What does a Harry Potter tie look like and where can I get it? How to make a Harry Potter costume for a boy with your own hands? How to make a harry potter costume

Harry Potter is the master magician and wizard. He twice won a magnificent victory over the evil and insidious Dark Lord. Today it is difficult to find a person who does not know this brave sorcerer. Fictional character known throughout the world. He gained a whole army of admirers and fans. Everyone wants to be like a great magician. And for this you need the right image. This article will talk about how to make Harry Potter.

The image of the main character

Harry Potter is the main protagonist of the book series. In the castle and the wizarding world, he is known as the man who survived the terrible spell. His parents were killed by the Dark Lord, and Harry had to live with hated relatives. The boy has a scar on his forehead which will be an excellent "chip" for the upcoming created image.

For Christmas, Dumbledore gave him the invisibility cloak that used to belong to Harry's father. She is one of the three Deathly Hallows. The Harry Potter New Year's costume just includes this amazing thing. With it, you can hide from enemies or, as Harry did, eavesdrop on other people's conversations. While studying at the Faculty of Gryffindor, the hero wears a uniform: trousers, a dark sweater or vest, a white shirt and a striped tie. And his face is decorated with glasses in a round frame. The magical world is a sacrament and magic. This article will talk about how to make a Harry Potter costume with your own hands.

Making Harry's Tie

The image of Harry can be recreated when going to a New Year's party, a Halloween celebration, a children's party or a costume party. Let's start creating the image of a wizard with the simplest thing - a tie. Without this modest little thing, the Harry Potter costume will not look at all. You need to find a completely red tie. You can also use a regular tie. But in this case, you will have to devote more time, since it will need to be wrapped with a red cloth. You will also need a piece of yellow material.

The fabric irons well. It is best to use moist cotton cloth. Through it, you can iron all the elements of Harry's costume. A rectangle is cut out of red material, equal to the length of the tie. From the wrong side, it must be hemmed with threads by hand. The tie is then ironed again. The seam is sewn on a machine. To create a DIY Harry Potter costume, small strips no more than 2 cm wide are cut from yellow material. They are fastened diagonally from the top of the right side to the bottom of the left. There should be at least 6-7 strips. After that, the tie is ironed again. A knot is tied. On the knot, the strip should be attached at a different angle or pointing the other way. This will create a believable effect.

Celebrity Wizard's Invisibility Cloak

The invisibility cloak is what Harry Potter's costume is unthinkable without. The pattern of this item is not very complicated. To create it, you will need a back, front, hood and two sleeves. But this element of the costume is the most voluminous. You will need a large patch of color. He irons again. Sewing from wrinkled material is strongly discouraged. You will also need scissors, thread, a needle, a sewing machine, chalk and a bulk sheet of paper. It should be noted that if the suit is sewn for an adult, then the fabric must be at least two meters in length - for full height. If the Harry Potter costume is for children and is intended for a child of small stature, then less material can be taken.

For greater effect, you can take the lining fabric of a red tint. We draw a pattern of all the details from paper in full scale. We lay out the paper on a black material and circle it with chalk. It is worth noting that it is necessary to leave 2-3 cm for the allowance and hemming of the product. Cut out all the details along the contour with scissors. Then they are gathered together and hand-sewn with threads. We iron the seams with an iron and sew on a typewriter. Then we identically repeat the action with the red material. When both parts are ready, they are connected and hemmed by hand. The seams are ironed and stitched. The bottom of the product does not need to be sewn. Turn the Harry Potter costume right side out through this slit. Only after that we sew the bottom. We iron again. The result is an excellent robe with a beautiful red lining. For convenience, you can add a belt.

Sorcerer's Sweater

To create a Harry Potter costume for a boy, you can use any school sweater. The main thing is that it be black or gray. You can also use a regular turtleneck. On the product, cut out the neck along the V-shaped line. The recess should be at least 5 cm for a child and 6-12 cm for an adult. The seam is processed and ironed. Then it is sewn on a typewriter. To create an image of a full school uniform, you can use regular dark trousers and a white shirt.

Distinctive emblem and scar

The easiest way to create an emblem is to print it out on a printer. You can use thick cardboard. The paper with the emblem is glued to the base and attached to the mantle. Also, in specialized services, you can order a printout of the badge on a fabric or on a sticker. The background of the emblem must be green. Below you can use the inscription of the faculty. In order for the emblem to attach to the product most firmly, the mantle can be left under pressure overnight. Then the glue will take better. Self-adhesive paper can be used for the scar. We draw lightning on it. Carefully cut with scissors.

Glasses and magic wand

Glasses are required to fully recreate the Harry Potter costume. They should be round. You can use purchased ones, or you can make them yourself. To do this, you need a dense wire and pliers. It is necessary to carefully bend the edges and give the wire the desired shape. We solder. We cover the soldering points with silicone or After that, the metal is covered with black paint or varnish. The product is left to dry overnight.

