How to raise the level of female energy. Feminine energy. How to strengthen female energy. Sexuality is not about sex

Your life may seem pretty good to you, but in doing so, you, like many women, may well have lost touch with your feminine energy. Do you want to feel the taste of real life? Do you want to regain your femininity? Then these simple tips will help you. Feminine energy is what is inside every woman, but at the same time she can calmly doze off and not show up. Do you want to wake her up? Do you want to achieve incredible femininity? Then you have to work on yourself a little. Unfortunately, the feminine energy is often considered less important among the two main energies in Western society. In fact, there is no main one among them, because male and female energies are halves of a single whole. They complement each other and create balance. If there is an unbalanced energy, masculine or feminine, then this can lead to serious problems, because balance is actually extremely important. How do you release feminine energy? How to constantly replenish its supply?

Get moving

Feminine energy is the energy of movement. Oceans, hurricanes and other weather phenomena are all metaphors for her, as they are always in motion, constantly changing. If you're stuck in your office and haven't been very active lately, it's time to get your body moving. It can be anything - a walk in the park, stretching in a yoga class, or even dancing in your underwear in your bedroom to your favorite music. In any case, your feminine energy is activated along with the movement.

Take off your jeans

Since the female energy is pure movement, she does not like to be closed off or limited. Women don't like being told what to do or how to feel, just like a hurricane would never want to be tamed. Jeans and pants tend to be restrictive. It's time to arrange a kind of "detox" and wear only skirts and dresses for at least a month. See how you will feel. Do you think it's easier to navigate through life this way? Do you feel less limited and more feminine? Soft, flowing fabric is a reflection of the moving feminine energy.

Highlight women's time

Time spent consciously with other women can seriously recharge your feminine energy. When you are in the same company exclusively with people of your gender, something incredible happens. It's much easier for you to drop the masks and be who you really are.

Get more orgasms

If men quickly lose their male energy, if they ejaculate too often, then women, on the contrary, benefit more the more they experience orgasms. Everyone can see what happens to girls and women who experience frequent and consistent orgasms - they become more creative, better feel emotional connections, they have better intuition, just to name a few of the improvements - the full list is endless.

Make receiving a priority

Male energy is a penetrating power. Feminine energy is an energy directed towards receiving, towards discovery. When you receive love, attention, strength, your inner energy well fills up. And it's not just about sex (although it also plays an important role). You can get through a massage, a pedicure, or even a meal prepared by someone else. In the case of a massage, for example, you breathe calmly and relax, which allows the massage therapist's hands to penetrate your stress layer, which has an extremely positive effect on your feminine energy. So get out your calendar and schedule some receiving sessions for yourself.


Women form bonds mainly through verbal communication, while men prefer touch. It's no secret that when women reach puberty, they become much more concerned about becoming effective and fluent verbal communicators with their peers. Thus, the female energy in you is replenished through extended contacts with loved ones - with mom, dad, brothers and sisters, close friends, and so on. So turn off the TV, call someone you haven't talked to in a while, and share the events that are happening in your lives. Don't set any goals for yourself - just tell what happened to you and listen to what happened to them.

Pamper yourself

Men can most often get lost in thoughts, while women - in feelings. So if you want to replenish your feminine energy, you need to pamper your senses. To indulge your sense of taste, eat a chocolate bar, drink red wine, or treat yourself to any of your other favorite foods. To indulge your sense of touch, go shopping and touch all the soft and pleasant fabrics of various garments. Choose a place where you can pamper as many of your senses as possible and go there. Leave your head and fully engage with your body, consciously reaching out to each of your five senses.


The masculine energy is destructive while the feminine energy is creative. To bring something colorful into your life, you can start painting, writing poetry, writing lyrics, cooking delicious meals for yourself and others, and so on. And there is no need for your poem, your dish or your song to be good - they just have to be created by you. Forget expectations and just create for the sake of creating.

56. Feeding yourself with love is one of the most important aspects. In the event that a woman has not filled her heart and soul with love, she is energetically weak. And nothing can give a man. worse than that, she will begin to vampire energy from him. - the decline of a man, financial collapse, illness. Use any technique to fill your well with love. A woman is a giver. She must be full of love.

