Dangerous profession and dog breed name. The most dangerous dog breeds in the world

What determines the nature of the dog: from its breed or from education? As a rule, most of the dog's character traits are laid down through education, however, some breeds show a greater tendency to aggression towards other dogs and people than others. Renowned dog trainer Cesar Millan is the owner of an obedient and calm pit bull (a breed of dog often attributed to a propensity for aggression). In response to a question about aggressiveness, Cesar stated the following: “All dogs are great companions, it all depends on how you treat the dog. Initially, for them there is nothing but trust, love and respect. And although almost all dogs can become excellent companions, almost all of them are capable of becoming killers - someone is easier due to the predisposition of the breed, someone is more difficult, but the fact remains: first of all, everything depends on education. Today you will get acquainted with the ten most aggressive dog breeds, which, if not properly trained, can become real killers.

10. Dog

If properly trained, the Great Dane will be the most gentle and affectionate dog, but with the wrong approach, these dogs, due to their size, can pose a significant threat. Males of this breed reach a weight of 90 kilograms and 86 centimeters at the withers. One of these dogs got on a TV show with Cesar Millan after he attacked a neighbor passing by, clutching his arm. The last known fatal encounter with a Great Dane occurred in 2003 when a 2-year-old girl died in South Carolina, and the most recent case of this dog breed attacking people was recorded this summer when a 6-year-old girl was injured. , which subsequently required serious surgical intervention.

9. Boxer

Boxers are descendants of hunting dogs that were used during the First World War as guard dogs and to strengthen the striking power of infantry. Boxers are known for their strong jaws and powerful bites. This breed of dog has a pronounced protective instinct, which sounds quite tempting for those families where there is a need for security. Nevertheless, for all its advantages, it is a rather stubborn dog. The last case of a boxer's fatal attack occurred on December 28, 2013 in Arizona, when a man tried to separate his fighting dogs.

8 Wolf Hybrids

All dogs are descendants of wolves, but many breeds continue to interbreed with their wild counterparts today. Due to their inherited high sense of danger, these animals are usually shy and unpredictable, and the possession of such dogs is prohibited by law in many countries. According to historical records, dog-wolf hybrids were responsible for 14 deaths between 1979 and 1998.

7. Malamute

Malamutes are responsible for five deaths in the United States between 1966 and 1980, according to research from the University of Texas. This dog breed is often used as mounts and is the national pride of Alaska. One of the characteristic features of Malamutes is their predilection for hunting small animals.

6 Husky

Like the Malamute, the Husky is also a sled dog. These are well-built and energetic dogs, which, based on the history of their breed, are more likely to be working animals than socially active. In the United States, between 1979 and 1998, Siberian Huskies were responsible for the death of 15 people.

5. Bullmastiff

This is a large and rather intimidating breed of dog. Males can reach a weight of 60 kilograms, so it is extremely important to properly raise a puppy. Initially, bullmastiffs served as watchdogs with an aggressive disposition. One of the most recent cases of this breed of dog attacking a person occurred this year in New Jersey, when an escaped bullmastiff attacked and killed a 13-year-old boy. In addition, another sad fatality also occurred this year when a bullmastiff killed a teenager who stood up for a girl who was attacked by a dog.

4. Doberman

Previously, Dobermans were widely used in the police service. This breed of dog can be aggressive towards strangers, but rarely towards its own family. And although the reputation of this dog has improved quite a lot in recent years, its strength and size still make it potentially dangerous to humans. The last case of death from Doberman bites was registered in 2011 in the United States, when the dog bit his mistress.

3 German Shepherd

The bite force of a German Shepherd can exceed 1060 Newtons, in addition, according to some studies, German Shepherds are prone to attacks on smaller breeds of dogs. Last year there was a reported case of a German Shepherd attacking a 35-year-old woman in her home. The woman died from her bites two days later. Today, this breed of dog is widely used in the police service.

2. Rottweiler

Between 1993 and 1996, Rottweilers were responsible for half of all dog attack deaths in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The amazing endurance and strength of this breed makes it even more dangerous. The bite of a Rottweiler usually reaches a force of 1180-1460 Newtons.

