New Year's opening with their own hands. Do-it-yourself postcards for the new year, photo ideas. #5 Postcard for the new year in quilling technique

In this master class, I will show several options - how to make a do-it-yourself paper rocket with step-by-step photos. The hero of a well-known Soviet comedy asks the audience the question: “Is there life on Mars?” And he himself answers it: "This is not known to science." A little more than 50 years have passed since the beginning of space exploration, but science has long answered this question in the negative. And as for distant galaxies, which even electron telescopes cannot look into, this question remains unanswered.

Children get their first knowledge about space, as a rule, from children's encyclopedias. Once your child has a basic understanding of astronomy, you can move on to learning practical skills in a playful way. To do this, you will have to make a toy paper rocket with your son or daughter and launch it into the air. The process of creating such a paper craft is shown in this master class. See how to do it here.

DIY paper rocket

1 option

For the manufacture of a rocket, we will prepare

    • a square sheet of colored paper;
    • glue stick.

For our rocket, we used a square of lilac paper. Fold it diagonally.

After that, it is required to bend the blank of the future rocket along another diagonal line.

The folds made allow us to fold our lilac square in the form of a double triangle.

The resulting blank from above should look like this.

We put it on the table again and continue to work on creating a rocket. To do this, we bend the right side of the upper layer to the middle line.

On the left side, you need to make a symmetrical fold. So we begin to form the outlines of the future rocket.

Let's turn our craft to the other side and perform the same steps (we bend the sides to the middle line).

We continue to work on the creation of our paper rocket. To do this, the resulting triangles need to bend the sides to the middle as follows. Do it on the right side first.

Then we repeat similar folds on the left side of the blank of the future rocket.

Turn the paper craft over to the other side and perform similar folds.

Just made folds must be fixed with glue. We do this on both sides of our craft.

We proceed to the design of the lower part of the rocket. To do this, the protruding lower corners must be bent as follows.

We repeat a similar fold on the left side.

Turning the rocket blank to the other side, repeat the folds of the lower corners.

Now it remains to straighten our craft, giving it volume. You can do this with your fingers from the inside. Our paper rocket is ready.

In order to launch it into the air, we need a cocktail tube. Gently insert it under the bottom of the rocket and blow. This will lift the rocket up some distance, the height of the lift will depend on the strength of the exhalation and the weight of the craft itself.

2 option how to make an origami rocket step by step

April 12 is celebrated as the Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics. For this holiday, together with the children, you can make crafts in the form of a rocket using the origami technique. Making it is very simple and interesting.

To make an origami rocket you will need:

      • a sheet of blue colored paper;
      • scissors;
      • markers.

Colored paper must be the same color on both sides. Therefore, if there is no double-sided paper, then you can simply glue 2 sheets of the same color with white sides to each other. It is not necessary to use blue paper, you can take a sheet of any color.

First we need to cut an even square. Therefore, we bend a sheet of paper diagonally. You shouldn't make too obvious a fold, we won't need this line later. It is only needed to form an even square.

Cut off the excess with scissors. Expand the square. We straighten the fold.

Now you need to fold the square in half. Swipe with your finger, forming a clear fold. Expanding. Now you need to take the right half and fold it over to the center crease we just made. That is, divide half the square in half.

Now we do the same with the second side. We bend to the center.

Smooth out the wrinkles well. And now we unfold the workpiece again. We got 4 equal parts. We take the upper right corner and bend it to the central crease.

And the top left corner too. It is important here to bend evenly, as this will be the top of the rocket.

Now lift the right side and bend it to the very first crease on the left. We iron the crease.

And we bend it again, but only along the central fold line and back.

Now you need to do the same with the left side. We bend it to the right.

And bend its part back along the fold line. So we made the wings.

We turn the parts over and make vertical cuts from the bottom about 1 cm in length. We do them on both sides. We cut along the upper main part of the rocket.

Flip the item back. Bend the small triangles up. Thanks to them, the rocket will be able to stand on its own.

At both sides:

We take a black felt-tip pen or marker and draw 3 identical circles under each other on the rocket. These will be the windows. And on the wings of the rocket, we’ll just make 3 notches from the bottom.

This is how you can make an origami rocket out of paper very simply and quickly.

