What to drink for a pregnant woman from a temperature. The reasons for the high temperature. Cabbage compress at elevated body temperature

In the cold season, the cold season begins. They are often accompanied by a rise in temperature. The hand habitually reaches for the first-aid kit with medicines and now the effect of the antipyretic improves well-being. But pills will not always be helpful. For example, for pregnant women, the use of antipyretic can adversely affect the condition of the fetus. However, a high temperature does not bode well, since there is a danger of premature birth or a violation of protein synthesis that forms all systems and organs of the fetus. So, consider how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy or what to do for a future mother?

Should I bring down the temperature of a pregnant woman?

In pregnant women with a temperature, everything is not so simple. So, if this is 1 trimester, then perhaps the increased temperature is just a normal reaction of the body to its new position. Therefore, a temperature of 37 C or a little more speaks of the processes of restructuring inside the mother's body. After a couple of weeks, everything will return to normal. However, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, hormonal changes have already stopped and an increased temperature can signal violations in the mother's health.

When there is a suspicion of a cold, the problem arises of how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy so as not to harm the body of the unborn child. And it is also worth knowing in what cases it is really worth bringing down the temperature:

  • Against the background of a general deterioration in well-being, the temperature rises;
  • There are all the signs of angina;
  • The temperature has risen above 38 C.

Long-term non-passing temperature, which is kept at around 37.5 C, begins to negatively affect the fetus. And if it reaches 38 C and more, then there is a high probability of changes in the child's nervous system, which will affect his mental development.
Of course, only a doctor can help determine the actual origin of the temperature. After all, some infections with not very pronounced symptoms can cause complications, including abortion or premature birth.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy - the easiest means

For pregnant women, the most acceptable remedies will be from folk experience. Drinking plenty of fluids is known to lower the temperature. Therefore, tea with lemon slices or raspberries will be useful. A decoction of linden blossom with raspberry sprigs will also lead to an antipyretic effect.

Another herbal tea will be good for pregnant women with fever. Here is its composition: raspberries and oregano herb in 2 parts, plantain and coltsfoot leaves, respectively 3 and 4 parts. Such a collection will need a tablespoon for one brewing, and a glass of boiling water. It is drunk 4 times and only a tablespoon.

The same way of using the willow bark infusion. It is crushed and collected for brewing with a glass of boiling water 1 teaspoon. Please note that the bark is taken not from the usual weeping willow, but from the white or it is also called silver. But it is worth remembering that in late pregnancy, a large amount of fluid can cause swelling. It is also good to drink fruit drinks or milk with honey.

Rubbing with vinegar is also a simple remedy. To do this, you need to undress and wipe it with a mild solution. It is better to take apple cider vinegar, and if not, then you can dilute citric acid or lemon juice. Evaporating quickly from the surface of the body, the liquid will take away high temperature.

A cold compress or even a cabbage leaf on your forehead can help relieve fever during pregnancy. In some cases, a cool compress on the liver area helps. All of these methods are excellent for lowering the temperature during pregnancy due to their safety for the child's body.

How to bring down the temperature of a pregnant woman with the help of medicines

Using folk methods, you can bring down the temperature as an ambulance, so to speak. For example, if the case occurs on weekends or after work, when it is difficult to get a doctor's advice. If they do not help, you can go to extreme measures by taking some pills, and which ones we will find out right now.

As you know, many drugs are prohibited during pregnancy. This includes aspirin. Its use at the beginning of pregnancy will lead to the development of fetal defects or, in general, to the failure of pregnancy. In later stages, it can cause intrauterine bleeding. In the 3rd trimester, ibuprofen should be avoided.

It should be borne in mind that the use of antibiotics by pregnant women can also have a detrimental effect on the fetus. Therefore, without medical advice, you should not buy any drugs, even if they are recommended by a pharmacist from a pharmacy.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to take only paracetamol and its derivatives from the temperature:

  • Panadol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Tylenol;
  • Paracet.

It should be used only in minimal doses, since frequent use of the drug and in high doses can have a negative effect on the liver or kidneys.

To create a strong barrier against infections during pregnancy, it is necessary to use vitamin complexes and immune preparations, but all this should be done under the guidance of a doctor. And during periods of massive colds, it is less common to visit crowded places.

Fever during pregnancy is an unpleasant symptom. Fever can be difficult for the expectant mother and harm the health of the baby. Do I need to bring down the temperature when carrying a baby? Or is it better to allow the body to cope with the disease itself?

