Long-term planning for manual labor (senior group). Perspective work plan of the handicraft circle "Very Skillful Pens

Marina Kulikova
Perspective plan for manual labor in the preparatory group



(v preparatory group)


“Acquaintance with different species manual labor»

1.With work on glass.

2. With different types of paper applique.

1.With works made of soft colored wire.

2.With thread work (application).

1. Acquaintance with crocheted work.

2. Acquaintance with fabric applique.

1. Acquaintance with the semolina applique.

2. Acquaintance with works made from sawdust, colored sponge.



1. Familiarity with the rules preparation of glass for work.

(rinse, glue the edges of the glass with electrical tape).

2. Drawing with ink on the glass.

1. Learn how to properly apply plasticine to glass.

2. Learn how to properly apply plasticine to glass.

1. Selecting a pattern, applying it to glass.

2. Independent work.

1. Independent work.

2. Registration of works (glass cleaning, background gluing).


1. Acquaintance with the method of tearing paper.

2. Selection and drawing of a picture.

1. Execution of work

2. Execution of work

1. Execution of work

2. Execution of work

1. Registration of work (box)

2. Decoration of the exhibition of works

"Colored wire"

1. Examination of the wire, acquaintance with the way of working with wire.

2. Making crafts (ring).

1. Making crafts (ring)

2. Making crafts (a bracelet)


1. Acquaintance with different types of threads

2. Selection and drawing of a picture on paper.

1. Cutting threads for applique

2. Crafts making, decoration.


1. Introduction to crochet

2. Learn to hold the hook correctly.

1. Learn to knit a chain of chain stitches

2. Learn to knit a chain of chain stitches

1. Learn to knit a half-column

2. Learn to knit a half-column.

1. Learn to knit a single crochet

2. Learn to knit a single crochet


1. Securing knitting of a chain, columns, half-columns.

2. Securing knitting of a chain, columns, half-columns.

1. Selecting a pattern for applique, drawing it on paper.

2. Knitting a chain for applique.

3 and 4 weeks

Completing of the work

If the children did the job, offer to knit a scarf for the doll.


1 Introduction to different types of fabric

2 Getting to know the different ways of working with fabric (applique - from a whole piece, from separate parts).

1. Selecting a picture, cutting it into pieces

2. Preparing the fabric(cutting out parts for applique fabric)

3 and 4 weeks

Execution of work, registration (box)


With cereals

2. Selection and drawing of a picture.

1. Applying cereals to the drawing

2. Applying cereals to the drawing

1. Coloring works

2. Coloring works

1. Registration of works

2. Registration of works


1. Getting to know the way of working

2. Selection and drawing of a picture

1. Execution of work, design of the frame.

"Colored sponge"

1. Getting to know the way of working

2. Selecting and drawing a pattern, cutting a sponge.

1. Execution of work

2. Execution of work

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Creativity is a special kind of activity,
it brings satisfaction in itself.

Artistic manual labor- this is the child's creative work with various materials, in the process of which he creates useful and aesthetic significant objects and products for decorating everyday life (games, work and rest). Such work is a decorative, artistic and applied activity of a child, since when creating beautiful objects, he takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials on the basis of existing ideas, knowledge, practical experience gained in the process of work and art classes in kindergarten.

The adults around the child should not only form and improve his labor skills, but also gradually expand the content of the child's labor activity, achieving awareness and purposefulness of the motives of labor. Therefore, it became necessary to teach children artwork individually, that is, the creation of a circle "Very Skillful Hands".

In the work of the circle, the necessary tasks for children to engage in designing from paper, natural and waste material, fabric, paper, cereals. Encourage interest in visual activities; pay attention to the figurative expressiveness of various objects in art, natural and everyday environment (things created by the hands of folk craftsmen, architectural structures); to learn to notice general outlines and individual details, contour, color, pattern. To acquaint with the color scheme, with the options for compositions and the different arrangement of the image on a sheet of paper. Create conditions for independent artistic creation.

Another of the main tasks that I have set is the development of fine motor skills. Since the development of fine motor skills in preschool children is one of the urgent problems, since the weakness and awkwardness of the movement of the fingers and hands are factors that make it difficult to master the simplest necessary in life skills and abilities of self-care. In addition, the development of the hand is closely related to the development of speech and thinking of the child. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of readiness for schooling. Usually, a child with a high level of fine motor development is able to reason logically, he has developed memory, attention, and coherent speech.

Classes in the circle interest and captivate children with their uniqueness, the ability to use fiction, fantasy, search for different techniques and methods of action, communicate with each other creatively, Children master the ability to repeatedly select and combine materials, use it expediently, learn to comprehend the technique, the secrets of folk masters ... And this ultimately contributes to the artistic and creative development of preschoolers, the formation of a desire to engage in interesting and useful work.
The topics of my studies coincided with the vocabulary topics of the kindergarten. Various materials were used for classes in the circle: cotton wool, cereals, foam rubber, CD disks, cotton pads, napkins, etc.

The circle is designed for children from 4 to 7 years old.


Create favorable conditions for the development of creative abilities in children
Help your child feel like a master and creator.

The objectives of the circle:

1. To develop the artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers through visual activity;
2. To develop cognitive, constructive, creative and artistic abilities in the process of creating images using various materials and techniques.
3. Development of a children's, close-knit team through the education of hard work, perseverance, patience, mutual assistance, mutual assistance.
4. To develop in children fine motor skills of fingers, imagination, creative thinking, coordination of movements, an eye.
5. To teach you patience and perseverance.

Middle group.

1 week: Topic: "Vegetables".
Material: Plasticine, cardboard with a stencil.

Target: To teach the rules of safe handling of glue, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Foster a desire to do crafts.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, paper napkin.

3 week: Topic: "Fungus".
Target: Teach children to work with cereals and glue. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to position the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, groats.

4 week: Topic: "Leaf fall".
Target: Teach children to work with paper napkins of different colors (yellow, green, orange, red). Learn to have fun while working with such material. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. To cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, napkins.


1 week: Topic: "Sheep".
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton wool.

Week 2: Topic: "Chicken".
Target: Learn to build simple crafts. Learn to use different materials. Form independence, develop a sense of self-confidence. Foster independence.
Material: paper, bird stencil, millet, cotton wool, PVA glue, brush.

3 week: Topic: "Hedgehog".
Target: To teach the rules of safe work with glue, seeds. Develop compositional skills. Foster a desire to make gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, seeds.

4 week: Topic: "Forest".
Target: To teach the rules of safe work with glue, napkins. Develop compositional skills. Foster a desire to make gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, napkins, brush, cereals.


1 week: Topic: "Snowflake".
Target: Teach children to work with different materials. To teach the safety rules for working with glue, cereals. Learn to plan your work. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. To foster a desire to bring the work started to the end.
Material: pasta, cardboard, stencil, glue, brush.

Week 2: Topic: "Sweater".
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cereals.

3 week: Topic: "Hat".
Target: Teach children to work with cotton wool and glue. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to position the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.

4 week:
Topic: "Horse".
Target: Teach children to work with cotton wool and glue. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to position the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton balls.


Week 2: Topic: "Bird on the trough".
Target: To teach the rules of safe handling of glue, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Foster a desire to make gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, cereals.

3 week: Topic: "Plate"
Material: stencil plates, PVA glue, brush, cereals, seeds.

4 week: Topic: "Cookies".
Target: Teach children to work with salt dough. Learn to have fun while working with such material. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. To cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Salty dough.


1 week: Topic: "Sofa".
Target: To teach the rules of safe work with glue, cardboard. Develop compositional skills. Foster a desire to make gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Cardboard, glue, brush.

Week 2: Topic: "Machine".
Target: Learn to convey the image, observing the relative size. Develop imaginative, aesthetic perception. Foster independence.
Material: matchboxes, PVA glue, brush.

Week 3: Topic: "Cup for Dad".
Target: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to build simple crafts. Develop compositional skills. To cultivate the ability to bring the work started to the end.
Material: cardboard stencil, PVA glue, seeds, cereals.

4 week: Topic: "Home".
Target: Teach children to work with boxes of toilet water, colored paper, glue.
Material: cardboard, glue, brush, colored paper, toilet water boxes.


Target: Teach children to work with paper napkin and glue. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to position the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, paper napkin, disposable plate.

Week 2: Topic: "Basket".
Target: Learn to plan the progress of work. Develop compositional skills, color perception. Form independence, a sense of self-confidence.
Material: a bottle of lemonade, scissors.

3 week: Topic: "Giraffe".
Target: Teach children to work with cereals and glue. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to position the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, millet.

4 week: Topic: "Snowdrop".
Target: Teach the rules of safe handling of glue and paper. Develop compositional skills. Foster a desire to make gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Quilling paper, glue, brush.


1 week: Topic: Teamwork. "Migratory birds"
Target: Teach children to work with cotton wool and glue, cereals. Work collectively. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to position the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton pads, cereals.

Week 2: Topic: "Space"
Target: Learn to plan your work. Develop manual skill. Foster independence.
Material: Colored paper, cardboard, cereals, PVA glue, scissors, brush.

3 week: Topic: "Fish".
Material: yogurt lid, plasticine, seeds, cereals, toothpick, scissors.

4 week: Topic: "Flowers"


1 week: Topic: "Butterfly"

Week 2: Topic: "Postcard for veterans"

3 week: Topic: "Summer".
Target: Learn to build simple crafts. Develop initiative. Foster independence, activity.
Material: colored paper, napkins, cereals, glue, brush.

4 week: Diagnostics. Exhibition of works.

Senior group.


1 week: Topic: "Our cheerful vegetable garden, which just does not grow here ...".
Tasks: Form the ability to work with corrugated cardboard by folding the main elements and transforming them into various crafts. Learn to plan your work. Develop manual skill, imagination, creative skills. Develop speech. Foster independence.
Material: Multi-colored cardboard (1/2 A4 sheet) for each child. 1 cm wide green and orange corrugated cardboard strips. Green corrugated paper. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "Orchard".
Tasks: To form the ability to make crafts from corrugated cardboard. Fix the technique of working with corrugated board. Develop imagination, fine motor skills.
Material: Multi-colored cardboard (1/2 A4 sheet) for each child. Green and cherry colored corrugated cardboard strips 1 cm wide. Green corrugated paper. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Topic: "Basket of mushrooms".
Tasks: To form the ability to make crafts from corrugated cardboard. Strengthen the ability to do the job accurately. Develop fine motor skills. To cultivate an aesthetic perception, interest in the lesson.
Material: The finished image of a wicker basket. White strips of corrugated cardboard 20-30 cm long for mushroom legs, brown and orange strips 10-15 cm long. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Theme: "Golden Autumn".
Tasks: Continue teaching children to use corrugated board in their work. To develop the ability to create plot compositions using various materials. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. To cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Tinted sheet of A3 paper, stripes.


