How to calculate the daily amount of food. Nutrition for children under one year old by months: calculator - how to lay a solid foundation for many years of life

There are several methods for roughly calculating the amount of milk required for a newborn.

So, according to the modified Filkinstein formula, the amount of milk required by a child during the day is determined as follows:

n * 70 or 80,

where: n is the day of the child's life.

To determine the amount of milk a child needs during the day, the number of days of his life is multiplied by 70 (with a body weight of less than 3200 g) or by 80 (with a body weight of more than 3200 g). For example, a child at the age of 5 days needs 70 * 5 = 350 ml of milk per day, and if he feeds 7 times, then in one feeding he needs 350: 7 = 50 ml.

According to the formula of G.I. Zaitseva, the daily amount of milk, equal to 2% of the child's body weight at birth, is multiplied by n, where n is the day of the child's life.

You can use another calculation: when feeding seven times, the newborn should receive in each feeding the amount of milk equal to 10 multiplied by the day of his life (for example, a 5-day-old baby should receive 10 * 5 = 50 ml of milk in one feeding).

If the child does not suck out the required amount of milk due to some somatic problem, then it is advisable each time to spoon-feed him with expressed colostrum milk to the required volume. If the child sucks sluggishly with a generally satisfactory condition ("lazy" sucker), then he should be fed periodically, 2-3 times a day, so that some malnutrition stimulates the child's activity during the next attachment to the breast.

In cases where the child's malnutrition is due to insufficient lactation in the mother, it is recommended to feed from both breasts for some time.

In this case, you must follow some rules: give the second breast only after the child has sucked everything out of the first, alternate the order of attachment. More frequent breastfeeding and complete emptying of the breast stimulates lactation.

If the mother has persistent hypogalactia and the amount of milk sucked out by the child does not cover his needs (which affects the well-being of the child, the weight curve and is objectively confirmed by repeated control feeding, then it is necessary to prescribe supplementary feeding with donor milk.

Supplementation is best done with freshly expressed unboiled colostrum milk from a spoon. But this is possible only under the condition of strict aseptic collection of it. If you are not sure of this, then the milk is pasteurized (but not boiled) for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 65-75 ° C.

In those rare cases, when there is no donor milk, newborns are supplemented with adapted formulas "Malyutka" or "Vitalakt". In addition to adequate feeding, newborns should receive a drink in the form of a 5% glucose solution or slightly sweetened tea from the first days of life. Drinking the child is prescribed fractionally, 10 ml 8-10 times, in total up to 50-100 ml per day.

Timely administration of a glucose solution or tea with sugar, especially with insufficient lactation in the mother and high air temperature, reduces physiological loss of body weight, prevents the development of hypoglycemia and physiological hyperthermia. After being discharged from the hospital, the child must be fed for the first time in accordance with the regimen established in the hospital. In the future, the number of feedings of the child is reduced.

"Child Care, Nutrition and Vaccine Prophylaxis", F.M. Kitikar

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One of the important elements contributing to growth and development is the correct nutrition of the child, in which the quantity and quality of food is balanced in accordance with the needs of the baby.

Specialists in the field of pediatrics and nutrition have developed nutritional standards for children of the first year of life, the violation of which can significantly affect the health of the baby and his physical and mental abilities.

Thus, an insufficient amount of food intake by a child of the first year of life can contribute to the development of dystrophy, rickets, prolapse of the kidneys, which are supported by adipose tissue. Children's nutrition that does not correspond to the age category in terms of quality and composition can lead to delayed development of the child, the absence of teeth or their poor quality, diathesis, allergic reactions, disorders of the nervous system, mental retardation, anemia.

Healthy nutrition for children is especially important in the first year of life., when the basic functions of the body are laid and the lack of weight, or the absence of any vitamins or vital trace elements, can affect the health of the child as a whole.

Nutrition for children of the first six months of life

The calculation of the nutrition of children of the first year of life can be carried out according to the needs for the amount of food, knowing its calorie content and the weight of the baby. Besides, children of the first half of the year breastfed can eat exclusively breast milk, which satisfies all their needs for nutrients and contributes to the normal development of all organs, as well as supplies the body with immune cells that protect the baby from the effects of infection.

Breastfeeding is carried out at the request of the child, who himself determines how often and in what quantity he needs food. As a rule, by the end of the first month of life, the rhythm of breast milk production, as well as its composition, are synchronized with the needs of the baby and there are no problems. The following factors indicate that the baby does not have enough breast milk:

  • The number of wet diapers per day is less than the number of feedings.
  • The baby hangs on his chest for a long time and falls asleep more from fatigue than from satiety.
  • Often wakes up with a hungry cry and falls silent only after he was given a breast.
  • Weight gain does not meet the monthly growth rate.

If there is at least one of the factors listed, you need to contact a pediatrician who will help you do a control weighing before and after feeding, as well as send breast milk for research in terms of its fat content and density. In the event that it turns out that, indeed, there is not enough milk, options are possible with supplementary feeding with mixtures after the main feeding, or a complete replacement of one or two feedings with food for children.

The nutrition of children under one year old who are initially on mixtures should be under the control of the parents and meet the age requirements, it is very important to observe the feeding regimen, give the baby the amount necessary for his age and take into account the composition of the mixtures.

Calculation of the amount of food for a bottle-fed baby

In order not to overfeed the baby or leave him hungry it is necessary to comply with nutritional standards, including the number of feedings and the amount of food consumed which are individual for each child and change every month as they grow.

There are several formulas that allow you to calculate the volume and calorie content, they are convenient to use and can be taken as a basis by a pediatrician who adjusts the feeding scheme depending on the individual needs of the baby.

The daily requirement for milk or formula of the child for the first 10 days of life

As you know, in the first 2 - 3 days, the child needs a very small amount of nutritious and easily digestible colostrum, which is excreted instead of milk. Approximately 3-4 days milk appears, or the newborn is fed with an adapted mixture, the amount of which per day can be found out by the formula:

2% of body weight at birth multiplied by the number of days from birth.

The resulting figure is equal to the daily amount of food, then it must be divided by the number of meals. For example, birth weight is 3,200 kg, then on the fourth day from birth he must consume the daily food intake equal to the formula:

(3,200 / 100 * 2) * 4 = 64 (2% of body weight at birth) * 4 (number of days from birth) = 256ml per day.

At the same time, the daily nutritional intake of the child in the first 10 days should not exceed 1000 ml per day.

There is an easier way to find out the amount of food per meal, for this you need to multiply the number of days from birth by 10. For example, on the 5th day of life from birth, a one-time norm of milk or mixture is 50 ml, respectively, each subsequent day the norm increases by 10 ml for each meal food.

Method for calculating the volume of food by its calorie content

In the first half of the year, the energy needs of children for food per day correspond to 115kl per kilogram of body weight, after 6 months this figure decreases to 110kkl per kilogram. But this method is used only when the calorie content of the food is known, for example, when using baby food.

Let's give an example, the baby's body weight is 5kg, then the daily calorie intake is 5 * 115 = 575kkl. Knowing the calorie content of the mixture per liter 680kl / l, you can find out the amount the child needs per day - (575 * 1000) / 680 = 845, 5 ml per day.

It should be borne in mind that a child's diet at 10 months includes not only mixtures, but also 3 full meals consisting of vegetables, meat and dairy products. Therefore, in order to calculate the diet of a 10 month old child, it is necessary to know the calorie content of all products per 100 g. and take into account that a one-time meal should not exceed 120 - 140g per meal.

Calculation of the daily dose of milk according to the Reich

A fairly simple way to find out the amount of food in order for the nutrition of children in the first year of life to be balanced and sufficient is to divide the baby's weight in grams by his height and multiply the resulting number by 7.

For example, with a height of 57cm, 4.9kg. we have a calculation: (4900gr / 57cm) * 7 = 601ml, which corresponds to the norm.

Child nutrition calculator up to a year by months

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Proper nutrition for a child under one year old - can it affect the health of the child as a whole?

Introduction of the first complementary foods

The composition of mother's milk fully meets the needs of a growing child's body up to 6 months, while adapted formulas, no matter how enriched with various microelements, are not fully absorbed, and a child already at 4 - 5 months needs an additional source of nutrients... You can learn more about healthy eating for children by taking into account the fact that for artificially fed children, complementary foods must be introduced a month earlier.

Consider an additional one, starting from six months as with breastfeeding.

Despite the recommendations of pediatricians in previous years, today you should not use applesauce or juice for the first complementary foods, since its acidity can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the baby's stomach and lead to diathesis. The best option for a baby's first acquaintance with adult food is the introduction of potatoes or a lighter zucchini in season. It should be introduced in the first half of the day, after the main intake of milk or mixture, starting with a teaspoon and gradually replacing the second feeding 80 - 90g. vegetable puree. Gradually, you can make multi-component purees, fruit purees and juices diluted with water.

When introducing new products, it must be remembered that the nutrition of children under one year old does not imply the use of artificial colors, trans fats and preservatives, therefore the best food is healthy food for children in the source of origin, which, mom is sure.

Starting from the moment the baby reaches the seventh month, you can enter fermented milk products prepared with the help of special starter cultures and lactic bacteria. Such food will help the child to quickly adapt to solid foods and create the necessary microflora in the intestines. The nutrition of a seven-month-old child should include two full meals consisting of vegetable soup or mashed potatoes, dairy-free porridge or kefir. The amount of cow's milk products should be limited, as it is a strong allergen in its pure form. By the end of the seventh month, the amount and composition of complementary foods for a child on GW and an artificial baby are equalized.

The nutrition of an eight-month-old child becomes more varied, as gradually meat puree from chicken or rabbit, a quarter of the yolk and a little butter or vegetable oil are introduced into the diet. Healthy food for children should be varied and contain all the nutrients needed for growth and development.

Diet food for children under one year old should not contain fried or smoked food; canned food, soups with meat broths and various sweets are also banned. During the period when the child already has several teeth, and this happens, as a rule, by the age of 9 months, you should not give the baby solid food, from which a piece may fall off. So carrots, apples and cookies, on which children relieved itchy gums, become pathologically dangerous.

Nutrition for a 10 month old baby

By this age, children can completely switch to an alternative menu, having reserved the right to eat their mother's milk before going to bed and with the first rays of the sun. The number of feedings per day is 5, taking into account breastfeeding or formula.
The diet of a child at 10 months is approximately the following:

  1. 6 - 00 breast milk or 200 ml of formula.
  2. 10 - 00 milk porridge or cottage cheese with fruit puree.
  3. 14 - 00 vegetable soup or mashed potatoes with meatballs.
  4. 18:00 adapted kefir, baby biscuits with milk.
  5. 22:00 formula or breast milk.

How to feed a 10 month old baby? Of course, at this age, it is necessary to gradually teach the baby to eat independently from a spoon, for this you can seat the child in a special chair and provide him with children's dishes. In this case, you can simultaneously feed the baby yourself with another spoon. A baby's nutrition at 10 months should not consist of completely homogenized foods. So you can make soups not completely uniform, include thicker puddings or meatballs with rice in the diet. By the age of 10 months, the child's gag reflex fades away and more solid food, with which the baby is already able to cope, should be present on the table. It is better to refuse a blender when preparing food for a child of 10 months, kneading everything with a fork. The nutrition of an 11 month old baby practically does not differ from the diet of a 10 month old baby.

Baby food after a year

The nutrition of a one-year-old child is noticeably different from the diet of an infant, for example, the amount of food consumed per day can be equal to 1250 ml. at the same time, meals are reduced to 4. It is recommended to increase the interval between the last meal and breakfast. So, food for children after a year begins with breakfast at about 8 o'clock in the morning, dinner should not be later than 21 - 00 o'clock.

The child's diet per year consists of 25% of the daily allowance for breakfast, 35% for lunch, 15% for an afternoon snack and 25% for dinner.

Baby food recipes after a year should include dairy products, poultry, beef, vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish, eggs, vegetable fats. As little as possible, you need to give the child sweets, flour products, animal fats. Categorically, a child's food from one year old does not include carbonated drinks, chips, sausages and other instant meals. Such food contains many dyes and flavors, which can strongly affect the pancreas or liver at one time, cause gastritis, ulcers, or cause severe poisoning.

The nutrition of a child at 1.5 years old usually does not include breast milk or formula, which of course can be consumed by a child at this age, if the mother wants it, but they do not carry much value in themselves. The food should be more solid and not uniform. Little by little, fried foods, such as cheesecakes, pancakes with cottage cheese, cutlets, can be added to the menu, as when eating a child of 2 years old. In this case, you should not allow a heavily fried crust affecting the baby's pancreas. At this age, children are very capricious and selective in food, therefore, when preparing it, the decoration of the dish, as well as the dishes and serving, play an important role. At this age, you can also start teaching your child the correct table manners.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The amount of food should be consistent with the physiological capacity of the stomach of the newborn and infant.

Stomach volume:

At birth - 7 ml.

On the fourth day - up to 40 ml.

On the tenth day - up to 80 ml.

With each subsequent month - an increase of 25 ml.

Formula N.F. Filatov to determine the volume (V) of one-time meals for children of the first year of life:

V = 30 ml +30 n,

where n is the number of months.

The first 10 days of life.

1. Formula G.I. Zaitseva:

daily milk volume= 2% birth weight x age in days.

Example: the child's age is 5 days

birth weight - 3500

daily volume of milk = 70 x 5 = 350 (ml).

The volume of milk for one feeding with regimen 1a (free feeding or the number of feedings is not less than 10) - 35 ml (30-40 ml); with mode 1 (7 times a day) - 50 ml.

2. Finkelstein's formula

If the weight of the baby at birth is less than 3200 g, then the daily volume of milk = age in days x70.

If the weight of the child at birth is more than 3200 g, then the daily volume of milk = age in days x 80.

Example: the child is 6 days old.

birth weight: 3 100 g 3500 g

daily milk volume: 6 x 70 = 420 (ml) 6 x 80 = 480 (ml)

Milk volume per feeding:

at mode 1a 40 ml 50 ml

at mode 1 60 ml 70 ml

After the 10th day of life.
1. Volumetric method.
The daily amount of food is:
at the age of 10 days to 2 months. 1/5 of the child's body weight

from 2 months - 4 months 1/6 - "-

from 4 months - 6 months 1/7 - "-

from 6 months - 8 months 1/8 - "-

over 8-9 months 1 / 9-1 / 10
and until the end of the year 1000-1200 ml

2. Calorie method.

The daily food volume is calculated based on the child's energy needs and the calorie content of food. The method is convenient for calculating the amount of food in the first 6 months. life. Example: the age of the child is 2 months, the body weight is 4.6 kg; energy requirement (kcal) -115 kcal per 1 kg of body weight. The child should receive per day: 4.6x115 = 530 (kcal).

Knowing that 1 liter of human milk contains on average 700 kcal, it is easy to calculate how much milk a child should receive per day. We make the proportion:

1000 ml of milk -700 kcal The daily volume of milk is 760 ml.

X ml of straw - 530 kcal Milk volume per feeding at

X = 530 x100= 760 ml. 6 meals a day (mode 2) - 130 ml;

700 at 7 - one-time (mode 1) - 110 ml.

Modes of children of the first year of life

Weight and body length gain in term infants in the first year of life (according to the Institute of Pediatrics of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, 1966)

Age per month Weight gain per month per year Weight gain over the past period Growth gain per month in cm Increase in growth over the past period
2,5 8,5
1,5 20,5
1,5 23,5

Average monthly weight and length gains in the first year of life in premature babies

Age in months Birth weight, g
800-1000 800-1000 1001-1500 1001-1500 1501-2000 1501-2000 2001-2500 2001-2500
weight length weight length weight length weight length
3,9 3,7 3,8 3,7
3,5 4,0 700-800 3,9 3,6
600-700 2,5 600-700 4,2 700-800 3,6 700-800 3,6
3,5 600-800 3,7 800-900 3,8 700-800 3,3
3,7 3,6 3,3 2,3
3,7 2,8 2,3 2,0
2,5 3,0 2,3 1,6
2,5 1,6 1,8 1,5
4,5 2,1 1,0 1,2
2,5 1,7 0,8 1,5
2,2 0,6 0,9 1,0
1,7 1,2 1,5 1,2


Hypogalactia- reduced secretory function of the mammary glands during the lactation period.