Danger of fever

Why is fever dangerous during pregnancy? It depends on the term:

  1. In the first trimester, there is an intensive laying of all organs and systems of the fetus. An increase in the mother's body temperature can lead to a violation of this process. The consequences in this case are difficult to predict. The loss of even a few cells at the stage of organ formation can lead to a serious defect in the future. Therefore, treatment for fever during pregnancy is mandatory.
  2. In the second trimester, the fetus is less vulnerable to heat exposure, but its organs continue to develop and differentiate, it is not worth risking without treatment.
  3. The third trimester is the period when the baby is almost fully formed. The increased temperature cannot seriously harm him. But the state of health may well worsen. The same is true for a pregnant woman. Fever combined with increased weight, fatigue and edema is difficult at any age. That is why such a condition requires treatment, regardless of the reasons that caused it.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy?

Treatment methods

Do I need to lower my body temperature as soon as the thermometer reaches 37 degrees? Or is it worth waiting a bit until the body begins to develop defense against infection or inflammation?

During pregnancy, you need to be very careful when choosing treatment tactics. On the one hand, delay threatens the development of complications. But on the other hand, the less medicines the expectant mother drinks, the better for her baby.

During the gestation period, an increase in temperature above 37.5 ° is considered dangerous. Such a fever must be treated immediately. How to lower the temperature during pregnancy?

There are three main ways:

  • Physical methods.
  • Folk remedies.
  • Medical treatment.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, they can be used in combination or alternately.

Treatment tactics depend on the cause of the fever.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, viruses become the culprits of the increased temperature during this period. Much less often, the cause of fever is a bacterial infection or a specific inflammatory process. Such situations require the use of serious medications that only a doctor prescribes.

Physical methods

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy if the disease is just beginning? You need to remember the basics of physics. Fever is an increase in heat production and a decrease in its return. So, you need to undress and increase heat transfer. This is not always easy to do, as the fever is sometimes accompanied by chills and a desire to cover up with a few blankets. But this can cause overheating of the body and greatly aggravate the situation.

You can use a cool compress - a bandage moistened with warm water on your forehead and temples.

If the temperature rises rapidly, and there is no way to drink the medicine, or the pills have not yet begun to work, rubdown will help. It is important to remember that you can only wipe with warm water! Cold will cause vasospasm and heat transfer is blocked. There are recommendations to wipe off with vodka, semi-alcohol, vinegar solutions. Indeed, alcohol evaporates from the skin surface faster and more effectively cools it. But, in addition, it can be absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream. Alcohol intoxication can have an adverse effect on the baby.

Physical methods can be used without restriction in any trimester. Their effect may be short-lived, so the temperature will have to be measured regularly. But this is their only drawback. Physical methods are devoid of side effects and influence on the child, therefore they are preferable for dealing with fever in the first trimester.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a variety of herbal teas and herbal teas to fight fever. However, even harmless sage can be extremely dangerous during pregnancy. Therefore, doctors recommend using only proven and safe means:

  1. Raspberries have a moderate antipyretic effect. It can be eaten fresh, as jam or mashed with sugar.
  2. Linden tea is an excellent antipyretic agent, it can be drunk at any time. In addition, this drink tastes good, especially if you add a little honey to it.
  3. Of the herbs, chamomile is allowed in any trimester of pregnancy. Chamomile tea has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, and the warm liquid accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body. Thus, chamomile has an indirect antipyretic effect in viral infections.

Drug treatment

What if physical methods and folk remedies are ineffective? Some viral infections occur with a significant rise in temperature, this is especially true for influenza. In such a situation, decoctions of herbs and abundant drinking will not work, and rubdowns simply do not have time to reduce the temperature to acceptable figures.

If the temperature continues to rise despite the measures taken, the condition should be treated with medication. What drugs can be used to lower the temperature during pregnancy? Are there any restrictions on medication taking depending on the trimester?

Yes, early pregnancy significantly narrows the choice of medication, but even during the third trimester, it is not much easier to deal with fever.

A doctor should select therapy for a pregnant woman, so it is highly advisable to contact him at the first signs of illness. But if a cold starts suddenly or there is no way to go to the doctor, you should know the main drugs that can treat fever in different trimesters of pregnancy.

First trimester

In the first trimester, the rule applies: the less drugs the expectant mother receives, the safer it is for her pregnancy. Other methods should be used to the maximum and switched to pills only if they are ineffective.