57. Decorative and applied arts - knitting, embroidery, modeling ... - everything that you can do with your own hands raises the level of yours.
58. Compliment - yourself and other women. A good kind word makes us stronger. Thus, if it's hard for you to say something good about other women - solve this issue. Rejection of women can give difficulties in relations with the mother, mother-in-law, daughter.
59. Express love - in any form, at any time. Hug, kiss your loved ones. Speak words of love to the world, to people, to your things. The sun, the spring breeze, the rain, and even your sadness. Because she is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle devastates a woman.

60. Drawing up bouquets - working with flowers gives a charge of new strength. Charge charge renewal and flowering.

61. Proper nutrition - use foods that have undergone less processing and are closer to nature. Remember what strength an apple you picked in the garden gives? And some hamburger. sensations are vastly different.

62. Caress - gentle touches help a woman understand herself. And and find out. caress your body. if you do not have a man, do not deny yourself tenderness. Start every morning and end the day in bed with gentle touches to your face, body, legs. Kiss your hands yourself - and others will idolize them. 63. Being alone with yourself - do not be afraid of those moments when you are left all alone. Don't get married just because you're lonely.

Male energy is the energy of struggle and achievement, and female energy is peace and pleasure. Acting on the principle of "I am myself" is a male path, allowing a man to take care of you is a female one. Male energy helps to focus, achieve results. But if there is too much of it, the girl becomes tough, controlling and demanding. She begins to compete with men, to measure will and strength with them. But this struggle leads to nothing. A woman with a skewed male energy suppresses, a man loses his strength next to her, becomes weak and dependent. And the woman herself begins to get tired, get sick and suffer from loneliness. Having taken on all the responsibility, at some point she feels empty and tired, squeezed out and cold.

Sexual energy is female energy. This is the energy of creativity and passion, it sets the world in motion, forcing it to develop and change. Therefore, a man is so eager to merge with a woman, he wants to be filled with this energy and realize his potential by creating something material. It can be a movie or a song, a factory or a restaurant, a car or a house - the masculine energy always manifests itself in some form, into which the feminine energy is transformed.

1. Self care
The element of ladies is beauty. A woman, paying attention to her appearance, caring and cherishing her body, nourishes the internal energy source. What is the first thing ladies do when they experience negative emotions? They go to the salon and change their image, cut and dye their hair. The self-confidence that appears after that nourishes the feminine. Dedicate at least 30 minutes to yourself every day and you will see positive changes in all areas of your life.

2. "Male shoulder"
Do not be afraid to ask a man for help or support. Any signs of attention from the stronger sex cheer up a woman. They act no less positively on the energy source, charging and stimulating it (after all, a woman cannot exist without a masculine principle, just like a man without a feminine one).

Such an exchange of energy strengthens the biofield of both the stronger and weaker sex, making men feel in a dominant position. Well, what male does not like to be a leader? The value of a woman who makes her partner feel more important is many times greater than the value of a dictator's partner.

The woman is creative. She needs to express herself. It can be anything from painting pictures to growing indoor plants. A passionate woman attracts the opposite sex like a magnet. Maternal energy finds a way out in the “birth” of creative ideas, which means that the chakras function freely and do not go into a state of stagnation of energy flows.

4. Give thanks and pray
Prayers and gratitude are positive manifestations that allow you to tune the "strings" of the inner world and harmonize all processes. If the chakras are closed or do not allow energy to circulate, it is prayers and words of gratitude that can save the situation. Try to use the energy of communication by saying pleasant, encouraging words to people. By giving, you will replace the expendable resources with positive energy impulses.

Wear skirts and dresses
Agree, a woman in a dress looks completely different compared to the one we see her in pants. Skirts allow you to emphasize the dignity of the figure and give the silhouette a special magic. It is not for nothing that in high society it is considered bad form to come to the first seven dates in trousers. Yes, and pants, like clothes for women, began to enter the everyday wardrobe only from the 20th century.

