The most unusual New Year's traditions in the world. Interesting New Year's traditions of different countries and peoples of the world

Until the most beloved holiday for many - the New Year - there are only a few hours left. What needs to be done during these hours so that the whole year passes happily? Your attention - the signs of different countries.


To stock up on good luck for the whole year in this country, you must definitely listen to the ringing of the “Bell of Peace” at St. Stephen's Cathedral and touch the chimney sweep - certainly stained with soot.

From food for these purposes, a jellied pig is suitable - a piece of snout or head will provide you with prosperity and happiness for the whole year. But it is better to avoid crustaceans on New Year's Eve - you will “backward” all year.

Great Britain

The British are known as great admirers of all sorts of traditions and superstitions. The Christmas set includes the following:

  • Do not take anything out of the house on New Year's Eve - to trouble.

  • Buffet and purse must be filled with something - otherwise the whole year will pass in poverty.

  • At the last minute, look closely at Big Ben - the plan will come true.

  • Hang mistletoe around the house and, as soon as you meet a person of the opposite sex under it, kiss him: luck is guaranteed for both for the whole year. And if lovers kiss like that, their relationship will be very happy all year.

  • And finally, with the first strike of the clock, open the back door - release the old year, and with the 12th - the front door, so that the New Year enters the house. And it would be nice if the first person to enter that door after the new year was a brunette - fortunately.


The Germans are simpler in this matter: jump into the new year to the sound of the clock (for this it is enough to jump off the chair, but if you want to climb higher, it is not forbidden) - and you will be happy.


Another country with many superstitions. Let's name the most popular:

  • First of all, they are sure that if you celebrate the New Year in red underwear, it will certainly bring good luck (and this applies to men, women, and even small children).

  • Caviar on the New Year's table - to wealth.

  • Much attention is also paid to who you will meet first in the coming year: a man - to good luck, a woman - on the contrary, to bad luck, a priest - to death within a year, a policeman - to problems with the law, and a hunchbacked old man - to great happiness.

But the tradition of throwing everything old out the window is becoming more and more a thing of the past. More often they are limited to simply putting on new clothes on January 1st.


The heirs of the culture of Ancient Hellas have a whole ritual for the new year: on the first day of the coming year, you must definitely go outside with the whole family, find the most beautiful branch with leaves, break it, bring it into the house, dry it, make a fire in the fireplace on the fifth day, make a wish and throw dry branches into the fire in turn - whose will flare up brighter, his wish will come true.


In this country, they monitor the direction of the wind on New Year's Eve: the south blows - to warmth and growth, the west - to a large number of fish in the sea, the north - to cold and storms, the east means that there will be many fruits on the trees.


The Vietnamese love it when guests come to the house (the first guest of the year brings happiness to the house) and trees bloom (if an apricot blossoms on the first day of the year, the house will be protected from dark forces).

And on the first day of the year, an apple, coconut, papaya and mango are placed on the family altar - the names of these fruits in the South Vietnamese dialect are very consonant with the phrase "We ask that the family have enough money."


The Celestial Empire is famous for its love for all kinds of signs and symbols. And although the Chinese New Year does not directly coincide with ours - it will come after the completion of the annual lunar cycle - on the night of December 31 to January 1, the Chinese have fun along with the whole planet. Only, unlike us, firecrackers with fireworks are launched not out of valiant prowess, but to scare away evil spirits. They also always dress up in red - for the same reasons, and on the first day of the year they avoid sharp objects - so as not to “cut off” luck.


For every strike of the clock at midnight, every Cuban eats a grape and makes a wish, and the most cherished one is certainly left for the twelfth strike. And then they pour water out of the windows: a kind of farewell to the old year and clearing the way for the new.

But the Belarusians-Russians believe that it is better to enter the New Year without debts; on New Year's Eve it is better not to sleep (so as not to oversleep the most interesting things in the coming year); and on January 1, to avoid hard work, otherwise the whole year will pass in dull, joyless work.

Whether you find these signs foolish or want to try it out for yourself, it's up to you. But do not forget the main New Year's sign: how you celebrate the New Year - so you will spend it!

