What kind of skin disease does a newborn have? Acute otitis media. Necrotizing phlegmon of a newborn

The skin of babies born healthy on time is generally soft and firm. If you try to fold it, it will immediately straighten out. Such velvety children's skin has due to a special lubricant that has a bactericidal property, and also prevents it from getting wet. However, newborns' skin is still very weak and vulnerable and therefore requires special care. We propose to talk about what the skin of a newborn baby is like, as well as how to properly care for it.

Features of the skin of a newborn baby

The skin color of a newborn baby immediately after birth may be gray or in some cases even bluish, due to the weak activity of the blood vessels of the child's body. During the first hour of life, the skin of the baby acquires a slightly pinkish tint, which indicates the adaptation of its circulatory system to new living conditions.

Sometimes the skin color of a newborn can have a yellowish tint. This happens in the case of the development of physiological jaundice, which, as a rule, passes after 7-14 days from the moment of development. In turn, with anemia, vasospasm, vomiting, as well as with heart defects, the color of the newborn's skin is characterized by a pronounced pale shade.

Very often, young parents observe that their baby's skin is too dry. According to pediatricians, you should not worry about this, since this is a completely normal phenomenon. Dry skin in newborns is usually caused by insufficient activity of their sweat glands. But during the period of adaptation of the child to the new environment, his sweat glands begin to work quite intensively and the dryness of the skin gradually disappears.

It should be noted that dry skin in a newborn often does not require the use of any moisturizing agents in the form of oils and creams. Gradually, the baby adapts to new conditions, and his skin will acquire those properties that are characteristic of the skin of an adult.

Also, quite often, parents are faced with the fact that the skin of a newborn is peeling. This is not a problem and can be caused by excessive dryness in the air in the house. After eliminating this factor, peeling will go away on its own. If the skin of a newborn is peeling badly enough, then it should be treated with a special baby oil or moisturizer.

Marbled skin in a newborn

According to experts, marbled skin in babies can be observed quite often. This condition of the child can be due to a number of reasons. Often it is irregular and develops as a result of a sharp temperature drop (for example, when changing clothes, the arms and legs of the crumbs become marbled). This is due to the fact that due to the insufficient development of the thermoregulation system, the newborn is not yet able to fully control his body temperature. In addition, the marbling of the skin in infants quite often occurs due to the congestion of the vessels with a large amount of blood. In any case, most experts believe that the cause of marbled skin in newborns is the imperfection of the thermoregulation system, which is inherently not a pathology. As a rule, the marbling of the skin of an infant disappears by 3 months, when all the systems of his body begin to work more fully.

Non-communicable skin diseases in newborns

Speaking about diseases of the skin of infants, it should be noted that they are divided into infectious and non-infectious.

The most common conditions in the group of non-infectious skin diseases in newborns are such conditions as prickly heat, diaper rash and diathesis. Despite the fact that they have different causes and a different course, the methods of treatment are quite similar and involve proper nutrition, air baths, as well as adherence to the rules of hygiene and temperature. With proper baby care, they heal quite quickly and effectively.

Non-communicable diseases also include dermatitis, which is caused by exposure to a specific irritant or allergen. Their main symptom is that the newborn's skin is peeling. Distinguish between seborrheic, atopic, diaper and contact dermatitis. Each of them is characterized by its own characteristics of the course and requires different therapeutic measures.

Infectious diseases of the skin of infants

Infectious skin diseases, which are often found in newborn babies, include a number of pathologies caused by staphylococcus:

  • Pyoderma is a pustular skin disease. The mildest form of this skin lesion is vesiculosis, which is manifested by the rash of small bubbles with a cloudy liquid inside. Treatment of vesiculosis involves careful skin hygiene, bathing in a bath with a 0.005% solution of potassium permanganate, as well as treating the affected areas with a solution of brilliant green or medical alcohol.
  • Pemphigus of newborns, which is characterized by the appearance of characteristic vesicles on children's skin, after opening which, a weeping surface remains. With this disease, along with local treatment (as with vesiculosis), antibiotics are prescribed, and sick infants are urgently isolated.
  • Folliculitis is a disease that affects the hair follicle. With this disease, as a rule, local treatment is prescribed, but in the case of extensive lesions, it is advisable to use antibacterial drugs.
  • Exfoliative dermatitis of Ritter is one of the most serious skin conditions in newborns, which is manifested by the formation of weeping, reddish areas around the navel, femoral folds and the corners of the mouth. Soon, redness quickly spreads to the skin of the trunk, head and limbs. At the same time, the baby's condition is quite serious, since there is a threat of dehydration of his body. Therapy for this disease involves local treatment of wounds, the use of a course of antibiotics, as well as the introduction of saline and glucose.

Pyogenic skin diseases in the newborn differ from those in older infants.

First of all, one should point out the imperfection of the so-called barrier-fixing function of the skin in newborns. The epidermis is juicy and loose. The stratum corneum is very thin and contains cells with nuclei up to the very top rows: therefore, it is not able to provide the mechanical protection that it performs later. This makes the epidermis of the newborn easily vulnerable to the slightest mechanical, chemical, thermal and other influences (when bathing, soaping, swaddling, etc.). In addition, it is very easy to macerate, and the conditions for such in this period are evident (constant wetting of the skin with urine and feces, diaper rash in the skin folds).

Insufficient acidity of the skin at this age (“acid mantle” of Marchionini), especially in intertriginous and seborrheic areas, as well as imperfection of the water-lipid mantle due to non-functioning of the sebaceous glands, in all likelihood, also play a role in the susceptibility of the newborn's skin to bacterial infections. Here, the neutralizing and even alkalizing effect of poor-quality soap used for bathing, as well as (currently rejected) premature rough and complete removal of the physiological skin "lubricant" - vernix caseosa, cannot but have a harmful effect.

The delicate anatomical structure is the cause and the special morphology of the eruptive elements- pyoderma in newborns is mainly of blistering form. Along with the inherent readiness of this return for violent, mainly exudative reactions, a weak, not too strong connection between the epidermis and the skin itself, due to the incomplete formation of the dermal papillae, undoubtedly plays a role here: therefore, the epidermis can be detached from relatively smooth papillary layer.

This explains, for example, extensive lamellar exofolation and a positive Nikolsky symptom.