If the temperature rises slowly and does not exceed 37.5–38 °, you can start with Viburkol. It is a mild antispasmodic and antipyretic drug. It is approved for use in children and pregnant women. Does not have a negative effect on the fetus, does not threaten gestation. But the effectiveness of Viburcol is weaker in comparison with other drugs. It is produced in candlelight.

If Viburcol does not help, you should switch to other medicines.

In the first trimester, the expectant mother can use the following medicines:

  • Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol). Paracetamol is considered one of the safest antipyretic drugs. However, this statement is questionable. Even it has a toxic effect on the kidneys and can cause the development of nephritis. However, this complication is quite rare. Paracetamol is well tolerated, does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract too much, rarely provokes allergic reactions. Its antipyretic effect is less than that of ibuprofen.
  • Ibuprofen (Nurofen). Ibuprofen can be taken in combination with paracetamol to enhance the action. The drugs are alternated, the intervals between pills should be at least 4-6 hours.

Second trimester

As in the first trimester, overuse of drugs for the expectant mother is unacceptable. What tablets and syrups can be taken during this period?

In the second trimester, the following are allowed to fight fever:

  • Viburkol.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Nurofen.
  • Aspirin.
  • Nimesulide.
  • Diclofenac.

However, there are strict restrictions on the last three drugs. Some studies have shown an increased risk of miscarriage when taking aspirin, nimesulide, diclofenac in the first trimesters of pregnancy. The negative effect on the uterus and embryo is associated with the dose of the drug received. Therefore, these funds are prescribed only in case of ineffectiveness of other drugs, in the shortest course and in the minimum dose.

Third trimester

This trimester is the most difficult period for fighting fever. At this time, almost all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prohibited. What are these restrictions related to?

Anti-inflammatory drugs in the third trimester have the following negative effects:

  • They inhibit the contractility of the uterus and lead to prolonged pregnancy.
  • Increases the risk of bleeding.
  • Cause premature closure of the embryonic ductus arteriosus.
  • Show cardiopulmonary toxicity.
  • Negatively affect the kidneys of the fetus.

How to deal with fever in the third trimester? You can use Viburcol and paracetamol-based preparations, be sure to combine them with physical methods and folk remedies.

Fever during pregnancy is not a cause for panic. But you cannot engage in self-medication! It is important to start therapy on time in order to avoid the development of complications.

Any increase in temperature in the body has its own reasons, including during pregnancy. Among these, a change in hormonal levels, as well as thermoregulation, which occurs as a reaction to pregnancy, should be distinguished. In this case, an increase in temperature indicates only a new position of a woman and is not a threat. Therefore, unless there are other reasons for the rise in temperature, you have nothing to worry about.

However, the reason for the increase in temperature may be inflammation in the body of a pregnant woman. This can be found out for sure with the help of a lot of analyzes. Most of the fever during pregnancy indicates acute respiratory infections. In this case, you cannot avoid consulting a doctor who will both diagnose and prescribe treatment. Self-medication will be inappropriate, because during pregnancy, the use of drugs in itself is undesirable and only a doctor can determine possible threats to the fetus. In the case of a low rise in temperature, it will be enough for you to get by with non-drug treatment, because staying in a clinic among sick people can increase the chances of illness for a pregnant woman.

Non-drug treatment during pregnancy

First of all, plenty of drinking can help in such a situation. Drink as much as possible, but be careful, as excess fluids can cause swelling in the later stages of pregnancy. In the first trimester, you will not have to limit yourself to drinking. As this, use the sweet hour with the addition of lemon, a decoction of chamomile and linden, various fruit drinks. Milk with honey can help. An important condition should be remembered: any drink should be warm, but not hot.

In case the temperature rises to 38 degrees or higher, herbal tea should be brewed with the addition of raspberries in the amount of 2 tablespoons, as well as the leaves of coltsfoot from plantains. Taking such tea will be appropriate 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon. You can use another recipe: pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of willow bark, pre-chopped, and then cool. You need to drink such a tincture 1 tablespoon four times a day. You can also resort to preparing a coniferous cocktail based on fir sprouts (100 g) and raspberry roots (50 g). After crushing these components, you need to put them in a glass jar, and then pour in 100 g of sugar. Then add a tablespoon of boiling water to this mixture and leave to infuse for a day, after which, for about 6-8 hours, warm it up in a water bath. Now let it brew for 2 days and drain the bright raspberry juice that should appear. Store the tincture in a cool place, and take 1 tablespoon four times a day before meals.