How to develop feminine energy in yourself. Communication with other women.

Feminine energy increases in heart-to-heart communication. It increases even more when communicating with the same carriers of this energy. That is, women. We very often ignore women's conversations. Many do not like and do not know how to be friends with girls.

But it is this kind of friendship that can enrich your life. After all, no man will ever be able to understand you the way a woman will. And it is much more difficult for a man to listen to your experiences and problems. And girlfriends - real like-minded people - will gladly listen and support.

Especially valuable communication is with married women who are happy in family life. They can become a treasure for you - you will find both wisdom, and experience, and support, and friendship, and love - in one person.

In a previous article, the question of Since our energy is spent on different activities, other people, daily worries and problems, below are 20 effective ways to restore feminine energy:

  1. Cooking. Cooking is a creative activity. Turn on your imagination, please yourself or your loved ones. It doesn't matter what you cook, just enjoy the process.
  2. Make a beautiful album with your old or new photos. Get aesthetic pleasure from viewing.
  3. Massage is one of the best ways. It's just great if your beloved man will please you with a massage. Gentle touches to your body will make you more sensual and feminine. It will help relieve fatigue and tension, disperse energy throughout the body.
  4. Hair and hand care. Everyone knows that in women's hair there is great energy and strength. A woman is simply obliged to monitor their health and beauty. Everything also applies to the hands. The process of grooming hands and drawing a manicure restores energy well.
  5. Yoga practice. Here you, in addition to developing your body, also train your mind. Thoughts are directed in a positive direction, the state improves, you are filled with harmony, inner peace.
  6. Relaxing bubble bath. Water is able to take away all bad energy, thoughts, fatigue. And with the help of essential oils, sea salt, flowers and calm music, you will be filled with everything good and pleasant.
  7. Makeup for yourself. A woman should always look beautiful. Not only at important meetings, in public, for a man before marriage, etc. At home, you also need to be in order, because it's nice to be beautiful and the mood is immediately good.
  8. What could be better than dancing? Turn on your favorite music and dance from the heart. It doesn't matter if it's a fun, fast dance or a slow, erotic one. It doesn't matter in the kitchen or in front of the mirror. Just dance and enjoy life.
  9. Walks in the open air. You can walk with a loved one, thereby strengthening relationships. Or you can sometimes take a walk alone, watching life and people, nature and animals. In any case, a walk is a useful pastime.
  10. Shopping. Buying a new piece of clothing gives you good health for the whole day. And the process of trying on is energizing. Therefore, if you do not have such an opportunity to go shopping, you can simply get beautiful outfits from the closet and try them on.
  11. Cleaning the house. It is very important to get rid of unnecessary, old things. Take the time to cleanse the house, thereby purifying your aura. Put the flowers in a vase, let them give warmth, comfort and aroma.
  12. Take your friends to the sauna. A great place where you can relax, forget about problems, improve your health, talk about your own.
  13. Communication with other women. Then there is an exchange of female energies. It is very important to communicate with like-minded friends, and even better with happy, married women. They will listen, understand and support better than men. Yes, and constantly hanging on a man their women's problems is stupid.
  14. Be generous with compliments and nice words to other women. Try to always look for the good in people. Just learn to accept compliments yourself, do not be shy. Women support each other with pleasant words, and men do not always notice the small efforts of his beloved.
  15. Find time to exercise outside, at home, or at the gym. Keeping your body in shape with the acquisition of a good mood. After all, it has been proven that during physical activity a large number of hormones of happiness are produced, and stress and feelings are lost.
  16. Flower care. This activity can be compared to meditation, which gives a woman incredibly great strength and at the same time peace, inner harmony and flowers in her soul. The state in which they are depends on the woman. If you give them kindness and care, then they give even more positive in return.
  17. Allow yourself a photo session. Taking pictures is also an art, where you can see yourself in different roles and images. Look, evaluate yourself, make sure that you are beautiful.
  18. Acting skills. All women are actresses, emotional entities. Play different roles, let it be funny and funny.
  19. Cleanliness in everything. If you are surrounded by negative emotions, wash your hands and dishes. Cleanliness helps to get rid of a bad mood. If you feel a breakdown, a small amount of energy - take a shower or just wash your hair.
  20. Needlework. This creative process affects female hormones. Needlework turns on the right hemisphere of the brain, which is so important for modern women. Now there are many types of this useful and beautiful activity, everyone can choose the right technique for themselves, and then enjoy the finished work.

