The first impression, or what can you say about a person in a couple of seconds. You Never Get a Second Opportunity to Make a First Impression - Rules for Making a First Impression

1. In all situations, behave naturally.

2. Don't go to extremes. If you are too tense and constrained, the first impression of you is clearly not the best. If, on the contrary, you are too relaxed or familiar, then you can offend the interlocutor with your behavior.

3. You should not be too serious and pretend to be a very smart and busy person.

4. Show interest in other people, in their affairs and problems.

5. Be discreet and tactful.

6. Express your sincere approval. Take note of everything that you like about the person and tell him about it.

7. Give more compliments.

If you want to win over a person who treats you negatively, compliment him about his abilities that you do not have. Compliments require special tact. Any compliment should be without double meaning, so that your assessment cannot be interpreted as both positive and negative.

If you give a disproportionately high assessment of any quality of the interlocutor, then your compliment will sound derisive and will be perceived as an insult. In no case should a compliment be made about those qualities that a person is trying to get rid of.

Sincere, free from exaggeration, compliments are always pleasant.

In some cases, an unspoken compliment can border on impolite, for example, if you do not know how to appreciate the dishes prepared by the hostess or other manifestations of her attention with love.

Compliments quite often relate to the appearance of the interlocutor, and therefore each compliment sentence usually includes a positive evaluative adverb - good, beautiful, wonderful or great:

You (you) look good (look great, fashionable, great) (look).

You (you) look very good (look)!

You (you) look good (look) today!

If you want to emphasize some character traits or behavior of the interlocutor, use adverbs - very much, just like the adjective - which:

You (you) are very (so) smart (smart, smart)! _ How are you (you) smart - (smart, smart)!

What are you (you) smart (smart)!

You (you) have a wonderful character.

You (you) have an exquisite taste.

It's interesting to talk to you.

When meeting after a long separation, benevolent people celebrate good appearance their friends:

You (you) do not change (eat), do not get old - (eat), you all get younger (eat).

You (you) will not give your (your) years.

A positive assessment of the interlocutor's professional qualities can also sound like a compliment:

You (you) are such a good specialist ...

Any compliment presupposes an expression of gratitude in return:


Thanks for the compliment!

I'm very pleased.

Glad to hear it.

I glad to hear it.

A reciprocal compliment can also be made regarding the appearance, clothing of the interlocutor, or repeating what he said:

You (you) look good too (look).

And you (you) have a beautiful suit

I can say the same about you (you).

The same can be said about you (you).

8. Listen carefully to the interlocutor. Observe his non-verbal behavior.

9. Try to find something in common between yourself and your interlocutor. Never look for differences. People love to communicate with those to whom they have sympathy, who are similar to them, then communication allows you to feel inner harmony.

In psychology, there is such a thing as pacing or reflection. In order for the relationship to be smooth, free, open, reliable, you need to try to create an atmosphere of "reflection", in which everything that your interlocutor does, hears, seems to him to be correct. It is important to show in communication those aspects of your character that are closest to the interlocutor. Use pacing sparingly. This can be achieved in three ways:

a) through body language: gestures, posture, gait, facial expression, breathing, clothing;

c) through feelings.

The most striking example of unconscious pacing is the relationship between lovers. They repeat each other in everything. They speak the same way, use the same words, have the same opinion, and so on.

10. Show only positive signs of attention, such as praise, gratitude, a grateful look, and the like. Positive signs of attention will bring joy to your interlocutor, strengthen his faith in his strength.

A person who receives too few positive tokens shows discontent towards everyone around them. He blames conductors, bosses, and the government for his bad life, and often gets depressed.

Avoid negative signs of attention, such as a disdainful look, a shrug, disbelief, ingratitude, or ridicule.

11. Gestures and postures of a person can make both a pleasant and a reverse impression on the interlocutor.

Many gestures are not fixed by consciousness, but fully convey the mood and thoughts of a person.

The raised shoulders of your interlocutor indicate that he is tense, feels the danger coming from you.

