Dull skin. What to do if you have dull skin

Every day, factors that worsen its condition act on the skin. With natural aging, the skin loses its ability to quickly recover, and blood circulation in its deep layers worsens. As a result, such a cosmetic defect as a dull complexion may occur.

An even tone is achieved due to the normal lipid balance and good hydration. Excessive dryness and accumulation of keratinized cells on the surface of the epidermis leads to a loss of brightness. You can learn how to get rid of a dull complexion from our article.

Why does skin fade

The causes of a dull and gray complexion are varied:

  • Biological

Some people have dull skin color by nature. This condition is difficult to correct and requires constant cosmetic procedures. Another biological reason is aging.

  • Environmental

Chemicals in the air, dust, and exposure to direct sunlight damage skin cells and cause them to thicken.

  • Lifestyle related

Lack of sleep, overwork, alcohol abuse, smoking, lack of vegetable fiber in the diet, physical inactivity are factors that cause an uneven complexion,.

The fading of the skin occurs gradually. Dehydration and a thick layer of keratinized epidermal cells cause thickening of the skin. Through its surface, blood capillaries do not shine through well enough. Often this is accompanied by the appearance.

How to restore even tone

What to do with a dull complexion to restore its attractiveness? To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:


Water is very important for maintaining elasticity and beautiful skin tone. The elasticity of the skin depends on the elasticity and its ability to reflect light. Moisturizing is especially important for people with dry skin. It includes the use of a variety of cosmetic products with moisturizing ingredients and drinking enough water (8 glasses a day).


The procedure accelerates metabolic processes and the removal of decay products from tissues. Additional benefits are massage creams and oils. Massage improves blood circulation and lymph outflow, which ensures normal delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the cells.


During peeling, dead cells of the epidermis are eliminated. This is one of the most effective methods of combating dullness. Cells can be exfoliated using masks, scrubs and peeling mixes for home use. In the conditions of a cosmetology clinic, professional and hardware peelings are used.


Lightening can be done with home remedies or medical treatments.

The result of a course of chemical peeling at home

To restore a beautiful complexion, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  • avoid fatty and sweet foods, eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • stop drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • use peeling and moisturizing when leaving;
  • increase the intake of vitamin C in its natural form or by taking vitamin complexes;
  • drink more fluids, treat the skin surface with thermal water during the day.

You need to start with proper cleansing. You need to wash yourself twice a day. Too frequent washing leads to overdrying. For washing, use not hot, but warm water, then rinse your face with cold water and wipe it with an ice cube. Ice can be made from herbal infusion, such as chamomile. If the skin is too dry, it is used mainly for cleansing and removing makeup.

When choosing a cleanser, you need to pay attention to the word "Exfoliant", which means that it is able to exfoliate dead cells. If you feel dry, you should use products with intensive moisturizing, if oily - with the indication "oil-free".

When using decorative cosmetics, it is recommended to apply a primer first. This product fills pores and irregularities, visually improving the texture of the skin surface. For oily skin, use mineral-based mattifiers, avoid creamy textures, and opt for powder or liquid foundation. It is advisable to choose cosmetics marked “non-comedogenic”. For dry skin, avoid powder and use liquid or cream products.

homemade recipes

There are many ways to improve complexion at home:

  • for instant results, you can use apricot or banana puree as a mask;
  • make a mixture of ground mint leaves and water, apply in the morning and evening, the effect is noticeable after a week;
  • soak a few almonds in water, peel them after 12 hours, grind them and mix with milk until a paste is obtained; you need to apply it at night, and rinse with cool water in the morning; the effect is clearly visible after 15 days;
  • wipe the skin daily with fresh cow's milk.

To improve the effect, you can use masks from the dull complexion of the face:

Berry and citrus mask can be used once every 10-14 days, sour cream, clay and cottage cheese - weekly.

Comprehensive home care, including a mask, a hardware procedure and a moisturizer, will help you quickly improve your complexion and maintain the result for a long time.

