Urea cream - useful properties and rating of the best products for hands, feet, face or body. Treatment cream with urea for face skin

Urea (the second name is urea) is an organic compound obtained as a result of protein metabolism. The chemical is contained in the outer (stratum corneum) layer of the skin at a concentration of 1%, maintains moisture balance and supplies the body with nitrogen. It is obtained synthetically using carbohydrate dioxide and ammonia. Urea fights dehydration, keratinization, has an anti-inflammatory effect, destroys harmful microorganisms.

Due to its beneficial properties, urea is widely used in the cosmetic industry. Such cosmetics quickly eliminate skin damage, heal burns, scratches, improve the penetration of nutrients, and give elasticity. For medicinal purposes, this component is used in the fight against psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, fungal infection, and also as an anesthetic.

What is urea in cream

Urea on cosmetic tubes is referred to as Urea. Preparations with its content fight dryness of the epidermis. Urea in cosmetology has an exfoliating effect, therefore it is often included in preparations for hands, feet, elbows. The effect of use depends on the concentration of organic matter:

Face cream with urea

Most cosmetics for dry skin care contain urea, which rebuilds the hydrolipid layer. The products are suitable for daily use. You need to apply the cream gently, with massage movements, so that all the useful components are absorbed. It is important to ensure that the drug does not get into the eyes. If this happens, be sure to rinse with water.

For body

Urea body cream can help relieve dryness in certain areas. To do this, apply a small amount of the drug in a thin layer. The main thing is that there are no injuries, wounds, abrasions on the skin. On the market there are options for cosmetics containing plant extracts. The combination of urea and natural ingredients nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

For legs

Heel cream with urea is designed to eliminate discomfort, fatigue, dryness, get rid of dry calluses, corns. In addition to organic compounds, it contains active substances that enhance each other's actions. These can be: oils, minerals, herbal extracts, vitamins. Such a remedy accelerates the healing of abrasions, effectively relieves painful sensations. It is used not only when problems arise, but also for prevention purposes. Legs after using it become tender and soft. The drug helps with diabetic foot syndrome.

For hands

For women who suffer from excessive dry skin, uric acid-based hand creams are popular. The organic component moisturizes the epidermis, provides nutrition and hydration. Do not forget to test for an allergic reaction. If the result is positive, such a cream can be applied daily to cleansed skin once a day. For those whose skin is very dry, the drug can be used 2 times a day.

Contraindications and side effects

Urea-based cosmetics are not recommended for owners of oily skin. Acne is also a contraindication: urea provokes the active production of sebum. An allergic reaction can occur on hypersensitive skin. It is forbidden to use such drugs in the presence of skin lesions, redness, acne, abrasions, wounds.

The best creams with urea

There is a large arsenal of urea-containing products on the market. To obtain the desired effect, you need to choose high-quality, well-proven products. So, good reviews about the products of the Russian company - "Avanta". In her arsenal, DiaDerm "Intensive" healing foot cream perfectly softens rough skin areas. The drug "Evo" (contains more than 10% urea) relieves calluses, cracks, fights fungus.

An alternative is Aravia Moisturizer with Avocado and Coconut Oil. The tool is effective for combating skin pathology such as hyperkeratosis. The positive result of using the Aqua Peeling Heel Cream is noticeable after the first application. The main thing is to first carry out the procedure for steaming the legs, and then thickly apply an ointment with urea. Use 2-3 times a week. The advantages of these products are not only in high-quality composition, but in low cost. Among other means are "Doctor", cream for calluses "Sophia", cream from Scholl.

The popular creams with urea for the face and body, according to many women, are the following:

  • Lierac Hydra-Chrono contains urea, Japanese lily of the valley and eichornia extract. The drug eliminates tightness, maintains the hydrobalance in the skin tissues.
  • CHRISTINA Elastin Collagen is recommended for oily to combination skin. The drug creates a protective barrier against negative effects.
  • Eucerin Hyaluron-filler. German-made cream is intended for dry skin. The composition, in addition to urea, includes hyaluronic acid, which helps the beneficial ingredients to penetrate deeply inside.


