Restless baby: how to survive a young mother? Restless child, not sleeping well? Reasons - in the behavior of parents

The birth of a baby is the happiest event in the life of any family. From this moment on the shoulders of parents lies a huge responsibility - the upbringing of the baby. For the first few months, the baby mostly only sleeps and eats. He is awake a little and this is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon, because it is in a dream that a child grows and develops. However, not all parents can boast of a good sleep for their baby. It often happens that a child sleeps little and restlessly, wakes up all the time and is naughty, thereby preventing mom and dad from resting.

Unfortunately, not every parent can boast of the sweet long sleep of their baby.

Causes and solutions

Why does this happen and how can you help your baby get a good and restful sleep? Consider a few non-health reasons:

  • The baby may wake up due to a feeling of fear. This is due to the fact that he does not yet perceive the world in the same way as adults, because of this, closing his eyes may be associated with an anxiety state. To calm the baby, you just need to be with him as long as possible (we recommend reading:). Do not rush to leave him as soon as he falls asleep.
  • The baby may begin to grunt and fidget due to the fact that he unconsciously pulled a pen or leg in a dream. This happens quite often in the first half of the year after the birth of the baby. To prevent this from happening, you just need to swaddle not only during the day, but also at night.
  • Overfilled diaper. No baby wants to lie in a wet diaper. Toxic substances found in urine and feces cause discomfort. This is due to the fact that too delicate baby skin begins to irritate under their influence. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the filling of the diaper and change it in a timely manner.
  • The child may not sleep well at night, as you have violated the daily routine. The baby should sleep as much as his small fragile body requires: if you made him stay awake for half a day, the sleep pattern may go astray (we recommend reading:).
  • Transferring the baby to the crib after sleeping with you for a while. If the child began to act up, then you should wait with this for the time being. He may just be afraid to sleep alone. Too strong emotions received by the baby during the day can also affect the quality of his sleep.

When introducing a new food to an infant, sometimes there are also problems with sleep. If a mother is breastfeeding, then her failure to follow the correct menu can lead to anxiety and discomfort.

If the child fell asleep with his mother, and then was transferred to the crib, he may be scared

Health related causes of restless sleep

  1. The child is hungry. The ventricle in monthly babies is small, as a result of which mother's milk is digested in a very short time. That is why a baby in the first few months after birth can wake up 3, and sometimes 4 times a night. He just wants to make up for the lack of milk in his body. In such a situation, just give the baby a breast. So he will eat, calm down and quickly fall asleep again.
  2. The baby may be bothered by problems with nasal breathing, or his throat may hurt, so he tosses and turns and groans in his sleep. Keep an eye on your baby's health. Be sure to see your doctor if you see nasal discharge or difficulty breathing. You should also contact a specialist if the child has a cough and a fever.
  3. Sometimes restless sleep in infants can be associated with the narrowness of the nasal passages. As a rule, this disappears with age, but in some cases the help of a specialist may be required, so it is important to identify the problem in the early stages of its occurrence in order to avoid possible complications.
  4. The baby may lack vitamin D3. This usually happens in winter. In order to solve this problem, you just need to add a drug with this vitamin to the diet of the crumbs. Your doctor will help you choose the right vitamin complex for you.
  5. Your baby may have gum problems. This may be due to teething. Buy a special tooth gel for your baby, but read the instructions carefully before using it. Allergy is a common reaction to these drugs.

Sometimes the wrong formation of the cerebral cortex can also become the cause of poor sleep. In such a situation, the child sleeps equally badly day and night. In this case, only a good doctor can help you.

Teething may well be the cause of poor sleep

Colic in the stomach

A restless baby may have colic in the tummy. As a rule, they are observed in newborns starting from 2 weeks. Colic can last up to 4 months. During this period of life, the intestines of babies adapt to mother's milk or mixture. Due to the fact that the digestive system is still imperfect, its breakdown is often observed.

Babies experience a wide variety of pain in the tummy. Some feel only a slight tingling sensation, while others experience sharp pains in the abdomen. This problem is not so easy to deal with, because currently available medications can reduce pain by only 8-12%. They also help calm the baby's nervous system for a while.

What pharmaceutical preparations can be given to the baby? You can select a small list: "", "", "", "Simethicone", "Baby Calm". You can also try to give dill water to drink or just attach a warm diaper to the tummy. Also, don't let your food drift. Do not forget that often pain in the tummy occurs precisely because the mother ate something wrong. So, while breastfeeding, you can not eat cabbage, onions, garlic, corn, beans, black bread, whole milk and many similar foods.

Additional solution methods

What else can help a child sleep well? For example, the right climate for the baby in the nursery or the addition of various soothing herbs to the evening baths, such as chamomile, string. They will not only help to relax the child and set him in the way you need, but also help to cope with all sorts of diaper rash. Besides:

  • walk as much as possible in the fresh air;
  • carefully consider the choice of a mattress - it must be hard;
  • give your baby a light massage with warm and clean hands, this should help him sleep better.

Watch how your baby eats throughout the day. If during feeding he is constantly distracted by some other activities and does not eat everything that is supposed to, then it is worth removing all possible distractions from the feeding process and making sure that he eats his entire portion.

How to arrange an evening for the baby so that he sleeps better:

  • 2-3 hours before bedtime, take a walk with your child in the fresh air;
  • 1-1.8 hours before bedtime, arrange a baby bath in cool water for 30-40 minutes;
  • Feed your baby 30 minutes before bedtime.