Raised shoulders and a lowered head indicate that your interlocutor is closed. He is either unsure of himself, or afraid of something, or dissatisfied with your conversation, or feels humiliated.

Dropped shoulders and raised head are evidence that your interlocutor is set for success, he is in control of the situation.

Head tilted to one side - your interlocutor is interested.

Rubbing the century - your interlocutor is telling a lie.

There are several basic gestures and postures that convey the inner state of a person.

Gestures of openness help to win over the interlocutor, call him into a frank conversation and leave him with the most favorable impression of himself. Openness gestures include the “open arms” gesture, when the interlocutor stretches his hands, palms up, and the “unbuttoning jacket” gesture. When agreement is reached between the interlocutors, they involuntarily unbutton their jackets.

Signs of suspicion and secrecy indicate that a person is not in the mood for a conversation. These gestures include rubbing of the forehead, temples, chin, involuntary covering of the face with hands. If the interlocutor looks away, this is the clearest indicator that he is hiding something.

Defense gestures and postures indicate that the person feels danger or threat from you. The most common defensive gesture is the arms crossed over the chest.

If your interlocutor has crossed his arms, then it is better to end the conversation. And if, in addition, he clenched his palms into fists, then this indicates his extremely hostile mood. In this case, you need to slow down your speech, and it is best to change the topic of conversation.

Reflection and appreciation gestures indicate that the conversation has piqued the interest of the partner. Reflection gestures include the "pinching the bridge of the nose" gesture, the "thinker" posture, when the interlocutor rests his cheek with his hand.

Gestures of doubt and uncertainty indicate that the interlocutor is unclear about something in the conversation or that your arguments seem unconvincing to him. Such gestures include scratching the place under the earlobe or the side of the neck with the index finger of the right hand, rubbing the nose with the index finger.

An offended person often raises his shoulders and lowers his head. If your interlocutor has taken exactly this position, then the topic of conversation should be changed.

Gestures and postures that express aggressiveness include tightly intertwined fingers, especially if the hands are on the knees, fists are clenched. The harder a person clenches his fists, the higher the degree of his internal arousal.

Gestures and postures expressing irritation - touching the nose or lightly rubbing it; coughing.

The gestures and postures that testify to the confidence of the interlocutor include postures: the hands are connected by the tips of the fingers, while the palms are not in contact; the body is tilted slightly forward, and the hands are on the hips; the chin is raised high.

They say about disappointment: scratching the back of the head; unbuttoning the collar of the shirt; tapping your foot on the floor.

The person seeking to end the conversation lowers his eyelids. If your interlocutor wears glasses, then he will take off his glasses and put them aside.

When your interlocutor scratches his ear or sips on his earlobe, it means that he is tired of listening and wants to speak himself.

If your interlocutor walks around the room, then this can be regarded as the fact that the conversation interests him, but he needs to think before making a decision.

If your interlocutor, while standing, rests his hands on a table or chair, it means that he is not sure whether you are listening to him carefully.

A self-confident person who wants to show his superiority over others can be recognized by gestures - “placing hands behind the back with a grasp of the wrist” and “placing hands behind the head”. It is very difficult to communicate with such a person. If you want to position him towards you, then lean forward a little with outstretched palms and ask him to explain something to you. Another way is to copy the gesture.

The smug and arrogant man puts his hands together.

If your interlocutor suddenly began to collect fluff from his clothes, while he turned away from you or looks at the floor, this means that he does not agree with you and does not want to express his opinion.

A person who, during a conversation, holds on to the side edges of a chair with his hands or his hands are on his knees, does not want to continue the conversation. You should stop the conversation, then you will leave a pleasant impression of yourself.

If your interlocutor smokes, then by the way he releases smoke, you can determine his attitude towards you and your conversation. The smoke is constantly released upward, which means that the partner is positive and he likes the conversation. The smoke is directed downward, the partner, on the contrary, is negatively disposed, and the faster he releases the smoke, the more the conversation is unpleasant for him.