Professional chemical peel

Cosmetical tools

To choose a product that improves skin color, you need to pay attention to its packaging. Special cosmetics for this purpose are labeled "Radiance". It consists of particles that reflect light and visually give radiance - pearl dust, mineral particles, mica. Examples of such funds:

  • foundation with the effect of radiance SPF 15 True Radiance (Clarins);
  • night cream Radiance in a Flash (Guerlen);
  • anti-wrinkle facial serum Phytoplan Broccoli Wrinkle Radiance Power Ampoule (Ladykin);
  • day cream against the formation of age spots Neotone Radiance SPF 50+ (IsisPharma);
  • brightening serum Endermology Radiance Brightening Serum (LPG);
  • anti-aging cream for brightening the face Christina Wish Radiance Enhancing Cream and others.

Most of these cosmetics not only mask external imperfections, but also moisturize, fight wrinkles and improve overall condition.

To prevent changes in complexion, for example, in a metropolis, it is necessary to choose products with maximum hydration for daily care, and also treat the skin with thermal water during the day. Useful components in cosmetics, the presence of which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis:

  • vitamins A, E, C (tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid);
  • wheat germ oil;
  • arbutin and other substances of plant origin.

To "mask" a dull complexion, while providing moisture, nutrition, matting, you can use a BB or CC cream. - the introduction of hyaluronic acid, which retains moisture in the skin for a long time, which leads to a smoothing of the relief and rejuvenation;

  • ozone therapy - the introduction of ozone helps to accelerate the metabolism in the dermis and renew the upper layers of the skin. As a result, elasticity is increased and skin color improves.
  • The result of non-injection mesotherapy

    The raw material for is made from seaweed. Such procedures not only deeply cleanse the skin, but also saturate it with nutrients and moisture. As a result, blood circulation improves, capillaries open, the skin is renewed, its dull shade is replaced by a healthy color.

    Correction of destructive changes in the skin of the face by injection of a mesotherapeutic cocktail

    What is a dull complexion
    A dull complexion is an unhealthy appearance of the skin, in which an earthy tint, pallor and lifelessness of the integument can appear. And this sign does not always develop due to aging. Often it occurs in young people who have bad habits, various pathologies or malnutrition.

    According to studies, dull complexion most often appears in people with sensitive or dry skin, but there may be exceptions in the form of people with oily or combination skin.
    Dullness is when the skin loses its natural matte and fresh appearance. The integument becomes pale grayish. This is one of the most common reasons for visiting a beautician in big cities.
    Women try to mask this defect with cosmetics. As a rule, this method only worsens the situation, since the already weakened skin covers are clogged with cosmetics and lack oxygen. As a result, the skin becomes even more gray, inexpressive.

    Dull skin color is divided mainly into stages:

    At the first stage, simply pallor is mainly manifested. The defect itself is almost invisible and can be easily visually eliminated with the help of foundation and powder. It manifests itself to a greater extent in the morning and disappears in the evening. Therefore, such a symptom is often attributed to lack of sleep. At the second stage, dullness is more noticeable. The color becomes more intense. You can mask it with cosmetics, but this approach only emphasizes the problem rather than eliminates it. In the third stage, the skin becomes a greenish-gray color. It is problematic to mask such a defect. The person looks much older than his age, lifeless, unnatural and painful. As a rule, it is at this stage that most people turn to cosmetologists and dermatologists.

    Reasons for the appearance
    There are many reasons for this:

    Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
    Pathology of the heart and / or blood vessels;
    Poor quality cosmetics;
    Bad habits (especially smoking);
    Fatigue and lack of sleep;
    bust with a tan;
    Prolonged stay in the cold;
    Sedentary lifestyle and muscle spasms;
    Active nocturnal lifestyle;
    Poor environmental situation;
    Frequent rigid diets with significant restrictions;
    Sudden weight loss;
    Age changes;
    Lack of oxygen;
    Low physical activity;
    Poor nutrition;
    Other pathologies and causes.
    Domestic causes that cause this defect account for the vast majority of calls.

    The symptoms of a defect are:

    Dark circles under the eyes;
    Enlarged pores;
    Hyperpigmentation of some areas of the integument;
    Peeling and roughness of the skin;
    Increase her sensitivity;
    Change in complexion as it progresses from pale to earthy;
    The patient's appearance appears tired and sickly.
    First of all, they turn to a dermatocosmetologist. He interrogates the patient, conducts a visual examination. If there is a need, then they are also additionally assigned:

    Consultations of an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist;
    Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
    Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
    Biochemistry of blood;
    Other types of studies, depending on what pathology may be suspected in the patient.
    Methods of treatment and elimination
    This defect is eliminated in several ways:

    Therapeutic methods, that is, the correction of lifestyle;
    cosmetic procedures.
    You need to understand that without regular work on yourself, your habits and principles, you will not be able to achieve positive dynamics.

