Negative energy: how to resist it? What is bad energy? Negative creatures in the aura

The negative energy of the quarrel

Clearing negative memory at home will save you from the consequences of unpleasant events that happened in the house, your life will become brighter, more joyful, positive energy will begin to prevail in it. By cleaning the walls of the house, while not forgetting to keep our thoughts, feelings, intentions clean, we thereby change our destiny for the better. But so that the house does not acquire bad karma again, try not to bring negative energies into it. And above all, one must avoid swearing, scandals and quarrels. No matter how hard people try to portray a family idyll, the house will give them away. The energy of quarrels will seep from walls, ceilings, corners like a dark cloud. Such a house is cold and uncomfortable. It is bad for both the guests and the owners themselves.

If there is a lot of swearing and scandal in the house, the accumulated negative energy can leave a very heavy mark, even if nothing terrible at first glance happened: no one died, did not crash, did not lose property, etc. Quarrels in the truest sense of the word are dangerous for health, as they fill the house with negative energy, which then harms its inhabitants. Like acrid smoke, it interferes with breathing, cloudes the clarity of thoughts, does not allow one to stay in harmony, in a bright and sunny state of mind and feelings.

All people living in the same house, in the same family, under the same roof, are united by common flows of energy, they are connected with each other by these energies, therefore it is impossible to offend a loved one without offending oneself. Swearing with loved ones, you destroy both your aura and the aura of the house.

Remember that any conflict can be settled peacefully. To do this, you only need a little wisdom and the ability to control your feelings. There is no need for harsh words when everything can be solved with a smile, understanding and a warm look. The mistake is that many people try to assert themselves in a quarrel, to prove their strength, power and superiority. This is the position of the weak, not the strong. The strong do not need to demonstrate their strength and power at all costs. On the contrary, he will be the first to take a step towards reconciliation and will not start shouting to achieve his victory and righteousness. He does not seek to emerge victorious, because he knows that there are no winners in quarrels with loved ones. He will not scream because he knows screaming is destructive. He will calmly listen to the interlocutor and answer softly, calmly, without swearing, without condemnation, without hanging labels. This is the position of not the weak, but the strong, this is the position of the wise.

If there are quarrels in your house, analyze their reasons and think: at least two people are involved in a quarrel, and everyone is responsible, but even if only one person changes his behavior, the other also has to change. Confrontation is impossible if one of the parties suddenly ceases to support and build up negative energies.

Skirmishes do not occur out of nowhere, and if you identify their causes, it will be easier for you to avoid them. Quarrels often flare up because the other person does not live up to our expectations. We want him to have only those habits that we like, so that he behaves in a way that pleases us, it seems to us that he owes us both this and that, and most importantly, to be the way we would like to see him. ... But in fact, not a single person, even the closest one, is obliged to meet our expectations. He has the right to be who he is and to behave as he pleases, whether we like it or not.

Sometimes you just need to think: are my claims justified? Why do I demand so much from the other? Why am I dissatisfied? Maybe you just need to learn to accept people as they are? Understand that they do not live in order to please you in everything? And if there are really serious complaints, if the other with his behavior actually insults or infringes on you, this can be discussed calmly, without shouting and swearing.

The hidden cause of many quarrels is the struggle for power, when one person wants to prove to another that it is he who is the main and the strongest here and everyone is obliged to obey him. But if you are wise and strong in spirit, it is impossible to force you to obey what you don’t want to obey, and your offender is obviously a loser, since his goal is unattainable. Knowing this, you may well not explain or prove anything to him. If he wants him to have the last word, let him, let him say whatever he wants, and remain unconvinced. For the strong and wise is always not the last, but the penultimate word.

If you are provoked into a quarrel, teased and are trying to evoke negative emotions in you, just try not to react to it. Don't fall for provocations. A smile and good wishes for such a provocateur is the best defense.