IMPORTANT: In no case do not swear or shout in front of the baby. Babies feel very well the state of the mother. They may also begin to worry, which will worsen their sleep.

Even a very young child feels when things are not going smoothly between parents.

What causes babies to startle in their sleep?

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Up to 10-12 months, shuddering babies in a dream is completely normal. This may happen for the following reasons:

  • too much overexcitation received during the day by the baby;
  • abrupt change in sleep phases;
  • uncontrolled and unconscious movements of the arms and legs of the baby.

Basically, such shudders occur in children only in the first few months of their life. Over time, they will surely disappear. What to do so that the baby shudders less in a dream:

  1. Swaddle (we recommend reading:) the baby before going to bed, then he will not have the opportunity to accidentally move his leg or handle. It will also reduce the chance of him unknowingly hitting or scratching himself. Even if you are an ardent opponent of swaddling in general, you can simply refuse to swaddle your baby during the day. It must be done at night. In some cases, there is even a need to swaddle the baby up to one and a half years. Only here it should not be swaddled completely, but only the handles.
  2. Stick to a certain daily routine and never deviate from it. This is very important in the first years of life. So you save yourself from a lot of problems, and the child from discomfort.
  3. Lie down for a while next to the newborn after he fell asleep. If he suddenly starts to shudder and wake up, then sing a calm song / lullaby, stroke his head, leg or back, help him relax and calm down.
  4. Do not overload the baby's nervous system. Don't invite yourself a large number of guests, go on too long trips. Also, you should not play active games with the baby for a long time. This can frighten and overexcite him.

Active games and physical exercises are best done in the morning, as they stimulate the nervous system.

By following these simple rules, it is possible to avoid shuddering and constant waking up of the baby. Keep an eye on physical and emotional comfort.

Does a baby need a pillow to sleep on?

Before the birth of a baby, many parents ask themselves the question: should the baby buy a pillow? The answer to this question is no! In children from the moment of birth until they reach 2 years of age, the proportions of the body are very different from those of an adult. So, the head of newborns is large, the neck is quite short, and the shoulders are narrow. The main purpose of the pillow is to fill the gap between the head of a person and the surface of the bed. This is necessary so that there is no curvature of the neck.

In a baby, the head lies on the surface of the crib and the neck remains straight anyway. This is precisely due to the fact that the head of the baby is large, and the shoulders, in turn, are short.

What position should a baby sleep in?

In no case should babies up to a year old be laid out on their stomach during sleep! This is the general opinion of doctors all over the world. This position of the baby in a dream can lead to tragic consequences, namely, to his sudden death. At some point, the baby may simply stop breathing. Because of what this happens, it has not yet been clarified, therefore, all doctors advise putting newborns and infants on their backs, while not forgetting to turn the child's head to one side. This must be done so that he does not choke when spitting up. You can also put the baby on the barrel. After the baby turns one year old (and preferably 2 years old), he can decide for himself how to go to bed. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome has virtually disappeared since then.

At the age of one year, the child should sleep exclusively on the back

What does E. O. Komarovsky think about a good baby’s sleep?

The pediatrician and author of many famous books on children's health, E. O. Komarovsky, believes that the whole family will have a healthy sleep only if the crumbs have a healthy sleep. Only parents can help the baby sleep soundly and well. To do this, you just need to properly organize feeding, spend as much time as possible with the baby in the fresh air, monitor the humidity in the house, and also clean the room in a timely manner.

Hello dear readers! Sometimes it seems to me that our son was sent to us precisely in order for me to understand what it means - a restless baby. It is easy to write articles about if your precious child sleeps without you during the day, plays by itself for at least half an hour, allows you to calmly cook food or take a calm shower. Many mothers believe that my children are just like that. Yes, the eldest daughter did not cause big problems. But now I will tell you how our youngest son turned out to be. And also about how I manage to survive in such conditions. And I will try to give practical advice to all mothers who are faced with the same situation.

Is the child sick?

First, let's talk about why babies are restless. Sometimes it really is a consequence of some disease. And sometimes... Sometimes there are no objective reasons for such behavior at all. Of course, neurologists can almost always find something to attribute all the cries of babies to. The same hypertonicity, for example (which, to one degree or another, occurs in very many babies). Or an imperfect ultrasound of the brain. A baby is rarely perfect. However, the reasons why a child behaves restlessly can be very different:

  • tummy hurts (usually up to 4 months, but sometimes longer);
  • teething (from 3-4 months);
  • consequences of birth trauma;
  • fear of losing a mother, caused by separation in the maternity hospital and remaining in the subconscious;
  • any problems during pregnancy;
  • increased attachment to the mother, as a feature of your child;
  • a variety of illnesses or a variety of stresses in the first months of life.