It is highly recommended to use cold water rubdowns and apply cold compresses to the forehead. Do not wrap yourself up, because this will lead to overheating of the body. You should control your body temperature very carefully, because this indicator predetermines a lot. It is undesirable to lower it with the help of drugs, because this will pose a threat to the fetus. If the temperature has increased only slightly, then the funds mentioned above will be sufficient. It will not create threats to the baby and a short-term increase in temperature by 1-1.5 degrees.

When to bring down the temperature during pregnancy

The temperature does not go astray using folk methods for a long enough time
There is an increase in body temperature indicators without the use of drugs
The cause of the temperature is angina (in this case, intoxication may occur, which is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus)
Temperature rises to 38 degrees
Temperature reaches 37.5 degrees in late pregnancy

Danger of high fever during pregnancy

Intoxication of the body with harmful substances may occur
Prolonged high temperature provokes changes in protein synthesis
The quality of the placenta worsens, which provokes premature birth
Disorders in the development of fetal organs or systems may occur

Remember that temperatures starting at 37.8 degrees are considered dangerous. When it reaches 38 degrees, there is an effect on the child's nervous system, which will affect his mental abilities.

Ways to lower the temperature during pregnancy

The main thing to remember is that Aspirin is strictly prohibited, especially in the early stages, because it can provoke an abortion. In addition, this drug can cause fetal malformations. If there is an urgent need for drug treatment, it is better to take drugs based on Paracetamol. It can be Paracet, Panadol, Tylenol or Efferalgan. Metindol, Vramed and Indomethacin-Darnitsa are also allowed. However, only the minimum dose is always used and only in extreme cases, because Paracetamol theoretically can disrupt liver function and honor. Be sure to consult your doctor about the choice of the drug and its dosage, otherwise you can harm the child.

Author of the publication: Leonid Guryev

The level of immunity of a woman during pregnancy is lowered due to the fact that there is no rejection of the fetus. Proceeding from the fact that the fetus only half genetically coincides with the maternal organism, the second half of the gene code belongs in its composition to the paternal organism and, as a consequence, the immune defense of the maternal organism is reduced. Recently, it is generally accepted that a low temperature during pregnancy is the norm. There are other reasons for the rise in temperature in pregnant women, from a common cold to all kinds of infections.

Causes and features of fever during pregnancy

Small fluctuations in body temperature can be associated with a change in the hormonal system. Due to an increase in the amount of progesterone secreted by the placenta in the body of a pregnant woman, the body temperature can rise to 37.4C. But this is normal and safe only if blood tests have not revealed any chronic infections. A rare rise in temperature of up to 38 degrees Celsius for the fetus is not dangerous, but rather is taken into account as a normal phenomenon during pregnancy.

If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, then the process of protein synthesis is disrupted and leads to thrombosis, and, in the future, can cause a violation of the formation of the nervous system. In the later stages of pregnancy, an excessive increase in temperature can lead to various external defects, which in the future require very laborious treatment and surgical intervention of doctors - surgeons.

Also, the reason for the increase in body temperature may be fatigue or tension in the nervous system. Oddly enough, absolutely all organs and systems are interconnected in the female body. Therefore, it is not surprising if the quarrel in the line at the store turns into general malaise and fever.

In addition, an increase in temperature leads to an increase in the force of contraction of the muscles of the uterus, and, as a result, leads to a miscarriage. If the temperature during pregnancy rises above this, then you need to consult a doctor to identify the cause and possible disease. The reasons may be various viral infections, chronic diseases, their exacerbations or colds.

Unfortunately, fever can occur for other reasons that are more serious. Therefore, for any violations, contact your gynecologist. Among the pathological changes that can cause high body temperature, there may be infectious diseases:

  • herpes,
  • tuberculosis,
  • pyelonephritis and others.

These infections have a detrimental effect not only on the mother's body, but also on the unformed body of the child.

If, when visiting a specialist, one of the reasons is confirmed, you should start treatment as recommended by a doctor, or turn to traditional medicine.

Competent treatment of temperature during pregnancy

Regardless of what the cause of the increase in temperature is established, it must be eliminated as soon as possible, since any delay in treatment can cause placental abruption. To do this, first of all, do not wear too warm clothes, and also do not resort to rubbing with alcohol and vinegar. If a chill occurs, a cool compress will also not save, but will only contribute to the fact that there will be a lot of shivering - therefore, another rise in temperature.

The first main remedy for bringing down the temperature is Paracetamol. It is the safest, but be sure to watch the dosage. Not all medications can be taken during pregnancy, so call your doctor right away. In order to prevent the appearance of such symptoms, it is better to engage in prevention and maintain health in advance, for this take vitamins, you can put several heads of garlic in the room.

Any temperature that is considered elevated in an ordinary person is dangerous during pregnancy. In any case, if a rise in body temperature begins to cause you some concern, try not to hesitate to visit your doctor. In turn, it will not be superfluous to take home anti-inflammatory herbal decoctions and drinks (raspberries, rose hips, chamomile, milk with honey). In general, moderately abundant drinking will have a positive effect on the body, since when the temperature rises, increased sweating is also observed, and breathing also becomes more frequent, which leads to a loss of moisture in the body. Also, do not neglect food, because in the heat, energy is produced in large quantities, which means that the body needs to replenish calories.

How to bring down a high temperature with folk remedies for a pregnant woman?

High temperature is not an easy problem to solve. The thing is that most of the drugs that have proven their effectiveness are contraindicated for expectant mothers, because they contain substances that have a negative effect on the development of a child in the womb. It is in such cases that traditional medicine comes first.

One of the most effective methods is to use raspberry jam. Traditional medicine experts recommend dissolving raspberry jam in a glass of warm water and drinking throughout the day. It is also recommended to constantly consume raspberry juice, which also has an antipyretic effect. In cases where there are no stocks of raspberry jam in the house, you can buy the leaves of this plant at the pharmacy and brew them. By adding honey or sugar to this broth. It must be taken in 200 milliliters up to four times a day. Due to the fact that raspberries have diaphoretic properties, they are very effective in reducing body temperature, and also strengthens the body's immune system, which is extremely necessary for a pregnant woman.

You can also use vinegar diluted in water for treatment. To do this, you should soak a soft towel in such a solution and wipe the entire body with it. In addition to vinegar, you can also use moonshine and vodka, but the use of these recipes can lead to negative consequences, since alcohol is very well absorbed by the skin, from where it will enter the bloodstream, and can cause intoxication of the body. But nevertheless, the use of rubbing with a solution of vodka or vinegar contributes to a gradual decrease in temperature.

Cold water can also be very effective. In order to bring down the temperature with cold water, you need to undress to your underwear and wipe your entire body with a wet and cold towel. In addition, it is very important during illness to ventilate the room in which the pregnant woman is, since fresh air itself has a positive effect on the body, and cold air will help cool the body. At the same time, it must be remembered that it is impossible to stand under the flow of cold air, as this can aggravate the state of health and cause the progression of the disease.

Medication lowering the temperature in a pregnant woman

The only antipyretic drug that is not contraindicated for sick women is Paracetamol. But at the same time, it must be remembered that taking even such pills must be started only on the recommendation, or with the permission of a doctor. Therefore, if the expectant mother's temperature rises, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance who can independently provide the necessary assistance, or send the patient to an appointment with a specialist who can effectively solve the problem.

Pregnant women with fever must comply with bed rest. Vigorous activity does not contribute to a decrease in temperature at all, but on the contrary. It provokes its increase. Therefore, in order to avoid the development of the disease, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

A person's body temperature can rise for many reasons, this reaction of the body is normal. But the temperature during pregnancy often becomes a cause for concern, because a fetus develops in a woman's womb, which is very sensitive to everything that happens around.

A woman's body temperature is influenced by the hormonal background and its fluctuations from 36.6 ° C to 37.2 ° C occur constantly, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Each organism is individual, therefore, temperature indicators can differ for several representatives of the fair sex, and a temperature of 36.6 ° C can be considered normal only conditionally.

The rise in temperature is associated with the second phase of the menstrual cycle, when the hormone progesterone is produced, which is responsible for preserving the ovum in case of pregnancy, so the body temperature during pregnancy (in the first trimester) can reach 37.4 ° C degrees, which is the norm.
Many women in a position constantly feel heat, they want coolness, but they do not run for a thermometer, because they feel good, and there are no symptoms of the disease. However, the temperature may rise due to ARVI, intestinal or genitourinary infection.

Temperature and illness

Due to the fact that immunity decreases during pregnancy, a woman becomes more susceptible to infections of various kinds. The defenses are weakened in connection with the appearance in the woman's body of a fetus alien to her, since half of it has a genetic set that is not characteristic of her (from her father). This reaction occurs to maintain the pregnancy.

The risk of catching a flu virus increases dramatically in the midst of epidemics. The course of the disease does not differ from the usual one: high temperature (39-40 ° C), headache, drowsiness, aches throughout the body, runny nose, sore throat and cough. The insidiousness of ARVI lies in its complications, such as pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis and otitis media. The virus is able to penetrate the placenta into the fetus, infecting it and provoking the appearance of malformations or termination of pregnancy.

The temperature during pregnancy can rise in the presence of pyelonephritis, which is an inflammatory kidney disease. Pregnant women are at risk of developing pyelonephritis, since the fetus puts pressure on the ureters, which makes it difficult for urine to drain and leads to infection. The onset of the disease is manifested by symptoms of intoxication in the form of chills, fever, headache, pain throughout the body and weakness. May be concerned about lower back pain radiating to the thigh, groin, and painful urination. Diagnosis of pyelonephritis in pregnant women is difficult due to mild signs of kidney damage. However, the lack of therapeutic measures for this disease can cause the development of preeclampsia (toxicosis) in late pregnancy and termination of pregnancy. The fetus has hypoxia and developmental delay.

Also, the temperature during pregnancy can be the result of food poisoning or intestinal infection. Of course, such phenomena as nausea and vomiting are common in the first trimester of pregnancy, however, the addition of loose stools, pain or cuts in the abdomen, as well as temperature should be a reason to see a doctor.

Latent danger

If a temperature in the early stages of pregnancy up to 37 ° C is considered the norm for women, then a temperature above 38 ° C can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus.

The laying of most body systems (digestive, nervous, reproductive, cardiovascular) occurs in the first weeks after fertilization, and the temperature in early pregnancy can cause malformations, including limbs. Malformations of the jaw, eyeballs, upper lip and palate may occur.

A temperature of more than 38.5 ° C throughout the day affects the development of the brain and facial skeleton in the first month of embryonic development.
A high temperature during pregnancy disrupts protein synthesis, leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the placenta and premature birth (due to an increase in uterine contractility) in the later stages, while in the first half it can threaten the development of a miscarriage.
However, science is still arguing about what has a greater effect on pregnancy: the temperature itself or the agents (bacteria and viruses) that cause it to rise.

What to do?

An increase in temperature during pregnancy to 37.4 ° C is the norm in the first trimester. You do not need to knock it down. You should worry if it exceeds 38 ° C.

The first thing to do is see a doctor. It is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the pregnant woman in order to identify the cause of the increase in temperature. It may be necessary to consult narrow specialists to make the correct diagnosis.
In no case should you self-medicate, it can harm the body of the mother and baby. Only a doctor can give correct advice on how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy.

In the second half of pregnancy, the effect of progesterone stops, which means that any increase in temperature (above 37 ° C) during this period indicates an infectious or inflammatory process in the woman's body.
It is urgent to call an ambulance if there is a sharp deterioration in the condition, a too rapid rise in temperature, the addition of vomiting and pain along the ureters.

How to reduce?

Temperature 37 ° С - no need to reduce.
The temperature of 38 ° C should be reduced, but only with paracetamol.

It cannot be taken more than 4 times a day (1 tablet each). A break between doses is also required (at least 4 hours). Prolonged and uncontrolled intake of paracetamol during pregnancy leads to the development of anemia and provokes bleeding.
Viburcol (plant-based) can be used.

It is forbidden to bring down the temperature during pregnancy with aspirin and other drugs based on it, since it is able to reduce blood clotting, which is fraught with bleeding in both the mother and the fetus. It also leads to malformations.

Some women try to fight disease and other means, according to the principle "can and will help." This is not recommended, especially in an interesting position. Tetracycline (delays fetal development), streptomycin (can cause deafness in a child) and levomycin (disrupts liver function and causes anemia) should not be used during pregnancy.

Our grandmothers knew how to lower the temperature during pregnancy. And today you can use folk remedies.

First, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Linden blossom with raspberries, green tea or cranberry juice will do. If you have a tendency to edema, you should not abuse the liquid, especially at the end of pregnancy.
You can try to bring down the temperature by wiping it down with vinegar or water and lemon juice.
It is not recommended to take hot baths during pregnancy, even foot baths. This can cause bleeding.

To protect against viral infections during pregnancy, you need to take vitamin complexes and drugs that increase immunity (in short courses), but before that it is better to consult a doctor.