In families, quarrels often break out related to a showdown, and this happens when one or both parties are not sure of the reliability of this relationship, of good feelings on the part of the other. You need to talk about feelings, but at the same time swearing and blaming each other is not at all necessary. Leave aside accusations, insults, and instead calmly listen to each other and calmly tell each other what each of you would like from your relationship. If they are based on warmth and love, you can find a common language. If there have been no feelings for a long time and you are inclined to believe that it is time to leave, well, such a decision can be taken calmly, without a scandal, in order to part as friends and preserve not painful memories of each other, but only a good memory.

It is worth remembering once and for all that very often feuds arise only due to the fact that people do not have enough attention, understanding and love of loved ones. The only opportunity for communication is a quarrel, because you are too busy with yourself and your own affairs to talk with loved ones every day, compliment them, and be interested in their life. Make it a rule to pay each other a little more attention, give a little more warmth. So you will create the necessary energy flows between you, and you will not need scandals to create these flows.

The main rule, if a quarrel nevertheless begins: do not respond with anger to anger, irritation to irritation. So you just fall into a giant black energy hole, to get out of which is very difficult: it, like a funnel, will pull you in again and again. Try not to lose a positive attitude towards yourself and others, and even in conflict do not allow destructive thoughts and feelings. This does not mean that one should be silent in response to angry stinging remarks, it does not mean that one should avoid the conversation altogether. Try to take control of the fight, control your emotions, and tone down the conversation to bring the fight into a simple conversation. If your interlocutor still loses his temper, calmly tell him that you are alarmed by his condition, that he should calm down, come to his senses, and then you will definitely continue the conversation. Brew him some tea, explain that you understand him and are ready to listen. Do not become neither a winner, nor a defeated, nor a victim, nor an executioner, conduct a dialogue on equal terms, keep your position, and then you will not offend anyone and you will not remain offended yourself. And your home will not suffer from the negative energy you throw out in the heat of the quarrel.

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Negative energy has the ability to invisibly penetrate the life of all people. You can be especially susceptible to this if you allow overly negative people to come into your life and grounded there.

In the event that negative energy affects you, you will not feel very good in general. There are many people out there who don't really realize that negative energy is thriving in their lives, and this is what makes their life miserable.
10 signs that you are under the influence of negative energy!
1. You feel drained all the time.
All negative energy around you is concentrated in your life. You feel drained all the time and everything seems to be going the wrong way. Negative energy is what depletes you.
2. You are no longer happy with what you liked.
You simply do not find joy in what used to bring joy to you. It is as if all the positive energy has disappeared. Now you just can't find something that will make you happy!
3. You have trouble sleeping
You spend more time worrying and stressing than sleeping. Remember that the more you allow these negative energies to dominate you, the more difficult it will be for you to get your sleep patterns in order.
4. You are always worried
You just can't stop worrying. You think all the time that everything is bad and will be even worse! Have you noticed that in recent times do you worry more often than before?
5. You let others tell you what to do. If you let other people tell you what to do, that is what actually negatively affects you as a person. You have to start living your life. And do it the way you want it. If you allow others to control you, then you will never be truly happy!
6. You take criticism too deeply
There are times when people criticize you, but they don't do it with bad intentions. You should be able to criticize other people less seriously and be objective about her. Remember, you always have room to grow!
7. You stopped leaving your comfort zone.
You do not leave your comfort zone as you have done before. You are much more focused on the negative side of things, and fearful of judgment.
8. You compare yourself to others more often.
You pay more attention to your bad qualities and you are more jealous of others. This must be stopped! You are beautiful just the way you are!
9. You are stressed and you cannot understand why everything hurts you so badly.
You spend a lot of time dwelling on the negativity of your life, as a result of which you get depressed and take everything to heart.
10. You are currently very emotional
You are overwhelmed with emotions and you seem to allow them to get the most out of you. You need to be aware of your emotions, that you have those emotions, but don't let them control you.
During times in life when you are dealing with negative energy, the first step you should take is to relax a little. Try to be emotionally mature and stable, and know that you are okay. If any person in your life is too toxic and negative, just stop communicating with them. You need to look for positive things in life. Remember, he who seeks will find!