New Year's signs of different countries are diverse and very interesting. Let's start our story with the western countries - they are somehow closer to us, and then we will gradually move to the east. For example, in Italy on New Year's Eve it is unsafe to walk under the windows: residents throw old things and furniture out into the street in order to get rid of old problems in the New Year. Italian children leave shoes by their beds: they believe that a fairy named Befana comes to the house and leaves gifts in shoes. In Cuba, walking under the windows on New Year's Eve is also not worth it. No, Cubans do not throw away furniture, but they can pour water out of the window. A day before the New Year, the inhabitants of Cuba fill wine glasses, glasses and glasses with water. And exactly at midnight, as soon as the clock strikes 12, they pour this water into the street through the open windows. This symbolizes that last year was successful, and the next year should be the same. In England, they prepare a Christmas cake or pudding and hide a small coin inside - a sixpence. It is believed that luck will accompany the one who got a piece of pudding or a cupcake with a coin inside. And in Scotland they believe that the fire of the fireplace burns all past hardships, so it is customary to sit silently by the fireplace, admiring the flame. At 12 o'clock at night, the Scots open the door wide open to let out the old year and let in the new one. In Hungary, on New Year's Eve, they scare away evil spirits from the dwellings. To do this, use whistles, children's pipes and other instruments that can make sharp unpleasant sounds. And in Moldova they “sow” happiness: when they come to someone’s house, guests scatter grains of wheat, corn and other grains around the house. It is believed that thanks to this, the coming year will be prosperous and fruitful. And what New Year's signs and customs exist in the East? Let's start with Japan. The most famous New Year's tradition in Japan is the ringing of temple bells. According to Buddhist beliefs, a person has six basic vices: greed, gluttony, indecision, anger, frivolity and stupidity. Each of these vices can manifest itself in eighteen shades. Therefore, at midnight, the bells strike exactly 108 times, so that with each blow, people are cleansed of one vice. With the last chime of the bell, people go out into the streets to celebrate the New Year with family and friends. In China, it is customary to celebrate the New Year in red clothes. This sign is associated with an old legend about a monster that crawled out of a hole on New Year's Eve and killed people. However, one family managed to stay alive: they were in red clothes, because they were celebrating the wedding of one of their relatives. People realized that the monster is afraid of red. Since then, people in China have been celebrating the New Year in bright red outfits. As a gift, the guests bring two tangerines to the hosts, and when they leave, the hosts give them other tangerines, also two. This sign is connected with the fact that in Chinese the phrase "pair of tangerine" and the word "gold" are consonant. In Vietnam, they celebrate the New Year not at home, but on the street, and certainly at night, after dusk. The Vietnamese kindle bonfires and gather around them with their families. Rice delicacies are cooked on coals and treated to each other. It is believed that this helps people forget about old quarrels and grievances. New Year in Vietnam is usually celebrated with family. New Year's signs of other countries may seem interesting to us or not, understandable or not very clear. But as long as a person believes in New Year's signs, he believes in his luck, which means that everything will be just fine in the coming year.

Chimes, champagne splashes, wishes notes. All this is familiar to us from childhood. But other countries also have their own customs, sometimes funny or even extravagant, which can be tastefully "weaved" into the scenario of your home holiday. Let's "visit" different peoples of Russia, and then we'll take a short New Year's Eve tour around different countries of the world. Go!

New Year traditions of the peoples of Russia

The customs related to the New Year among the peoples of Russia are colorful and varied.

Residents of some republics celebrate two holidays: generally accepted and national. This is how they do it, for example, in Tatarstan.


The generally accepted New Year also comes on the night of December 31 to January 1, and Nowruz(National New Year) falls at the end of March. The holiday is held in the family circle followed by visiting guests. Gifts for kids are distributed by Kysh-Babay and Kar-Kazy. As you may have guessed, this is .

Before the holiday, the house is thoroughly cleaned, clothes are washed and treats are prepared. On the table must be present:

  • chak-chak (oriental sweetness made from dough with honey),
  • gubadiya (round pie with filling),
  • urama (Tatar brushwood),
  • as well as cakes from, millet, etc.
This is due precisely to Navruz - not only the national New Year, but also an agricultural holiday.