1 Pitbull

Today, pit bulls are considered the most aggressive and dangerous dogs. They are responsible for 22 deaths this year alone. To subdue the aggressive nature of this dog, a serious approach to training is required. In many parts of the world, owning a dog of this breed is prohibited by law. According to studies published in 1991, it was found that 94% of all cases of attacks by these dogs on children were groundless. This percentage is twice that of other breeds, where it is typically 43%. A five-year study conducted by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia between 2001 and 2005 found that pit bulls were responsible for over half of dog attacks on children. Of the 269 cases reported over the years, 137 belonged to this breed of dog.

Among the four-legged friends of man, there are quite dangerous and aggressive breeds of dogs that you should beware of. It is worth noting that not only fighting breeds are evil, but even some watchdogs.

Many factors affect the aggressiveness of dogs, but dog handlers have not come to a consensus on this matter. However, some of the breeds do pose a great danger to humans.

We present the ten most aggressive and evil dog breeds in the world that can harm human health. Dogs are usually called "friend" and not. But the presented rating can make you think about the reverse nature of our pets. The last line of our rating with photos and names is occupied by the Dogo Canario.

10. Dogo Canario

Canary Great Danes are a watchdog breed. Its representatives have a rather strong physique and a menacing appearance, although this dog is the least aggressive of all ten. By the nature of the dogs, they are quite balanced and overly attached to their owner. Strangers are treated with apprehension and suspicion, at this moment they become in a decisive pose. If the owner of the dog is in danger, they immediately come to his aid.

9. German Shepherd

Another rather unsafe and popular dog breed is the German Shepherd. These animals are good guards and companions. They are fearless and physically strong. Representatives of this breed love an active lifestyle and are always happy with walks. Shepherd dogs are very smart dogs, but despite this, they can cause serious injuries to a person when they are furious. No matter how friendly it is for the owner, if the faithful dog receives the “Face” command, then the criminal will practically not run away.

8. Chow Chow

These cute and not quite small dogs that look like bears are actually quite dangerous and unpredictable. Cute and melancholy chow-chows are very measured and even a little aloof in character, which does not prevent them from being aggressive. Representatives of the breed are wary of strangers and do not welcome when strangers try to caress them excessively. Be careful with them - outward calmness can turn into anger and aggression.

7. Doberman

Dobermans, as a rule, are engaged in service and protection - these qualities are very well developed in them. Representatives of this breed are very elegant and hardy. Powerful and strong dogs have a friendly disposition and love children. But, despite this, Dobermans can "explode" at any moment, representing a potential danger to humans.

6. Caucasian Shepherd

This breed of dog is quite popular in our country. “Caucasians” are large and fearless dogs. They come in short-haired, as well as with long and medium hair. These shepherd dogs are easy to train. Breeders appreciate these large animals for their excellent watchdog characteristics, endurance, intelligence and endurance. This dog also does not favor strangers - attacking, it can seriously injure a person.

5 Siberian Husky

This breed of dog has long been used by the Eskimos as a driving breed. Such beauties can often be found in pictures and photographs on the Internet, especially with cute puppies. Huskies are quite friendly and peaceful in nature. If it is properly educated, then it is not dangerous to humans. Representatives of the breed are very sociable and love all family members. Huskies require special care and attention - you need to walk with them for a long time and engage in the development of thinking. Under certain circumstances, these animals can harm people.

4. German boxer

German boxers are rather stocky and powerful dogs. They have a strong square head and a prehensile jaw. Their appearance is quite angry and intimidating, but despite this, boxers love to play with children and are willing to train.

3. Bull Terrier

This breed of dog comes from England. Bull Terriers are the result of crossing English Bulldogs and Terriers. These animals have a rather frightening appearance and a peculiar shape of the head, which distinguishes this breed from others. With the right upbringing and approach, dogs become sociable and loyal, and do not show much aggression. Representatives of the breed love to frolic and lead an active lifestyle. A distinctive feature of the boules is the so-called “dead grip”, due to the strong jaw.

