New Year's performances and Christmas trees are the best. New Year's performances and trees - the best The best New Year's performances for children

New Year's performances and Christmas trees for children in 2018-2019, like any annual meeting of the new year, are special family holidays, the most magical and most anticipated by both children and adults. The smell of tangerine and a festive Christmas tree in every home, films and fairy tales familiar from childhood on TV, Christmas decorations and handmade decorations, loved and remembered for many years. And for the little ones, the best gift for the New Year holidays has always been children's performances with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, matinees at schools for older children. That is why every year a huge number of unique, beautiful, fabulous holiday performances await us.

It is almost impossible to present a complete list of all the shows of this 2019. Regardless of whether you book a ticket for the annual Christmas tree for children in the Kremlin, or buy a ticket for one of the show programs, or you can visit several Christmas trees, matinees and holidays, it is better to start thinking about it in advance. After all, how much joy the bright ticket bought by parents for the New Year's magic tree always brought.

The poster of New Year's fairy-tale performances is becoming more diverse from year to year, it is only important to choose which of the Moscow Christmas trees, performance or performance you want to buy tickets for.

Every year, the New Year tree in the Crocus City Hall, in the Kremlin, the Olympiyskiy also causes a big stir.

Already now at the box office of the city there is an opportunity to order a ticket for a children's Christmas tree, performance, performance or show for the little ones. By ordering or buying a ticket for the 2018-2019 New Year trees in advance, you will save yourself from exhausting standing in lines on the eve of the holiday, choose tickets at the best prices for you and give your child a wonderful prelude to the long-awaited holiday.

New Year is a time of miracles, a time of fulfillment of innermost desires, a time of fairy tales for children and adults, and it is also tangerines, Christmas tree needles and beautiful New Year's tickets that you can spend hours looking at and dreaming about the upcoming holiday.

Traditionally, every parent considers it important buy a ticket for the Christmas tree, thereby give a holiday and a good mood to your child.
In the last weeks before the New Year, there is so much to do that your head is spinning, and Christmas tree tickets may be postponed to the last minute.

Are you planning to go to the Christmas tree with your child on New Year's Eve and already know exactly where you want to go? Then only buy tickets for the Christmas tree 2020. After all, the sooner you think about buying a ticket, the higher the chances of choosing exactly the version of the New Year's holiday for the child, which, perhaps, will be remembered for a lifetime.

I prepared in advance a list of all the New Year's performances that will be held in Moscow during the winter school holidays. Without leaving home, you can buy tickets for the Christmas tree, thereby saving time that can be spent on holidays with children.

Ordinary Christmas trees will surprise few people these days, but a creative event with a lot of sweets, interesting characters and an exciting interactive program will delight any child. Not so long ago, it was almost impossible to buy tickets for a New Year's performance.

Today the situation has changed radically. Grandiose show programs for children of all ages are arranged at concert venues, and tickets for Christmas trees in Moscow are available to everyone. By the way, many Christmas trees 2019-2020 are prepared in advance, and parents can save themselves from running around for a ticket for their baby, purchasing it back in the summer.

Just imagine - just a few years ago, no one could imagine that Christmas tree tickets free of charge will be purchased within six months. In the modern world, this is nothing special - creative teams invite young viewers to their New Year's performances in advance.

New Year trees 2019-2020 in Moscow

What interesting things are the organizers of the show preparing for children? Every year the number of events for children during the New Year holidays is growing. Modern children can get to the New Year's performance in Moscow, where amazing entertainment opens up before them. Moscow Christmas trees are distinguished by many choreographic, musical numbers, characters from fairy tales, trained animals perform before the audience. A Christmas tree in Moscow is a must-have for high-quality light, sound, and scenery.

Consider the preferences and interests of the children. Based on this, you may want to buy a ticket for the Christmas tree in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, or maybe for a New Year's performance in the circus. Christmas trees in Crocus City are also very popular. Undoubtedly Kremlin tree 2020- the central event for the winter holidays, but the Christmas tree in Luzhniki is equally popular as the Christmas tree in the Kremlin. The New Year's performance at the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, the New Year's Tree in the City Hall, the New Year's tree in the Column Hall of the House of the Unions, the New Year's tree in the Olympic, the New Year's show in the Moskvarium occupy a leading place in the ranking of events for the New Year.

