you need to do in this case is to gently rub your eyes with your fingers. If you have half an hour before going outside, then you should apply a nourishing cream, which will have time to be absorbed during this time.

But there is another very important role for the nutrient. In autumn and cold winter, the skin often looks dull and sore, as it receives negligible amount of vitamins. The nourishing cream gives the skin all the nutrients it needs for a healthy glow. Fat protects from frost, and vitamins and minerals, acids nourish, smooth, restore the radiance of youth.

Differences between creams

  • The basis of any moisturizing cosmetics is water. The nutritional base is fat;
  • Moisturizing cosmetics prevent cells from losing moisture. Nourishes and prevents aging oily cosmetics;
  • A moisturizer suitable for skin of all ages. It is better to start using "heavy artillery" after 25 years.

Winter care basics

Cosmetologists advise in winter to strictly follow the rules of care. So, if you have oily skin, then during severe frosts it is better to switch to a composition for a normal type. Accordingly, for a normal type for the winter, you can pick up a product for a dry one. Owners of the dry type need to apply caring cosmetics to the skin more often and more abundantly, especially before going to bed.

In winter, the skin must be supported not only from the outside, but also from the inside. So, doctors recommend drinking more clean water in winter. In addition, the air in heated rooms must be constantly humidified by spraying water from spray guns or turning on special humidifiers.

In winter, it is highly advisable to use caring cosmetics with ceramides. When applying products with ceramides, the skin dries out less and synthesizes new cells, which means that the aging process slows down.

It is advisable to tint the skin with powder and foundation in winter. By toning the skin, you will create an additional protective film on it against frost. But you need to apply powder and foundation at least half an hour before going out.

Be sure to use oily lipstick in winter so that the skin of the lips does not crack and dry out. If you don't use makeup, use regular, oily hygienic lipstick or a colorless, nourishing lip gloss.

Summarize... For young skin in cold weather, it is preferable to use light cosmetics with moisturizing ingredients. If we talk about which cream is better to use in winter, moisturizing or nourishing for mature skin, then of course it is better to use cosmetics with fats, which not only protect, but also restore.

It is known that winter facial skin care should not be as moisturizing as nourishing in order to “saturate” the skin with useful vitamins. In the cold period, the skin should be protected from frost, icy wind with a thick cream, since external irritants dry out and deplete it. Which face cream to choose in winter to cater to different skin types?

Proper skin care in winter

Dryness, tightness of the skin in frosty weather is not uncommon, although girls are trying to find a remedy for winter care. Often, the fault is even that the nourishing face cream for the winter has been chosen incorrectly. Here are some other nuances of caring for the epidermis in the cold:

  1. For the fair sex with oily skin, you need to use moisturizers and nourishing products regularly. Even oily skin dries up in winter.
  2. If a woman applies makeup every day, then she needs to take care of special makeup products. Foundation, make-up base are selected separately for this period of the year.
  3. We must not forget about the competent cleaning of the skin of the face. Washing cosmetics are selected depending on the type of skin.
  4. Protective cream and nourishing cream are similar, but not identical. Thanks to the protective cream, the skin of the face is covered with a thin layer of a protective film, which prevents the environment from affecting the skin negatively.

What should be a winter nourishing cream

70% nourishing quality face cream for the winter consists of saturated concentrated oils. What substances are recommended in the composition of funds:

  • Vegetable and animal fats. The former include avocado, peach, wheat germ, olive, jojoba oils, and the latter, badger and mink oils.
  • Vitamins, their complexes. For the nutrition and restoration of the epidermis, vitamins A, C, E are important, which are often lacking in the body.
  • Panthenol.
  • Plant extracts. Calendula, chamomile medicinal relieve irritability, soothe inflammation.
  • Antioxidants "Defenders" from the negative influence of external stimuli.

The best winter face cream

Immediately you need to determine the type of skin, and then select a suitable product for the composition. A protective or nourishing cream is selected taking into account the components, the quality of the product itself. No matter how you advertise cosmetics, testing for an allergic reaction is mandatory. Products that suit others may not always suit you. It is better to apply a cream with a high water content before bedtime or a couple of hours before going out into the fresh air, otherwise crystallized elements will damage the epithelial layer.

For dry skin

Dry epidermis of the face requires maximum nutrition with useful elements. An important mission of the cream in this case is to saturate the tissues of the face in order to avoid dryness, tightness, and peeling. The softness of the face cover should be achieved with natural ingredients: plant extracts, useful oils. They will stop inflammatory processes, heal wounds, tissue cracks. Good brands of products for this type of epidermis that will protect the skin from discomfort are:

  • Matis;
  • Dove;
  • Nivea.

For oily

Too active work of the sebaceous glands gives the tissues oily, shine, but even such skin needs a good product. Bad weather, gusts of wind and frost cause inflammation, reddening of the epidermis layer. Oily components should be in very limited quantities to avoid excessive grease, ugly shine and discomfort. Even a foundation should be highly personalized and applied over a regular cream to provide additional protection.

Choose products with a mattifying effect that normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, preventing them from secreting too much. Lightweight but nutritious phytocosmetics are effective. Well-known brands of products that are intended for the oily epidermis of the face: Bark, Natura Siberica, Nivea, Pure Line. If possible, pick up two products at once: for day use and night care.

For combined

The cover of the face becomes drier in all areas due to exposure to cold. An important point - for this type of epidermis, you need not only nutrition, but also hydration, even the oily areas of the face require proper care. A watery cream is not applied just before going out for a walk, but a rich nourishing cream can be used. Creams of the following brands are resistant to climatic manifestations:

  • Faberlik;
  • Green mom;
  • Natura Siberica.