2. Rottweiler

Rottweilers are one of the most aggressive and vicious dog breeds. Animals are quite assertive, strong, powerful and with a tenacious jaw. They are fiercely protective of their owners and are not very welcoming to strangers. As a rule, Rottweilers obey one person, and if the owner is in danger, they become angry and furious.

1 Pitbull

Pit bulls can be called the most dangerous dogs in the world. These animals appeared as a result of crossing a terrier and a bulldog. They have a large physique and well-developed muscles. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by excellent fighting qualities, at the same time, they are very loyal and reliably protect their master. Pit bulls are ferocious and cruel, but also in their character there are such traits as kindness and friendliness.

Many people rashly believe that large dogs are the most dangerous. This is understandable logic: they are capable of causing the greatest damage to human health. In addition, the behavior of the owner usually leads the dog into a state of aggression. Compiling the TOP 10 most dangerous dogs is not so easy.

American pit bull terrier descended from the Staffordshire Terrier. Outwardly, it is immediately clear that this is a four-legged fighter. This dog has powerful muscles, a large and rough muzzle, and strong jaws. They were bred to participate in dog fights, and more often than not, they were sure to be winners. This explains why they were called "killer dogs". This is a true versatile fighter. Have you made the decision to get a pit bull? This is a good choice. But do not forget: in order to have such a fighter at home, you need to devote time to him, and, at a minimum, master training skills. Since the 80s, pit bulls, who have earned themselves a bad name, began to enjoy less and less trust of the "dog lovers". Mighty and brave animals have become a symbol of crime. In a number of countries, it is prohibited by law to acquire this dog. The experts concluded: the American Pit Bull Terrier tops the list of the most dangerous dogs in the world.

2nd place.

chow chow considered one of the most beautiful dogs. This breed has been known to man for over 2000 years. Her direct ancestor, from whom she descended almost the first, is a wolf. The name that she has now, she received only a century ago. Her previous titles were as follows:

  • Tibetan mastiff,
  • Tatar dog,
  • barbarian dog.

A dog with the appearance of a teddy bear has a difficult character. If the dog is an adult, then strangers and children may not be greeted. They are easily irritated and willing to fight even for food.

3rd place.

In third place is an unjustifiably humanized dog of the breed dalmatian . Even the ancient Greeks depicted beautiful animals in a black spot. How could this dog, as if painted by a child, get into our top? But we will now prove that this is not an accident. He needs to pay a lot of attention, otherwise he will not receive the necessary education. But usually the perpetrator of the attacks is a person.

4th place.

Fila brazileiro its mere appearance inspires panic. Although puppies seem very harmless. This kind, deceptively lazy dog ​​is harmless to households. But strangers cause her instant aggression. Brasileiro instinctively rushes to the most important parts of the human body. The owner of such a dog is obliged to strictly suppress attempts by strangers to get acquainted with a dangerous pet.

5th place.

On the 5th place of our TOP is located Central asian shepherd dog . In Turkmenistan, it is known as vodkodav, and in some cases - alabai. This fearless, strong and quite aggressive breed was formed in the course of natural selection. They proved to be indispensable in the protection of livestock. They skillfully expend power, and they need very little effort to capture the enemy.

6th place.

doberman known for their grace, tall stature, they are called canine aristocrats. In this case, looks are deceiving. The dog is developed not only from the physical, but also from the intellectual side.

7th place.

Many dog ​​breeders say: the most dangerous thing for humans Pierro de Presa Canario . Formerly they served as livestock guards. They can be used to hunt big game. They will spare no one but their masters.

8th place.

German boxer can cling to the victim and hang for a long time. This is how their jaws are arranged.

9th place.

Our top could not help but pay attention rottweiler . But for no apparent reason, it won't do any harm.

10th place.

10th place - husky . These are not aggressive dogs, but many people experience panic when they see them. Perhaps this is due to their resemblance to wolves.

It is quite clear that this depends not only on the size of the animal or the strength of its jaws, but also on the determination of the dog, as well as the fighting qualities of a representative of a particular breed. The combination of these and other indicators can be put into one word - ferocity.