Topic: "Flag of Russia".
Tasks: To form in children the ability to work with napkins and glue. Fix the colors of the Russian flag. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to position the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: cardboard, PVA glue, brushes. Napkins in white, blue, red, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "A doll from a handkerchief."
Tasks: To develop the ability of children to construct a doll from a handkerchief. Form independence, develop a sense of self-confidence. Foster independence. Develop hand motor skills.
Material: Handkerchief, cotton wool, thread.

3 week: Topic: "Machine".
Tasks: Form the ability to work with different materials (matchboxes). Secure the rules for safe work with glue, scissors. Develop compositional skills. To foster a desire to bring the work started to the end.
Material: Colored paper, matchboxes of 3 for each child, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

4 week: Topic: "Man".
Tasks: To teach the rules of safe handling of acorns, matches. Develop compositional skills. To foster a desire to bring the work started to the end. Develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills. Achieve accurate and high-quality work.
Material: acorns, plasticine.


1 week: Topic: "Rowan branch".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials (napkin), plan their work. Fix the signs of winter. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. To foster a desire to bring the work started to the end.
Material: cardboard, stencil, white, red napkin, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth.

2 week: Topic: "Bullfinch".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with cereals and glue. Plan the progress of the work. To consolidate the ability to position the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, colored millet, oilcloth.

Week 3: Topic: "Snowflake".
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials (semolina) Teach safety rules for working with glue, cereals. Learn to plan your work. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. To foster a desire to bring the work started to the end.
Material: semolina, cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth.

Week 4: Teamwork.
Topic: "Herringbone of wishes".
Tasks: Form the ability to work in a team. Strengthen the children's ability to work with paper and glue. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to position the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: A3 sheet of paper, palm stencil, PVA glue, brush, colored paper, cotton wool.


Week 2: Topic: “A Christmas present. Angel ".
Tasks: Learn to plan the progress of work. Develop compositional skills, color perception. Form independence, a sense of self-confidence. To form a desire to make a gift for relatives. Achieve accurate and high-quality work.
Material: cardboard, cotton pads, scissors, PVA glue, napkin, oilcloth.

3 week: Topic: "Sheep".
Tasks: To teach the rules of safe work with glue, cotton sticks. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to do crafts with your own hands.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, PVA glue, brush, cotton swabs, scissors.

4 week: Topic: "Giraffe".
Tasks: Teach children to work with cereals and glue. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to position the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, millet.


1 week: Topic: "In the kingdom of fish."
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials, disks. Fasten the rules for safe work with glue, paper, scissors. To develop compositional skills, an eye, a sense of proportions. Foster a desire to make gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Colored paper, PVA glue, brush, scissors, napkin, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "Raft".
Tasks: Improve skills in working with various materials (cork, fabric, toothpick, rubber bands). Develop imaginative, aesthetic perception. To bring up accuracy, initiative.
Material: plastic corks (or the usual ones made of balsa wood), rubber bands, wooden toothpicks, a piece of full cloth.

3 week: Topic: "Photo frame for dad".
Material: cardboard stencil, PVA glue, buttons of different sizes and colors.

4 week: Topic: "Horseshoe for home
Material: salty dough, stack.


1 week: Topic: "A sprig of mimosa".
Tasks: Continue to improve skills and abilities when working with corrugated board. Strengthen the ability to work with a napkin, twist balls of the same size. Continue to teach together to create a composition. Develop a sense of color and composition.
Material: Tinted sheet of A3 paper. Green corrugated cardboard strips 0.5 cm wide, 15 cm long and 3 cm long. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth, scissors, yellow napkin.


3 week: Topic: "Clothes".
Tasks: Plan the progress of the work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.

4 week: Topic: "Ice cream".
Tasks: Continue to improve skills and abilities by working with various materials. Fasten with the rules of safe work with glue, cotton wool, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Foster independence.
Material: Cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth, napkin, cereals, cotton wool.


1 week: Topic: "Swallow"
Tasks: Teach children to work with paper and glue. Plan the progress of the work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: white paper, black paper, stencil, PVA glue brush.

Week 2: Topic: "Flying Saucer"
Tasks: Form the ability to plan your work. Develop children's creative imagination, manual skill. Foster independence.
Material: Disposable plates, colored paper, cardboard, cereals, PVA glue, scissors, brush, napkins, oilcloth.

3 week: Topic: "Bear".
Tasks: Learn to build simple crafts. Develop initiative. Foster independence, activity.
Material: stencil, millet, PVA glue, brush, napkin, oilcloth.

4 week: Topic: "Flowers"
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to have fun while working with such material. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. To cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Napkins, cardboard, colored paper, glue, brush, buttons of different sizes.


Tasks: Form the ability to work collectively. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to position the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: PVA glue, brush, pencils, napkins.

Week 2: Topic: "Butterfly"
Tasks: Form the ability to work with paper, make blanks for work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: strips of colored paper, PVA glue, brush.

3 - 4 weeks Diagnostics Exhibition of works.

Preparatory group.


1 week: Topic: "Bread is the head of everything"
Tasks: Form the ability to work with salt dough. Learn to plan your work. Develop manual skill, imagination, creative skills. Develop speech. Foster independence.
Material: ready-made salted dough, molds, stacks, planks.

Week 2: Topic: "Fruit basket".
Tasks: Continue to develop the ability to work with corrugated board and quilling paper. Improve the ability to make crafts look like fruits. Develop fine motor skills, imagination.
Material: Blanks for a basket of cardboard for each child. Toothpicks (cut the sharp ends beforehand), green paper strips, red, yellow, blue corrugated cardboard strips 0.7-1 cm wide, 10-15 cm long.

3 week: Topic: "Bouquet for Autumn".
Tasks: Form the ability to make crafts from leaves. Strengthen the ability to do the job accurately. Develop fine motor skills. To cultivate an aesthetic perception, interest in work.
Material: Autumn leaves of different colors, threads.

Week 4: Teamwork.
Topic: "Swans in the pond".
Tasks: Continue teaching children to work together. To develop the ability to create plot compositions using various materials. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. To cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: A3 tinted sheet of paper, Cotton pads, white napkins, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.


1 week: Teamwork.
Topic: "Birch Grove".
Tasks: To form in children the ability to work with paper and glue. Consolidate knowledge about Russia. Plan the progress of the work. Develop fine motor skills. Foster interest in work.
Material: cardboard, PVA glue, brushes. paper of white, green, black colors, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "Matryoshka from salt dough."
Tasks: Strengthen the ability of children to work with salt dough. Form independence, develop a sense of self-confidence. Develop hand motor skills.
Material: Salted dough, samples.

Week 3: Teamwork.
Topic: "Race".
Tasks: Form the ability to work with different materials. Fix the rules for safe work with glue, scissors. Develop compositional skills. To foster a desire to bring the work started to the end.
Material: Colored paper, cardboard roller, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

4 week: Topic: "Family tree".
Tasks: To form the ability to work with paper, napkins, cotton pads. Develop compositional skills. To foster a desire to bring the work started to the end. Develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills. Achieve accurate and high-quality work.
Material: A4 cardboard, colored paper, green napkin, cotton pads, PVA glue, scissors, brushes, napkins.


1 week: Teamwork.
Topic: "Zoo".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials (cereals), plan their work. Consolidate knowledge about wild animals and birds. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. To foster a desire to bring the work started to the end.
Material: sheet of A3 paper, stencils, cereals, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth.

Week 2: Teamwork.
Topic: "Birds at the Feeder".
Tasks: Teach children to work with cereals and glue. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to position the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, cereals, colored millet, oilcloth.

Week 3: Teamwork.
Topic: "Frosty patterns".

Week 4: Teamwork.
Continuation of the lesson
Topic: "Frosty patterns".
Tasks: Improve the ability to perform quilling paper. Develop a sense of color and artistic taste. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. To foster a desire to bring the work started to the end.
Material: Tinted sheet of Whatman paper, A3 format. Strips of paper for quilling white, blue colors 0.5 and 0.7 cm wide. Toothpicks (sharp ends are pre-cut). PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.


Week 2: Topic: "Angel".
Tasks: Form the ability to plan the progress of work. Develop compositional skills. Form independence, a sense of self-confidence. To form a desire to make a gift for relatives. Achieve accurate and high-quality work.
Material: white paper, scissors, PVA glue, napkin, oilcloth.

3 week: Topic: "Cat".
Tasks: To teach the rules of safe work with glue, threads, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to do crafts with your own hands.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, PVA glue, a brush, knitting threads, cereals, scissors.

4 week: Topic: "Zoo 2".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials (cereals), plan their work. Consolidate knowledge about animals in hot countries. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. To foster a desire to bring the work started to the end.
Material: sheet of A3 paper, stencils, cereals, PVA glue, brush, cotton pads, oilcloth.


1 week: Topic: "The Underwater Kingdom".
Tasks: Continue to teach how to create a collective composition, previously acquired skills and abilities in working with different types of paper. Develop a sense of form and composition. Cultivate an interest in nature.
Material: A3 tinted sheet of blue paper. Corrugated cardboard strips of different colors, widths, lengths. Colored paper. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth, scissors.

Week 2: Topic: "Airplane".
Tasks: Improve skills in working with various materials. Develop imaginative, aesthetic perception. To bring up accuracy, initiative.
Material: colored cardboard, colored paper, PVA glue, stencil, yogurt bottle.

3 week: Topic: "Postcard for dads."
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to build simple crafts. Develop artistic taste. Foster independence.
Material: cardboard stencil, PVA glue, buttons, cereals.

4 week: Topic: "Horseshoe".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials. To consolidate the ability to do the job accurately, to bring the work started to the end. Raise the desire to do crafts with your own hands.
Material: salty dough, stack.


1 week: Topic: "Flower for Mom".
Tasks: Continue to improve skills and abilities when working with paper, scissors, cereals. Continue learning how to create a composition. Develop a sense of color and composition. Raise the desire to do crafts with your own hands.
Material: A glass of yoghurt, a piece of cloth, tape (braid), colored paper.

Week 2: Topic: "Furniture for dolls".
Tasks: Strengthen the ability to work with different materials (matchboxes) Learn to plan the progress of work. Form independence, a sense of self-confidence. Achieve accurate and high-quality work.
Material: matchboxes, PVA glue, pieces of fabric.

3 week: Topic: "Clothes".
Tasks: Plan the progress of the work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: Stencil, cereals, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth, napkins.