Not bad, right? The bottom line is that it is very, very difficult to establish the real cause of a child's anxiety. In most cases, you just have to be patient. Of course, if the baby suddenly suddenly became restless and began to yell heart-rendingly, it's time to call an ambulance. But if the little one has always been loud and affectionate to his mother, and the doctors do not find any serious problems, just tune in to be patient. It is likely that in a year, two or a few months everything will change for the better.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on this issue:

What can you do to help your child? Sometimes the following can be helpful:

  1. Always carry your baby in your arms. Master . Apparently, your child needs this especially badly.
  2. Visit an osteopath. He can work through birth trauma. This helps quite often. But of course, not always.
  3. You can try to give the child something like baby espumizan (for stomach pains) or smear gums with a special gel (if teeth are climbing). It helps someone. It never helped us.
  4. Try to be calmer yourself. Your mood is transmitted to the baby.
  5. If the baby sleeps terribly at night, you are shown. Of course, this does not always eliminate the night festivities. But it can make your life a lot easier.
  6. If the baby is restless about feeding, turns over on the chest, wriggles or cries, call a lactation consultant immediately. Do your best to keep lactation and solve these problems! The transition to artificial mixtures is often the result of parents' inattention and unwillingness to turn to professionals. Believe me, infant formulas (as well as medicines) are much more expensive than calling a consultant!
  7. Try different means. Maybe the baby feels better when peaceful music plays? Or after a long swim? Or walking in nature? It is not always possible to identify any regularities. But try!
  8. Learn how to massage.
  9. For some, going to the pool and diving helps. Although I believe that this method is not suitable for all children. For some kids, such procedures are a lot of stress.
  10. Try not to bring the child to severe fatigue and overexcitation. Get home on time. Finish emotional games in a timely manner. Respond to the first signs of baby fatigue.

It often happens that the situation in the family has a negative effect on the baby. Frequent quarrels, tense relationships, a lot of strangers... But again, the reason is not always in the family. Why is everything peaceful and calm in our house ...

Our son

To be honest, in the first months after the second birth, it seemed to me that our son was quite calm. Despite the fact that I endlessly wore it in my arms. We had severe colic. And he slept at night much better than the eldest daughter ... Moreover, we had a gorgeous period somewhere from 2 to 4 months. When I almost stopped using the sling and could safely leave it on the floor for 10-30 minutes. However, from the age of 4 months, teeth began to be cut ... And then it turned out that this was worse than colic. After all, colic pretty quickly pass. And the teeth ... They can climb up to two years.

Now our son is almost 10 months old. We have already run to the doctors, no one has found anything serious. Moreover, looking at the child's gums (and they really are constantly swollen), many doctors brush off with the words: “Oh, yes, your teeth are climbing. Be patient! Are you familiar with this remark?

me and my son

I must say that we really do have “clearances”. About once every 2-3 months. During this period, the baby forgets about his mother for almost a week, plays on his own and feels great. But then ... I think it will not be a big exaggeration if I say that our son spends 90% of all daytime in my arms. And it's good if it's just on hand. And then he whines, demanding that they run around the apartment with him!

Sleeps during the day only next to me. Every 10-15 minutes you need to poke his chest. Waking up with every sound. And without rustles. Wakes up 7-15 times at night.

And these are not bad days. So almost all the time! And then, at the moment, I think that “improvement” has gone. Because sometimes (!) I manage to eat while sitting, moreover, with free hands. I used to eat only standing up, putting the little one in a sling. And now you can do something for a few minutes. And then, quite often I eat with him in my arms. I regularly give him a breast at dinner so that he stops snatching a spoon from me or smashing a plate.

90% of the time I do housework in a sling. Although now, when the son is so big, it is very inconvenient. He refuses to sit behind his back. It’s not interesting at all and it’s very difficult to interfere with mom. In front - yes, please, but at the same time it strives to grab everything around. Therefore, I cook only the fastest dishes. I use frozen vegetables, I do not disdain cereals.

In a good mood, he is ready to play with toys. But only while mom is sitting next to me on the floor. Again, now there has been some improvement, the son flirts periodically, sometimes even crawls into the corridor, but if I suddenly leave the room (even for a couple of seconds) or just stand up, a cry rises, and the kid doesn’t want to play anymore. Never.

Do you still think that my posts are for those who have "perfect" children?

How can mom survive?

I didn't write all this to complain. And to show that you are not alone. And even if you have a restless child who does not leave you for a minute, you can still do everything you need. And most importantly, feel good. Of course, there are different cases. Sometimes children behave in ways that I never dreamed of. It happens that babies yell all day long, even wear them, even dance, even stand on your head. Some children sleep catastrophically badly at night, and their mothers simply cannot get enough sleep. Luckily, I don't get up at night now. I just stick my chest to the little one and sleep on. Although I got up earlier. And she jumped around the room with him in the dark, if only she didn’t scream and wake up the eldest ... I know my mother, whose endless screams at night were not a rare case, but the norm. And not the first two months, but two years. I really hope this isn't the case for you.