Along with the considered points of predisposition on the part of the skin itself, in order to understand the pathogenesis and clinical characteristics of pyoderma in newborns, it is also important to emphasize the unpreparedness of the newborn's body to fight infection and the imperfection of immunobiological defense reactions at this age.

Usually this is the first meeting of the organism with the pathogenic microbial flora. While true immunity (with specific serum antibodies) does not exist with respect to pyogenic cocci at a later age, general immunobiological mechanisms should be taken into account here.

It is in the first days of life that the so-called natural immunity (the level of which is judged by the phagocytic activity of leukocytes and the titer of complement) is especially low.

In healthy and breastfed newborns born at term, it rapidly increases under the influence of mother's milk, but undergoes sharp fluctuations depending on the immunobiological state of the mother, due to frequent nutritional disorders for infants, and especially under the influence of acute infectious diseases in children. diseases. Significant lability of immune and protective reactions in a newborn should certainly be associated with the underdevelopment of neuro-regulatory mechanisms.

The position of premature, weak, artificially fed and dystrophic newborns is much less favorable. Therefore, it is in them that pyogenic skin diseases are especially frequent, which, in addition, manifesting themselves in the most severe forms, often lead to complications in the form of subcutaneous phlegmons, necrosis, general intoxication phenomena, dermatogenic sepsis, and especially in the past, before the introduction of treatment with modern antiseptic and antibiotic drugs, a significant number of these children ended up fatally.

Of the pyoderma, characteristic primarily of newborns and infants, the most important are superficial, shingles and diffuse staphylodermatitis, which are not related to hair follicles and excretory ducts of sweat glands: bullous impetigo of newborns, epidemic pemphigus of newborns and exfoliative dermatitis ( Ritter's disease). Let's consider these clinical forms in order of frequency, relative severity and their relationship with each other.

"Skin diseases in childhood",
P. Popkhristov

The question of streptococcal or staphylococcal etiology of various clinical forms of pyoderma (and in particular the question of which of these types of pyogenic cocci is the primary causative agent and which subsequently joins) is of great importance for the correct classification and nosography of pyoderma. However, this question is of more theoretical interest. It is important for a doctor to know - and this is the most important thing - ...

Toxic erythema occurs in a third of newborns, much more often in large children than in children with low birth weight; erythrosis neonatorum, on the contrary, is more common among newborns with low birth weight and is more severe and persistent in them. Toxic erythema of newborns appears most often on the 2nd - 3rd day of life - rarely earlier and even less often later. The first signs ...

Indirect infection occurs through childcare items, when using common vessels for bathing, when wiping a sick newborn and then a healthy one with the same towel, with insufficient or imperfect sterilization of contaminated diapers, bed linen, dressings and instruments. At the same time, one should not forget that infection of these things can occur and usually occurs after the very ...

A wide variety of mechanical and physical factors, such as heat, friction, etc., can cause erythema, which instantly flares up. Toxic erythema of newborns is an absolutely benign disease, without itching and any subjective sensations; the rash goes away without peeling and pigmentation. There are no complications from other organs. However, in the same period of life ...

When an epidemic pemphigus of newborns appears in a maternity hospital or hospital, the sick newborn must be isolated, and all procedures and care should be carried out with gloves and a mask. With a large number of cases of the disease, it is appropriate to allocate a part of the staff who would serve only the sick, preventing her from contacting healthy ones. Lingerie and all other things, as well as ...

All skin diseases of newborns can be conditionally divided into three groups. The first group is diseases that are inherent exclusively in infants of the first days of life and never occur in people of other ages. The second group is skin problems in newborns, provoked by improper care. The third is pustular diseases caused by bacteria.

Skin diseases of infants: ichthyosis, erythema and prickly heat

The neonatal period is characterized by such skin lesions that do not occur in other periods of the child's life.

Sebaceous ichthyosis- skin diseases in newborns associated with excessive formation and delayed rejection of the generic lubricant, which later turns into a film. With the disease, the skin becomes dry, rough, and acquires a brownish tint. It is easily covered with cracks, after which peeling appears.

Toxic erythema of a newborn appears on the 2-3rd day of life. This non-infectious skin disease of newborns is characterized by a polymorphic rash that soon disappears; secondary eruptions are possible.

The doctor should decide on the treatment of these diseases.

Prickly heat- these are non-infectious diseases of the skin of a newborn associated with defects in child care

The causes of the disease. Prickly heat occurs when the child's body temperature rises or when it is excessively wrapped.

Signs of the disease. The disease is characterized by the appearance of reddish rashes or small bubbles filled with transparent liquid on the child's body against the background of non-inflamed skin. Usually, the rash is located on the neck, groin and other natural folds of the body, but in advanced cases, it can cover the entire body of the baby. The child suffers from itching, but this does not affect his appetite and sleep. After hygiene procedures (and treatment, if required), the bubbles pass without leaving any traces.

Treatment. By itself, prickly heat is not terrible and is not even considered a disease, but it can lead to serious complications - bacteria (streptococci and staphylococci) easily penetrate into the damaged skin, which ends with pustular infections.

No special treatment is required, the main thing is to eliminate the cause of excessive sweating. The child is given hygienic baths with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

If the bubbles are large enough and cause inconvenience to the baby, they are treated with a very weak iodine solution (1-2 drops of 5% iodine tincture in a glass of water), capturing the surrounding folds of the skin. They can also be washed with baking soda solution (1 teaspoon per glass of water), lubricated with 1% methylene blue solution, 1% brilliant green solution, Castellani paint, Lassar paste. Herbal remedies, for example, tricolor violet grass, also help well: 1 teaspoon of the herb is crushed, poured with a glass of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 15-20 minutes (adjusting the heat so that the boiling of the liquid is not visible), filtered. This infusion is used to wipe the affected area, it can also be added to the water for daily bathing.

In very severe cases, the sites of the greatest lesion are lubricated with hormonal ointments 2-3 times a day: lorinden, dermozolone, etc., rubbed with a 40% solution of urotropin.

To prevent this disease of the skin of a newborn, the child is bathed by adding infusions or decoctions of medicinal herbs with antiseptic and astringent properties to the water: chamomile flowers, oak bark, sage herbs. After bathing and each washing, the baby's skin is thoroughly dried with a cotton napkin and powdered with baby powder or smeared with baby cream. You should not use oils (even for children) and glycerin - they are quickly erased from the skin with diapers and sliders, without having time to provide the desired effect.