A cream or balm containing urea is easy to find. It is difficult to find the one that suits your skin type. When buying, you should focus not on the price factor, but on the list of incoming components, their compatibility with your skin type, the effect obtained from use. You can buy cosmetics in specialized stores, pharmacies, or order delivery on professional websites.


Cost, rubles

Face cream with avocado (Nevskaya cosmetics), 40 ml

Scrub "apricot pits" (Pure line), 50 il

Hair balm (Vitex), 450 ml

Anti-Crack Urea Foot Cream, 40 mg

Super Moisture aravia professional foot cream, 550 ml

Abiflor, 75 ml

Night cream with 5% urea and hyaluronic acid Numis Med, 50 ml

Bepanten DERMA foot restorer, 100 ml

Urea foot cream allows your feet to naturally moisturize. Most modern representatives of the fairer sex know such a remedy used for cosmetic purposes as urea. Let's try to find out what it is and how it works.

Foot cream with urea is in great demand among women who want to find beautiful smooth legs, but what is this substance? Urea is an essential component found in its natural form in the cells of the human epidermis. The skin in the leg area, in the absence of problem areas and various diseases, can contain up to one percent of urea.

The main purpose of such a component is to moisturize the skin. A cover that has various kinds of problems and a lack of moisture can lose up to half the concentration of various moisturizing substances, among which is urea.

As a result, this loss is accompanied by drainage of the epidermis, peeling and even atopic dermatitis can also occur. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to use a special heel cream with urea.

Foot cream with urea is able to perform a variety of useful functions, for example, such as moisturizing: the skin becomes soft in just a few applications, coarseness, calluses and corns disappear.

Also, a urea-based foot cream has a karatolytic property - it removes the keratinized layers of the epidermis on the feet. The substance allows you to easily loosen overdried cells, exfoliating dead cells and at the same time, filling living cells with moisture.

Foot cream with urea performs protective functions achieved by retaining the necessary moisture in the tissues of the skin cover. Such a cosmetic product allows you to protect the epidermis from drying detergents that people use for hygiene, as well as from the negative effects of the environment around you. Foot cream with urea also promotes the penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis of a variety of active substances that make up various cosmetics.

Foot cream with urea also allows you to relieve the feeling of tension, the elimination of various unpleasant itching and flaking, local anesthesia of pain. Such a cosmetic product also helps to treat numerous skin diseases, including fungus, ichthyosis, psoriasis, eczema and much more.

Rules for using urea-based cream

Foot cream with urea has a certain melting point for its application, so, for example, the effect of it will be enhanced if you apply the product to the epidermis, moisturized after a shower, but dried with a towel.

Be extremely careful with creams with a high concentration of urea. Despite their naturalness, such substances can cause allergic reactions and inflammation.

In order to prevent the possibility of irritation, it is sufficient to conduct a sensitivity test.

Urea softening foot cream is produced by many brands, here are a few of the most popular brands.

Cream Healer for feet with urea

Medicinal foot cream with urea has unique properties that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the epidermis. Due to the presence of urea in the cosmetic product, the amount of moisture in the cells increases.

The cover becomes more elastic and tender to the touch. This cream for corns with urea does an excellent job with the task, and also removes flaking, dryness, rough areas, relieves pain and heals wounds.

Evo Urea Cream

Evo Foot Cream with Urea makes the skin supple and soft. The cosmetic contains 10% urea, which improves metabolic processes, safely and effectively cope with corns and calluses, soften cracked, rough and dry skin.

Evo Urea Foot Cream contains the following active ingredients, such as coconut and olive oil, which are responsible for nutrition, restore elasticity and softness, and prevent moisture loss.

Natural ingredients, including oak bark, celandine extract, pine needles and sage, eliminate irritation and abrasions, preventing unpleasant odor and the development of fungus.

Baehr Urea Cream

Just like the cream of the old doctor with urea, this remedy is suitable for owners of sensitive and dry epidermis, as well as for people with diabetes. The product provides the required level of hydration, and the special composition allows you to remove painful sensations and irritation, nourishes and protects the epidermis.