This dog is perhaps the strongest in the world - the weight of individual individuals (males) reaches 90 kg, and its jaws easily bite through the tibia of large ungulates. There is a known case when in Karelia a Caucasian shepherd dog single-handedly killed a pack of wolves, which had previously terrorized a remote village. The dog got rid of at night and ran away to “walk”, and in the morning his owner found the “Caucasian” surrounded by lumps of wool and bones of gray predators. In his teeth, he squeezed the neck of a hardened wolf, which, apparently, lived longer than the rest. Today it has been reliably established that the Tibetan Great Dane is the ancestor of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, which, in turn, descended from large wolves. However, looking at these huge dogs, you involuntarily begin to think that the true progenitor of the "Caucasians" is still a bear. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is categorized as a companion dog, not an aggressive fighter or hunter. She has a fairly good-natured disposition and will never throw herself at a person first, unless it is a specially trained animal. Therefore, despite its impressive strength, the "Caucasian" only closes the top five most ferocious dogs in the world.

4. Boxer

On the 4th place in our rating is a boxer - a hunting and guard dog. It is characterized by fearlessness and powerful jaws that inflict terrible injuries on the victim. Modern boxers are descended from the Dutch breed "Bullenbeiser", which translates as "biting bulls". In Rus', where the breed was popular with the nobles, these dogs were called “bullhounds”. And after crossing them with English bulldogs, very successful dogs appeared - boxers. The dogs got this name because of the unusual habit of fighting not only with the help of teeth, but also with their front paws. One of the main features of the breed is the pincer bite. It allows the boxer, clinging to the victim, to literally hang on it. Cases were recorded when it was not possible to tear the dog away from the hated enemy even after the death of the dog. The death grip inherited from the bulldog and the square shape of the muzzle allows boxers to snatch pieces of meat from enemies, and then simply wait for them to bleed. It is no coincidence that boxers are called sports dogs for their will to win and the highest fighting qualities.

The third place in our top is occupied by the Rottweiler. This is a very serious watch dog, but also one of the strongest fighting dogs in the world. The ancestor of the Rottweiler is the black Swiss Bootes, and the breed got its name thanks to the German city of Rot Weil, where it finally took shape. Most Rottweilers have a friendly nature and behave calmly even with strangers. However, it is in this breed, although rare, that uncontrollable outbursts of rage are noted, and in this case the Rottweiler cracks down on the victim with lightning speed. For example, not so long ago, near Chelyabinsk, a Rottweiler killed an eight-year-old child, instantly biting his neck. The dog was shot, and the motives for such behavior are not fully understood. Perhaps they are associated with white spots in the origin of the breed. According to one hypothesis, in the old days, Rottweilers were trained to guard black slaves, and some dogs perceive certain gestures as an attempt to escape, which prompts them to aggression. Due to their strength and agility, Rottweilers are actively used in dog fights. It is believed that ceteris paribus (weight, height, level of training), these dogs have preferable chances in confrontation with Alabai and Dobermans. But in a fight between a Rottweiler and a Pit Bull, the chances of winning are about the same.

The Bull Terriers, which we put in second place, were bred in the middle of the 19th century in England by the breeder James Hinks. His goal was to create an ideal fighting breed, since it was at this time that bullfights were banned in Britain, entertaining the people and the townsfolk switched to rat-baiting spectacles and dog fights. The breeder achieved a brilliant result by crossing a bulldog, a terrier and a Dalmatian, resulting in a muscular dog with a characteristic elongated muzzle. The Bull Terrier is distinguished by insane courage, stranglehold, agility, immunity to pain and, oddly enough ... intelligence. Yes, yes, contrary to the stereotype, the bull terrier does not rush at everything that moves, but treats the owner and members of his pack (that is, the family) with reverence and tenderness. The idea of ​​​​the indefatigable aggressiveness of the bull terrier arose because of his attitude towards other dogs. Indeed, being a born fighter, he instinctively perceives dogs (especially males) as enemies and competitors with whom he must fight without fail. In such fights, this rat-like baby is able to defeat even much larger individuals, therefore it rightfully ranks second in the ranking of the most ferocious dogs.