See another version of such a rocket.

3 options for space paper crafts

It is generally accepted that girls love crafting the most. But how to attract boys to create a variety of crafts? And technical topics, for example, dedicated to space, will help to captivate them. Invite your son to make a paper rocket. The process of creating such a space craft is shown in our master class.

To make a rocket, a square sheet of paper is enough for us.

We fold the blank of the future rocket diagonally.

Then we bend the resulting triangle in half again.

Now this blank needs to be given the appearance of a double square. To do this, we straighten one corner, after which we give it a square shape.

We do the same with the other corner. So we got a double square. We have it open cuts down.

To create a rocket, let's start making folds. First, we perform them from the top side on the sides.

Turning the blank of the future rocket, you need to do the same.

Now, in place of the resulting folds, we need to perform internal folds. To do this, first we straighten the bent triangle, and then we form an inner fold from it.

So you need to do with the remaining three curved triangles.

After that, to form a rocket, we will make folds at the bottom of the workpiece. To do this, fold the sides from the bottom edge to the middle.

Then you need to bend the sides so that they are parallel to the central vertical line of our craft.

We repeat similar actions on the remaining three sides of our workpiece.

We turn the layers of the future rocket a little so that it takes on the following form.

Now let's decorate the bottom of the rocket. To do this, we bend one of the corners to the side.

So you need to do with the other three lower corners.

After that, they also need to be bent down. We do all this with the formation of an internal fold.

This is how our craft looks at this stage.

It remains only to straighten its main part.

You will need

  • - colored paper;
  • - papyrus paper;
  • - glue;
  • - pencil;
  • - scissors;
  • - ruler;
  • - threads.


Colored paper is used as a material for the manufacture of stabilizers and the body. For, which will allow her a smooth descent, use colored tissue paper.

Roll a cone from a 170 x 250 mm sheet. Lubricate the edge of the connection with glue and glue. Put all the way on the finished cone and draw a line on it. Remove the excess section on the cut of the aft part of the hull with scissors. Thus, you will get an elongated cone with a flat bottom.

To make stabilizers, take three sheets of the same thick paper from which you made the body. The dimensions of the leaves should be 8 x 17 mm. Fold each leaf in half lengthwise. Then put on them two templates of different sizes and circle with a pencil. The template is needed so that you can easily make several rockets in the future.

Cut out the rocket stabilizers along the lines. Then bend the edges and grease the inside with glue, and connect. The rocket has only 6 stabilizers: three large and three small. They will ensure the stability of the rocket during the flight. Therefore, it is important that they are all located at the same distance from each other. To do this, draw a circle with a compass and divide it into 3 equal parts.

Place the base of your rocket on the circle with marks and transfer them to rocket. Draw three lines from the bottom mark to the top with a pencil. Place a small stabilizer along the glue line at the top of the rocket and mark the top and bottom points. Measure the same distance along the other two lines. Glue small stabilizers on these points. Position the large stabilizers slightly away from the bottom of the rocket.

To make a parachute, use tissue paper measuring 280 x 280 mm. First bend it to make a triangle, and then continue to bend until the triangle is very small. Trim the top with scissors and round the bottom. Unfold and glue a piece of thin thread on every second fold.

Connect all the threads together and tie into a knot. Thread a needle and thread through it and pass it through the top of the rocket as well. Fold up the parachute and place it inside the rocket. Launch it up at a slight angle. In this case, the parachute will come out of it and open. The rocket will slowly descend.


  • Video on how to make a paper rocket

Make even the simplest rocket it's not easy at all, so you shouldn't immediately aim for something grandiose, but it's better to start with a small rocket with a diameter of 14 mm, just to get acquainted with the basics of rocket science.

You will need

  • a sheet of paper, finger batteries, liquid glass, rope, adhesive tape and a pencil.


The rocket sleeve must be completed; for this, the A4 sheet is folded in half, so that it has a maximum length. The case must be abundantly lubricated with liquid glass, which not only gives the sleeve the necessary rigidity and strength, but also prevents it from premature burnout.

Now you need to make constrictions for the nozzle and twist until it freezes. It is not difficult to make them, for this you need to push out one battery, and move the remaining one almost to the end of the sleeve, leaving about 15 mm to the edge, then insert a free battery by 7 cm, and pull the resulting gap with a rope.