  • Everything that I wrote in my articles is relevant for you in triple size. Articles, "", "", "" and in general everything that I publish in the section for mothers are especially important. That is, you need to be triple attentive to yourself. Take care of yourself with triple strength. And be sure to learn how to have a good rest in a short period of time!
  • Sometimes you have to complain. The main thing is not to get stuck in this state. Do not be afraid to whine to a friend, tell about your hard life. This brings relief. And then go and do something positive. Order yourself a new dress online or just dance to your favorite music.
  • I repeat this for the hundredth time: try to master the sling or ergo-backpack. Yes, it's not easy. Sometimes it seems that the child categorically does not want to sit there. But turn to experienced mothers or professionals. It is in your best interest to accustom your child to a sling or backpack. Trust me, it makes life a lot easier! I think I'd go crazy without a sling. Although now it is not easy to use it, but still for 10-20 minutes the sling helps me out!
  • Just because your baby only sleeps on your chest doesn't mean you can't rest! There is nothing easier than reading books or listening to audio while feeding. What do you think, how do I write blog articles with two children? At the moment, my son is half asleep suckling his breast, and I am lying with the phone in my hand and typing.
  • My husband comes home from work very late. We are all already asleep. But that doesn't mean I can't brush my teeth and take a shower. I brush my teeth and wash off my makeup while the kids take a bath. Sometimes - if the son does not want to swim for a long time - in a sling. I take a one-minute shower while the child sits on the bathroom floor and examines the towels. At the very least, go with him. Yes, you can undress it and take it with you to the shower!
  • I won't repeat myself here. Read other articles on my blog and remember that all this is possible even with a restless baby. The main thing is to take and do. Not only to read, but to apply it in life. Look for affordable joys for yourself and actively introduce them into your life. Rest. Find a hobby for yourself (this was discussed in an article about). Don't demand too much from yourself. Learn to enjoy motherhood. And get rid of the guilt.

Motherhood is not easy. But it can give you lots and lots of happiness. You just need to open up to this happiness and just hug your children.

I wish you to feel like the happiest mom.

Lyubov Kulagina
Restless child. hyperactivity syndrome

Kulagina Lubov Leonidovna

teacher of the highest qualification category

MBDOU « Kindergarten No. 227"

Motovilikha district, Perm



many parents worries that their children are not attentive enough, restless, scattered. At the same time, problems in the primary grades occur even in children with whom they worked a lot at preschool age, actively developed attention, memory and thinking. Parents cannot understand what is the reason for school failure. One of the most common explanations is syndrome attention deficits with hyperactivity(ADHD). hyperactivity syndrome may occur very early in development. Infants have increased muscle tone, are overly sensitive to stimuli (light, noise, sleep poorly, eat poorly, cry a lot, and it is difficult to calm them down. At 3-4 years, the inability to child focused on something study: he cannot calmly listen to a fairy tale, is not able to play games that require concentration of attention, his activity is predominantly chaotic. peak manifestation syndrome - 6-7 years. Its main characteristics are: excessive impatience, especially in situations requiring relative calm, a tendency to move from one activity to another without completing any of them, fidgeting, squirming at the moment when you need to sit. This behavioral feature becomes most evident in organizational situations. (school, transport, clinic, museum, etc.)

But even the most ordinary children are sometimes very active and uncontrollable, without passing through the category. hyperactive. Shouldn't be any excited child categorize hyperactive. If your the child is full of energy if she beats over the edge, which is why the baby sometimes becomes stubborn and naughty - this does not mean that he hyperactive. If you are chatting with your girlfriend, and child gets angry, cannot stand still, sit at the table - this is normal. Tire children and long journeys. Everyone child from time to time there are moments of anger. How many children start "walk around" in bed when it's time to sleep, or indulge in the store! What child becomes like clockwork, giving vent to boredom, is not a sign at all hyperactivity. Noisy « child-spoiler» or a baby who wakes up neither light nor dawn, but full of strength and energy - this is joy, not a reason for anxiety. And finally child, having deviations in behavior, also does not belong to the category hyperactive. Although it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between a normal mobile child from hyperactive, there are a number of characteristic criteria. hyperactive child probably manifested itself in a similar way in infancy age: he cried a lot, slept little, had a disturbed sleep pattern, it was difficult to calm him down, he suffered from colic, ate poorly, was irritable, did not like being pitied, shuddered at every sound, wanted to drink all the time, he had all the time saliva flowed. Many of the signs listed below are fairly common in two-year-olds, but not in older children.

To determine if your child has features that are characteristic of children with hyperactivity check out the test for hyperactivity. Looks like child's play "Find 5 Differences"

active child:

Most of the day not "sitting in place", prefers outdoor games to passive ones (puzzles, constructors, but if he is interested, he can read a book with his mother and assemble the same puzzle.

He speaks quickly and talks a lot, asks an infinite number of questions.

For him, sleep disturbance and digestion (intestinal disorders)- rather an exception.

He is not active everywhere. For example, restless and restless at home, but calm - in the garden, visiting unfamiliar people.

He is not aggressive. That is, by chance or in the heat of a conflict, it can succumb "colleague in the sandbox", but he rarely provokes a scandal.

hyperactive child:

He is in constant motion and simply cannot control himself, that is, even if he is tired, he continues to move, and when he is completely exhausted, he cries and hysteria.

He speaks quickly and a lot, swallows words, interrupts, does not listen to the end. Asks a million questions, but rarely listens to the answers.

It is impossible to put him to sleep, and if he sleeps, then in fits and starts, restlessly. He often has intestinal disorders. For hyperactive Children of all kinds of allergies are not uncommon.

The child is uncontrollable, while he absolutely does not respond to prohibitions and restrictions. And in any conditions (home, shop, kindergarten, playground) behave in the same way.

Often provokes conflicts. Does not control his aggression - fights, bites, pushes, and uses his assistants funds: sticks, stones ...

If the listed points appear before the age of 7 years, a specialist consultation is required. You must first consult with teachers, a psychologist, and then contact a neurologist.

