Obsidian composition. Legends about the origin of the magic talisman. Talismans, amulets and astrological properties


This stone, distinguished by its extraordinary beauty, amazing shades and patterns, is called volcanic glass. Today obsidian is mined in the USA, Iceland, Ethiopia, Russia, Armenia, Turkey and Mexico. The mineral is used in the manufacture of jewelry, decoration of objects, and also as a filler for lightweight concrete.

The origin of the stone

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Obsidian is a mineral of volcanic origin. The formation of rock occurs due to the release of lava to the surface of the earth and its cooling. Obsidian is not a crystal, it is an amorphous mineral in structure. If we talk about the chemical composition, then this stone in chemistry is called silicon oxide.
Although the gem is a representative of inexpensive ornamental black stones, the beauty of its mirror shine has been known to mankind since ancient times. For example, the Americans called it "Apache tears", the inhabitants of Transcaucasia - "fragments of satanic claws." And in Hungary the stone was called "Tokay luxury sapphires". The very same name "obsidian" was given to the mineral in honor of the great Roman warrior Obsidius (Obsius), who brought the stone to his homeland from the Ethiopian land. It is noteworthy that this black mineral in ancient times was an ideal material for the manufacture of various tools of labor and hunting: scrapers, knives, axes, spear and arrowheads. Similar artifacts have been found in Mesopotamia. The indigenous people of North America used this stone in the manufacture of mirrors and various crafts.

Varieties and colors of stone

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Obsidian is distinguished by a wide variety of colors and original patterns. In nature, there are several types of stone: rainbow, peanut, snow. The latter variety is black with inclusions of gray and white crystals.

When contemplating this stone, patterns in the form of inclusions on a black background, which in shape resemble snowflakes and flowers, become immediately noticeable.

In nature, in addition to black, there are also specimens with blue-blue, red, green shades, they are called "rainbow obsidians". This kind of mineral is very rare. It is surprising that during its existence the pebble has acquired many names: royal agate, wasser-chrysolite, bottle and muslin stone, resin stone, Montana jade, Icelandic agate, mountain mahogany, persian.

Healing properties

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Royal agate has some medicinal properties - it helps with colds and hypothermia. This stone has a positive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Obsidian beads and bracelets optimize blood pressure. Traditional healers claim that wearing jewelry made from this mineral prevents many diseases. However, wearing obsidian should not be overused, because frequent or constant exposure to the stone can have a negative effect on kidney function. Products with obsidian help in the treatment of neurosis, diseases of the spine and rheumatism.

Magical properties

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The magical properties of the mineral do not leave indifferent magicians and soothsayers, sorcerers and sorcerers who use the obsidian mirror as a tool to establish contact with the past and future. It is also used in their sessions by necromancers. In the mysterious world of magic, this stone is called "the heart of the demon" and "fragments of a meteorite."

Talismans and amulets made of stone

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Jewelry with obsidian is protection from bad thoughts and actions, increasing the sharpness of thinking, relieving stress. This mineral plays the role of a talisman against damage and curses. The stone helps to remove negative energy, contributes to the concentration of forces in a person.
An amulet or talisman will help a soft person to become a stronger spirit and give a boost of energy to implement new ideas. It is not recommended to wear it for ambitious people, as the stone will create in them the illusion of omnipotence and can push them to commit risky acts.
Obsidian is used to repay debts, get rid of obsessive interest, and get rid of unhappy love. In Transcaucasia, it is used as a protective talisman, an amulet for children. A rosary made of this breed helps to manifest the gift of clairvoyance. Talismans made from this stone are intended for practicing mediums, scientists and naturalists. An amulet or talisman with obsidian helps to protect a person from the negative effects of the environment and save him from the dark forces.

Obsidian even the very name of this stone speaks of its extraordinary, unearthly origin. Just pronounce this word by syllables, taste it - isn't it true that even the word breathes with cosmic energy.

Legends about the origin of the magic talisman

Every nation has a story about the appearance of a mineral on the surface of the planet. For example, the peoples of Transcaucasia believe that when Satan became angry, lava began to erupt from the fiery depths of hell to the earth.

