Who is better than a speech therapist or a defectologist. Profession defectologist. Who is a defectologist

In the modern world there are a lot of professions that are aimed at assisting people: rescuers, doctors, social workers. Today we will talk about the profession of a defectologist, whose representatives are engaged in children who have deviations from normal physical and psychological development.

It is these specialists that give a chance to abnormal children to socialize in society and change fate for the better.

What the defectologist is engaged

What does and what does the defectologist do? Specialists are accepted for two categories: those who teach and raises children with psychological deviations and those who work in the field of correctional pedagogy.

Defectology as science appeared relatively recently. There is nothing surprising in this, because no one has ever treated the abnormal children, they simply got rid of them. The competence of a modern specialist includes not only direct work with kids, but also the study of the peculiarities and patterns of certain deviations.

Over the past 20 years, the defectology has received an additional impetus to development. Starting its development as a theoretical discipline, it has become a practical concept aimed at introducing effective methods for the treatment of congenital and acquired defects.

Working with children requires a specialist of certain qualities. Among them:

  • patience;
  • stress tolerance;
  • excellent memory;
  • friendliness;
  • developed ability to empathy.

A simple inhabitant seems that the defectologist works only with children who have physically and psycho-emotional deviations. This is not quite so. Responsibilities of a specialist include selection of techniques for children with problems of academic performance, understanding of objects at school.

Classes with a specialist last according to the developed plan for a certain time. When the gaps in knowledge are filled, classes are terminated.

Pros and cons profession defectologist


  • socially important profession. Specialists give children a chance for a happy life;
  • the demand of the profession in the labor market;
  • the ability to combine work and private practice.


  • psychologically difficult job. The specialist is subject to risk of overwork, manifestations of depression;
  • modest wages in state institutions.

Salary of Defectologist

The salary of the defectologist fluctuates in the range of 25-35 thousand rubles. Studies of the labor market have shown that the highest salaries are ready to offer employers of Kamchatka Territory and the Moscow region:

Where to learn to the defectologist? As we noted above, this profession is the symbiosis of science, where pedagogy is fundamental. If you decide to become a defectologist, look at the pedagogical universities, on the basis of which there is a faculty of defectology.

Among ordinary orders there is an opinion that it is possible to master the profession on specialized courses. This is a delusion to become a specialist, it is necessary to enter the university.

What is the difference between the spectabula speech therapist?

What is the difference between the flawthologist and speech therapist? The main difference is the sphere of competence of a specialist. Supposes work with kids who have a violation of the pronunciation of sounds, complex words. The speech therapist corrects the child's vague speech, shows the correct pronunciation of complex sounds. Often, the specialist works with children from three to six years.

The defectologist is engaged in the general development of a child, fighting psychophysical problems, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, develops an emotional-willed component.

R Wisels led the child to a speech therapist with a complaint that the child does not say anything yet (and the age is already such that it is not just necessary to say individual words, but to express the flow of words). The speech therapist looked at the baby and says: "I'm not yet needed, first let the psychologist work, and then, if something on my line appears, then to me."
Agree, the situation is almost absurd. What is this speech therapist so with your own hands will give a non-corrugated child to a psychologist? Although the so-called orotherapy is already developing - the proceedings of speech by means of psychological work. And if these are violations of reading and writing, united by speech therapists in "written violations"? Here such a situation can happen? Unfortunately, too, not yet.
Does it happen that after speech therapy work, so that if you can put it, give the gloss to the work of the speech therapist, call for help of a psychologist? The situation is also unlikely, with the exception of one case, when additional psychotherapeutic support is needed to parents or the child himself.
When it comes to personal or at least emotional features, the speech therapist almost unconditionally gives the priority to a psychologist. In all other cases that do not concern the "soul", it is unlikely "shackles." Why is this happening? Where goes in the minds of the specialists of the watershed between the speech therapy (more strictly, correctional pedagogy, which was previously called defectology) and psychology?