You can determine the state of a person by gait. A person who keeps his hands in his pockets or waves them strongly, looks at his feet, is in a depressed state. Walking quickly with waving arms speaks of self-confidence. A person who walks with his head up, while energetically waving his arms, is arrogant and arrogant. Hands clasped behind the back and a lowered head indicate concern.

12. The state of a person is eloquently evidenced by his facial expressions. Tightly compressed lips indicate isolation. The drooping corners of the mouth show frustration.

During the conversation, try to visually draw a triangle on your partner's face that you should be looking into. This will help you concentrate as much as possible.

13. In order to be considered a well-mannered person, you will have to get rid of such qualities as excessive curiosity, hot temper, resentment and vanity.

Curiosity is inherent in every person. Healthy curiosity broadens one's horizons and promotes intellectual development. However, if a person begins to take an interest in other people's affairs, eavesdropping on conversations, peeping through the keyholes, then such curiosity is a manifestation of extreme bad manners. It interferes with communication between people.

Hot temper will never help to win over the interlocutor. A person who does not know how to argue without switching to raised tones destroys the relationship. Do not justify hot temper by your natural weakness, hot temper is a lack of upbringing.

Sensitivity annoys others. Anyone in the presence of a touchy interlocutor feels tension. He has to constantly monitor himself so as not to inadvertently hurt his interlocutor with anything. A resentful person, complaining about an unhappy life, easily infects others with his bad mood.

Vanity is one of the worst vices. Often, vain people occupy leadership positions, are endowed with a certain power. They need constant confirmation of their superiority over others. If you find signs of this disease in yourself, try to get rid of it before it becomes chronic.

There are many versions of the first impression. Does it matter, is it possible to change it. This is discussed in the article.

  • How we evaluate people, our subjective opinion about them, and depends on who we are. As a rule, we see in people those character traits that are in ourselves. At the same time, usually these are some negative qualities: envy, anger, laziness, pretense. That is, if a person has, for example, a large amount of anger, then he will also consider other people to be evil, cruel, aggressive
  • If a person often deceives other people, or dreams of deceiving, then it will seem to him that all the people around him want to “cheat” him in turn. If a person is honest with himself and those around him, then it would never occur to him that he could be fooled somewhere. This is not a matter of naivety. Very often, such people are not at all kind and do not live in "pink glasses", but they cannot foresee cases when they are used or deceived
  • This is due to the fact that we interpret human behavior in relation to our own behavior. In other words, our subconscious (or unconscious) always asks itself: "How would I do?" And from other people we expect the same actions that we could have done ourselves

What are the criteria for evaluating a person in the first place?

People evaluate each other according to the following parameters:

  • appearance
  • level of education, availability of diplomas, certificates
  • mental capacity
  • material condition
  • social behavior and social circle
  • character (strengths / weaknesses)

This is a short list. It lists the main factors in the assessment of a person by a person. Of course, now it is customary to cook that appearance is not the main thing, but it has been scientifically proven that the first impression on a person is made by the appearance of the interlocutor.

Some people first of all pay attention to some particular traits. It can be hair, the shape of the nose, shoes, the color of the lipstick, even the shape of the eyebrows plays a role. Other people perceive the whole image at once.

  • The first to understand whether they like a person or not, just a second glance at what is paramount for them (hair, nails, shoes, jacket) is enough. After that, they usually already understand how the communication will proceed, and whether it will be at all
  • It is much easier for people who know how to perceive the whole image. For example, a person may have an imperfect nose shape, but clean ironed clothes from the latest collection of a fashion designer. Most likely, such a person will make an extremely positive impression.
  • There is a small percentage of people who do not have a certain experience until they have personally interacted with the person. They do not care how a person looks, what his hair color is, what he is wearing. For him, his intellectual abilities or character are important. But, for people of this type, it is enough to talk with a person for 5 minutes in order to understand who is in front of him
  • A person is inclined to judge other people based on someone else's opinion. Someone said something to someone, here's a new opinion. Therefore, it turns out that without knowing a person, we already hate or adore him.
  • Many people rate a person by their voice. In their opinion, in the voice of a person lies his entire life path and character.

