How to give birth to a boy is pulled. How to conceive a boy. The best methods for conceiving a boy. By artificial insemination

Despite the statistics, which stubbornly insist that the ratio of newborn boys and girls is 103: 100, I do not want to hope for "maybe" at all. The World Wide Web is filled with popular advice from omniscient grandmothers and categorical opinions of venerable scientists, however, if at least one of the proposed options guaranteed a 100% result, this issue would have ceased to exist altogether.

If you still firmly decided to make every effort to conceive a boy, then, as a civilized and sane person, you should pay attention, first of all, to the scientific approach (at least, it is safer).

How to conceive a boy: a scientific approach

Do not forget that it is impossible to conceive either a boy or a girl without the readiness to fertilize the organisms of both spouses, therefore, before conception, it is necessary to carry out at least minimal examinations, it is desirable that both parents do this.

The female ovum has two identical chromosomes - XX, while men are carriers of XY, that is, the sex of the unborn child depends on the man. There are only two options:

  1. An egg cell with a constant X chromosome meets with a sperm-X, which is equal to XX (girl)
  2. Egg cell-X fuses with the sperm carrying the Y chromosome, resulting in XY (boy)

We cannot influence the natural course of events, but we are able to "push" nature to the desired result.

Note:the egg cell lives only 2 days, after this period the probability of pregnancy is practically zero. An ovulation test, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, will most accurately determine these 48 hours.

The most popular medical ways to conceive a boy naturally

In the increasingly popular (artificial insemination), everything is much simpler - it is enough to "order" your doctor the desired gender of the baby.

If you want to go the natural way, below are the most famous methods for fulfilling your desire.

  • by Shettles.
  • Choosing a pose.
  • The influence of renewal and blood group.
  • Using soda.
  • Chinese calendar.
  • Japanese table.
  • Special meals.

As you can see, the choice is great, and for a greater likelihood of the birth of a boy, you can combine the methods you like.

Below we will dwell on each of the proposed options in more detail. Each of them has its own characteristics, but does not require much time.

How to conceive a boy by ovulation: the Shettles method

Dr. R. Shettles from America focuses on the different lifespan of spermatozoa with female and male chromosomes. In order to get pregnant with a son, Y- sperm musteither be in the fallopian tube, or get there during ovulation.

"Male" spermatozoa are more motile, but their lifespan is shorter in comparison with "female" ones. The latter are able to stubbornly move towards their goal for several days or wait for the egg cell to ripen in the right place.

Therefore, in order to conceive a boy, it is worth excluding sex for a period that includes 2-3 days before, the day of ovulation and a couple of days after it (in case Y's sperm were defeated).

Choosing a pose for conceiving a boy

The choice of the necessary position during sex is limited only by your imagination. The only condition is to ensure the deepest possible penetration to shorten the path of the sperm to the egg. More nimble "male" sex cells will come to the intended goal earlier and, in case of successful fertilization, a boy will be born.

Poses work best when the man is behind or the woman is on top. The missionary position also takes place, however, in order for a girl to conceive a boy, she needs to slightly raise her pelvis (for example, put a pillow under her buttocks).

The role of blood type and its renewal

You can determine the more likely gender of the unborn baby by comparing the blood groups of the mother and father, as indicated in the table:

You can try to achieve the desired result and conceive a boy, based on the scientific fact that a man's blood is renewed every 4 years, and a woman's blood is renewed every 3 years. Determine who has older blood in this way: divide the wife's age by 3, and the husband's - by 4; the one with a larger balance becomes decisive in the formation of the child's sex.

For example: husband - 30 years old, wife 25.30: 4 = 7.2; 25: 3 = 8.1. The husband has a larger remainder, therefore, it is assumed a boy (we divide in a column).

Important:any blood loss affects blood renewal: donation, surgery, abortion, childbirth. If this happened, you need to start counting from this moment.

Douching with soda

It is so arranged by nature that the increased acidity of the vaginal environment prevents fertilization in general, the alkaline environment, on the contrary, increases the possibility of becoming pregnant with a boy. Douching with an aqueous solution of baking soda will help create the necessary conditions. The regimen that works best for you should be determined with your doctor. The standard concentration is 2 tablespoons. for 1 liter of water. Douching is done before intercourse.

According to the Chinese calendar

Note: "Folk method", which is not supported by official medicine, is provided for informational purposes only.

This technique is often criticized because it does not take into account the role of the father, but only the age of the mother and the month of conception. However, the calendar below is used by quite a few families.

Japanese tables to help conceive a boy

Note:like the method of the Chinese calendar, it is not confirmed by official sources.

You can use these tables to calculate the optimal time to conceive.

1 table

2 table

In the first table we find the number indicated at the intersection of the months of birth of the mother and father.

In the second, we look at the intersection of the found figure and the month of the planned conception. The number of crosses indicates how high the likelihood of having a baby of a certain gender is.

Diet for conceiving a boy

If the desire to conceive a boy is incredibly strong, for at least a month, put your favorite foods into the background and include in the diet those that will help you make your dream come true.

Permitted products include:

  • meat, various types of sausages;
  • food with a high content of potassium and sodium (most often it is salt, but within reason);
  • fresh fruits, vegetables, juices without restrictions;
  • green tea at least 2 times a day.

We exclude:

  • milk and dairy products;
  • calcium-containing foods;
  • seafood (except fish);
  • yeast dough products;
  • ice cream, cream desserts

The diet is not difficult, any woman can easily withstand it, because there are no special restrictions on food.


When using this or that remedy, it is worth remembering that no one can guarantee the conception of a boy, and you need to be prepared for both the birth of a girl and the birth of twins. Can you fall in love with your baby if he doesn't live up to your expectations for a boy-girl?


The sex of the unborn child depends on the set of chromosomes. In the female body, only X chromosomes are present. In the body of a man, along with the X chromosome, there is also a Y chromosome. It is the latter species that is responsible for the birth of a boy. The sperm contains only one of the chromosomes. For a boy to be born, it is necessary to ensure the meeting of the egg with such a sperm.

This must be done on the day of ovulation. The life of sperm with the Y chromosome is very short, although they are more mobile than their sperm carrying the X chromosome. The latter are slower, but they can hide in the female body for up to two days, waiting for an opportunity. Conception during ovulation greatly increases the chance of the desired sperm getting into the egg.

To accurately determine the date of ovulation, it is best to keep a diary of basal temperature measurements. By this day, it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of sperm with the Y-chromosome in the man's body. A few days before the planned conception, sex should be taboo. Let the man walk for a couple of weeks without warm underwear. Both partners should give up the pleasure of soaking in a hot bath a week before an important event.

Some rules should be followed during intercourse. It is better to choose a position when the man enters from behind and try to maximize penetration into the vagina. It is desirable for the woman to reach orgasm before her partner. This will provide the necessary alkaline environment in which the X-chromosome sperm die. The creation of an alkaline environment is facilitated by prolonged foreplay before sex or preliminary douching with a solution of soda. After the act, the woman should lie down quietly for 20-30 minutes.

Traditional medicine recommendations are to follow a specific diet. The preparatory period lasts 2-3 months. At this time, you should lean on meat, sausage and smoked meats. Maybe not very helpful, but the male gender loves it. You can eat fish, but seafood will have to be excluded. Flour and sweet should be limited, only dark chocolate is allowed. Green vegetables and all types of nuts are excluded. Any fruit can be eaten, especially bananas. All drinks are also allowed, but milk will have to be abandoned.

You can't argue with nature, but using these methods significantly increases the chance of having a boy.

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The birth of a child has moved from the Miracle section to the Planning section. Now you can determine in advance the sign of the zodiac, the exact date of birth, genetic background, and even choose the gender of the child.


The decision to have a baby is one of the most important decisions in your life. From this moment on, you will think about yourself in the second place and try to give a lot to your child. You have not yet become pregnant, but you can already imagine the baby, his eyes, little hands, dimples on the cheeks. And of course, you have already decided on the gender of the child.

You can also track the maturation of the egg using ultrasound diagnostics. Folliculometry, as this type of study is called, involves measuring the size of the follicle in which a viable egg is maturing. When the follicle reaches 18-21 mm in length, it bursts, the egg comes out of it, and it's time to get started if you want to conceive.

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For accuracy of calculations, you can combine several methods at once. However, ultrasound diagnostics and tests are not cheap. Choose one of these costly remedies and combine them with basal body temperature charting.

Helpful advice

Vaginal discharge will also tell you about the onset of ovulation. At the peak of ovulation, they become viscous, thick. You may feel nausea, dizziness, and lower abdominal pain.


  • How to conceive a boy
  • When does ovulation occur

To conceive a boy, plan your pregnancy well in advance. Calculate ovulation days, choose specific sex positions, and eat right. You can also use a variety of tables.

You will need

  • - calculator;
  • - test to determine ovulation.


To get pregnant with a boy, you can use the method. The blood of women is renewed every three years, and every four. If the future father has a later update, then a son will be born. To determine which blood is newer, you need to do simple calculations. Divide the man's age by 4, the woman's age by 3, and then compare the results. So, if 28 years old, then after dividing by 4 we get 7. Let the woman's age be 27 years. We divide 27 by 3, we get 9. Since 9 is more than 7, then the blood of the future father is newer, and that a boy will be born.

Use tables. There are many of them, but the most popular is Chinese. This method is based on two criteria: the month of conception and the age of the mother. In the first column, you need to find the woman's age. It is indicated in years, but in China it was always counted not from the moment of birth, but from the date of conception. So add the year and find the number you want. In the line corresponding to the cell with your age, you will find "M" and "D". From the letters "M" draw lines up to the first line. This will tell you the months in which a boy may be conceived.

You can conceive a boy if you calculate the day of ovulation. It is believed that sperm with a Y-chromosome, when they enter the egg, a male embryo will begin to form, are more mobile, but less tenacious. And the sperm with the X chromosome, which are responsible for the female sex, are less mobile, but live longer. It turns out that if you know the date of ovulation and plan sexual intercourse for that day, then the chances of getting pregnant with a boy are significantly increased. It is most convenient to identify the days of ovulation with the help of special tests sold in pharmacies. Until this date, it is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse for 3-5 days in order to increase the concentration of sperm.

For a boy to be born, you need to make love in a certain way. Thus, the penetration of the penis into the vagina should be maximized. This will allow the sperm to drain near the cervix and reach the egg faster. With incomplete penetration, sperm with a Y-chromosome may end up in the acidic environment of the vagina, which is considered unfavorable for them. In addition, the chances of conceiving a boy are increased if the woman has an orgasm. In this case, the secreted secretion will make the vaginal environment alkaline, and it is more favorable.

It is believed that special nutrition can increase the chances of conceiving a boy. A woman should eat more meat, fish, eggs, legumes, potatoes, prunes, bananas, dried apricots, rice. It is advisable to lean on salty dishes, and it is better to refuse sweets. You can drink coffee, tea, cocoa, fruit juices.

Actually, the very scientific method of planning the sex of a child is based on the characteristics of the spermatozoa carrying the Y and X chromosomes. Doctors determined that the former are more mobile, but less durable and tenacious. In addition, semen contains much more of them.

Sperm with the X chromosome are much more hardy than their Y counterparts. However, they also move much more slowly. Therefore, during ovulation, unfortunately, spermatozoa with an X chromosome have practically no chance of overtaking Y rivals.

Therefore, in order to give birth to a girl, expectant mothers and fathers need to plan for conception 3-5 days before ovulation. In this case, by the right time, many of the Y-sperm, most likely, will have already died. And this, in turn, will significantly increase the likelihood of the "victory" of their X-brothers, and, consequently, the conception of a girl.

The most famous folk methods

Of course, over the centuries, various kinds of folk methods have been developed for planning the sex of the unborn child. The most famous such techniques are:

  • conception by blood;
  • Chinese calendar;
  • Japanese table.

How to have a baby girl: blood planning

As you know, the blood in women is renewed once every 4 years, and in men - in 3 years. It is believed that the parent whose blood is "younger" at the moment will establish the sex of the unborn child. In order to find out whose blood is younger and more active, you need to divide the age of mom by 4, and dad - by 3. Then the whole part of the resulting number should be multiplied again by 4 or 3, respectively. Thus, you can find out the age when each of the parents' blood was renewed. If the division results in an integer, then it happened in the same year.

Japanese table

This technique is also a good answer to the question of how to give birth to a girl by calculating the time of conception. In this case, two tables are used. In the first, you need to find the months of birth of the mother and father and look at the number at the intersection.

Chinese calendar

This technique uses the principles of one of the most ancient sciences in the world - numerology. In this case, planning the sex of the child is based on the age of the expectant mother. The month of conception is determined depending on this.

It is believed that this method, although it does not give one hundred percent result, still turns out to be reliable in most cases.


So how to give birth to a girl? The techniques described above can be quite effective. But there are also all sorts of folk signs that make it possible to determine the gender of the planned child, depending on a particular situation. For example, it has been observed that:

  • the older the parents are, the more likely they are to have a daughter;
  • girls dominate the offspring of people with gout;
  • bald parents have girls less often than sons.

In addition, it is believed that children of the same age are usually of the same sex. Therefore, if a son has already been born in the family, if you want to have a girl as well, you should plan the conception of a second child, according to folk signs, no earlier than 3 years later.

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There are a number of techniques, tables and folk signs for determining the future sex of the baby.

1. In this table, the sex of the unborn child can be determined by looking at the intersection of the month of conception and the age of the expectant mother.

Example: Pregnancy began in May. The woman is 25 years old. A girl is likely to be born.

2. It is possible to determine who will be born a boy or a girl using a technique that came to us from ancient China.

in Table No. 1 we find the figure located at the intersection of the month of birth of a man and a woman.

in Table No. 2 choose the row under the number obtained from table No. 1. In this row we find the month of the baby's conception. The “boy” “girl” scale indicates the probability of birth of one or the other sex. The more divisions, the more likely it is.

Example: The man was born in March, the woman in June. At the intersection in table number 1 - number 6. Month of conception April. In table No. 2 in the 6th row opposite the month of April, we see that the probability of the birth of a girl and a boy is equal. That is 50% to 50%.

3. Tables for determining the sex of the child by the "age" of blood.

This technique is based on the assumption that the blood of women and men is regularly updated. In women, this happens 1 time in 4 years. In men, the blood is renewed once every 3 years. Having found out the "blood age" of the parents, they compare it with each other. Add the number of months from the last birthday of the parent to the month of conception. The gender of the parent whose blood is younger and passed on to the baby.

In the first table we find the coefficients of renewal of the blood of the father and mother, opposite the age.

In the second table you need to find the figure at the intersection of the month of birth of the parent and the month of conception of the child.

Now for each parent we add the resulting 2 numbers (from tables 1 and 2). Whoever has a lower number ("blood is younger"), of that sex is more likely to have a child.

Example: mom is 29 years old, dad is 30 years old. Mom was born in June, dad in March. According to the results of the first table, mom = 1, dad = 0. According to the results of the second table, mom = 10, dad = 1. According to the results of both tables, mom (1 + 10 = 11), dad (0 + 1 = 1). "Dad's blood is younger" - a boy will be born.

4. Folk omens for determining the sex of the unborn child.

You also can .

In most cases, expectant mothers do not care about the gender of the baby, but sometimes parents want just a boy or a girl. Is it possible to choose a gender in advance?

5. Ovulation. Calculate who will be born a boy or a girl.

If the family already has two sons, then a woman, having decided to give birth to another child, most often hopes for the birth of a baby-daughter. And if young parents have a girl's first-born, then dads, of course, also dream of the birth of an heir. Is it possible to manage the process of conception in order to know in advance who will be born: a boy or a girl, and how to do it?

Boy or girl: can conception be controlled?

The process of conceiving a boy or girl is a great mystery, but scientists already know a lot about how a new life appears, and even know something about the possibilities of controlling the birth of a child.

For the emergence of a new human life, it is necessary that the egg and sperm meet. The eggs mature in the ovaries, and each month one of the eggs leaves the ovary and embarks on a journey to meet the sperm. The release of an egg from the ovary is called ovulation.

After ovulation, the egg cell lives only a day, and if conception has not occurred, it dies after 24 hours. Sperm cells are more tenacious and can wait for an egg inside a woman's body for up to five days. Thus, conception can occur if a woman has had intimacy with her husband, either on the day of ovulation, or a few days before her.

And what determines who will be born: a boy or a girl? It depends on which sperm will fertilize the egg - if a sperm with a Y chromosome wins the race, a boy will be born, and if with an X chromosome, a girl will be born.

Sperm with a male chromosome move faster, but they are less tenacious. But sperm with a female X chromosome are able to live in the fallopian tube, waiting for the appearance of an egg for up to five days. What follows from this? Given the vitality of sperm with female chromosomes, the chances of conceiving a girl becomes much greater if intercourse took place 2-4 days before ovulation. But if the intimacy took place directly on the day of ovulation, then the chances of conceiving a boy are significantly increased, since there are more spermatozoa with the Y chromosome and they are faster. The only thing left is to calculate the day of ovulation.

How to calculate the day of ovulation

Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the cycle, but, depending on a number of circumstances, this is not always the case. It is impossible to feel the moment of ovulation, as it is asymptomatic. And yet it is possible to calculate this moment quite accurately using three methods:

  • daily for 3-4 months and draw up a schedule;
  • use an ovulation test purchased at a pharmacy (the most accurate is the jet test);
  • do an ultrasound.

If you need to determine the moment of ovulation as accurately as possible, start drawing up a cycle schedule in a few months, and in the selected month, when the expected ovulation approaches, use also a test, or go through an ultrasound scan.

Of course, even if you calculate the day of ovulation as accurately as possible, the desired result of conception is not guaranteed, too many additional factors can affect who will be conceived after all: a boy or a girl. But with this method, the chances of the desired result are significantly increased. Similarly, getting a child of the gender you want, a boy or a girl, is possible so far only if pregnancy occurs as a result of IVF.

6. Divination. A boy or girl will be born.

Ultrasound does not always show the sex of the child. It happens that a boy or a girl is born to her, the woman does not know practically until the very birth. If the baby does not allow doctors to see her gender, and you really want to find out who is growing in the tummy, you can use folk signs and fortune-telling.

A boy or girl will be born: signs and fortune-telling

Not all fortune-telling that was popular with our ancestors is suitable for modern women, because not every expectant mother is ready to go to fortune-telling alone in the bathhouse or in the threshing floor. Here are the simplest folk ways to determine the sex of the unborn baby:

  • To find out whether a boy or a girl will be born, you need to ask the expectant mother to raise and stretch her arms forward. If she does this so that her palms are facing up, a daughter will appear, and if her palms are turned down, a son will be born.
  • For this fortune-telling you will need a large key with a long "beard". They put the key on the table and ask the expectant mother to take it and give it to someone present. If a pregnant woman takes the key by the top, then you should wait for the birth of a boy, and if by the beard, a daughter will be born.
  • You can find out whether a boy or a girl will be born using fortune telling with a ring. The expectant mother should be asked to take the "reclining" position and swing the ring hanging on a thick thread over her tummy. If the ring begins to swing like a pendulum, it is worth waiting for a son, and if it starts to describe circles over the stomach, there will be a daughter.
  • If a woman already has children, then you need to see how the baby's hair grows from a previous pregnancy: if the so-called "pigtail" grows not in the middle of the neck, but on the side, then a child of the opposite sex will be born next.

There are 5 ways to plan your baby's gender.

1 . Diet... This is the most common way. For the conception of a boy, it is recommended to eat foods rich in potassium and sodium, and for the appearance of a girl - calcium and magnesium. Therefore, in the first case, eat fish, meat, mushrooms and potatoes, legumes, chicken protein, apricots and peaches, prunes, rice and semolina porridge. In the second case, give preference to eggs, eggplant and beets, carrots and cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers, honey, peanuts and hazelnuts.

You need to follow a diet from the beginning of the menstrual cycle until the moment of intended conception. And both women and men. After conception, you can and need whatever you want. This method has not received a rigorous scientific justification, and the success of its use is about 30%.

2 . Calculation by the timing of ovulation... It is believed that if intercourse happened less than a day before ovulation (preferably 10 hours before it), then most likely a boy will be born. If intercourse happened much earlier or a few days after ovulation, then the girl is more likely. This is because the Y chromosomes can only reach the egg for a short period of time before ovulation. Otherwise, they die and only the X chromosomes remain. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not always possible to calculate the exact timing of ovulation. The best way to find out when you are ovulating is by charting your basal temperature for several months or purchasing a special ovulation test from a pharmacy.

3. Frequency of intercourse... This method is based on the fact that X chromosomes are more mobile than Y, but the former have a shorter life span. It follows that with frequent sexual intercourse, there is a high probability of conceiving a boy, and with rare intercourse, a girl. The effectiveness of the method is 70-80%.

4 . Choosing a position during intercourse... There is an opinion that for the conception of a boy the pose “man behind” or “woman on top” is good, and for the appearance of a girl - “man on top”. This method is based on giving more chances of Y or X to the sperm. As you know, for the conception of a boy, it is necessary that the Y-sperm combine with the egg, and for the conception of a girl, the X-sperm.

5 . Even - odd years of a woman... An unconventional doctor Elena Shavrina revealed the dependence of the sex of the child on the age of the expectant mother. In even years of a woman's life, the conception of a girl is more likely in February, April, June and August, October, December; in odd years, respectively, in January, March and May, July, September and November. The appearance of the boy is the opposite.

These are the main ways to plan the sex of your baby. After a good search, you can find others. But it's worth remembering only one way can ensure you have a guaranteed birth of a child of the correct gender- This is an artificial insemination procedure, when an embryo of the desired sex, boy or girl, is left in the uterus.

For most married couples, conceiving a baby is a crucial stage, many would like to plan in advance the sex of the future heir. Some mothers persistently dream of the appearance of a girl, buying pink dresses and dolls, other mothers want to continue the pedigree and give their husband a boy who would play with radio-controlled cars and play the ball across the football field.

There are several techniques and tips that will help you find answers to the question "how to get 100 percent pregnant with a boy?"

The most common method of planning a pregnancy with a boy is conception according to the indications of the parents' blood renewal. According to medical theory, blood renewal in women is performed every three years, and in men every four years. But do not lose sight of artificial methods of blood renewal, for example, transfusion after various operations, when a person experiences blood loss. If there were no such emergencies, then it is simple to calculate the year when the blood is renewed: the age of the expectant mother should be divided by three, and the age of the future father by four.

To get pregnant with a boy the first time, first of all, they pay attention to the renewal of the father's blood. The resulting number after division may have digits after the decimal point, it is these tenths and hundredths that are taken into account. These numbers indicate the degree of renewal of the blood of the future pope.

Example: The potential mother is 25 years old, the father is 28 years old. The calculated coefficient of the renewed parental blood for the mother will be 8.33, and for the father - 7.00. Only figures such as 0.33 and 0.00 are subject to attention. According to these testimonies, we can safely say that the Pope has the most suitable period for conceiving a male fetus (his blood is considered "younger"), this period will last about one and a half to two years.

Calculating sex by ovulation

Medical thorium suggests that the future sex of the child is predetermined by the X chromosomes (only a woman has it) and Y (only a man has it). If the fertilization of an egg occurred by a sperm carrying a Y chromosome, which, according to scientists, is considered fast, but less tenacious, then a woman will carry a boy in her womb. If a woman seeks advice from her attending gynecologist, he will help her find out how to get pregnant with a boy by ovulation and calculate it.

  • basal temperature measurement;
  • calculating the menstrual cycle;
  • ovulation tests.

To give a chance for fast sperm with a Y chromosome to fertilize an active egg, conception must be carried out immediately on the first day of ovulation or the day before it occurs. This is because on the day of ovulation, the egg goes "hunting", it waits for the possibility of fertilization, and fast Y-chromosomes, in comparison with X-chromosomes, will be able to overtake them and reach the egg faster. Do not forget that 2 days after the end of ovulation, the egg will die in case of an unsuccessful fertilization attempt. And only a month later there will be a chance to try again to get pregnant with a boy.

Medical method

The most effective method - in vitro fertilization - can help in the question of "getting pregnant with a boy the first time". Today we can say that Eco can guarantee 80% of the premature planning of the sex of the unborn child. The thing is that the artificial fertilization of the egg of the expectant mother is carried out in laboratory conditions. Only the sperm of a potential father with Y chromosomes are implanted to this egg, when only a boy can be conceived.

Eco is carried out not strictly at the request of the parents to conceive a boy, but for certain medical reasons. For example, if the conception of a girl is unfavorable due to possible hereditary diseases transmitted to girls by birth.

In addition, such a procedure is expensive, very few people can afford it.

Astrological method

It is not always important to know how to plan the sex of the unborn baby, you also need to know when to get pregnant so that a boy is born. The science of astrology will help answer this question. Everyone knows that the 12 zodiac signs are divided not for women and men.

  • Female signs- this is Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo. If a woman was born under one of these zodiac signs, most likely her first child will be male.
  • Male signs- Libra, Leo, Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aquarius. A woman born according to one of these signs of the zodiac is more likely to give birth to her first child, a girl.

But this situation is easy to change. To do this, you need to calculate the period of conception of a child so that he is born under a certain sign of the zodiac.

Example: The woman was born under the male zodiac sign Gemini. But she really wants to give birth not to a girl, as the astrological forecast says, but to a boy. In this case, the woman needs to conceive so that the child is born during the Libra sign. Then the probability of conceiving a boy will increase significantly.

Special diet

To know how to become 100 percent pregnant with a boy, you first need to adjust the diet of future parents. It's no secret that a lot depends on food, including the chances of conceiving a boy. To do this, you need to have a balanced diet and include a variety of products: poultry, fish, chicken eggs (proteins), vegetables and fruits, seafood.

The list of products must necessarily include:

  1. Meat: beef, poultry, pork.
  2. Groats: buckwheat, peas, oatmeal, corn grits.
  3. Vegetables: pumpkin, legumes, carrots, tomatoes, beets.
  4. Fruits: apricots, bananas, cherries, dates, peaches.
  5. Fish: mackerel, trout, salmon, flounder, cheese.
  6. Dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, dates.

Use as little as possible any flour products that do not carry any benefit in the process of conceiving a baby. Doctors do not recommend the frequent use of dairy products, nuts, you need to reduce the amount of seafood in the diet, greens. You need to eat no more than 5 grams of salt per day.

Chinese method for determining the sex of the unborn child

According to the Chinese method of determining the sex of the unborn child, two indicators are taken into account: the age of the mother and the month of conception of the fetus. This way of predicting the gender of a child who has not even conceived yet has come from ancient times from wise men. And until today, many potential parents use the Chinese table to choose a favorable period for conceiving either a boy or a girl.

The ancient Chinese argued that a woman aged 25 and older would be able to give birth to a boy if the fetus was conceived in the fall or winter, and if in the spring a girl would soon be born. For a woman aged 24, all indications are reversed.

Such a table was created by sages many millennia ago, so it has won the trust of millions of people to this day. Using such a table, you can easily calculate a favorable month for conceiving a boy, or maybe it will not be one boy, but twins.

How to get pregnant with twin boys?

It is not so easy to make the dream of conceiving twins of boys come true. But the statistics cannot but rejoice - now twins are born much more often than several decades ago. Twins of boys are fraternal children, and how to get pregnant with twins of boys is not so easy to learn.

The most proven method is Eco, when the mother's egg is artificially fertilized with a pair of sperm with Y-chromosomes. The chances of conceiving male twins are great, since a medical specialist will independently fertilize several mother's eggs at once to increase the chances of getting pregnant.

There are other ways to get pregnant with twin boys:

  1. During intercourse, you need to take a position in which deep penetration of sperm inside the woman is possible. Thanks to this, sperm will have more opportunities to quickly enter the fertilized egg and take root in it. In addition, a woman's orgasm, which secretes components useful for the Y chromosomes, can contribute to the rapid and accurate fertilization of sperm.
  2. Both potential parents should adhere to a diet: use tea, meat products, fruit juices, chicken eggs, fish, black chocolate, pea flakes, semolina, rice groats, potatoes, lentil porridge, mushrooms. You need to remove shrimp and crabs, beans, cabbage, dairy products, herbs, caviar, salad from the diet.
  3. Sexual intercourse should be carried out on the day before ovulation or at the very beginning.

It is very important to believe that conceiving twins is possible, a positive attitude is half the battle.

Conceiving a boy is a dream for some couples. Of course, many would like to consciously choose the gender of their unborn child. Someone basically wants to see the heir as the firstborn. Someone already has daughters and therefore it is fundamental to find out: how to conceive a boy?

Both traditional methods and innovative ones from orthodox medicine will come to the rescue. And even if it is difficult to achieve a 100% guarantee. But, nevertheless, you can try to significantly influence the process of conceiving a child.

Wanting to conceive a boy, you should understand how the process of determining the sex of the planned child actually takes place. During conception, the unborn child acquires its DNA half from the mother and half from the father. The woman is the carrier of the XX chromosomes, and the man represents the XY series. In order for a male embryo to form, the Y chromosome must in principle be transferred by the sperm of the future father. Although this is a very delicate and complex process. But, nevertheless, it can be influenced directly and indirectly. This is the secret: how to conceive a boy.

But it is worthwhile to understand in advance that the process of conception and the formation of the sex of a child is not unambiguous. And it depends on many related factors. And therefore, in fact, there is no one hundred percent solution to how to conceive a boy. At the moment, only the IVF procedure gives an unambiguous guaranteed result of the birth of a baby of a particular gender. However, this is an exception. It is done in order to avoid serious hereditary sexually transmitted diseases, if any. Otherwise, the sex of the child is not determined. Therefore, it is advisable to own the entire arsenal of knowledge on how to conceive a boy.

Calendar will help to conceive a boy

The secret of this conception is also based on the centuries-old experience of our ancestors. And also on modern scientific evidence. Therefore, it is very reliable and gives a good hint on how to conceive a boy. The secret lies in the fact that some of the spermatozoa - carriers of the "Y" chromosome - are much more active and mobile than the carriers of the "X" chromosomes. Therefore, conception according to the calendar increases the chance that sperm with a Y-chromosome, which allow a boy to conceive, will reach the egg much earlier.

Parents wishing to conceive a boy will have to create an individual calendar. On which you need to mark the time of ovulation of the expectant mother. Pharmacy texts on ovulation will help determine the exact timing. You can also resort to using ultrasound and folk methods and calculations. In addition, to verify, you need to carefully measure and record your basal temperature every day.

Desiring to conceive a boy, you should take care that the potential father has more active sperm, carriers of the "Y" chromosome. For this, the man is advised to reduce the number of sexual contacts to two per week. And a week before conception, and completely exclude intimacy.

Poses in which you can conceive a boy

Regarding the question, in what position is it recommended to conceive a boy, there are many conjectures and superstitions. However, many of them are not at all devoid of common sense. First of all, rapid penetration of Y-spermatozoa into the egg is required. This means that care should be taken that ejaculation occurs as close to the cervix as possible.

An important point! To conceive a boy, immediately after intercourse, a woman must lie on her back for about half an hour. If there are individual characteristics or physiological abnormalities in the structure of the vagina of the expectant mother, then you should consult a gynecologist. You may have to lie not on your back, but rather on your side or on your stomach. In direct proportion to the structure of the vagina and the location of the cervix in it.

Tables for individually calculating the conception of a boy

In oriental medicine, special tables have always been used to promote conceive a boy... The emphasis of some of them goes to the age of the potential mother. Others pay more attention to comparing the dates of birth of both parents.

Table for calculating the sex of the unborn child

Conception chart of a boy by the blood of his parents

This method has not yet been scientifically substantiated. But it is used not only in the East. And also many of our doctors have been secretly using it since the times of the USSR. The technique allows you to conceive a boy by calculating the renewal of the blood composition in the body of the parents. It goes without saying that the blood cells are constantly being renewed. But once every 4 years, the composition of the blood in the male body completely changes. And in the female, the change in the chemistry and composition of the blood is updated approximately once every three years. Of course, the one who changed the blood of the latter - the child will be of the same gender. If, at the time of fertilization, the woman's blood is "younger" - then a girl will be born. Accordingly, if a man has it, he will be able to conceive a boy.

When making calculations that allow you to conceive a boy, you need to be careful and be able to make an amendment. For example, in the case when one of the couple had large blood loss. If there was a loss of more than 10% of the available blood volume, then the calculation should be carried out from the date of blood loss.

The lunar calendar will tell you when to conceive a boy

Quite an interesting proposal of the methodology is available from astrologers. They assure that it will be possible to conceive a boy only when the moon is visiting in the signs of Air or Fire. There are now many different tables and services available. Thanks to them, it is not difficult to calculate when the moon is visiting in the right sign. Let the effectiveness of this method have not been studied. But do not give up on the moisture content of the stars when you can enlist their support.

Special diets

Sometimes the issue of nutrition and diets helps to conceive a boy. This is confirmed by many scientific studies of our time. To do this, it is advisable for future parents to eat foods containing potassium and sodium. Let this only indirectly increase the chances of conceiving a boy. But still, this advice really works, which has already been proven by French scientists.

Also, according to statistics, it was noted that indirect methods are sometimes very effective in contributing to the conception of a boy. For this, potential parents are advised to avoid smoking. Smokers have a much higher percentage of girls born in the family. It is desirable that the woman's weight at the time of conception be up to 60 kg.

It is worth noting that some psychological aspects help to conceive a boy. So it is recommended that the future potential father be the real head of the family in a moral aspect. Both parents are advised to lead a changed lifestyle and to be in nature more often. Associative visualization of the image of the planned child helps.
