What colors and color combinations are suitable for women of elegant age. Red dress: what tights to wear? Secrets of choosing a wedding dress

There is an opinion that the choice of color preferences in clothes is directly related to the skin tone of the wearer. However, this is not quite true. The main selection criterion is, rather, the combination of the color of the outfit with the hair.

There are, of course, universal colors that suit everyone without exception. This is what entrepreneurs think when buying dresses from the manufacturer in bulk.

But there are many shades in nature that emphasize a certain type of appearance very favorably. For example, what shade dresses are simply created for owners of blond hair, i.e. for blondes?

Criterias of choice

Let's consider in order. It is difficult for blondes to even imagine how wide the range of color shades is that allows them to look stunning in any situation.

The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to turn the image into sugary-sugary or dull-sad.

So here are some helpful tips when choosing the color of dresses for girls with blonde hair:

  1. Feel free to put on a black dress. The bright contrast between the outfit and hair color will make you look very elegant and festive in such clothes. The perfect combination for special occasions.
  2. A warm gray dress emphasizes the beauty of the blonde very favorably. And the combination of this shade with pink will turn you into a stylish and at the same time charming person.
  3. A safari-colored dress looks amazing on the owners of blond hair, always relevant and fashionable. And the variety of its shades: olive, beige or brown, will make you beautifully natural and very cute. You will never look faded in such an outfit if you complement it with some bright accessory: a scarf, bag, bracelet or jewelry.
  4. A blue dress looks extraordinary for a blonde. Perhaps, on none of the types does a blue dress look so brilliant. Juicy and chic, it will very favorably emphasize your beauty. And the contrast with blond hair will make your look unique.
  5. Delicate dresses in pastel colors will turn you into a pretty girl. Champagne, cream, blue, vanilla, turquoise will give you a charming touch and femininity.


In conclusion, it is worth saying what colors blondes should be careful with.

If a girl puts on a dress, then it is this dress that sets the mood and creates the image! Of course, each of us has more than one dress in our wardrobe, but how to choose the color of the dress for a particular occasion and how to choose from a variety of shades when purchasing new clothes ?!

How does the selection of the color of the dress affect the perception of the image?

It is no secret that different colors of clothes are associated in people with certain characteristics of a person. There are shades of "growing up" and "youthful", there are strict and cheerful, there are romantic and aggressive ...

Do not forget about this when choosing a dress! And the site "Beautiful and Successful" will help you with advice - how to choose the color of the dress to make the right impression!

  • Tenderness, femininity - all pastel colors, white.
  • Sexuality is black, red.
  • Coziness, calmness, pacification - sandy, nutty, chocolate, gray, terracotta, herbaceous shades of green (not poisonous green!).
  • Positive attitude, cheerfulness - bright warm colors: orange, red, yellow, fuchsia, lemon, salad.
  • Severity, seriousness, responsibility - black, gray, white, dark blue, pale blue, brown.
  • Solemnity - red, white, black,.

  • Creativity, creativity, originality - yellow, orange, purple, azure, aqua, bright green.
  • Adulthood - burgundy, wine, deep blue, black, gray, brown, other dark saturated shades. They don't always age! For young girls, these colors will mature a little, and older women are simply made into elegant ladies who look their own age!
  • Youth - pastel and bright light colors. But here balance is important - if a woman at a certain age sets the task of looking younger and fresher, then it is better to choose pale shades, and a flashy dress, on the contrary, will emphasize the real age!
  • Modesty - all muted shades (nude, olive, pale blue, etc.)
  • Leadership is black, red.
  • Elegance - nude, gray, white, black, red, dark blue.

Naturally, we do not seek to impose strict canons - after all, the style, fabric, combination of a dress with other garments and accessories, etc. are also important. But the associative array of most people in relation to colors is just that!

If you set yourself the task of creating an image with a specific character, then it's a sin not to use this trick!