Each person has a unique energy field that can protect against negative external influences. However, gaps often appear in it, and the person's energy goes away, negatively affecting both well-being and mood.

Everyone can protect themselves from the outflow of energy, because it is important to maintain health not only on the physical, but also on the emotional and spiritual level. You can understand it by several signs. This will help you protect yourself in the event that the energy of your field has become negative, or maintain positive energy at the same level. There are several types of energy that reflects the state of a person.

People who have positive energy find it easier to achieve their goals. Next to them, you can feel a surge of strength, they have charisma, are confident in their abilities and do not give in to failures and difficulties.

A high level of human energy allows you to replenish your own resources at the expense of their costs. So, a person with positive energy, even with intensive work, quickly recovers and does not feel a breakdown.

If a person spends energy on negative emotions, commits unseemly acts, then he himself steals health and strength that are not restored, reducing resistance to negative influences from the external environment.

A harmonious person who is not subject to emotional changes, strives for a happy life and does not try to chase other people's ideals, is able to radiate special energy and even share it with the people around him. Near him, everyone can feel the vibrations of positive and comfort.

In contrast, a negative energy field is irritating. People carrying a negative energy charge cause discomfort, ailments and frequent weakness.

Energy types of people

Energy mirrors. This type of person can reflect both positive and negative energies. This quality can be used to reflect the negative and to charge with positive energy. People-mirrors feel great about those around them, so they can quickly distinguish between good people and negative ones. The owners of negative energy subconsciously avoid meeting with mirrors so as not to fall under their own negative influence. For those who have positive energy, on the contrary, communication with people-mirrors will have a positive effect. As for mirrors, they also choose a positive environment so as not to experience negative emotions.

Energy leeches. These people are energy vampires who take away powers without being able to replenish them on their own. This type of person emits negative "heavy" energy that is bad for health and mood. Such leeches can be distinguished by obsession and aggression. They are in constant search of donors. The most common way for them to obtain energy is to unbalance a potential victim. Energy leeches cause their victim to experience strong negative emotions in order to replenish their own reserves.

Energy walls. These people have a strong energy field. They are often called impenetrable, capable of warding off any trouble. Such people are characterized by resilience and the will to win, but their presence next to a large number of people with different energies does not always bring positive moments. The thing is that the negative energy that "rebounded" from them can return to the one who is most susceptible to outside influence.

Energy sticks. These people direct the flow of negative energy, which can bring not only irritation, but also devastation to the interlocutor. Leeches do not directly take away strength, but they try to communicate with people as closely as possible, literally exhausting them with their presence, calls and accusations of all their troubles. This type of people feeds on the compassion and regret they receive from someone who is caught in their snares. By the effect, communication with them is comparable to energetic vampirism, because leeches literally make you feel emotions, taking away a positive mood.

Energy absorbers. There are two types of people with these qualities. The first includes those who absorb any energy emanating from people. They are unbalanced, can be offended for no apparent reason and quickly forget about the insults. The second type of absorbers actively “picks up” negative energy, returning positive impulses. If the first type actively climbs into someone else's life and imposes their communication, then the second type of people actively participates in the life of others, gives valuable advice and helps to solve problems. Communication with the first type of people is undesirable, because it will not have a positive effect either for well-being or for mood.

Energy Samoyeds. These people are used to dwelling on their misfortunes, withdrawing into themselves and refusing to communicate with others. They do not know how to redistribute energy for the benefit of themselves and at the same time accumulate negative emotions inside. A collision with Samoyeds is fraught with a splash of negativity, which can negatively affect health and mood, because they can explode when faced with an irritant.

