How to make thick eyebrows? How to make wide bushy eyebrows

Perhaps the "strings" will eventually return to the catwalks and everyday life. In the meantime, all women of the planet are unanimous: natural, wide, thick eyebrows of a good shape greatly adorn the face, making the eyes and facial features more expressive.

Numerous photo models and actresses only confirm this trend, making them their calling card. Kara Delvin with thin eyebrows will immediately turn into a sweet simpleton from a neighboring regional center, which millions.

Makeup artists, obedient to fashion trends, invent more and more new ways to emphasize wide eyebrows, and the cosmetic industry produces a variety of pencils, shadows, waxes, lipstick, felt-tip pens.

But what about those whose growth line was hopelessly damaged by plucking, or whose hair is very light and does not grow well?

Thin eyebrows - who do they suit?

There is a category of women who suit absolutely everything: glasses, hats, hairstyles and makeup of an unusual shape, thick and thin eyebrows. These are the happy owners of an oval face shape, they are the only ones who are allowed by fashion to experiment with their appearance with impunity.

And if you belong to this category of women, do not be discouraged by light and thin eyebrows, it is much more important that they are well-groomed and look natural.

Thick and thin - which is better?

In light of recent trends, correcting profuse hair growth is easier than painting natural and beautiful eyebrows out of nothing.

However, do not despair, it is better to adopt a few tricks that experienced makeup artists use:

  • Find your ideal shape, torment yourself for a few days, photographing yourself after drawing with a pencil or felt-tip pen. Compare your photos, which line makes the face more expressive and natural?
  • There is no need to cross the line between theatrical makeup and naturalness, choosing, give preference to soft lines. Some makeup artists advise focusing on the lips when choosing the width, then the shape will be harmonious;
  • If the natural line is too thin, pay attention to the vellus hair around it. By painting over them with persistent paint, you can make rather wide eyebrows from the "strings";
  • It is important to choose the perfect color that is in harmony with the eyes and hair color, otherwise the eyebrows will look foreign. It is best to test remedies in daylight;
  • The quality of the product you will be using is very important. The line should not disappear from any touch, gaps and bald patches are also unacceptable "luxury";
  • Having started to fight for a natural shape, buy a hair growth product, the cosmetic industry produces a huge number of stimulants, but while you are looking, you can use ordinary castor oil;
  • It can take from 2 to 6 months to "grow" the desired density, length and width.

For the very first correction, you can contact a professional. A specialist with experience will help you correct your shape and will definitely give you some tips for care.

How to paint thin "strings"

To paint thin "strings", you will need several products: a pencil to create an outline, shadows for filling, a brush for combing and styling hair, gel or wax for fixing, your everyday liquid concealer or a beige eyeliner:

  • The contour is created with a pencil, the hairs are first combed, laying them according to their height, trying to shade the pencil so that it becomes almost invisible, since the graphic has lost its relevance;
  • Flaws can be corrected with a corrector or a beige pencil, walking along the contour from the outside;
  • The contour is filled with matte shadows, choosing a product lighter than the color of your hair, the base (at the bridge of the nose) should be lighter than the ponytail, after that it is better to work it out with a brush again, removing excess makeup;
  • If you are happy with the result, it's time to apply the gel or wax for styling, so the individual hairs will not spoil the picture.

The main thing is not to make too dark, thick and wide eyebrows, which will age you for several years.

How to pluck eyebrows correctly?

It is better if you find the time and money to go to the salon, but you still cannot do without home correction.

What can be done at home so as not to get carried away and not spoil the work of the master:

  • Half of the matter is solved with a good tool, in our case it is tweezers. It should be comfortable, good for gripping and pulling out hairs. Before using it, it must be disinfected by any available method. It's great if there is a duplicate in your cosmetic bag - you never know what;
  • It is necessary to pull out the hair according to its growth, so the follicle is less injured and the chances that the hair will stick out, growing back are insignificant;
  • Before you start, comb through your hair and outline the outline with a light pencil. Anything that fell outside its borders can be safely removed. Masters recommend paying more attention to the lower limit of growth. The one directly above the eye;
  • Do you want to pull your hair out? Lift it up with tweezers, so it becomes clear whether there will be bald spots or violations of the harmonious line in this place;
  • It is more convenient to remove hair using a magnifying mirror.