But in the honorable first place we put pit bull terriers or, in common parlance, pit bulls. These dogs are notorious because there are many cases where they have killed people. Not so long ago, in Nizhnevartovsk, a pit bull gnawed its owner's throat, and it all started with a fun game that turned into a tragedy. This breed is so dangerous that it is forbidden to keep and breed in many countries of the world, including the Soviet Union. Pit bull terriers were bred on the basis of English bulldogs about three hundred years ago. It was supposed to be a strong and aggressive guard dog, but the breed turned out to be so ferocious that subsequently pit bulls were actively used in dog fights. As practice has shown, only a few dogs can resist them in the arena or in a street fight. There are some chances against a pit bull, except for representatives of the above breeds from this rating. And even then, while the Caucasian Shepherd gets angry in order to really aggressively resist the pit bull, he will have time to pull out her Adam's apple, which often happens during dog fights. The Pit Bull is a born fighter, ready to fight at any time of the day or night. Despite the increased aggressiveness, these dogs are actively used by the military, customs officers and even special services. Without a doubt, this is not only the most ferocious, but also one of the most intelligent dogs in the world. The reputation of ruthless killers is well deserved by pit bulls, so you should stay away from them and think ten times before getting such a dog at home.

According to most cynologists, aggressiveness in a dog is not innate, but is formed in the process of education or improper training. Any dog, such as a Dalmatian, Chow Chow or Husky, has repeatedly been ranked among the most dangerous breeds, although with due respect these breeds are examples of tenderness and unparalleled loyalty. However, there are a number of species that are more prone to spontaneous manifestation of anger, and if such a dog is not reined in from childhood, then the consequences for the owner and for others can be sad. Unlike representatives of the canine kingdom such as the Golden Retriever or St. Bernard, where a balanced and friendly character is the hallmark of the breed, for others, such a characteristic will be the exception rather than the rule. We present you the top 10 most dangerous dogs, when meeting with which it is better to keep your eyes open to avoid trouble.

10. Dogo Canario or Perro di Presa Canario

This large (up to 65 kg) and muscular dog takes its origin from the islands of Tenerife. The breed was originally bred as a watchdog and shepherd, but its strong build and appearance, inspiring quiet horror, prompted many to use this dog as a personal guard. Although not aggressive enough to attack without warning, the Dogo Canario is very wary of anyone but its owner. These dogs are infinitely loyal and self-confident, while the slightest threat can infuriate the dog. In Australia and New Zealand, the import and breeding of Presa Canario is prohibited, which is quite justified after two cases when a dog in the USA bit its owners to death.

9. German Shepherd

The breed was bred in Germany and was intended for service and search activities and the corral of cattle. It is one of the most common breeds in the world and occupies an honorable third place in terms of intelligence among its brethren. The popularity of the German Shepherd is associated with many feature films, the main characters were representatives of this breed. “K-9: dog work”, “Come to me, Mukhtar!”, “Scarlet border dog”, “Commissioner Rex” and about 50 other films and television series, which features a German shepherd acting as a detective, bodyguard and companion. However, even a puppy is not always ready to obey and can react aggressively to one command or another, and if you add massive jaws here, you understand that jokes with this dog are sometimes bad.

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8. American Staffordshire Terrier

Other names are American Bull Terrier or Yankee Terrier. The history of breeding the breed began in 1800, although many are sure that these dogs appeared relatively recently. Amstaffs are universal - they can equally be hunting, service, guard dogs, companions, bodyguards or show dogs. Outwardly, representatives of this breed look muscular, powerful and stocky. In addition, the dog has an excellent reaction and well-developed jaws, which will no longer release the caught prey (it was not in vain that they hunted bears and wild boars with them). Amstaff is definitely not suitable for someone who gets a pet for the first time, since this breed requires special attention, a firm hand and a constant reminder of who is the true leader in the pack.