Energy plants. This type is an energy donor. They give it to the people around them, showing excessive curiosity. Communication with such people causes negative emotions, as they often creep into people's lives without asking, giving them discomfort. They often completely lack a sense of tact, because of which few people want to deal with them.

Energy filters. These people are carriers of a strong energy that they are able to transfer through themselves to intermediaries. They are able to return energy to the opponent in an already changed form, so negative energy is transformed into positive. These people are characterized by diplomacy, they are excellent psychologists and often save the day by relieving stress and irritation due to their innate qualities.

Energy intermediaries. This type of people is capable of accepting positive energy, but is completely unarmed if caught in a stream of negativity. They transmit this energy further, thereby forcing them to experience negative emotions already in their interlocutor. However, they also convey positive energy. This type is common to most people.

Key characteristics will help you understand yourself, as well as avoid communication with people who can cause you inconvenience, both emotionally and physically. Use this knowledge to be less likely to be negatively impacted.

Do not forget that the world around and the way of life also contribute to the accumulation of energy, and its charge depends on what you do and with whom you communicate. Start your morning with pleasant activities to recharge your energy for the whole day and resist any negativity. Eliminate anything that contains a negative emotional charge, be happy and do not forget to press the buttons and

It is difficult to explain in scientific language what negative energy is, but everyone, no doubt, felt its impact on himself. When a person encounters something that interferes with personal success (with a tendency to reproach, depression, anxiety, indifference, bias, indecision, slowness, picky, resentment, self-pity, confusion and a guilt complex), he generates a certain amount of negative energy. This does not mean that he himself is bad (“negative”); he just lost touch with the inner source of positive energy. Lacking positive energy, he becomes defenseless against negative energy. If these people are attracted to you, it often happens because they feel better around you. They are attracted by your positive energy.

Maybe you've noticed that certain places and people make you feel worse. You have a sore throat or feel tired. While it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the discomfort, you do feel it.

And vice versa: in some company you suddenly start to feel better and better. Minor pain and discomfort go away on their own. In the presence of these people, you feel just wonderful. Positive energy naturally brings others more happiness, love, peace, and confidence.

Such sensations are not accidental. They are the result of a certain exchange of energy. If you feel a lack of energy, you will surely perk up among energetic people. However, those who were overwhelmed with energy will noticeably decrease it. According to the principle of communicating vessels, energy flows from one person to another.

Imagine two glass vessels, the bottoms of which are connected by a tube on which a faucet is installed. It allows fluid to flow freely from one reservoir to another. Close the tap and pour water into the first container. Now one vessel is full and the other is empty. What happens if you turn on the tap? An empty tank will automatically be half full and a full one will be half empty. Likewise, if you have excess energy, it will flow to those who lack it.

This example helps to understand how energy flows, but does not explain the process of energy exchange. In other words, it describes the flow of energy in terms of quantity, but not quality. If positive energy goes away, it doesn't just get smaller; as a result, negative energy can rush to you. To understand the automatic exchange of energy, imagine two vessels connected by a tube through a faucet. Close the tap and fill one container with cold blue liquid and the other with hot red liquid. What happens if we turn on the tap? The temperature in both vessels will begin to equalize. The hot red liquid will mix with the cold blue one. As a result, something lukewarm-purple will appear in both reservoirs.

Likewise, being in a good mood at first, but talking to someone who is feeling bad, will make you feel worse. But your counterpart, on the contrary, will perk up. You may not feel it right away, but after a few hours or days you will notice that your well-being has disappeared somewhere. This analogy helps explain the ongoing cycle of positive and negative energy.

If a person is overwhelmed with negative energy, then among people who are positively charged, he may feel better. Gradually, these people will begin to feel some decrease in their energy. Anyone who has over the edge of positive energy will take time to realize that he has absorbed a certain amount of negative energy. The less energetic person will feel the negative impact almost immediately.

To the same extent that we absorb negative energy ”being unable to get rid of it, we will continue to run into internal barriers. No matter how much love and goodness we have, we will continue to experience negative emotions. A person who absorbs negative energy and does not know how to get rid of it ”can be recognized by four general signs.