On two chairs

To begin with, we define with definitions. As you know, the speech therapy is included in the general block of pedagogical disciplines together with oligophrenopedagogic, Tiflo- and Survival. All of them are combined into the general concept of "Correctional Pedagogy". Previously, as already noted, this area of \u200b\u200bpedagogical science was called "Defectology", which was entrenched in the title of such a specialist - "defectologist". Thus, if you distinguish between speech therapy and psychology, it is necessary to speak in general about the defectology (this definition is closer to me, and the historical roots must be respected) and psychology.
But there is one important amendment. The same block includes a special psychology, which still belongs to the section of special pedagogical disciplines. True, recently, even the leading experts of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy (earlier - defectology) rightly raised the issue of the allocation of special psychology into a separate discipline - rather psychological than the defectological (pedagogical). And it is right.
Thus, as it were, at the gap between the psychology, which school psychologists and defectology also entered special psychology. It turns out that there is a separate industry of psychology (with its own object and subject, methodology and methodologies with methods), which is still "sits on two chairs": on pedagogical (a little bit) and psychological (everything is more confident, even in a purely legal plan).
Although the essence of the case does not change. Both defectologists, and "clean" teachers refer special psychologists to "clean" psychologists. For us, this distinction is very important. In my opinion, the difference between psychology from special psychology is quite conditionally and runs along the line: general theoretical questions of the psychology of development, support of education (examination of educational programs, educational environment, textbooks, etc.), the child development regulations, on the one hand, and practical work With children, parents and teachers - on the other.
As soon as it comes to a specific, direct work with children and other subjects of educational space, I consider it more correct to talk about special, and not about practical psychology, because in practice a psychologist has to deal exclusively with problems - children, their parents, and therefore and teachers learning these children and "fightering brains" their parents.
And problems in learning (that is, the "inclusion" of the child in the education and the standard dynamics of knowledge and development) is also the area of \u200b\u200bspecial psychology as a science on the provision of specialized assistance to everyone who needs it. As soon as problems arise with the presence of a child in the educational environment - pleasure we ask for a special psychologist.
So we figured out, at least with a special psychology.


And what is the speech therapy (that is, the defectology)? What separates it from special psychology? It's just that the speech therapy is engaged in speech and all "River", and special psychology - mental phenomena and children's psychology in educational space, which means nothing to say. Indeed, isn't our real activities (and spent speech therapists agree) united and indivisible? So, needs a joint job? There is no distinction yet, it is not quite understandable.
Legally and in terms of vocational training is the "one field" disciplines. The speech therapy goes under the code 031800 - Pedagogical Sciences (03), own code (18). Special psychology - 031900, respectively. Very near.
To take another step in understanding the common and different, it is necessary to return to the past and consider, from where a special psychology came out and what we have at the moment.
Obviously, the special psychology of one foot is in pathopsychology, the founders of which were domestic psychiatrists and such great psychologists as B.V. Zeigarnik, A.R. Luria and their followers. It is in their works (if not considered L.S. Vygotsky, from which it all began) is talking about "problem" children from the point of view of the "clinic". It should be noted that on pronounced problems, as the abnormal children in the framework of education, in various educational systems were spoken in the 1980s of the XIX century, when specialized institutions appeared.
The list of domestic flaws and psychiatrists is huge, starting with G.Ya. Trohin, N.I. Ozerkiy and other scientists. Of course, you need to say about M.P. Kononova and S.Ya. Rubinstein, which, on the one hand, were clinicians, and on the other hand, in their works, heavily for special education. This is how the third source of special psychology.
As can be seen, and the defectology, and special psychology had a huge bias in psychiatry and remain "decompositionists" to the present. But the defectology (including spectacle) has a significantly longer history of development compared to a special psychology. We remember another opinion S.Ya. Rubinstein, actually denying any correctional work of a psychologist with children, recognizing only diagnostic - to help the doctor. And this situation lasted almost until the mid-80s of the XX century!
Here it is necessary to evaluate that truly revolutionary step, which made K.S. Lebedinskaya: She included psychologists in corrective work with children with early child autism - one of the most complex categories of distressed children. It is from Lebedinsky, perhaps, it is necessary to start the countdown of the beginning of the correctional activity of the psychologist. Thus, the work of a psychologist on the field of specialized assistance to children (not only a correctional, but, probably, diagnostic, too) in the conditions of education there are few more than thirty years.