Striving for harmony of facial features is natural. What to do to make wide eyebrows symmetrical and straight? Stand by the window and pick up two large enough mirrors. Put them to each other at an angle of 90 °, look at yourself: is everything all right or is there something to strive for?

Another option for evaluating symmetry: wear glasses in which the upper frame is almost level, look at yourself in a mirror in good light. Any violation of the boundary of the contour immediately catches the eye.

Will the eyebrows become thinner after tattooing?

In connection with the fashion for beautiful and wide eyebrows, various tattoo techniques have become very popular. With its help, you can forget about scars or other defects in hair growth, irreparable asymmetry, makeup and coloring.

Modern tattooing can be done in several ways:

  • watercolor;
  • hairy.

Techniques allow you to create a beautiful shape, fill in defects, give the desired length and thickness. The main thing is to find a real master of his craft. Before deciding to take such a step, review the portfolio of work performed by him and client reviews.

If everything suits you, discuss with a specialist what line, density and color you would like to have, modern tattoo paints allow you to choose a natural option even for blondes.

Before you decide to do the procedure, recall:

  • Removing an unsuccessful tattoo will have to be done with no less expensive laser techniques, without options;
  • Modern makeup trends welcome naturalness and naturalness, you need to find a very good master to make the tattoo look natural;
  • There is no guarantee that the shape you have chosen will look harmonious on the face, in addition, do not forget about natural age-related deformities;
  • The procedure is designed for up to 5 years, after which the artificial line will become almost invisible.

The procedure does not affect the natural growth of hair in any way, although some hair follicles can be damaged in the process, however, by the time the tattoo wears off, your own eyebrows will not become thinner.

Fashion is a cruel world with its own rules and requirements. Today one thing is fashionable, tomorrow - quite the opposite. It happened with the eyebrows. Previously, the trend was thin eyebrows resembling strings. Fashionistas rushed to pluck them with pinpoint precision, the most radical - shaved clean and drew with a pencil. Today the trends have changed. The priority is wide, natural eyebrows. Consider who such eyebrows are suitable for, how their features are expressed, how to do it at home, and what to use for fast hair growth.


Those who have managed to grow their eyebrows and make them wide, assure that they will never return to thin stripes. This is not surprising, because natural eyebrows have a number of features that are their virtues.

  • Giving expressiveness to the look. Natural arches are a great option for invisible makeup, nude version. Having wide eyebrows, you do not have to brightly draw and paint your eyes. A minimum of shadows, eyeliner, one layer of mascara. It became easy to look natural and expressive at the same time.
  • The ability to experiment with the shape. The scope of imagination is something that women of fashion often lack. The main thing is not to overdo it. Zealous plucking, and even more so shaving, can cause baldness of the arches. For a harmonious look, it is enough to make two manipulations - to give a smooth bend and raise the tip.
  • Perspective in terms of colors. Don't think black is the only color option. Wide bushy eyebrows can be different in shade palette. The latest trend is highlighting individual hairs.
  • Using the possibilities of tattooing. When there is enough material for the browmaster to work, it is invaluable. Wide eyebrows open up great opportunities for tattooing. In this case, you will get a very beautiful, natural look.
  • Wide arcs may not work for everyone. And this is also their advantage, since the type and shape must be selected depending on many conditions. Wide options with big eyes, full lips, expressive cheekbones look good. With a heterogeneous tone, a round face, inflammation, redness, oily skin with enlarged pores, thin features, girls are better off choosing thinner and thinned types.

Type and shape

Wide eyebrows are a general concept. It includes several more classifications by type and form.

Experts distinguish the following forms:

  • "House". Curved shape that requires the utmost care. Overdoing it, the expression of constant surprise on the face is ensured.
  • Straight. They are able to visually expand the face, suitable for thin girls.

  • Graphic. Too expressive, the same on both sides, such eyebrows have long become a sign of bad taste. Natural forms, "makeup without makeup" are in fashion.
  • Rounded smooth- universal shape, suitable for any type of face, visually refresh the image and enlarge the eyes.
  • Arcuate... Will soften rough feminine features, give softness.

There are three types of wide brow types.

  • Natural. For a long time, natural eyebrows have been at the peak of fashion popularity. You do not need to spend paint, eyeliner, pencil on them. They are completely natural, and so remarkable.

  • Thick. This type, if not looked after, can look ugly and unkempt.
  • Set wide apart. Not everyone is lucky to have this type. Someone has to pluck the inner ends constantly.

Who are they going to?

Beauty industry professionals highlight several criteria by which you can determine who is suitable for wide eyebrows:

  • large, expressive eyes;
  • plump, sensual lips;
  • wide, clearly marked cheekbones.

In order to better understand who will be transformed by wide eyebrows, we will clearly consider the well-known examples of Hollywood stars.

The first in line is the famous pirate rebel Keira Knightley. She has a very noble, memorable appearance with characteristic features and texture. This is also the merit of her eyebrows - wide, straight, with a barely noticeable bend. Eyebrows are chic, moderately thick, they look natural and organic. It is immediately evident that she is caring for them. Kira has a square face with regular features.

The blonde, top model Cara Delevingne has a similar face shape. Only her eyebrows stand out against the light background - they are almost black. The density and color resemble the male options, but this fact does not bother her. They emphasize her lively, mischievous nature.

Cashmere Mafia star Brooke Shields is also a fan of wide eyebrows. She has wide cheekbones and chin, which are balanced by natural dark brows.

However, experts in such cases advise to lighten the hairs a little, to make “light” make-up. This will give softness and "throw off" a couple of years.

The next owner of bushy eyebrows is Emma Watson. Since the Harry Potter saga, Emma hasn't changed the width of her eyebrows. Her oval face is the standard of beauty and shape. And eyebrows only emphasize naturalness and charm.

Angelina Jolie is the owner of large eyes, pronounced cheekbones, full lips. Wide eyebrows look perfect on her face.

Wide eyebrows are not suitable for everyone. In order to determine the appropriate shape and type, it is better to contact the salon to specialists. They will carry out the correction and tell you how to shape yourself.

How to do it?

There are several options for how to make your eyebrows look fashionable - thick and natural. The first long-term option is to grow your eyebrows at home. The second is makeup. It will be difficult at first, but over time, skill will appear and a technique will develop. The last option is a tattoo for those who do not want to wait and waste time on makeup.

Let's consider each of the proposed options in more detail.

How to grow?

Some people can easily and quickly grow eyebrows, others suffer and understand that nothing is working out.

Poor growth can be caused by:

  • incorrect correction;
  • damage to hair follicles, which leads to slow growth of hairs, or growth stops altogether;
  • injuries, burns, other violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • regular dyeing with aggressive compounds that destroy the hair structure;
  • the practice of strict, unbalanced diets, as a result of which the body does not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Making wide eyebrows out of narrow, thin eyebrows is a difficult task, but doable. Professionals advise to carry out simple, effective procedures that do not require large time and financial investments.

  • Every self-respecting girl in the bathroom has a hair balm on the shelf. So, it can be used not only according to the standard algorithm. It is good for them to wash their eyebrows. The balm is applied to the hairs, the skin is massaged for a minute and washed off.
  • Massage with a special cosmetic brush. This will increase blood flow and awaken dormant follicles.
  • Normalization of the diet. Meals should be balanced, regular and complete. An important condition is the inclusion in the diet of dairy products, eggs, buckwheat porridge, bananas, fish, offal. Any diet will have a negative effect on hair growth.
  • Control over the level of calcium in the body. Calcium is responsible for the growth of hair and nails. It is important for women, therefore, in case of problems with its content, it is necessary to pass tests, consult a doctor, and start taking medications.

  • Preparation of masks. Excellent means that affect growth - cosmetic oils (almond, burdock, castor, apricot, peach). It is enough to mix them, warm them up, apply on eyebrows, rub in, wait 15-20 minutes, remove with a cotton pad.
  • Decoctions of medicinal herbs. Various herbs are a storehouse of useful substances. They have a beneficial effect on the body and skin. A decoction of chamomile, birch leaves, mint, together or separately, will quickly grow the eyebrows.