She helped keep people in awe and fear. It seemed to them that the devil himself wanted to break free. But he did not succeed, and all the marks that he left after his anger are fragments of claws.

According to the beliefs of the American people, the stones of the obsidian mineral represent the tears of women with which they mourned the great loss of their husbands. This tragedy occurred because their husbands did not want to become slaves of the colonists, as a result they rushed into the mouth of the volcano to certain death. And the wives' tears turned into sad black bars, the colors of death and parting.

And in Egypt, this mineral was considered the stone of the dead and was sure to put it next to the dead bodies during burial.

In fact, the history of the origin of the mineral is as follows. Obsidian is a mineral formed from igneous rock, which, when solidified, turns into the very ingots of grief and parting, the color of the dark sky. In fact, it is a type of volcanic glass.

The name of this mineral comes from the Greek "obsis", which means "spectacle". Since in ancient times this breed was used to make mirrors. Of course, there is another legend about the distribution of the mineral among people.

Allegedly, the Roman soldier Obsidius liked the sight of this stone so much that he brought it with him to Rome. It has since been named after Obsidius. In any case, the beauty of the appearance of this magic stone fascinates the soul and fills it with unknown energy.

Where is this breed mined?

Volcanic glass deposits can be found in areas of active and already extinct volcanoes. For example, there is a lot of this mineral in Ethiopia, Turkey, and the United States of America. The most valuable and unusually beautiful specimens of the mineral are mined in California, in the Mississippi River.

The stone from this state is prized for being less transparent than its counterparts in other countries. In Russia, mineral deposits can be found in the Transcaucasus, Siberia or in the Khabarovsk Territory. The largest deposits are located in Mexico.

Physical properties of the stone

Obsidian itself is a very fragile stone and has little wear resistance. This negative trait is inherent in the mineral because it is a volcanic rock and has a foamy structure. But it has an acidic composition similar to granite.

The medicinal properties of the breed

Even in ancient times, healers and healers of different nations attached special importance to precious and semiprecious stones. These minerals had different healing and magical properties. They brought wealth to the house, protected from demons and evil spirits. This breed did not escape its fate either.

Obsidian is a healing stone. It is believed that infectious colds heal faster and pass rather easily for a person's condition, thanks to the presence of this natural mineral on his neck or on his finger. A gem is used to treat such pathological diseases as:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with renal failure;
  • to normalize blood pressure;
  • with rheumatic abnormalities in humans;
  • heals mental imbalance;
  • relieves diseases resulting from hypothermia.

In addition, natural stone has the ability to heal various disorders of the human psyche. Mental illness of the owner: nervous disorders, depression, fears - this wonderful volcanic rock heals. And black thoughts, which often visit a mentally unbalanced person, are transformed by a healing gem into a positive direction.

To prevent diseases, a person can carry a rosary made from this mineral. And also wearing necklaces made of it, beads or just key rings will help improve people's health.

Magical properties

In addition to its healing properties, this material also has magical properties. For some signs of the zodiac, he is able to bring good luck and inspire new discoveries.

Mages believe that this volcanic rock is endowed with the powers of two distant planets and one star: Saturn, Uranus and the Sun. And such a tremendous power of cosmic energy, if not properly released and used, can harm a person.

Large round ritual balls are made of this stone for carrying out their spiritualistic seances. These products are truly mystically beautiful. They are especially mesmerizing when the obsidian sphere rotates. Mysterious images disperse in different directions around the ball and float away to nowhere.

This mineral is of particular importance to humans. According to Indian wizards, not every magician is allowed to work with him. And its magical properties are very dangerous.

However, this magic stone - obsidian in skillful hands is able to save a person from wrong steps, suppresses aggression, takes a person away from communicating with strangers who could bring trouble to the owner. The healing mineral has a positive effect on the energy of the body and removes negative energy.

It is believed that whoever possesses this stone becomes disciplined. The owner of the volcanic rock can put his thoughts in order and strictly follow the intended plan, without deviating from the goal.

Since ancient times, this stone was considered the most powerful talisman and amulet for the owner. For ordinary people, it gives an opportunity to see themselves from the outside, and for creatively gifted thinkers and writers, it helps to unleash their creative potential in full force. It was believed that an obsidian pen could convey to paper those thoughts that would not fall on the white sheet of a piece of paper when using an ordinary pen.