Another necessary preventive measure is air baths, which are especially useful in hot weather.

Skin problems in newborns: diaper rash

Intertrigo is a disease of the skin of a newborn child that occurs in places of excessive friction, in areas that have been exposed to urine and feces for a long time, in folds of the skin.

The causes of the disease. Irritation appears on the most sensitive areas of the skin, which are also often moist (groin). Sweat, urine and feces are breeding grounds for microorganisms that cause inflammation. Often, the occurrence of diaper rash is provoked by substances that are part of diapers, disposable napkins and other hygiene items.

Overweight babies with endocrine pathology, vessels close to the skin are prone to the appearance of diaper rash on the skin of newborns (the vascular mesh in such babies shines through the thin, delicate skin).

Signs of the disease. Diaper rash I degree characterized by reddening of the skin without violating its integrity. They are located in the groin, where damp skin is most susceptible to external influences (friction).

About diaper rash II degree evidenced by bright red skin, covered with microcracks, sometimes even individual pustules. The baby becomes itchy, so the baby becomes restless.

Diaper rash III degree- very severe damage to the skin. The skin becomes bright red, covered with weeping cracks, pustules and even ulcers that cause severe pain. The baby is constantly crying, his body temperature may rise.

Treatment. Diaper rash I degree do not require special medical care, sufficiently thorough hygienic care, daily baths with a pale pink solution of manganese permanganate, air baths for 10-20 minutes 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to stop using diapers and switch to gauze diapers or wide sliders. The diapers should be changed as often as possible, thoroughly rinsing them after washing with the addition of vinegar (1 tablespoon of 6% vinegar per 1 liter of water).

Treatment of diaper rash II degree start with the activities already listed; if no improvement occurs within the next day, wet compresses with infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, string, walnut leaves, etc.) are carried out, drug therapy is added. The lesions are smeared 2-3 times a day with protective creams and ointments (tannin, methyluracilic, drapolen, bepanten), talkers (talc - 20.0 g, zinc oxide - 20.0 g, glycerin - 10.0 g, lead water - 50, 0 ml or zinc oxide - 15.0 g, glycerin - 15.0 g, distilled water - 15.0 ml), UV irradiation of the skin is carried out.

Treatment of diaper rash III degree performed only by a pediatrician. Parents should clearly remember: do not treat wet skin areas with fat-based ointments and oils, they form an impenetrable film, under which favorable conditions are created for the growth of fungi and bacteria.

Seeing a doctor for this skin disease in newborns is necessary if:

  • diaper rash does not go away for a long time;
  • despite the efforts being made, diaper rash increases in size;
  • against the background of irritated skin, cracks, bubbles with transparent contents appeared, and even more so pustules and weeping.

To prevent these skin diseases in newborns, it is necessary to wash the baby after each toilet, regularly change diapers, lubricate problem areas with sterile vegetable oil or creams, and conduct air baths.

Purulent skin disease of newborns omphalitis

Omphalitis is a purulent disease of the skin of newborns in the area of ​​the umbilical wound.

The causes of the disease. The umbilical wound usually heals by the beginning of the second week of life. If an infection gets into it, healing does not occur in a timely manner, and omphalitis begins.

Signs of the disease. A simple form of inflammation is the so-called weeping navel. The umbilical wound does not heal for a long time (for several weeks), a transparent viscous liquid constantly oozes from it.

In more severe cases, the phlegmon of the navel begins: the wound and the surrounding tissues turn red, swell, pus begins to stand out from the navel. The child is restless at first, and then becomes lethargic, apathetic, refuses to breast; its weight is rapidly decreasing. The baby's body temperature rises, vomiting appears.

If appropriate measures are not taken, phlegmon spreads to the anterior abdominal wall, and pus spreads through the vessels throughout the body, which leads to the formation of abscesses in the internal organs and even blood poisoning.

The most severe inflammation in this disease of the skin of infants usually occurs in premature and weakened babies: a long-term non-healing ulcer with uneven edges forms at the site of the navel, the tissues around it also become inflamed and begin to fester. The ulcer can penetrate the entire depth of the abdominal wall, which leads to very dangerous complications.

Treatment. To prevent this skin disease in newborns, it is necessary to treat the stump of the umbilical cord daily, and after it falls off, the umbilical wound with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, a solution of potassium permanganate, etc. until the navel is completely healed.

A weeping navel after treatment with alcohol with a strength of 60 ° is cauterized with a 10% solution of silver nitrate or a strong solution of potassium permanganate. The baby is given baths every day with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

With purulent inflammation, the umbilical wound is washed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, bandages are applied to it with rivanol (1: 1000), furacilin on a hypertonic solution (1: 5000), chlorphilipt, chloramphenicol alcohol. If there is no effect, antibiotics are prescribed by mouth, UHF is performed.

If excess tissue (navel fungus) forms in the umbilical wound, it is removed surgically.

Skin disease in infants, diaper dermatitis

Pustular skin disease in newborn babies pemphigus

Pemphigus of newborns- This is an infectious pustular disease of the skin of a newborn, characteristic of children in the first days of life. The disease does not apply to children over 1 month old and adults. The disease often occurs against the background of prematurity, birth trauma, in children whose mothers suffered from pregnancy toxicosis.

The cause of the disease. Staphylococcus aureus is the cause of this skin disease in infants.

Signs of the disease. Against the background of unchanged or slightly reddened skin, gradually increasing blisters with cloudy contents appear. They quickly open up with the formation of superficial erosions that do not heal well. The baby's body temperature rises to 38-38.5 ° C, regurgitation, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea appear.

Treatment. With this skin disease of a newborn, antibiotics or sulfonamides, vitamins B6, B12, C are injected. Erosions are treated with 0.01% furacilin solution or 0.25% zinc sulfate solution, and then smeared with 4% heliomycin , or boron-naphthal) ointment.

Skin disease in infants, Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis

Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis- an infectious disease of the skin of newborns, characterized by its flaking, is observed in infants in the first 2-3 weeks of life. It is usually recorded in premature babies and formula-fed babies.

The cause of the disease. Like pemphigus, Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis is caused by staphylococcus aureus.

Signs of the disease. Against the background of edematous and reddened skin, extensive blisters appear, which almost immediately open with the formation of an erosive surface. If you touch (with your hand, tissue, etc.) the edge of such erosion, the epidermis begins to exfoliate, exposing the deep layers of the skin. Newborns suffering from this skin problem experience severe pain, cry constantly, and refuse to breastfeed. His body temperature rises (up to 38.4-38.8 ° C), vomiting and diarrhea occur. With this skin disease of newborns, babies lose weight quickly.