As you have now seen, there are a huge number of ways to restore female energy. The main thing is to love yourself and be filled with love, because you need to give it to the world.

In my articles, I often write about the fact that we, women, need to fill ourselves with Feminine Energy. That we need to make time for ourselves, to do Women's business. There is even a list of activities that raise the Feminine energy - you can read it here.

And everything would be great if it were not for the same situation that I am facing. Women do all this without realizing the purpose. Again and again they take baths, arrange shopping, do manicures. But the purpose of all this is just to be filled with energy. For myself. And then I hear their tired voices - who are already so tired of all this and do not bring joy.

If we imagine that a woman is a glass, and energy is water, then it is clear that you need to drink from a glass. It's stupid to keep pouring water into a full glass just like that. Water will be wasted and will cause inconvenience to others.

Also with energy. It is strange and pointless just to save it. Save for energy. She needs to use it. It needs to be directed somewhere. It should be of benefit to the world.

It is important to be filled with lunar energy. This is definitely important. A filled woman becomes happy, confident, feminine.

But even more important for what or whom she does it. Being filled with energy for the sake of energy is like turning on the light in an empty apartment. And waste electricity.

The light must burn for someone. He must help someone or something. The lamp above the table helps children do their homework. Lampshade in the kitchen - creates an atmosphere of intimacy during evening tea drinking. A light bulb in the front door helps people get to the apartment safe and sound.

And the woman?

Surely you have seen very feminine, attractive, sexy women who breathe emptiness. An empty apartment with a light bulb on.

And if this apartment is a thousand times beautiful, no one sees it. No one can lie down to sleep on an exquisite bed. No one will be able to appreciate the tastefully selected mugs. There is no one to enjoy an elaborate bathroom with piles of fluffy towels. Then why all this?

Why accumulate feminine forces in yourself if you don’t use them?

When we have enough energy, we should start sharing with the world. To care for others, to help someone, to give one's time and energy to the benefit of another.

Then everything that has been accumulated can be realized. Can find a point of application in life. And bring more energy with you.

Charity and selfless service give millions of times more energy than greed and narcissism.

It is much more pleasant to give gifts than to receive.

It is much more joyful to give than to receive.

There is much more love in serving others.

I wish you to be filled with Feminine energy not for yourself. A woman is the one who sees Souls. It helps them open up and fulfill their purpose. It is for this that Lunar Feminine Energy is given to us.

Olga Valyaeva –

Exercise to strengthen female energy

  1. Sit comfortably, take a deep breath - exhale. Close your eyes.
  2. Feel your body, watch your thoughts. Just note the fact of their existence, watch them move in your head. Now imagine that all that energy that is in the head begins to slowly sink down.
  3. If you are sensitive, just feel and observe the process of energy flowing down. If you are less sensitive, you can imagine a picture of a small copy of you sitting in your head, and then going down in an elevator and landing very softly at the level of the uterus.
  4. Now keep the whole focus of attention at the level of the uterus, just feel that you have it. Where attention flows, energy flows. Observe the sensations.
  5. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Imagine that you are breathing through the uterus. Do this exercise slowly, meditatively, savoring every sensation, help yourself with breathing.
  6. Keep the focus on the uterus for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Now note the difference in your state before and after the exercise.

Video Female energy: how to develop it and how to manage it.

Man and woman differ from each other not only externally, but also spiritually and energetically. The lack of female energy always has a detrimental effect on the quality of life, girls begin to feel like a flower that gradually fades. To feel calm and happy, to be able to create and develop your talents, you need to learn how to replenish the reserves of female energy and refrain from activities that lead to its loss.

It takes its beginning from love and care, and if external manifestations of love from strangers are not enough, you need to look for love for yourself in the depths of your soul, learn to take care of your body and spiritual state.

Important! A full-fledged, free and happy woman, filled with energy, will always be able to find resources for various development, a way out of difficult dysfunctional situations.

Female energy often affects the perception of a woman from the outside. This is especially noticeable at the age of 40 and older, when external attractiveness gradually fades into the background. Internal energy comes first, this is true femininity, self-love and freedom - qualities that are valued by men.

What takes away feminine energy?

Energy depletion is immediately visible from the outside. These are the so-called "women who have lost their femininity and attractiveness." Some believe that such representatives of the fair sex have simply forgotten how to be women.

But in fact, you can list several main energy absorbers that deprive a woman of spiritual harmony and internal energy. Namely:

  1. High load. In the modern world, women have equal rights with men, which is why the fair sex has become more independent. A woman can do repairs alone, hold a managerial position at an enterprise, take care of the whole family, helping not only children, but also parents. Such people have absolutely no time for themselves, so over time they lose their femininity and natural attractiveness.
  2. Inability to let go of the past and move forward.
  3. Constant stress, physical and psychological illness.
  4. Accumulated grievances that are kept in themselves, unspoken fears and experiences.
  5. Negative emotions that a person experiences in relation to himself, his life or other people. They accumulate negative energy, which destroys all good qualities and does not allow them to be developed again.
  6. Hard, unloved work.
  7. Men's types of recreation and sports (fights, hunting, shooting)
  8. Hanging out with people who don't like you.
  9. Criticism and self-flagellation.
  10. Absence of girlfriends.
  11. Men's clothing, hairstyle, lack of jewelry and personal care.
  12. Lack of proper sleep.
  13. Complaints about life and people around.
  14. Mechanical life by inertia without a soul.
  15. Rough speech, foul language.

The female energy is called the moon, it is modest and quiet, but it always attracts the eye, there is a certain mystery hidden in it. The opposite masculine energy is activity, cheerfulness, hard work. That is why the division of duties develops so that difficult work belongs to the stronger sex.

In order to feel their nature in full and be filled with the lost female energy, each lady of the fair sex must learn to please herself on her own and accept warmth and care from the people around her. Only by learning to listen to herself, the girl will be able to fill with the necessary energy and shine.

Ways to fill female energy

Many practices are aimed at returning female energy. Physical exercises give results only in combination with spiritual ones. It is important to keep striving for the goal, leave negative emotions in the past and rebuild on the positive. There are several ways that will help to generally align the level of female energy and feel happy.

Sleeping mode

The body needs a certain amount of time for a healthy rest, otherwise each person will very quickly feel unhappy, become irritable and tense. Experts recommend going to bed before midnight and getting about eight hours of sleep a day.

Getting up earlier, you can do a lot more things and fully catch the daylight hours. In the morning, you can prepare ritual coffee or tea, have a calm breakfast and plan further time.

Small pleasures

We must not forget about our inner child, you need to pay attention and time to your own desires. You can make a list, indicating in it everything that comes to mind, from what you would like to do or get. Your every day should be filled with joys that will make your world a better place. This will help to fully recharge with positive energy, emotionally relax and distract from problems.

Positive emotions

Regardless of the presence of small pleasant pleasures, sometimes the body needs a larger vacation - emotions that can be obtained while traveling to another country or visiting loved ones. Traveling is especially important, because during them you can make new positive acquaintances, leave behind all the difficulties of everyday life, gain new knowledge and even try new interesting activities.

A good way to fill up with feminine energy is to visit places you have never been. Different cities, different countries, different way of life - all this is new and unusual. I recommend at least once a month to get out into nature - rest in the forest, on the sea, just away from the bustle of the city, where you can be alone with your thoughts.

For a change, you can change the usual route, go to work or visit friends on a new road.

Order in the house

Wherever you are, the most important thing is the desire to return home. Comfortable living conditions affect everyday life, if a woman does not want to return home in the evenings, she will receive negative emotions at the end of a hard day's work.

There should always be order and comfort at home. If the apartment is in need of repair, it's time to finally get down to business and at least hang new curtains to update and freshen up the atmosphere. The sooner housing turns into a cozy nest in which a woman can feel safe, the easier it will be for her to replenish her energy.


A woman feels self-confidence only if she likes her body. The body needs to be dealt with, but it should not be exhausting diets that only take away energy. It is much better to pay attention to the sport of interest, you can start going to the pool, because swimming affects all muscle groups, increase the number of walks, play tennis or horseback riding.

Personal care

Self-care fills with feminine energy: visiting a massage, spa treatments, a beauty salon. All this will positively affect not only the external, but also the internal state, help to relax and recharge with positive emotions.

Body care also includes home treatments: fragrant bath gels and foams, pleasantly scented shampoo, handmade soap, nourishing hair masks and skin care products.


The best way to replenish female energy is to engage in your favorite kind of creativity. It is with the help of creativity that a woman can throw out negative emotions from herself. You can also draw positive emotions from creativity, express yourself, feel like a talented and significant person.

The choice of creativity is great. A woman can take up music or singing, writing, photography (as a photographer or model), drawing or design. Even cooking can become not a simple everyday task, but creativity, if you approach each cooking process with a soul, prepare new, interesting dishes.

Nice talking

A pleasant conversation with friends can quickly charge you with feminine energy. Therefore, you should definitely give them time. Also, female energy can be drawn through communication with children, pets, relatives and loved ones. Discussing joint affairs with like-minded people will give you a lot of positive energy.

Rest time

Even if the work schedule is too tight, you need to learn how to take time to rest. 20 minutes a day, spent in a calm atmosphere with a cup of tea, also help to fill up with feminine energy.

Trust in the world

Distrustful people constantly lose energy on suspicions and worries. To come into harmony with herself, a woman must learn to believe in loved ones, to believe in herself and her own strengths. This will help you move forward and achieve your goals. You also need to believe in life, that circumstances will definitely turn out for the best, that not everything is lost.

Prayer allows believing people to fill up with energy, words that are important for the heart, especially words of gratitude, spoken aloud. You can be grateful for anything: for what you can see, hear, walk or breathe.

Women's energy (video)

From this video you will learn why female energy is needed and how to fill it.

Feminine energy is necessary for the happiness of every woman. Only with her, the fair sex can feel happy. Negative emotions and actions waste energy, but it can be replenished if you take care of yourself in time. Self-care and self-love will help replenish female energy, you just need to make a sufficient amount of effort.

You already know that Yin energies and qualities associated with being in the "female pole" predominate in a feminine woman. But it is important to understand that if you are used to living differently, then moving to this female pole will take time. Since the worldview must change ... Which may require several years of constant work on oneself.

It's like learning a foreign language. It does not mean at all that only in a few years you will speak a language that is still unknown to you. You will speak earlier - after six months of regular classes. But it will take you several years for a foreign language to become part of you, for you to start thinking in it, reading poetry ... The same is with the development of femininity.
What can you do right now to develop your femininity?

1. YOU CAN WEAR SKIRTS AND DRESSES. And it’s good if they are long and with a wide hem. Long - this means below the knee, and even better to the floor. Since a long and wide skirt creates a regular energy cone with its contour, making us stable. She forms energy according to the female type: little at the top, a lot at the bottom. In addition, the hem has a sacred meaning - it is a protective circle around you. Closer than the boundaries of this circle will not work for you. In addition, when our crotch is hidden, it adds a certain intimacy to us, creates a mystery, a mystery. The Vedic tradition says that THIS place for a woman must be closed, because we have “the goddess Lakshmi” here, who is responsible for good luck, prosperity and well-being. And a person who has the power of a look can “steal” our luck with a look. So the usual wearing of a skirt or dress is already a good practice.

2. YOU CAN GROW LONG HAIR. Women's strength is accumulated in the hair: the longer the hair, the more feminine you are. Have you ever heard of a short-haired witch? But a witch is a knowing woman who knows how to use her power. And long hair plays an important role in this process.