By the way, the choice of the color of the dress affects not only the people around, the audience, but also yourself! So if you feel a desire to strengthen any quality in yourself or to be imbued with a certain mood, put on a dress of the “correct” color and the necessary state of mind will come as if by itself!

Of course, there are many other factors that can influence your choice of a particular dress. For example:

  • Dress code. According to the classic business dress code, bright dresses on weekdays are not welcome.
  • Season. In the cold season, dark colors look more appropriate, and in summer - light ones.
  • Your favorite clothing style. There are styles where the color scheme of clothing plays a decisive role.
  • Appearance color type. You can read more about it on our website!
  • Your figure. A dark dress visually slims, and a light one makes it look fat - a well-known fact!
  • Folk omens and beliefs. For example, it is believed that a girl who dreams of getting married should wear white dresses more often in everyday life. But here, of course, only you have to decide whether to believe the omens or consider them superstitions!

And if you find it difficult to choose the color of the dress to your liking, then maybe it makes sense to turn your attention to colorful multicolor prints?

You have probably often noticed that on some the dress can look amazing, while others do not fit at all. And the point here is not in the build, but in something else, barely perceptible. This is called the color type of appearance - an individual color scheme inherent in a person and manifested in the color of his eyes, hair, skin. We will show you how to choose your dress, in which you will look your best!

Brunettes: cold and flame

Eye color: brown, black, gray-blue

A red dress on a sultry brunette is a classic of the genre. If in doubt, feel free to choose this color, you are guaranteed a 100% hit. Want something more original? Feel free to choose alternative shades: lingonberry, cherry, wine, fuchsia, raspberry, dark scarlet.

Dark-haired girls should be careful with warm colors. So, when choosing a yellow dress, give preference to a noble cold shade - it will favorably set off your bright beauty, not competing with it.

All shades of green are great for brunettes, especially those with green eyes. Pastel, olive, asparagus for casual and business bows, and, say, emerald for a party. Love to be original - wear a blue-green dress, this unusual color delights with its grace and sophistication.

Also suitable for dark-haired:

* trendy blue color palette;

* purple;

* snow-white.

Blondes: tenderness and temptation

Eye color: blue, gray-blue, brown, green

Surprisingly, the first and main color of the dress, which is recommended for blondes, is also red. Scarlet, pomegranate, cardinal are especially good. Just remember that red in combination with white-haired hair is a challenge, a temptation. It is better to refuse such a dress at a corporate party, unless, of course, you are pursuing the goal of charming one of your colleagues.

White for a blonde is the color of elegance, laconicism, freshness. The same function is performed by beige and ivory.

An established mythologeme is a white-haired girl in pink. If you want to give your image a little naivety, defenselessness, tenderness, wear pink!

A few more colors in which blondes will look win-win:

* blue;

* salmon;

* mustard;

Redheads: audacity and fun

Eye color: green, gray, honey

Red-haired ladies with green or gray eyes and fair skin are best suited for dresses of various shades of green. Army, olive, emerald, turquoise - any of these colors will favorably emphasize your natural beauty. In such a company, you will become the perfect couple for seduction.

Another traditional color for redheads is blue and its shades. Here you can experiment as you like and choose a dress depending on the purpose. If you want to be gentle innocence - wear blue, sexy seductress - cobalt or aquamarine.

For a fun party or a sultry summer day, wear a fuchsia or Hollywood cherry outfit. The couple, of course, will turn out to be bold, but it will be simply impossible not to notice you with the dress. To go out during the day, you can slightly balance the image with gray. It can be inserts, a print, or, for example, the color of the hem.

Brown shades are in harmony with autumn and winter wardrobes. The rich palette allows for endless experimentation. This palette includes coffee, caramel, cappuccino, umber, reddish brown and many other unusually beautiful colors.

Choose your dress, only in it you will feel truly confident and comfortable.