To make the final touch to the Harry Potter costume, you need to make it yourself. For this, you can use a straight piece of wood or a dowel. To create a relief effect, we cover the tree with silicone glue spirally. Then let it dry and apply silver spray paint. After complete drying, varnish. The Harry Potter costume is ready.

So, you want to look like the good know-it-all Hermione Granger? Harry Potter's high-moral and lovable friend at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is your favorite J.K. Rowling character? Then follow the steps below to assemble your magical costume.

Difficulty: easy.

You will need:
- a wig (or, if you are a happy owner of long, lush, red hair, for example, styling with medium curls with a parting in the middle);
- the mantle of the judge;
- Styrofoam;
- aluminium foil;
- book;
- "Magic wand;
- "gold chain;
- small hourglass;
- brown paper;
- carton boxes;

1. Choose a hair style. The little Hermione had the hairstyle described above, the adult had long, flowing sandy blonde hair.

2. Find a mantle in the manner of a judge - from any costume. Standard attire for first-year witches at Hogwarts includes a pure black robe, and - if the weather is cold - a striped scarf (auburn and muted maroon stripes for Gryffindor) and gloves of a similar color. You can also add a classic wizard's hat to the costume - if desired. The hat is made from cardboard and suitable fabric. In cold weather, a loose black cloak with silver clasps is also put on top. Scarf, raincoat, gloves, hat - all this is optional.
For the grown-up Hermione, we choose a pleated (or just with a couple of pleats in front and back) dark-colored (or blue-checked) skirt just below the knee, a white (or just light) long-sleeve blouse, and a dark, fine-knit sleeveless jacket (or a knitted sweater with a long sleeve). The obligatory tie of Gryffindor flowers will not be difficult to find for sale in men's stores.

3. Carry an old book bag with you, preferably a leather one. Remember, Hermione loves nothing more than studying, so books, notebooks and pens in her bag are a must. But you should not stuff the bag with real books - it will turn out to be too heavy, so find something almost weightless (perhaps cardboard boxes) in the form of books or rectangular pieces of foam. Also pick up a large and thin book, and put it in the bag on top - to cover the rest of the contents; make a cover for it out of dark brown paper and write in beautiful handwriting (or print out the inscription), something like "Potion", "History of Magic" or "Divination".
Or find 1 big book, make a cover, and carry it around with you everywhere (instead of a bag). "Transfiguration" is a fitting name for it.

4. Magic wand. Something in the style of films about "Harry Potter" can already be found in RuNet, but these sticks are too expensive (~ 800 rubles a piece). Therefore, it is better to make a stick yourself. Since you can often see simple sticks in first years, take the usual - cylindrical - wooden stick (it's not difficult to find it in hardware stores for a penny), use a skin to sharpen it at the end and cover it with stain or dark varnish.

The wand is ready. You can also attach a handle using a wooden jump rope handle or any spare part suitable for this purpose.

5. Find a small hourglass and hang it on a "golden" chain around your neck. This will be the time travel artifact that Hermione used in Prisoner of Azkaban to make sure she gets to all her classes.

6. Do not forget to sew a silver emblem on the “judge's” robe - if desired. Aluminum foil attached to cardboard is perfect for this purpose. On the badge, write (or stick paper letters) GAVNE (Civic Association for the Restoration of Elven Independence) - this is from the fourth book, where Hermione entered the fight against the exploitation and slavery of house elves. In English, the abbreviation sounds about the same "original".

Remember that acceptable clothing for Hermione is not limited solely to the official Hogwarts uniform. It can be jeans (navy blue or dark brown) with different variations of light sweaters, or, if you have time and budget, for example, a dress from the Winter Ball.

Books and films about the famous young wizard Harry Potter, who repeatedly defeated evil, continue to win the hearts of young viewers and readers. And of course, many children want to be reincarnated as their favorite hero.

The Harry Potter costume consists of several elements:

  • school robe - black with red or burgundy lining;
  • uniform school vest;
  • classic white shirt;
  • black pants;
  • faculty badge;
  • uniform tie;
  • Magic wand;
  • round glasses.

Necessary materials and tools

Let's see what we need to make a costume on our own:

  • drawing paper for making patterns;
  • pencil;
  • chalk or a sharp bar of soap;
  • tape measure;
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • black and red threads;
  • sewing machine;
  • iron;
  • burgundy or gold tie;
  • burgundy or gold narrow ribbon (inversely depending on the color of the tie);
  • black fabric;
  • red lining;
  • dark gray or black vest;
  • piece of wood for a stick;
  • glue gun and glue sticks to it;
  • thick wire or round glasses;
  • brown cosmetic pencil.

Tip: For a mantle, gabardine is perfect - an easy-to-handle, inexpensive fabric. Or, if you want the mantle to shine, take a satin.

We sew a step-by-step Harry Potter costume for a boy with our own hands

The Harry Potter costume is quite complex and consists of several parts. But if you put enough effort and time, you can make a real Harry Potter out of your child. If it is difficult to make the entire costume at one time, you can stretch the process over several days.


Now let's get to work. First, let's deal with the mantle, it will take the most time and effort.

Step 1. Take measurements from your child and, using them, build a pattern on whatman paper. You can use the following example:

Do not forget that you will need two parts of each element: front, back, hood and sleeves.

Tip: The hood doesn't have to be semicircular; in some of the Harry Potter films, wizards wear robes with pointed hoods.

Step 2 Iron the fabric. Working with mint will be quite inconvenient.

Step 3. Cut out the resulting details and transfer them to the fabric. To make it easier to outline, you can attach the paper to the fabric with pins. Remember that in the end you should get two sets of blanks: from black fabric and from red lining.

Important: remember that you must always leave 2-3 centimeters of allowances for the seams.

Step 4. Cut out the resulting blanks. Put them together and pin them up first to see if you get what you want. Carefully sweep first by hand - separately the future mantle itself, separately the lining.

Step 5. Now sew on a typewriter and iron all the seams.

Step 6. Gather the outer and inner parts together and, attaching them to each other with the wrong sides, sew together.

Step 7. Once again, go over the seams with an iron and iron the mantle itself.

The mantle is ready! Now you need to attach a faculty patch to it. You can either look for it in sewing stores, or make it yourself.

Need to find it on the internet Gryffindor house emblem, print on a color printer, cut it out, stick it on thick cardboard and stick it to the mantle - on the left side, just above the heart. You can also pre-glue the emblem with adhesive tape on the front side - this way it will shine and retain an attractive appearance for a longer time.

Harry Potter vest

Now let's take care of Harry's vest. At Hogwarts, dark gray vests with a V-neck are worn, but if gray is not available, black will do. If your neckline is round, turning it into a V-shaped one will not be difficult:

  1. Turn the vest inside out, fold it in half and carefully cut the neckline to a triangular one; depth - no more than 15 centimeters.
  2. Turn the edges of the fabric over and sew them to the inside of the vest so that everything looks even on the outside. This can be done either by hand or by machine.

Tip: you can leave the vest like this, or you can make it even more similar to the canon one. To do this, take two thin ribbons (maximum 0.5 centimeters wide), burgundy and yellow, and sew or glue them horizontally at the bottom of the vest and along the edge of the neckline.

We are getting closer to the image of the famous wizard. But of course, nothing will work without a tie in the traditional faculty colors.


To make a tie, you have two options:

  1. Find a ready-made tie with burgundy and gold stripes.
  2. Take a burgundy tie, cut the gold ribbon into strips 3-5 cm long and sew or glue them diagonally to the tie. Or, on the contrary, take a gold tie and a burgundy ribbon and do the same. On the knot of the tie, for plausibility, the strip should be directed in the other direction.

Pants and shirt

Next are the details of the school uniform that are more familiar to us: a white shirt and black trousers. They do not have to be sewn from scratch, it is quite possible to take any child’s wardrobe that matches the color. The shirt is suitable with both long and short sleeves - they will still not be visible under the mantle.

finishing touches

And finally, the finishing touches of the image: the wand, glasses and the hero's scar.

Making a wand is much easier than it looks. You need to take a small piece of wood (for example, a twig from the nearest tree) and a glue gun with hot glue. They can create any desired relief on a piece of wood. Then you can leave it as is or paint with acrylic paint.

Tip: an ordinary sushi stick is perfect as a blank.

Glasses, like a tie, can either be found ready-made or made independently from thick wire. To do this, you need to twist two rings, the temples and the connecting element, and then fasten them together either with the same wire or with black electrical tape (in one of the films, Harry appears before the audience in just such sealed glasses).

Finally, take a brown cosmetic pencil and draw a lightning bolt scar on the child's forehead.

That's all! Now your boy is a real wizard.

The world is filled with magic! The famous hero of a series of fantasy novels - Harry Potter won the hearts of many: both adults and children!
Many dream of feeling like in a magical world, well, at least many post such statuses about life.
We present to your attention how to create a wonderful image of Harry Potter in 6 points.

1. Perhaps the most voluminous and complex part of the image is the tailoring of the mantle.
To do this, take a black fabric for the outer layer and red to make the lining.
The first step is to prepare a pattern in the appropriate size.

We draw 2 details of the front, back, sleeves and hood on black, and in the same way on red fabrics.

We collect all the details together, make a basting, and then proceed to stitching.

After you have 2 raincoats in black and red, you need to iron all the seams and attach the outer to the inner part.
After you have attached the raincoat to the lining, turn it on the front side and sew the product again along all edges.

The mantle, which creates the recognizability of the costume, is almost ready.

2. In order for the sorcerer's costume to come out as realistic as possible, one mantle will not be enough.
Let's take a character's school uniform.
Dark trousers and a white shirt do not require tailoring, we will use those that are available.
Let's focus on the sweater. In order not to lose a lot of time, Harry's costume can be revived with any gray sweater, while slightly changing the neckline.
You should get a V-shaped cutout, approximately 8-10 cm deep.
3.Next, let's do a tie.
Since it is not so easy to find fabric with red and yellow stripes for sewing, you can take an ordinary red tie and update it slightly. (For example, with a yellow tape)
Cut strips 1.5 cm wide and stick them diagonally. Note that the strip on the knot of the tie, for plausibility, should be glued to the other side.

4. It's time to tackle the distinctive emblem.

We take the Gryffindor patch or make it personally. You can print the icon on paper and simply attach it to cardboard.

5. The next item in creating the image is eminent glasses.
Of course, you can wind them from wire, but in truth, it will not look so aesthetically pleasing. So let's try something more difficult.

Let's take a copper wire and heat the necessary parts of the frame, and solder them.
The glasses almost took on the look of real ones, a couple of strokes remained. It is necessary to cover the places of the temples and solderings with hardening plastic (you can also use hot glue for this), as everything cools down, we will start painting in a dark color.

6. It remains only to equip the costume with a magic wand, to complete the image.
Of course, you can buy something ready-made, or you can be creative.
We take an oblong wooden rod and use a hot glue gun to form the desired relief.

To do this, you need to scroll the stick, applying glue to the surface, as if wrapping it.

After the glue has hardened, you can begin to turn an ordinary wand into a magic wand.
We will cover it with several layers of paint of the desired color and fix the painting.

The image is ready!!!

The popular hero Harry Potter has long been an idol for both children and adults. Many want to feel like wizards, being in his "skin". That is why for a New Year's party, for a costume party or for Halloween, a Harry Potter costume can be very useful. Let's take an example of how to sew a Harry Potter costume.

  1. Let's start creating a Harry Potter costume with our own hands from the mantle - this is the most voluminous and difficult part of the work. For the mantle, you will need black fabric for the outer layer and red for the lining. The following scheme can be taken as a basis.
  2. We prepare a pattern in accordance with the dimensions of the person for whom the suit is intended, and draw two parts of the front, back, sleeves and hood on black fabric and two parts on red fabric.
  3. We collect all the details one by one, first we make a basting, then a line. When it turned out two raincoats - one red, the other black, iron all the seams and connect the outer and inner parts.
  4. Having connected the raincoat with the lining along the contour, we turn it on the front side and once again we make a line along all the edges of the product. The mantle that makes the costume recognizable is ready!
  5. In order for the Harry Potter carnival costume to turn out to be full-fledged and believable, one mantle is not enough. Now it's time to tackle the character's famous school uniform. You don’t need to sew a white shirt and dark trousers, any that are available will do. But you still have to do a sweater. In order not to waste a lot of time, an adult or children's Harry Potter costume can be supplemented with a gray turtleneck or any gray sweater, while changing the neckline. It should turn out to be V-shaped, deepened by 8-10 cm.
  6. After the sweater, you can fantasize about the tie. Finding red and yellow striped fabric and sewing a tie out of it is not an easy task, but finding a red tie and upgrading it is not difficult. You can do this with a regular yellow oracal or yellow electrical tape. Cut strips 1.5 cm wide and stick them diagonally. In this case, the strip on the knot of the tie should be pasted at the opposite angle for believability.
  7. How can you make a Harry Potter costume and forget about the distinctive emblems? This would be completely wrong. Therefore, we find the Gryffindor patch or make it ourselves. You can print the icon on paper and glue it to the cardboard base.
  8. The next detail to complement the original Harry Potter costume is the famous glasses. They can simply be wound from wire, but this option will not look very aesthetically pleasing, so you can try your hand at a more difficult task. We take copper wire and prepare the necessary details of the frame, then solder them. The glasses already look like real ones, but a few more touches are needed. We cover the soldering points and the temples with hardening plastic, after which we paint the entire product black.
  9. Any, and even more so New Year's Harry Potter costume, must be equipped with a magic wand. Here, too, you can buy something ready-made, or you can be creative. For example, we buy a long wooden dowel and create a relief on it. To do this, rotating the dowel in a circle, smoothly apply silicone glue to it, as if wrapping it. When the glue hardens well, you can turn an ordinary wand into a magic wand. We cover the instrument with several layers of silver paint, after which we fix the paint with a layer of varnish.

That's all the steps after which you can safely flaunt in the costume of the famous wizard. However, for a special effect, you can add a broom to the costume, on which Harry Potter confidently flies through the air!