The original first dates. Date on the ship. Date in the greenhouse, botanical garden

We believe that first dates determine the development of relationships. There's nothing wrong with a classic dinner and a movie, but wouldn't it be better to add a little spice to a relationship? After all, the first impression of us is the most important, and you probably want your soul mate to think that you are fun to be with.

If something like that doesn't come to your mind, use our list!

1. Night at the theater

No, not a movie. Theater with live actors and actresses. This is our favorite date idea ever. Many do not use the theater as a place for dates, because they do not realize what amazing emotions it brings. Definitely better than any movie! If your companion is a creative person, she will appreciate the idea.

2. Sports

If she is active and athletic, and looks more organic on the seat of the stadium than in the theater hall, take her to the game! Even if you don't follow the success of your team, find something that will be of interest to both of you.

3. Her favorite sport

Add to previous paragraph. If she plays sports, visit her workout, and then go to a health food cafe.

4. Mountaineering

I think mountain climbing is one of the most fun things! It's best to have a competition between the two of you. If you want to add excitement to the game, set a prize. And the winner gets a kiss.

5. Fishing

Okay, we know what you're going to say, but it's not as weird as it sounds. If you know that your girlfriend loves nature and you yourself are interested in it, go to the lake or to the river. And it is not so important whether you have a boat or you will fish from the shore, the main thing is that you will have the opportunity to talk and get to know each other better. Plus, many girls love to see a guy "in action".

6. Master class

Have you ever been to a pottery painting or a cooking class? If not, believe me, it's really interesting. And creating something new together unites and creates shared memories.

7. Museum

Perhaps a museum with classical art is not a pleasure for everyone, then museums of modern art will come to our aid. Many say that there is nothing more fun than walking around the museum of modern art with a loved one and trying to understand what the author wanted to say with his masterpieces.

8. Work out together

Few are ready to go on an intense workout with a stranger. But for light cardio - why not? Moreover, this is a great opportunity to get to know each other better. If she goes to your gym or runs every morning, offer to do it together.

9. Diving

Going swimming is always good, but if you want to do something unforgettable together, it's diving! As a rule, there are a couple of dive centers in the city in an indoor pool, so this idea will work even in winter.

10. Amusement park

Oh, this is a lot of fun! First of all, joint joy unites. Challenge your significant other in archery, rides, or dance competitions. Impressions will remain unforgettable.

11. Karting

What could be more fun than a trip in a small car to the distillation? If you are active and love sports, this is the best place for a first date. Adrenaline and competitive spirit - hold on. And you can go back to your childhood :)

12. Paintball

This is one of the more eccentric ideas, but a lot of fun nonetheless. Paintball is not for the weak - it is a very active and sometimes traumatic sport. But there is no pleasure comparable to the energy that you get from chasing "enemies", from realizing your dexterity and building a strategy aimed at winning.

13. TV show

14. Picnic

Simplicity has its own uniqueness. When was the last time you ate in the middle of nature, sitting on a checkered mat? If the weather is right and you have a beautiful park in mind, make some sandwiches and go on a date. For more fun, take a kite with you.

15. Cook dinner

They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Why not try the same tactic with a girl, but not cook dinner yourself, but do it together? Find something special with a lot of ingredients so that the cooking process is long and you can enjoy time together. It may seem complicated at first, but trust me, it's not at all.

16. Bowling

There is nothing extraordinary about bowling, you say? This is exactly what the majority thinks, and they don’t take their soulmate there. That is why you will surprise your girlfriend with an invitation. The first date is the most important and will let the relationship ball spin between you. Even if you're not a bowling champion, it's always great to learn new things together.

17. Start a fire

You'll need to find a place to start a fire, but if you have a fireplace, that's fine too. Fire has special, attractive properties, it purifies and brings together. After dinner or a few snacks, sit back and enjoy the flames and the crackle of the wood. If there is any confusion or some tension between you, this is a great place for a first date.

18. Horse racing

At first glance, the idea of ​​racing seems a little boring, but the whole point is to place bets and compete with each other. Put on another horse, and let there be a slight tension between you. We guarantee you will have a great time.

19. Look to the sky

The starry night sky has no equal. Walk under the night sky in the park or just sit on a bench, enjoying the heavenly beauty. Just sit back and try to count the stars together. Trust me, it's unforgettable. These are the memories that will last a lifetime.