Even scientists and naturalists wish for a magical talisman made of volcanic glass. A rosary made from the material of this breed can increase clairvoyance and witchcraft.

What is made from such an unusual and mysterious mineral

Various amulets and amulets are made from stones of this breed. They were often taken with them by sailors and pioneers.

Amulets helped and warned the owner of a future flood or earthquake. Even today, these stones are inserted into pendants, beads, thimbles, cigarette cases or lighters. Amulets made of gems are carried with them by flight attendants, pilots, and long-distance sailors.

Beads and necklaces made of this stone are especially popular and in demand. They have an incredibly deep shade and a mesmerizing look. And the rich color of the night allows the owner or hostess to look respectable, wearing such an ornament. The noble shine that the talisman product gives in the light attracts dozens of eyes to the owner, who is under the protection of the mineral.

Silver-plated earrings and thimbles with an insert of this stone can be bought for prices ranging from 1500 to 8000. Collectible samples, semi-precious stones from the Gabillo brand cost about 17000. And bracelets made of snow obsidian cost from 800 to 2000 per piece. They sit well on the owner's hand and give him extra energy. Jewelry with this stone is still famous today.

When buying jewelry made from this mineral, the main thing is not to buy a fake. After all, then you will not get the desired effect that only a real product can bring to you. Therefore, it is not always worth chasing cheapness. How you can tell a real piece of jewelry from a fake one can be found in the next section.

How to distinguish a fake?

It is easy to distinguish a natural stone from a fake. Natural volcanic rock has a rich color and its surface is shiny. When clamped in the palm, the person should feel the cold. Most often, natural gems are interspersed with other colors and are not monochromatic.

Due to the fact that obsidian is very fragile, then if you take a needle and hold it along its surface, a trace will remain from it. If the seller is telling a lie, then he will in every possible way resist the buyer to do such an experiment with the product that he is selling.

If the seller is truthful and really sells a natural gem, then he will even help and advise you to conduct another experiment to identify a fake. The meaning of the experiment is as follows: the stone must be placed in water for a few minutes. The original obsidian will lose its luster and change in appearance.

Despite the fact that the main color of the stone is black, the mineral has several colors. Such iridescence is achieved due to the inclusion of other types of rocks. For example, magnetite gives the usual dark hue to the stone.

Varieties of obsidian

Scientists have divided its varieties into several groups. These include:

  • Rainbow stones that are sold at a high price.
  • Peanut - obtained when the spherical cristobalite mineral penetrates into this rock.
  • Snowy, so called because the blotches are white and look like snowflakes.

Like other precious items, obsidian is demanding to care for.

Product care

This gem is fragile, so it needs careful care. If you have such a stone, then be sure to follow the rules that are prescribed for caring for it.

This item should be stored away from other jewelry and should preferably be placed in a padded case.

It should not be exposed to sunlight for a long time. Do not allow it to fall, as well as protect it from impacts. Volcanic glass should not be exposed to water for long. Because of this, the breed will lose its original beauty.

The owner should clean the stone with sanitary napkins, lightly rinsing it in soapy water. Under no circumstances should it be cleaned with aggressive chemicals.

Astrological properties of the stone

In addition to its magical properties, this natural product is revealed to the owner, influencing his psyche and inhibiting or vice versa accelerating the energy processes occurring in the body.

Such a stone is fully compatible with some signs of the zodiac, while others are contraindicated to wear it.

("++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatible
a lion++
  • Aquarius, Taurus and he will reward decisiveness and openness to new achievements.
  • it will only bring excessive irritability, this stone is also contraindicated for Cancers and Virgos, as it will bring excessive daydreaming.
  • For Sagittarius, Scorpio and Capricorns, it also helps to direct life in a positive and active direction. However, if the scorpion abuses the wearing of the jewel, then the gem will make him selfish.
  • Pisces will give decisiveness in life and actions, but it is contraindicated for constant wearing next to you. With Libra, igneous rock behaves neutral, and for Leo, the devil's claw will give prudence and pacify their hot-tempered nature.