Is a person judged by their appearance?

  • As mentioned above, some people tend to evaluate other people solely by their appearance, without delving into their problems and intellectual capabilities.
  • Unfortunately for such people, a person's image can change dramatically during the day. For example, in the morning a woman walks around the house disheveled, with a mug of coffee and a stretched T-shirt. If a neighbor sees her at this moment, he will consider this woman a slob and will be disgusted with her.
  • But an hour later, the woman puts herself in order, puts on beautiful shoes, an office suit consisting of a fitted jacket and a pencil skirt, puts her hair into a neat hairstyle, does austere make-up. The same neighbor, seeing such a woman, will think that she is a real bitch with a snake-like character, cold and calculating
  • In the evening, a woman returns from work, puts on a luxurious short dress, looses her curls, does bright makeup and goes to the club. This time, the neighbor will think that his neighbor is too vulgar and superficial.
  • And if, instead of a club, a woman goes on a date and puts on a more closed dress, puts her hair in a less lush hairstyle, does not so bright makeup, then a neighbor will say that she boasts of her wealth to the whole world or is looking for a rich companion for herself, that she is usually slovenly calculating bitch, and now she dressed up for the sake of the case

From this example, it is very easy to conclude that a person is judged by his appearance very, very often. However, this hardly has anything to do with the truth.

First impression of a person

  • There is an opinion that the first impression about a person is the most correct. But is it
  • From the examples given earlier in the article, it is clear that people judge each other not always objectively. Therefore, it makes sense to be upset if, in the first minute of meeting a person, he did not like you, there is not much
  • A certain part of people can easily change their impression within a few hours, or even days, dating

Appearance and first impression

  • Don't miss the opportunity to make a good first impression with your looks. It is clear that each person has their own tastes and preferences. It is basically impossible to please everyone
  • Nevertheless, in order to form a good opinion of yourself at the first meeting, it is enough to "join" the team, if the acquaintance occurs immediately with a group of people. It is useful to know what these people are passionate about in order to show them your interest in their activities. Your appearance should also match the general style.
  • If you get to know a person 1 on 1, you should not put pressure on him and show your "I". Yes, even your appearance can scream, “Look at me! I'm in charge here! " There is nothing better than natural

The first impression of a man

It's easy enough to make a positive first impression on a man, contrary to public opinion.

First of all, men pay attention to:

  1. figure, especially in the "back view"
  2. manner of communication
  3. posture
  4. hair
  5. nails. Very long or dirty nails scare off men
  6. clothes

You don't have to jump around for hours to make a good impression on a man. It is enough to be direct and natural in communication with him. Don't be vulgar or overly rude. In men, it is useful to forgive help in some situations, even if you do not really need it. But do not ask them to calculate the cost of products for you, for example. You make yourself look stupid.

Many men don't like very bright colors in clothes and makeup. This evokes the corresponding associations in them. But grooming and femininity are liked by the overwhelming majority of men.

It is very difficult to change a man's first impression of himself. Unlike women, men are more logical and consistent. But they cannot think as flexibly as a woman. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to change the first impression.

How do you form a positive first impression?

There are certain rules that will help you leave a good impression of yourself after almost every acquaintance:

In fact, you can change your impression of yourself. But this will already be the second, third or fourth impression. But the first impression leaves a mark on all further communication. Especially in the early stages.

Of course, people tend to change, but when hiring, the employer will judge you at a given time, he does not care much about what you will be in 5 or 10 years. He chooses an employee now, which means he judges you in the present tense. Therefore, it is always important to look good, because there is no second chance to make a first impression.

First impression errors

It is worth remembering that what we see depends on how we look. It is worth looking at a person a little differently, and from an arrogant arrogant type, he turns into a sweet smiling young man, always ready to help.

Due to a lack of life experience or knowledge, a person very often judges incorrectly. The article previously gave an example with a neighbor and a girl. Such a neighbor is just an example of a narrow-minded and petty person. Of course, you should not be guided by the opinion of such people. If you recognize yourself in the person of your neighbor, immediately change your views on the world. And first of all, assess your mistakes.

First impressions are deceiving

First impressions are deceiving for people who are used to not changing their minds about people. Those with flexible minds are able to evaluate a person correctly and see in him who he really is.

You can dress as you like. Dye your hair any color. The person will not change from this. He won't get any stupider or smarter. But the opinion about him with each of his transformations will change in the diametrically opposite direction.

Video: How to make a first impression

A bit wrong ... How to make good first impression to hook a man?

I don’t want to start this article with trivial things like “the first impression is important”, “they are greeted by their clothes, but escorted by their minds,” “there will be no second chance to make a first impression,” and so on. - you've already heard it all a hundred thousand times.

The problem is not that someone does not know what they are greeted by their clothes, but that many do not want to admit it.

Also, quite often such postulates concerning the first impression are perceived by a certain category of girls with internal aggression: this should not be so, it is unfair! “After all, I’m so smart and you can talk to me about everything, and everyone is led by her pretty face…” - and, accordingly, every guy who only pecks at a pretty wrapper automatically replenishes the ranks of the goats.

It is generally accepted that in order to make a good first impression, you must definitely stand out with something, have some kind of zest, "crazy". But today you can safely play on the fact that it is not so easy to meet girls who look great and behave with dignity and adequacy when communicating with a man.

And this alone may well become your highlight, because a man will already be surprised by this: “Wow, beautiful, graceful, pleasant to talk to, with a sense of humor and not strange - does it happen? We also need to talk and check "

By the way, I'm not saying at all that if you don't do all this, then it's impossible to meet a good man. But I say that it greatly increases the chances.

Do you want to know how to behave on the first date? You will find very clear and specific advice in aster-class "The ideal date with a man: what to do and say?" from Pavel Rakov.

Dear girls, if you have something to add or want to fix something in my table, write in the comments!

Previous post

Is it true that first impression of a person the most correct? Or, conversely, is the one who says that the first impression is deceiving is right? How to make a good first impression and at the same time get the right idea of ​​the person?

Numerous experiments and studies carried out in the West indicate that the first impression of a person is the most accurate and true. Experts say that it takes us up to 4 minutes to determine our attitude to a stranger, to determine the degree of his attractiveness.

It's hard to argue here, most of us all pay attention to the first impression, and it is this that affects our further perception of a person. If you one hundred percent trust your instinct, your intuition, then you will not open up to a person who did not like you at first sight. Therefore, if it is important for you to establish the necessary connections, to strike up an acquaintance with a specific person, pay attention to creating a good first impression.

How to make a first impression

To make a good first impression on a particular person, the main thing to know is that a person chooses friends for himself in his own image. That is, whether a person has sympathy for you or not depends on the degree of similarity of your characters, interests and outlook on life. Even outward resemblance affects the first impression. Therefore, the moment of adjustment for the interlocutor is important here (you can learn more about what the connection technique is from the article - " Ways to manipulate a person»).

Knowing the person in absentia, you can prepare for the meeting. But there are also universal first impression rules, to know and take into account which, in order to present yourself in the best light, is beneficial and useful.

Pay attention to your appearance

The appearance and image of a person is what we pay attention to in the first place.

An important component of appearance design is the style of clothing, which is considered as an image of a person's own "I". Evaluating a person's clothing style, and making up the first impression about him, we pay attention to such features as:

  • Tidiness of clothes. A poorly dressed person usually evokes sympathy and a desire to help him, and a slovenly and unkempt person usually evokes rejection and disgust;
  • Appropriateness of clothing to the situation. It is clear that a tracksuit is not suitable for a business meeting, it looks ridiculous and may cause distrust among others. It’s just as ridiculous to go to the club in a three-piece suit, or to a dinner party in ripped jeans.
  • Compliance with established stereotypes. If you are a representative of the business world, give preference to a conservative style, but if you are a person of a creative profession, your appearance should speak of independence and individuality.