20. Wake up the child in you

Find a big playground and remember your childhood. Play hide and seek, ride a swing, catch up with each other - there are a lot of options. Wake up your inner child and let it go. In our opinion, this is one of the best ways to get to know each other without being afraid to look stupid, because at such moments of life we ​​are real. All that will bother us is to hide better or the task of not being caught.

21. Volunteering

Not only does it teach us in a global sense to be better, to share, to think about others and to change the world for the better - this is a great way to show your significant other what is important to you. Try to do it together, help homeless animals, spend a day with children or in a shelter for the elderly. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to see how your other half behaves with others.

22. Live music

Invite your girlfriend to an evening with live music. And no matter what style of music it is, make sure you can dance. Even if in the end your relationship does not develop into something more, you will not forget this night.

23. Geocatching

Geocatching is a new mainstream that has already taken over Europe and America. This is something like a treasure hunt using GPS. All you need is a account, a GPS device and a little creativity. Everything - you are both ready for an unforgettable adventure. Read more at

24. Be a Tourist

Another first date idea is to be a tourist in your own city. Sometimes we neglect the mass tourist places and entertainment for the guests of our city, but believe me, they also have something special. When we are close even to something beautiful, after a while we begin to perceive it as everyday. Take the opportunity to learn more about your city by looking at it through the eyes of a tourist.

25. Progression game

One of the best ideas is to change places. The idea is to change the place with each serving of the dish. Start with an aperitif in one place, choose a restaurant with a panoramic view of the city for the main course, and find a place with a fireplace for dessert. And you will definitely never be bored!

26. Master class from the chef

Many restaurants and cafes offer various master classes with their chefs, ranging from the familiar Japanese sushi to the delights of French cuisine. Even if neither of you have any special achievements in cooking, this is a great way to get to know each other.

27. Haunted House

In every city there are such houses that everyone talks about, bypasses, about which there are legends. I suggest you go there. Most importantly, make sure it's safe for your health.

Every person is unique. Therefore, before inviting your soul mate on a first date, it is worth considering what exactly she is interested in, and from what she will feel joy. And even if your relationship does not develop, you will remain in her memory forever.

Do you want to know the TOP 5 unusual date ideas that you have never had in your life? But which are easier to arrange than a steamed turnip ...

In this article, you will find 5 interesting ideas on how to spend time with your loved one, renew your relationship and bring something new into it.

Blind date"

It is said that all senses are aggravated if a person does not see: the sense of smell, hearing and even taste buds are enhanced! Now there are even restaurants that offer to dine or dine in pitch darkness!

But if you don’t have the opportunity to visit such a restaurant, but you really like the idea, then a blind dinner right at home can be a great alternative to such an interesting meal!

To do this, you just need:

prepare delicious food in advance or simply order food at home,

set the table, pour wine into glasses,

turn on romantic music,

put on black blindfolds for yourself and your companion or companion!

After all the preparations are done, you can simply enjoy a whole new experience: smells, sounds and amazingly delicious food in the company of each other!

It is quite possible that such an interesting dinner will have an equally interesting continuation... In any case, you will remember such an amazing home date for a long time!

Dive into childhood!

Throw a real children's party for yourself! Have pillow fights, jump on the bed, blow bubbles, gorge yourself on ice cream and sweets, drink soda and fruit juice!

Spoon feed each other! It's so cute and funny! Draw, sculpt and create whatever comes to your mind! Watch cartoons all day long and dance to old children's songs from your favorite fairy tales! Well, of course, make a bunch of cool photos with funny faces, antics and sticking out your tongue!

For a children's party, you will need different children's supplies: paints, play dough, soap bubbles, sweets, ice cream, soda and cartoons and children's songs.

Date "No Words"

Such a date is simply necessary for those who live in a big city. And also useful for those who dream of an unusual date in a completely ordinary environment!

To do this, you need to agree with each other not to speak or make any sounds for an hour or two. At the same time, you can use facial expressions and gestures to express your thoughts and feelings! To facilitate understanding, something can be written on a piece of paper!

And if you are afraid that you will be bored, you can go to an art gallery, an exhibition, or just take a walk in the park, expressing your thoughts with gestures. Enjoy the real silence and unity of your souls without unnecessary words!

Home master class for two

Arrange a real joint master class on topics that interest you: cooking, origami techniques, crafts from dough, paper, coffee, newspaper tubes, etc. etc.