Set the cause hyperactivity consult with experts. Often in the anamnesis of such a child there is a birth trauma, MMD (minimal brain dysfunction). If a neuropathologist prescribes a course of medication, massage, a special regimen, you must strictly follow his recommendations.

Inform teachers, educators about the problems of the child, so that they take into account the peculiarities of his behavior, dosed the load.

Always keep dangerous objects out of your child's line of sight (sharp, breakable objects, medicines, household chemicals, etc.).

There should be a calm environment around the child. Any disagreement in the family reinforces negative manifestations.

What is important is the unified line of behavior of parents, the consistency of their educational influences.

It is necessary to communicate with such a child gently, calmly, because he, being very sensitive and receptive to the mood and condition of loved ones, "gets infected" emotions, both positive and negative.

Do not exceed the load, do not work hard with the child so that he is like other peers. It happens that such children have extraordinary abilities, and parents, wanting to develop them, send the child to several sections at once, "jump over" through age groups. This should not be done, because overwork leads to a deterioration in behavior, to whims.

Don't get overexcited. It is important to strictly observe the regime to the smallest detail. Day rest is obligatory, going to bed early at night, outdoor games and walks should be replaced by calm games, eating at the same time, etc. There should not be too many friends.

Try to make fewer comments, better distract the child. The number of bans should be reasonable, adequate to age.

Praise more often for what you get. Praise not too emotionally to avoid overexcitation.

When asking to do something, try not to make the speech long, not contain several instructions at once. ( “Go to the kitchen and bring a broom from there, then sweep in the corridor”- wrong, the child will fulfill only half of the request.) When talking, look the child in the eyes.

Do not force the child to sit still for a long time. If you are reading a fairy tale, give him a soft toy in his hands, the child can stand up, walk around, ask a question. Follow him, if there are too many questions, he is often distracted, which means the child is tired.

Introduce your child to outdoor and sports games in which you can discharge yourself from the energy that is in full swing. The child must understand the purpose of the game and learn to obey the rules, learn to plan the game. It is advisable to take some kind of sport that is accessible by age and temperament.

Master the elements of massage aimed at relaxation and regularly conduct it. It will help to focus a light stroke on the arm, on the shoulder in the process of reading or other activities.

Before reacting to an unpleasant act of a child, count to 10 or take a few deep breaths, try to calm down and not lose your cool. Remember that aggression and violent emotions give rise to the same feelings in the baby.

Extinguish the conflict in which your child is involved, already at the very beginning, do not expect a stormy denouement.

Avoid crowds of people whenever possible. Staying in large stores, in markets, in cafes has an overly stimulating effect on the child.

Thinking about the diet of the child, give preference to proper nutrition, in which there will be no lack of vitamins and minerals. More hyperactive child than other children, it is necessary to adhere to the golden mean in nutrition: less fatty, spicy, salty, smoked, more boiled, stewed and fresh vegetables and fruits. Another rule: if the child does not want to eat, do not force him!

And don't forget to tell your child how much you love him.

Pedagogical and psychological literature presents a large number of games with hyperactive children. We offer you some of them.

"CLUB" (Cherepanova G.D.)

Target: teaching a child one of the methods of self-regulation.


Target: development of muscle control.


Experts believe that playing with sand and water is simply necessary for hyperactive children. These games do not have to be played only in the summer by the lake. You can organize them at home. Such games calm the child. At first, adults should help the child organize the game. It is desirable that they select the appropriate toys: boats, rags, balls, tubes, etc. If one of the parents does not want to bring sand into the house (and then clean the apartment, you can replace it with cereals, after placing it in a hot oven.

The hyperactive child is special, being very sensitive, he reacts sharply to remarks, prohibitions, notations. Sometimes it seems to him that his parents do not love him at all, so such a baby really needs love and understanding. Moreover, in unconditional love, when a child is loved not only for good behavior, obedience, accuracy, but simply for what he is! When it gets really hard, remember that by adolescence, and for some children even earlier, hyperactivity goes away. It is important that the child approaches this age without a load of negative emotions and a complex of self-doubt.

A small child is not only rainbow happiness and carefree parenthood. Little children are also illnesses and worries, which young parents cannot always find the reasons for. After all, the baby cannot say for himself what prevents him from sleeping peacefully and walking, especially if the baby is less than a year old. It is about this age that we will talk in our article. So, if you can safely say about your baby: “My child was very capricious, restless,” then the following information is for you. How to understand what worries the baby and why he behaves capriciously?

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Photo gallery: My child was very capricious, restless

How often do you complain to the pediatrician that your child has been very cranky and restless in the last few weeks? Of course, this worries you very much: after all, like any mother, you are worried: what if your son or daughter has some kind of illness that you cannot identify, and therefore help? Let's look at the main causes of concern for a child under the age of one year.

Reason one: “My stomach hurts!”

In newborn babies, bloating is often observed, this problem is considered especially relevant until the age of three months. The thing is that the digestive tract is formed and “launched” by the very last, so it is sometimes difficult for it to adapt instantly and adapt to digest food, even if it is simple mother’s milk.

Probably, most of the mothers faced this problem: colic and gas in their baby, because of which he becomes capricious and restless. You notice that during the day the child is active and walks normally, sleeps well, but in the evening he becomes more and more restless. As a result, these whims, at first glance, completely unfounded, result in a sleepless, terrible night, when you carry your beloved child in your arms for hours on end, trying to rock him in every conceivable and unthinkable way, as a result, wake up your husband or mother with a request to help you. After all, the back has long ceased to feel something, and the muscles in the arms literally tied into a knot from overstrain. So, know that the cause of such a sleepless night in babies under the age of 3 months may be intestinal colic.