Sakha (Yakutia)

In Yakut, the New Year is called Yysakh. The main and very spectacular tradition is breeding huge ones and round dances around them. It is noteworthy that round dances can last for several days. It is believed that in this way a person will be charged with positive energy for the whole year.


Buryats also celebrate the New Year twice: on January 1 and in February. The holiday is called Sagaan Sar(White Moon). On the eve of the White Moon, perfect order is put in the house, especially for unmarried girls. It is believed that if the floor is dirty, then an ugly or drinking person will woo the girl. Immediately before Sagaan Sar, the owners enter the house and tightly close the door behind them so that all the troubles remain behind her, that is, in the outgoing year. A broom and a piece of clear ice are placed at the front door.


Winter holidays among Karelians were called synduma. Customs are in many ways similar to those in Russia. Conducted, mummers walked the streets. The custom of a “rich table” has come down to our days so that the year is also appropriate. Mistresses bake spun, oat and cook.

This is only a small fraction of the peoples and their New Year's traditions, but even from this short review it can be understood that in many ways the customs of seeing off the old and celebrating the new year are similar in Russia. The symbols of the old year and the troubles leaving with it are house cleaning, washing clothes and acceptance. The meeting of the New Year and upcoming updates begins with decorating the house, with clean festive clothes and for which relatives and friends gather. And what is happening at this time in overseas countries?

New Year's traditions of European countries

If we compare Russians with residents of other countries, then we can say that the mentality of Europeans is closest to us. There is only one significant difference: the Europeans pay more attention and energy (December 25). But do not forget about the New Year.


On the night of January 1, a huge stream of Vienna residents and tourists flock to St. Stephen's Cathedral to hear the sound of the "Peace Bell" (a universal call for a peaceful life).

In the old days it was considered a good omen before the New Year. see the chimney sweep and even get dirty in soot by touching his clothes. But now it’s not so easy to meet a chimney sweep, so the Austrians “replaced” the object. Now considered a good sign piggy. They are given to each other with the wishes of a comfortable life. These can be figurines of different material (porcelain, plastic, etc.) and purpose: piggy banks, etc.


The Albanian New Year has many names, but the most beloved is Kolendre. This is the name of the traditional cake in the form of a ring. There are also many customs due to the fact that either Christian or Muslim culture dominated the territory of Albania. This led to some confusion of traditions. Now in different parts of the country the holiday is celebrated in different ways. The most common custom log burning. By the way, the peoples of Chechnya also have this custom. Somewhere a week before the New Year, a felled tree is brought into the house. Ideally, it should be smooth and beautiful. On a festive night, it is burned along with herbs - symbols of fertility. They will bring prosperity to the house and drive away all adversity.


An integral attribute of the New Year is sticks. On the morning of January 1, children should come up to adults and, hitting each other with chopsticks, congratulate them.

Also, the youngest member of the family greets guests and sings carols to them. Naturally, not free of charge: for sweets and other treats. And the most interesting thing comes with the last stroke of the clock on New Year's Eve - a three-minute "kiss pause". New Year's kisses replace Bulgarians with toasts. And if you sneeze at the most inopportune moment, do not be shy: the owners of the house will only be happy. After all, it will bring good luck to the family.


The Swedes will not celebrate the New Year with the family. Christmas, yes, but New Year's is a "public" holiday. It is better to celebrate it with colleagues, friends and acquaintances, and even better - on the street with neighbors and just onlookers.


The inhabitants of the Netherlands love to choose a New Year's king. The mistress of the house must cook a pie and hide a pea in it. Whoever she comes across is “crowned” and can choose his retinue.

In Holland, it is customary to come to visit on New Year's Eve with a match. She is then burned in. The match burned out completely - expect happiness and good luck in the coming year.


Italians are noisy and temperamental people. Their New Year traditions are just as extravagant. For example, in Italy it is customary give each other red underwear, throw unnecessary things out of the windows. The last tradition is gradually abandoned due to the high risk of injury. Although no one will be surprised at the chair flying out of the window.

And, of course, you need to make noise - as much and louder as possible, with songs, screams,.