  • Taking vitamins... In case of a lack of any elements, it is worth starting to take vitamins selected by a doctor. Modern multivitamin complexes are developed for certain problems, taking into account other nuances.
  • Alcohol tincture of calendula is an affordable remedy. It has regenerating, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The substances contained in calendula will "make" the hair bulb wake up.


For those who do not want to wait for their eyebrows to grow back, you can resort to the achievements of the cosmetic industry.

To properly paint your eyebrows, you will need several special tools:

  • shadows(it is better to take cream, they are more pigmented and persistent) to match the shade of the eyebrows and a little lighter;
  • ink- gives a deeper shade;
  • gel will fix the shape, lay the hairs, give the desired shape;
  • brush, an alternative economical option is an old mascara brush;
  • special brush with a beveled pile shape.

Brow-masters have developed a whole step-by-step instruction that will help you quickly and beautifully paint your eyebrows, giving them the most natural look.

  • We comb the hairs with a brush, give them the desired shape, look where there are gaps, pay special attention to these places.
  • With a beveled brush, draw on a creamy shadow of a light shade. Draw the hairs with a brush without pressure. The movements are short, abrupt, we go through with a brush only in places where there are voids and gaps, we fill them.

You don't have to completely paint over the space. The hairs are not uniformly distributed, the color is uneven. At the inner edge it is lighter, closer to the outer - they become thicker, darker and denser.

We are sure that you are often haunted by strange and unusual questions to which you cannot find an answer or just constantly forget to do it. We decided to make your life easier and every week to publish one of the most popular questions from search engines, as well as the answer to them. And today's question on the topic of the day: "Where did the fashion for huge and bright female eyebrows come from?"

Experts answer that the fashion for wide eyebrows appeared along with the fashion for everything natural 5-10 years ago. The trendsetter of this fashion was the model Cara Delevingne, whose trademark is precisely her thick and naturally dark eyebrows. Then the famous fashion houses, actresses, singers, TV presenters began to pay attention to the model. And since before that there was a fashion for thin plucked eyebrows-strings, there was no time to grow your natural ones. And cosmetologists began to actively offer everyone the eyebrow tattooing procedure. Those who did not have the money for this began to simply paint on their eyebrows with pencil and shadows.

And some have crossed all the boundaries of reason: they pluck their eyebrows to draw new ones that do not fit their face at all! They, apparently, do not know that nowadays the fashion is for wide natural eyebrows, and not for drawn ones:

Wide eyebrows are natural, do not require as much care as thin ones, but they do not suit everyone. The width should be optimal for each individual case. Otherwise, the harmony of the appearance may be disturbed, and the face will look vulgar. Extension or thorough home care can help transform these natural lines.

Wide eyebrows are the hit of the season

Wide arches of eyebrows continue to remain at the peak of popularity, despite the fact that not everyone likes it, but someone categorically does not go. It is important not only to grow this part of the face for the sake of fashion, but to make it as harmonious as possible for your image, based on your skin type and appearance.

Of course, the width of the eyebrows makes the face brighter and more expressive, but this is not enough - there are certain trends that should be followed with such an accessory.

Currently valued:

  • not only width, but also density (see);
  • rounded eyebrows with smooth curves are preferable to a straight shape;
  • the clarity of the contour must be traced;
  • the color scheme should be restrained - lighter or darker, but not jet black,
Some makeup artists suggest completely bleaching the hairs of the eyebrows, making them shaggy, combing and fixing in an original way, however, this is only a trend, but not a recommendation for action, and each girl should have her own opinion on this matter. The most important qualities of eyebrows continue to be their natural, nature-given color and grooming.

Types of wide eyebrows and who are they suitable for?

The rather widespread opinion that wide eyebrows make the eyes less expressive, in part, makes sense. But if the color of the eyes is bright and they are framed by thick dark eyelashes, such eyebrow arches are quite compatible with the overall appearance. If we take the "strings", which were preferred for quite a long time, then they visually enlarged the rest of the facial features, as if blurring them.