4 week: Topic: "Cake".
Tasks: Continue to improve skills and abilities by working with various materials. To consolidate the rules of safe handling of salted dough, buttons, cereals .. To develop compositional skills. Foster independence.
Material: Salted dough, cereals, buttons.


1 week: Teamwork.
Topic: "Snowdrop on a thawed patch."
Tasks: Continue teaching to do teamwork. Improve skills and abilities while performing the basic elements of quilling. Continue to teach to convey the characteristic features of the structure and color of snowdrops. Cultivate interest in wildlife.

Week 2: Topic: "Space"
Tasks: Improve the ability to act together by doing teamwork. Form the ability to negotiate with each other, plan work. Expand cognitive interest in space. To cultivate artistic taste.
Material: Tinted sheet of Whatman paper, A3 format. Corrugated paper in green, white colors. Colored paper, napkins, quilling strips in white, green, blue. Toothpicks. PVA glue, scissors, brushes, oilcloth.

Week 3: Topic: "Butterfly".
Tasks: Form the ability to work with different materials. Consolidate knowledge about insects. Continue to teach to convey the characteristic features of the structure and color of butterflies. Cultivate interest in wildlife. Develop initiative. Foster independence, activity.
Material: Strips of different colors 0.7 cm wide. Toothpicks, PVA glue, brushes, scissors, oilcloths.

4 week: Topic: "Flowers"
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to have fun while working with such material. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. To cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Napkins, cardboard, colored paper, glue, brush, buttons of different sizes.


1 week: Topic: "Postcard for veterans"
Tasks: Form the ability to work collectively. Plan the progress of the work. Learn to position the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: PVA glue, brush, pencils, napkins.

2 week: Topic: "Favorite craft"
Tasks: Develop imagination, imagination. Form the ability to work with paper, make blanks for work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the lesson.
Material: strips of colored paper, PVA glue, brush., cereals, stencils, cotton wool, paper, cardboard, salt dough.

3 week: Exhibition of works. Diagnostics.

Used Books:

1. "Colored palms" by E. Lykova.
2. A child in kindergarten "magazine
3. "Hoop" magazine edited by T. Doronova.
4. "Manual labor" edited by I. Klimova.
5. "From napkins to quilling" I.А. Cherkasova, V.Yu. Rusnak, M.V. Butova, Moscow, publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2013
6. "Miracles for children from unnecessary things", M.I. Nagibina, Yaroslavl "Academy of Development", 1998.
7. "Mosaic of cereals and seeds" G.I. Turnover, Stalker Publishing House, 2006
8. "Funny toys made of plastic", L.V. Kulikova, O.A. Solomennikova, Moscow "Mosaic-Synthesis"
9. “We master together with children. Wonderful crafts from anything. " OV Poida Publishing house: "OlmaMediaGroup", 2013
10.http: //icqprosto.ru/
11.http: //irina-vlas.my1.ru/index/kruzhok_quot_ochumelye_ruchki_quot/0-15
12.http: //dohcolonoc.ru/kruzhkovaya-rabota/4853-plan-kruzhka-ochumelye-ruchki.html
13.http: //stranamasterov.ru/
14.http: //www.numama.ru/blogs/podelki-s-detmi
15.http: //www.babylessons.ru/category/podelki-s-detmi/
16.http: //allforchildren.ru/article/
17.http: //www.millionpodarkov.ru/podelki/
18.http: //www.alegri.ru/rukodelie/podelki-dlja-detei
19.http: //yandex.ru/images/
20.http: //icqprosto.ru/lektsii/uroki/kruzhok-ochumelye-ruchki/



Labor is the basis of any cultural achievement, one of the main and important activities in human life.

The goal of modern special education is to introduce a child into culture who, for various reasons, falls out of it.

Exemplary working ”is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for the Education of Students with Intellectual Disabilities.

The academic subject "Manual labor" belongs to the compulsory subject area "Technology" and is a basic subject in general educational organizations that implement the adapted basic general educational programs of the Federal State Educational Standard for the education of students with intellectual disabilities. Its study contributes to the holistic development of the personality of a junior schoolchild with mental retardation in the process of forming a work culture, lays the foundations for technological education, which allow him to give him the initial experience of subject-transformative activity, create conditions for mastering the technology of manual processing of available materials necessary in everyday life.

In the system of initial technological special education, formation of attitude to work as the most important value in life determines the process of formation of the personality of a mentally retarded child, the level of his social, intellectual and moral maturity. On this basis, labor training and education is designed to develop his ability to perceive and assimilate moral truths; to form a conscious and sustainable positive attitude towards work; a fuller and deeper understanding of the motivational-need-side of work, its beauty.

Starting from the first grade, the defining beginning of the formation of cognitive abilities are knowledge of the subject, which is the result of labor. An object (product) is a source of knowledge that children lacking about the surrounding object-environment, about its purpose, aesthetic, material value and ways of dealing with it. Any object is assessed from the point of view of typological function (class of things), standard symbols (shape, color, size), compliance with its utilitarian purpose, artistic, operational, performance, social, historical and cultural value, the feasibility of a person creating various objects to satisfy his own needs and the needs of others.

Knowledge about the subject (product) may have a certain value in terms of social adaptation of students with mental retardation. They are a prerequisite for the formation of the foundations of labor culture in them through active acquaintance with the history of spiritual and material culture, the traditions of their own and other peoples. And the establishment of the relationship between the objective world and the surrounding reality will allow the child to consider the object (product) as a result of labor activity, i.e. to the realization of his "labor value".

In addition, the object (product) that the child operates with is capable of creating a stable motivation for activity. Students should be clearly aware of the social value of the result of their activities and the usefulness of the thing done, both for themselves and for other people. It is known that mentally retarded children have a low level of requirements for the quality of work when performing a work task with an educational purpose. During work, they strive only to carry out certain operations in one way or another, but do not monitor the quality of its implementation. There is a tendency to slip away from the goal, weak correlation of individual actions, operations, techniques with the requirements for the performance of the product of labor. In this regard, the inclusion of tasks of social importance will allow children to become aware of the social value of a work task, which contributes to an increase in responsibility for the quality of the work performed, to change their attitude to the teacher's instructions and to form a motive for the activity. Awareness of the importance and necessity of work by mentally retarded children will lead to the development of an incentive to deal with difficulties that arise in the process of performing a work task. Otherwise, students begin to feel helpless, lose faith in their strengths, and this negatively affects the formation of perseverance and purposefulness in completing the assignment.

Primary technology education also includes subject-practical activity schoolchildren with mental retardation of younger age. It presupposes the mastery of the foundations of creative, transformative activity, in the process of which labor motor techniques are formed. Difficulties in mastering motor techniques are often caused by a lack of understanding and poor memorization of the frontal explanation of the sequence of performing labor techniques, a low rate of mastery, and difficulties in their rational use. This is explained by the underdevelopment of fine motor skills and, in particular, the weak interaction of the right and left hands, the underdevelopment of the mechanism of visual-motor coordination, poor control over the distribution of muscle effort when performing a motor technique, a small amount of attention, etc. For the formation of practical skills, the program provides for practical tasks in the process, which children make with their own hands applications, products and toys made of paper, plasticine, natural, threads.

The practice-oriented focus of the content of the academic subject "Manual labor" allows you to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities gained in the study of other subjects: fine arts, mathematics, speech development, the world around you and to implement them in work, which ensures a better assimilation of educational material by children and allows them to form a holistic picture of the world.

General characteristics of the academic subject, taking into account the peculiarities of its development by students with mental retardation

The main goal the study of the subject "Manual labor" in the first grade consists in the formation of mentally retarded primary schoolchildren of an elementary work culture, through the establishment in their minds of the relationship between the objective world and the life around them.

The labor activity of children with mental disabilities is characterized by a number of features: impaired purposeful activity, a low level of cognitive abilities, underdevelopment of mental operations, impaired motor-motor, emotional-volitional spheres, and all this limits the possibilities of a mentally retarded schoolchild in labor training, negatively affects the formation they have all sides of work (target, performance, energy).

Target side educational and labor activities are characterized by properties that reflect the processes of assimilation and acceptance by students of a labor task, the formation of an image of the final result of labor and a work plan. So, mentally retarded children find it difficult to navigate the task. They cannot make a qualitative analysis of the labor object, poorly highlight the main features, properties and details of the subjects studied. Experiencing difficulties in planning the course of work, do not understand and remember the sequence of the product poorly. In the process of practical actions, gaps or repetitions of labor operations are observed. They cannot always use the acquired knowledge and skills when performing a new assignment. There is no need for current and final control, a weak ability to establish causal relationships. These difficulties are due to the lack of formation of their processes of visual, auditory perception and underdevelopment of analytical and synthetic activity.

Performing party includes properties related to the practical transformation of the object of labor. When forming motor labor techniques in the process of technological processing of one or another ornamental material, mentally retarded children often do not immediately understand and remember the frontal explanation of the labor technique, they have a low rate of mastering technical techniques, and find it difficult to use the techniques rationally. These difficulties are explained by the underdevelopment of fine motor skills and, in particular, the weak interaction of the right and left hands, the underdevelopment of the mechanism of visual-motor coordination, poor control over the distribution of muscle effort when performing a motor technique, a small amount of attention, etc.

TO energy side include properties that characterize the activation-motivational processes of activity. A characteristic feature of children with intellectual underdevelopment is average, consistently average or low work capacity. These children are not immediately involved in work, often, the interest in work activity is situational, fickle, superficial.

In addition, these children show insufficient formation of aesthetic sensitivity and assessment of the objective environment, extremely poor knowledge about the beauty of the objects around them, inability to use these objects in everyday economic life, poor awareness of social necessity, the significance and importance of their work when creating objects. All these factors, in general, inhibit their development of a value orientation towards life.

The experience of working with these children shows that, along with significant defects, they also have more intact aspects of personality development. This, in principle, allows for the labor training of these children.

Manual labor lessons have an extremely positive impact on the mental, physical, emotional development of students with intellectual disabilities and their moral and aesthetic education. Possessing enormous corrective opportunities, labor activity helps an adequate perception and aesthetic assessment of objects of the surrounding reality, their study, systematization of knowledge about objects; promotes the formation and correction, mental operations, speech, fine motor skills, etc.