1. Inability to love. By absorbing negative energy, we may want to fully express our love. But at the same time, waves of resentment and condemnation roll over us. Our love is limited. We want to give more love than we can.

This is very different from those cases where the insensitive person has little or no love. He lost touch with his soul's desire to love. Therefore, he does not strive to show his feelings and does not feel inner annoyance due to the fact that love is absent in his life.

2. Lack of confidence. By absorbing negative energies, we can try to gain more confidence and faith. But, taking risks, each time we experience a tremor of excitement and anxiety. Our confidence is blocked. We feel that the soul wants more, but something is holding us back.

This is quite different from the cases where the insensitive person is not going to take risks at all; he is quite happy with life in his case upholstered with a bike: from day to day what he knows very well is repeated here.

3. Inability to rejoice. Having absorbed negative energy, we can strive to be happy, but we will be prone to depression and bouts of self-pity. Our joys are meager and fleeting. We feel that the soul is striving for happiness, but there is none.

This is very different from those cases where insensitive people do not understand what they lack. Sometimes they rejoice, but this has nothing to do with the pure joy they experienced as children. They have long forgotten what real joy is.

4. Inability to calm down. Having absorbed negative energy, we can try to feel good, but still periodically we find ourselves in the grip of feelings of guilt and our own worthlessness. We are unable to feel the inherent goodness and the innocence and peace of mind that it bestows on us. We see stains of past mistakes on ourselves that we cannot forgive ourselves. As a result, in the face of other people, we feel overly responsible. In childhood, we were punished for mistakes, and we continue to execute ourselves for them.

This is very different from those cases where the insensitive person does not even realize that he made a mistake. If we are immune to other people's feelings and needs, then we are not able to see that we did something wrong. Even a good, thick-skinned person often looks like an elephant in a china shop.

Sensitive people absorb other people's negative energy because they are very open. The negative emotions they experience are a mixture of their own energy with someone else's. Wherever they go, they absorb negative energy like a sponge.

When people suppress their negative emotions, they not only send them to those who are more sensitive, but also absorb the negative energy of others less. It looks as if they are connected to a reservoir of other people's emotions through a check valve. They throw out negative energy from themselves, but do not take it back.

Likewise, some very loving and in every sense positive people get sick because they absorb negative energy, but do not get rid of it. If you are sensitive, you will experience unnecessary suffering until you find a way to get rid of the negative energy.

In our bustling world, it is almost impossible to maintain a harmonious aura, constantly engaging in an exchange of subtle matters with people and objects.

Negative energy in a person appears due to the destruction of positive vibrations, wrong thinking or the impact of people and objects of the other world. But do not be alarmed by the problems in the biofield, because the negative can be repressed or transformed, and then resort to methods of protecting subtle matters.

Why does a person lose energy?

In most cases, the outflow of vitality is associated with the individual's extreme attachment to the events of the past. We are talking about the so-called bindings created by the energy of other people, significant for the subject, and also constantly supported by negative emotions.

Usually, a person often returns to stressful situations, negative circumstances of his life. Obsessive experiences and doubts are feelings that require a lot of energy, so the biofield weakens. The main types of the most energy-consuming states are:

Feeling sorry for yourself and others

The desire not to betray others and constantly cares about them, as well as the desire to shield oneself in any situation, lead to the loss of enormous vitality.

Pity is not love, so it does not fill the aura with fresh and clean energy. Self-sacrifice and constant desire to help are simply a form of unequal energy exchange.


Memories associated with unfair events in relation to the person himself disturb the soul and mind most often. Constantly thinking about situations takes a lot of time and effort.

In addition, projecting negative emotions onto your offender is a sure way to get the same in response, and even more. The same goes for the thirst for revenge, when a person spends energy on developing a plan for retaliatory evil.