The hauling must be continued until the diameter of the nozzle becomes 5 mm, and then, simply tie the rope. The same operation is carried out with the other end of the sleeve, leaving a slightly freer hole there to facilitate insertion into the fuel.

Now you can remove the batteries and fill the sleeve. Powder boiled caramel is used as fuel, which is poured in stages, constantly tamping, you need to stop about 7 mm before the bottom constriction.

Put a cotton pad on the fuel and tighten the top puff tightly. Remove a cotton swab from the nozzle and drill a hole of about 3 mm in the center of the sleeve, in fact, now the rocket engine is ready. It remains only to supply rocket stabilization system in the form of a quarter of an ordinary pencil, and you can release it into the sky.

In the modern world, the space theme has somewhat faded into the background. Now it's more prestigious to be a lawyer or a sales manager for something. However, at least once in a lifetime, each of us, looking at the starry dome of the night sky, thought about what secrets are fraught with distant planets and galaxies. But in order to conquer outer space, you need a spaceship, and at the initial stage of production, at least a model of this vehicle. Today we will talk a little about design layout at home.

You will need

  • For step 1: a sheet of cardboard, colored paper, scissors.
  • For step 2: beer bottle, newsprint, PVA glue, knife, foil, colored and white paper, tape, stapler.
  • For step 3: gypsum, plasticine or decorative clay.


Take a sheet of cardboard and cut it out. We draw up the resulting template using colored paper. Next, we make two supports (according to the principle of legs) from the same cardboard so that the rocket is stable. That's all. Put it on the shelf and you can consider that you already have one foot on the path of conquest. And for greater persuasiveness, cut and paste your photo there.

We glue the empty beer bottle with newsprint using PVA glue, leave it to dry completely. Carefully remove the resulting form, after cutting it with a paper knife into two halves. We glue the parts of the resulting structure together, make a slot for the porthole. Now we decorate with white paper or foil, attach colored paper wings with adhesive tape or a stapler. Further refinement of the model is carried out in accordance with the taste preferences of the author.

Alternatively, you can buy a special kit for modeling and assemble a rocket from existing blanks. If everything is done correctly, it will turn out beautifully and in addition to the pleasure of the process, you will get a real spaceship in miniature.


Good luck in your creative endeavors!

Useful advice

Work on the creation of any device begins with a drawing. Draw what you want to see and work on the existing image.

The papier-mâché technique is valuable for its versatility. From pieces of paper and glue, you can make almost everything - from toys to furniture. Without aiming at large-scale structures, we suggest you make a small but very cute toy - a multi-colored rocket for your child.


First of all, draw on paper. Consider what its shape should be so that the resemblance to remains, but the extra details do not complicate the work. Usually, for a toy, a basic cone-shaped shape and a “tail” are enough, and it is better not to sculpt cabins, doors and other small details in bulk, but on a finished craft.

The frame can be made in two ways. If the rocket will stand on the shelf most of the time, the base for it can be made of thick, hard wire. Make five or six rings of different sizes, arrange them in ascending horizontal plane at equal intervals and fasten them with vertical wire rods. Wrap the finished frame with tape over the entire surface.

In the event that the rocket will systematically go into flight (a - crumple), its skeleton should not be left empty. Blind the shape of the rocket from crumpled paper or food foil (it will allow you to achieve clearer shapes). Secure the paper blank with tape too.

Achieve the most even surface of the frame with paperglue - its texture resembles papier-mâché, but allows you to work like with plasticine, filling up all the pits and potholes. Leave the toy until the paperclay is completely dry.

Tear the thin paper into small pieces and divide into two equal parts. Send one of them in small portions to soak in a bowl with PVA glue (or starch paste).

Paste the dried rocket with the first layer of paper moistened with glue, the second layer should consist of pieces that have been dipped in clean water for a second or two. Alternate layers until the total number reaches eight.

Good afternoon, dear fans of our portal. “Like a Club” in my face sends you its greetings, and at the same time reminds you of the approaching day of cosmonautics.