In addition, this stone is compatible with male names: Maxim, Grigory, Egor, Denis, Stepan. The gem is favored by women with the names: Daria, Antonina, Nadezhda, Tatiana.

Natalia wearing this devil's claw will be protected from rash acts. Ilya the stone will give vital energy. These names are patronized by the "devil's claw".


Obsidian is known to the ancient Aztecs. The gem was called "ltzli", which means "knife". Our ancestors used this stone as a weapon and as a decorative ornament.

Volcanic rock knives became cult objects and were used in sacrificial rituals. Although the ancestors processed the stone by hand, leaving behind irregularities, such knives neatly and instantly cut human and animal flesh.

The Aztecs loved to make knives from this stone, because sharp cuts formed on the chips. Obsidian knives were sharper than metal knives. The product is not dull. In medicine, obsidian glass knives are used in surgery.

The only drawback of such products is fragility. These things are short-lived, but with proper care and proper use, products from this volcanic rock will stay with you for years.

Obsidian - Devil's Broken Claw Stone

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Snow obsidian helps those who want to focus their thoughts, especially if they are about relationships ...

The stone of purity and unification of souls and hearts ...

If we talk about the collection stone snow obsidian, then, for example, with prolonged wearing of beads made of it, this mineral cleanses, soothes and softens its owner (beneficial effect on the nervous system), helps her to relax and gives the opportunity to analyze her life, revise some of its aspects and deeply understand your ups, downs and weaknesses / strengths.

In addition, a collection stone is a stone of purity and unification. This mineral has a very beneficial effect on the treatment of diseases of the veins and the vascular system in general. Also, this collection stone improves the functioning of the circulatory system and blood circulation itself, helps in the treatment of dermatitis and some skin diseases, bones and vision.

Interestingly, natural snow obsidian stone can help a person get rid of emotional and physical toxins and toxins. The mineral snow obsidian brings to light harmful molecular vesicles that can form deposits that over time destroy human cartilage and bones. It transforms these bubbles into certain positive energy bubbles, thus creating an invisible film around these toxins and gradually destroying harmful substances. Later, they themselves are physically excreted by the human body. Drink plenty of water while wearing natural snow obsidian stone jewelry.

Magical properties

Natural stone obsidian, snow obsidian (a little softer) - this is, first of all, the strongest protector against negative energy. This will protect its owner from the intrigues of evil forces and any negative information from outside. In Transcaucasia, such a stone amulet was given to children, since it was believed that the amazing power of the stone would not only save a child from misfortune, but also make him strong, brave and wise.

The power of natural obsidian stone helps a person concentrate on difficult tasks. This mineral is able to eliminate the fuss around its owner and create the necessary working atmosphere. Therefore, both obsidian and its variety, a rare obsidian snow stone, can be an excellent assistant for scientists, designers, lawyers and other people who conduct stubborn research activities.

obsidian can control a person's actions, directing them to a good channel. He gets rid of bad intentions and promotes introspection. At the same time, this rare mineral makes people get rid of stereotypes, so its owners are always ready for changes in life.

Natural snow stone obsidian helps with meditation, dispassion and inner concentration, and its vibrations help to restore inner boundaries and feel protected. This mineral is able to immerse the wearer in a state of meditation, helps to create a space of isolation and solitude for deep knowledge of oneself, inner peace and quiet.

Stone for the signs of the zodiac

Most of all, the magical and healing properties of obsidian are suitable for the representatives of the Capricorn sign. Capricorns are strong in spirit, so they can easily endure the effects of this miraculous. Also, the natural stone obsidian is good for Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius and Gemini. Obsidian helps such signs to concentrate and act in the right direction.

It is believed that obsidian mineral can do a disservice for Cancers and Virgos. It is a stone of caution and promotes the development of the analytical mind Since Cancers and Virgos already carefully weigh their every step, obsidian can make them indecisive to the point of absurdity. However, the natural stone snow obsidian is softer to any of the signs of the zodiac, so it can be freely worn by the most indecisive and cautious Cancers and Virgos, however, it is imperative to remove such a rare stone at night and let the body rest and replenish its strength on its own.