Feelings of shame, guilt, or humiliation

Memories that you were used or you acted wrong are associated with the irreparability of the situation, it is frightening and annoying.

A person is angry with himself, so he not only kills positive energy flows, but also fills the biofield with negative matters.


This emotion not only does not allow you to enjoy the joys of life, but also spoils the energy of another person, who has become the object of envy. As a result, the law of karma works, and the person is drowning in his own negativity and experiences. Time is wasted on empty dreams, not real goals.

Some of the emerging emotions are associated not so much with real people as with objects of the material world. Very often a person is forced to part with some objects, values, money. When he constantly thinks about his losses, gets angry with himself and others, he wastes energy 24 hours a day. At the same time, his thoughts do not leave him even in a dream, so that at night there is no renewal of the biofield.

There are several more reasons why a person lacks energy.

  • First, the way of life plays a role, because if an individual is engaged in something that his heart does not lie in, he constantly suffers.
  • Secondly, suppression of one's emotional experiences at the root has a negative effect on the biofield. Sometimes energy can flow away due to the fact that a person has shifted the boundaries of interpersonal communication. Some people can become chronic carriers of a heavy aura because they have many psychological traumas, including those that originate from childhood and relationships with parents.

Energy outflow classification

Some of the esotericists classify the reasons for the outflow of energy by the level of the human body they affect:

  • The energy from the physical shell is stolen by stooped and hunched postures, strong looseness of movements, external imitation of other people, as well as diseases, muscle clamps, sharp and spontaneous movements, aggressive dances.
  • The etheric double lacks vitality due to improper breathing, lack of communication with nature, reduced general tone.
  • The astral body loses energy due to negative emotions, pessimism and depression. Internal conflicts, conflicting desires, addictions and attachments, sleep disorders also affect here.
  • The outflow of life forces at the level of the mental layer of the aura occurs due to the chaotic flow of thoughts, frequent immersion in the world of dreams and useless chatter.

Why is there a bad aura in rooms? Subtle matters of previous apartment owners, as well as energy traces of death and disease, can influence here. Any space retains the negative message of evil people and energy vampires. It makes sense to clear the biofield of a home or office space after major scandals and conflicts.

Negative creatures in the aura

Among the evil entities that choose a weakened aura or a clot of negativity as their habitat, there is a classification.

The presence of such a formation in the biofield can be judged by the appearance of growths and tumors not only in the energy, but also in the physical body.

Any small entity attracts similar thought forms, which leads to the complete filling of the shell with negativity, a change in human behavior and the destruction of organs. It is noteworthy that these creatures have the custom of settling not only in people, but also in living quarters. Because of them, the atmosphere at home is sharply deteriorating, there is a bad aura in the office, accidents at work occur.

The main alien energy-information structures from the subtle world are:

  • Lying spirit- an entity that leads to severe depression and is dangerous due to the appearance of false thoughts and emotions. Often clings to the aura of those who associate with risk-averse people. These are, for example, drug addicts, avid casino players, betting lovers.
  • Lucifer- education of the other world of unearthly origin. Most often it appears in the biofield on a full moon or new moon. Signs of the essence - fits of rage, intense lust, thirst for argument, violence and sex. These vibrations can pass themselves off as another formation, a false entity. To get rid of a being, one must repent of sins from past lives.
  • Archimania- structures of greed and power. For the owner of such an entity, the level of spiritual values ​​falls due to the desire for material wealth.
  • UFO- the energy structure of obsession, arising in the biofield at the time of a dream about traveling in a spaceship. The carriers of this education have strange marks on the body, scars and wounds. You can get rid of the essence only in 75-80 sessions of aura purification.
  • Anti-religious entity- an alien structure that interferes with attending confessional rites. At the same time, a person has in his head the most incredible reasons why he cannot go to church or communicate with a clergyman.
  • Nerve blocker- an energetic essence that enhances the consequences of any stressful situation. A person's neck or back begins to hurt, migraines and a persistent tic of the face are also observed. If an individual has suffered a deep personal tragedy, the "Grief" program can join him.
  • Self-programming- This is an entity that is formed by itself, without guidance from external influences. Usually this structure is attracted by a constant stream of thought of the negative type. These can be worries about financial difficulties, problems in personal life, etc. According to the criterion of the mechanism of formation, there is also an alien structure, deliberately created by other people and settled in the biofield by a magic ritual. At the same time, it is necessary to separately highlight those entities that come from sorcerers or witches.
  • Fire or air structure- the destructive energy of a person caused by frequent contacts with the elements of fire or air. Usually found in heavy smokers. The entity attacks on a full moon and is especially attracted to the injured thin shell. The main signs are overexcitement and angry attacks.
  • Leech- an alien neoplasm attracted by low vibrational emissions of a person's thoughts. Usually they penetrate because of the eternal striving to be rich and successful, because the personality slows down in spiritual development.
  • Cancer earth sign- It is an external entity caused by gluttony and abundant sexual contact. It attacks on the full moon those who do not know the measures for life, and leads to emotional imbalance, a sense of fear and physical weakness. If this structure overpowers the aura, the person will be pale, or their skin will become earthy. Vibrations of this type tend to provoke cancer.
  • Reptile- energy education, generated by bad thoughts, vile desires. Causes depression, agitation, tearfulness, sleep disturbances, aggression, suicidal thoughts. The most common type of such a creature is a larva, which seeks to strengthen in a person his bad habits, for example, megalomania.
    Larvae in the heart cause jealousy and envy, and larvae from the right side are attracted from the so-called 13th brown world, and they are considered the most dangerous due to the development of incomprehensible diseases in the human body.

Under the ceiling in the room, there are small flyers and films that rarely communicate with the individual, but feed on the energy of his affairs. Energy seals can be found in any remote space without direct sunlight and the possibility of ventilation. They hide at a height of 2-3 meters.

Some flyers get into the openings of the apartment during renovations. From the point of view of real harm, the most dangerous in the room seem to be striped energy creatures without a head, which are sources of infectious diseases.

Negative energies affecting a person

In some cases, the aura is strongly deformed and energy begins to flow away when a conscious magical effect has been exerted on the personality's biofield. Also, energetic entities from the other world can adhere to a weakened thin shell. The negative information that people pass on to each other can be divided into several types:

Evil eye

The procedure for filling the astral body of the aura with negative information from the outside. At the same time, the new energy has an emotional coloring, as a rule, destructive. The evil eye disrupts the work of the astral layer, while blocking the etheric body.

Such exposure is especially dangerous for young children who do not know how to defend themselves.

As a result, they develop stomach infections and skin diseases. As for adults, they have the unpleasant effects of the evil eye after a few months. These are unfounded fears, insecurity, nightmares, pain in the heart and lower back.


This is a negative informational and energetic influence with the help of a special spell. Here the mental body receives a clot in the form of negative thought forms.

Damage can be caused by envy, but not a close relative. It is also done by sorcerers, psychics, witches.

Love spell or conspiracy

It is an energy flow that leads to various physical illnesses and mental disorders. These information flows are of no use if the cause of the problem is not corrected. Otherwise, a person simply becomes irritated or tired, he suffers from hysterics and persecution mania, shows aggressiveness, does not want to live.

Any potential diseases are driven even deeper into the vital processes of the organism.


The most destructive energy with a negative message. This form of influence affects the causal body - the most subtle matter responsible for karma. The curse is very powerful and vicious, because it wants to destroy a person by breaking his connection with cosmic forces. In this case, even the physical shell and the mental body are destroyed.

There is also a generic curse - hereditary information in the subconscious with a sharply negative attitude and emotional stress. As many as 7 generations can suffer from this energy, which will have hereditary diseases. The ancestral curse damages the True Self and the astral field.