The holiday is already on the threshold, on the twelfth of April, and the future little cosmonauts were not prepared at all. Today we will correct the situation. We will take manual skills classes to introduce kids to space technology. We will make an impromptu aircraft, or rather a rocket in three variations: cardboard, from a toilet paper sleeve and an appliqué rocket.

From this article you will learn:

  • It would not be superfluous to devote a few minutes of your time to talking with the kids about space exploration and in a nutshell to talk about our great space explorers. We started with just that. We knew for sure that the more interesting things the children heard about astronauts and their rockets, the more exciting the upcoming work on our paper crafts would be.

    So, the conversation is over, the guys are ready. Let's get to work.

    How to make a paper rocket - Application

    Parents know that every child loves to use scissors, especially if there is one at hand so that they can cut. But it is not necessary to play dirty tricks and spoil documents and curtains, you can, like us, teach kids how to use colored paper applications.

    Our first rocket for today will require the child to work with scissors. We make a rocket application.

    What do you need to make a paper rocket?

    • Colored sheets that are at hand
    • The actual cutting object (I recommend taking scissors to make it easier for the child and calmer for you)
    • Tape or glue
    • White paper in the usual A4 landscape format (my children are used to creating their handmade creations each in their own album, thanks to this, the demonstration of previous crafts goes without controversy, because the kids’ statement “this is mine!” Is absolutely not questioned)

    How to make a paper rocket with your own hands

    1. The basis of the rocket is made up of ordinary figures. First, a triangle, one in size should be larger, two smaller. What is a rocket without the ability to observe space? We cut out two circles - future portholes. The last thing you need for the case is a fairly large paper rectangle (or you can divide it into four small ones for gluing, as we did with the kids).
    2. We prepare a sheet of white paper. We will glue our rectangle on it (or its four parts, as in our case). We carefully smear the cut out figure with glue, the base of the rocket should hold well.
    3. Further, portholes should take their place in the case. We glue paper circles on a white landscape sheet.
    4. And finally, the last step is to glue the rest of the elements of our spacecraft.

    We made it. The rocket is ready to launch!

    How to make a rocket from toilet paper rolls

    Hardly anyone thought, sending the bin a sleeve from an over roll of toilet paper, that this is an excellent material for children's crafts. We saved a couple for our classes. So, let's get down to the second rocket.

    To make this rocket, you need

    • The basis of the rocket will be a sleeve (you can take it from a roll of toilet paper or use, as an option, similar from paper kitchen towels)
    • Colored sheets (again, the colors are up to you, which you and the children will like)
    • Felt pens, paints, colored pencils (if you decide to color the sleeve)
    • Scissors
    • What you can glue (glue or double-sided tape)

    Stages of making crafts

    Colored sheets of paper need to be very carefully pasted over the sleeve. This will be our base. If there is a desire to draw or the desired color of the paper did not turn out, you can paint it with pencils, colored markers or watercolors (our sleeve was pasted over).

    Using glue, we attach portholes to the body of our rocket (two circles pre-cut).

    In the next step, we will take up the top of the spacecraft. To make a cone, cut out a circle from paper, cut it to the length of the radius (as shown in the photo) and fold it.

    To securely glue the cone to the base, you will need four rectangular strips (size 1 cm by 4 cm).

    The rectangles are attached to the inner surface of our base, the small areas left outside are also carefully processed with glue (see the intermediate result in the photo).

    The next thing you need to support the lower part of the case are the legs, we make them from small rectangular strips (3 cm by 4 cm). We cut!

    Finished figures should be folded four times (if unfolded, you get five parts).

    We get three triangles from the extreme parts, pre-treated with glue.

    After we glue one of the sides of the triangle to our base, the rocket will be able to stand on three legs.

    Basically, that's all. The rocket can be decorated at your own discretion by additionally sticking the flag of your state on the hull or giving the spaceship a name ... for example, the father of the family. He can also be given a personalized rocket as a gift for the holiday.

    How to make a cardboard rocket with your own hands

    Our final task for today is the strongest of the proposed options, a do-it-yourself cardboard rocket. If those arms get a little tired and the little ones are losing interest in work, warm up. Set aside the rocket itself for a while and invite the guys to create a tester for it. Printed, drawn, cut out of a magazine, it can be a favorite character from an animated series or from a fairy tale. My son demanded a real cosmonaut, necessarily the very, very first conqueror of space, he already knows that he was Yuri Gagarin.