7 Doberman Pinscher

The breed was bred in Germany, officially exists since 1890. Outwardly, the Doberman is a rather large dog (weighing up to 45 kg), with short hair, slender and strong, with a wedge-shaped mouth. Ideally, the Doberman combines elegance and power, but if you make this dog angry, you will immediately forget about any elegance. Initially, the dog was used as a bloodhound, thanks to its excellent scent and endurance. Today, the breed has proven itself as a companion and guard dog. A negative trait of the Doberman's character can be called unpredictability and explosive temperament, which, in case of danger, can spill out in a not very pleasant way.

6. Caucasian Shepherd

The breed was bred in the Caucasus and has been around for more than two thousand years. The weight of an adult male can reach 100 kg, and the direct purpose of the breed is to protect the herd from wolves. The first written references to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog allow us to say that it was used on the territory of the ancient state of Urartu. Despite their formidable appearance and high growth (up to 75 cm at the withers), they are well trained and quite peacefully coexist with other animals and children. In general, the Caucasian has a fairly good endurance, but for strangers and uninvited guests, they can pose a serious threat.

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5. Bullmastiff

The breed was bred in the UK in 1924 and is by definition a watchdog. The exterior of the Bullmastiff inspires fear, and the muscular body and huge mouth are not conducive to communication. Males can reach 60 kg, therefore, in order to cope with an adult dog, it is necessary to educate it from childhood in severity. Initially, the breed was more aggressive, but even now this quality is not alien to the Bullmastiff. In New Jersey, a fatal case was recorded when a teenager was bitten by a dog. In another situation, a young man stood up for a girl who was attacked by a bullmastiff and also paid with his life.

4. German boxer

The breed was bred in Germany in 1850 on the basis of the English bulldog and the extinct representative of the canine - Bullenbeiser. Cynologists sought to create a dog with a dead fight, while fast, hardy and balanced. And so it happened, and the first boxers were used to hunt wild boars and bears. There are legends that there were once fights involving bulls and several boxers, but today this is hard to believe. Boxers are excellent companions who get along well with children and can, if necessary, stand up for them. These dogs are very loyal, playful and highly trainable, but wary of everyone. In addition to members of the owner's family. Lightning reaction makes these dogs quite dangerous for humans.

3. Bull Terrier

The breed was bred in Great Britain in 1892 and is translated as "bull". The first representatives were exclusively white, only then the blood of the Dalmatian, English Bulldog, White Terrier was added to them, and therefore the modern version of the Bull Terrier has many colors, in addition to pure white. The appearance of this dog, frankly, is frightening, mainly because of the powerful head and jaws, the pressure in which can reach one and a half dozen atmospheres. There are legends about the "death grip" of the Bull Terrier, so this breed is a frequent participant in illegal dog fights. Despite the fact that the Bull Terrier lends itself well to training, sometimes he has bouts of uncontrolled aggression, during which he can even attack the owner. In addition, these dogs do not get along well with other animals, and therefore it is better to start them with an experienced dog handler or a person who will surely cope with this “killing machine”.

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2. Rottweiler

Bred in Germany in the middle of the 18th century and today is one of the most popular breeds in the world. Initially, Rottweilers were guard dogs due to their courage, assertiveness, activity and harmonious physique. The strong jaws of this dog are capable of tearing a person apart in a few minutes, and their protective qualities cannot be pacified. Rottweilers are distrustful of strangers and are ready to attack with lightning speed at the first sign of danger. From a gentle and affectionate pet, this dog can turn into an aggressive and vicious monster in the blink of an eye, ready to inflict injuries incompatible with life.

1 Pitbull

The breed was bred in the USA specifically for dog fighting and therefore the pit bull is the most dangerous and vicious on the entire planet. Information about the pit bull is very contradictory, some argue that these dogs are extremely affectionate and gentle and adore children, others are sure that this breed can rightfully be called a killer dog. In fact, pit bulls are a bunch of muscles that are ready to join the fight in an instant and defeat the opponent by any means. It is not for nothing that pit bulls are equated with edged weapons by law, and in some EU countries it is completely forbidden to breed them. However, in Russia and the United States, it is pit bulls that are used as dogs that can quickly and accurately find caches of drugs and weapons.