Many girls often dream of having an evening dress of a certain color, for example, purple or red. But it happens that a fashionable, bright, beautiful color, as a result, does not look so beautiful on a certain girl as she expected. It's good if it turns out during the fitting, and it also happens that everything seems to be fine during the fitting, but in fact, when the dress has already been bought and the girl came out in it, it turns out that it does not suit her at all. And the thing is that when choosing a color for a dress, you must be guided not only by what color you like. First of all, it is necessary to consider which color type the girl belongs to. And only then order the evening dresses you like. There is a whole theory of color types, which will prompt the answer to the question - which color of evening dress is better to choose. If you take these rules into account, then your evening dress will delight everyone around you and, of course, emphasize all the advantages of its owner.

Winter type girls

Such ladies are characterized by dark eyes, light skin and dark hair. In this case, dresses of cold shades are ideal: black, gray, as well as any blue, blue, purple tone and lemon. Don't wear pink, beige or brown. White will sit well. To the effect of all, such a girl will look in a black dress with a deep neckline, the image will turn out to be very extravagant and even dramatic.

Autumn girl

Lovely representatives of this wonderful type are most often either swarthy or completely white-skinned, there may be freckles. The hairs are dark, but with a unique red tint, and possibly even bright red. The eyes are brown, blue, green, gray. Autumn girls should not wear white at all, it is better to choose blue, olive, yellow, red, brown and orange dresses.

Summer girls

Such madams have pale pink or even white skin, light hair, gray-blue or gray-green eyes. Lady - summer will look spectacular in a pale pink dress, you can use blurry shades, namely pink and lilac. Dresses of blue, light blue, light gray, light red and gray-green shades are also suitable for such a lady. In no case should you wear yellow outfits.

Spring type

Ladies have green or blue eyes, they have pleasant pink skin, light or fiery reddish curls, and there may be freckles on their faces. Ladies of this type are not recommended to wear white, as well as black and gray-blue colors. Such a girl will look incredibly cute in a soft pink, lilac, as well as a blue, soft beige tone of a dress.

There are simple rules to help you choose the right color for your dress:
A scarlet, red dress will certainly look perfect on a brunette with fair skin, black or white is also suitable for such a girl, some bright accessory can wonderfully complement the whole image, for example, a small red handbag with black inserts.
On dark-skinned black-haired ladies, outfits of yellow shades will look spectacular, a very interesting option is a black and yellow dress.
Green outfits are best suited for red-haired beauties.

It is not so difficult to become the star of a party - the main thing is to follow all these simple rules.

Most likely you have already seen this dress, and you probably have your own opinion about its colors. But the whole world still cannot come to an unambiguous opinion. For some it is invariably blue-black, for others it is white and gold and nothing else!

There were even cases when at first it seemed to a person that the dress was of the same color, and then after some time he was sure of the opposite!

This dress has already done too much trouble. It's time to face the truth and find out what color it really is.

The very photo of the dress, because of which there is so much controversy:

According to some, the original dress, if the lighting was better, should look like this:

Others believe that if it were not for the excessive light, the dress would be like this:

But why do people see different colors in the same photo? There is one version on this score, and it has nothing to do with monitor settings, nothing depends on them, we checked.

It's all about how the eyes of each individual person react to the illuminated object. Some people decide that the dress is not well lit (or that its surface is highly reflective) and their brain sends a signal to their eyes to compensate for this. Hence the white and gold color. Others think that too much light is falling on the dress (or the surface is less reflective), and their eyes show them that it is blue-black.

Everything is like in the famous optical illusion of Adelson. In the picture, square "A" is the same color as square "B", although it seems that this is not so.

In general, it turns out that a person's eyes see the image as the brain perceives it. Past experience is also important. If a person has seen a fabric of a similar texture or a similar dress of a certain color, this will most likely affect what color he sees in the photo with the dress. Little is known about this phenomenon, called "difference in perception".

And here is a photo of a real dress. It still turned out to be blue-black.