1. Etiological factor:



2. Time of manifestation:


3. The degree of milk deficiency in relation to the baby's needs:

I degree - 25%.

II degree - 50%.

III degree - 75%.

IV degree - more than 75%.

Considering the hormonal mechanisms of the formation of lactation, the diagnosis of hypogalactia in the first 7 days of the postpartum period is premature. After the specified period of time, the pediatrician should be alerted signs that may indicate insufficient milk supply to the baby:

♦ Anxiety of the baby during weaning.

♦ Flattened weight curve. During the first three months, the child should add an average of 20-30 g in weight daily.

♦ Decrease in the number of urination (a child in the first months of life should urinate at least 10-8 times a day).

♦ Decrease in the frequency of bowel movements, absence of stool for 1-2 days, change in the nature of the stool - scanty, dry - "hungry stool".

True hypogalactia must be distinguished from lactation crises- a decrease in milk separation due to the peculiarities of hormonal regulation in the body of lactating women, and independent of the woman's health status and her psychological attitudes. Lactation crises can be repeated every 30-40 days. Most often, crises occur on the 20-30th day and on the 3rd, 4th months of lactation.

An increase in the frequency of breastfeeding, nutritional adjustments are sufficient to restore lactation volume. It is allowed during these periods to prescribe metabolic complexes to a nursing woman.

Causes of hypogalactia

The causes of hypogalactia are a reflection of the complexity of lactation regulation. The factors influencing the amount of secreted milk can be conditionally divided into psychological, physiological and social. They are often closely intertwined, making it difficult to determine the extent of each one.

1. Psychological factors. Neurogenic stress is one of the most common causes of hypogalactia. Mental experiences of the mother, which inevitably affect the state of her lactation, can be due to many reasons:

♦ inattentive attitude to the woman in labor in the early postpartum period, lack of skills and experience in establishing the process of feeding, latching a newborn to the breast on the part of the medical staff of both the maternity ward and the staff of the neonatal department;

♦ diseases of the child and mother;

♦ social disorder of the family;

♦ psychological pressure from the media due to advertising of artificial milk substitutes.

2. Physiological factors. Determine the ability to produce milk and its excretion. They can come from both the mother's side and the child's side.

At the heart of primary hypogalactia there are neuro-endocrine disorders, as a result of which the growth and development of the mammary glands, the production of hormones of the lactogenic complex and the motor function of the mammary gland are disrupted. Primary hypogalactia occurs in no more than 3-5% of women.

Development secondary hypogalactia contribute to:

a) extragenital pathology:

Diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, congenital and acquired heart defects;

Diseases of the endocrine system;

b) diseases of the genital area:

Adnexitis and other inflammatory processes,

Tumor and precancerous conditions of the uterus and ovaries,

Secondary infertility;

c) burdened obstetric history:

Spontaneous and a large number of medical abortions of pregnancy;

d) an unfavorable course of pregnancy:

Severe forms of gestosis, prolonged threat of miscarriage,

e) complicated course of the birth period:

Pathological blood loss during childbirth (more than 500 ml) causes not only a decrease in secretion, but also a deterioration in the quality of colostrum;

Abnormal childbirth, which can be the direct cause of the birth of an injured child. Hence, the problem of "sluggish suckers" arises, which plays a role in the absence of lactation mechanisms in the mother;

The use of a number of medicinal substances that inhibit milk secretion (methylergometrine, gestagens, a combination of estrogens and progesterone);

f) complications in the postpartum period:

Diseases of the mother and the child, which can cause late attachment of the baby to the breast and late separation of colostrum milk. Long-term "separation" of the mother and the newborn cause the steady extinction of lactation during the first month of the postpartum period;

Some congenital malformations of the maxillofacial region of the child, as well as diseases that are an absolute contraindication for breastfeeding.

3. Social factors:

Bad habits before and during pregnancy: smoking, drinking alcohol; in female smokers, lactation stops during the first 3-5 weeks after childbirth;

Inadequate nutrition of a nursing woman: restriction in the diet of foods that are carriers of complete protein, animal and vegetable fats, vitamins and microelements;

Non-compliance by a woman with the regime;

Study and work of the mother;

Lack of psychological comfort in the family.

The listed risk factors for secondary hypogalactia, being indirect causes of its development, lead to the main ones:

To a decrease in the number of breastfeeding by the child;

To reduce the duration of feeding;

To exclude night feedings;

To the hasty appointment of supplementary feeding, accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of breast sucking;

To the formation of "nipple sucking" due to the introduction of "bottle feeding".

Hypogalactia treatment regimens

Scheme No. 1.

A nicotinic acid. It is prescribed at 0.05 g 15-30 minutes before feeding the baby (not less than 40 minutes after the mother has eaten) 4 times a day. If, after taking the specified dose of the drug, the mother does not feel warmth in any part of the body or the flow of milk, then the single dose should be increased to 0.075 g, and then, if necessary, to 0.1 g, but no more.

Glutamic acid 1.0 g 3 times a day 20 minutes after meals; more effective is a combination with ascorbic acid 0.2 g 3 times a day.

Gendevit is prescribed for women under 30 years old, 1 tablet 3 times a day, over 30 years old - 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Apilak has a tonic property, it is prescribed for 10-15 days, 10 mg 3 times a day under the tongue until resorption.

It is advisable to start vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) even during pregnancy for those women who had hypogalacia after previous childbirth - 15-20 mg per day for 1-1.5 months, in the postpartum period for women weighing up to 60 kg - 100 mg per day, with a body weight of more than 60 kg - 200 mg per day in 2-3 doses for 2-3 weeks.

Shower massage treatments. After feeding the baby and expressing milk, the breast, which was fed to the baby, is recommended to be poured over with a hot shower at a water temperature of no more than 44-45 ° C. In parallel, the gland should be massaged with circular kneading movements from the center to the periphery and from top to bottom, while expressing the remaining milk. The procedure is repeated 4 times a day (2 times for each breast in alternation) for 10 minutes. The shower can be replaced with a soft cloth soaked in hot water. Contraindications for shower-massage procedures are mastitis and severe lactorrhea.

Ultrasound or ultraviolet irradiation of the mammary glands. The complex is carried out within 2 weeks, repeated

his appointment in 2-3 weeks.


The main conditions for the formation of lactation and the prevention of the development of hypogalactia in the early stages are:

S adherence to the correct feeding technique; S on-demand feeding; S regular straining of the mammary glands; S avoidance of "bottle" supplementation.

Scheme No. 2.

Pulsed ultrasound therapy.

Glutamic acid combined with ascorbic acid.

Thiamin combined with cyanocobalamin. Vitamin B) is used in the form of thiamine chloride or thiamine bromide intramuscularly at a dose of 60 mg every other day for 10-15 days. Vitamin B i 2 has a pronounced ha-lactopoietic effect, it is used in a dose of 50-100 μg intramuscularly for 10-15 days. The administration of drugs alternates every other day.

Pirroxan is especially useful for emotionally labile women, breastfeeding mothers suffering from hypertension. The lac-topoetic effect of pyrroxan allows us to recommend it for the treatment of hypogalactia, one of the possible causes of which was late toxicosis of pregnancy. Pyrroxan is prescribed orally at 0.15 g 15-20 minutes before meals 3 times a day or intramuscularly 1 ml of a 1.5% solution 2 times a day for 5-7 days.

Oxytocin 1-2 minutes before feeding the child parenterally (subcutaneously, intramuscularly) 1.5-2 U 2 times a day.

Scheme No. 3.

Dietary correction by using special products for nursing mothers ("Mama Plus", "EnfaMama").

Metabolic correction: nicotinic acid; glutamic acid; vitamin E; gendevit or undevit.

Herbal medicine: nettle infusion (see Appendix 9).

Acupuncture. The number of IRT sessions is from 7 to 10. The method of excitation of B ^ is used with heating of the local segmental points of the mammary glands of the antero-median meridian and the meridian of the stomach. Hot shower-massage of the mammary glands 5 times a day (4 times during the day and at night).

The duration of the given; the scheme is two weeks.

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Complete balanced nutrition is a prerequisite for the normal development of all organs and systems of the baby. It is important that children receive a certain amount of macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), minerals and vitamins every day. Thanks to this, they will grow up healthy, cheerful and quick-witted. How to properly organize the feeding of children under one year old? Let's look at this issue of interest to all conscientious parents.

Types of nutrition for children under one year old

There are three types of feeding of children under one year old: natural, artificial and mixed. Each of them has its own diet. Consider the features of different types of newborn menus. General schemes are given for healthy babies. In case of violations of the norm of food consumption, the doctor determines.

Natural feeding

A breastfed baby from 0 to 6 months receives only breast milk. According to the WHO recommendations, after this age, solid food (complementary foods) is gradually introduced into his diet. The proportion of breast milk in the daily food volume is decreasing, but remains high. The famous children's doctor E.O. Komarovsky insists that the introduction of complementary foods at an earlier period is impractical.

With natural feeding, most experts recommend feeding the baby freely, that is, at his request. This approach allows you to maintain lactation at the required level. After 2-3 months, even in the case of free feeding, a flexible feeding schedule for the newborn is established: meals take place with an interval of 2-2.5 hours.

Artificial feeding

With artificial feeding, the child receives an adapted milk formula. Breast milk may be present in his menu, but in small quantities - up to 20% of the total food volume.

Artificial feeding requires adherence to a clear nutritional schedule with specific intervals between meals. E.O. Komarovsky reminds that they must be kept, since the mixture is digested more slowly than mother's milk.

Mixed feeding

The need for mixed feeding occurs when the mother produces breast milk, but it is not enough for the baby. The shortage is compensated for with artificial mixtures.

The share of breast milk with mixed feeding is more than 20% of the daily ration. The feeding regimen for this type of diet depends on the mother's lactation level. If the basis of the diet is breast milk, then the schedule approaches the free one. In the case of a predominance of the mixture, feeding takes place by the hour.

How to calculate the amount of food required?

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First 7-10 days

The calculation of the daily volume of formula or breast milk for children in the first 7-10 days of life is carried out in one of two ways:

  1. Zaitseva's formula. It is necessary to multiply the child's body weight at birth by the number of days of his life and find 2% of this number. As a result, you get the required amount of food per day.
  2. Finkelstein's formula. To determine the daily amount of milk or formula for a child weighing less than 3.2 kg, you should multiply his age in days by 70. If the weight of the crumbs is less than 3.2 kg, you need to find the product of the number of his days of life and 80.

Regardless of the formula used, the resulting daily volume must be divided by the number of feedings. This way you can find out the amount of milk or mixture that is sufficient for one meal.

Older than 7-10 days

To calculate the amount of nutrition for a newborn older than 7-10 days up to 12 months, the Heibener and Cherni method or volumetric is used. The Geibener and Czerny method allows you to find the required total amount of liquid per day, including mixture, milk, water, juice, tea, and so on. This takes into account the weight of the child and his age. The main recommendations are presented in the table.

For example, a baby at 3 months weighs 5.2 kg. He needs 5200 ÷ 6 = 867 ml of milk or mixture per day. This indicator should be divided by the number of meals. The total volume of liquid should not exceed 1 liter in 24 hours.

In modern conditions, the Heibener and Czerny technique is rarely used, since it is not designed for children with increased body weight, of whom more and more are being born recently. The volumetric method is considered more rational.

The food consumption rates depending on the child's age are shown in the table.

Introduction of complementary foods

There are special WHO instructions that contain information on the sequence of introducing solid food into the diet of children in the first year of life. Recommendations broken down by month are presented below.

Porridge must be boiled in water. Starting from 6 months, vegetable oil should be added to mashed potatoes and porridge. For the first time, it is recommended to limit yourself to 1 drop, gradually increasing the volume to 1 teaspoon. Butter is introduced into the diet at 7 months. The initial dose is 1 g, the average dose is 10 g. It is advisable to add it to ready-made cereals.

The above feeding scheme is relevant for breastfed babies. If the child receives a mixture, then solid food can be introduced from 5 months, since his body needs vitamins and minerals for normal development. The same table is used, but all rows are shifted by a month.

Detailed information on how to feed your baby with "adult" products can be found in the table. All recommendations are general. Before introducing complementary foods, you should consult a pediatrician.

ProductTermQuantityDishes to start feeding
VegetablesWith normal or overweight from 6 (sometimes from 5-5.5) months.Puree from 1 vegetable, white or green.
PorridgeWith normal or overweight from 6-7 months. If the weight is insufficient, then they are introduced from 4-5 months.Initial - ½ teaspoon. The maximum is 100-200 g.Gluten-free cereals boiled in water - buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal. After entering each porridge separately, you can cook the cereal mixes.
Vegetable oil6 monthsInitial - 3-5 drops. The maximum is 1 teaspoon.Sunflower, corn, olive oils. They should be added to pureed vegetables or meat.
Butter7 Initial - 1/3 teaspoon. The maximum is 10-20 g.High-quality butter without vegetable components should be added to vegetable purees and cereals.
Fruits8 Initial - ½ teaspoon. The maximum is 100-200 g.Monopure of soft fruits. Gradually, you can make multi-component dishes.
Meat8 Initial - ½ teaspoon. The maximum is 50-100 g.Puree from one component - rabbit, turkey, veal, beef.
Yolk8 Initial - 1/4 teaspoon. The maximum is ½ the yolk of a chicken egg.It is necessary to boil the egg and add the chopped yolk to mashed potatoes or porridge.
Dairy products*9 Initial - ½ teaspoon. The maximum is 150-200 g.Children's yogurt, kefir or biolact. After 10 months, products with fillers can be introduced (we recommend reading :).
Cottage cheese*9 Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum - 50 g.Pure baby cottage cheese. From 10 months it should be supplemented with fruit puree.
Baby cookies9-10 Initial - 1/3 of a cookie. The maximum is 5 pieces.
A fishThe average introduction period is 10 months (we recommend reading :). If the child has a tendency to allergies - 1 year.Initial - ½ teaspoon. The maximum is 60 g. It costs 1-2 times a week to feed the baby with fish.Low-fat types of fish - river bass, hake, cod. It should be boiled or steamed and then mashed.
Juices10-12 Initial - 2-3 drops. The maximum is 100 ml.Clarified juices from green and white fruits.

* Note that the approach of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky regarding complementary foods differs from the WHO recommendations. He suggests starting acquaintance with adult food with the help of sour milk - kefir and cottage cheese.

The new product should be given to the baby in the morning. It is recommended to increase the amount very slowly, gradually bringing it to the age norm and monitoring the reaction of the child's body. In a week, the child should be introduced to one new dish. If there is an allergy or a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, the product must be removed from the menu.

Nutrition after a year

The baby's menu after 12 months includes all the main food groups. He no longer needs breast milk as food, so many mothers decide to stop lactation. However, it contains substances valuable for the baby, and there are still reasons to continue breastfeeding.

Lactation can be maintained even if mom goes to work. The frequency of breastfeeding will decrease, but the baby will receive valuable elements. If there is a need to stop lactation, doctors advise not to do this during the period of the child's illness, when his body is weakened, and also in the summer, since at this time there is a high probability of contracting an intestinal infection.

The baby's nutrition at 1 year does not differ from his menu at 11 months, but the portions increase slightly (we recommend reading :). For breakfast and afternoon tea, it should be fed with porridge or vegetable puree. Dinner and lunch should be satisfying. For dessert, you can offer marmalade, marshmallow, marshmallow, and as a drink - water, tea, jelly, compote or fruit drink.