Together, choose an unusual activity that you have not dared to do before, but that you would very much like to try! Find a video of the master class on the Internet and go! The more difficult the activity, the more interesting it will be to do it together! For example, bake a heart-shaped cake with your names written on it, or make a topiary - your own tree of happiness!

Date in the style of the show "Terrible Love"

Arrange a date in the style of "Terrible Love" for yourself! Buy scary or funny masks! And go in this form wherever you want: to cafes, attractions, cinemas, parks, etc.!

Talk, kiss, hug each other, in general, behave the way you behave in ordinary life! Don't forget to take more photos of your new unusual look! Such a date will surely allow you to discover something completely new in each other, because the appearance will be completely hidden under the mask and you can not think about how you will look!

Choose any date from the above, and you will get a lot of new, bright and cheerful emotions, and your relationship will be filled with new and interesting experiences!

Recently, young guys have completely lost their orientation in space. This is us about the fact that the excuse "nowhere to take the girl" is increasingly heard from the lips of our friends and readers who send us letters with questions of a similar nature. Traditional cinemas, parks, exhibitions, of course, are good, but sometimes you need to come up with something more extraordinary. Moreover, in a modern city, even with a population of 500,000, there are plenty of opportunities for an original pastime with your beloved, and even without spending extra money.

Work as volunteers

cook dinner

On a first date, you should not please an unfamiliar brunette with your own bolognese. But cooking together is incredibly close: culinary magic will force you to constantly be centimeters apart and chat at ease about food preferences and other fascinating things. By the way, it is unlikely that a friend will agree to come immediately to your house or invite you to her place - the most neutral option would be a culinary master class, where she will be more comfortable and will not have to carry pepper spray with her.

Go to a lecture

Curb your skepticism - you have no idea what a great chance to impress a girl. Especially if the lecture concerns an area in which you know something. In the mature version (i.e. you have already graduated from the university), such a date is not at all problematic, even if it is not a master class. It will be very romantic if you manage to get into an educational institution under the guise of students and, embarrassed, go “late” to the first chosen lecture, perching at the last desk.

Pretend to be foreign tourists

Even if you both know your city to the very last public garden, there is an opportunity to diversify a banal walk through the streets. Of course, the beginnings of a foreign language will be required, but it's worth it. Just take your camera, dress like you arrived yesterday from Ohio or Westchester, and get into character. Ask passers-by for directions to the nearest monument, take funny pictures at sights, explore local establishments. By the way, even more “foreignness” will be added to you by rental bicycles or gyro scooters like a typical Hoverbot - riding them is not only more practical, but also not our way. Gyromarket will pick up a modern hoverboard model for you and even teach you a couple of foreign tricks for more vivid impressions!

play tennis

If you haven't watched the Wimbledon movie, you won't understand the intensity of passion that arises between two players. This is a great chance to awaken emotions in each other, driven by sports passion - be sure, any quiet person is liberated on the court. Even if it's her first time out with a racquet, you'll gently show her the basics by standing behind her and gently guiding her hand. And short breaks between blows will allow you to have a very practical conversation (there will be no time for extra words) and find out everything you need about the interlocutor.

Blind a vase

Okay, you can blame us for the lack of personal ideas, but agree that the scene from "Ghost" is just the ideal romantic date. We are talking about the one where Patrick Swayze carefully helps his beloved Demi Moore to bungle a vase to the song of "holy brothers". Or you can take as an example the brilliant parody of her in the series Community. One way or another, even if you do not live in a large city, there are chances to find training courses for the missus, where both of you will be able to create not just a vase or bowl, but a real exotic masterpiece that you can also take home - such a thing will be a great reminder about the first date.

Spy on others

The option is suitable if the girl is as crazy and turned on modern technologies as you are. The essence of the game is simple: you choose the first resident of your city in the social network search and try to find him personally (naturally, without contacting by phone) using a variety of clues, such as his check-ins, hobbies on the page and traces on the network. The result should be a threesome selfie - no matter under what pretext. If you take it seriously and do not give up until the end, you will get a very exciting event. Take erudition, unlimited internet and Sherlock's hat with you.

Find a book in the library

Another, this time already uncomplicated, test of your personal qualities. It's the same game, but more relaxed. You just give each other key tasks like “who will be the first to find the oldest book” or “show me the book you liked as a child” or “what book would you like to write”. In general, invent yourself. The main thing here is that between times you can tell and learn anything about a person. Books are an integral part of our life, and some memories are always associated with them.

Go extreme with her

Another adrenaline rush that will not leave any of you indifferent. But not every one of them is suitable here: a parachute jump is too strong, and rollers cannot be called extreme. Moreover, winter is coming, so we decided to choose kiting - skiing or boarding in the snow with the help of a kite (a thing like a parachute). To race with each other and the wind across a snowy field or the crust of a frozen lake is an incredible feeling that brings together no less than a tennis court. True, for the first time you will have to take a training course at school, because it will not be easy to deal with equipment. But imagine how after the race you sit down at a table with hot tea and dryers and share your impressions with each other - the first ice will crack like a shell.

Evening of improvisations

The option is also not for everyone, but rather for those who are distinguished by their love for art, and even better - knowledge. Just bring your guitar/violin/piano/ and tell your girlfriend to do the same. Tune your strings and play whatever your heart desires. If there are no skills, you can sing along. This is great for liberating and gives you the opportunity to show your creative side. The same goes for art: take albums and give each other tasks like “draw your favorite food” or “draw me in the style of expressionism”. Here skill is not important - the main thing is desire and imagination.

Already bored with banal evenings, walks by the hand, flowers and cinema, then organize an original, memorable date for your loved one.

How to arrange a romantic date for a guy or girl?

Organizing such an amazing, fabulous date today is very simple and there can be many reasons for such an event, for example:

First romantic date, tender glances, quivering touches are very exciting and touching feelings that are remembered for a lifetime. Often such a romantic date suits a young man to his girlfriend, but a girl can also arrange a very good evening for her beloved boyfriend.

Date for two: Nice to propose marriage , you can also celebrate another wedding anniversary or celebrate a date that is very dear to both of you at such a mini holiday.

Surprise your wife or your husband with a pleasant surprise by arranging a wonderful, touching evening. Such an evening will refresh feelings for each other.

Date as a gift to a couple in love

Romantic date ideas and photos

But remember, to organize an ideal date, you need to carefully prepare all the details, if there is no time to organize such a memorable date yourself, then special agencies will come to the rescue, they are in many cities today (in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Rostov, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan These agencies definitely exist.

The most romantic date on the roof

Evening city, flickering light, idyll and delight for two

How to organize:

Prepare a plate of fruit or order sushi and rolls

Delicious wine and glasses

Decorations for the table (candles, flowers) if it is, if not, then take small pillows and a tablecloth.

A large blanket to cover up together on a chilly evening.

If possible, prepare suitable music.

At the end of the evening, you can launch Wish Lanterns or fireworks.

Limousine ride through the city at night

How to organize:

Book a limousine in advance.


Fruits, sushi, canapes

Date on the beach or on the beach

This option is suitable if you have a river, sea or even ocean. For the organization, you need everything that was on a date on the roof. Such a date can be arranged during a joint trip to an exotic country.

Date on a boat

Unusual and original idea. You can take the most romantic shot, like the movie "Titanic"

Date on the ice rink

A date at the skating rink is a great idea for the winter season. You can rent a skating rink to ride just the two of you, and then have a winter picnic with hot tea or mulled wine right in the center.

Fairy tale carriage ride around the city

Immerse yourself in the world of medieval romance, after a walk, organize dinner in a restaurant or at home.

Dinner on the tram

In many large cities there are tram-restaurants, and it is in this that you can organize an unforgettable dinner.

Flying in a hot air balloon or helicopter

Out-of-town horseback riding

Bicycle ride

Romantic dinner in nature

Date at the hotel

Romantic date at home

Romantic candlelit dinner at home

What to cook, how to decorate, how to spend

Romantic evening. What could be better than such an environment to express your feelings or recall them.

If you decide to stay at home and have a romantic dinner, then this article will help you prepare gourmet dishes without special culinary skills and surprise your soulmate.

Romantic dinner for a loved one by candlelight

Holiday for two

How to decorate a room?

Everything should be associated with romance and talk about the upcoming evening. Ideal for this would be to arrange a candlelit dinner for your loved one or loved one. Since red is the color of love, try to pick up the attributes and arrange everything in this color. Perhaps it will be red candles or red napkins, roses.

To arrange a really beautiful, festive atmosphere - do not spare candles, there should be a lot of them. They can be of different shapes or sizes, but the style should be the same.

It is better to put some chocolate hearts wrapped in bright foil on the table.

What to cook for a romantic dinner? Menu and recipes for the evening at home

Here are some candlelit dinner recipes that will come in handy. Since for a romantic dinner all dishes should be light, they should not include onions, garlic and other ingredients that are not in the best way to set up a romantic mood.

Do not forget about aphrodisiac products, it is preferable to make your own menu from these products. What applies to them?
















Salad with shrimp

You will need - 10 shrimp;

A little leaf lettuce;
olive oil;
A couple of pitted olives;
fresh cucumber;
Bulgarian sweet pepper;
A little dill.

First you need to boil the shrimp in boiling water, no more than 5 minutes, otherwise they will become tasteless. We remove the shell from them, sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with fresh dill.

We clean the pepper, cut into strips - not too thin. We clean the cucumber and also cut into strips. Mix everything, add salt to taste and olive oil. Decorate with lettuce and olives, cut into rings. This salad goes great with white wine.

Avocado salad with grapes and ham

For this fairly light and easy-to-make salad, you will need seedless sweet white grapes - up to 20 berries;

Avocado - preferably ripe;
Low-fat ham - 200 grams;
Olive oil; Nutmeg;
Wash the grapes and cut into halves. Then cut the lean ham - it shouldn't be smoked - into small pieces. The smoky flavor will overpower the delicate taste of the avocado. Now peel the avocado, separate the pits, cut into strips or cubes and immediately sprinkle with lemon juice, so the tender flesh does not darken.
After, mix all the ingredients and salt, pepper to taste and season with olive oil.

You can not make salads at all, but prepare small appetizers canapes.

Main dish.

Chicken fillet with pineapples

For this salad, you will need the following list of products:

A little white chicken meat - somewhere around 200 grams;
Bank of canned pineapples;
tangerine juice;
Salt, herbs.
Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes, squeeze out the juice of one tangerine, salt. Now you need to marinate the fillet pieces for 4 hours.
Then, take wooden skewers and string equal-sized pieces of chicken and pineapple on them. When you're done, you need to bake them in the oven. Pour the tangerine juice over the skewers two or three times during baking. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with chopped fresh herbs.

As for dessert

The simplest and easiest option would be light fruit desserts. Do not get carried away with whipped cream or high-calorie cakes - this will reduce your passion.

Chocolate covered bananas with coconut

You will need these products:

2 bananas;
50 grams of dark chocolate;
10 grams of coconut flakes.
Peel bananas, cut into small pieces. Place fruit in the freezer for 40 minutes. Now melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath. Add a teaspoon of skimmed milk.
After 40 minutes, pierce the bananas with a fork and dip into the melted mixture. Sprinkle with shavings after five minutes and serve.


As for drinks, it depends on your preferences. It is advisable not to choose cocktails that mix two or more alcoholic drinks. After them, you can quickly feel a headache.


Prepare a selection of romantic musical compositions in advance.

When to Have a Romantic Evening

Of course, the more often, the better. but special occasions are especially preferred - memorable dates and holidays.

As you can see, nothing complicated. It will be good if you know the preferences of your other half, so it will be easier to guess what dishes to cook, although food and drinks are not the most important thing, but still, it is better if they are present, especially if flowers are present.

ideas for the holiday

What thoughts do you have when the phrase "romantic date" is said? Candles, slow lingering music, subdued lighting, roses, wine in glasses immediately come to mind for many. Or maybe it's a petal bath for you or a picnic by the lake in a secluded place with a beautiful view?

Why do we need romance?

To dates, each of the people has his own, characteristic attitude for him. Someone considers a romantic date to be attributes of the beginning of a relationship or even non-binding flirting. And it happens that the strong half of the couple shows indifference to the woman's attempts to bring romance into the relationship, considering it superfluous.

Of course, men by nature are more focused on serious "male" actions. But when romance disappears from a relationship, tenderness, sensitivity, a subtle feeling of the partner’s state disappear with it, as if glued - those small particles that fill, like putty, the gaps between the bricks of male actions, making the relationship strong and indestructible. Yes, and our personalities, after all, are made up of little things, for which we subsequently love each other more and more.

So it is worth forgetting about what romance and tenderness are - and the relationship from this as a whole becomes less tasty and more insipid, ordinary, the feeling of celebration and emotional upsurge disappears.

Women are the first to feel it, of course, because of their sensitivity and subtlety of perception. But sooner or later, the lack of romance is reflected in a man, especially if he does not live exclusively by work and his own interests.

What to do?

We propose to arrange a romantic date. Some women get upset because they think that a man might not want "such nonsense." However, men are the same children in this regard. The main thing is to interest them, and when a man is interested, and even if you yourself enjoy it, he will most likely want to arrange such surprises for you in the future.

Some ladies, by the way, mistakenly assume that it is their man who is not at all prone to romance. However, first check if this is true, or if it's just your speculation. You can ask a man to invite you on a romantic date, tell you what you would like. But there are also cases when it is useless to force a man or wait for initiative from him. Then you don’t need to be angry with him, because he also puts a part of himself into your relationship, just in a different aspect. And it will be easier for you to take on romance. Don't be afraid to take the initiative!

You may be afraid that the man you love will reject your initiative, calling your act stupidity, and this may hurt you. However, if you do it right, a romantic date can rediscover each other's personalities and breathe fire into an already established routine.

What should be considered when preparing a date with your man?

The most important thing when preparing to spend time together in a romantic setting is not to be selfish. As women, we often forget that relationships are not just about satisfying our own needs. Surely you are aware that there are two of you in a relationship.

You certainly need to get pleasure, but the interests of a man should not be neglected either. In addition, when you strive to create something for your soulmate, in addition to enjoying the process, you will also be rewarded with his gratitude for taking care of him. But you must admit, to please loved ones is an extremely pleasant experience.

Do not forget, please, that a man, like us, has only 24 hours in a day. And during this period, he still needs to earn money in order to provide for you. It is a good idea to take into account the preferences of the man. For example, if he hates sushi, there is no need to spoil his impression of the evening. Eliminate everything that makes him dislike.
It will be absolutely wonderful if you manage to include attributes of his hobbies in a date. Does he get tired of driving all day long? Hire a driver or order a taxi as your transport. Does your loved one like football? You can have fun by dressing up in a jersey of the club that he supports - if, of course, this form of clothing is appropriate. We will talk about ideas below.

How to choose the time?

Take into account the busyness of your lover, for example, you should not plan a date for the evening when he is overwhelmed with work or is so tired that he wants to spend the evening at home. It is best to agree in advance and choose a day when both you and he have a calm, relaxed state - for example, on Friday evening or Saturday morning.

How to invite a man?

You can directly communicate that you want to spend time together in a romantic setting. But it will be much more interesting to hint that you are preparing "something special", as well as to add "a few" spoilers, dropping a phrase like "I'm sure you will never forget this evening." If you are preparing something themed, you can make an invitation card. Also, a funny idea with the overtones of intrigue can be an SMS or email sent to his mobile phone, informing him in the James Bond style of the place and time of the meeting (call signs and passwords are optional).

The invitation should leave some intrigue, without this a romantic date can turn into something ordinary. So connect your imagination, but first - plan the event itself.

Decide on a theme!

It's a great way to say "I love you" in action language. In the sitcom The Big Bang Theory, this is exactly how Amy evoked Sheldon's feelings - she organized a hated Valentine's Day in a train compartment, because her boyfriend loves trains.

The theme of the date sets the tone for him and predisposes him to the direction of the conversation. It is for this reason that many men hate gatherings among candles and roses - they have no idea what to talk about. After all, not everyone can cheerfully quote Yesenin or shower the object of adoration with compliments.

And besides, in a familiar environment, a person is more liberated and more strongly manifests himself as a person. On a romantic date, this also means expressing feelings towards you - after all, feelings are also part of the personality of your loved one.

Break stereotypes - devote a romantic date to getting to know each other better, to become a little closer. This can be done by choosing a topic of interest.

  • Football date
    In addition to putting on the appropriate form, you can set the table using sports attributes. Napkins, plates, figurines of players. You can also rent a board game and have fun - of course, if you are also interested in it.
  • tourist vacation
    A picnic in nature is wonderful. In this case, nature itself forms a wonderful atmosphere for you. Well, what if it's winter? Or there is no time to go out of town, or you cannot use the car for any reason?
    Have a picnic at home on the floor. Build a tent out of chairs, place potted plants around it - that's the natural environment for you. Candles and a crackling campfire track or forest sounds will add naturalism and a sense of presence.
  • Car enthusiast picnic
    And how do you like the idea of ​​​​arranging a picnic right in the car? Of course, not everyone will like it. Again, do not forget to ask the man how he will react to this.
  • Sea of ​​lights
    Is New Year's Eve coming soon? A romantic date with a bunch of candles will help add festivity to the relationship. In this case, you need to take into account that candles actively burn oxygen, so make sure that you can open a window or otherwise ventilate the air.
    Candles can be replaced with electric candles, as well as garlands to decorate the Christmas tree, hung here and there. It is important not to overdo it with garlands: you should not choose flickering bulbs that are too colorful, take calmer and more monophonic ones - otherwise the flickering lights will quickly annoy you.
    Lights, by the way, are a great material to make a symbolic gift by laying out a heart or, for example, your names on the floor or under the window.
  • Date 18+
    Here we are not talking about banal intimacy. Find out in advance which image seems attractive to your chosen one, as well as to you. Adult stores now offer a huge selection of attributes for themed dates. It is also a great choice if you have been mired in everyday life or worries lately. The role-playing game will entertain you and you will have a pleasant and fun time.
    If you feel a little uncomfortable, just imagine yourself as the heroine you are portraying. Don't take the game too seriously, relax, feel like a child, don't focus on seducing your man, rather be funny. Erotically, you will turn him on anyway - after all, he himself has already told you what exactly he would like to see in bed (in the kitchen, on the balcony, etc.).
  • For intellectuals
    Men who love riddles may like some kind of intellectual game. You need to choose the degree of difficulty in advance.
    Variants of such activities include: searching for a “treasure” using notes with tasks, quests, games for undressing, for the development of intuition.
  • Give sensations!
    Touch is an extremely valuable thing in a romantic relationship. If you are missing them, try an interesting date option that also activates the growth of trust between you.
    The idea is that one person puts on a blindfold while the other feeds him. You can show in advance what you are going to treat your loved one to. And you can play taster. You can then switch roles if you wish.
    Checked: this game allows you to look at each other as if with new eyes.
  • Meeting place change: need!
    For those who have noticed that life has switched to a “home-work” mode, we advise you to arrange a date in an unusual or simply not typical place for your couple. An example would be a city park, a rooftop or even your own balcony! You can decorate everything according to your preferences.
  • Winter fun
    In winter, do not neglect such a wonderful material as snow. Go to the ice city. Or build your own mini-cafe in the open air - make chairs and a table (do not forget to cover it with warm capes so as not to catch a cold), and after drinking coffee from a thermos, go for a ride on an ice sled. Falling into childhood is guaranteed.
  • Photoshoot
    Such a date is more to the liking of a girl. However, let's say if you choose an interior that takes into account the taste of a man, he can also enjoy it. For example, a photo session in a karting club or, for example, while playing billiards, can become original. Another example of such a date would be horseback riding.
    The main thing is to dress appropriately and tune in to get positive emotions not only from the shooting process, but also from the game. You can shoot both on your own and hire a photographer - here already proceed from the budget.
  • extreme romance
    Ideas about romance, as already mentioned, everyone has their own. Perhaps the most romantic place for you is the sky. Then go jump with a parachute, ride a small plane or soar on a paraglider. Such a joint adventure will charge you with adrenaline to the eyeballs, add passion for a long time. And yet - these are unforgettable extreme sensations experienced together!
  • Joint relaxation
    Had a tough week? The sensitive hands of masseurs and body wraps in the spa will help you discharge and make room inside for a new energy flow. Girls know this firsthand, but men do not understand everything, how you can perfectly relax together in the salon.
    It is advisable to exclude from the list of procedures those that cause discomfort to your man. For example, if he categorically does not do a professional manicure, do not insist on varnishing his nails. After all, your goal is not to strain it, but to help relax.
  • New me
    Let the man discover himself from a new side. Learn a dance, such as strip or oriental. Write a song for him. Or give him some special massage. Any man will appreciate a woman's attempt to learn how to please him. No one expects you to do it at the highest level, it is enough to show care and how you present it.
    Dating brings variety to relationships, deepens mutual understanding and sensuality. This is the part of the relationship that should never be neglected, no matter how long you have been together - 2 months or 2 years. Love each other and find new ways to enjoy life together.