    Necessary accessories for cardboard crafts

    • Sheets of cardboard (you can take a color to facilitate and speed up the work)
    • colored sheets of paper
    • Available size white paper
    • Double sided tape or glue
    • Cutting accessories (stationery knife or scissors, for my taste, the latter option is safer)

    How we will "build" a rocket out of cardboard: an algorithm of actions

    Prepare the necessary figures for the body. You will need rectangles: yellow (made of colored paper) - 10 cm by 8 cm, white (also made of paper) - 10 cm by 6 cm, and blue cardboard - 10 cm by 12 cm.

    We cut out a round window in a cardboard rectangle, from which we will later make a case.

    We fix the pre-prepared paper sheet with glue from the inside of the cardboard rectangle on three sides (note that they are marked in orange in the photo). Cut off the remaining untouched side in the shape of a semicircle (see how we did).

    This is how the part of the body (where the window is located) should look like.

    To obtain the base of the spacecraft, we twist the cardboard rectangle into a tube and connect it with glue.

    The top of the body is designed as follows: cut a yellow paper blank in a semicircle. Connecting its corners, we make sure that they overlap each other. If done correctly, you will get a cone. We use it as the upper part of the rocket - we fix it with glue (be sure to see the photo)

    You can fix the top in the same way as the second craft, refer to the photo of this stage in the previous description. We attach the cone to the body using 4 rectangular strips measuring 1 cm by 4 cm. We glue them on the inside of the main part, leaving the sections of the strips smeared with glue on the outside. And to them we attach the top-cone.

    We form the support in the form of legs in the same way as in the previous craft. Rectangles 3 cm by 4 cm are folded so that when unfolded, we get five parts. We form three triangles. Glue triangles to one of the sides of our rocket. The rocket will be able to rely on the received three legs.

    The spacecraft is ready to fly into space. The only condition for a flight is to prepare an astronaut for it. Our astronaut was drawn. You can make a little more effort and print the traveler on the printer, or even better, stick a sticker with the image of your favorite character closer to the top of the rectangle, round it off. Consider the size of the rectangle, the astronaut must fit in the porthole.

    The cosmonaut prepared for the flight takes his place in the window, made at the initial stage in a cardboard case. If he looks out of the window, then we did everything right. Fold the rest of the paper inside the case. Just in case, suddenly the astronaut wants to make a spacewalk.

    Congratulations, the independent production of a cardboard rocket has come to an end!

    How to make a paper rocket with your own hands - Video instruction

It is very important to cultivate respect and culture in our children. I consider it very right to widely celebrate the All-Russian Day of Cosmonautics, which takes place on April 12. It is inextricably linked with the name of the first earthling who flew beyond the orbit of the Earth, Yuri Gagarin.

And more importantly, this is our compatriot with you. For our children, this is authority, courage and courage. Therefore, in all kindergartens and schools on this day they hold a craft competition on this topic.

The first thing that comes to mind is a rocket and an astronaut. However, I have found for you a lot of original ideas on the theme of Space, let's start implementing them.

You need to start with the simplest options, so consider what you can make with our preschoolers. With them, we will use the simplest materials: paper, cardboard and plasticine.

For this rocket, you need to make blanks, because children of four years old are not yet very good at controlling scissors, so they need help cutting out the details.

My daughter just loves gluing rockets. We've already dedicated a whole album to them. For this purpose, specially bought self-adhesive paper. It is very bright and sticks easily.

The idea of ​​a martian from a balloon caught my eye. There is certainly nothing easier!

Also, the alien can be cardboard, and decorate the plate with sequins that stick well to PVA glue.

To help, I suggest taking a ready-made rocket template and stretching plasticine over it with your fingers. To be able to use this picture many times, laminate it or paste it on both sides with wide adhesive tape.

Also use the ready-made forms of the planets for the application, at the same time expand the horizons of the child, explaining to him that there are several planets, and we live on the one that is blue and is called the Earth.

I give two step-by-step master classes on how to evenly cut blanks from colored paper.