However, “up to 3 months” is not a clearly established time frame. Of course, all babies and their bodies grow and develop differently, so you can’t hang tags “up to 3 months”, “up to six months” on them. Especially when it comes to health. After all, there are children who do not know the problems with bloating. And there are babies who suffer from colic until the age of one and a half.

So, how can you tell if your baby has bloating or colic? First, feel your tummy. Massage it with gentle pressure movements and determine: is it swollen? If a child suffers from gaziki, his tummy resembles a drum: it is large and hard, touching it causes another bout of crying in the crumbs.

How can you help the little one? An integrated approach is important here. First, make it a rule to do exercises for your baby in the morning. As you yourself understand, this is good not only when the child has gaziki, charging has the most positive effect on the development of the baby's body as a whole.

What exercises can help prevent bloating?

First: put the child on the back, in a clockwise circular motion, stroke the baby's tummy, pressing a little in the area of ​​​​the large intestine. Such a massage will push the gaziki into the rectum, they will move away faster and stop torturing the baby, no matter how restless he may have been before.

Second: bike. This exercise is also very successful in the warm-up for adults, in children it is done in the same way, only the baby will not be able to “peddle”, so you must help him. Take it by the legs just above the knee, and gently imitate cycling. It is advisable to get the child's hip to the tummy.

Third: bend the baby's legs at the knees, grab the hips and press against the tummy - you get the so-called "fetal position". After that, align the legs and lay them evenly on the surface.

Repeat these simple exercises in the morning and evening for as long as the baby himself wishes. There is no need to force him to endure exercise - if he is not in a good mood, do not torture the baby, play with him, calm him down, and then try again.

In addition to massage, you can give your baby dill water, as a preventive measure - in the morning and in the evening, a teaspoonful for two weeks. It also helps to avoid bloating.

If your baby screams restlessly and arches in the back, these are sure signs that he is suffering from colic. Lay your baby on your lap and lightly stroke your belly in a clockwise direction for 5-10 minutes. Then put something warm on the tummy - for example, a small round baby heating pad, or a blanket that has been preheated on the radiator. Perfectly saves in this case, the warm mother's hand, attached to the tummy.

Pediatricians also advise in such cases to put the child with a bare tummy on the mother's bare stomach - the warmth of the bodies and the rhythmic raising and lowering of the diaphragm imitate massage movements and also help to remove gas and eliminate colic.

If you are breastfeeding and you suddenly notice that your baby has stopped sleeping at night and has bloating, reconsider your diet. Get rid of flour and fat, sweet - all this also provokes the appearance of colic and gas. If the child is on mixed or artificial feeding, think: have you introduced something new to his food, or maybe the baby urgently needs to change the mixture? Experiment with food, only very carefully, preferably supported by the recommendation of a doctor.

If the situation is completely out of control and you cannot calm the screaming baby for an hour, take extreme measures - the use of medications. The main thing is not to give them to the child systematically, as preventive measures, since the child's body quickly gets used to the drugs, and in extreme cases they simply cannot help you. A good option for eliminating colic and gas is Espumizan L, Hipp tea with fennel and many others: here you can carefully consult with a pediatrician and find your remedy.

Reason two: “I want to go to my mother!”

Parental attention and care for a child at any age is the basis of his psychological moral health. If he feels the presence and support of his mother, he is in a good mood. This is especially true for very young children, for whom mother is the whole universe.

Of course, we understand that situations and circumstances are different. Someone lives with their mother or mother-in-law, has an economic husband, and therefore can deal exclusively with the baby, leaving all household chores to their own people. But it also happens that mommy has to look after the child, and have time for her husband to cook food, clean the house, wash children's things ... If there is no one to help, sometimes you have to leave the baby alone in the crib, or in the playpen in the same room where he is mother. If you hear a baby crying invitingly, you want to drop everything and run. Picking him up is a natural maternal reaction. But what about household chores?

The exit will be an arena or a motion sickness center. You will simply carry the baby with you from room to room, soothe him with your voice, periodically approach him to hug and stroke him. Sing him a song, tell him a fairy tale - just don't give him time to be alone so that he understands that his mother has disappeared somewhere. Some mothers do an excellent job with both the baby and household chores with the help of a sling - so the baby will always be with you, and your hands will remain free for other things.

Reason three: "I'm cold/hot"

Young mothers who have not previously had experience in dealing with a baby may be overprotective of their child. For example, the "Disease" of many mothers - they always think that their children are cold. When we ourselves go in a skirt and sandals, we still wrap the child in a warm blanket. And at home we put a terry set on him so that the baby does not freeze, although we ourselves walk in a T-shirt. We try to make the room temperature as high as possible, resorting to all sorts of tricks: turn on gas burners, air conditioning or heaters. Thus, making the air heavier and drying it out. While all pediatricians unanimously repeat: the temperature in the room should be +18 degrees, it is better to dress the baby a little warmer.

So it happens that our babies are wrapped up in the crib and cry - they are hot, they are sweating, the diaper is uncomfortable.