Discharge of negative energy on a person

Disruption of energy as a result of accidental or deliberate human influence can always be felt not only at the initial stage, but also at the time of transmission of negative flows. In this case, the source of negativity does not necessarily have to contact the bearer of the aura directly. Therefore, it is so important to listen to your inner feelings and intuition cues.

It is worth noting that the transfer of negative energy is not always an end in itself, sometimes it is just a side effect of a one-way energy exchange.

In particular, energy vampires or people who have blocked channels for receiving life force due to corruption, tend to receive healthy energy from others. As a result, they automatically give them part of their deformed energy.

Either way, dumping bad clots is not a pleasant procedure and is best prevented beforehand.

How to determine that negative signals in the biofield are transmitting to you

The man is intrusive in conversation

He talks about his problems, requires pity and compassion. Sometimes, for the sake of attention, he can begin to behave defiantly or even aggressively. Wanting to dump his negativity, the individual cries into his vest, wants to get advice. A person wants to involve his future donor in difficulties and troubles.

A tedious monologue and complaints can pour in not only during personal meetings, but also over the phone. Sometimes people can chant or, conversely, whisper and hiss to appear threatening.

Detached critic

The opposite strategy also happens - this is the position of a detached critic. Usually such a person is at a distance from you, but then he starts to find fault, his calmness is disturbed by an emotional storm.

Some of these people tend to annoy their victim consciously, using those channels of influence to which the person will react more sensitively. For example, you can yell at the auditor, and make a remark about the visual to the visual.

Personal meeting

If the meeting is personal, when transmitting negativity, the person will certainly take a threatening pose. Direct visual contact is also a very important energetic bridge.

Such people like to slam doors, constantly touch their own clothes, especially if they are dressed provocatively to attract visuals.

Getting into skin-to-skin contact

An important part of dumping negative streams if the victim and the bearer of the negative are kinesthetics. A person can not only touch his hands, face, shoulders, but also step on his foot, push. Throwing objects towards the future donor is also likely.

If you are faced, for example, with a gypsy, then she can even pull out a hair from you or thrust any small object into her hands, and then take it back.

How to resist the transfer of negative energy and not become a donor of healthy vitality against your will? It is best not to listen to the person, interrupt the conversation, sit back and always be calm. Sometimes it makes sense to change your image so as not to attract the attention of energy vampires. It is also helpful to visualize imaginary mirror defenses around the body. During forced communication, you can mentally distance yourself from a dangerous interlocutor, going into the world of your fantasies.

If you yourself have a need to dump negative energy, do not direct it to a living object, better use the power of the elements. You can look at the flow of the river, dissolving thoughts in it, at the rain and the flame of a candle. It is useful to take salt baths, talk stones, burn chips in a fire, imagine funnels with negative going into the ground.

How does a heavy aura affect the interlocutor?

The carrier of a negative biofield drains everyone around him, even with fleeting and sweet communication. If the communication is long-term, then there is a feeling of melancholy, blues, depression, disbelief in oneself.

A feeling of loneliness, groundless aggression, thoughts of suicide may appear. At night, a person will be tormented by nightmares.

The worst thing about the influence of heavy energy is attracting all sorts of small failures and big troubles to the interlocutor. Therefore, many people immediately begin to feel at the moment of communication an inexplicable fear, anxiety, and the approach of danger.

On the physical level, the heavy energy of the interlocutor also makes itself felt. Usually, a person begins to feel a headache, strange pressure and tingling in different parts of the body. The chest becomes compressed, the heart aches. Sometimes you feel like a cold with a fever and sweat on your forehead. Asthmatic attacks, shortness of breath, and blood pressure surges often begin. Drowsiness, hiccups and yawning are the result of a sudden loss of strength due to the energy pressure of someone else's aura.

Negative energy in a person often becomes the cause of discomfort for himself and the people around him. Therefore, you should regularly diagnose your own aura for negative clots and try to look at the world with a positive outlook, sending only good intentions and thoughts to the world.