Learning objectives in the first grade:

    development of interest and positive motivation to work;

    getting an initial idea of ​​work in a person's life;

    the formation of ideas about the unity of the natural and man-made world and about the place of man in it;

    the formation of interest in various types of work;

    formation of the simplest knowledge about materials, their properties, application;

    teaching elementary weaponless and weaponry techniques;

    development of general working skills to navigate the assignment, plan and control their work with the help of a teacher;

    development of cognitive mental processes (perception, spatial representations and orientation, memory, imagination, thinking, speech);

    development of mental activity (operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization);

    development of sensorimotor processes, hands, eyes through the formation of practical skills;

    the formation of information literacy, the ability to work with various sources of information available to a mentally retarded first grader;

    development of speech;

    correction of intellectual and physical disabilities, taking into account their age characteristics, which provides for:

Correction of the cognitive activity of students through systematic and purposeful education and improvement of their correct perception of the form, structure, size, color of objects, their position in space, the ability to find essential signs in a labor object, to establish similarities and differences between objects;

Development of analytical and synthetic activities (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization);

Hand motor corrections; improvement of visual-motor coordination through the use of variable and repetitive actions with the use of a variety of work material.

Each stage of education in primary school has its own priorities in the types and areas of work. Distinctive features of the selection and construction of the content of educational material in the first grade are:

Creation of conditions for the adaptation of first-graders to the upcoming systematic training in manual labor. During this period, ideas about labor, the surrounding man-made objective world, are formed as a result of a person's labor activity, the ability to observe, remember and transfer one's impressions to a labor product is developed. A number of lessons are held outdoors in the form of walks with didactic games and observations, or in class.

To form a positive motivation for learning in the lessons, it is necessary to include play and entertaining materials (loto, cut pictures, cut silhouettes of objects, games: "What the artist confused", "The fourth extra", etc.).

During this period, the teacher is faced with the task of studying the personality of each child, the characteristics of his development, identifying their capabilities and difficulties in mastering labor and determining the prospects for working with this or that child, taking into account his potential capabilities.

Studying the activities of students in the classroom, analyzing the work performed, comparing it with the dynamics of mastering the material in other academic subjects of the school course, comparing it with initial knowledge and skills, and a number of other indicators are the basis for determining the groups of students. This will allow for a differentiated approach to them, which will contribute to the advancement of children.

Formation of the foundations of a rational organization of work, which presupposes orderliness of actions and self-discipline. Acquaintance of children with the basic organizational rules, requirements: "Preparation and maintenance of their workplace in order", "Safe use of tools and materials", "Behavior during work", etc. , will allow you to achieve the highest results in any work.

Mastering by schoolchildren of accessible types of manual labor: “Working with clay and plasticine”, “Working with paper and cardboard”, “Working with natural materials”, “Working with threads”.

Mastering the initial technical and technological information about the materials used in labor lessons (clay, plasticine, paper, thread, natural materials).

In labor lessons, first-graders acquire the simplest technological knowledge of clay, plasticine, paper, thread, natural materials; receive information about the purpose, application and properties of these materials. This knowledge is elementary and small in volume, and is formed based on natural materials (collections of samples of types of paper, threads, natural materials), which contribute to the formation of both visual and tactile perception in first graders.

Teaching elementary weaponless and weaponry techniques.

Classes in the first grade are the most difficult period of teaching manual labor. This is due to the heterogeneity of the composition of students in terms of the degree of mental retardation and preparedness for work. In the classroom, children may be motor inhibited, lethargic, or, conversely, disinhibited, fussy and restless. Often, both children find it difficult to knead the plasticine, bend, crumple, tear or cut the paper, circle the template without moving it, etc. Therefore, in the first grade, they teach the simplest techniques, initially without tools (bending, creasing, tearing paper; kneading, smearing, rolling, flattening of plasticine, etc.), and then tool prims (cutting along a short, long straight and curved line).

Development of perception and orientation in visual aids (textbooks, workbooks, subject-operational, graphic plans).

Visibility in teaching is one of the conditions for the lasting and conscious assimilation of educational material; it is one of the conditions for correcting thinking and speech. To get a general idea of ​​the subject, first grade schoolchildren are most understandable are natural (objects, dummies, toys, etc.) and visual (models, models, photographs, paintings, etc.) teaching aids. Also, the most accessible for mentally retarded first graders is visibility in the form of subject-operational, graphic plans, dynamic tables, which are of the most specific nature.

All graphic didactic materials should be compiled taking into account the peculiarities of perception and thinking of mentally retarded primary schoolchildren and meet the requirements of correctional and educational work. These include: the maximum dismemberment of the sequence of stages in the implementation of the product, but not exceeding five to six successively performed items of the plan; the presence of conventional symbols (schematic images of a pencil, a brush, stabbing and cutting tools, etc.), showing how to perform a practical action (circle, stick, cut, bend, etc.) and digital designations of the order of performing stages of work on a product and labor actions; display in the volume of graphic images of objects (a prerequisite for mentally retarded schoolchildren of the first grade);

Work on the formation of first-graders with intellectual underdevelopment of the ability to work with graphic clarity involves:

Teaching orientation in the space of the textbook sheets on which the graphic images are located;

Acquaintance with digital, alphabetic and conventional graphic symbols;

Analyzing examination of the item to be manufactured and points of the plan;

The direction of visual perception when reading graphic clarity (from left to right).

Due to the low reading abilities of first grade schoolchildren, all text materials in visual teaching aids are intended for reading by adults.

Development of speech, expansion of vocabulary by mastering technical and technological terms and concepts that characterize the subject and the actions performed.

Children must learn to understand, use in speech, correctly find and reflect in products the ideas about the size of "large-small-medium", "identical"), shape ("circle", "square", "triangle", "rectangle", " circle "," oval "), length (" short "," long "," narrow "," wide "," high "," low "," thick "," thin "), directions (" top "," below ”,“ above ”,“ below ”,“ left ”,“ right ”,“ right ”), spatial relations (“ in the middle ”,“ above ”,“ below ”, to the right of…”, “to the left of… .. ").

Manufacturing of items (products) that meet cognitive, aesthetic and functional requirements.

Children love work, in the process of which something beautiful and unusual is created. This aspiration of the child must be supported and developed in every possible way. In resolving this issue, it is necessary to be guided by educational tasks aimed at instilling in children the ability to feel and understand the beauty of the objective world around them, created by human hands, the ability to distinguish “beautiful” from “ugly”; understand beauty as a value.

At the same time, one must remember about all the difficulties and achievements of each child and carefully select and organize the child's work in order to teach him what is of true value to him. At the same time, the tasks should be simple enough for the child to complete them. In addition, the teacher must always remember that the work must make sense so that the child can develop intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially.

Assignments must meet the following requirements:

    making products is not the purpose of the lesson. It is only a means of solving specific educational problems;

    tasks are structured according to a certain system, which is based on the didactic principle of accessibility and feasibility;

    the selection and systematization of tasks was made taking into account the common features and similar methods of processing one or another material that are available to these tasks;

    to expand knowledge about the subject world;

    to provide conditions for the formation of technical skills and abilities.

    be of public importance;

    should not be disposable, be casual, but should be interconnected with each other;

    objects of work must meet aesthetic requirements.

Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum

In the approximate curriculum of general education of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities), the subject "Manual labor" refers to the compulsory subject area "Technology". It takes 66 hours to study it in first grade, two hours a week.

When developing a work program by a teacher, it is proposed to take as a basis the approximate thematic planning given in the program, in which the actual number of hours for each type of work is placed.

    with the visual arts - the compositional arrangement of the image on the plane, the name of the colors of materials, objects, the selection of a harmonious combination of colors, the decoration of products, the performance of graphic exercises to prepare hands for work with scissors, etc.

    with speech practice - the implementation of simple and compound oral instructions of the teacher, a verbal report on the actions performed, the perception of poems, fairy tales; answers to teacher's questions, correlation of speech and image (selection of a picture corresponding to a word, sentence);

    with mathematics - determining the properties of objects: color, shape, size (size), purpose; comparing items by size; work with geometric material: triangle, square rectangle, circle oval; ball; the position of objects in space, on a plane;

    with the world of nature and man - seasonal changes, recognition and naming of objects of animate and inanimate nature.

This ensures a better assimilation of educational material, corrective orientation of labor training and a strong connection between manual labor lessons and other academic disciplines.

Planned results

The study of the academic subject "Manual labor" in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the AOOP is aimed at achieving the following results.

Personal results assimilation of technology include individual and personal qualities and social (life) competencies of the student, socially significant value attitudes: a positive attitude and interest in work; understanding the meaning and value of labor; attitude to work as the first vital necessity; understanding of beauty in work, in the surrounding reality and the emergence of an emotional reaction "beautiful" or "ugly"; awareness of their achievements in the field of work; the ability to self-esteem; the ability to express one's attitude to the results of one's own and other people's creative activity “like” or “dislike”; the habit of being organized, orderly, neat.

Subject results mastering AOOP of general education include the knowledge and skills mastered by students, specific to each educational area, the readiness of their application.

Program “Technology. Manual labor » in first grade minimal and sufficient.

Minimum level knowledge and skills:


Be able to:

Enough level

By the end of the first year of manual labor training, students with mild intellectual disabilities should know:

be able to:


Program “Technology. Manual labor "in the first grade determines the content and level of basic knowledge and skills in manual processing of the most accessible materials for mentally retarded students (plasticine, clay, paper, thread, natural materials).

Systematic training in manual labor in the first grade involves the following types: "Working with clay and plasticine", "Working with paper", "Working with natural materials", "Working with threads".

« Man and Labor ". "Labor lesson".

Man-made objective world as a result of human labor activity. Labor lesson and its features. Materials and tools used in handicraft lessons. Rules of conduct and work in manual labor lessons. General rules for organizing a workplace in labor lessons.

"Working with clay and plasticine"

Organization of the workplace when performing stucco work.

Plasticine is a material of manual labor. How to properly handle plasticine. Tools for working with plasticine.

Basic knowledge of clay and plasticine (plastic properties of materials, color, shape). The use of clay for making toys; figurines of animals, birds, people, etc.

Organization of the workplace when performing stucco work. How to properly handle plasticine. Tools for working with plasticine.

Modeling from clay and plasticine in different ways: constructive- the item is created from separate parts; plastic- modeling from a whole piece, when all parts are drawn from one piece of clay, plasticine; combined- combining modeling from separate parts and a whole piece.

Modeling from plasticine, products having a rectangular, cylindrical, conical and spherical shape.

Techniques of work: “kneading”, “pinching off pieces of plasticine”, “smearing on cardboard” (application from plasticine), “rolling in columns” (application from plasticine), “rolling the ball”, “rolling the ball to an oval shape”, “pulling out one the end of the column "," flattening "," sewing "," smearing "(volumetric products).

Combined work: paper and plasticine.

"Working with natural materials"

Organization of a workplace for working with natural materials.

Elementary concepts of natural materials (where they use, where they find, types of natural materials).

Ways of joining parts (plasticine).