Compared to thin lines, wide lines can give the eyes, nose and mouth a more sophisticated look. Therefore, such an attribute is suitable for girls with pronounced, protruding cheekbones, full lips and big eyes.

The types of wide eyebrows are different:

  • In their shape, they can be straight, rounded, curved and with a break. Recently, a new variety has appeared - wavy eyebrow lines, which can be created using gel, cosmetic pencil, glue and powder. But this option, rather, is suitable for a party, and you should not use it in everyday life.
  • By the color of the hairs, however, thick black eyebrows are suitable only for sultry brunettes, for the rest it is not the best solution. If their owner is brown-haired or blonde, they will need highlighting. The ideal is the eyebrow tone, selected taking into account the color of the skin. Fortunately, there is an opportunity to give them any beautiful and natural shade, and they will not look rough.
Knowing some of the nuances will help to avoid the main mistakes when choosing a shape:
  • such eyebrows should not be too long or short;
  • do not go far beyond the outer corner of the eyes;
  • converge too close at the bridge of the nose;
  • sharp lines and too dark color are undesirable.
If a girl with blond hair still decided to leave the eyebrow arches dark, if they are too thick, they can be made a little less often, you can also shorten the length of the hairs themselves, and they will look more neat and natural.

Wide eyebrows should not be given a strong bend, because in this case, their tips located closer to the hair will still have to be thinned.

The most acceptable options are straight and arcuate with a smooth rounding at the end. Thanks to such eyebrows, moreover, with the right color, the face acquires a special charm and femininity.

Who doesn't have wide eyebrows?

For some people, unfortunately, large eyebrows are not suitable. Basically, this applies to girls:
  • with a little gentle face:
  • thin lips and nose;
  • small, closely spaced eyes.
Do not grow large eyebrows in a natural or artificial way for young adolescents, as this accessory will age them and make your facial expression rude.

Such an approach to your appearance is also undesirable in the case when the skin of the face is uneven, differs in enlarged pores, there is acne, redness or pimples - all these imperfections will become even more noticeable with wide eyebrows.

How to make wide eyebrows?

To have beautiful wide eyebrows, they must first of all grow. You can do this at home. This will require regular care and nutrition of the hair follicles. In addition, it makes sense to use medicated shampoos and pharmaceutical products specifically designed for hair growth.

Girls with narrow, maximally plucked or strongly arched eyebrows may have problems if they want to have wide eyebrows. In addition, in some, they are too rare by nature. But in this case, you can get out of the situation by using the services of a salon master.

With the help of various modern technologies, it is possible to:

  • build up, that is, attach additional hairs;
  • to make, including shaping, coloring and further shaping the perfect line using plucking.
The second procedure can be performed independently at home using special tweezers and paint.

Too dark eyebrows do not have to be lightened with the help of chemical compositions - they can be given a beautiful shade using henna and basma, or powdered, as a result of which their color will be somewhat muted.

An alternative option can be the use of decorative cosmetics - you can make wide eyebrows yourself with the help of shadows, powder, and also, or a transparent gel:
  • the first step is to remove the excess roundness of the brow arch;
  • hairs are combed up with a brush;
  • additional strokes are drawn under the bow of the eyebrow;
  • after that, with a brush, the hairs are combed down, and light powder or shadows are applied along the upper contour;
  • it is important to carefully distribute the hair along the entire line, without smearing the already drawn strokes;
  • using a pencil to correct inaccuracies and spaces;
  • at the end, the resulting form is fixed with wax or gel.
In this way, you can give the eyebrows the necessary density and make them visually wider.

Home care and correction

Continuous care will improve the condition of hair follicles and give your eyebrows a healthy shine and silkiness.

The rules of care include the following procedures for rapid hair growth:

  • Purification. In the morning and in the evening, it is important to thoroughly rinse off daytime makeup from the face and eyebrows, thus, the skin cells are cleansed of sweat and dust;
  • Daily brushing... Helps get rid of dead particles and increases blood circulation. The hairs should be combed first against the growth, and then in its direction.
  • Massage. It helps to improve metabolism in the hair roots and blood flow, which enhances growth and stops hair loss. You need to do it with the pads of your fingers, starting with stroking and light rubbing. The movements can be circular, soft pinching and the use of a toothbrush are allowed.
  • Natural oils. For hair growth, castor, coconut, burdock are suitable. It is enough to apply them in a heated form with a clean brush from mascara once a day, before going to bed, leaving it overnight;
  • Compresses. Growing will go faster if you use decoctions and infusions of herbs - nettle, hops, coltsfoot, chamomile. Moistened cotton swabs are applied to the eyebrow area and kept for 30-40 minutes.
  • Nourishing masks. The most effective masks are made from onion juice, a composition based on olive oil with honey and cinnamon, chopped ginger and cognac. You can do them from 5 to 10 minutes. For growth, formulations with pepper tincture and diluted mustard are also used.
We must not forget that the food used has a great influence on the restoration of eyebrow hair, therefore it is worth adhering to a balanced diet rich in different types of nutritional components.

Shaping wide eyebrows is no less important, because you need them to look neat and well-groomed.

The adjustment process can be divided into several stages:

  • first, you should wipe the skin of the eyebrows and the area under them with an antiseptic solution;
  • apply a fat cream under the eyebrow arches;
  • with the help of tweezers, excess hairs are removed, knocking out the contours of the form;
  • it remains to disinfect the skin and lubricate it with a soothing cream.
Plucking eyebrows should be done carefully, trying not to disturb the integrity of the skin. The hairs are captured at the very root and pulled out sharply. Care after this procedure includes wiping with chamomile decoction, using a compress with warm oil.

When a girl has naturally wide eyebrows, they will always remain her adornment. The main thing is to properly care for them - to nourish and strengthen, not forgetting to maintain the normal state of the whole organism. This will help with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Today, eyebrow arches and their shape set the main direction of the future image of a woman, both in clothes and in makeup. This can be confirmed by any makeup artist, because the brow part of the face plays an important role in creating an attractive and expressive image. The wrong shape or thickness of the brow arch can create an undesirable effect of excessive surprise, make the look sad or harsh. No makeup can affect the character of the face as much as changing the brow line. Even if you make the perfect eyeliner, highlight the lips, the eyebrows remain unchanged.

Fashionable eyebrows this season

Without eyebrows, you cannot imagine a perfect and vivid image. Their absence is felt as nudity of the face and gives a woman self-doubt. Thin eyebrows have long been out of fashion, they were replaced by natural thick wide eyebrows. All this suggests that many, in pursuit of fashion, resort to changing the thickness of the brow arch with the help of cosmetics:

  • pencil;
  • dark shadows;
  • gel;
  • wax.

Eyebrows with smooth curves give the face a special charm and grace, the look becomes brighter and more expressive, and the image looks complete and complete. Some people get bored of walking for months with unkempt arcs in order to grow the desired thickness and density, like in Cara Deleville. In addition, eyebrows that are too wide and shaggy need regular grooming.

Despite the natural, slightly brutal appearance, their shape should be neat. In addition, wide and shaggy eyebrows are not suitable for everyone. And in this case, it is better to dwell on the classic shape: wide to a kink and tapering to the tip.

Super wide brow arches

These are thick, often straight-shaped eyebrows that have their own unique character. Many girls and models who wear eyebrow arches like this are very successful. Looking through fashion magazines, you will notice that this form is now at the peak of popularity, and not only models adhere to it, but also many celebrities and stars. But do not immediately run to the pharmacy or the nearest shopping center for growth stimulants and. This configuration is not suitable for every woman.

Wide brow arches are suitable for those whose facial features are rough and large. With such facial features, you cannot wear thin eyebrows, they will give the face inappropriate features, and thick ones, on the contrary, will help to complement the image. Wide eyebrows are not suitable for women whose features are delicate and small in shape. They will give such a face a frown and will contradict with ideal proportions.

To give your eyebrows fashionable thickness, you first need to grow hairs in the places where you always pluck them. When growing a hair cover, you should not resort to plucking hairs too often to give the required volume. The main thing is to imagine the future shape and remove only those hairs that are not included in the stencil of the future arc. Eyebrows will become thick and wide if they are combed every day with a special comb or brush with stiff bristles.

When carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to move the comb first in the direction of hair growth, and then in the opposite direction. These movements stimulate the hair follicles and the blood flow with nutrients quickly approaches them, and dust, dandruff and weak thin hairs are removed, in place of which new stronger ones then grow.

You can stimulate hair growth using various masks and oils:

  • castor;
  • olive;
  • burdock.

The shape of the wide brow arches should be individually tailored to suit your face type. The main feature is the closeness to the straight shape of the eyebrows, that is, the bend should be minimal. Also, the distance between the arcs should not be too short and no more than two fingers attached to the bridge of the nose.

Casually shaggy eyebrows

Shaggy eyebrows are inherent in the owners of disobedient hairs that bristle in different directions. An example in the photo like the model Natalia Vodianova. Her wide eyebrows perfectly harmonize with the external appearance, despite the negligence, they look truly attractive, fashionable and stylish.

Such careless arcs are suitable for bold women who are not afraid to emphasize their style and image, making it more expressive and attractive. Such shaggy and carelessness on the brow arches looks natural and harmonious on girls whose main facial features are not expressive enough.

To emphasize the shaggy of the eyebrows, you do not need to use wax or gel that fixes the hairs. You can achieve a greater effect by making the brows less dense in the nose bridge area.

Natural width

Quite often there are women and girls whose eyebrows are naturally attractive in width. Many stars choose to wear their natural eyebrow shape, such as the film actress Emma Watson in the photo. Wide eyebrows with a smooth transition give the image of girls a slight mystery and attractiveness.

Wide and natural eyebrows suit everyone, because this shape is given to us by nature. In addition, this is a trend of the season and at the same time a response to thin eyebrow arches resembling strings. Thin eyebrows have been out of date for several years, as they give an unnatural expression to the face.

If you have a classic or ultra-thin eyebrow shape, then first you need to grow them. If the original shape is too thick, then, on the contrary, pluck out the extra hairs. The configuration at the base should be slightly thicker than at the tip. The tail should not be too skinny, but rather thick and thick. The bend should also have a natural shape, you should not give it an excessive and unnatural arched or too clear bend. The width should harmoniously complement and complete your look, have a middle ground, be not too thick or thin.

Benefits of wide brow arches

  1. They make the face bright and expressive. With such eyebrows, the girl does not have to use bright makeup, apply black arrows and cover her eyelashes with a thick layer of mascara. You can make fashionable and current light natural makeup, which is now also in trend now.
  2. Wide eyebrows make it possible to fantasize and conjure over the configuration of the brow arch. Giving the arcs one shape or another, you should not get too carried away with plucking, so as not to spoil the natural naturalness. It is enough to pluck the eyebrows slightly along the contour to give the smoothness of the arc line. This design will add neatness to the eyebrows, and expressiveness to the look. When designing the contour, you should not resort to radical measures and use a blade or razor, the grown hairs will be rough and tough.

Every girl who has achieved and made the shape of her eyebrows wider takes pride in this and carefully cares for the shape and hairs so that they look alive, beautiful and thick. To do this, you can apply a set of procedures:

  • masks;
  • oils;
  • the use of vitamins and minerals;
  • cosmetical tools.

If the eyebrows by nature do not differ in special density, then you can give the desired shape, either by drawing them, or contact a beauty salon, where you can make a tattoo of the eyebrow arches.

How to give your brows the thickness you want

Girls are fickle creatures who regularly change their image, dye their hair from brunette to blonde or vice versa. Sometimes having plucked eyebrows, after two weeks you want to change the shape or give the arcs a fashionable and popular thickness. Do not forget that plucking eyebrows is always easier, easier and faster than growing or changing the shape. Therefore, do not get too carried away with the plucking procedure, but just slightly adjust the shape.

  • when determining the shape of the future eyebrow, it is worth noting that the beginning of the arc should correspond to the corner of the eye and be approximately at the same level;
  • then they begin to form the bend, it should be behind the pupil level of the eye.
  • the tip of the brow arch should extend slightly beyond the completion of the outer corner of the eye.

You can also add volume and width to the eyebrow arches with the help of decorative cosmetics:

  • comb the hairs up with a special eyebrow brush;
  • with a beveled end brush, apply shadows of a dark shade, thereby giving the eyebrows volume and expressiveness;
  • fixation of the desired position of the hairs is achieved with the help of hair wax.

Such styling will perfectly emphasize or with a slight break. Not suitable for house and arc configurations.

How to increase the width of the brow arch

  1. First you need to remove the excessive roundness of the arc. To do this, you need to comb the hairs upward, thereby exposing the eyelid area.
  2. Then, using a well-sharpened one, you need to draw another row of hairs. In the break zone, try to make strokes in small steps, while they should slightly go into the brow line itself. Closer to the tips, the strokes can be lengthened, creating the effect of slightly protruding beyond the brow arch. Correction with a pencil is carried out only along the lower contour of the eyebrows.
  3. Then with a brush, comb the hairs down.
  4. With the help of shadows or powder, it is necessary to fill in the light areas along the upper line of the arc.
  5. Now you need to style the hairs along the brow line.
  6. With shadows or powder, go over the entire plane of the arc, filling in all the light areas.
  7. Go over the pencil again, applying small strokes as you apply.
  8. Fix the result obtained with gel or wax.

This method allows and obtain wide eyebrows with the help of cosmetics. This technical trick is suitable for girls whose facial features are round or slightly rough. If your face is small and pretty, they will look grotesque. If you are afraid to overdo it with the tone of your makeup, then it is better to use only shadows, without using a pencil and colored gel.

Who should use wide brow arches?

Wide eyebrows are suitable for women with the following features:

  • big eyes;
  • prominent cheekbones;
  • plump lips.

If your features are more delicate and thin, then the eyebrows should be thinned a little. In addition, this part of the face is an integral part, not a separate one, therefore, it should be harmoniously combined with other facial features.

When you grow your eyebrows, do not forget about regular maintenance of the arches. Always wash off makeup before bed, do not use cheap or expired cosmetics, and do not use products that can cause you an allergic reaction.

Try to make a full-fledged one, which will help not only grow hairs, but also give them a lively shine and the necessary density. This will help you: oils, vitamin complexes in combination with massage and hair combing. If the skin in the brow arch area peels off, and the hairs begin to fall out, then the following should be included in the food ration:

  • nuts;
  • fish;
  • olives.

And also remove makeup with vegetable oil and consume 1.5 liters of water per day.

If you can't get the desired width, you can always use such a cosmetic service as eyebrow tattooing.

How to wear wide eyebrows

If you have naturally wide eyebrows, you are in luck, you are in trend. However, you still need to be able to correctly "wear" such a uniform:

  • you can give neatness with the help of a light haircut, plucking out excess hairs along the contour of the arc, as well as combing and special styling;
  • in order not to resort to applying cosmetics every day, you can paint the eyebrow arches with special paint, emphasizing the shape with gel;
  • in summer, you can only use wax to style the hairs of the arc;
  • if you have wide eyebrows, then you can easily apply smoky shadows, arrows for eye makeup, while lips can have a shade close to nude in the style of nude.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to select the shape of the brow arch in accordance with the type of face, taking into account the facial features. In this case, the eyebrows will turn out to be the same and symmetrical. Asymmetry sometimes looks original, but not in all cases. It is advisable to pluck eyebrows on your own, because you will know the features of your face, and you will be able to feel in which place the hairs are extra, and in which not.

If you score in Yandex search engine: "wide thick eyebrows", then you can find millions of different photos and pictures of these attractive and fashionable eyebrows today. However, do not immediately try on this configuration for yourself. Such eyebrows look good on models and in photographs, but in real life it can sometimes look a little too much. If you are the owner of light hair and light eyes, then such shapes will be ridiculous and even strange on your face.

You should always follow these rules:

  • select the shape of the eyebrows in accordance with the type of face;
  • the color of the arc should have a color 1–2 shades darker than the main color scheme of the hair, if you are blonde;
  • the color of the arch should be 1–2 tones lighter than the main hair color scheme if you are a brunette.

The video shows how to make wide and thick eyebrows, the secrets of growing and applying makeup: