The temperature regime of the air conditioner for the child. Do you need air conditioning in the children's room? How not to catch a cold while in an air-conditioned room

The air conditioner can be used in the room where your baby is, but you need to do this, following some rules.

The temperature regime of the children's room

The system of thermoregulation of the body in newborn babies has not yet been established. Therefore, do not forget that if you feel that you are hot, the baby is even hotter at this time.

Remember that for an infant, overheating is a more dangerous factor than hypothermia.

But it's best to avoid both.

The optimal temperature for an infant in the room is 22-24 degrees.

Can the air conditioner be turned on when there is a child in the room?

You can turn on the air conditioner in the presence of a child, but only on the condition that you follow all the necessary rules and precautions.

Rules for using the air conditioner in the children's room

First of all, do not set the temperature too low. As already mentioned, in the nursery there should be 22-24 degrees of heat.

In addition, remember that strong differences between the temperature of the external environment and the room are dangerous. The difference between the temperature in the street and in the room should not exceed seven degrees.

Therefore, if you are going to go out for a walk with the baby, you need to turn off the air conditioner for a while to avoid temperature drops both when you leave the apartment and when you return home from the street.

Never place a baby cot or play area directly under the air conditioner: the cooled air must not be directed directly at the baby.

The minimum distance between the air conditioner and the child is two meters.

Clean your air conditioner filters regularly to keep your little one from breathing in dust. Also be sure to carry out wet cleaning in the nursery.

In addition, periodically ventilate the children's room.

How to replace the air conditioner?

Nowadays, there are various ventilation systems that can be installed in individual apartments. They have both their advantages and disadvantages.

On the features of the functioning of ventilation systems in the apartment, it is better to consult with the masters who are directly involved in the installation of such devices.

Air conditioners save from heat by maintaining a certain microclimate in the rooms. Children react to temperature differently than adults, because they have an imperfect thermoregulation system. The heat is a burden to them and low temperatures are unpleasant. Often air conditioners for children are the cause of colds, poor health. Problems can be avoided if you choose the right climate device and set it up correctly.

Do you need air conditioning in the children's room

According to most pediatricians, air conditioning for newborns and young children is necessary for several reasons:

  • in a cool room, kids tolerate the summer heat more easily;
  • a properly selected air conditioner with cleaning and ionization functions creates conditions under which the air is saturated with negatively charged ions, as after a thunderstorm;
  • modern filtration system destroys viruses, microbes and allergens.

However, do not exaggerate the great benefits of air conditioning units. Not all children tolerate temperature differences and air movement well.

Make sure that the air from the air conditioner does not blow directly on the child.

Any deviations from the normal well-being of the baby is the fault of the parents:

  • did not keep track of temperature changes inside the room;
  • did not keep track of the direction of the air flow emanating from the air conditioner;
  • filters were not cleaned on time, which often leads to respiratory diseases.

If, nevertheless, a decision is made to install an air conditioner in the children's room, two requirements must be added to the above warnings and SanPiN standards:

  1. The distance from the air conditioner to the crib should not be less than 2 m.
  2. The temperature difference in the street and in the children's room should be within 6-7 °.

According to the reviews of parents of infants and older babies, not everyone decided to install an air conditioner. Many felt that for newborns, the temperature would be optimal, even slightly exceeding the thirty-degree barrier.

You can install air conditioning in the next room, and keep the door to the nursery open. For older children, air conditioning in the room is a must, especially if two or more children live in the room. Children in poor health should sleep in their pajamas when the air conditioner is on.

In many kindergartens, air conditioners are turned on only by agreement with doctors and parents. The desired mode is set depending on whether children are playing or sleeping. This is monitored by educators and nannies.

Rules for choosing climate equipment for a children's room

The main parameter for choosing an air conditioner is its power depending on the volume of the room to be cooled. The table shows the optimal ratios of the two values, taking into account ceilings in the range of 2.7-3 m.

It is necessary to take into account the complete set of the air conditioner, the presence of functions that will bring the air in the children's room to sanitary standards. Typically, filters in standard air conditioners are removed and cleaned by hand. The self-cleaning function does not require independent cleaning activities. The device does everything by itself when it is turned off. It turns on for heating and dries the internal parts of the unit when the blinds are closed.

Other useful features:

  1. Humidifier. The model does not discharge the condensate formed in the external unit of the split system. Water enters the indoor unit, where it is evenly distributed in front of the fan, driving moisture into the room.
  2. Night mode. With it, the fan speed is reduced, which reduces the strength of the air flow, plus the noise from the operating device is reduced.

If the task is to purchase an economical version of climate technology, give preference to inverter models. With their help, you can save up to 40% of the electricity consumed.

How to set up the air conditioner

Climatic equipment in the children's room should be installed under the ceiling, the higher the better. Adjust the temperature regime according to the age of the children. For example, a baby requires an exact temperature in the room, which should not exceed + 25C. This temperature must be maintained if the room is intended for children under 5 years old. In summer, in the heat, it is optimally + 24C during the day, + 25C at night.

The second setting criterion is the direction of the air flow. It is necessary to adjust the blades so that cold air does not enter the area where the child plays and sleeps. In this case, the fan speed must be taken into account. In the children's room, you should not set the "turbo" mode, the best option is "mini". If there is a need to cool the room quickly, use "turbo", but at this time the child must be in another room.

Rules for the use of technology

Filters should be cleaned every two weeks

The child moves intensively, which means that he breathes intensively, which reduces the amount of oxygen in a confined space. It is recommended to periodically ventilate the room or leave the windows open in the ventilation mode. This will not affect the operation of the air conditioner. In any case, you should leave the window open during sleep.

Even the self-cleaning mode cannot completely clean the filter surface from dust accumulated on it, which eventually turns into dirt. It is recommended to remove the filters and clean them with soapy water at least twice a month. Before installation, they must be dried well.

Do I need air conditioning in the children's room - parents and doctors, teachers and psychologists argue about this. The main argument of opponents of installing this device in a nursery is the risk of colds in a child. About whether it is worth introducing the child to the air conditioner or not, and will be discussed in this publication.

Child and air conditioner

A comfortable microclimate is very important for a person, and especially for a small and growing organism. The mechanisms of thermoregulation in a small child are imperfect, therefore, overheating of the child's body is the main cause of many serious diseases. Most pediatricians unanimously repeat: “If parents feel that the apartment is hot and you need to turn on the air conditioner, then the child is very hot and he simply needs to lower the air temperature.”

If you figure it out, then a modern split system in a children's room can be an excellent helper for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and allergic manifestations. In the air of any room there is dust, viruses and microorganisms, the smallest particles of fibers, plant pollen and fungal spores. Modern air conditioners are equipped with multi-stage air mixture cleaning systems, so they will perfectly cope with the removal of up to 99% of contaminants from the air. Under the conditions of competent operation of a modern split system, an active child does not overheat and is not exposed to temperature changes, which is why many doctors recommend installing air conditioners in kindergartens and other preschool institutions.

Now that the benefits of climate technology in the children's room are clear and understandable, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that a child needs to get acquainted with a good air conditioner, and the sooner it happens, the better for his health.

Rules for the operation of climate equipment in rooms with children

Children's colds from climate technology are a fairly common occurrence, but not from the presence of the device in the room, but from its improper use. In fact, there are only two impossible:

  1. Do not direct the air stream from the device to the bed of your child. A sharp temperature drop can lead to vasospasm and hypothermia.
  2. Do not leave the device unattended. Accumulated dust and bacteria in the filter elements can harm a fragile child's body.

Modern climate systems can cool a nursery very quickly by creating strong airflow. The mode of operation of the split system in the nursery should be gentle, aimed at maintaining the optimum temperature for the child. It is necessary to reduce the temperature in the room gradually, no more than 2 ° C per hour.

If the air temperature in the apartment approaches 30 ° C, and you decide that 22 ° C will be optimal for your child, then do not immediately set the desired temperature indicator. You need to understand that in order to quickly reduce the air temperature in the room to the desired one, the climate device will create an air flow with a temperature of 18 ° C, which can adversely affect the health of the baby.

A few words about air humidity. Everyone knows that air conditioning dries the air. If the humidity level of the air mixture is below 40%, it will become dangerous for the health of the child. To create a comfortable microclimate in the children's room, you need to purchase an air conditioner with humidification and air purification. If such a device is beyond your budget, then, together with the operation of a split system, you need to use air washers that will effectively clean and humidify the air in the children's room.

In addition to temperature and humidity characteristics, for any person (especially for a small one), an important factor in proper development is proper air exchange. But how to ensure it, if the air conditioner is effective only in enclosed spaces? To date, almost all developers of climate technology have created a line of air conditioners with air admixture. In other words, it is a device that works not only in recirculation mode. Through the air duct, the device can supply fresh, purified outdoor air of the required temperature to the baby's room.

If the model you have chosen is not equipped with such a function, do not forget to ventilate the room by periodically opening a window or window in the children's room.

Basic selection rules

When choosing climate technology for a children's room, you should use the principle - all the best for children. There are several types of air conditioners: window, floor and split system. Structurally, the first two types of devices are monoblocks, which are very dependent on location. Split is a device that consists of an indoor and outdoor unit. The location of the indoor module in the room is limited by the length of the freon line and drainage pipeline, so this type of air conditioner would be preferable for a child's room.

Now, a few words about the technical features of the device and the necessary functionality.

  • First of all, it is necessary that the air conditioner can work not only for cooling, but also for heating.
  • The climatic device must clearly keep the set temperature in the automatic mode of operation without allowing it to fluctuate.
  • The device must be equipped with a high-quality multi-stage air purification system. If necessary, pay attention to models with a dehumidifier or humidifier.
  • The split system must be equipped with the function of adjusting the direction of the air flow.
  • The night mode will allow you to smoothly increase (in case of cooling operation) or decrease (in case of heating operation) the air temperature by 2°С within an hour.

Do not forget about the noise level. Modern inverter air conditioners, from Mitsubishi Electric, create a noise level of 18 to 26 dB, which is excellent performance, ideal for children's rooms.

Rules for installing split systems in children's rooms

Before installing climate technology in a room with a child, everything must be carefully considered and planned.

  1. The indoor unit of the split system must not be placed above or in front of a baby cot.
  2. The air flow should not fall directly on the baby's bed, his play area or desk.
  3. The location of the indoor unit of the device should be inaccessible to the child, at the same time easily accessible for preventive measures.

If the indoor unit of the split system is structurally unable to create a horizontal air flow, then use a protective screen.

Do not save on the installation of climate equipment in the children's room: contact the professionals. Only in the case of the correct choice of the device and its competent installation, the split system will work without breakdowns and failures, which is extremely important in a nursery.

Air conditioning is one of the achievements of our time. In the heat, there is nothing more pleasant than a cool breath of breeze, even if it is artificial. However, do not forget about the danger - if you do not follow the rules for using this device, it will end with a cold. Many parents, worried about the health of their children, want to know if it is possible to install air conditioning in the nursery, and if not, then why.

History and reasons for the ban on air conditioning in the nursery

People have long been warned that in a children's room, and even in an apartment with small children, it is absolutely impossible to install air conditioning. “Freezing a child under freon - what are you talking about!” - for more than a decade, caring parents, grandmothers and everyone who cares about children's health have been exclaiming. Where did it come from?

  • Freon was used in the very first air conditioners.
  • Previously, it was impossible or difficult to adjust the curtains of the device and the intensity of the fan.
  • Everyone knows that even an adult can catch a cold under an ordinary fan, let alone a child under an air conditioner.
  • When the device is operating, the windows must be closed, it turns out that the air “chases” around the room is the same, but there is no fresh air inflow. children need fresh air.
  • The circulating air can contain a huge amount of dust, fungi, viruses and bacteria, because there is simply no air purification system in inexpensive air conditioners or it is “for show”. The nets, which can be removed and washed as often as you like, hold only large dust. If there are filters in the air conditioner, then most owners do not comply with the mandatory requirement for cleaning and replacing them.

Today, air conditioners are in almost every home, and many of the disadvantages described are a thing of the past.

  • Modern air conditioners have a filtration system, clear instructions for cleaning, washing and charging filters.
  • Most models have a self-cleaning mode that removes condensate from the device so that pathogenic microbes cannot multiply in it.
  • Toxic refrigerants have been replaced by much safer ones.
  • Users can customize the operation of the device for a whole set of parameters.
  • The rules for using air conditioners are already familiar, for example, we all know that periodic airing of a room is a mandatory item in life with an air conditioner.

Modern high-quality air conditioners do not pose a danger to human health

Rules for using air conditioning in a child's room

Most doctors agree that it is not only possible, but necessary, to use air conditioning in a child's room. And in order to minimize the risk of air conditioning danger for a small child, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  1. When setting the temperature, remember that it should be less than the street temperature by no more than 5-7 degrees. An exception is the situation when the air temperature outside is over 30–35 degrees: in this case, it is recommended to set the air conditioner to 25 degrees, but not less, otherwise it will end with a cold.

    General rule: the temperature in the nursery is set 5-7 degrees lower than outside the window

  2. At night, the temperature must be increased by 1-2 degrees: during sleep, the human body saves heat.
  3. Do not forget at the beginning of the season and then at least once every 2 weeks to clean the filters of the air conditioner: the accumulated dust contains a lot of harmful substances and allergens. In addition, excessive load caused by pollution will shorten the life of the air conditioner. Modern models can be equipped with different filters - mesh, deodorizing, plasma, antibacterial, photocatalytic zeolite, enzyme, kahetin and even wasabi ... The frequency and method of cleaning the air conditioner will depend on the model chosen.. The simplest air conditioner model is with a mesh filter. It should be washed once a week with warm water.

    Mesh filters are cleaned with warm soapy water once a week

  4. Another important point is the removal of condensate from the air conditioner. Modern models have an automatic condensate removal function: it flows into a special tray, then enters the hot zone and evaporates.
  5. It is necessary to control not only the air temperature in the room, but also the level of humidity. Excessively dry air must be humidified, otherwise the water will begin to evaporate from the skin, hair, mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, etc. Normal humidity values ​​\u200b\u200bare between 40 and 60%.
  6. It is best to give preference to the model with the lowest noise level, otherwise the child will not be able to fall asleep.
  7. No less important is such a parameter as power. It must be selected based on the footage of the nursery. There are special online programs that will help you calculate the required power.
  8. It is recommended to adjust the device so that the baby's crib and play area are not exposed to direct airflow. A good place to sleep would be, for example, the area directly under the air conditioner. And in order to secure the playing area, it is best to install the split system blinds horizontally, directing the air flow to the ceiling.

    An organza canopy or a denser canopy will help further protect the baby's bed from drafts.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

It is definitely possible and necessary. The main thing is that the crib does not stand in the air flow, and as soon as you turn on the air conditioner, control the humidity in the room where the child is.

Dr. Komarovsky allows air conditioning in the child's room

The younger the child, the easier it will be for him to adapt to life in air-conditioned air, according to the pediatrician. But later, most likely, the child will have to constantly deal with air conditioners in the room.

Even newborns are not contraindicated in air-conditioned air

According to Yevgeny Olegovich, if you bring a child to an apartment where the air temperature is + 24 and ideal cleanliness, he will feel great, but if the conditions change, his well-being will also change. If a child from infancy is forced to live in conditions where it is cold in one room and hot in another, then he willy-nilly have to learn to adapt to them. “If a person has never seen an air conditioner, he came from the street, where it is 30 degrees, into a room where it is 18, then his vessels did not have time to adapt, and naturally, the person will get sick,” emphasizes Komarovsky.

Children get used to, adapt to the situation when it is hot outside and cool in the room.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky on whether air conditioning is harmful to a child

Thus, the attitude of doctors to the installation of an air conditioner in a children's room can be safely called positive - of course, subject to the rules for operating the device described above.

If there is a baby in the house, the choice of air conditioning should be taken with special responsibility. The body of a child has a weaker immune system than the body of an adult, and therefore the risk of catching a cold from an air conditioner in a baby is higher. It is also important to look at the quality of air purification, noise level and, of course, safety. Let us consider in more detail what functions and characteristics matter when choosing an air conditioner for a family with children.

Power comes first

Regardless of for what purposes and under what conditions you are going to purchase an air conditioner, first of all, it is important to determine its power. Our calculator will help you with this. The calculation is made in kilowatts and BTU. In terms of 1 BTU is approximately 0.2931 W

The lineup

*BTU (BTU) - British Thermal Unit. 1000 BTU/hour = 293 W.

On the floor or on the wall?

Both floor air conditioners and wall split systems have their own advantages and disadvantages for babies. First of all, a wall-mounted air conditioner for an apartment is safe to place in the room of a toddler who can already walk - which cannot be said about a floor-standing air conditioner. An inquisitive baby may be interested in the type of air conditioner and the buttons located on it, inadvertently damaging it or causing harm to themselves. The wall system in this respect gives more peace of mind. But the floor lamp has another advantage - it captures dust better. Due to the fact that the mobile phone is located on the floor, it captures more dust at a distance of up to 1.5 meters from the floor - this is especially important for babies - because they just breathe air located low from the floor.

We temper, but we do not catch a cold

It is known that hardening a child has a positive effect on his health, helps to develop good immunity. It is very important to strike a balance here - not to overcool the baby, at the same time not keeping him in an atmosphere of increased heat. Ideal in this respect will be ( , ).

In an inverter air conditioner, the power is regulated smoothly - such an air conditioner does not lead to drafts and sudden changes in temperature. Turn it on to the optimum temperature - and be calm for the health of the little one! In addition, inverter air conditioners consume 30% less electricity than conventional models.

And in branded air conditioners BORK ( , ), the Coanda effect is used to prevent drafts: the cooled air seems to “stick to the ceiling”, gently spreading throughout the room.

If you are going to use the air conditioner not only for cooling but also for heating, please refer to ( , ).

When heating is turned on in a conventional air conditioner, a stream of cold air initially enters the air and only then, after the heat exchanger has warmed up, warm air. Such a temperature difference for an adult is perceived normally, but for a child it can be dangerous. In air conditioners with a warm start function, the air is preheated and only then enters the room.

We protect against bacteria!

To protect your baby from exposure to bacteria, viruses and allergens, of course, it is best to install a professional air purifier. However, many modern air conditioners are able to take on the functions of an air cleaner, and sometimes even replace it. First of all, any air conditioner has coarse filters - they remove dust and large contaminants from the air. And for finer cleaning, choose an air conditioner for an apartment with fine filters.

As already mentioned, floor air conditioners with filters protect against dust located at a low height better than wall-mounted split systems. A wall-mounted air conditioner for an apartment with filters has other advantages - it better captures the smallest allergens, produces a more “fine” air purification.

An air conditioner for an apartment can have different types of filters. Basically, ( ) and deodorizing filters () are used. The former, as the name implies, destroy bacteria, while preventing their spread and development, and the latter eliminate odors.

Air conditioners with antibacterial plasma filters (,) are very popular. Already after 10 minutes of operation, an air conditioner for an apartment with a plasma filter eliminates most of the smallest contaminants, bacteria and viruses, and after half an hour it completely cleans the room. Moreover, the cleaning efficiency of the plasma filter reaches 95%. The cleaning efficiency of air conditioners with filters with nanoparticles is even higher - they eliminate 99% of bacteria, viruses, mold spores - both in the air and on various surfaces.

() is a profitable solution for those who do not want unnecessary trouble, but want clean air.

Unlike others, such filters do not accumulate pollution, but decompose them into harmless elements. Moreover, the fight is being carried out with pollution of various types: bacteria, viruses, harmful chemical compounds and others.

Air conditioners with multi-stage filtration system (