And another template for cutting. All figures have a long tongue with a former base. This is the base you need to glue. Then you will get a three-dimensional application with a 3D effect.

Another idea made on a piece of cardboard wrapped in a trash bag. How to make these, I gave a detailed master class.

More cutting patterns.

This flying machine can be assembled from cardboard.

Toilet rolls can be used to make cool simple rockets.

Or use glitter paper to decorate.

Now I will show you how to make such a rocket step by step.

You can combine crafts and postcards. And make the tail of the rocket out of threads of red, orange and yellow colors that resemble a flame.

Look at these templates, it immediately comes to mind that there are also moon rovers, satellites and the planet Moon itself, how many options for creativity at once. Or you can simply cut out these figures and stick them on blue or black cardboard.

Also, just give your child a coloring book on the theme of Space and keep it as a keepsake.

Any of these coloring pages can be used as a template to make crafts from plasticine, stained glass paints or cereals! you just need to fill the space between the lines with the selected material.

For example, my child and I love to stretch plasticine with our fingers. And for this, a coloring with large pictures was specially bought.

By the way, buy soft plasticine for these purposes!

Crafts for April 12 for schoolchildren

For students, the requirements are more complicated. But on the other hand, it is much easier for them than for babies, because the number of materials that they can use increases.

For example, make gingerbread on the theme of the Cosmos in the form of a comet, planets, flying saucer. You can replace the gingerbread with salt dough. And also after baking, paint it with colored glaze. How to cook it is well described by my colleague

Or use cotton pads. They can be colored and passed off as the planets of the solar system.

Also very painstaking work for those who love to embroider with beads. It can be replaced with glass beads, sequins, or even use the cross-stitch technique.

Here is an example of how to replace beads with buttons.

First graders can be offered to make a rocket from a cardboard roll.

Or such an option with a passenger)))

How to make a rocket that has a base is shown in the instructions. Everything is very detailed and the child himself will be able to repeat all the steps.

You can cut the stand according to this pattern.

How do you like the idea of ​​volumetric crafts? When the whole Cosmodrome is looking at you, maybe Baikonur itself?

You can make crafts on a stick. We need barbecue skewers. For the tail, use corrugated paper or napkins.

A cocktail stick is also great.

Use two pieces to hide the tube attachment point.

You can create a whole composition of crafts using this technique. By the way, you can put them in a glass with semolina, sugar or salt. The grains and spices will keep the chopsticks from moving and tilting.

Glue the planet out of papier-mâché.

Older children also work with plasticine. But they already use complex techniques for working with flagella and forms.

Another great piece of plasticine. Look, the whole sky is made of these same flagella.

And here is our daughter and my favorite plasticine stretching technique. It is suitable for children of all ages.

Teachers will also like cardboard hangers with passengers inside and thread tails.

If you like to use unusual materials, then I advise you to take pasta. What do they do with them! Even the balls are pasted over, as we did with threads and PVA glue. Or they create a beautiful design for work.

Felt is also suitable for creativity. It is easily glued with transparent super glue. Products are made from it according to the same patterns as paper applications, so this fabric keeps its shape perfectly and has a thickness that is convenient for work.

In fabric stores, you will be offered many shades and different thicknesses of sheets of this material. There is plenty to choose from.

But according to these patterns, you can assemble an astronaut, a saucer and a rocket.

They need to be transferred to paper, and then to felt.

Make a fabric applique out of it.

This template will do.

Or this is not at all simple, but a super-duper photo frame with the image of children.

By the way, about the photo! They also have some very original ideas. For example, to portray a child as an astronaut.

Or use this angle. You can also stick photos of friends or classmates on each planet.

A paper helmet will help you feel like an astronaut.

It can be made thicker and more realistic using the papier-mâché technique.

To do this, inflate the ball, a newspaper is applied to it, abundantly moistened with a paste. This is how many layers are made. Then, after drying, the ball bursts and gently peels off from the structure. The final layer is always made of white paper so that you can beautifully decorate the craft.

From sponges and polyurethane foam, you can cut out such balls and assemble them into a small copy of the solar system.

I consider this wreath with stars, planets and an astronaut to be an original idea. The figures can be cut out from the colorings presented above.

For home use, make a jet engine out of plastic crafts with your son.