Working with dried leaves ... Working methods (applique, volumetric products). The properties of the leaves (color, shape, dried leaves are fragile). Joining parts (using plasticine).

Working with fir cones. Working methods (volumetric products). Properties of spruce cones (shape, color, etc.). Connection of product parts (using plasticine).

Working with reed grass. Working methods (applique, volumetric products). Properties of dry reed grass (fluffy, etc.)

Combined work: plasticine and natural materials.

"Working with paper"

Organization of the workplace when working with paper.

Basic information about paper (paper products). Grades and types of paper (writing paper, printing paper, drawing paper, absorbent / hygienic, dyed). Color, shape of the paper (triangle, square, rectangle, circle, oval). Tools (scissors) and materials (glue) for working with paper.

Methods of working with paper (application, design).

Types of paper handling:

Folding paper figures (Origami). Paper folding techniques: "folding a triangle in half", "folding a square from corner to corner"; "Bending a rectangular shape in half"; "Bending the sides towards the middle"; "Bending corners towards the center and middle"; "Bending like" accordion "; "Bend inward."

Paper cutting with scissors ... Paper cutting tools.

Rules for handling scissors. Rules for working with scissors. Holding the scissors.

Cutting techniques with scissors: "cut along a short straight line"; "Cut along a short oblique line"; "Cut along a short straight line"; "Long line cut"; "Incision along a slightly curved line"; "Rounding of rectangular corners"; "Cutting out images of objects that have a rounded shape"; "Cutting along a perfect curved line (circle)".

Cutting methods: symmetrical cutting of ornamental and object images from paper folded in half.

The use of cut out elements, details in appliqué and construction.

Tearing paper ... Tearing the paper along the fold. Tearing off small pieces from a sheet of paper (paper mosaic). Connection of torn elements (gluing). Rules for working with glue and a brush.

Crumpled and rolled paper in the palms. Crumpling with fingers and rolling paper in the palms (flat and volumetric application).

Paper construction. Plane construction from cut strips (weaving from strips);

Volumetric design based on geometric shapes (square) and geometric bodies (cylinder).

Paper layout. Markup using a template. The concept of "template". Rules for working with a template. The stroke order of the geometric shape template (square, triangle, circle, oval).

WITH Connection of product parts. Adhesive bonding. Rules for working with glue and a brush. Adhesive bonding techniques: "point", "solid". Slotted connection of parts (slotted lock).

"Working with threads"

Basic information Othreads (where the threads come from). The use of threads. Thread properties. Thread color. How to work with threads.

Types of work with threads:

Winding thread on a cardboard box (flat toys, brushes).

Tying the threads into a bun (berries, figurines, flowers).

Sewing ... Sewing tools. Sewing techniques: "needle up and down".

Embroidery ... What is made of thread. Embroidery techniques: straight stitch embroidery in two steps.


According to the basic (educational) plan of the AOOP for students with mental retardation of the first grade, 66 hours a year are allocated for the study of the subject "Manual labor". The subject is taught in first grade 2 hours a week. The distribution of study time by type of work is given approximate and presented in the table.

p / p

Names of sections of the curriculum

Number of hours

Characteristics of the main

Planned results at the minimum


The planned results are at a sufficient level


be able to


be able to

Introductory lesson.

Familiarization of students with the features of the lesson

labor. Revealing knowledge and skills of students.

Safety rules

To work out

To work out

correct working posture and maintain order in the workplace.

Working with plasticine

Making a ladder,

a fence, a house, a Christmas tree, an airplane from pre-prepared sticks and posts

various lengths and thicknesses. Modeling on spherical objects:

beads, berries, ball, etc.

Modeling vegetables and fruits: apple, tomato.

Modeling of oval-shaped objects: plum, cucumber, carrot, pepper, mushrooms,

potatoes, etc.

Modeling letters and numbers on a substrate. Modeling by model and presentation of details for layouts on themes of fairy tales.

Safety instructions for working with


Geometric shape names: (ball, oval, etc.)

Have an idea

about the size of objects.

Listen to and repeat after the teacher the analysis of the product sample,

participate in the collective analysis of the product sample on the teacher's questions.

movements in the palms (ball).

Safety rules when working with plasticine

Roll out plasticine in the palms of your hands and on a backing board (columns), roll in a circular

movements in the palms (ball).

with natural material.

Sticking dried leaves on a colored paper backing and

flowers followed by

gluing a vase

or a pot.

Drawing on a model of a subject picture from dried leaves.

Manufacturing according to the model of a boat

walnut shell: with paper sail

or tree leaves.

Elementary concepts about natural materials,

their properties (color, shape, size,

fragility of dried leaves, flowers).

T / B rules for

Glue dried

leaves and flowers on a substrate of colored paper.

Drawing up the simplest compositions

from leaves and flowers.

Manufacturing technology of the product on the teacher's questions.

T / B rules for

work with cutting tools.

Select materials and tools for work with the help of a teacher.

Sticking on colored paper

leaves and flowers.

Paper handling

and cardboard.

Exercises to fold and tear paper

along straight lines.

Manufacturing of a cap from newsprint; flying figures made of thick paper: arrows, a snake.

Cutting strips of paper into squares, rectangles.

Rounding corners

rectangle and square by eye. Manufacturing of flags from

colored paper.

Rules for drawing up an application.

Elementary concepts about the properties of paper (bends, cut, absorbs moisture, while losing strength) and purpose

some types of paper

(newspaper, drawing, wrapping, cigarette, color). Basic paper colors.

Use scissors correctly.

Sanitary and hygienic

Requirements when working with paper.

Place applique elements on a sheet of paper.

Safety regulations when working with cutting objects. Rules for organizing your workplace.

Use scissors correctly. Do the work independently and with the help of a teacher.

Grease with glue and stick

Details of the applique.

Working with threads

Winding thread on cardboard (flat toys, tassels)

Safety regulations when working with cutting objects. Rules for organizing your workplace.

Safety regulations when working with cutting objects.

Thematic planning is presented in accordance with the textbooks “Technology. Manual labor "for the first class of educational organizations implementing the adapted basic general educational programs of the Federal State Educational Standard for the education of students with intellectual disabilities. Textbooks published by the "Prosveshchenie" publishing house.

Verified "___" ______________ 2017

Deputy director for SD ____________ L.N. Poluektova

Thematic planning of manual labor lessons for grade 1

1 semester (31 hours)

1 quarter (16h)

p / p


Lesson topic

Number of hours

Basic learning activities

Updating basic knowledge

Introductory lesson. Objects of the natural world.

Repetition after the teacher of the analysis of the sample product on the teacher's questions.

Items of the man-made world.

Answers to the teacher's question in full sentences.

Trace and cut.

Materials and tools.

Exercises in folding paper.

Paper grades. Application of geometric shapes (house, trees).

Trace and cut.

Application "Autumn tree".

Trace and cut.

Excursion into nature to collect natural material.

Collection of natural


Paper shape . Square.

Origami "Tulip".

Textbook pages 24-25


folding paper.

Paper folding techniques:

square or rectangle.

Answers to the teacher's question in full sentences

Textbook p. 28-29 (subject-practical actions). Receptions

paper folding

2nd quarter (15h)

p / p


Lesson topic

Number of hours

Basic learning activities

Updating basic knowledge

Substantive practical actions

What is scissors

Conversation on teacher's questions. Answers to the teacher's questions, what is made of what.

Textbook p. 30-31

(substantive and practical actions).

How to work with scissors.

Answers to the teacher's question in full sentences. Answers to the teacher's questions, what is made of what.

Textbook pp. 32-33

(substantive and practical actions).

Circle and circle.

Application "Fruit on a plate".

Comparison of a sample of a product with a natural object on the teacher's questions. Names of basic geometric shapes and colors.

Textbook p. 35-36

(substantive and practical actions).

Cutting symmetrical shapes.

Names of basic geometric shapes and colors.

Textbook p. 38-39

(substantive and practical actions).

Volumetric toys.

Cylinder. Cone.

Names of basic geometric shapes and colors. Answers to the teacher's question in full sentences.

Textbook pp. 46-47 (subject-practical actions).

What is plasticine.

Answers to the teacher's question in full sentences.

Textbook p.50-52 (subject-practical actions).

Techniques for working with plasticine.

Modeling on the model of a house, a fence.

Comparison of a sample of a product with a natural object on the teacher's questions.

Verified "___" ______________ 2018

Deputy dir. for SD ________ / Poluektova L.N. /

Calendar-thematic planning for manual labor in grade 1

2 semester(35 h)

p / p


Lesson topic

Number of hours

Types of educational activities.




Modeling according to the model: "Plasticine bagels".

Answers to the teacher's question in full sentences. Names of basic geometric shapes and colors.

Modeling of various shapes.

Application "Lamb in the meadow".

Comparison of a sample of a product with a natural object on the teacher's questions.

Modeling of various shapes.

Modeling oval objects:

Cucumber tomato.

Names of basic geometric shapes and colors.

Modeling of various shapes.

How to make chicken and chicken.

Comparison of a sample of a product with a natural object on the teacher's questions.

Modeling of various shapes.

Modeling on the model: "Circus clown".

Comparison of a sample of a product with a natural object on the teacher's questions.

Modeling of various shapes.

Excursion to nature.

Where did the natural material come from.

Conversation on teacher's questions. Repetition of safety rules during the excursion.

Collection of natural material.

Where natural materials are used.

Conversation on teacher's questions. Answers to the teacher's questions, what is made of what.

Application "Butterfly".

Conversation on teacher's questions. Answers to the teacher's questions, what is made of what.

Application "Fish".

Names of basic geometric shapes and colors.

Drawing up a product according to a sample.

Cones products. Penguin.

Conversation on teacher's questions. Answers to the teacher's questions, what is made of what.

Drawing up a product according to a sample.

Where do the threads come from.

Conversation on teacher's questions. Repetition of safety rules.

Drawing up a product according to a sample.

4th quarter (16 h)

What is made of thread.

Conversation on teacher's questions. Answers to the teacher's questions, what is made of what.

Drawing up a product according to a sample.

What are the threads.

Answers to the teacher's question in full sentences.

Drawing up a product according to a sample.

How to work with threads. Winding threads.

Answers to the teacher's question in full sentences.

Drawing up a product according to a sample.

Weaving from threads.

Conversation on teacher's questions. Repetition of safety rules.

Drawing up a product according to a sample.

How to work with threads. Sewing.

Conversation on teacher's questions. Repetition of safety rules.

Drawing up a product according to a sample.

How to work with threads. Embroidery.

Conversation on teacher's questions. Repetition of safety rules.

Drawing up a product according to a sample.