    Therapeutic methods include:

    Regulation of the daily routine;
    Increased motor activity and physical activity;
    Normalization of the regime of work and rest;
    Normalization of sleep;
    Revision of nutrition and diet;
    Rejection of bad habits.
    It is also worth making it a habit to regularly use high-quality professional products for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. It is necessary to learn how to use such drugs correctly.

    Medical treatment consists of the use of high-quality cosmetics of a professional type. What do you need to know about cosmetics? They must have:

    Vitamins A, E, C are present, which are especially necessary for the skin and blood vessels that nourish this skin. Vitamin C preparations also brighten the skin.
    Be peptides and hyaluronic acid that nourish and moisturize the skin.
    Absence of large amounts of alcohol or other components that dry the skin, such as salicylic acid. the exception is the presence of acne and acne.
    Highlighters can mask areas with redness, even out skin tone. Vitamin preparations of the oral type are also used, for example, Vitrum Beauty. Doctors, if necessary, will also prescribe medications that will help eliminate this defect and the pathology that caused them.

    Delicate skin, as if filled with radiance, makes the beauty of the face perfect. And, on the contrary, dull skin with a gray tint makes an unpleasant impression. Not without reason, in order to emphasize the unsightly and ugly appearance of a person, they use the derogatory phraseological unit “neither skin, nor mugs”, and the skin is put in the first place.

    Dull skin, in addition to a purely aesthetic function, is an indicator of the state of the body. If we understood the language of our skin, we would hear "SOS" - an alarming distress signal.

    What is our skin missing?

    The skin has the ability to breathe - everyone knows about it. And her condition directly depends on what she breathes. In the atmospheric air of large cities there are constantly harmful pollutants from the work of industrial enterprises and vehicles, gas burning in boilers, garbage and leaves. According to a number of sanitary indicators, in particular, dust, they consistently exceed the established standards. This is easy to verify by examining your shoes and blouse collar in the evening and comparing them with the morning state. The skin of the face, like a sponge, absorbs dust and chemical pollution of the city air. Therefore, the faces of the townspeople are still inferior in freshness to the faces of the villagers. If, in addition, the girl also smokes, dull gray skin and future health problems are guaranteed to her. From smoking, the skin of the face and neck becomes dry and constantly irritated, wrinkles and red spots soon appear.

    The environment is not the only cause of dull skin. Indoors, the composition of the air is even poorer in oxygen and usually has additional specific contaminants. When working in an office in a sitting position, the muscles of the neck and back are in constant tension, blood circulation in them is slowed down, the skin does not receive the necessary amount of nutrients, turns pale and becomes dull.

    Dull skin is usually masked with tonal creams and powder, but this does not make it easier for her. After all, the problem is that the skin lacks oxygen and nutrients.

    How character affects complexion

    Bad temper is another reason for dull skin. Anger, negative emotions, irritation cause spasm and vasoconstriction, and the skin becomes dull. If you want to look fresh, get rid of the negativity and change your attitude towards people to be kind. Learn to rid yourself of useless grievances and discontent. Perhaps meditation, a pool, or a workout in the fitness room will help you.

    Be sure to get enough sleep - lack of sleep and chronic fatigue affect the condition of the skin of the face. 8 hours of sleep is the norm, not a wish.

    What else is your skin missing?

    Of course, the skin needs good nutrition and vitamins. Exhausting diets affect the condition of the skin is not the best way. It is known that in Russia urban residents receive only a third of the necessary vitamins with food. The diet reduces the intake of an already insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. The skin turns pale and dull, its ability to renew cells decreases. The way out is a balanced diet without overeating, the inclusion of wheat germ in the diet and the vitamins necessary for the skin and the whole body.

    How to improve dull skin

    1. Spend more time outdoors, walking, swimming, skating and skiing, doing exercises, including five-minute warm-ups at work. In a word, live and enjoy life.

