How to make a small gift box. A strict box is a male version. How to make a hinged lid box

Almost no holiday is complete without gifts. And one of the most popular options remains chocolate, candy and other sweets. You can present such a gift in its original packaging or pack it right in the store, but it is much more interesting to make the packaging yourself. The box for chocolates is an excellent solution for those who want to present something original and unusual. It is not at all difficult to make it with your own hands, but in this material you will find several interesting ideas for the design of such a box.

How to make a box of square-shaped chocolates with your own hands

This is a classic, versatile packaging option that requires square pieces of paper, a ruler, and scissors. One of the two sheets should be slightly smaller than the other, for example, 30x30 and 29x29 cm.

The box execution diagram is shown in this photo:

Bend the square diagonally, unfold and bend it along the other diagonal. Expand again. The diagonal needs to be drawn. We bend the corners to the center, then bend the same corners to the opposite and to the near fold lines. The resulting center square will become the bottom of the box.

On the sides of the drawn diagonal, cut the paper to the central square. We fold the incised edges for the walls of the box along the folds. We bend the sharp ends inward. We cover the bent ends with the remaining unbent tongues and wrap them inward. The lid is ready.

We collapse the second part in the same way as the first. It will turn out to be slightly smaller in size for the lid. For this option, it is better not to use cardboard, thick paper will stick best without glue. We tie the filled box with a ribbon or braid.

We make a version of the box in the form of a prism with our own hands

This is a very simple and original version of the box that can be made in just a few minutes. To work, you will need a square sheet of thick paper of a suitable size, a ruler, scissors, a pencil, a ribbon and a hole punch.

We draw the sheet in half and diagonally, bend the corners to the center. Then we bend from the center to the deflections of the central square, set aside and draw arcs, focusing on the diagram:

Cut out the extra corners with scissors, make holes on the rounded "petals" with a hole punch. We thread the braid into the holes, bend the edges and tie with a bow. The box is ready!

Such original “appetizing” boxes are perfect for sweet gifts. If desired, you can make a whole paper cake from the pieces.

For work, you will need decorative paper of delicate colors, a stationery knife and scissors, moment glue, a pencil, a ruler, ribbons, small flowers or berries for decoration (you can make them yourself from polymer clay).

From thick paper with the selected pattern, you need to cut a scan according to the template, which is presented below.

Before folding the workpiece, slightly push the fold lines from the front side. You can do this with a non-writing pen or any thin, sharp object.

We roll up the box, apply glue and connect the surfaces. In the middle of the side surface we glue a ribbon, the ends of which we fix on the inside of the lid. We decorate the "cake" with flowers, berries and leaves to your taste.

Making another model of a box for sweets in the form of a volumetric envelope

Colored cardboard with an interesting pattern or thick paper is suitable for this box. In addition, you will need PVA glue and "moment", scissors, a hole punch, a pencil and a ruler, rhinestones and a satin ribbon.

We draw the cardboard from the inside according to the diagram below. The numbers indicate the dimensions or aspect ratio of the box.

Cut out a blank from cardboard along the marked lines, the upper edge of the part that will fit on the "T-shirt" can be cut with curly scissors.

We fold the workpiece along the lines, punch holes for the ribbon with a hole punch. Glue the box in stages using transparent instant glue. We carefully fold the side walls "accordion", pull the ribbon and tie a bow.

On the front surface of the box, we apply small dots of glue (in our case, according to the drawing, in the center of each star), glue the rhinestones.

The original box for sweets is ready! You can fill the gift with candy.

Felt is one of the versatile and affordable materials that is also suitable for packing sweets if, for one reason or another, you do not want to make paper packaging. Their advantages are that the box can not be thrown away after the holiday, but can be used as an original box for storing small things.

To work, you will need colored felt, a sewing needle and thread, glue, scissors and a ruler.

Draw a square felt cloth into 9 small squares and cut out the corner ones. We fold and sew the box over the edge. Don't worry about the seams being visible. They look quite stylish, you can even pick up contrasting threads. Decorate the finished box with appliques to your liking.

Related videos

For those who want to disassemble the making of boxes for sweet gifts more clearly and get new creative ideas, we have prepared a selection of video master classes:

Do you like to make gifts with your own hands? Looking for new ideas for packaging them? Now you will learn how to make a cardboard box with your own hands. The diagrams given in the text can be printed and used unchanged. If you like to add something of your own, modify them as desired.

Which shape to choose

You may never have guessed how easy and quick it is to make a cardboard box with your own hands. Schemes and blanks are very different, respectively, and the final configuration of the products is very different. It is often said that beautiful packaging is already half of the gift. If you want to surprise with your souvenir, come up with an unusual box shape. At the same time, the packaging, not even decorated additionally, but simply made of a colored sheet, will look spectacular.

In the case when you do not want the attention to be distracted by the packaging, but you just need it for safety and ease of transportation, the usual shape in the form of a cube or parallelepiped will suffice. However, it is worth considering that you are preparing for the holiday, so it is good to add beautiful decor to the usual configuration. Any of the options can be used, and it will not be difficult to make a box according to a ready-made template, even if you have never done it.

What is required

You need to prepare the following so that you get a beautiful do-it-yourself cardboard box:

  • Schemes, or, as they are also called, sweeps.
  • Cardboard (white, colored, decorative).
  • Printer or if you will build the template yourself.
  • Scissors or knife.
  • Knitting needle, non-writing pen or similar tool to draw invisible grooves along future fold lines.
  • Glue or heat gun.
  • Decorative items (satin ribbons, stickers, bows, flowers).

As you can see, the work on creating beautiful packaging will not cause much trouble. No complicated adaptations are needed. If you do not have a thermal gun and a printer, it is quite possible to do without them by using the self-construction of a scan of the box with a pencil and a ruler and gluing with ordinary PVA or a quick fixing compound.

Manufacturing technology

Consider how a cardboard gift box is made. The scheme of work will be as follows:

  1. Find the template that suits your configuration.
  2. Print it on a printer either directly on a large cardboard format, if possible, or on paper sheets, which you can then glue and transfer the template to a cardboard blank. The most convenient way, of course, is to work with boxes, the sweeps of which fit on A3 or even A4 format. This is usually the maximum capability of a standard home printer.
  3. So, here is a packaging template obtained in any way. Cut it out of the sheet along the contour and make cuts in the right places where the gluing will take place.
  4. Take the knitting needle or the tool that you have prepared and draw it along all the lines where the folds will be. It is better to do this on the back side, and not on the front. In professional slang, this operation is called creasing, and in printing houses it is, of course, performed by a machine. These grooves prevent the cardboard from creasing during folding, i.e. folding. So do not neglect it, otherwise the box may turn out to be sloppy and deformed.
  5. Make folds along the appropriate guidelines.
  6. Glue the volumetric shape from a flat workpiece.
  7. Decorate the package with satin ribbon ties, a bow, or something else.

DIY cardboard box: schemes

Square packaging is the most commonly used. There are different options, both solid and consisting of two parts - a base and a cover. It's easier to make boxes out of one piece. Such a package can be closed with strings or with a cardboard "tongue" that goes into a slot in the opposite part of the box. Below is a simple cube-shaped packaging option.

As you can see, the base of the sweep is a square. The top of the product looks like a "roof" in the assembled state. A pretty ribbon can be used to secure the four top pieces together.

DIY cardboard box: simple but unusual schemes

If you want to customize your packaging, use one of the following models. The first photo shows the simplest version. It is very easy to make as there are only four folds to be made. At the top, the box is assembled due to the slot and the fastening element included in it.

If you have a triangular shaped souvenir, use the following packaging. While unwrapping looks complicated, assembly is quick and easy. The main thing is to carefully make the fold lines. The gluing elements are small, made in the form of triangles.

According to the following template, a beautiful rounded cardboard box can be made with your own hands. The diagram is also simple and straightforward. The most important thing is to draw the arcuate fold lines evenly. It depends on how neatly the shape of the package will fold.

How to decorate the box

You have figured out the technology for creating the base, but just a white package will not work for a gift. It should complement and decorate your souvenir. You can turn an ordinary box into a masterpiece of artistic skill in the following ways:

  • Choose beautiful cardboard or thick paper (design or for children's creativity). Sheets are metallized, mother-of-pearl with embossing, patterns and other decor options.
  • Cut out the second roll of the box from thin wrapping paper or other paper used in arts and crafts, and glue it on top of the base. This option is suitable when you need to make a box of very thick cardboard, which cannot be found with a decorative surface.
  • Apply drawings or patterns to the box with paints using a brush, stencils, stickers, decoupage napkins.
  • If you own high-level computer graphic editors, you can come up with your own design of the box, complementing the selected contour before printing with any images, including photorealistic ones, for example, even with the birthday boy himself. The one to whom you present such a gift will definitely be surprised. It should only be borne in mind that if you are going to print on colored cardboard, all your pictures will acquire the appropriate shade, so you will either have to perform color correction of the blank, or not use colors that cannot be changed (portrait photos).

There are as many options for decorating the product as there are possible schematics. It is good to combine different ideas.

So, you saw how easy it is to make a cardboard box with your own hands. The above diagrams are easy to use to create beautiful packaging for a souvenir for any occasion. By scaling templates, you can make boxes of different sizes that are the same in shape. Create, decorate, surprise your friends and relatives with your skills.

The cardboard box is amazing! You can pack something big in it, or, on the contrary, collect some little things, or maybe it will come in handy for wrapping a gift if you work hard on it. Of course, nowadays we can buy a box of any format, but why? It's so interesting to do it yourself - it will be beautiful, original and meet your requirements.

First, decide for what purpose you need a box, what shape and size it should be. If it's just a box for things, then you need thick cardboard. If you want to make a gift option, you will also need beautiful wrapping paper or fabric and other decor. In addition, prepare: PVA glue, scissors or a construction knife, a ruler. You can download gift box schemes on this site or. But let's start with the simplest option. Even if you do not have a diagram, you can calculate and draw it for a simple square or rectangular box yourself. First of all, on a sheet of cardboard, you need to draw a rectangle (or square) of the size you need - this is the bottom of the box. Then draw straight lines from each side of it with a ruler - these are the sides, the depth of the box depends on their size. On two opposite sides of the box, we finish the protrusions of 1-2 cm, the edges of these protrusions are cut off at an angle of 45 degrees - with their help we will glue the box.

Now we cut out our workpiece, make neat folds along all lines and glue it together. The lid for the box is made using exactly the same technology, only its size should be 2-3 mm larger than the size of the box itself, otherwise it simply will not fit on it.

If you wanted to make a beautiful box, then the cardboard must be pasted over with cloth, colored or wrapping paper, you can even use old postcards. You can glue both the finished box and a whole sheet of cardboard before cutting. The finished box on top can be decorated with flowers from ribbons, origami, lace, etc.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making a cardboard box! Its strength will depend on the chosen material and glue, and its appearance will depend on your imagination. Don't be lazy, go for it - hand made will always be appreciated.

It is difficult to think of something simpler than a box. Despite its simplicity, it is very versatile, because you can store any items in it, from small things to large items. It can also be used as a gift wrapping. But how to make it out of cardboard with your own hands? It's very simple!

So let's get down to making our box. You will need:

  • A large, dense sheet of cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.

How to make a cardboard box: job description

In the center of a sheet of cardboard, you need to draw a rectangle - the bottom of the box. Decide on the size yourself, depending on what this box is for.

On the right and on the left, you need to draw adjoining rectangles - the lateral sides, the height of which is equal to the depth of the box.

Draw 2 more rectangles above and below to the edges of the rectangle - the back and front sides. Their height is equal to the height of the sides. On their sides, you need to add connecting valves, the width of which depends on whether or not heavy items will be stored in it. The smallest value for these valves is 2 cm, the larger they are, the stronger the box.

Boxes and boxes with your own hands made of cardboard, ready-made schemes for different sizes:

Trim the edges of the valves at a 45 degree angle.

While it dries, you need to make a lid. Its length and width are 6–3 mm more than the width and length of the box, the height of the sides can be made to any height. Do the same as the box.

Decorate the box in any way you like.

The box can be made of any shape, for this you just need to select the required cardboard box template. Here are a few:

This is a box for a loved one, for a small and sincere gift:

And a few more options for original packaging ideas:

Workshop on making a round box

And here is another cardboard box, the master class of which is given below.

What needs to be prepared:

  • Ruler;
  • Scissors;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Knitting needle;
  • Double sided tape;
  • 1 sheet of cardboard.

Work description

Draw or print a template on the sheet.

Carefully cut out the blanks without damaging the sheet, like this:

The resulting windows will be needed as a stencil for scoring.

Cut circles.

Stick double-sided tape on the seamy side on the sides, stepping back 1 cm from the edges.

Glue the halves of the sides together and give them an arc shape so that the box turns out to be round.

Cut out the cloves.

Connect the board to the bottom, for this, glue the smaller circle to the teeth inside the box.

Now you need to connect the edges. To do this, insert one edge into the other and mark

Then cut off the top of the inner edge 1 mm up to the mark

And cut off a strip of the inner layer.

Paste this edge between the layers of the other edge and glue.

Such a connection will be more reliable and almost invisible.

The same must be done with the sides of the cover.

Now you need to stick the double-sided tape on the outer circles.

And glue them, pressing them carefully, to the bottom and to the lid.

The gift box is ready, and for beauty, you can decorate it with a bow.

It's so easy and simple with your own hands to make different boxes that are useful for all sorts of small things or serve as a gift wrapping for friends and family.

How to make a cardboard box: video tutorials

If you need a box to store things or all sorts of little things, then it can be made by yourself. All you have to do is prepare the necessary materials and follow the simple instructions. There are many ways to make a box out of cardboard. Some of them will be described below.

Homemade cardboard box

If you want a simple little box, then this method is what you need.

The box can be made of any cardboard (you can even use paper), and to give the structure strength, you can use a stapler, tape or ordinary glue.

During the manufacturing process, you will use:

  • cardboard (ordinary, decorative, gift or multi-colored);
  • ruler;
  • scissors or a stationery knife;
  • glue stick (if needed);

2 square pieces should be cut out of cardboard, the sides of the first of which should be 15 mm shorter than the sides of the second.

A piece with large sides will act as a lid in the box. The choice of the size of the box is up to you. It is worth noting that the thicker the cardboard is, the more sturdy the box will turn out.

For an illustrative example, it was decided to use squares of the following sizes: smaller - 330 x 330 mm, larger - 345 x 345 mm. The box will be 65 mm high and 120 mm wide. The squares should be cut out with the utmost care so that they are even.

Now you should start folding the cardboard as shown in the picture.

After the folding is completed, you can start “assembling” the box: you should lift the walls using the already formed folds, there is no need for additional folding of the cardboard.

After assembling the first half, you also need to fold the second half. That's all, now you know how to make a box out of cardboard.

How to make a box out of cardboard, the second method

To make a cardboard box using this method, you will need to use the following tools and materials:

  • PVA glue (or a hot glue gun);
  • scissors;
  • cardboard packaging from under the flakes;

The first step is to cut and straighten the cardboard like on a template.

After that, you need to bend the cardboard blank.

Now, using scissors, you should carefully cut the workpiece in strict accordance with the presented image.

When the above operations are completed, you can start folding the box. The principle of folding cardboard is shown in the images below. Use glue to secure certain areas of your craft.

Well, that's all. You were presented with two options for how to make a box out of cardboard. Which one to use is your own business.

Better, of course, to try both options, and choose based on your feelings and the result. Well, get to work! You will succeed!

And this is well, a very simple option for making a box