Urea foot cream contains macadamia nut oil, pentanol, glycerin and urea.

Before making a urea cream at home, it is recommended that you read the recipe and prepare all the necessary ingredients. To prepare the product, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 g of urea;
  • 60 g of lime hydrolyte;
  • 5 g shea butter almond;
  • 5 g glycerin humectant;
  • 5 g of any emulsifier;
  • Preservative;
  • 2 g of menthol in crystals;
  • 3 g beeswax and neroli;
  • fatty lanolin;
  • 2 g of stearic acid.

Now let's go straight to cooking it. In a heated water bath, you must put a container in which all the oils used, stearic acid, wax and lanolin are placed.

An inverse emulsifier is added to the resulting composition, for example, you can use Neo Care, which has the property of creating a water-in-oil emulsion. As a result, the mixture you have prepared, although it will be greasy, will be quickly absorbed. After that, menthol must be added to the resulting oil mixture in crystalline form.

At the same time, we put lime hydrolat in the second water bath, in which urea will have to dissolve. It is recommended to add glycerin to the resulting composition. After complete dissolution of all components, the water composition must be poured into the fat one.

Next, the ingredients are mixed using a special mixer. In the final step, you should add preservatives that are gentle and safe. We move the resulting composition into clean jars with a lid, in which it will be stored. Such a remedy, as well as the golden ratio, urea foot cream will ideally soften the skin, making it smooth and elastic. And everyone can cook it at home.

Symptoms, diseases and conditions that are treated by an effective preparation for feet with urea:

  • Calluses, corns and cracks on the feet;
  • Dry skin on the legs, peeling, tightness;
  • Roughness and chafing of the feet;
  • Dehydration and depletion of the skin of the legs;
  • Fatigue, swelling of the feet;
  • Injuries, wounds, abrasions and scratches on the legs;
  • Pain, itching of the soles;
  • Bruises, dislocations;
  • Burns, ulcers;
  • Pressure sores;
  • Dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema;
  • Insect bites;
  • Chapping of the epidermis;
  • Inflammation and long-lasting wounds.

The current situation is such that most people spend their working day on their feet, with the main load being on the feet and spine. If the skin of your legs is coarse, flakes, cracks, looks unhealthy, hardens and corns appear on it, the foot cream with urea from "Corvette Pharma" will help to restore its beauty and health.

In our online store "Russian Roots" you can buy a cream for feet with urea and consult on its use. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buy this cream, how much it costs. A large assortment and excellent prices of our online store will pleasantly surprise you.


Actively active ingredient: urea (carbamide).

Disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, regenerating, nourishing, emollient, stimulating, analgesic, moisturizing, antibacterial, cleansing action of the cream based on urea is due to its components: plant extracts and oils, treated with urea, purified water, monoglycerides, alcohols C16 C18, wax, carotene, oak extract, vitamins, triethanolamine, trace elements, euxil K100, organic acids, methylparaben, propylparaben, chlorophyllin.

Method of preparation and application of urea foot cream:

The benefits of carbamide for the skin have been identified and practically proven by traditional medicine. We recommend buying cream with urea for complex foot treatment in our online store of herbs "Russian Roots", on our website you will find information about how much the cream healer with urea costs, the instruction will tell you how to use the cream for feet with urea, what is its usefulness composition and recommendations for use.

Apply a moisturizing cream with urea as follows: apply a small amount of the drug to the sore spot and smooth it evenly over the surface of the skin.

Reviews indicate that the results of such treatment give remarkable results. You need to tune in to the treatment until the result is obtained and try not to interrupt the procedure. If you do not know where to buy urea foot cream in your region, please contact our Russian Roots online store.

Contraindications for using urea foot cream:

When using a moisturizing cream with urea, it is necessary to avoid its penetration into the eyes, rinse with plenty of water if the product comes into contact with mucous membranes. The limitation for the use of cream with urea is individual intolerance to the composition of the drug.

If there are no contraindications for treatment with urea foot cream, and you do not know where to buy it, we invite you to visit the Russian Roots online herbal shop. Here you can order by mail fresh and properly prepared collections of medicinal herbs, high-quality creams for body and hair care, which is more profitable than buying these products at the pharmacy.