New Year's traditions of the countries of America

There are no special traditions that are not known to us in the countries of America. They are similar to European ones in many ways.


Having won the title of a country with a huge number of emigrants, Canada celebrates the New Year in Italian, Russian, and French - in different parts in different ways. The festivities begin in the family circle at home, and then are transferred to the streets.


On the last working day of the outgoing year, Argentines say goodbye to the old year without regret: throw away old calendars, receipts, forms and other unnecessary documents. The sidewalks under the windows are covered with a thick layer of paper, which is then, of course, removed. But the custom, despite the subsequent cleaning, is cheerful. Directly on New Year's Eve, a bottle of champagne is opened and fireworks are lit.


Residents of Brazil must bring gifts to the goddess of the sea. Women and men dressed in white clothes bring thousands of lit or white petals to the shore. The romantic part of the holiday is followed by festivities and carnivals. Everyone is having fun, laughing, congratulating each other, putting on carnival costumes.


Mexicans will not burn a piece of paper with a desire and drink its ashes with champagne to the sound of the clock. They are eat 12 grapes and make 12 wishes.

Something will come true!


In the United States, the New Year begins on December 31st. For this day, you need to spend 365 past days. And January 1 begins with festive parades and processions.

New Year traditions of Asia and Africa

With Asian countries, the situation is a little more complicated than with American or European ones. It's all about the Chinese calendar. New Year's Eve falls between January 21st and February 19th. However, some countries also celebrate January 1st.


Great celebrations are taking place in Japan. For the Japanese, this is a big holiday.

It lasts a week. Banks, large shops and organizations stop their work. On the eve of the holiday, postcards are prepared with the image of an animal - a symbol of the year. On the front door is being built kadomatsu- a special decoration made of straw, twigs or.

You also need to prepare a couple of multi-colored kites. But only men are supposed to run them. Inside the house there must be branches (a symbol of help), bamboo (a symbol of children) and pine trees (a symbol of longevity). On New Year's Eve, everyone in the house needs to laugh out loud - to drive away evil spirits.

Interesting: During New Year's Eve do not say the following words: fox, dragon, tiger, snake, death, demons. If someone did not follow their speech (as a rule, these are children), then they need to wipe their mouths with a special ritual cloth.


Vietnamese do not sit at home on New Year's Eve. It is customary for them to burn fires in the street, to treat each other with rice dishes, release alive into a pond or river, because God, according to their beliefs, swims on the back of this fish. Branches are presented as a gift to guests. And the ideal guest is a person over 70 years old. If you celebrate a holiday in his company, then his wisdom will pass to the owner of the house and the rest of the guests.


In this country you will not find either the usual paraphernalia. Instead, the Thais pour water on you. This tradition is aimed at attracting good luck and purification.


One of the brightest and most exotic countries. In the New Year, it is strictly forbidden to be in a bad mood. Although it is very difficult when everything around you is decorated with white, purple, pink and bright red flowers, lights flicker everywhere, and gifts are waiting for you on a tray.


In China it is customary to dress up Tree of Light- an analogue of our Christmas tree. In addition to the Tree, the Chinese stock up on a fair amount of various lanterns. They should illuminate the new year and the path to it.

And before the holiday itself it is accepted seal windows and doors with rice paper to scare away evil spirits, and on New Year's Eve, blow up firecrackers so that the spirits will probably get scared and leave the home.

The customs of African countries are borrowed from France or England. This is due to the fact that many of them were colonies of these countries. Purely African customs are rare.

South Africa

South Africa welcomes the year with fun carnivals, ringing bells and gunshots, as well as getting rid of old household items. It can be boxes, dishes, furniture, appliances - anything.

Kenya and Ethiopia

Kenyans and Ethiopians Celebrate the New Year on or near water: swimming, dousing with water, boating or just sitting on the shore.

Ethiopian girls in the New Year. Photo from

Central Africa

In the Ivory Coast region, there is an interesting tradition, in addition to ritual dances, is speed run with an egg in your mouth. Whoever came running first and did not break the egg, he won.

Interesting: Record holder for the exoticism of the celebration - Australia. There is no snow, no trees, no reindeer teams, but there are palm trees, the sun, the ocean and Santa Claus - surfer.