An even more serious version of the space composition, which can be made from salt dough, plasticine and even clay.

Saturn from a plastic ball and disk will conquer any teacher!

Such balls are sold in floristry stores. We made a similar one from polyurethane foam. We poured it into the layout, dried it and cut out the shape we needed with a clerical knife.

The junction will be fixed with a toothpick.

Volumetric application will also appeal to everyone.

All its zest is in the paper spiral that holds the plane or rocket.

Quite a complicated idea from paper pieces. Here it is important to observe the color scheme and the shape of all objects. It can take quite a lot of time, but it looks very grown-up.

More options for simple rockets in different colors.

And now I'll show you how to conquer all classmates and teachers! We need to make something big, like a growth rocket!

In the assembly hall, it can be used as decoration and decoration, as well as as a photo zone.

Or you can leave it at home, let your son be happy.

Here is a variant of the exhibition samples.

It’s not a shame to put forward such a rocket for the competition, but we’ll talk about this later.

Step-by-step origami rocket master class?

Origami allows you to create independent paper objects without the use of scissors and glue. Often one A4 sheet is enough for them. And there are a lot of rocket options, there are those that stand on their tails, and there are those that are used for voluminous applications.

The simplest version of the rocket is made in three minutes.

After you find the middle of the sheet along the length, you need to roll both upper corners towards it.

Then we form the body.

And side pieces. Turning the edge out.

We repeat the same for the second side.

I will also give a step-by-step diagram, which is supported by the upper master class.

The origami base can be supplemented with paper tubes.

There is a modular origami technique, when a picture or figure is assembled from many small parts of the same size. Here is an example of this technique.

Of course, it will not work out quickly, but the skill of the hands will develop.

And, of course, you need to see how a complex craft is made.

Be patient and repeat all the steps shown with the child. Perhaps he is your future engineer, or designer!

We make a rocket from plastic bottles and junk material

Increasingly gaining popularity. They are used by summer residents to decorate their site and from them they make homework for school.

For example, using different volumes, you can make such an instance.

Or you have disposable tableware left at home, then you can use it almost for its intended purpose. Replace the plastic plate with a flying one for the alien.

Or transform a bottle of rinse aid into a flying machine, and even with a photograph of an astronaut.

You can also make a cool plate out of ice cream sticks, a plastic container and a box of processed cheese.

And make radar out of wire.

Another idea from disposable tableware.

And when there is a whole bottle of Fanta and some cardboard, assemble a very realistic model.

Aliens can be made from wire and eggs from Kinder.

Old discs will also come in handy.

This option generally deserves all praise. That's really people tried and captured the name of the missile "Mir" and raised our country.

I think you were inspired by these simple crafts, so let's look at how to make them step by step.

You need to cut off the bottom of the bottle, and cut out the porthole.

A cone can be made using this technique, when a circle is made with one cut to the middle and the edge is superimposed on the adjacent side.

We paint all the cardboard parts and the bottle body itself.

For gluing, it is better to use hot glue, so all parts will be better fixed.

Ideas for the competition by April 12

Of course, in every educational institution all kinds of competitions are organized and children are obliged to participate in them. But not all works are then taken to the exhibition. Let's look at options that deserve close attention to ourselves.

For elementary grades, choose a cardboard rocket.

For adults, offer to make a whole composition with elements of the Cosmos.

It is made on the basis of a cardboard box, which is painted blue or black from the inside. And all the prepared elements are attracted to its top on the fishing line.

I specially picked up a lot of photos, made in one idea, so that you can see it better.

You can hang any content in the style of the Cosmos: planets, stars, comets, rockets, astronauts, etc.

I also really liked the voluminous idea of ​​the parade of planets.

It is glued together in layers, in which a smaller circle is cut out.

This is what the workpiece looks like.

A sheet with a cut circle of the largest diameter is placed first, the rest go in order of decreasing diameter.

I would also take a plasticine idea to the exhibition, which is very carefully executed and quite laborious.

An option on how to make craters on the surface of the moon.

Well, remember about the growth rocket, which can also be submitted to the competition. after all, at such events they love big crafts.

I am finishing for today. If you have any other ideas, please describe them in the comments below the article.