Assessing the attractiveness of a person, and forming the first impression about him, many pay attention to his face (look, smile, expression). An expressive face that radiates calmness, confidence and benevolence is considered attractive.

Posture plays an important role in the formation of the first impression. Good posture speaks of a person's confidence and optimism, of his inner strength. Poor posture is a manifestation of low self-esteem, subordination, and dependence.

An important factor in the first impression is movement and gestures. What you do not talk about manifests itself in them. A person can be seen tensely or freely by his gait. Gestures, body reactions will betray your temperament and state of mind.

  • Open gestures speak of a desire for communication, of psychological openness. They appear in uncrossed and open positions of arms and legs, in a slightly raised head. When the hands are in motion, these gestures are usually soft, flowing and rounded.
  • Closed gestures indicate psychological closeness. They appear in the crossing of arms and legs, in the "lock pose", when the fingers are clenched into a fist. The head is lowered, the gaze is sullen, hands can be hidden (under the table, in pockets, behind the back, etc.), all this looks like a defensive position.

Harmony in appearance, as you understand it, is a combination of many different factors. Consider this when making contact with people.

In many ways, the voice is a reflection of a person's character. The way we speak affects our image in the eyes of others. We subconsciously, if not consciously, associate the sound of the voice with specific characteristics of the personality. Even in moments when we do not see the interlocutor, but only hear him (for example, talking on the phone), we still form some kind of idea about him.

A shrill voice is associated with a person's hysteria and imbalance. Fast and confused speech betrays an insecure person. The languor of the voice says that the person is sensual, but cautious. A fool may seem one whose voice sounds sluggish. A clear voice indicates a positive attitude, cheerfulness. And the voice of some people is so beautiful that you don't even understand what they are saying.

Much of the first impression we get from the rhythm of speech and the timbre of the voice. In addition, by analyzing the style and content, it is easy to get an idea of ​​the cultural level of a person. Also, by the voice you can judge about human life experience, about the degree of its development.

Learn to present yourself correctly

People rarely use self-promotion and self-promotion in order to declare yourself. This is critical to making a positive first impression. Self-presentation is the ability to focus the attention of the people around you on your obvious merits and to divert attention from your shortcomings. But you should not immediately talk about all your merits and merits, it is better to try to win the favor of your new acquaintance with eloquence, originality of judgments, wit.

Show genuine interest in the other person

Dale Carnegie said that the most significant person for any person is himself. So, when deciding to show off your charm, show genuine interest in the person you are chatting with. Ask him a couple of minor questions and be prepared to listen to a detailed answer (this is useful here ability to listen to the interlocutor), don't interrupt. Show that you are interested in what he has to say. Be nice, but don't be fawning!

Don't be intrusive

Do not rush things, for the first meeting it will be enough to have a neutral - restrained conversation. Do not immediately perplex the person with requests or offer anything. If the interlocutor says to you "Goodbye, I was glad to meet you", do not insist on continuing the conversation.

Don't be fooled, only speak the truth

If you do not know the answer to the question asked, honestly admit it. Such frankness makes a good first impression and only commands respect. Do not ascribe to yourself non-existent qualities and dignities, all the same in the future you will have to admit that at the first meeting you exaggerated somewhat.

You won't get a second chance to make a first impression. It doesn't matter whether job interview, business meeting or first date, remember that first impression will remain for a long time, and it will take a long time before new information can change it.

P.S. Each of us has had a wrong first impression. It happens that at first people appear before us almost in the guise of an angel, but for testing they turn out to be unworthy. And vice versa, a person who did not make a decent impression on us in the beginning, later becomes a best friend. No one is immune from a mistake, but in order to avoid it, a person must be given a second chance, no matter what the first impression was created about him.