There used to be times when some women grew their hair to the toes. Such a woman was worth its weight in gold (literally and figuratively). Since she was a kind of living talisman, who was treated very well and in every possible way gratified. It was believed that she should be happy, because if such a woman is happy and wishes the house in which she lives prosperity, then the house flourished and the family flourished. In those days, it was a great insult for a woman if her hair was cut off. It was like an outrage, depriving a woman of her power. And now we do it voluntarily ...

When a woman has long hair (that is, below the heart chakra, the center of the chest), then lunar energy prevails in her, she receives emotional stability, and when a woman has a haircut, bangs, Venusian energy prevails. If you are trying to grow your hair, but at some point for some reason they begin to interfere with you, this means that you still do not have enough strength to withstand female power, the power of lunar energy.

BUT!!! If you want to get married if you want to be emotionally stable, you just need grow hair. And at the same time, the hair must be collected - in a braid, a bun, in a shell, etc. Because only when the hair is collected does energy accumulate inside you. But if your hair is loose all the time, then through them, as if through tubes, your strength constantly flows into space, is wasted. By the way, the expression "loose woman" came from loose hair. It is important to clarify that 2 pigtails, a ponytail are also practically loose hair. With such a hairstyle, you will not feel the changes.

Collected hair mobilizes us as much as possible. Moreover, depending on where you collect the hair in a bun, you will get a different result. If at the bottom of the back of the head, then you will accumulate good, high-quality lunar energy, a taste for humility will appear. And this is very important for us, for women - then we easily and joyfully accept the leading role of a man in our lives. If the beam is collected at the crown, then this helps us accumulate vital energy, vigor and activity appear. If you feel lethargic, lack of strength, then this hairstyle is for you. Experiment…

But even while your hair is short, it is better to pin it up, clean it up, take care of it, nourish it so that it grows faster.

3. YOU CAN ONLY SAY PLEASANT WORDS. This is one of the simple but effective women's commandments. Even if you need to criticize someone, it is better to find soft, kind, carefully chosen words and speak them with love and care. We need this commandment in order to teach all of us, women, flexibility, gentleness, and care for others. It softens our heart very much. Try to talk like this for a week and watch what happens to you and the space around you.

4. YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING SLOWLY. Change your rhythm of life: throw out half of the tasks from your schedule - they will be redone themselves or it turns out that they do not need to be done at all. Talk slowly, walk slowly, eat slowly... and you will automatically shift into the female pole.

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  • How to strengthen feminine energy >

feminine energy- this is tenderness, peace, harmony, but at the same time strength and purposefulness. The female energy serves as a kind of "battery" for the unstable male energy, acting as a constant source of wisdom and integrity.

Main female chakras

  • svadhisthana (located in the region of the ovaries and is responsible for obtaining pleasure in any of its manifestations);
  • anahata (chakra of love and understanding, compassion and acceptance);
  • ajna (responsible for female intuition and providence)

Where do blocks appear in the energy flow

The modern world teaches a woman with independence and constructive aggression. From childhood, girls are instilled with the idea of ​​gender equality, creating fertile ground for gender competition.

This state of affairs negative affects the soft female energy, which should inspire a man, and not act as a counterbalance to his ego.

As a result of adaptation in the world of public attitudes, the fair sex drowns out their energy. Because of this, a woman is overtaken by problems in her personal life, and a feeling of unfulfillment and lack of fullness provokes constant depression. In a word, the system of yin and yang fails.