Yes, that's how they celebrate the New Year in Australia: in the sun, with a surfboard and in a traditional Santa Claus costume. And another Australian custom - jump over 7 waves.

Throughout their history, people have noticed some strange patterns, after the execution of which something bad or good happened. Subsequently, these patterns were called signs and superstitions. Despite the fact that the vast majority of them are more a mere coincidence than a sign, a lot of people continue to blindly believe in them. We invite you to learn about some strange signs and superstitions from around the world further.


It is considered very bad luck to say aloud the name of the former president of Argentina, Carlos Menem.


The wallet fell to the floor - to the loss of money


In China, the number 4 is considered the number of death, since the pronunciation of the word death and the number four sound consonant. Therefore, they try in every possible way to avoid using the number 4, which can cause serious navigation problems for unknowing people.


In Denmark, it is customary to keep broken dishes for a whole year in order to give their fragments to relatives and friends on New Year's Eve. It is believed that the more broken porcelain the owner has, the luckier he will be next year.


In Egypt, it is considered very bad luck to open and close scissors without cutting the object, it can only be worse if you leave the scissors open. However, the Egyptians believe that if you put scissors under your pillow before going to bed, you can save a person from nightmares.


Stepping with your left foot in dog excrement - fortunately, stepping with your right foot - to failure


When two people say the same words at the same time, they must say "Piase Kokkino" out loud together and touch the red color together, otherwise they will face an inevitable fight.


In Haiti, many superstitions are associated with one's own mother. For example, if you walk in one shoe, sweep the floor at night, walk on your knees or eat the tops of watermelons, then it is you who are to blame for the premature death of your mother.


In India, there are many strange superstitions related to self-care. For example, they are not allowed to cut their nails at night, as well as on Tuesday and Saturday, it is also bad luck to wash their hair on Thursday and Saturday. There are various arguments about the origin of these superstitions, it is assumed that sweeping at night can lead to the loss of small valuables, historically it has developed that Thursday is a day off for hairdressers, and Saturday is the day of Saturn (planet Shani), which is very revered by the ancient Hindus.


In Japan, every child knows to hide their belly during thunderstorms and especially at bedtime. It is believed that if you are not careful, the Raijin (thunder god) will steal and eat your navel.


In South Korea, it is believed that running a fan in a closed room can kill you in your sleep. Therefore, many fans in Korea are equipped with an off timer.


As in Russia, it is considered very bad luck to whistle indoors, as it can summon tiny demons that will then terrorize you.


It is considered bad luck to sit on a pillow, as it can cause itching, blisters, and other ailments associated with the soft spot. This is most likely due to the fact that no one likes to sleep on a pillow that someone else was sitting on.


It is believed that if a man is hit with a broom, he will become impotent or his genitals will simply fall off.


To "cleanse" your new car, you need to turn on the audiobook "Quran" and play it through your car's speaker system for 1-2 weeks. This measure is designed to protect the car and its owner from the evil eye.


Blind rain signifies the wedding of tikbalang (horse demons)


It was believed that spiders could put out a fire in a house, so they should not be killed.


Women are forbidden to eat goat meat, as it can cause them to grow beards.


While in Sweden, you may notice how people walking down the street can change their direction in strange ways. Sewer manholes in Sweden are marked with the letters "K" (denoting fresh water and coincidentally "love") and "A" (denoting sewage and unrequited love). Therefore, it is believed that what letters on the sewer manholes you will meet more, you will have such love. However, this "spell" can be removed with three strokes on the back.


It is considered bad and even disgusting to chew gum at night, as at night it turns into the flesh of dead people.

In many American homes, especially in Vermont, attic windows are slanted, as it is believed that a witch cannot fly into such a window.


Schoolchildren and students never eat a banana before various tests and exams, as bananas are slippery. In Vietnam, the word "slip" is very consonant with the word "failure".


If you make and wear a hat of walnut twigs and leaves, then you have the right to fulfill one wish.


A pregnant woman can determine the sex of her unborn child by simply tossing a snake into the air. If the snake falls to the ground horizontally, then there will be a girl, if vertically - a boy


In Zimbabwe, black magic rules everything, so all signs and superstitions are associated with it. For example, the groom can cast a spell on his bride from treason. If his future wife still wants to cheat on him with someone, then she will become inseparably linked with her lover. this is supposed to be a serious deterrent against cheating.

In Russia, the New Year is associated with a fluffy, smelling of pine needles, a sparkling Christmas tree, with white, white snow, frost, after which you want to find yourself in a warm...

In Japan, exactly at midnight, the bells in the temples beat off 108 fights. People believe that a person has six vices: stupidity, greed, anger, indecision, frivolity and greed. Each of these vices is divided into eighteen shades. At each stroke of the bell, a person is cleansed of vices. When the last blow of the bell sounds, you need to go outside and celebrate the New Year with family and friends. With the appearance of the first rays of the sun, people congratulate each other on the New Year, give gifts to loved ones, have fun. This lasts all day until dusk. And in the evening they celebrate with the family.

But in Vietnam, this holiday is usually celebrated at night, after dusk. People kindle fires. In parks, on the streets, several families gather around fires. Usually different delicacies are prepared from rice right on the coals, treating each other, they forgive old grievances, forget quarrels. It is customary for them to celebrate the New Year with their families.

New Year in China until recently was considered a holiday for the poor. Any man could enter any house and take what he desired. If the owner of the house refuses this, then the neighbors could turn away from him with contempt. The inhabitants of China with the light of lanterns saw off the cold and winter bad weather and met the warmth and spring awakening of nature. So they called this holiday - the festival of lanterns. Lanterns are made in the most intricate shapes and colors. The symbol of the year influences the design of the lanterns.

In Korea, young women and girls' favorite pastime on New Year's Eve is board jumping. This is done as follows: the board is placed on a mat in the form of a roller. One of the women jumps onto one end of the board, while the woman standing on the other end of the board flies up; when falling on the end of the board, the second - the first woman takes off into the air. It turns out a beautiful sight of beautifully dressed women floating in the air.

In Mongolia, the more guests come to your table on this festive night, the happier this year will be for you.

In India, according to customs, one cannot be grouchy, dissatisfied on the first day of this holiday. Otherwise, it will be like this for you all year. During the day, people compete in archery. It is customary to fly kites.

New Year in Burma is celebrated in mid-April. This is one of the hottest months of the year. Cars with tanks and barrels filled with water rush along the roads, from which young people pour water on passers-by. Cows and other animals are usually released into the wild.

In Africa, villagers perform ritual dances, races with a chicken egg in their mouths. The winner is the one who ran first without breaking the egg.

But in Cuba, glasses, glasses, wine glasses are filled with water the day before the New Year. Exactly at midnight, when the clock strikes 12 o'clock, this water is thrown out into the street through an open window. This means that the year went well and the New Year will also be prosperous.

In Germany, at midnight on New Year's Eve, people climb various objects and when the chimes strike, they "jump" off them together on New Year's Eve.

In Hungary, the people believe that the piercing and unpleasant sounds of children's pipes, whistles and other musical instruments on New Year's days scare away and drive away evil spirits from their homes.

In Scotland, the whole family sits silently by the fireplace and looks at the flame of fire, which symbolically burns the hardships of the outgoing year, predicting the future. When the clock strikes twelve, they open the door wide open, believing that the Old Year comes out through it, and the New Year enters.

In Italy, on New Year's Eve, kids carefully watch the chimney through which a sorceress named Befan must enter the house. This sorceress leaves desired gifts in the shoes of children. The old custom of throwing old things and furniture out of the windows has been preserved.

In France in the south, in the villages, the woman who first draws water from the stream must leave a bun or a pie. The one following her, collecting water, leaves her treat and takes away the treats of the previous hostess.

In Moldova, it is customary to "sow", coming to visit someone. Wheat, corn and other grains are scattered around the house so that the New Year is fruitful and prosperous.

In Greece, when you come to visit, you must have a stone with you, which is thrown at the doorstep with the wishes that wealth be as heavy as a stone.

In Latvia, when celebrating the New Year, you definitely need to eat a pea.