P.S.S. People who are accustomed to judging a person by specific deeds do not pay much attention to the first impression. This must also be taken into account.

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At any meeting, it is extremely important to make a good impression on the interlocutor, because, as you know, it is very difficult to change. Success in personal life and professional activity depends on this. In this article, we'll go over a few rules to help you get in touch with someone new to you and leave a good impression.

There is a so-called. This is an opinion about a person, which was formed in the subject in the first minutes of the meeting and influences the further assessment of his activities and personality. When you are in a company unfamiliar to you, you involuntarily pay attention to the one who confidently holds up and talks, who owns his own and the body. This behavior generates respect and a desire to enter into a conversation with him.

The first impression depends on the following factors:

  • The ability to control the body - gestures, gaze, gait, posture, facial expressions.
  • Voice and intonation - timbre, voice confidence, or excitement.
  • The meaning of the spoken words. This factor matters not in the first minutes of acquaintance, but after a while.

There are several rules to follow.

Don't try to make a good impression

Yes exactly. Everything goes completely wrong if you are trying to make a good impression. You will not be able to relax, because instead of maintaining a pleasant conversation, you will think about how not to lose face. You will stop paying attention to the interlocutor if you are absorbed in yourself, your reactions, facial expressions, gestures and behavior.

Be yourself

Perhaps the most significant impression of another person would be something like "He was himself." Of course, this does not negate the fact that you need to learn skills and techniques and develop in order to become even better.

Hypocrisy is noticed instantly by people, even if they cannot explain it in words. The other person will feel embarrassed if your words are at odds with your demeanor or when your sad mood is combined with a forced smile. In the latter case, you need to learn how to cheer yourself up.

Not all events you are invited to are worth going to if you feel uncomfortable there. To be present in order to please people is not entirely correct, because hypocrisy is already inherent in this very action. Go to events that you yourself like, because there you can be yourself.

Learn to enjoy communication

Things can go wrong if you don't like people and the way you communicate with them. What to do? Study, learn to find the inner one, because first of all you need it. As already mentioned, people feel false and hypocritical, so you need to learn not to fake emotions, but to actually experience them. To be friendlier, more smiling, more fun.

Social media has raised a lot of introverts to fix this, work on yourself. After some time, you will realize that you enjoy the very process of communication and understanding people. Learn to listen and tell interesting stories.

If you get genuine pleasure from communication, everything will work out by itself. You will no longer need to artificially try to make a good impression, it will be formed without your participation. However, this requires a lot of work on yourself.

This does not mean that you have to be able to show the good sides, which in fact are not. You just need to make sure that the person perceives you as real. Many, probably, can remember a situation when they did not mean at all what was perceived. Our words and facial expressions in these seconds may not be combined, so the interlocutor may misunderstand you.

Consider how other people see you as a person. If you consider yourself cheerful, but others do not, then how to make them see in you the soul of a company and a positive person? How to harmonize internal and external factors? How to learn to dress in such a way that it fully meets your opinion about yourself? When you answer all these questions, you will begin to understand how you look in the eyes of other people and there will no longer be a situation in which you have been misunderstood and appreciated.

Think about why people should communicate with you.

This is also quite natural. People appreciate those they are interested in. And if, when meeting you, you do not even understand how to arrange and how to attract a person, difficulties begin. When you think about what you can give to other people, it does not make you a hypocrite. This allows you, at least sometimes, to stop being selfish and not demand a good attitude towards yourself from scratch.

People appreciate unobtrusiveness, friendly disposition,. They do not like to argue (although they argue), they hate criticism that hurts their pride. These moments are only amplified when it comes to acquaintance. Therefore, thinking about the comfort of your interlocutor is a completely normal process and this is what it means to be able to communicate with people. Do not wait for the moment when your interlocutor himself will offer you an interesting topic - suggest it yourself.

What ways do you know to make a good first impression? Share this with us in the comments.