    2. Choose the right creams and facial cleansing, taking into account age and skin problems.

    3. Practice peels and do regular massages in a beauty salon and with your own hands.

    4. Find nourishing face masks that are right for you and pamper your skin with them once or twice a week. Do not count on inexpensive cosmetics, they should be of high quality, enriched with vitamins C, F, E and protecting the skin from free radicals. Masks with blue or green clay will be useful.

    5. If necessary, use drainage cosmetics, use algae and orange extract, always have a thermal water spray with you.

    6. If you are unwilling or unable to change your lifestyle to improve the appearance of dull skin, you may need to use modern cosmetic methods:
    Mesotherapy - the introduction of nutritional injections under the skin;
    Biorevitalization - injections of hyaluronic acid;
    Laser peeling - "sweeping" the upper layer of the skin in order to stimulate the production of collagen;
    Fraxel (fractional photothermolysis) - skin healing using pulsed light.

    The long-awaited spring brings with it the joy of getting rid of boring winter clothes, when you can throw off warm hats and scarves and expose your face to the warm spring winds and the sun's rays. However, in the bright spring sun, the gray, dull skin of the face, which has lost its colors over the long winter, becomes especially noticeable. But after all, no woman will put up with the loss of attractiveness due to some spring skin problems, and therefore all the means to restore the beauty and health of the skin of the face are immediately used: creams, masks, peels, home cosmetics.

    Why does the skin turn gray and dull in spring?

    Before taking action to restore the beauty of the skin, let's look at the causes of the dull gray complexion that appears after a long winter.

    Winter temperature drops during transitions from the street to the room weaken the elastin fibers of the dermis, and therefore the skin becomes flabby by spring. The dry air of offices, overheated by heaters, as well as frosty prickly winds take moisture from our skin and weaken the activity of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, the main spring problems of the skin are, first of all, its dryness, thinness, peeling and a fine mesh of new wrinkles. And also, vitamin deficiency is fully reflected on the face, because due to beriberi, skin cells are poorly supplied with oxygen, blood flow in the capillaries slows down, so gray and dull skin spoils your mood in the spring. What can be done to restore natural colors to the skin of the face?

    Gray and dull skin in the spring: boost nutrition

    First of all, the skin should be saturated with vitamins and microelements, which will strengthen the walls of the capillaries, speed up the metabolism and relieve the skin of the face from the annoying winter dullness. To do this, review not only the daily diet, but also the contents of the cosmetic bag. The menu should include more products containing vitamins A, E, C, group B, as well as iron, magnesium, iodine, selenium, calcium. And among skin care products, give preference to cosmetics with retinol (vitamin A), which activates the process of skin cell renewal; tocopherol (vitamin E), which fights free radicals and prevents skin aging; vitamin C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels; fruit acids that exfoliate old skin cells. Such a vitamin diet is what you need for gray and dull skin in the spring.

    Gray and dull skin in spring: bring shine and cleanliness

    It is the new, young cells that have come to replace the old exfoliated epidermis that give the skin a delightful smoothness, soft pink color and a healthy glow. Therefore, one of the main spring procedures for facial skin care is cleansing.

    For a daily cleansing procedure for gray and dull skin, light foams or gels for washing are suitable, however, among home products you can find excellent skin cleansing products. So, even our grandmothers wiped their skin with sour milk or kefir, not only perfectly cleansing their faces, but also getting rid of freckles and age spots that plague us in the spring. Any cleanser of your choice should be applied to the face and gently wipe the skin in a circular motion, avoiding the area around the eyes.

    In addition to daily cleansing, gray and dull facial skin needs peeling 1-2 times a week. The essence of this cosmetic procedure is to exfoliate the upper keratinized layer of cells, after which the skin becomes even, smooth, acquires a delicate radiant color.

    For facial peeling, cosmetic scrubs and exfoliators are suitable. Beauty salons offer many procedures for facial cleansing, such as, for example, superficial, medium and deep peeling of the face with the help of fruit and other acids.

    However, it is not always possible to use salon peeling services, therefore we will try to find products in the home arsenal of products with which you can properly cleanse your face.

    I, like all women, probably have a constant struggle with nature: there you try to remove something, add something here; then you rub something into your hair so that it grows better, then into your skin so that it is perfect. I love making fruit masks for myself. For example, I take strawberries, add a little sour cream, vegetable oil - and on my face. And when I squeeze carrot juice, all the "cake" - on the face. And I also take such a bath every evening: I add 1 tbsp to the water. vegetable oil, preferably olive, a little milk and always salt (sea, with chamomile or string). Baths with salt improve metabolic processes, normalize the growth of nails and hair. And milk and oil moisturize the skin, making it even softer and more tender. Anastasia Melnikova

    Oatmeal scrub for gray and dull skin

    Pour a handful of oatmeal into a cup of warm boiled water. When they are soaked, wipe your face with the resulting slurry for 5 minutes. Wash off the scrub first with warm, then cold water.

    Carrot peeling for gray and dull skin

    Mix 1 tbsp. l. grated carrots, olive oil and semolina. Apply to the skin for 5 minutes, and then massage your face with gentle circular movements with your fingertips, then wash your face thoroughly with cool boiled water.

    Coffee scrub for gray and dull skin

    In the coffee grounds left after making coffee, add 1 tsp. olive oil, stir until a thick slurry is formed, apply the mass on the face and neck and gently massage the skin with fingertips for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm boiled water.

    When cleansing your face with scrubs, try not to touch the lips and the area around the eyes, where the skin is very thin and delicate.

    Gray and dull skin of the face: fix the result of peeling

    The spring return of elastic smooth skin is impossible without its additional hydration and nutrition. To achieve a sustainable result, do not forget to drink at least 1.5 liters of non-carbonated water, use moisturizing creams or emulsions that retain moisture in the deep layers of the epidermis. When applying a moisturizing or nourishing cream to your face, do not neglect a light massage: lightly work the product into the skin with your fingertips - this will increase blood circulation in the upper layer of the skin and accelerate the penetration of active substances.

    Nourishing masks can also be prepared at home. So, for example, for dry and sensitive skin, make a mask of 1 yolk, 1 tsp. olive oil and 2 tbsp. cottage cheese. For oily and combination skin, a mask of 1 ripe mashed tomato, 1 yolk and 1 tsp is suitable. flour. The mask is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

    Do not forget to pamper your skin with homemade peels and masks more often in the spring, and your face will be admired by those around you with its lovely smoothness, delicate blush and healthy radiance.

    Cosmetic diet for gray and dull skin in spring:

    • Vitamin A Regenerating Serum Meso-Vit Regenerating Serum + Retinol (Vit A), Ericson Laboratoire (France)
    • Antioxidant cream with vitamins C and E Derm Acte Antioxidant Cream Vitamins C & E, Academie (France)
    • Brightening tonic with vitamin C and licorice extract White Derm Acte Brightening Toner Vitamin C & Liquorice Extract, Academie (France)
    • Intensive nourishing mask Hypo-Sensible Softness Mask Intense Nutrition, Academie (France)
    • A detoxifying exfoliating facial exfoliating cream Purete Thermale Exfoliant Creme Detoxifiante, Vichy (France)
    • Causes of dull skin
    • How to help dull skin
    • But you don't have to do this!

    Causes of dull skin

    The skin looks sluggish, dark circles lie under the eyes - these are just a couple of signs that accompany dull skin. It's no wonder if you work 24/7 and go out only to go grocery shopping. However, there are many more reasons for dull skin. Consider the most common.


    Dullness and dehydration are often synonymous. This is due to a slowdown in the processes of cell renewal and the accumulation of horny scales on the surface of the skin with a lack of moisture. In addition to discomfort, redness and dryness, a fine network of wrinkles also appears, especially noticeable by the end of the day. It is very easy to distinguish them from real wrinkles - after applying a moisturizer, they are quickly smoothed out.

    oxygen deficiency

    The desire to lie under a warm blanket with a book in hand or surf social networks while sitting at a computer, instead of spending a couple of hours in the fresh air, is one of the most common causes of a dull complexion.

    To maintain physical fitness, it is enough to take at least 10,000 steps daily. © iStock

    Bad habits

    Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking, but we will remind you that it is also evil for the skin. Under the influence of nicotine, the capillaries narrow, blocking the access of nutrients to the cells. In addition, in the body of smokers, the consumption of vitamin C increases sharply, and this greatly slows down the renewal of the epidermis.

    If the skin texture becomes uneven, the refraction of rays from the surface is distorted and the face looks gray.


    A sedentary lifestyle leads to disturbances in the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system and the gastrointestinal tract, which, of course, affects the condition of the skin. It becomes dry, dehydrated and loses its radiance.

    Review your lifestyle and, if necessary, make adjustments: move more, walk, walk. © iStock

    To maintain physical fitness, you need to take at least 10,000 steps daily. Better yet, buy a membership to a fitness club.


    Sweet, starchy, too spicy or salty foods do not please the skin at all. And the use of alcohol is another factor that aggravates the consumption of antioxidants, vitamins, and microelements. As a result, cellular metabolism slows down, and the skin becomes dull. Analyze your diet - maybe you should change something.

    Lack of sleep

    You probably noticed that after a sleepless night you don’t look very good:

      the face swells;

      under the eyes - blue and swelling;

      And even the make-up falls down badly.

    Nothing surprising. For a good rest, the body needs at least 7-8 hours. The skin needs this time to complete the cycle of nightly restoration work at the cellular level.

    Wrong care

    Alas, until now, dermatologists and cosmetologists are faced with the fact that their clients do not always correctly choose care products. And thus provoke problems, including the loss of skin radiance.

    Lack of professional supervision

    If you still do not have your own beautician, we highly recommend finding one. The doctor will study in detail the features of your skin and give useful recommendations for home and professional care.

    vitamin deficiency

    Deficiency of B vitamins, nicotinic acid, antioxidants (vitamins C and E), as well as a lack of iron, potassium and magnesium can reduce skin tone, lead to dehydration, irritation, and dullness.

    Lack of water

    If the body does not have enough moisture, then the skin first of all suffers:

      all update processes slow down;

      reduced efficiency of key enzymes.

    It is worth remembering that the drinking norm for a healthy person is 1.5–2 liters per day.

    The drinking norm for a healthy person is 1.5-2 liters per day. © iStock

    Beauty products for dull skin

    In clinics and beauty salons, skin radiance is fought for with a variety of procedures, and cosmetic companies continue to develop new innovative formulas.


    The composition of a cream aimed at combating a dull complexion, as a rule, includes a whole complex of substances.

      Hydrofixators: hyaluronic acid, amino acids, minerals, algae extracts (carrageenan or laminarin). Their mechanism of action is based on hydrophilicity - the substance attracts water to itself and retains it in the epidermis (for example, one molecule of hyaluronic acid holds up to 1000 water molecules).

      Vitamin C.

      Retinoids in low concentration.

      fruit acids.



    Choose cream-based products with polymer abrasive granules and use no more than 1-2 times a week.

    Salon procedures

    Among salon procedures, give preference to programs aimed at improving metabolic processes and enhancing microcirculation (galvanic currents, microcurrent exposure, as well as peelings).

    5 effective beauty products for glowing skin

    Moisturizing facial oil that gives radiance, Armani Prima Nourishing Glow Enhancer Oil-in-Gel, Giorgio Armani

    High in Meadowfoam Oil, this formula nourishes dry, dull skin, leaving it hydrated and softened. Suitable as a base for foundation, evens out the relief and adds shine.

    Light cream "Dynamic moisturizing" Aqualia Thermal, Vichy

    Gentle and pleasant to use, the product helps to evenly distribute moisture in the skin.

      Eliminates the feeling of tightness.

      Smoothes lines of dehydration.

      Provides comfort and freshness throughout the day.

    Thanks to hyaluronic acid, it moisturizes and retains moisture, improves complexion.

    Sheet mask "Cherry Glow" with sakura extract, Garnier

    Impregnation with sakura extract, hyaluronic acid and moisturizing serum quenches the thirst of the skin, restores a healthy complexion. The gel texture of the mask acts as an anti-stress compress.

    Moisturizing gel for an even tone and smooth skin texture Clearly Corrective Brightening and Smoothing Moisture Treatment, Kiehl's

    Proven to brighten and even out skin tone. Enriched with Vitamin C and Glycolic Acid, the gel visibly reduces the appearance of dark spots, smoothes the texture of the skin and fills it with radiance. Provides intense hydration for 24 hours. Features a non-greasy & non-sticky texture. Does not contain parabens and synthetic fragrances.

    Intensive moisturizing regenerating gel Hydrating B5 Gel, SkinCeuticals

    Hydration booster fluid contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid, as well as vitamin B5. Provides the skin with the nutrients it needs to maintain beauty and health. Includes Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) to restore optimal moisture levels. Suitable for men.