It also happens the other way around: mothers, having read about hardening, undress their children to the maximum, despite the fact that it is far from summer outside. And the children go to bed naked and not covered - that's why they cry all night because something is frozen in them.

Mom should constantly check the temperature of the child's body in order to understand whether he is comfortable in clothes. To do this, you do not need to feel the nose, as our mothers and grandmothers used to do. In infants, the thermal “mode” is checked at the back of the neck. Where the hairline ends. If the neck is sweaty, remove half of the clothes from the child, and if the fold is cold and blue, put it on as soon as possible.

Reason Four: “I want to eat/drink”

The reason is quite banal, but not every mother can understand in time that it is hunger or thirst that torments her child. It looks like he just ate. And he never asked for a drink before. But maybe the portion that saturates one baby does not satisfy the hunger of another at all. Try to offer the baby more cereal or breast milk, or give him compote or water - depending on age.

Reason five: "It's raining outside!"

Not only adults are sometimes very sensitive to changes in weather and pressure. Children, perhaps, are even more acutely aware of all meteorological changes: rain, sudden warming or cooling, thunderstorms. Therefore, they may cry.

If you have diseases such as vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is worth checking whether your baby has inherited this disease. Maybe he has high intracranial pressure. A competent specialist will be able to determine this with the help of a series of studies. If ICP is detected in time, you can immediately prescribe therapy and avoid the occurrence of VVD and other diseases.

Reason six: “Mommy, it hurts…”

Perhaps something hurts your baby: this, of course, is unlikely to cause long monthly whims, but if you don’t notice some small health problems, you can start a disease or problem, and then it really can deliver unpleasant painful pain for a long time. Feel.

Therefore, a monthly examination by a pediatrician is simply necessary. At six months and a year, you must show your baby to narrow specialists: a neurologist, a cardiologist, a dentist, a surgeon, an oculist. They will help identify the problem and take time to fix it.

It is quite possible that the child is tormented by some trifle: for example, when you cut his nails again, you did not notice a sharp corner - and now the nail has grown and began to prick the skin. Therefore, carefully examine the child's nails every day. In order to avoid the appearance of sharp corners with which the baby can injure himself, you can use a small soft nail file, but you should not get carried away with this so as not to spoil the baby’s nail plate.

Also, carefully remove prickly tags from clothes and wash things only in a special powder, and even better - with laundry soap, by hand. After all, modern powders contain phosphates, which can irritate the baby's delicate skin.

Reason seven: “Mommy, I pooped!”

The kid coped with a great need for diapers or panties - this irritates the skin and causes the most unpleasant sensations. Of course, it's hard not to notice that the baby pooped - mother's nose has never failed. However, it also happens that the mother is busy cooking and simply does not hear the familiar smells coming from the baby. Therefore, the first thing to check when a baby is crying is the condition and filling of the diaper. In addition, make sure that the elastic bands of the diaper do not press down on the boys' genitals.
Reason eight: “I want - I scream!”

Whims for the sake of whims - this problem appears much closer to the age of one, when the child realizes that he can manipulate his parents. So he dropped the toy, screamed - and mom flies at full speed to pick up the rattle and, snuggle, give her baby. In general, the baby quickly gets used to the fact that they fly to him on demand. As a result, when you understand that it’s time to closely engage in his upbringing and teach the concept of “no”, you are faced with a problem when the child reacts very painfully to your categorical “no”. He throws a tantrum and continues to demand his own. A real battle of the elements!

Here it is necessary to develop a special tactic: the approach to each child is carried out strictly individually, so seek and you will find, as they say. It is useful to be strict with all children, but the pedagogical aspect of dealing with the whims of older children is already a topic for a separate article.

As you can see, there are many reasons why mothers so often complain to their girlfriends that my child is restless! We hope that our article will help you find the problem and get on the right path to fix it!

Newborns often do not sleep well at night, disturbing inexperienced mothers and fathers with such behavior. Parents begin to think that the baby does not feel well, that's why he behaves this way. In fact, you should not worry too much, because babies often suffer from sleep disorders, you just need to correctly determine the causes of the violations.

Each mother can ensure that the baby snuffles sweetly in the crib for the right number of hours. This requires some effort. Sound sleep day and night is not only a benefit to a growing body, but also a lot of free time for parents who are exhausted by work and household chores. Young mothers have the opportunity to devote an extra couple of hours to themselves. Let's see why the child tosses and turns and what to do if the baby's sleep has become restless.

Data. The first months of life, babies do not understand what day and night are. They are awake for about 6-10 hours a day.

Causes of sleep disturbances during the daytime

Young children are not yet fully adapted to the daily routine. Toddlers wake up if they want to eat, drink, or because of the wrong temperature in the room. Affects the quality of daytime sleep and feeding time. The baby sleeps restlessly for several reasons:

  • Unfavorable microclimate of the room in which the baby is located. Dry air, too high temperature in the room, rare ventilation will spoil the rest even for an adult;
  • Unstable emotional background. This is due to the still fragile psyche of the baby, for example, babies can not always fall asleep after active games in the fresh air;
  • Tight clothing or a blanket that is too warm. It is not necessary to wrap a child in the summer months, with the exception of living in the Arctic Circle.