Treatment. For the treatment of Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis, the treatment is the same as for pemphigus in newborns.

Skin disease in young children, pseudofurunculosis

Pseudofurunculosis- purulent inflammation of the sweat glands, characteristic of children in the first and second years of life.

The cause of the disease. This skin disease of infants is caused by staphylococcus against the background of functional digestive disorders (frequent diarrhea), with special sensitivity to staphylococcus.

Signs of the disease. On the skin of the back, buttocks, the back of the thighs, on the back of the head, multiple rounded formations up to a large pea appear, which gradually soften in the center, and then open up with the release of pus. This infectious disease of the skin of newborns proceeds cyclically: after drying of one batch of abscesses, others are formed.

Treatment. The child is injected with antibiotics, given the sensitivity of the microorganisms that caused the disease to them. Before detecting sensitivity, antibiotics of the penicillin series begin to be administered. If a child is allergic to such drugs, he is prescribed sulfonamides: biseptol, etazol, bactrim, etc. In order to increase immunity, antistaphylococcal gamma globulin is administered or autohemotherapy is performed.

In the treatment of this skin disease of young children, it is necessary to use nonrabol, chymopsin, antihistamines and other drugs, vitamin therapy is prescribed.

The skin at the sites of the lesions is smeared with Alibura liquid, Castellani paint or a 5% solution of camphor alcohol. With a widespread process, a 4% heliomycin ointment or ointment with antibiotics (erythromycin, lincomycin, etc.) and corticosteroid hormones (oxycort, lorinden C, etc.) is applied topically, and ultraviolet irradiation is carried out.

Disease prevention: thorough hygienic care, regular air baths, hardening.

Skin disease of infants impetigo

Impetigo- superficial pustular skin disease of infants, most often children who are bottle-fed and suffering from diaper rash, prickly heat are ill with it.

The cause of the disease. The disease is caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus. The disease is contagious.

Signs of the disease. In young children, bubbles often appear on the skin of the face, often around the mouth, first with transparent and then gradually dimming yellowish contents, surrounded by a reddish corolla at the edges. They quickly open up, forming oozing areas, which over time become covered with leaf-like crusts. Over time, a pinkish spot forms at the site of the lesion. Sometimes the disease is complicated by inflammation of the nearby lymph nodes and blood vessels.

Treatment. To get rid of this problem with the skin of a newborn, the blisters are smeared with aniline dyes (methylene blue, brilliant green), and the skin around them is smeared with Alibur liquid or 5% camphor alcohol.

If the process is widespread, antibiotics, antihistamines, vitamins C, A, E must be prescribed.

All infectious skin diseases in newborns require treatment in a hospital.

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Infectious skin diseases in newborns include vesiculopustulosis, candidiasis, pemphigus of newborns, Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, Figner's pseudofurunculosis, neonatal phlegmon, erysipelas.

Vesiculopustulosis (staphylococcal periporitis)

Vesiculopustulosis is a common neonatal disease characterized by inflammatory changes in the mouth of the eccrine sweat glands.

Vesiculopustulosis is a common disease of the neonatal period, which is largely associated with a violation of the sanitary-epidemic regime in maternity hospitals and neonatal departments, as well as with defects in care. Of great importance in the development of the disease is the contamination of the child with staphylococci. A certain role in the onset of the disease in the first days of life is played by intrauterine infection of the fetus in the presence of infectious diseases in the mother.

Pathogenesis. Infection of the child leads to an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the mouth of the eccrine glands. Predisposing factors for the development of vesiculopustulosis are defects in care, artificial feeding, cooling, overheating, immunodeficiency states, and the tendency of the newborn's epidermis to exudate and macerate.

The clinical picture. With antenatal infection, clinical signs can be recorded at birth or during the first two days after birth, with intranatal infection - on the 3-5th day, with postnatal infection - after the 5th day of life. Characterized by the appearance of bubbles filled with transparent and then cloudy contents, ranging in size from a pinhead to a pea with a mild inflammatory corolla. The most typical localization is the scalp, folds of the trunk and limbs.

Elements can be single, but more often a large number of them is noted. In weakened children, the process can capture large areas, has a tendency to merge and form deep lesions; symptoms of intoxication are characteristic. The course for uncomplicated forms is favorable. After 2-3 days, small erosions are formed at the site of the opened bubbles, covered with crusts, after which no changes remain on the skin. The prognosis for uncomplicated forms is favorable.

Differential diagnosis it is advisable to carry out with fungal dermatitis, in which, against a hyperemic background, thin-walled, rapidly merging vesicles and pustules filled with serous contents appear. After the opening of the elements, erosion is formed with undermined scalloped edges. With scabies complicated by pyoderma, vesicles are located in pairs on the palms, soles, buttocks, abdomen, around the navel, on the extensor surfaces of the arms. In this case, the presence of itch passages between the paired elements of the vesicles and pustules, the finding of the itch mite helps to establish the diagnosis.

Skin candidiasis in newborns

In recent years, the incidence of candidiasis has been increasing: in full-term newborns, it is 10-15%, in premature babies - 13-30%. More often, candidiasis acts as a concomitant disease. The frequency of candidiasis among infectious diseases of newborns is 6%. Among all forms of candidiasis, candidiasis of the skin is most common.

Etiology. Neonatal candidiasis is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, more often - C. albicans, but in recent years the role of other species has increased - C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C. glabrata and C. krusei .

Pathogenesis. In the development of the disease in newborns, 4 stages are distinguished: contamination, adhesion, colonization and invasion. During invasion, the elements of the pathogenic fungus penetrate into the underlying tissues, which is accompanied by the development of the clinical picture. In newborns, especially premature babies, almost all the factors of antifungal protection are imperfect, which makes them especially vulnerable.

The clinical picture. Depending on the clinical manifestations, fungal dermatitis, fungal diaper rash, diaper dermatitis are isolated, in terms of prevalence - a localized and widespread lesion.

Fungal dermatitis characterized by the presence of confluent, erythematous, edematous areas with small vesicles and pustules, after opening which erosions occur. Subsequently, the erosive surfaces merge into large foci with clearly contoured scalloped edges and an undermined epidermal corolla. The erosion surface is smooth, shiny, tense.