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Obsidian stone is a mineral of volcanic origin. It is formed as a result of a sharp cooling of lava, for which it was named "volcanic glass". The stone was known back in the Paleolithic times - edged weapons were made from it.

Obsidian stone is a mineral of volcanic origin

Legend claims that Obsidius lived during the wars and managed to survive in a terrible battle only thanks to the mineral. Since then, obsidian products have been considered life-saving talismans. The seer Vanga called black obsidian the scorched wings of an angel who saved people from Hell. It should be noted that this volcanic glass is used to apply images of the faces of saints and prayers on it. And this is very rare.

Since ancient times, various products have been made from the mineral. So, in ancient Rome, such obsidian products as rings, statues, sculptures were popular. But in Ancient Egypt, daggers, mirrors, magic balls and rosary beads were made from it. The origin of stones from volcanic lava was considered something special in those days, and therefore the gem became the talisman of shamans and magicians. In the Middle Ages, obsidian rosary became an obligatory attribute for all Christians. Well, in the 19th century, the famous Faberge began to insert volcanic stones into his products.

The mineral obsidian is named after the Roman legionary Obsidius, who was the first to bring the volcanic stone to Western Europe.

It is interesting that different peoples gave different names to the stone. In America it is called "the tears of the Apaches", and in Transcaucasia - "fragments of the bones of Satan." In the literature, volcanic minerals are called differently: mountain mahogany, Icelandic agate, wasserchrysolite, obsidian idol, etc. Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of the stone. But it is not known what he was called in his homeland.

Inexperienced geologists sometimes confuse volcanic and volcanic glass. The fact is that both stones are outwardly similar. However, volcanite is composed of copper and tellurium, while obsidian contains volcanic lava.

In a few minutes, volcanic lava solidifies, without even having time to take the form of crystals. This results in an uneven coloration, whose texture is similar to marble. It is mistakenly believed that obsidian is only black. In fact, in life there is also blue obsidian, blue, reddish, green, peanut, and even with snow-white splashes. It is this variety, snow obsidian, which is considered the most beautiful. It was as if snowflakes had frozen on the black stone, which gave it the name snowy obsidian. However, at present, the most unique and valuable variety of gem is considered to be rainbow obsidian, which is distinguished by its color tints.

The appearance of a stone literally happens in fire

Historians note that black volcanic stones have been known to people for over 9,000 years. The use of amulets made from this mineral was popular in Europe. In those days, people believed that blue obsidian protects against various natural disasters, and warns sailors of an impending flood. Nowadays, the use of obsidian is also widespread. The stone is considered ornamental and various figurines, vases, etc. are made from it. In addition, it is widespread in jewelry. But most of all, effusive volcanic rock is valued in construction - perlite is made from it.

The magical and healing properties of obsidian (video)

Magical properties and astrology

They were used to predict the future: candles were lit, and in their twilight on the surface of the decoration with obsidian images were visible, which were then interpreted. Nowadays, magic balls are made from volcanic stone glass. Obsidian, which is black in color, is considered an amulet for people with psychic abilities. It is believed to be able to protect its owner from any negative impact. If you constantly wear obsidian (there can be any jewelry), then you can not only protect yourself from negative energy, but really increase your concentration.

Volcanic glass has its own patron planets. So, the Sun, Uranus and Saturn fill the stone with their energy. That is why it is considered very strong and may not suit all people. It will suit people who are soft in character, insecure in themselves. Obsidian will give them inner confidence and positive energy. But it is better for ambitious and strong-minded people to refuse such an amulet. He can give the illusion of omnipotence, which will lead to the implementation of rash and risky actions.

Since the time of the Aztecs, shamans have appreciated the magical properties of the stone.

Astrological characteristics of the stone note that it helps to overcome difficult life stages, to decide on something new. It is advised to wear it for those who are afraid to decide on drastic changes in life (moving, changing jobs or partners). The properties of obsidian stone help to cope with feelings of fear and decide on something new. It should be said that obsidian beads are used in India to get rid of negative thoughts and events in life. They should be worn constantly, and after a while, changes for the better will be noticeable.

Astrologers told who this mineral is suitable for. So, the ideal astrological combination is obsidian and the sign of Capricorn. To this representative of the zodiacal circle, the stone will give confidence and change life for the better. According to the horoscope, obsidian is also the talisman of Scorpions, Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius and Lions. Each mentioned zodiac sign will be protected by an amulet from various diseases and negative thoughts. But the mineral is contraindicated for Cancers and Virgos. For the best effect, it is recommended to set volcanic stones in silver.

Gallery: obsidian stone (25 photos)

The mineral obsidian is named after the Roman legionnaire Obsidius, who was the first to bring the volcanic stone to Western Europe.

The rise of a stone literally takes place in a fire Since the time of the Aztecs, shamans have appreciated the magical properties of the stone.

Healing properties and talismans

Lithotherapists note the healing properties of obsidian. It is effective for curing colds, gastrointestinal diseases, and normalizing blood pressure. Obsidian beads are recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the nervous system, pain in the spine. Ancient healers believed that this mineral is able to heal the eyes from various diseases and stimulate the activity of the kidneys.

Obsidian products should also be worn as a preventive measure. However, it is important to understand that constant wearing can aggravate the situation. Instead of a positive effect, the mineral can begin to have a negative effect. To prevent this, it is recommended to periodically remove jewelry.

Magicians note that volcanic glass amulets will help get rid of obsessive attention. It is enough to put on a bracelet with obsidian and its owner will become "invisible" to others. In addition, it also protects against the influence of evil spirits. The mineral is also called the talisman of bankers, as it is able to influence the return of debts.

For protective purposes, you can purchase an obsidian pyramid. It is recommended to put it on your desk or carry it with you in your bag at all times. It will accumulate energy and protect against negative external influences. As scientists note, the conical shape of the amulet is able to accumulate cosmic energy in large quantities, which will have a positive effect on the owners of the pyramid.

Stone properties (video)

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Obsidian (from Italian. Obsidius is the name of the Roman who brought the stone to Rome from Africa)- homogeneous volcanic glass formed as a result of the rapid cooling of molten rocks. The rock is an effused (effusive) analogue of the common igneous rock - granite.

Structure: dense, vitreous structure. The texture is foamy or massive. The fracture is conchoidal. There is black, gray, red-brown, wax obsidian, there is also spotty and striped color. Glass luster. The specific gravity is 2.21-2.41 g / cm 3. Hardness 5-6 on the Mohs scale.

Features... Obsidian is characterized by a dense structure, glassiness, conch-like fracture, glass luster, gray, almost black, brown color. It resembles morion and rauchtopaz. The difference is that morion and rauchtopaz are crystalline, obsidian is amorphous.

Obsidian composition

Mineral composition obsidian is similar to the composition of granite: feldspar 60-65%, quartz 25-35%, mica 5-10%, hornblende and biotite also make up from 5 to 10% of the mass of the rock.

Chemical compositionaccordingly, it is also similar to granite: SiO 2 68-72%, Al 2 O 3 15-18%, Na 2 O 3-6%, Fe 3 O 4 1-5%, CaO 1.5-4%, MgO up to 1, 5%, etc.

Varieties and photos of obsidian

  1. Pechstein (resin stone) is a type of obsidian that is rich in water. The gloss is greasy. The color is black, reddish, brown, light green.
  2. Snow obsidian - covered with white spots that look like snowflakes.
  3. Rainbow obsidian - the rarest variety that iridescent with the colors of the rainbow.

Obsidian. © Simos Xenitellis Pechstein Snow Obsidian Rainbow Obsidian. © Brocken Inaglory


Volcanic. Formed by rapid cooling of lava on the earth's surface. Obsidians are liparite, trachytic, andesite, diabase, and basaltic.

The use of obsidian

It is used in the production of heat-insulating and building materials, as well as an ornamental stone, as it is easy to polish. There are reliable facts that even before our era primitive people made some of the first tools of labor (axes and knives) and spearheads and arrows from obsidian. Figurines, figurines, ornaments and dishes (they are still made today) were carved from volcanic glass. Also, the rock is sometimes used in construction: it is added to swell some types of cement.

Obsidian artifacts from excavations in Guatemala. © Simon Burchell