The following factors have a significant impact on the quality of sleep:

  • The appearance of the first teeth;
  • Violation of the stool, for example;
  • Individual features of the organism: among people, larks and owls are distinguished;
  • Meteorological dependence;
  • Difficulty breathing due to;
  • Psychological barriers, for example, a newborn wants to always be close to his mother, not wanting to be separated even for sleep.

Data. A person spends about 20-30 years of his life in a dream. For a good rest, you need 7-8 hours of sleep.

Causes of sleep disturbances at night

The real problem is the wakefulness of the baby in the dark. After all, then adults and babies can not fully relax. Being in the kingdom of Morpheus is prevented by eating at the wrong time or nervous overexcitation. Infants also make their contribution, appearing from the age of two weeks and making themselves felt up to 4 months.

Often, a baby is sound asleep when the mother puts him to sleep next to her. The family does not have to spend the whole night in one bed, the baby can be transferred to the crib after he falls asleep. The parent's bed should be in close proximity to the sleeping child. Not getting a good night's sleep:

  • Nighttime urination. Diapers get wet, and rubbing against a damp cloth leads to skin irritation;
  • Loud sounds. There are many sources of noise in city apartments: music lovers, cars, and companies in the yard;
  • A newborn sleeps restlessly due to a lack of attention, care and affection from the parents.

Data. The birth of a child leads to the fact that young parents lose about 500 hours of sleep in the first year of a baby's life.

How much sleep should a child have?

The duration of sleep and its quality affect the health and overall development of a small organism. You should know how much time your child should spend in bed at each stage of life:

  • Up to three months, children sleep for a very long time, they should sleep about 15-18 hours a day;
  • Up to six months, crumbs are enough for 14 hours a day;
  • Up to one year, the indicators approach 11-12 hours;
  • In the daytime, newborns sleep approximately like an adult for about two hours.

Data. Scientists have proven that being overweight is associated with lack of sleep.

But you should not run to the doctor if the time spent by the child in a dream is slightly different from these data. Here are averaged indicators, and each human body is unique: 5 hours are enough for someone, and 10 is not enough for someone.

What actions need to be taken?

The baby will sleep peacefully if you follow the recommendations below.

Temperature and Humidity

Maintain optimum temperature and humidity. About twenty degrees of heat are considered ideal. Fresh air promotes deep sleep, so it is important to open windows as often as possible. For example, babies sleep well while walking. Parents should regularly stay outside with the child.


The room should be as dark as possible, it is in the dark that a person produces the sleep hormone - melatonin. For a good daytime sleep, it is necessary to curtain the windows with thick curtains so that natural light does not interfere with the process of falling asleep. Small children do not always like to be in pitch darkness, they will be more comfortable with a night light or light coming from the next room.


On a full stomach, both children and their parents sleep better. Feeding should be mandatory before exercise and before going to bed. Sleep on an empty stomach becomes superficial. A newborn who is breastfed falls asleep well after drinking mother's milk. For artificial people, a bottle with a pacifier is suitable. The process of feeding soothes, adjusts for a long rest.


Some babies benefit from listening to pleasant music or a lullaby. A mother's voice soothes any newborn.

motion sickness

Promotes fast sleep motion sickness. But the kids are strong, they will have to pump for a long time, otherwise sleep will not come. Children often sleep in a stroller that is set in motion, awakening occurs when it stops moving.

Closeness with mom

Young children have a hard time adapting to new living conditions. Yesterday they were in the womb, and today they are already forced to be in this unfamiliar and big world. It is psychologically more comfortable next to the closest person - with my mother. Therefore, newborns calm down, being near the mother, feeling her warmth and smell.


Some parents are skeptical about sleeping in the same bed. Then your sleeping places should be next to each other. Babies often wake up in the middle of the night and the absence of a mother can be very stressful for a small child. The proximity of the crib allows you to immediately respond to the sounds made by the baby.

small crib

In a children's furniture store, pay attention not to cribs, but to small cradles. Miniature space gives a feeling of comfort and security.

Dry diaper

The baby will toss and turn and behave restlessly if he wets or underwear. Pampers are not recommended by many pediatricians, but they are comfortable at night. If you do not want to put them on your baby, then be prepared for nightly rises and changing wet diapers to dry ones.


The baby does not sleep well and wakes up from a strong desire to drink. Thirst and anxiety can be caused by too dry air in the room, this is true in the cold season when the heating is on. To humidify the room, you can purchase a special device or simply hang a wet sheet on the radiator. There should be a bottle of liquid next to the crib.


Up to 4 months, restless sleep in infants can be caused. In this case, therapeutic massage, special gymnastics, lying on the stomach before feeding, bathing in warm water, reception are shown. Parents of children who are on artificial mixtures should carefully consider the choice of nutrition. An improperly selected mixture can cause severe harm to the body.


Develop a kind of bedtime ritual, for example, it can be listening to music, a bath with a decoction of medicinal herbs, or reading fairy tales in the evening. Also, the newborn should have a strict daily routine. Some factors lead to overexcitation of the psyche, for example, watching TV, outdoor games, a large number of strangers around. It is worth avoiding this and then the child will fall asleep easily and sleep soundly for a long time. Calm atmosphere - a hall of good rest.

Falling asleep on your own is the best prevention of frequent nighttime awakenings. Just do not need to listen to the cries of the baby for half the night and not take any action. This issue should be approached consistently and carefully.


Before a night's sleep, the child should be awake for at least 4 hours, then he will sleep soundly all night.