You can buy cream for feet with urea in our Russian Roots online store, as well as order by mail.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When republishing, an indication of authorship and a link to the original source are required.

Face cream with urea is a quality product that helps to effectively moisturize the skin. In addition, the beneficial substances in its composition contribute to the healing of the epidermis. After using cosmetics with urea, the result becomes noticeable almost immediately, and its regular use provides prolonged care.

The action of urea in a face cream

Urea is an organic compound called solid urine. The substance is present in the body. It is involved in the synthesis of proteins. In addition, urea is also found in the upper layers of the epidermis. Here she is responsible for maintaining normal moisture levels. In cosmetics, urea is found in the composition of the cream. This is the name of urea obtained in the laboratory - from ammonia and carbohydrate dioxide. That is, you do not have to worry: solid urine of animal origin is not used in cosmetics.

Why choose urea face cream? This tool has many advantages. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, effectively fights against pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, cosmetics with urea:

  • prevents moisture loss;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • helps to ensure that more nutrients enter the epidermis;
  • protects the skin with a special film;
  • helps to accelerate the recovery and renewal of cells;
  • removes the stratum corneum (exfoliation will be more effective if urea is combined with lactic acid in the composition);
  • eliminates pain in inflammatory processes and minor injuries;
  • accelerates the healing process;
  • relieves irritation and itching;
  • restores skin elasticity.

Like any other remedy, a face cream with synthetic urea has a number of contraindications. So, for example, if there are bleeding wounds on the skin and severe inflammation, the use of carbamide will only aggravate the situation. It is not recommended to use urea products for those with oily skin. With sensitive epidermis, before applying cosmetics to the face, it is advisable to make an allergy test.

It is better to choose a product with a specialist. The benefits of urea face cream vary depending on the concentration of the substance:

  1. 2% is the minimum amount of urea. This is usually found in lotions, balms, tonics, after-shave creams. The urea in these products is added to promote healing and soothe the skin.
  2. 5% -10% - optimal concentration for moisturizing the skin, smoothing it and increasing elasticity. Products with such a quantity of carbamide provide reliable protection of the epidermis, and they also effectively exfoliate keratinized particles and have a powerful antibacterial effect.
  3. 10% -50% is medical concentration. Urea in such an amount is used to treat dry, mycoses.

Urea face creams - list

There are many cosmetic products with urea in the composition today. They are found in the lines of almost all brands. Almost every urea facial moisturizer can be applied every day. Apply the product with gentle massage movements with your fingertips. So all the beneficial substances are more likely to be absorbed into the skin. Do not allow drugs to get into your eyes. If this happens, the mucous membrane must be rinsed well.

Among the most popular creams are the following:

  • Arabia;
  • Healer;
  • Bioturm;
  • Belita;
  • D'Oliva;
  • Uriage;
  • Numis.

Face cream with urea Arabia

A good product in a convenient package with a dispenser. That is, it is consumed economically and hygienically. This urea face cream absorbs quickly. It is lightweight and gently cares for the skin, making it soft and velvety. Among other things, Arabia:

  • evens out the microrelief;
  • normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • rejuvenates;
  • activates cell renewal;
  • increases elasticity;
  • restores the collagen framework.

Face cream with urea Healer

Made according to old recipes. This inexpensive but effective product is based on natural ingredients. This urea-based face cream absorbs quickly and penetrates deeply. Urea instantly replenishes the lack of moisture, making the skin look healthy and well-groomed. 4 hours after application, the Healer reliably protects the epidermis from chapping, overdrying. Regular use of the cream increases resistance to microbial and fungal infections. You can apply the product every day to clean, dry skin.

Bioturm urea face cream

The preparation is suitable for everyday additional care of dry skin. Like other creams containing urea for the face, this one noticeably increases the level of moisture, and due to the special lactocomplex Bioterm helps to maintain the natural regeneration of the epidermis. The product contains no paraffin oils, preservatives, fragrances, dyes and other substances that can have a negative effect.

Evo urea cream for face

This cream with urea leaves no discomfort after application. It absorbs quickly. After Evo, there is no film left on the skin, no traces of stickiness - only a feeling of hydration. The tool removes well peeling in problem areas - around the mouth, nose. In addition, it is ideal for treating minor inflammation. The cream relieves soreness, soothes the skin.

Face cream with urea Belita

A thick but not overly greasy Belarusian face cream with urea is very well applied and absorbed quickly. In addition to carbamide, the base contains ordinary and thermal water from a French source. Already after the first application, the skin becomes noticeably velvety, healthier and more beautiful. Moreover, the beneficial effect lasts for a full day. True, for the summer this remedy is suitable only for owners of very dry skin. In winter, everyone can use it.

Thinking about which creams with urea for the face to choose, Belita must be borne in mind, because it is an affordable tool that works no worse than representatives of expensive brand lines. It can be used under makeup. It evens out the pores and keeps the foundation throughout the day. Belita does not mask pores, but does not clog in them either.

Face cream topping with urea

A good moisturizer. Although this urea face cream is inexpensive, it does its job well. Topping up maintains water balance, increases the tone of the epidermis, rejuvenates it and promotes rapid active cell regeneration. As a result, after application, the skin becomes pleasant to the touch, smooth, velvety. The cream does not leave greasy traces behind. Suitable as a base for daily makeup.

Uryage face cream with urea

This manufacturer is very passionate about solving the problem of excessive dry skin. Face cream containing urea is one of the most popular and effective products in the line. It contains medicinal components and is suitable for application not only on the face, but also on the whole body. If necessary, children can also use the product with Uryazh urea, but before that it is still advisable to consult a specialist.

Numis face cream with urea

An excellent option for excessively dry, problem skin, which often has to suffer from rashes, irritations, itching. The face cream contains urea, which means that it copes well with flaky and rough areas. After use, its skin is smooth and elastic, a pleasant feeling of lightness appears. You can apply Numis in the morning and in the evening.

Urea is an organic nitrogen-containing compound formed during the breakdown of protein. In the human body, it is produced by the liver, is present in the blood and tissues, and is the main component of urine and sweat.

Urea cream makes the skin of the feet soft and smooth

In the skin, urea works as a moisturizer. It attracts and holds water molecules. It is this ability that manufacturers take into account, including the substance in the composition of cosmetics.

The urea in the cream performs the following functions:

  • maintains the balance of moisture in the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • serves as a conductor of medicinal and nutritional components;
  • has antibacterial and antiviral effects;
  • suppresses the activity of the fungus;
  • increases the protective and regenerative properties of the skin;
  • acts as an exfoliating and mild pain reliever;
  • natural preservative and stabilizer.

In cosmetology and medicine, animal urea is not used, it is allergenic. The synthetic analogue is called urea. In solid form, it looks like an odorless, white crystalline powder. Cosmetics contain no more than 10% urea, medicinal ointments - 40-50%.

The best creams for dry skin of feet with urea

Cosmetics with urea are safe. Moreover, urea is effective as it penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis. There she replenishes the body's reserves, due to the depletion of which cracks and peeling appeared on the legs. At the same time, urea can increase the secretion of sebum, therefore it is not recommended for oily and combination skin. Due to its high activity, it is undesirable to use it if there is a rash, redness and irritation.

According to reviews, foot cream with urea has an antimicrobial effect.

  • Treatment for very dry skin with 10% EVO urea.
  • Cream for dry calluses and corns. TM "Natural aid".
  • Softening cream with urea of ​​the "Doctor" series.
  • Intensive moisturizing foot cream from Scholl.
  • Urea Foot Cream Clarena.

When choosing a foot care product, consider your skin type and problems. A quality cream should be free of parabens, petroleum products, dyes and fragrances. To get a lasting result from cosmetics, you first need to steam your feet. Thanks to the bath, the skin is saturated with water, which will then be retained by the urea.

So, urea is a natural moisturizer that deeply penetrates the skin. It is great for hardened areas as it exfoliates and softens the integument.