Another option for defeat is candidal diaper dermatitis... The development of the disease is facilitated by warm, moist skin, an air-tight diaper or diaper, which creates an optimal environment for the growth of fungi. Numerous papules and vesicles appear, with the fusion of which intensely erythematous plaques with a fringed border and a pronounced edge are formed. After recovery, there are no residual effects on the skin.

Differential diagnosis carried out with vesiculopustulosis, in which bubbles with purulent contents appear.

The prognosis is favorable, except for cases of generalization of candidiasis.

Pemphigus of newborns (pemphigus, pyococcal pemphigoid)

Pemphigus of newborns is an acute disease characterized by the rapid formation of flaccid blisters (flicten) and their spread over the skin of newborns. The disease is highly contagious. The main role in the infection of children is played by medical personnel or mothers of newborns who are sick or have recently had pyoderma, bacilli carriers. In maternity hospitals, epidemic outbreaks of pemphigus are possible due to the transmission of infection through the hands of medical personnel or underwear. In the event of an epidemic, the maternity hospital or the neonatal ward is closed to disinfect the premises and linen. In isolated cases of the disease, newborns should be isolated.

Etiology. The causative agents are more often staphylococci and streptococci.

Pathogenesis. In the development of the disease, the special reactivity of the skin of newborns plays an important role, which leads to the appearance of blisters in response to the action of a bacterial factor.

The clinical picture. Allocate benign and malignant form of pemphigus of newborns. In a benign form, on the 3-6th day of life, bubbles of 0.5-1 cm in diameter with a thin cover and a transparent serous yellowish content are formed on unchanged or slightly erythematous skin for several hours. Subsequently, the content becomes cloudy. Over time, the lining of the bladder bursts with the formation of bright red erosive surfaces with remnants of the epidermis along the edges. Nikolsky's symptom is negative. Fresh blisters may appear within a few days. The formation of crusts in place of bubbles is not typical. The most typical localization is the area of ​​the navel, abdomen, chest, back, buttocks, natural folds, limbs. It is possible for the blisters to spread to the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes and genitals, where the blisters quickly open up with the formation of erosions. The condition of children is satisfactory or moderate, low-grade fever, anxiety or slight lethargy are possible. Intoxication is usually absent. The weight curve flattens or becomes negative.

The malignant form is more typical for weakened, premature babies. The rashes are spread over a large area, the diameter of the flaccid blisters increases to 2-3 cm. Nikolsky's symptom may be positive. The condition of newborns is severe due to infectious toxicosis, the temperature is elevated to febrile values. The disease proceeds in outbreaks with jerky eruptions of blisters. After the cessation of the rash, a relapse may occur again after a short time. The duration of the disease is 3-5 weeks.

Forecast with a benign form and adequate therapy, favorable, with malignant (especially with the development of sepsis), serious.

Differential diagnosis carried out with syphilitic pemphigus of newborns and congenital epidermolysis bullosa, which can be detected from birth. With syphilitic pemphigus, blisters on the infiltrated base are usually found on the palms, soles and buttocks. In addition, other early symptoms of early congenital syphilis are found (syphilitic rhinitis, papules, diffuse Hochsinger infiltration, detection of pale treponemas in the secretion of blisters, damage to long bones, positive results of Wasserman's reaction). Blisters with congenital epidermolysis bullosa are localized on the areas of the skin exposed to trauma, in newborns - in the head, shoulders, and lower extremities. There are few bubbles, they can be single. There are no inflammatory phenomena. With the dystrophic form of congenital epidermolysis bullosa, dystrophic changes in nails and hair are noted. In chickenpox, the pustules resemble vesicles and blisters due to the characteristic yellowish-transparent contents. For diagnostics, it is important to have the central retraction of the pustules with their sphericity and tension. On the periphery, they are surrounded by a narrow zone of slightly edematous hyperemic tissue. Chickenpox pustules rarely open, their contents often dry up, forming serous-purulent crusts. Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis is characterized by the appearance of blisters against a background of redness, wetness and cracking. Nikolsky's symptom is positive.

Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis

The disease is a malignant type of pyococcal pemphigoid.

Etiology often associated with staphylococcus II phage group, phage type 71 or 71/55, producing exotoxin - exfoliatin. Some authors attribute it to a mixed staphylococcal-streptococcal disease, since there are cases of streptococcus sowing.

Epidemiology and pathogenesis the same as in pemphigus of newborns.

The clinical picture. There are 3 stages of the disease - erythematous, exfoliative and regenerative. The disease begins with redness, cracks, sloughing of the upper layers of the epidermis around the navel or mouth (erythematous stage). Further, serous penetration of the skin occurs, against the background of bright erythema, large spherical tense bubbles appear, after opening and merging of which extensive weeping erosive surfaces are formed (exfoliative stage). When pulling on the scraps of the epidermis around the erosion, its detachment occurs within the apparently healthy skin (positive Nikolsky symptom). The process covers the entire body of the child in 1-3 days, which is very similar to a second degree burn. The regenerative stage is characterized by a decrease in hyperemia and swelling of the skin, epithelialization of erosive surfaces occurs. After the resolution of the process, no scars remain. In the midst of the disease, the condition of newborns is severe or extremely severe, infectious toxicosis, febrile fever, symptoms of exicosis due to effusion of exudate are expressed. The younger the child, the more severe the disease progresses. Often, newborns have pneumonia, otitis media, omphalitis, enterocolitis, pyelonephritis, phlegmon, sepsis. Currently, patients with severe forms of exfoliative dermatitis are rare. The abortive form of the disease is more often noted, in which lamellar peeling and slight hyperemia of the skin are visible. Detachment of the epidermis occurs only within the stratum corneum, erosion does not occur. The general condition of patients is satisfactory or moderate. With mild abortive forms, the outcome is favorable. With the development of severe complications such as sepsis, death is possible.

Differential diagnosis. Anamnesis data allow to exclude burns. Also, the differential diagnosis is carried out with epidermolysis bullosa and pemphigus syphilitic. Leiner's desquamative erythroderma is possible in older children and begins in the anogenital area or large folds, manifesting as erythematous-exfoliative changes without blistering. The lesions are located on the trunk, face, scalp, gradually reaching the greatest manifestations by 2 months of life, then exfoliative dermatitis disappears. Erosive areas are less bright and richly colored, lesions are yellowish, scales are fat, yellowish, which resembles seborrheic eczema. The bullous form of congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma occurs before birth, is characterized by generalized erythroderma with the presence of blisters, erosions, ulcers (especially pronounced at the site of injuries), hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles in combination with bone abnormalities. The disease proceeds against a background of normal temperature, intoxication and changes in the blood are absent.

Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome)

The disease is characterized by skin lesions similar to Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis.

Etiology. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (STS) is associated with staphylococci of the II phage group, which causes the production of a special toxin called exfoliatin A or B.

Pathogenesis. Exfoliatin produced by staphylococci causes acantholysis, a violation of the connection between the cells of the granular and thorny layers. With MSS, the basal layers of the skin are not affected, which makes the course of the disease more benign in comparison with Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis.

Clinical picture characterized by the appearance in the inguinal and axillary folds of dull spotty eruptions of a brick-red color, which often occur after purulent conjunctivitis, otitis media, omphalitis and other infectious diseases. At the same time, foci of maceration of the skin are found. The child's face takes on a very sad, "whiny" expression, impetiginoid crusts accumulate around the eyes and mouth. The skin lesion progresses within 1-2 days from a scarlet rash to spontaneous large and flaccid blisters. Nikolsky's symptom is positive. After opening the blisters, a weeping erythematous surface is visible. All skin looks scalded or burnt. As a rule, there are no severe lesions of the mucous membranes of the mouth. Epithelialization of erosions occurs within 5-7 days, followed by exfoliation. Children may have anxiety, poor appetite, and fever. Excicosis is common due to fluid loss from the affected skin. Some children feel well. The prognosis is more favorable than with Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with toxic epidermal necrolysis, which begins acutely: with the appearance of bubbles and erosion. Nikolsky's symptom is sharply positive. The condition of the children is grave. Differential diagnosis with Leiner's desquamative erythroderma, congenital epidermolysis bullosa, congenital ichthyosis, ichthyosiform erythroderma bullosa, congenital syphilis is given above.

Figner pseudofurunculosis (multiple skin abscesses)

The disease occurs in newborns and young children as a result of the penetration of infection into the excretory ducts and glomeruli of the eccrine sweat glands.

The disease in newborns is rare, more often in children during the first months of life. The development of pseudofurunculosis is facilitated by defects in nursing and feeding, overheating, excessive sweating, malnutrition, general diseases (pneumonia, anemia, enterocolitis, etc.). The disease often occurs in premature babies with a reduced overall body resistance.

Etiology. The causative agents of pseudofurunculosis can be Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Proteus, etc.

Pathogenesis. Infection of the excretory duct of the sweat gland in combination with predisposing factors leads to the spread of the process to the entire excretory duct and the glomerulus of the gland.

The clinical picture. If the infection covers only the opening of the excretory duct of the sweat gland, small (millet-sized) superficial pustules (periporit) are formed, quickly drying up into crusts and healing without a trace. However, more often the entire gland is affected with the appearance of subcutaneous nodes ranging in size from a pea to a hazelnut, crimson-red with a bluish tinge of color. Fluctuation is possible in the center of the nodes. When abscesses are opened, yellow-green creamy pus comes out. The process ends with scarring. Favorite localization - the back of the head, back, buttocks, the back of the thighs. The process may spread to the skin of the chest, abdomen. Multiple abscesses can be a source of re-emerging phlegmon, which are more difficult to treat, since the process develops in the thickness of the skin, so relapses often occur within 2-3 months or later. Often, the disease is accompanied by a violation of the general condition due to an increase in body temperature from subfebrile to febrile values, a deterioration in appetite, a decrease in body weight, an increase in the size of the liver, spleen, and regional lymph nodes. The development of sepsis is possible, which determines the prognosis of the disease.

Differential diagnosis. Unlike a boil, there is no dense infiltrate and a characteristic necrotic core; furunculosis is not typical for children of the 1st year of life. Periporitis should be differentiated from folliculitis, in which there is always a connection with the hair follicle, and hair is always visible in the center of the pustule. Folliculitis also occurs at an older age. Multiple abscesses in children at the initial stage may resemble the development of multiple papulonecrotic tuberculosis with localization on the scalp and skin of the trunk before the formation of cheesy necrosis. The tuberculous lesion of other organs and the dynamics of the Mantoux reaction are taken into account. Less commonly, pseudofurunculosis is differentiated from scrofuloderma - a single lesion that quickly leads to melting and opening of the central area with the formation of a slowly granulating ulcer with scanty serous discharge.

Necrotizing phlegmon of a newborn

Necrotizing phlegmon of newborns is an acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the subcutaneous fat.

Etiology. The causative agent of necrotizing phlegmon is Staphylococcus aureus, less often streptococcus, however, during treatment, a change in the pathogen is possible.

Pathogenesis. The penetration of infection through the skin is facilitated by its damage in case of violation of child care, non-observance of the rules of asepsis when performing medical procedures. Inflammation occurs around the sweat glands, the most dramatic changes occur in the deep layers of subcutaneous adipose tissue. Thrombosis of perifocal blood vessels and fulminant edema lead to a sharp disruption in the nutrition of the subcutaneous fatty tissue and skin with their subsequent necrosis. The spread of phlegmon is facilitated by the production of hyaluronidase by staphylococcus, which increases the permeability of connective tissue. With late diagnosis, the inflammatory process goes deeper, soft tissue necrosis occurs.

The clinical picture. The disease often begins with general symptoms: the child becomes lethargic, restless, does not sleep well, refuses to breastfeed; body temperature 38-39 o C. Typical localization of phlegmon is the posterior and lateral surfaces of the chest, lumbar and sacral region, less often - the buttocks, limbs. A red spot appears on the affected area, which quickly (within several hours) increases. The skin initially has a purple color, then takes on a cyanotic hue. Compaction and swelling of soft tissues are noted. Subsequently, there is a fluctuation in the center of the focus of inflammation. The local process can spread over a large area. In severe cases, detachment, skin necrosis and extensive soft tissue defects occur. When the phlegmon is opened, liquid pus with gray pieces is obtained. Sometimes the rejection of fiber occurs in significant areas.