Normative acts and educational and methodological documents, on the basis of which the work program was developed:

    Law "On Education" in the Russian Federation 273 of 12/30/2012.

    Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training and education in organizations carrying out educational activities in accordance with adapted basic general educational programs for students with disabilities "

    Law "On Education in the Rostov Region". No. 26-ЗС dated 14.11.2013.

    Curricula of special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities. (Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2002, No. 29/2065-p)

    Approximate regional curriculum of special (correctional) educational institutions of the Rostov region (avenue MO and PORO from 10.07.2002, No. 1277).

    Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type for grades 1-4, ed. V.V. Voronkova M., "Vlados", 2001.

    The curriculum of the state treasury educational institution of the Rostov region "Kolushkinskaya special boarding school" for 2017-2018.

Educational and methodological support

This program is provided with an educational and methodological kit for the 1st grade of educational organizations for students with intellectual disabilities.

Name of facilities for educational and methodological support


Printing production

    L.A. Kuznetsova Work programs.

The programs define the goals and objectives of the course, consider the features of the content of teaching manual labor and the results of its assimilation, presents thematic planning with a description of the main types of students' activities, describes the material and technical support of the educational process.

    L.A. Kuznetsova Technology: Manual labor: Grade 1: Textbook for students with intellectual disabilities.

In an accessible form, the textbook tells about work, forms the schoolchildren's ideas about the surrounding man-made objective world, as a result of a person's labor activity. Introduces the available types of manual labor ("Working with clay and plasticine", "Working with paper and cardboard", "Working with natural materials", "Working with threads"), gives initial technical information about clay, plasticine, paper, natural materials and teaches the elementary techniques of working with these materials.

The textbook is intended for use in the classroom and for reading by adults to children.

    L.A. Kuznetsova Technology: Manual labor: Grade 1 Workbooks (part 1 and part 2) for students with intellectual disabilities.

Workbooks that correlate with the content of textbooks and contain accompanying text materials (riddles, proverbs, crosswords, control schemes, product templates) contribute to the creation of conditions for preparing children for practical tasks.

    L.A. Kuznetsova A guide for teachers of educational organizations implementing the adapted basic general educational programs of the Federal State Educational Standard for the education of students with intellectual disabilities.

A significant addition to the textbooks are teaching aids for teachers and parents, where materials for organizing and conducting manual labor lessons are presented (a list of standard equipment for labor lessons, the content of leading skills and abilities that must be formed in schoolchildren in the first grade, approximate lesson planning for a year , dictionary of terms, literature.

Electronic resource

    L.A. Kuznetsova Electronic supplements to the completed line of textbooks and workbooks “Technology. Manual labor "1-4 grades for organizations that implement the adapted basic general education programs of the Federal State Educational Standard for the education of students with intellectual disabilities

This electronic support involves the teacher's inclusion of practical teaching material in the educational process in the classroom and after school hours. To prepare for the lesson, the teacher can print out the necessary excerpt from the workbook and use it in the class for practical work of students in accordance with the topic of the lesson.

The attraction of this resource provides an additional opportunity to enhance the educational activity of mentally retarded schoolchildren, expand their ideas in connection with the subject being studied, form their life competence and social adaptation.

Logistics support

Names of objects and means of material and technical support of educational activities.



Library fund (printing products):

Federal State Educational Standard for Students with Disabilities

Demo copy

The standard, the approximate program, the work program is part of the mandatory software and methodological support of the manual labor cabinet.

Approximate adapted basic general education curriculum for students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities)

Demo copy

Work programs on the subject "Technology (Manual labor)" for the 1st grade of educational organizations for students with intellectual disabilities.

Demo copy

Teaching kits (TMC) for the program for conducting technology lessons

The library collection must include complete sets of teaching materials

Textbook “Technology. Manual labor "for the 1st class of educational organizations for students with intellectual disabilities.

Complete set (based on the actual occupancy of the class)


Complete set (based on the actual occupancy of the class)

The library stock should include workbooks corresponding to the textbooks used.

Demo copy

Teaching and visual aids

Complete set (based on the actual occupancy of the class)

Visual aids in the form of tables on folk crafts, Russian costume, arts and crafts; didactic handouts: task cards on the technology of manufacturing a product.

Dictionary-guide to labor training

Demo copy

Albums on arts and crafts.

Demo copy

Printed tutorials:

Table of household items, recreation, study

Demo copy

In order to properly organize the activities of students, develop their planning ability and the ability to comply with the manufacturing technology of products, it is necessary to use visual aids, taking into account the specifics of their perception and analytical abilities.

All printed manuals can be presented in demo (wall), individual (handout), printed form and on electronic media.

Tables for folk crafts, Russian costume, arts and crafts.

Demo copy

Didactic handouts: task cards on the technology of manufacturing a product.

Complete set (based on the actual occupancy of the class)

Subject-operational, graphic plans, diagrams and drawings,

Complete set (based on the actual occupancy of the class)

Information and communication means:

Multimedia manual training programs.

The kit is necessary for practical work in groups designed for several students (7-8 copies).

The MS Power Point program has great capabilities when creating multimedia products. One of the main aspects of this program is the application of animation effect.

Electronic supplement to the textbook

Demo copy

This electronic resource is a kind of interactive background synopsis for the teacher. In addition, in order to prepare for the lesson, the teacher, working with the electronic application of the above-mentioned teaching materials, can print out the necessary excerpt from the textbook or workbook and use it in the classroom for practical work of students in accordance with the topic of the lesson. If necessary, the teacher should adapt assignments and give additional step-by-step instructions, select and offer relevant information for students, assist students in using the tools and demonstrate ways of acting when performing interactive assignments.

Software-pedagogical tool "Library of electronic visual aids"

Demo copy

The electronic edition "Labor training", consisting of a set of multimedia components - texts, drawings, photographs, animations, video clips, test tasks, is intended for use in the educational process by educational institutions, as well as for independent use by students at home. If necessary, computer material must be compiled or partially used, adapted, focusing on the individual characteristics of each student with mental retardation.

Electronic libraries can be placed on CD-ROM or created in the network version.

Gaming computer games-programs (diagnostic, developmental, educational, training).

Complete set (based on the actual occupancy of the class)

The developmental games-programs include: puzzles, coloring books, puzzle games, labyrinths, crosswords, etc., which can be selected according to the level of development, age, type of work, topic of the lesson. Such games-programs develop attention and memory, hand motor skills, develop logic and thinking in children.

The use of educational electronic games-programs in technology lessons makes it possible to replenish vocabulary, to distinguish the color, shape, design and other visible characteristics of objects, to teach elementary schoolchildren to count, writing, reading, manual and specialized work, etc.

It is possible to use paid and free sites with on-line and flash games.

Technical training aids:

CD / DVD - players.


Audio-video-tape recorder.

Computer with art and labor software.

Slide - projector.

Multimedia projector.

A magnetic board with the necessary set of devices for attaching visual material.

Interactive board.

Demo copy

You must have a window dimmer.

Screen - sound aids:

audio recordings of music for literary works,

videos and presentations: on art and ethnographic museums; museums of dolls; folk crafts, etc.

Demo copy

Educational and practical equipment:


    Watercolors, gouache paints.

    Markers of different colors

    Colour pencils

    Drawing paper A3, A4 (thick)

    Colored paper of different density.

    Colored cardboard, gray, white

    Large-sized paper

    A set of multi-colored plasticine.

    Threads (different types)

    Natural materials (dried leaves, cones, acorns, walnut shells, reed grass, etc.)

    PVA glue, starch glue, glue stick.

    Shoe laces (short, long)

Complete set (based on the actual occupancy of the class)

Typical equipment for technology lessons in each class is calculated per student annually, in accordance with the types of work provided for in the educational program.


    Squirrel brushes No. 5, 10, 20

    Bristle brushes No. 3, 10, 20

  1. Sewing needles with an extended (wide) eye.

    Pencil sharpener.

    Smoothing device for paper.

Complete set (based on the actual occupancy of the class)


    Underlay boards

    Backing sheet or oilcloth.

    Storage box for natural materials.

    Brush stand

    Jar for glue

    Sheets of paper for working with glue (waste paper)

    Trash box

    Cloths or paper towels (damp) for drying hands.

Complete set (based on the actual occupancy of the class)

6. Models and natural range

    Models of geometric shapes and bodies.

    Model of the figure of man, animals, birds, fish.

    Dummies of fruits and vegetables (set).

    Leaf herbaria, spruce and pine cones, acorns, walnut shells, reed grass, etc.

    Products of decorative and applied arts and folk crafts.

    Ceramic products.

    Household items (coffee pots, jugs, tea set, boxes, etc.).

    Samples of New Year's toys.

    Collection "Types and grades of paper"

    Collection "Types and varieties of thread"

A set for frontal work (at least 1 copy for two people);

Demo copy

Games and toys:


    Set "Constructor" (metal).

    Chess board with checkers.

    Shape-layout "Magic square" with samples of tasks for folding various geometric combinations of triangles from a shape-layout.

    Figure-layout "Folding clock"

    Game "Geometric constructor".

    "Lotto", "extra item".

    "What the artist has confused."


    "Composing words from letters made from wire."

    "Help Pinocchio to get to Pope Carlo."

Demo copy

The use of games in technology lessons creates conditions for the formation of positive motivation for learning in students.


    Flying model "Glider".

    Toy loom

    Toy "Twisting doll"

    Flying Disc Toy

Demo copy

Room equipment:

For the teacher:


    Teacher's desk.

    Cabinets for storing materials, tools.

    Demonstration table.

    Racks for exhibitions of children's works.

Demo copy

In addition to purely pedagogical requirements related to the functional purpose of each individual interior, certain aesthetic requirements are also imposed on the design of the premises. However, it must be remembered that the classroom is primarily intended for classes, therefore, all decorative elements and information stands can only be located on the back wall of the class, so as not to distract the attention of students.

For students:

training (work) places.

Complete set (based on the actual occupancy of the class)

Single or double tables and chairs for 16 seats.

The workplace must meet the necessary parameters - both the structure of the child's body and aesthetic standards. This includes the rational arrangement of tools and craft materials in the workplace, the absence of unnecessary items on the table, and cleanliness. This demonstrates the exemplary order that dictates the readiness for internal discipline.

The layout of the workplace should ensure a comfortable posture and the implementation of economic, fluid, rhythmic movements. An uncomfortable working position causes physical fatigue, deforms the body, and reduces efficiency.

Minimum equipment required for manual lessons in first grade:

individual workplace;

the simplest tools and devices for manual processing of materials: school scissors with rounded ends, colored pencils, short needles with a blunt point and a large eye into which a thick thread can be threaded (recommended for teaching children to sew. Sizes: 13 to 26), colored shoe laces (short, long); a plastic underlay board, brushes for working with glue, paints, a holder for brushes (pencils, scissors), trash boxes, colored shoe laces (short, long);

materials for the manufacture of products, provided by the program content: paper (writing, landscape, colored for applications and origami), textile materials (threads, yarn, etc.), plastic materials (clay, plasticine), natural materials (dried leaves of different tree species, cones, reed grass) and etc.;

specially designated places and devices for rational placement, careful storage of materials and tools and optimal preparation of students for technology lessons: boxes, stands, folders, etc.


Program “Technology. Manual labor » in the first grade defines two levels of mastery of subject results: minimal and sufficient.

Minimum level mastering subject results is mandatory for all students with mild mental retardation of the first grade, including the following knowledge and skills:

By the end of the first year of manual labor training, students with mild intellectual disabilities should know: workplace organization rules; types of labor work; names and properties of ornamental materials used in manual labor lessons in the first grade, rules for their storage, sanitary and hygienic requirements when working with them; the names of the tools necessary for manual labor lessons, their structure, safety rules for working with piercing and cutting tools; methods of work (methods of marking parts, prims of separating a part from a workpiece, methods of shaping, methods of joining parts, prims of finishing a product) used in manual labor lessons.

Be able to: organize your workplace depending on the nature of the work performed, rationally arrange tools, materials and devices on the desktop, keep order in the workplace with the help of a teacher; analyze the object to be manufactured, highlight and name its signs and properties; determine ways of connecting parts with the help of a teacher; draw up a standard work plan point by point based on the subject-operational plan with the help of a teacher; master some technological methods of manual processing of craft materials with the help of a teacher; work with available materials (clay and plasticine, natural materials, with paper and thread).

Enough level mastering subject results is not required for all first grade students.

By the end of the first year of manual labor training, students with mild intellectual disabilities should know: rules for the rational organization of work, including the orderliness of actions and self-discipline.

be able to: independently find the information necessary to perform the work in the materials of the textbook, workbook; work with visualization accessible to first graders: draw up a work plan on the product based on the subject-operational, graphic plans, and act in accordance with them in the process of manufacturing the product; carry out current self-control of the performed practical actions and adjust the course of practical work; evaluate your product (beautiful, ugly, neat, looks like a sample); establish causal relationships between the actions performed and their results; Perform community assignments to clean up the class / workshop after manual lessons.

Mushakeeva Galiya Syamigullovna, educator, MBU school 26, s / p d / s "Topolek", Togliatti
Explanatory note
One of the main tasks of a preschool institution is to prepare children for school. However, there are guys who, with normal mental development, have deviations in speech and are not able to master the necessary skills in preparation for learning to read and write. These are children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP). Such children are characterized by insufficient development of fine motor skills. It is in this group that I work.
There is a connection between speech development and digital motor skills. The level of speech development is in direct proportion to the degree of formation of fine movements of the hands. Until the movements of the fingers become free, the development of speech cannot be achieved. In a child, special attention should be paid to training his fingers.
Manual labor has a huge impact on the development of the hand. We noticed that children are attracted to crafts made from natural materials, paper, and beadwork. They admire toys made from junk material. With great desire, they use them in games. Therefore, the proposal to learn how to weave from beads, to make toys from paper, crafts from natural materials by themselves delighted the children. Parents enthusiastically supported us - teachers and children. This is how the handicraft circle “Skillful hands” was defined.
This circle program is designed for one year of education for children of 7 years old.
We have developed a cycle of manual labor lessons for children of the preparatory group. The list of activities includes work with natural material, paper, waste material, beads.
The purpose of the circle: ensuring the speech well-being of preschoolers at the stage of preparation for school through the types of manual labor.
The circle "Skillful hands" will have a positive effect on the activation of fine motor skills of the hands, the development of small muscles of the hand, the development of imagination, fantasy, memory, the ability to organize their activities (perseverance, duration of attention). This, in turn, will have a beneficial effect on successful adaptation to schooling.

A long-term plan for the year for manual labor. Preparatory group


1. "Pictures from a stone"

Prospect: to teach children to compose a composition of river stones by sticking them on cardboard. Develop creativity, imagination, a sense of rhythm. Continue to teach how to clean your workplace. To foster a respect for natural materials. Develop fine motor skills.
Material: river stones, cardboard, PVA glue.

Sod: teach children how to make an applique from ash seeds. To consolidate the skills of working with scissors when cutting individual parts from paper (eyes, mouth, ears, paws). Develop imagination, creativity. To foster a respect for natural materials. Develop fine motor skills.
Material: cardboard sheet, ash seeds, colored paper, scissors, glue.

3. "Fairy-tale heroes of the forest"

Sod: continue to develop in children the desire to do manual labor, to use the skills of working with natural materials. Continue to learn how to make crafts according to a drawing, combine various materials in one craft, fasten with sticks and plasticine. Develop creative imagination, educate artistic taste.
Material: spruce, pine cones, ash lionfish, walnut shells, bird down and feathers, plum seeds, moss.

4. "Cactus"

NS. soda: teach children to do a craft cactus from natural material (from cucumber, zucchini) using toothpicks. Develop imagination, creativity. To foster a respect for natural materials. Material: Cucumber or squash, toothpicks, rowan berries, small flower pot.


Sod .: to teach to work accurately with a needle, to learn the rules of using a needle, to teach children to do crafts from natural materials; Continue to teach preschoolers to clean their workplace, carefully handle natural materials.
Material: rowan berries, strong threads, needles, if desired, melon, watermelon seeds.

Material: cardboard of different shapes and sizes, plasticine, seeds of different plants

3. "Magic Leaves"

Sod .: to teach children to carry out an applique from leaves. Develop creativity, imagination. Continue to teach preschoolers to clean their workplace, carefully handle natural materials.
Material: dry leaves, glue, cardboard.

4. "A plate for dolls"

Sod .: to teach children to make an application from natural material on a plasticine basis, to develop creativity, imagination, a sense of rhythm, to teach to make a composition.
Material: cardboard plate, plasticine, seeds of different plants, sample.


1. "Tea ware for dolls"

Sod: To teach children to decorate dishes with small pebbles, shells, using a plasticine base, to decorate the craft as they wish. Develop creativity, imagination. To cultivate artistic taste. Develop fine motor skills.
Material: river stones, shells, plastic cup and saucer, plasticine.

2. "Kokoshniki"

Prospect: to teach children to use different natural materials to decorate a kokoshnik, to compose a composition. To cultivate a respect for natural material, accuracy. Develop imagination, imagination, a sense of rhythm.
Material: kokoshniks made of cardboard and glued velvet paper, seeds of different plants, dried flowers, leaves, scissors, PVA glue, brushes, sample.
Literature: V. Pudova "Toys from natural gifts" p. 41-43

3. "Snowflakes"

Sod .: to teach children to make an application from natural material on a plasticine basis, to develop creativity, imagination, a sense of rhythm, to teach to make a composition.
Material: cardboard of various shapes and sizes, plasticine, seeds of different plants.

4. "Bunch of grapes"

NS. sod: teach children to make crafts from walnuts on a plasticine basis. Develop creativity, imagination. Educate neatness. Develop fine motor skills.
Material: walnuts (3 pcs per child) plasticine, cardboard.


1. "Noise Makers"

Sod .: to teach children to make musical instruments from various junk material, arrange a craft as they wish, develop imagination, ingenuity, teach to listen carefully to the work plan.
Material: yogurt cups, round stick, match, fishing line, rosin, awl, knife. (Work with an awl and a knife is performed by the teacher in advance)


Sod .: to teach children to make a variety of toys from the same blank and establish their similarity with familiar objects; teach how to carry out the craft focusing on the schemes; develop constructive thinking and quick wits; expand personal and gaming experience; enrich the dictionary.
Material: squares of colored paper, a pencil for making sticks, carnations, a hammer.


Prospect: to teach how to make a craft from matchboxes, to supplement the craft with details, giving expressiveness and resemblance to real animals. Continue learning how to analyze a drawing and a sample. Encourage children to make crafts for further use in the game. Develop creativity, imagination, thinking.
Material: matchboxes, colored


Sod .: to teach children to make a variety of toys from the same blank and establish their similarity with familiar objects; teach how to carry out the craft focusing on the schemes; analyze the circuit; develop constructive thinking and quick wits.
Material: squares of colored paper, colored paper for decoration, scissors, glue, brushes, diagrams, sample.


1. "Dress for Neptune"

Program content: teach children to make simple foil crafts, create their own composition in accordance with the idea, use the knowledge and skills gained in creating an artistic image. Develop a creative interest in various paper design techniques.
Material: napkins, foil, needle, thread, pin, scissors.

Sod. : keep learning to fold paper into different directions according to the drawing; develop in children intelligence, creativity, the ability to use different means of expression when creating an image; teach to simulate a game situation
Material: landscape sheet (cardboard), colored paper, scissors, glue or colored pencils, paints, rectangles of orange paper, diagrams.


Sod .: continue to learn to fold paper in different directions in accordance with the drawing; develop in children intelligence, creativity, the ability to use different means of expression when creating an image; teach to simulate a game situation;
Material: landscape sheet (cardboard), colored paper, scissors, glue or colored pencils, rectangles of orange paper, diagrams.


Sod .: to teach children to fold paper in different directions, making a frame for pictures. Develop the ability to analyze the drawing. Do the job carefully. Develop fine motor skills.
Material: rectangular sheets of white paper (or wallpaper), a simple pencil, a ruler, a drawing.


Pr.sod .: continue to teach how to carry out crafts from various materials,; develop in children intelligence, creativity, the ability to use different means of expression when creating an image; teach to simulate a game situation; enrich the emotional sphere and vocabulary.
Material: balloons for each child (different colors), self-adhesive paper, scissors, threads, tape, pencils, sample.

2. "Airplane".

The purpose of the lesson: to teach children to make an airplane out of paper; to consolidate the ability to fold a paper sheet in half, diagonally. Learn to draw up a craft as you wish. Develop creativity, imagination. Develop fine motor skills.
Materials: aircraft models, colored sheets of paper, felt-tip pens of various colors.

3. "MIRACLES IN SUITS" (penguins)

Sod .: to cause positive emotions in children and the need for new information; to consolidate constructive skills and abilities; develop creativity; enrich the dictionary. Continue appliqué using the tear-off method.
Material: black squares of paper, diagrams, sample, dark blue cardboard and white ice paper, scissors, glue.

4. "BIRDS"

Sod .: continue to teach children to do paper crafts, correctly transfer the stencil to a sheet of cardboard, continue to teach to fold the paper "like an accordion", getting a fan; develop in children intelligence, creativity, the ability to use different means of expression when creating an image; teach to simulate a game situation; enrich the emotional sphere and vocabulary.
Material: bird stencils, sample, cardboard, colored paper, scissors, pencil, glue, strong thread.


1. "TULIP"

Sod .: to involve children in exciting games and creative activities; develop interest in the world around and constructive skills; expand social experience and enrich vocabulary. Continue to teach how to analyze the drawing, do the craft according to the scheme, continue to teach to work in pairs, be patient when explaining how to do the craft.
Material: squares of different colors and shades matching the color of the tulip, strips of green paper for making the stem and leaves, schemes, samples.
Literature: Kobitina "Working with paper. Crafts and games" p.55-56

2. "Kingdom of beads"

NS. sod: to acquaint with the history of the development of beading. To develop positive motivation in children in the activities of the circle. Promote the formation and satisfaction of cognitive interest in beads of different textures. Facilitate the "immersion" of children in the wonderful kingdom of beads.
Material for the lesson: a variety of bead products.

3. "Doll belt"

NS. sod: promote the development of the ability to string beads on a linen thread, after making a knot at the end of the thread.

4. "Bead track"

NS. sod: learn to string beads on a thread, alternating beads in a specific order. Develop a sense of rhythm. To cultivate perseverance, patience. Develop fine motor skills.
Material: beads of different colors, linen thread.


1 "Decoration for a doll (pendant)"

NS. sod.: Encourage the desire of children to make a funny craft for a doll with their own hands. To contribute to the development of the ability to string beads on a thread, to give the desired shape to the string and to connect the ends of parts.
Material for the lesson: linen thread, beads.

2. "A ring on a finger"

NS. sod: Saturate children's life with new experiences, stimulate children's creativity. Strengthen the skill of connecting the ends of a string of beads, forming a ring out of it. Encourage friendly relationships between children, the desire to help each other. Develop fine motor skills.
Material for the lesson: beads, linen thread.




educator S.L. Gutnik

MBDOU - kindergarten number 29 "Rodnichok"

Klintsy - 2016


Theme: Turtle

Tasks: Arouse in children a desire to make crafts from natural material, using plasticine as an additional material. Learn to think for yourself how you can make a turtle using walnut shells and plasticine, measure the parts of the turtle's body. To educate accuracy in work.

Material: walnut shell, plasticine.


Tasks: Teach children to make a bird according to the model, choosing the right material. Learn to think over the sequence in work. Raise interest, desire to work with natural materials.



Theme: Decorative panel (leaves, seeds)

Tasks: Continue to teach children to make a beautiful panel of autumn leaves, seeds, evenly placing them on a sheet of paper. Strengthen the ability to work with glue, natural material, work side by side. Teach children to help each other. To bring up accuracy, aesthetic taste.

Material: leaves, seeds, glue, square of colored paper.

Theme: Visiting the gnome (by design)

Tasks: Teach children to make crafts from a variety of materials according to their own design. Develop the ability to select the necessary material for crafts yourself. Exercise in the ability to properly fasten parts. To cultivate an aesthetic taste.

Material: natural material, plasticine.


Theme:Old Man - Amanita

Tasks: Continue to teach children to fold a strip of a cylinder and a cone, connecting the parts.

Strengthen the ability to independently cut small details for decoration. use glue correctly. brush. scissors. To educate accuracy in work.

Material: rectangular sheet of yellow paper. red circle. pieces of colored paper for decoration.

Theme:Cockerel with chicks

Tasks: Teach children about sensory analysis. Teach how to create transformations of objects from magic stripes. To teach the practical use of crafts in role-playing games. Foster the desire to help each other.

Material: 8 strips 1x19 cm, one strip 1x28cm, 1x9.5cm from thick yellow paper; strip - 1x2cm measurement made of thick red paper.



Tasks: To consolidate the previously acquired skills in working with glue, paper, scissors. Raise interest in joint work, evoke joy from the upcoming holiday, the desire to make jewelry with your own hands.

Material: glue, scissors, colored paper, colored cardboard.


Tasks: To teach children how to make Christmas decorations using templates for work, which are designed to circle paper folded in half. Learn to work carefully. Foster mutual assistance at work.

Material: templates, colored paper, simple pencil, scissors, glue, brush.


Theme: TRUCK

Tasks: Teach children to make a truck from junk material (boxes, reels). Continue to teach children to convey the shape, proportions of machine parts. Expand knowledge of freight transport. To foster respect for the driver's work, the desire to make cars on their own.

Material: waste material, colored cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue.

Theme: TRAIN

Tasks: Strengthen the ability to glue a box with paper or cloth, cut out parts and elements from colored paper or fabric, and decorate a craft. Foster respect for the results of work.

Material: cardboard packages of different sizes from under dairy products, colored paper, candy wrappers, cardboard, awl, needle, strong thread.



Tasks: Continue teaching sensory analysis to children. Teach how to create transformations of objects from magic stripes. To consolidate the practical use of crafts in role-playing games. To foster a respect for toys.

Material: 3 strips 1x19 cm and 2 strips 1x18cm of thick white paper for a snowman, blanks for Christmas trees.

Tasks: To form the ability to come up with a plot for a postcard, to embody your idea. Strengthen the ability to cut small details by eye, choose a beautiful color combination. To cultivate diligence, accuracy.

Material: rectangular sheet, colored paper, scissors, glue.



Tasks: Teach children to make souvenirs for their mothers from junk material, decorate them with scrap materials. To cultivate love, tenderness, affection in children for their mothers, the desire to make surprises for the holiday.

Material: various containers for vases, plasticine, small details for decorating vases.


Tasks: To continue teaching children to work with foam rubber, to give rounded shapes to parts, to connect them with PVA glue. To cultivate friendliness, the desire to help each other.

Material: foam rubber, colored cardboard, scissors, glue, brush.


Topic: TOY - FUN

Tasks: Strengthen the ability of children to cut parts according to a template from cardboard, connect them to each other using PVC-sheathed wire. To foster a sense of caring for the younger ones, the desire to make a toy for them.

Material: templates, colored cardboard, scissors, wire, colored pencils.

Theme: FISH (origami)

Tasks: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic shape - a double triangle. Strengthen your scissors skills. To consolidate the ability to randomly and evenly place the fish throughout the sheet. Foster creativity, develop imagination.

Material: colored paper, scissors, glue, brush, colored pencils.


Tasks: To consolidate the ability to cut parts by eye and glue them to a made cone (from a circle) or a cylinder (from a rectangle). Give the craft a certain image, decorating it with cut out small details. To educate accuracy in work.

Material: colored cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, brush.

Theme: Kite

Tasks: Arouse children's interest in working with paper. Continue teaching children to fold the figure according to the teacher's model. Practice the technique of folding the form. Raise the desire to do crafts.

Material: colorful squares, colored paper for decoration.


Educational area "HEALTH"

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Educational area "SOCIALIZATION"

Role-playing games


skills and abilities

Methodical techniques

The store sells toys.

Buyers ask to show the product, examine it, pay money. Sellers talk politely with buyers.

Reading Y. Yancharsky "In a toy store"

Didactic exercises: "We will tell the bunny how to buy goods", "We will explain to the doll how to talk to the seller in the store."


Craftsmen cut, comb, and there are special chairs for children.

Conversation: "How did you go to the hairdresser."

Didactic game: “What does a hairdresser need”.

Outdoor games and exercise

In room

Location on

"You, dog, do not bark."

Purpose: to teach children to run. Without bumping into each other.

"Dog and Sparrows".

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds, to teach to imitate their voices.

Catch the ball.

Purpose: to teach children to catch the ball with two hands. Develop an eye (distance 50-100 cm).

"We are funny guys."

Purpose: to teach to perform actions according to the instructions of an adult.

"At the gate."

Purpose: practice crawling.

"Follow the string."

Purpose: exercise in balance.

"Birds are flying."

Purpose: to teach children to jump from low objects, run scattered, act only on a signal, teach kids to help each other.

"Roll the ball under the counter."

Purpose: exercise in rolling the ball with two hands.

Theatrical games

    Game-situation "Rain, rain".

Purpose: to develop an aesthetic attitude to the world, to develop a sense of rhythm. Encourage dance. Learning to respond is not a contrasting mood in music; retell a familiar tale.

    Game-situation "Grow up a young oak tree".

Purpose: to foster respect for work, to induce creative activity, to induce to enter the role.


Purpose: to involve children in role-based interaction, to develop play skills, to captivate with dramatization.

    Game-situation "Water, wash my face."

Purpose: to teach children to follow the plot of the game, to educate the skills of self-service and hygiene, to develop physical activity.

Didactic games

    "Clothing store".

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of clothing. Continue teaching children to use the general word "clothing" in speech.

    "What changed".

Purpose: to develop the visual memory of children. Continue to form certain generalizing concepts in children.

Formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community

Educational area "SECURITY"


Methodical techniques

Fundamentals of the safety of one's own life

Continue to reinforce the rules for safe movement in the room with the children: in a group, move only at a step, do not push a friend, carefully sit down at the table and leave the table.

Game exercise "Visiting Dunno". Verbal encouragements, instructions.

Preconditions for Environmental Consciousness

Educational area "KNOWLEDGE"

Sensory development


Methodical techniques

The magnitude

Exercise in folding the inserts of 3-4 parts.

Strengthen the ability to assemble a pyramid in shape.

Exercise fine motor skills of the fingers.

Didactic game “Assemble the pyramid”, “Garages for cars”, “Assemble the picture”, “Soft puzzles”.

Exercise in distinguishing and naming colors.

Didactic game "Colorful clown"

Development of productive (constructive) activities

Subject and social environment

Getting to know nature


Methodical techniques

Vegetable world

Show the first grass and coltsfoot flowers. Clarify their structure and appearance. Continue to introduce indoor plants, teach how to highlight their parts.

Examination of flowers and houseplants. Conversation "Flowers have grown on our site." Productive activity "The grass turns green".

Animal world.

Watching sparrows: chirping, swimming in puddles. To mark the appearance of hooks, to teach not to be afraid of them, but also not to touch them, not to pick them up. Continue to cultivate respect for all living things.

Examining illustrations. Conversation "We are not afraid of bugs and do not offend them." Reading: nursery rhyme "Ladybug ...".

Inanimate nature.

Watch the snow melt on the site, behind the streams. Note how children's clothing has changed.

Examining clothes. Examining illustrations. Didactic game: "Paired pictures". Reading: L. Tolstoy "Spring has come".

Didactic assignments.

"Find and name", "Show the same."

Training in labor actions.

Continue learning to collect toys after a walk. Learn to make drains for water from the site (streams).