And children literally fall in love with the characters of their favorite cartoons. On Christmas trees you can meet many fairy-tale characters. Christmas trees in Moscow have long been a meeting place for kids not only with Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the Snowman. Many modern heroes come to visit children. New Year's show Peppa Pig, the My Little Pony show, the Fixiki show, the Luntik New Year tree, the Barboskina New Year performance, the Disney Christmas tree will bring together thousands of Moscow children and parents to celebrate the New Year together.

An excellent addition to this are unique scenery, interesting competitions, non-standard entertainment, laser and light shows, soap bubble shows, a Christmas tree on ice, performances by famous artists, participation of trained pets (Christmas tree in a circus), karaoke and dancing, a Christmas tree on the water. The child will be delighted with the rich programs that the New Year tree in Moscow will provide. Just choose what you and your baby like, book and redeem tickets at a convenient time for you.

Why is it best to buy tickets for Moscow Christmas trees on the Internet?
First of all, it is very convenient for both parents and children themselves. By purchasing a ticket online, you already have an idea of ​​the event you are planning to attend. You buy tickets for the Christmas tree at no extra charge. They are also available in the open market.

The Best Christmas Trees for Kids in 2020.

Every holiday for a child is magic. Children are waiting for special gifts for the holidays that they will remember for a long time. Maybe your child already has everything. And you don't know what gift to give him. Choosing a present can take you a lot of time and effort. So let this gift be a ticket for the New Year tree 2020.

New Year's shows 2020 won't disappoint anyone. Do not be afraid to please your child with such simple things, even if he has already visited a similar event last year. The New Year's playbill for children presents many interesting and non-standard performances that will be held in Moscow on the eve of the new year 2020. You just have to choose where to go with your children during the New Year holidays in Moscow. The best Christmas trees in Moscow 2019-2020 are waiting for everyone without exception.

Order tickets for Christmas trees 2020

For example, to buy tickets for the Christmas tree in the Kremlin 2020 it is enough to find it among other events, which is presented by the Poster for the New Year for children, get acquainted with the information and press the red button. This step is both quick and convenient. In addition to the description of the event itself and photos for it, you can easily select the desired date, time, decide on the landing place and find out all the additional information.

Buying tickets for New Year's performances in advance, often allows you to get an impressive discount. You can also buy tickets for the New Year's performance 2019-2020 at a convenient time for you, even at night. You can also buy a ticket for a Christmas tree for a child at a convenient time. And if you have no time, then the customer service will deliver it to you at the specified address. And online you buy tickets for the Christmas tree at no extra charge.

Almost all parents want their child to see something special, fabulous and memorable in the New Year. It is no coincidence that many spectacular performances take place in the capital. Let's find out what New Year's performances for children 2017-2018 (Moscow) will take place during the winter holidays.

What will be the children's performances for the New Year in Moscow

In fact, the theater playbill of Moscow on New Year's holidays is full of new performances - these are:

  • all kinds of Christmas trees, which are organized by various organizations;
  • thematic performances organized by theaters, studios and other creative groups;
  • concerts organized by cultural figures;
  • entertainment programs sponsored by various patrons and foundations;
  • performances of circus artists of the country and much more.

All these activities are carefully thought out and created especially for kids. They are interesting for both the smallest and schoolchildren, as their creators are real professionals in their field. Judging by last year's reviews, parents are very pleased with the performances for children that are held in Moscow. They are not only interesting, but also instructive. Many of them are not only fascinating, but also broaden the horizons of kids, teach them to be kinder and more attentive. An important advantage of these events is that they are available to all categories of citizens. There is also a favorable system of discounts and benefits. Let's hope that next year's performances will meet the same criteria and once again delight our children.

Where to go with children

On the eve of the New Year, parents literally run up their eyes where to lead their child. It should be noted that among children's events there are those that are held completely free of charge. A child can visit them at least every day and get a lot of impressions from various competitions, games, master classes. We decided to talk about the most interesting performances for the New Year in Moscow in 2017-2018. They take place at the most famous venues in the capital and are distinguished by their scale and excellent organization.

Kremlin Christmas tree

This is the top children's event, which takes place every year in the capital of our country. It is visited by thousands of spectators who come specially to the capital to surprise their children. In addition to the Kremlin Christmas tree, which takes place in the Kremlin Palace, the child can be introduced to the heart of the capital - the Moscow Kremlin, visit Red Square and numerous historical monuments.

The performance in the Kremlin really deserves attention, as it is created by the best screenwriters of the capital. Every year a completely new performance is made, which impresses with its scale and brilliance. The plot of the play deserves the same praise. It literally captures the attention of the kids from the very first minutes. It is worth noting that the organizers focused on the interactivity of the performance and now children's viewers can not only worry about the fate of the characters, but also participate in the performance on an equal basis with the actors. Sometimes the development of events on the stage depends on their tips, which additionally captivates children. Before the performance, you can also spend time with benefit. Take pictures with cartoon characters, dance with Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, take part in games and entertainment. Time of the event: 12/25/17 - 01/08/18. Tickets will be on sale at the box office in Moscow from December 2017.

Performance at Crocus City Hall

The children's Christmas tree in this famous concert hall is also very popular with Muscovites. All performances are based on popular animated films. In 2017, children watched the adventures of their favorite characters from the cartoon The Fixies. The plot of the performance was built in such a way that the children could watch Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and Masha and the Bear, and the Fixies, and many others whom they fell in love with and are always looking forward to. The organizers come up with something new for the kids every year, so it makes sense to come an hour before the performance and enjoy the unique atmosphere of the holiday. In addition, here you can visit the amusement park, which operates independently of the performances in Crocus. Performances begin on 12/19/17 and end on 01/09/18. Ticket prices start from 1.5 thousand rubles.

Children's holiday in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

This event is no less popular with kids and parents, as they bring up kindness and understanding in children. The organizers of the holiday do not aim to make true Christians out of children. They simply acquaint children with how Christmas originated and why this holiday is so popular in our country. This is done unobtrusively and with great talent. Well-known actors are invited to the performance, money is not spared for good equipment and scenery. It should be noted that the hall where the performances are held, as if specially created for children. It has excellent acoustics and excellent view of the stage. Performances are held from 12/29/17 to 01/08/18. The ticket price ranges from 1.5 to 5 thousand rubles.

New Year's performance in Luzhniki

The real sensation of last year's New Year's show for children "Battle with the Troll" is still on the lips of many theater critics. The performance was so captivating that many Muscovites attended it. They could not only observe the action on the stage, but also directly influence the development of events. It will be very good if Luzhniki meet the expectations of its fans this year as well. Performances will be held from 12/29/17 to 01/08/18. The ticket price starts from 500 rubles.

What else not to miss

Christmas tree in City Hall

This respected organization has been holding holidays for children for the New Year for more than a year. All of them differ in scale and entertainment. Attentive attitude towards children is shown in everything. Starting from buses that bring kids directly to the Concert Hall on Novy Arbat to security. The tickets do not indicate seats, and special staff first seat the smallest spectators, and then those. who is older. Children are treated like honored guests. If the child came by himself and was a little confused, then he will always be helped to put on a carnival costume and taken to the hall, where another holiday with entertainment, games and round dances takes place before the performance. It should be noted that all viewers are immediately divided into age groups, since a separate animation program is held for each age. The main performance is also commendable. From year to year, a completely new performance is being prepared that does not make anyone bored in the hall. Performances will take place from 01/02/18 to 01/10/18.

Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center Famous circus artists from many countries of the world will perform at the New Year's performance. Children will see exotic animals: zebras, camels, llamas, hippos, etc.
Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue Acrobats, animal trainers, clowns and magicians will entertain children at this circus playground.
Moscow Conservatory Classical music and the best works for children will meet in the New Year tree at the Conservatory. Everyone who comes to this only Academic Christmas tree will learn better about the boy Nils, about his journey with a flock of geese and much more.
Moscow planetarium Here the kids will travel with Santa Claus to distant planets. They will also get to know humanoids and learn how they live.
Moskvarium Here you can watch a real 3D fairy tale and visit the Workshop of Miracles, where children will be taught the most useful things.

Are you planning to visit New Year's cultural and entertainment events in Moscow? Be sure to go to children's Christmas trees, festive performances, performances, shows and concerts. You can buy tickets for New Year's performances in ours or online, on the website. The poster for the New Year 2020 has a lot of exciting events for children and adults: Christmas trees, puppet shows and performances with famous artists, ice shows, children's discos, major concerts and festivals at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, the Kremlin Palace, Crocus City Hall and other venues in Moscow.

Every child and every adult dreams that December will bring a real holiday. Not only the New Year can turn out to be wonderful, but also any day off, because during this period Moscow turns into the center of festive events. The program of events and performances is so diverse that everyone can find a concert, show or performance to their liking. The repertoire of Moscow theatres, cinemas, concert venues is changing on purpose so that everyone can feel the festive atmosphere.

Children's performances and entertainment in Moscow

Toddlers are especially reverent about the New Year holidays. Christmas tree, gifts, Santa Claus - all this children are looking forward to. Here you will find dozens of activities that you can visit with children during the Christmas period:

  • New Year's shows;
  • performances;
  • circus performances;
  • movie tree;
  • musical;
  • story.

All these events are dedicated to winter miracles that happen to everyone who believes in them. Crocus City Hall invites children and parents to search for Santa Claus. At a magical theatrical performance, each kid will be able to receive a gift and congratulations, see a unique show with the participation of their favorite cartoon characters. You can also have fun in the amusement park - a real Christmas tree, festive costumes, dances and competitions will not leave anyone indifferent.

Mosfilm invites viewers to a film festival - a performance of magical Christmas tree decorations. An additional reason for the celebration was the 95th anniversary of the film studio, so there will be enough miracles, gifts and good mood at this party for everyone. Impressive special effects, heroes who overcome overwhelming difficulties, a New Year's installation and festive photo zones - all this can interest both a child and an adult.

Choosing a show to visit with a child is not easy, because the choice is very large. The magical world in 2020 will be shown to children, among other things, by the stars of Russian show business, sports, pop music. Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya prepared a festive ice show based on the ballet "Swan Lake". Ballet is combined with figure skating - and in the arena we see an exclusive show that uses new technologies. Visual effects are designed to attract the attention of young viewers and turn the evening into a fairy tale. Adults will be able to appreciate the skill of the artists and live accompaniment.

The Zapashny brothers invite spectators to the circus for their new New Year's show. This is a mystical story that comes to life thanks to realistic scenery, beautiful costumes and the talent of the artists themselves. Visitors will find real magic, backed up by pyrotechnic, laser and light effects. Tickets for this and other performances can be purchased at our box office or online. The price depends on the hall and the place you choose.

Events for the New Year in Moscow 2020

On New Year's Eve and Christmas, adult viewers also have a large selection of events. Festive festivities take place near the Kremlin, and New Year's Eve can be spent near the country's main Christmas tree. However, it is worth visiting the New Year's shows prepared by Russian artists. Among them:

  • musical on ice
  • New Year's concert;
  • ballet and acrobatic show;
  • humorous show;
  • hits of the 80s and 90s.

Tatyana Navka plays the main role in the musical "The Scarlet Flower", in which famous world-class figure skaters participate. They will tell a story of love and beauty, using not only their own talents, but also special effects, scenery and music. The shooting of the New Year's concert with the participation of all chanson stars will take place in the Kremlin Palace. Well-known performers promise to immerse the audience in a real fairy tale and give the New Year mood. The best songs of the chanson genre will be performed from the stage of the main concert hall in Moscow.

Channel One invites you to shoot a New Year's concert. Stars of Russian pop music will gather at the indoor stadium. In one show you can see more than 40 artists, hear hits from different generations. Surprises, gifts and smiles await the audience, who will see not only the stage, but also backstage. On you will find tickets for a humorous concert, in which the main stars of humor and satire take part - the artists of the Petrosyan Show and the Crooked Mirror. They can also be seen at the New Year's Festival of Humor, which will be held in the Kremlin.

You will find different interpretations and performances of The Nutcracker and other classic New Year's tales. Well-known stories take on new colors and are revealed from an unexpected angle. Christmas events for adults are distinguished by the fact that they all remind of the triumph of kindness, beauty, and love. Solo concerts of singers and comedians dedicated to the New Year 2020 are also dedicated to miracles.

A show of doubles and parodies awaits residents and guests of Moscow on the last day of the year. Famous singers and actors will appear as world-famous stars and demonstrate their artistic talents on the stage of the Cinema House. New Year's Eve can also be spent at a concert of the Russian National Orchestra, which will perform in the Zaryadye Concert Hall. You can also get to the New Year's ball in the Kremlin Palace and spend the holiday in dance, enjoy beautiful outfits and feel like the hero of a fairy tale.

Tickets for New Year's performances

Events for every taste will be held in New Year's Eve Moscow, and everyone will be able to choose an option for themselves. Thousands of spectators have already made their choice and bought tickets for concerts, musicals and shows. Tickets for festive events can be a great gift for family, friends and relatives. Everyone wants to touch the miracle, and to do this is not as difficult as it seems.

In the company of famous artists, talented musicians, dancers and figure skaters, you will get a lot of positive emotions. New Year's shows give energy for the whole year, so neither adults nor children can do without these magical events. Make your New Year wishes come true and give a holiday to your loved ones right now with!