Differential diagnosis carried out with erysipelas, adiponecrosis. With erysipelas on the skin, there is a copper-red scalloped hyperemia with clear boundaries and infiltration with a tendency to spread. Adiponecrosis is characterized by the presence of delimited dense nodes, infiltrates from 1 to 5 cm in diameter. The skin is not changed or hyperemic, with a cyanotic tinge. Very rarely, there is softening in the center, and after opening a white crumb-like mass is released. The general condition of the child does not suffer.


Acute progressive serous-inflammatory process.

Etiology. The causative agent is streptococcus, less often - staphylococcus.

V pathogenesis the disease plays a role in the penetration of infection through macerated, damaged skin areas, begins around the navel, in the genital area or anus.

Clinical picture characterized by the appearance on the skin of copper-red hyperemia with clear boundaries of scalloped shape and infiltration, which tends to spread. Local fever and swelling. Localized in the lower third of the abdomen, perineum and on the face. There is a deterioration in the general condition of the child. Chills, vomiting, fever up to 38-40 o C, pronounced edema and tissue trophism disturbance (bubbles and necrosis are formed) often occur.

Differential diagnosis carried out with adiponecrosis, phlegmon of the newborn.


Diagnosis of infectious diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in newborns, as a rule, does not cause difficulties and is based on the clinical picture. At the same time, to identify the pathogen and determine the sensitivity to antibiotics, a bacteriological study of the contents of elements and blood is carried out. In the clinical analysis of blood, leukocytosis, neutrophilia with a shift of the formula to the left, accelerated ESR are usually noted. The severity of inflammatory changes in the hemogram depends on the severity of the disease. In addition, with pemphigus of newborns, Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis, there is anemia, eosinophilia. In the biochemical analysis of blood with Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis and MSS, hypoproteinemia is recorded, and in the first case, hypocholesterolemia.

Hospitalization is indicated for all infectious skin diseases, with the exception of mild localized forms of vesiculopustulosis and candidiasis.

In the treatment of patients, breastfeeding is very important. Shown are daily hygienic baths with a solution of potassium permanganate 1:10 000, decoctions of celandine herb, chamomile flowers. Contraindication to bathing is a serious condition of the child and a large area of ​​skin lesions.

Local therapy. In case of vesiculopustulosis, the elements must be removed with a 70% ethanol solution using a sterile material, 2 times a day they are treated with 1-2% alcoholic solution of brilliant green, aniline dyes, 1% alcoholic solution of eucalyptus leaves extract, fucorcin, 5% potassium permanganate solution. Ultraviolet radiation is also used. When symptoms of intoxication appear, antibacterial therapy with oxacillin or I-II generation cephalosporins is indicated.

For localized skin candidiasis, only local therapy with antifungal creams and ointments (sertaconazole, clotrimazole, miconazole, etc.) is used. Nystatin ointment is the least effective. In case of widespread candidiasis, simultaneously with external therapy, the appointment of the systemic antimycotic fluconazole is indicated at the rate of 5-8 mg / kg / day 1 time per day for 5-7 days. From physiotherapeutic procedures, ultraviolet radiation (UFO) is used.

With pemphigus, the bladder must be pierced with a sterile needle. The contents of the bladder should not get onto healthy skin areas. The processing of elements is carried out with 1-2% alcohol solutions of brilliant green, aniline dyes, 1% alcoholic solution of the extract of the leaves of ball eucalyptus, fucorcin, 5% solution of potassium permanganate. Mupirocin ointment is also used. A good effect is observed with ultraviolet irradiation. For any form of pemphigus, antibiotic therapy with oxacillin or I-II generation cephalosporins is indicated. In more severe cases, immunotherapy is effective (antistaphylococcal human immunoglobulin, human immunoglobulin). With the development of infectious toxicosis, it is advisable to carry out detoxification therapy.

For exfoliative dermatitis of Ritter and CCS syndrome, similar treatment is carried out. The box in which the child lies is subject to quartzing 4 times a day. Children need an incubation mode under the control of body temperature, after which the ambient temperature is corrected. Use sterile soft diapers. The remnants of the dead epidermis are carefully removed by cutting them off with sterile scissors.

In local therapy, compresses with aluminum acetate, sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution with the addition of a 0.1% solution of silver nitrate are used, as well as lubrication with a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate. Small areas of exfoliation can be treated with bacitracin or mupirocin ointment. At the stage of regeneration, emollient creams with 0.1% vitamin A, etc. are used. In order to dry the serous contents, a powder of 5% zinc oxide with talc is used. Unaffected areas of the skin are lubricated with 1-2% aqueous solutions of aniline dyes. In all cases, antibacterial therapy is indicated: with staphylococcal etiology - oxacillin, cephalosporins of the 1st-2nd generation, when resistant strains of staphylococcus are detected - vancomycin, linezolid, with other pathogens, antibacterial therapy is carried out taking into account the sensitivity. In complex treatment, an important role is played by immunotherapy (human antistaphylococcal immunoglobulin, human immunoglobulin).

In case of pseudofurunculosis, after opening the elements, they are treated with 1-2% alcohol solutions of aniline dyes, bandages are applied with a hypertonic sodium chloride solution, Levomekol ointment. Effectively UFO. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of microorganisms. In the complex of treatment, an important role is played by immunotherapy (human antistaphylococcal immunoglobulin).

Surgery. After purulent fusion and the appearance of fluctuations, the pseudofuruncles are opened with a scalpel.

With necrotic phlegmon, the focus is surgically sanitized, ensuring maximum drainage of the focus and removing non-viable tissues. With timely diagnosis in the postoperative period, the incisions are gradually filled with granulation tissue, and then epithelialized. Physiotherapy - UHF is used in the treatment. Topically apply dressings with Levomekol ointment. If the skin defects are extensive, then after the relief of local inflammation, skin grafting is done. Antibacterial therapy is carried out taking into account the sensitivity, in more severe cases aminoglycosides are added.

For erysipelas, dressings with an acidic medium (tomicide, ascorbic acid) are applied topically. Physiotherapy (UHF, UFO) is used. With a complicated course (the presence of necrotic areas), necrectomy is performed. The choice of antibacterial drugs is the same as for necrotic phlegmon.

Children who have had infectious skin diseases are at risk for the development of purulent-inflammatory diseases. The first 2-3 months after recovery, the pediatrician or nurse carries out patronage, measuring anthropometric data, assessing the condition of the skin, examining the hemogram every month. An important role is given to the hygienic care of the child, the prevention of diaper rash, and natural feeding. Health group - IIB.

Skin diseases in children are much more common than in adults. This is because children are more sensitive and susceptible to infections. Skin diseases in children are very often allergic in nature. Treatment of the disease should be started only when the diagnosis is accurately established and confirmed.

Consider diseases that are more common than others.

Atopic dermatitis

Is a chronic, genetically determined inflammatory skin disease.

The first and most important cause of the onset of the disease is a genetic predisposition (relatives suffering from various allergies);

Important! Atopy is the tendency of a child's body to develop allergies. You can read about allergy treatment.

  1. Increased hyperreactivity of the skin (hypersensitivity to external factors).
  2. Disruption of the child's nervous system.
  3. The use of tobacco products in the presence of a baby.
  4. Bad ecology.
  5. Food contains many colorants and flavor enhancers.
  6. Dry skin.

Important! This type of dermatitis affects children under 12 years old, at an older age it is extremely rare.

With atopic dermatitis, the child's skin becomes dry, begins to peel off, a rash appears with spots, especially in certain places: on the face, neck, on the bends of the elbows and knees. This disease has an undulating course, periods of remission (extinction of symptoms) are replaced by periods of exacerbation.

Diaper dermatitis

- This is an irritable and inflammatory process that occurs under the diaper, due to the restriction of the flow of air to the skin of the perineum or prolonged moisture. It is a good breeding ground for bacteria.

Important! It occurs in babies who wear diapers, regardless of age.

When using diapers and diapers, irritants are:

  1. High moisture and temperature.
  2. Long time of contact of feces and urine with the skin.
  3. Accelerated development of fungal infection.

Fungal infection plays an important role in this case. Scientists have shown that many children with diaper dermatitis have a fungal infection, which is the causative agent of candidiasis.

Important! At the first manifestations of the rash, it should be remembered that the baby may be allergic to new soap, cream or even new diapers, provided there have been no hygiene violations.


  1. In children with diaper dermatitis, there is a strong inflammatory process of the skin in the perineum and on the buttocks.
  2. Hyperemia of the skin, blisters or even small wounds can be found.
  3. Very severe inflammation occurs in the folds of the skin and between the buttocks.
  4. The kid in this case will be restless, whiny, nervous.
  5. Will pull his hands into the groin area and try to remove the diaper.


- This is a skin disease characterized by the appearance of itching, and after the appearance of blisters, the blisters at the beginning of the disease are solitary, later merge and form an inflamed area, which can cause an increase in temperature and disruption of the stomach and intestines.

The reasons that contribute to the appearance of skin disease:

  1. Hypersensitivity of the skin.
  2. Foods that contain a lot of allergens (citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate, honey).
  3. Medications.
  4. Dust or pollen, animal hair.
  5. Infectious and viral diseases.
  6. Cold, warm, water, UV rays.
  7. Insect bites.


  1. Blisters and a red rash appear first with hives, which causes itching and itching (like a nettle burn).
  2. The child combs these blisters as a result of which they merge.
  3. It is localized around the lips, on the cheeks, in the folds of the skin, on the eyelids.
  4. The body temperature rises, sometimes there is nausea and,.

Prickly heat

- This is one of the forms of dermatitis that appears as a result of skin irritation due to increased sweating.

Prickly heat is divided into three types according to symptoms:

  1. Crystalline prickly heat - newborn babies are more often ill with this type, the elements of the rash look like white bubbles about 2 mm in size. The rash may coalesce and form large white patches, these blisters are easily damaged, resulting in areas that are scaly. A rash is localized on the neck, face, upper half of the body.
  2. Red prickly heat - with this type, a rash appears in the form of nodules around which hyperemia appears along the periphery. This rash does not drain, it itches and causes pain when touched.
  3. Deep prickly heat - with this type, a rash appears in the form of beige or pale pink bubbles. The rash can be located not only on the neck, face, but also on the legs and arms. This rash goes away as quickly as it appeared, leaving no marks or scars.

But this type is more often affected by adults who have suffered from prickly heat more than once, but there are exceptions when children are sick.

Important! If a child has a rash on the skin, it should never be smeared with cosmetic creams or ointments that you once used. Remember - your child's health is only in your hands!

Causes of the disease:

  1. Very thin and delicate skin.
  2. Active blood supply, as a result of which the baby quickly overheats.
  3. Poorly developed sweat ducts.
  4. High saturation of the skin with water (92%).


Acne in children is a disease of newborns, which is manifested by small white rashes that are localized on the chin and cheeks of the baby. They can appear in the first 6 months of a child's life, this is due to hormonal changes that occur in the baby's body.

Important! Also, this type of skin disease can manifest itself in adolescence.

  1. Blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Change in the hormonal background of the child.
  3. Excessive intake of estrogens (female hormones) into the body.

Symptoms: Acne is a single papule, white or slightly yellowish.

Over time, they can turn into black dots. Acne usually goes away quickly, within 14 days, after they fade, no scars or blemishes remain on the skin.

But the situation can be complicated by an infection of acne. Signs of infection are swelling of the skin where there are acne, and redness. In this case, you need to see a doctor.


Furuncles in children are a skin disorder caused by staphylococci. The presence of boils on the child's body indicates serious disorders in the baby's body.

The reasons for the appearance are divided into 2 types:

  1. Mechanical impact (wearing too tight and not the size of clothing).
  2. Failure to comply with hygiene rules (scratching the skin with dirty hands, rarely changing diapers, irregular bathing).


  1. Improper nutrition of the child.
  2. Diseases of the baby's endocrine and nervous systems.
  3. Congenital or acquired immunodeficiency.

The boil has its own developmental stage, which is determined by the symptoms:

  1. First, a solid infiltrate with fuzzy boundaries appears, which gives pain.
  2. On the periphery, around the boil, edema forms, while the pain increases. After that, the boil itself opens and purulent contents and a rod, which is formed from dead leukocytes and bacteria, come out of it.
  3. After that, the sore on the skin heals, leaving behind a scar.

Important! The boil, which is located on the head, is especially dangerous; it can infect the rest of the skin.


A carbuncle can also form - this is an inflammatory process of several boils that have united with each other.

In this case, the general condition of the child is disturbed:

  1. The child's weight may decrease.
  2. The temperature rises.
  3. The skin turns pale.
  4. Weakness.
  5. Swollen lymph nodes near a nearby boil.

Making a timely and correct diagnosis is a direct path to success in treating your child's skin disease, remember this!

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