On one field

Psychologists broke into the educational environment - there, where everything was "packaged", distributed among other specialties - first of all, pedagogical. Well, there is no medicine and speech. It is no secret that health care is still "holding" psychologists for "Cinderella", not giving neither to hurry or sigh.
But, like any other area of \u200b\u200bscience, psychology in the educational environment, and even in the environment of problem children, all attributes of scientific discipline are needed: an object, subject, methodology, etc. Otherwise, this is not a science, but the servant of other areas of knowledge, all these have and legitimately consider themselves with sciences.
What are all these attributes unite, what is the "binding substance", a kind of "cement"? In our opinion, this is its own terminology. It is she who is delivering related and even partly interpenetrating disciplines.
And what do we see here? Psychologists, in essence, use the terms of speech therapists and teachers: "Delay in psychorette development", "Dysgraphy Dyslexia" (the latter is generally a medical term). Not to mention the "violation of speech development", "General underdevelopment of speech" - all this speech therapists are fairly offended. And there are psychologists "with stuttering", "with thinking" - in fact, with the same speech, since they are talking closely connected, and in those uncomplicated cases in speech plan, to which psychologists "allow" speech therapists - this is one and The same field of activity.
Thus, at least in this situation, psychologists directly borrow terminology and the content of the activity of the speech therapy. With other adjacent disciplines (medicine, pedagogy), the same is the same - almost complete borrowing.

Auxiliary Subject

All this can be understood - too little time had psychology to expand their own banners. From here there is an urgent need to define "God - the Godovo, Cesar - Cesarean." And the first thing you need to do on this path is to divide the terminology of related disciplines. Create separate psychological terminology, may be except for common words, such as "diagnosis", "history", "syndrome" and some others who are firmly entered into a special psychology.
It was then that the clear "intertwine" pillars will appear. And not only in terminology. Immediately allocate: both own content, and methodology, and work techniques. This also applies to diagnostics (another pain). After all, most of the special psychology techniques are really borrowed from the defectology (a big bow for it), are used by speech therapists and other flaws. What, in turn, offends psychologists and in the same way requires certain delimitation, at least stimulus materials.
And only then can we talk about the real demarcation of the content of defectology and special psychology.
But in any case (no matter how much importance and has not infringe upon psychological pride), it is necessary to consider a psychologist as an auxiliary entity of education. He, in my opinion, is only an assistant teacher, including a speech therapist. A similar situation should be extended not only for a special education, where in general the defectologist and the logooped are the main ones, but also for general education.
In psychological centers, the situation is somewhat different, there is already a psychologist and speech therapist in equal positions, although not quite (exclusively due to the insufficient training of a psychologist). It can be said that the psychologist prepares the base, creates the necessary psychological prerequisites for the effective and more successful activity of the speech therapist, the defectologist, the teacher.
Based on this, I will not be afraid to say, a methodological approach, you can understand the role of a psychologist in working together with the speech therapist. It should not be so much auxiliary as creating the basis (naturally, psychological) for speech therapy work. It is here, in my opinion, and the main demarcation of speech therapy and psychological activity takes place.
And no wonder in the title of the article there is a metaphor of iceberg. Indeed, the speech therapist works, first of all, with the visible part of the iceberg called the "Child" - thumps, grinding to the brilliance of the top, then you mean phenomenology. At the same time, the psychologist should create the gigantic "underwater" base part, at the expense of which Iceberg will not turn over and will continue to swim in the vast educational space.

Who is a defectologist?

Defectologist - This is a specialist who has professional training in such a region as a defectology ( also called Correctional Pedagogy). It should be noted that the defectologist is not a doctor, but this specialty is at the intersection of medicine and pedagogy. Defectology is engaged in the peculiarities of the development of children with disadvantages from mental or physical health. Also, this industry specializes in the development and implementation of the principles of education and training of such children. Accordingly, the defectologist is a specialist whose competence includes work with children with those or other mental or physical disabilities.

To work a defectologist, it is necessary to obtain a higher pedagogical education according to the "Defectology" specialization. During the training, future defectologists besides pedagogical disciplines receive training in psychology and some areas of medicine. A specialist with such education can work in an institution as a training manner ( kindergartens, schools) and therapeutic ( polyclinics, Hospitals) Profile. Also defectologists can consist in the state of various rehabilitation institutions, social protection centers and psychological assistance.

Teacher-( pedagogue) -defectologist

The teacher-defectologist is a specialist who consists in the staff of the educational institution ( kindergarten, school) General or special profile. Such a teacher can work with individual patients who have certain problems and with all pupils or students ( for example, in profile institutions for children with violations of vision or hearing).

The main task of this specialist is the correction and compensation of the shortcomings that exist in the child. Correction implies correction of a problem that violates the normal perception of the surrounding world. Compensation is a refund of the existing lack of developing other similar opportunities and skills at the kid.

This specialty unites many directions, since the principle of working with a child who has problems with hearing, differs from the approach to the baby with deviations in mental development. To date, there are 4 main directions in defectology.

The defectologist may have one of the following specializations:

  • Survival. This specialist works with those children who suffer to one degree or another ( from weak problems to the complete absence) Hearing and / or speech from birth or due to the suffering diseases, injuries. Survyopodagogogo teaches a child to a gesture and tactile language, develops residual hearing and skills necessary for better adaptation to environmental conditions. During operations on the ears, Surdopedagog is engaged in the postoperative rehabilitation of the child.
  • Typhalplopedaging. This specialist works with blind or poorly vigilant children. In the task of the Typhrope maternity enters improvement ( if possible) The residual function of view, as well as the development of other skills that will help the child to become a full-fledged personality with an existing problem. In its work, the defectologist uses special technical devices, with which the manipulations of vision correction are carried out.
  • Speech therapy. The speech therapist works with those patients who have problems in general with speech or with the pronunciation of specific sounds. Due to the competence of the speech therapy, children with such problems as stuttering, delay in speech development, dyslexia ( difficulties with reading), dysarthria ( unclear, lubricated speech), aphasia ( loss of speech due to brain lesions). The defectologist corrects the existing shortcomings ( if possible), and with the complete absence of speech in the patient stimulates its development. It works not only on speech formulation, but also teaches the patient to properly use intonation, it is logical to answer questions, draw up proper proposals.
  • Oligophrenopedagogic. A representative of this profession is engaged in children who have diagnosed development delay, mental retardation ( oligophrenia), autism ( mental disorder). It also works with those patients who are not one, and several violations from mental development, speech and / or hearing. In addition, the oligophrenopedagog is assisting children who do not suffer from any mental illness, but are experiencing difficulties with adaptation in the team. This correction specialist is working on the development of intellectual skills ( if necessary), teaches the patient to express your emotions and desires ( especially important in cases where the patient has a speech problem), helps to find a common language with peers.

Work of the Defectologist with Children

The nature of the work of the defectologist with children largely depends on the direction in which it specializes. At the same time, there are general principles for which the correctional teacher is based on in their practice, regardless of its specialization. So, a single goal for all defectologists is the motivation of children for learning ( both in the secondary program and separately with a defectologist). Many children with hearing impairments, vision or mental development, there is no learning desire ( for example, due to the obvious difference between the success of peers and personal achievements in school). The task of the defectologist includes to explain to the child the importance of learning and do everything possible in order to stimulate interest and reduce the difficulties that the kid is experiencing.

The work of the correction teacher begins with examination of students in order to identify children with those or other problems. Then identification is carried out ( according to the degree of severity) Defects and subsequent union of children with similar violations in groups. Subsequently, the defectologist conducts both individual and group classes. Work is based on various modern techniques, the choice of which depends on the type of deviations from students.

All work with children, which is carried out by a defectologist, can be divided into several stages, the sequence of which is determined by the specialist himself.

There are the following stages in the work of the defectologist with children:

  • Acquaintance with the outside world. This step is necessary in order for the child to have the most complete perception of the surrounding reality. Such classes expand the children's horizons, learn to be attentive and be responsible for their actions ( for example, if I did not use the umbrella in the rain - promo).
  • Learning mathematics. In such classes, children learn to distinguish between the forms and the size of the items, their color, quantity and other characteristics. They compare and classify a variety of objects or events, establishing certain patterns, causal relationships.
  • Sensor development. The basic element of such classes are various games aimed at improving small motility ( fingers hands). Children perform different actions with hands ( draw, tinted, design), repeat the teacher exercises for brushes, fingers. Much attention is paid to the implementation of various actions ( cleaning teeth, combing), the purpose of which is to comply with personal hygiene.
  • Training game. Often, children with mental disabilities do not own teams or any other game. In such classes, the defectologist organizes a variety of games, explaining their rules and principles to children. Education to the game helps the child to know the world around and find a common language with peers.
In such classes, the child receives knowledge of a general nature, so most often they are carried out in a group manner. At individual lessons, the defectologist works more thoroughly on the development and improvement of the skills and functions that are relevant for a particular case. So, if the child is completely lost ear, it makes no sense to work on improving it. In this case, the correction specialist sends an effort to teach a child, for example, tactile communication. Also on individual classes, knowledge gained in group training is enforced, informative activity is stimulated ( striving for school), the missed material is being worked out.

The great value in the professional activity of this specialist is to advise parents. The help of the defectologist is aimed at teaching adults to create and maintain a healthy intra-family atmosphere. Often the defectologist conducts classes to which not only children are invited, but also their parents.

What is the difference between the defectologist and speech therapist?

The difference between the speech therapist and the defectologist, who specializes in working with children with speech defects is to the target audience and the objectives of the classes. So, if children are sent to the speech therapist without deviations in mental or physical development, the defectologist works with patients who possess those or other violations. The work of the usual speech therapist is reduced to eliminate existing violations of speech ( wrong pronunciation of sounds). In the goal of the defectologist-speech therapist enters teach a child to express his thoughts and restore gaps in knowledge, provoking difficulties in communication. Visually explains the difference between these specialists the following example. So, the patient speech therapist may be a child who incorrectly pronounces the word "box" due to the wrong sound pronunciation of the river. A child is sent to the defectologist-speech therapist, which not only does not know how to pronounce, but also inappropriately uses the word "box" due to the fact that it does not know its meaning.


As mentioned above, the defectologist is not a doctor, as it does not have medical education. At the same time, such a specialist can work in the state of polyclinics, hospitals or other medical institutions, most often of the children's profile. The causal to visit the defectologist may be suspicious of deviations in the mental or physical development of the child. This specialist will conduct a diagnostic test that will confirm or refute the assumption of the lag.

Diagnostics ( analyzes) Defectologist

The defectologist does not conduct and does not appoint any laboratory research ( type of blood analysis or urine analysis). This specialist uses a diagnostic test that allows you to assess the level of child's development both in general and its individual skills. For this, the defectologist asks questions, asks to fulfill some actions, and also assesses appearance Child. Sometimes he specifically makes positive or negative comments in order to evaluate a children's response to negative or approval. Circumstances can also be artificially modeled, allowing to determine the attitude of the child and his behavior in complex, atypical situations. Parents may be interviewed for a fullest assessment, and documents showing the child's performance at school or preschool institution. In some cases, a diagnostic card can be used, which is previously developed by a defectologist.

The diagnostic map of the defectologist contains the following headings:
  • data on child and parents ( age, surname / name / patronymic and other information);
  • diseases of parents and close relatives, including those that are inherited;
  • baby data ( what a pregnancy in a row, whether there were complications when you wear or the birth of a child, at what time a baby was born);
  • early Development Information ( when the child began to keep his head independently, sit, walk);
  • how speech skills developed ( when the first layer appeared, the first words, the first phrases);
  • suffered by a child's disease and severe states;
  • whether the baby was engaged in with other specialists, and what were the results;
  • is the child expresses interest in the game, to learning.

Reference ( conclusion) Defectologist

The conclusion of a flawologist is a confirmed documented verdict, which makes this specialist after examining the child. It should be clarified that the defectologist does not conclude about the presence of any specific mental or physical deviations, but only provides an assessment of certain child skills. In other words, this specialist does not make a diagnosis, but only describes the state of the baby.
The nature of the data that is indicated in the certificate of the defectologist depends on the age and problem of the child. But there are also general characteristics indicating in all conclusions that make a defectologist.

The defectologist's certificate indicates the following child data:

  • how does the child grant information about himself ( quickly or after several requests, in the deployed form or calls only the name);
  • the ability to go to visual, tactile, verbal contact ( how fast and easily contacts the child with the environment, does it experience interest);
  • the nature of the overall activity of the child ( is the motivation, stability and preservation of the desire to engage in some kind of occupation for a long time);
  • is the approach to gaming activities adequate to toys ( does the child use toys for their intended purpose use whether the rules of the simplest games understand whether interest in such activities is experiencing);
  • as a child reacts to approval, praise, remark, own failures;
  • evaluation of such children's qualities as attention, visual perception, memory, thinking;
  • does the child understand the picture / expressions with a hidden meaning, deemed meaningless / ridiculous plots;
  • how developed and coordinated by the motor activity of the hands;
  • as far as the child is coordinated, the movement of the whole body;
  • do training skills comply with ( letter reading) program requirements and age;
  • whether the child distinguishes objects in accordance with their color, size and other characteristics;
  • does it oriented in space and time.
Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

The specialty of the speech therapy includes classes with children without pathological deviations of the speech apparatus. In this way, the speech therapist works with healthy people who need to correct the pronunciation of certain sounds, improve diction, improve the rhythm and speech volume and so on. The speech therapist from the defectologist is characterized by the fact that it is not a medical profile specialist.

The defectologist must be a graduate of the Pedagogical Faculty and pass additional training to treat children's pathological violations of speech. The work of such a teacher connects a speech therapist, a psychologist and in most cases of a neuropathologist. The defectologist should clearly represent the mechanism for the development of the disease with which it works to effectively conduct speech correction.

Sphere of activity speech therapist

In contrast to the defectologist the speech therapist begins to engage in children only after 3 yearsWhen you can clearly track the problems in pronunciation and eliminate them. Consultations from a specialist requires a child who has no organic or functional pathology, and the problem is the individual characteristics of speech development.

Classes from the speech therapist include:

  • formulation of the pronunciation of individual letters or their sound combinations;
  • fighting too fast or slow speech;
  • elimination of stuttering;
  • improving speech clarity;
  • improving reading skills or learning to him;
  • wrestling voice volume and individual pronunciation intonations;
  • overcoming psychological blocks of communication (fear, embarrassment, fear of talking among a large number of people and so on).

To know what the physician differs from the defectologist, it is necessary to each parent, since children with pathology do not lead to the speech therapist.

He does not treat the problems of psychomotor development and does not deal with children having a concomitant pathology (more often than hearing aid).

Specialization of the defectologist

At first glance, it seems that the speech therapist and the defectologist are equal to each other specialty, but the difference in them is essential. The direction to the defectologist is issued if there are following problems:

  • congenital anomalies of intellectual development (genetic diseases);
  • psychomotor Development Delay due to various reasons;
  • damage to the brain speech centers due to injuries (acquired, generic);
  • speech pathology due to diseases of the intrauterine period, more often hypoxy;
  • any disorders of the psyche of the child, accompanied by speech defects.

The difference lies in the fact that the defectologist can work with the listed options for speech disorders, and the speech therapist is not enough for this qualification. In essence, the defectologist is a teacher who has passed additional qualifications in the field of defectology.

Many parents who collided with a delay in the development of speech in a child, Alalia and other problems concerning the development of the child, concerns the issue with which specialist should be engaged in the first place.

Each neurologist (and usually refer to it) in its own way indicates and calls such a correction teacher: a speech therapist, a defectologist, a spectatologist, teacher, teacher-spectatologist, teacher-defectologist, oligophrenopedagog. Therefore, parents have misunderstanding, whom to look for? For example, some mothers are confident that a child with Alalia needs a defectologist, and the speech therapist is not needed. Others, on the contrary, turn to the speech therapist and lose time, since the speech therapist specifically in their situation can do little.

Let's have a light on something, what does each of the specialists do, what is the difference between the spectatologist and who is then a speech therapist? What are their "zones of responsibility" and how to choose a suitable teacher for classes?

Defectology (Correctional or Special Pedagogy) is a science that studies the process of learning and adapting children with features of development. In the applied sense, the defectology develops techniques that help maximize the existing disorders.

Defectology is divided into several industries:

  • speech therapy (engaged in the correction of speech violations);
  • oligophrenopedagogy (engaged in the correction of intellectual disorders - mental retardation, mental delays, delays in psychorette development, etc.)
  • typhalplopedaging (engaged in teaching children with violation of vision and correction of related and secondary developmental violations);
  • survival (engaged in teaching children with hearing impairments and compensation of secondary defects).

As we can see, there is no "simply defectologist" in this list, how often you are trying to find moms for your child. And it turns out that the speech therapist is also a defectologist.

In practice, it looks like this: there is a faculty of defectology in the pedagogical university (it may be called differently, for example, the "Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology", this is synonymous), which produces different professionals: a defectologist with a specialization in oligophrenopedagogic, by typhoid , on speech therapy. That is, a graduate of such a faculty can be called "speech therapist", and "teacher-defectologist" with a note of the existing specialization. It is important to remember that the general theoretical base in all specializations is one. Oligophrenopedagog and in their preparation have a lot in common. Both know the classification of developmental disorders, methods of their diagnosis, a methodology for working with children with features of development. Therefore, in practice it often it turns out that speech therapy classes is additionally conducted in the speech gardenopedist, and the speech therapist performs the role of an oligophrenopedagog in working with a "non-tree" child (since there is no speech as such, the method of work of one and another specialist differs little at this stage) .

But various advanced training courses and practical work experience can also allow such a specialist to work successfully with children who have complex diagnoses. That is, even if a specialist in a primary education diploma is written "", this does not mean that he is not able to help a child with heavier diagnoses ("races", "Alalia", "Stuttering").

Most often, when they say "just a defectologist" have in mind the defectologist-oligophrenopagogus. It can be assumed that the name of the specialization of the "oligophrenopedagog" (from the lat. "Oligo" - little, "Frank" - mind) somewarly outdated, because today this correctional teacher works not only with mental retardation. Probably, therefore, in everyday turnover, the name decreased to the "teacher-defectologist" / "defectologist". This specialist is engaged in teaching children who have a lag in the intellectual sphere. It is not necessary to scare this definition. For many children, timely classes with an oligophrenal defectologist help compensate for the development features arising, for example, after generic injuries, hypoxia or due to prematurity. Of course, the sphere of speech oligofrenedagog also affects, but in a more general sense. That is, the "simply defectologist" can carry out articulating gymnastics, stimulate speech activity in classes, teach communication skills, as well as using speech in various situations (for example, exercises for generalization: "Machine, bus, tram and trolleybus is transport"). Unlike the speech therapist, the oligophrenopadagog defectologist can start studying with the child at a fairly early age, that is, about a year and a half. For comparison, most speech therapists take on children from 4 years old (in our center Consultative speech therapists take from 2 years, and they take on classes from 2.6 years).

The difficulty with the choice of a specialist is that a huge number of children today is the so-called "combined violations". That is, very often (according to the latest data, the diagnosis of "autistic spectrum disorder" has 1 child out of 68!) Distorted by the whole development process. There is also a decrease in intelligence, and speech disorders (and often simply the absence), and problems in behavior, motor dismissal. After three years, intelligence and thinking in a child develops through speech, mediated by speech. That is, even if the intellect is preserved to three years, but there is no speech, mental development begins. The most common diagnoses in which you can get confused with the choice of a specialist are Alalia, an autistic spectrum disorder. Specific diagnosis names can be different depending on the doctor who put them, and the manifestations of the violation (the diagnoses of neurological and pedagogical / speech therapy may sound differently). The defectologist with a specialization in Alalia and autism does not exist. Therefore, it is so difficult to understand what kind of specialist and what kind of classes is necessary.

Nowadays, universities attempt to create a "collective" specialty in a correctional pedagogy, which would solve the problem of classes with children having a complex structure of the defect. For example, you can meet diplomas, where it is written: "Teacher-defectologist. Teacher speech therapist. Specialization "Special Psychology". This inspires the hope that in the near future, the system of assistance to children with the peculiarities of development will become more simple and understandable.

What conclusions can be done?

  1. Need a comprehensive diagnosis of child development. If the child does not say - this is just one symptom that may indicate various problems. Two non-corrugated child may be completely different in the structure of the violation. For example, one child may have a delay in speech development, while all other spheres (cognitive, emotional-volitional, behavioral) are preserved. And the other child is amazed / did not ripen the subcortical brain departments, as a result of which it develops what is now called the disorder of the autistic spectrum (may be accompanied by a violation of food behavior, sleep, motor sphere, stereotypical movements, autoagression, motor distribution / intensity). So, the correction will be built in different ways. In our center there is such a form of primary consultation, as, there is a survey and diagnosis by specialists of various profiles: a neuropsychologist / clinical psychologist, an oligophrenal defectologist, a spectacle-defectologist. Of course, it is impossible to forget about neurological examination, including hardware diagnostic methods. Our specialists, if necessary, give referral to additional surveys.
  2. As a rule, when combined violations and complex diagnoses, the correction is also needed complex. Classes with several specialists and hardware neuroscorrection (for example, and) are required. Ideal if experts can exchange information among themselves. That is, teachers and psychologists conduct classes "outside", and the hardware methods help the brain "Rosen" from the inside. Therefore, this approach gives the maximum effect.
  3. To understand the correction process, parents are important for themselves to determine the "targets" to which the efforts of the family and specialists are directed. Therefore, it is important to be in contact with teachers, psychologists, be sure to clarify what exercises to which you want to do at home to speed up the result.
  4. When choosing a specialist, it is advisable to know the experience of his work, preparation features. For example, many parents are burned on the fact that they lead a child to a speech therapist who did not have experience working with complex violations of speech and valid at random (for example, "puts the sounds of a non-corrugated child with Alalia, which is fundamentally incorrect).