How to awaken feminine energy?

classical practice

Orgasm reflex practice

To practice, put on some background music to help you relax. After that, tune in to a light wave of excitement and proceed with the recommendations:

  • The first stage lasts 10 minutes. Lie on your back with your legs bent. Rock your pelvis up and down in small jerks. After each movement, the body should feel relaxed.
  • The second stage also lasts 10 minutes. Now the pelvis rises higher and higher, and thoughts are concentrated on the uterus. Movement and breathing must not be clamped.
  • The third stage lasts 20 minutes. The pelvis is always raised. In the area of ​​the uterus, mentally create a pulsating energy ball. Very smoothly reduce and spread your knees (with small pushes, resembling a pulsation). The installation should be in the receiving position, like a woman during intercourse. Breathe deeply and through your mouth, fully concentrating on the area of ​​the uterus.
  • The fourth stage is descending and takes 5 minutes. Spreading your knees, gently and gently lower your pelvis.
  • Stage 5 is the completion of the practice. It takes 10 minutes. Lie in a comfortable position and relax with your arms outstretched, palms up. Feel the warmth that spreads through the body and imagine that the uterus is full of energy that gently pulsates.

The practice of arousal

This practice is done in the shower or in bed when the body is relaxed. A woman should have a minimum amount of clothing (ideally, her complete absence). Practice helps to remove blocks and develop femininity, as well as learn how to move into a state of arousal. Both exercises are performed for 10 minutes.

Exercise 1

Get into a comfortable position and start stroking your hands. Gradually move on to the shoulders. Next, focus on the chest, squeezing and stroking it until the nipples become firmer. Then switch to your stomach. All movements are performed with eyes closed.

You need to touch yourself the way your beloved man would. Exercise also promotes self-acceptance and getting rid of complexes.

Exercise 2

Draw imaginary pictures on your stomach with your fingertips. Movement should be light and almost imperceptible.

How to develop feminine energy

Personal care

The element of ladies is beauty. A woman, paying attention to her appearance, caring and cherishing her body, nourishes the internal energy source. What is the first thing ladies do when they experience negative emotions? They go to the salon and change their image, cut and dye their hair.

The self-confidence that appears after that nourishes the feminine. Dedicate yourself at least 30 minutes every day and you will see positive changes in all areas of your life.

"Man's Shoulder"

Do not be afraid to ask a man for help or support. Any signs of attention from the stronger sex cheer up a woman. They act no less positively on the energy source, charging and stimulating it (after all, a woman cannot exist without a masculine principle, just like a man without a feminine one).

This exchange of energy strengthens the biofield and strong and weak sex, making men feel in a dominant position.

Well, what male does not like to be a leader? The value of a woman who makes her partner feel more important is many times greater than the value of a dictator's partner.


The woman is creativity. She needs to express herself. It can be anything from painting pictures to growing indoor plants. A passionate woman attracts the opposite sex like a magnet.

Maternal energy finds a way out in the “birth” of creative ideas, which means that the chakras function freely and do not go into a state of stagnation of energy flows.

Give thanks and pray

Prayers and gratitude are positive manifestations that allow you to tune the "strings" of the inner world and harmonize all processes. If the chakras are closed or do not allow energy to circulate, it is prayers and words of gratitude that can save the situation.

Try to use the energy of communication by saying pleasant, encouraging words to people. By giving, you will replace the expendable resources with positive energy impulses.

Wear skirts and dresses

Agree, a woman in a dress looks completely different compared to the one we see her in pants. Skirts allow you to emphasize the dignity of the figure and give the silhouette a special magic.

It is not for nothing that in high society it is considered bad form to come to the first seven dates in trousers. Yes, and pants, like clothing for women, began to enter the everyday wardrobe only from the 20th century.


During the performance of the mantra, powerful vibrations are created that affect the consciousness and subconscious. If the listener is morally determined to accept the positive effect of singing, then the mantra can radically change the way of thinking and even the life of a person.

Women's mantras are taken as a basis lunar energy and are addressed to two goddesses: Tara or Kali. Meditative prayers end with "tham" or "svaha". Mantras are chanted, guttural. During the performance of a meditative prayer, vibrations should arise in the throat.

Appeal to Kali

Kali helps girls in difficult life situations. With problems and desires, it is worth contacting this lunar goddess. The words of the meditation text are as follows:


Appeal to Tara

Tara helps to develop sexuality and sensuality, to become attractive to men. They come to her with questions from the love sphere. Prayer to Tara sounds like: