Why are there so many divorces in Russia? “I’ll tell you why there are so many divorces in Russia Why there were fewer divorces before

Creating a family is a very responsible step that affects the future fate of two people. Very often, marriages are concluded during a period of love, when feelings cloud common sense. However, some time passes, and people who were once in love to the point of madness move away from each other, begin to notice flaws, getting annoyed over any trifles. As a result, the spouses decide to divorce, so as not to spoil each other's life. Sometimes this happens by mutual agreement, and sometimes unilaterally. In any case, the dissolution of the marriage does not bode well.

The inability to compromise also very often leads to strife in family life. Source: Flickr (gurbir.grewal)

Why do people get divorced?

Statistics show that the number of divorces has increased significantly over the past 10 years. Divorces are more often initiated by women than men. And this is understandable, because the fair sex is more susceptible to emotions.

Interesting fact! Today, 57% of families terminate the marriage bond for various reasons. That is, every third married couple is already divorced or is on the verge of family collapse.

What could be the reason for this and why are there so many divorces? The fact is that the modern pace of life is very tiring for a person, and household problems and domestic needs only add additional stress. That is why spouses try to protect themselves from unnecessary worries by resorting to divorce. Also, cases of too early marriages have become more frequent, when young people at a young age, based only on mutual feelings, create a cell of society. Naturally, after a while, passions subside, and disappointment sets in, accompanied by a divorce process. And this is not all the reasons for divorce. Psychologists agree that some people are at risk, as their behavior patterns and outlook on life can provoke a divorce.

Who is at risk?

The optimal age for starting a family is from 22 to 30 years. During this period, the personality has already been formed, educated, socially adapted and ready for the next step. As a rule, at this age people have some goals in life, as well as a conscious desire to start a family and continue the race, which cannot be said about young people aged 17-20 years.

Too late marriages, that is, after 30-40 years, also fall into the risk group. At this age, men and women are self-sufficient and mature individuals. It is difficult for them to show in relation to another person the flexibility and loyalty necessary for normal family relations. Some are not mentally ready to change their habitual way of life: sacrifice something, make concessions and be with a partner too often. The inability to compromise also very often leads to strife in family life.

Professional dedication and excessive workaholism are also very often reasons for divorce. If a spouse devotes 12 hours a day to work, forgetting about the second half and children, then quarrels and misunderstandings arise in the family. Chronic fatigue is accompanied by irritability or prolonged depression, which will inevitably lead to the dissolution of marriage bonds. Therefore, many careerists believe that the family is an obstacle to achieving professional heights and self-realization.

Note! In the first 10 years, about 60% of married couples get divorced, then the trend decreases. The most difficult period in the formation of a family is the first 3 years and the appearance of the first child. If a difficult stage is passed, then, as a rule, marriage bonds are strengthened, and mutual respect and understanding come.

Marriages of convenience also lead to utter disappointment. Recently, it is not uncommon to see a respectable man in his fifties with a young and beautiful wife. The danger of marriages of convenience is that when a person is fed up with money and entertainment, he wants emotional satisfaction in the form of love and respect, and it is not always possible to get sincere feelings.

Sociological surveys made it possible to understand and streamline the main reasons for the divorces of young and mature couples.

One of the most common reasons for divorce after 30 years of marriage is adultery. Source: Flickr (Massimo_Cerrato)

The main reasons for divorce in the family

The reasons that spouses indicate during a divorce do not always correspond to reality, since sometimes parting is not entirely peaceful. No wonder there is a proverb among the people: "From love to hate is one step." The hardest thing is for those who have a joint child. Children receive enormous psychological trauma due to the divorce of their parents, although they do not always show it. What factors become an insurmountable obstacle on the way to a family idyll?

  • Psychological unpreparedness for marriage in 42% of cases causes the termination of family ties. This means that spouses, due to age or personal beliefs, do not respect each other, do not make concessions and do not support each other. This happens when feelings are dulled, and common interests have not appeared during the time of living together.
  • Alcoholism and other addictions are in second place (23%-31%). Such a high percentage of divorces is due to the fact that constant stress at work, low wages and the impossibility of self-realization push people to abuse alcohol and drugs. A person believes that he is distracted from all pressing problems, and life is getting better on its own. In reality, this does not happen, and family life turns into a nightmare.
  • Adultery is the third reason why a husband and wife separate forever. Lack of attention, monotony in sexual life and unstable relationships lead to the fact that one of the spouses begins to seek solace on the side. Some families turn a blind eye to outright infidelity, while others cannot live with a person who is capable of such an act. One of the most common reasons for divorce after 30 years of marriage is adultery. At a more mature age, husbands cheat more often, since the appearance of the woman with whom he connected his fate changes somewhat for the worse, and it is no longer necessary to raise children to their feet. A self-sufficient man is looking for new sensations, the instinct of a hunter wakes up. Although women also often cheat on their husbands due to lack of attention and sexual dissatisfaction.
  • Lack of help at home. Unwillingness to help a spouse in solving everyday problems results in constant discontent and quarrels. In most cases, women do not put up with this state of affairs and file for divorce.
  • Financial difficulties. Some couples during the period of falling in love do not think about how they will support the family and keep the budget. A chronic lack of funds for a full existence leads to internal dissatisfaction and isolation. Without enough finances, a young family cannot afford basic things: go to the cinema, go on vacation, buy the things they want. Long-term financial difficulties alienate lovers from each other.
  • Excessive jealousy is not such a rare case as it might seem at first glance. Too jealous people limit the partner, depriving him of personal space. Total control can develop into paranoia, accompanied by uncontrollable anger. It is difficult to build normal family relationships with such a person.
  • Sexual dissatisfaction of partners. When love passions pass and ordinary life begins, spouses often lose interest in each other. An intimate relationship becomes monotonous and does not cause much delight. This is especially true after the birth of a child. A woman is busy raising and caring for a baby, so there is practically no strength and desire for intimacy.
  • Lack of children is a problem of our time. Every 3rd married couple suffers from infertility, which is why doctors recommend immediately contacting specialists to solve the problem, and not writing a divorce application. Naturally, all sane young people want to have children, but a disappointing diagnosis becomes a stumbling block for many couples in love.
  • Moral oppression is a way for some people to fulfill themselves and feed their ego. At work, they cannot express their opinion or express dissatisfaction, so they bring all the negativity home, taking out their anger on the household. Constant reproaches and resentment from the spouse or spouse lead to complete disappointment and hatred. Naturally, such relationships lead to divorce proceedings.
  • Physical violence. Unbalanced spouses are not able to control their emotions and dissolve their hands at the slightest quarrel. Unacceptable behavior and physical abuse also contribute to breaking family ties. The reasons for divorce from her husband in this case are obvious.
  • Different outlooks on life are a rare problem, but there is a place for those who consider themselves a self-sufficient person. Constant disagreement with the opinion of a loved one, opposing views on family values, raising children and other domestic and social problems lead to scandals.

Maintaining a warm and tender relationship in a marriage is a lot of work! Two completely different people connect their lives to create their own little world, understandable only to them. Do not ignore the requests of loved ones, appreciate your family and support each other. Love is always built on mutual understanding, respect and wisdom.

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Today, in all developed countries of the world, the family as a social institution is going through hard times. Every year, fewer couples formalize their marital relations "as expected", and the number of divorces in registered families literally rolls over. Nobody likes this situation, but no matter how hard the authorities try to influence it, there are fewer and fewer principled supporters of a strong, traditional marriage.

There are a lot of reasons for this state of affairs: economic, moral, religious, but they all lead to the same result - the number of divorces is growing at an alarming pace. To numerically evaluate this process, the so-called divorce rate is commonly used, which is defined as the number of divorces per year per thousand people. There is also an estimation method in which the number of divorces is divided by the number of marriages. Of course, both of these methods make it possible to obtain a very approximate picture, if only because they do not take into account the number of disintegrating families of those people who live in a civil marriage and, therefore, do not register their relationship. But, unfortunately, both methods show that the rapid growth of divorces is a completely reliable result.

Let's take a look at the top ten countries with the highest divorce rates.

(Total 10 photos)

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10. Hungary

In 2010, Eurostat data showed that Hungary ranks third in the world in terms of the percentage of divorces and marriages. Statistics show that 67% of marriages in the country end in divorce, and for every thousand citizens there are 2.5 divorces per year, with a marriage rate of 3.6. Every tenth adult male in Hungary is divorced, and 12.4% of women have experienced unsuccessful marriages.

These numbers are by no means optimistic. Experts from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development opined that the ease with which the courts handle this procedure contributes to the increase in the number of divorces in Hungary, and that therefore young couples get divorced literally because of every trifle.

The Scandinavian countries have always been "famous" for high divorce rates, but recently the situation here can only be called threatening. A "record" number of divorces - 25,100 - was registered in Sweden in 2013. And more than 100 of these broken marriages lasted less than a year.

The Swedish Divorce Act made the procedure much easier in 1974, and since then the number of divorces has increased by several thousand every year.

Today's statistics state that about 47% of marriages in this country end in divorce. Researcher Glenn Sandström sees one reason as a powerful welfare system that makes it easy for women to cope financially without a husband, even when they are at their most vulnerable or helpless. As evidence, the researcher cites almost coinciding curves for the growth of the level of social security and the growth of divorces.

In 1960, the divorce rate in the Czech Republic was 16%. In 2005, it was already 50%, which brought the Czech Republic into the ranks of countries with the highest values ​​of this coefficient. Today, the sad coefficient reaches 66%. Jitya Rychtarikova, a professor of demography at Charles University, attributes this rapid increase in divorce rates to the fact that after World War II, Czech women began to massively abandon the career of housewives and go to work on an equal basis with men. The higher the financial independence of the spouses from each other, the less strong the bonds of marriage become. Richtarikova also cites data showing that the percentage of divorces in families with a low level of education exceeds that of intelligent families.

7. Portugal

The National Institute of Statistics reports that in Portugal, the increase in divorces is strongly associated with a decrease in the birth rate. Today, the divorce rate for this country reaches 68%, which puts it in second place in the European Union. More than 70 families break up every day in Portugal.

6. Ukraine

In Ukraine, 42% of all marriages end in divorce. Statistics show that people get married here more often than in other European countries, but they also get divorced with incredible speed. At the same time, almost a quarter of marriages break up due to the banal alcoholism of one or both spouses. Another factor that massively destroys families is financial hardship and low living standards.

The presence of children does not deter parents from divorce, so today the number of incomplete families is about 20%. The divorce procedure itself in Ukraine is incredibly simple, and the amount of alimony that must be paid for the maintenance of a child is very small (less than $ 50 per month), which also does not create practically any significant obstacles to divorce.

The divorce rate in the United States is 53% and has been rising over the years. Especially many divorces were registered in the 40s and 70s of the last century. The beginning of the new millennium was also marked by the rapid growth of this sad statistics. Moreover, in the United States, an interesting phenomenon is observed: those people who were once already married are especially often divorced. The ratio is as follows: about 41% of first marriages break up, 60% of second marriages, and for third marriages this figure reaches 73%. Surprisingly, it seems that people do not learn from their mistakes at all.

The main reasons for divorce in the United States, experts include: financial difficulties, physical and mental violence in the family, loss of interest of spouses to each other, betrayal.

Unfortunately, Russia is also one of the countries with the highest divorce rate. For our country, the coefficient is 51%. And the growth dynamics of this indicator is simply depressing. If ten years ago every third married couple got divorced in Russia, today every second. In 2012, Russia generally took the place of the world leader, but, fortunately, not for long.

The main obstacles to a long family life in Russia are the lack of housing, financial difficulties and alcoholism. Poor living conditions can really quickly destroy even the strongest feelings. After all, if the number of rooms in an apartment is less than the number of people living in it (and in such conditions there are most Russian families), then the spouses simply have nowhere to retire, and in this case there can be no question of any normal family life.

3. Belgium

In Belgium, whose citizens are considered among the richest in the European Union, the severity of the housing problem is much lower than in Russia, but there are significantly more divorces. Here the value of the coefficient rises to a record 71%. In this case, experts complain about too high a standard of living and too powerful social protection, in which people simply do not need each other and immediately disperse at the slightest cooling of feelings. In the 1970s, when there were no such numerous and generous social programs in the country, the divorce rate was only 9.2%. Today, there are so many divorces that at the philistine level they are already perceived as a completely natural and by no means a dramatic event.

2. Belarus

Many statistics put Belarus in second place in the world in terms of divorce rates. The coefficient here reaches a value of 68%. The abortion rate here is also one of the highest in the world. In Belarus, many explain this situation by the mass loss of faith in God and the departure from traditional religious values. Indeed, more than 40% of the country's citizens consider themselves atheists, so the urgent calls of the church to keep the family at all costs and completely abandon abortions do not arouse much enthusiasm in them.

1. Maldives

In terms of population, this island state occupies 175th place in the world, but in terms of divorce rate it is one of the first, bypassing both huge Russia and Belarus. Currently, the number of divorces in this country is greater than ever. And this is especially surprising, since the dominant religion in the country is Islam, whose followers, as you know, are more committed to preserving the family. Despite the fact that the dissolution of a Muslim marriage has always been surprisingly simple (it is enough to say “talaq” three times, and the marriage is considered annulled), Islam has an extremely negative attitude towards divorce, and Muslim countries are far behind all others in this indicator. But the Maldives for some reason take a kind of revenge.

Moreover, if we take into account that in the Russian Caucasus (Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia) divorces are 8-12% of the number of marriages, then we can assume that in other, non-Muslim regions, up to 90% of divorces. For example, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, the number of marriages almost equaled the number of divorces. In January-May 2017, 6129 marriages were concluded. During this period, the registry offices registered 5553 divorces. Thus, there are 90 divorces per 100 marriages in the Nizhny Novgorod region. And in the Altai Territory (for the first quarter of 2014) - 103% of the number of marriages. This means that the number of divorces during this time exceeded the number of marriages ...
Why do you think there are so many divorces in Russia?
I think because there are no deterrents. A deterrent is one that will make life worse for both (!) divorcees. Well, for example, all worries about children will fall on one, and the second will be rotten in society, or his career after a divorce will fly down sharply. Or for both ex-spouses, life will become worse after the divorce than before it ...
Previously, in Russia, at first they were afraid of the church, then in the USSR they were afraid of the party. Personal life was in sight and under control, this kept the number of divorces to a minimum. The official dissolution of a marriage was considered almost the greatest shame in life ... Now there are no such instances that deter divorce, and public opinion is quite calm about the disintegration of the cells of society ...
By the way, there is one factor that strengthens modern marriage in Russia. Do you think kids? Nothing like this. Even vice versa. The statistics of divorces with children confirms the fact that every second divorce occurs shortly after the birth of the baby. As a result of the breakup of families, about 400,000 minor children in Russia are left without one of their parents every year. Approximately (there are years when the percentage is higher) 56% of Russian children are brought up in families that have survived a divorce ...
Do you know what surprised me? Rummaging through articles on divorce, I came across information that in Russia every third family with children breaks up, while in Italy - every tenth. And I thought: are children really much more loved in Italy than in Russia? Something I didn’t really believe in it ... I climbed to look for information about the divorce process in sunny and child-loving Italy. And... It turned out that the low number of divorce proceedings in this country is not caused by love for children. The most powerful pillar of Italian marriages is the country's legal system, which turns the divorce of Italians into circles of hell that last from three to ten or more years. After a divorce in Italy, alimony is paid not only for the child. The spouse is also obliged to support the former spouse, and, moreover, no worse than during the period of marriage. After a divorce in joint custody, children usually live with their mother Monday through Thursday and with their father Friday through Sunday. Alimony for a child is not paid until the age of 18, but until he learns and starts earning on his own. Ho-ho ... I think if the same obligations are imposed on our children who are divorcing men, then they will think carefully before deciding to take such a step ...
So what strengthens marriage in Russia according to statistics? According to Rosstat, the factors preventing divorce in Russia are that couples do not want to share jointly acquired property, and also do not get divorced due to the financial dependence of one partner on the other. According to a study, the joke that nothing strengthens a marriage like a joint mortgage turned out to be true. Only 1.5% of the surveyed clients divorced after the conclusion of the loan agreement, and for 92% the marital status has not changed...
I made the following conclusions. Our laws are not entirely conducive to the strength of marriages. Marriages in our country are strong only when the spouses have enough property and finances that they can lose in a divorce. But since we have so many divorces, and even with children, it turns out that our compatriots are simply beggars, but at the same time they breed in unfavorable financial conditions ... It's sad, isn't it ...
It turns out that at weddings, one should wish the newlyweds not what is customary with us - "be fruitful and multiply", but "earn more and grow rich" ... Well, or make divorce laws so tough that people think carefully before the wedding, but whether to marry in general, then they thought about whether to give birth to a child, and they would marry and give birth to children only when they are completely sure that yes, they need it and they are ready to be with this person all their lives and bear the responsibility for raising and providing children to the full their independence, they will not jump off and hide in the heavenly distance in the country of pink ponies, when it becomes difficult and difficult ... In any case, people will not make hasty decisions and, before deciding to marry, have a child and divorce, weigh everything " pros and cons".
Do you agree with me? Or do you have a different opinion?

Family is for life! Unfortunately, statistics today prove the opposite.

According to a study conducted by VTsIOM (a center for the study of public opinion), more than half of family unions break up.

Experts are trying to understand why there are many divorces in Russia.

Divorce statistics in the modern world

In today's world, marriage is becoming an increasingly unstable institution. The highest divorce rate is in European countries.

Most unions will break up in Belgium - about 70%.

Disappointing in states such as:

  • Spain;
  • Portugal;
  • Czech;
  • Hungary;
  • Luxembourg.

The divorce rate here is around 60%. Next come Russia and the United States, where the family cannot be saved by 50% of those who have entered into an alliance.

The latest divorce statistics in Russia

The divorce procedure has become “ordinary” for Russians. According to statistics, every year thousands of officially concluded unions break up in the country.

The data of recent years suggests the following: the increase in the number of divorces began in the 21st century. Thus, the boom in the dissolution of marriages occurred in 2001-2004 - about 84% of previously concluded unions.

In the last three years, the upward trend in the number of divorces has been observed again. If in 2014 56% of previously created families broke up, then by 2016 this figure increased to 62%. In 2018, the situation improved slightly again: the divorce rate was 57%. Such data was provided by the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia.

Analysts also name the leaders among the regions in terms of the number of divorces compared to the number of registered marriages.

In the past 2017, the first line was:

  1. Leningrad region. There were 1,119 divorces per 1,000 unions.
  2. On the second line - Altai Territory with an indicator of 1063.
  3. In third place is the Komi Republic, where 1,033 divorces per 1,000 new families were registered.

The lowest divorce rates recorded are:

  1. Chechen Republic. In 2017, only 158 unions broke up per 1,000 marriages.
  2. Ingushetia. Only 186 families out of 1000 are divorced.
  3. Tuva. There are 282 divorces per 1000 marriage unions.

Why are there so many divorces in Russia now: the main reasons

Today, we can say with confidence that more than half of officially registered marriages break up in Russia. What is the reason for such frequent divorces?

The main reason that couples call when they divorce is that they hurried up, got married under pressure from relatives.

In 40% of cases, it is this factor that becomes the basis for the termination of the union.

Experts also say that cohabitation with relatives or parents of one of the spouses is also becoming a problem. About 15% of the couples broke up, referring to this.

Sexual dissatisfaction in marriage also pushes for divorce. This reason was named by 15% of divorced couples.

The economic crisis of recent years has a negative impact on statistics. A fairly large percentage of divorces is associated with the lack of their own apartment or house, as well as the financial inability to support a family.

There are no common views on life - another point why spouses cannot continue to exist together.

The stumbling block in family life is alcohol. Today, about 7% of marriages break up due to addiction to alcohol by one of the family members. Moreover, this reason is mainly called by women.

In recent years, one of the main "family destroyers" has become a computer. About 15% of spouses during a divorce call the dependence of the second half on social networks or online games.

By the way, there is a reason that is called exclusively by women - the spouse does not want to change and make his contribution to maintaining the relationship.

As a result, there is tension in family life, and as a result - divorce.

The fact is that in the post-Soviet space, women have, so to speak, a double burden on their shoulders: the need to earn money and independently cope with housekeeping. As psychologists say, most of the male half of the Russian population is of the opinion that it is not at all necessary to help around the house. Some even participate reluctantly in the upbringing of children. This becomes one of the reasons why the weaker sex files an application for divorce at the registry office.

Psychologists today identify another reason for the dissolution of marriages - a frivolous attitude towards a family union. The current youth believes that if it doesn’t work out, you can always get a divorce, because there is no tragedy in this. The collapse of the family is perceived by many as something ordinary.

Often, those who entered into a forced marriage, for example, due to pregnancy, get divorced.

Most often, families break up in which there are no common children. In recent years, 56.7% of divorced couples have been childless. Marriages where there is at least one child are less likely to fail.

As statistics show, there are about 31.2% of the total number of such couples. Even less is the divorce rate for couples with two children - 12%.

How many years does it take, on average, for a couple to divorce?

After analyzing the number of divorces and weddings, scientists made an interesting discovery.

The most critical age for a family is 5-9 years of living together. It is at this interval that the largest number of marriages break up - 25.8%.

Interestingly, half a century ago the situation was identical: 5-9 years - that's how many families needed to come to a divorce. True, then the percentage was even higher - 31.3.

The next period is from 10 to 19 years. In recent years, about 19% of married couples get divorced at this “age”.

Young families are no exception. Marriages lasting only 1-2 years break up no less than 20-year-olds. Statistics show that in the last few years the number of divorces at this stage of family life is slightly more than 19%.

I immediately answer the question in the title: there are so many divorces because it is beneficial for women.

And now we analyze the problem in detail. Let's start with some statistics. On average, the ratio of divorces in Russia and marriages is about 80%. Moreover, the largest number falls on the big cities of the European part of Russia, and the smallest - in the Muslim republics, such as Chechnya, Dagestan, etc. The religious factor plays its role there.

At the same time, 80% of divorces occur at the initiative of women.. Interesting situation? So, the myth that a woman needs a family, first of all, becomes untenable. If the family were in the first place for women, then they would hold on to her hands and feet, and not file for divorce. I suppose that many will scream that it is impossible to live with scum men and the like. Yes, there are bastards. But not 80%. I will never believe that 80% of Russian men are scum, maniacs, scoundrels. There are many reasons for divorce, of course. But there is one serious aspect - our legislation itself pushes women to the collapse of the family.

The current anti-male, and by and large, anti-family legislation makes divorce more advantageous than marriage itself. Our legislation is drawn up in such a way that a man in our country has virtually no rights.

First: it can't affect the birth process in any way. Whether or not a child is born, the woman alone decides.

Second: marriage in no way forbids a woman to go “to the left” and the law does not provide for any punishment for this. And if the husband decided he decided to punish his wife for infidelity, then he immediately falls under the responsibility of the article for domestic violence. It turns out that the husband in his own family is not the master. Neither wife nor children can be punished for misdeeds.

In tsarist Russia when a man married, he actually took on the functions of the head of the family. He could encourage and punish household members. And today the man is not the head of the family. The wife walks - it is impossible to punish! The child is behaving badly - you can’t punish, otherwise the term for domestic violence or juvenile justice. Even when the husband finds out that the child was not born from him, he still has to provide for him along with his mother.

T Why does a man need marriage? It has an 80% chance of falling apart. What does marriage guarantee a man? Fidelity of the wife does not guarantee. In the event of a divorce, children in 97% of cases remain with their ex-wife. Since judges are often women, following women's solidarity, they leave children with their mothers. But not because mothers love children more than fathers, but because children are a tool of manipulation for a woman.

I have several divorced men I know. who would gladly keep their children. But in this case, the mother would not receive alimony, the spending of which, by the way, cannot be controlled. It is not known for whom the alimony will be spent - for children or drinking parties.

Third: a man also loses his property during a divorce. I think it is unnecessary to give examples here. Surely, many have friends who, after a divorce, have lost a significant part of their property. And if the husband is a businessman, then the temptation to file for divorce is very great. Moreover, now there are trainings of psychologists on this issue. As well as examples of girlfriends or stories from glossy magazines about a happy life after a divorce and expropriation of property from an ex-husband.

Total what we have. Marriage does nothing for a man! Nor the fidelity of the spouse (we are not talking about affection, support, and the like). No offspring - the children will be taken away by the court and, as a rule, the mother turns them against the father. And property will also be lost.

The question is, why should a man get married at all? It is only for women. It was before a woman dreamed of marriage. Now the main task is to find a rich sucker, live with him for a couple of years, give birth from him (or maybe not from him) and divorce him. And that's all - for 18 years a woman provides for herself. The scheme is simple. In fact, the man is currently an incomplete member of the family. He plays the role of a supplier. He has only duties, practically no rights. He has to bear the burden of the attendants. And if he suddenly decides to remember that he is the head of the family and punish his wife or child, he immediately appears as a super-leader in the form of state bodies that will remind him that he is nobody in this world.

Sadly, we can say that the current legislation is anti-family, because it provokes women to divorce, guaranteeing significant bonuses. I'm not talking about all sorts of little things in the form of anti-male bills, which the State Duma stamps out with enviable regularity. It seems that they are constantly thinking about how to squeeze a Russian man. Even the constitutional articles on the equality of all before the law do not work. For the same crimes, men and women receive different punishments or women are completely exempted from liability. Under the law, the murder of a newborn child by a mother is a mitigating circumstance. Fine? If you wet adults, then you are a maniac, and if you strangle babies, then it's okay!

To remedy the situation it is necessary to bring legislation into an equal form and stop anti-family propaganda in the media. And to restore the patriarchal form of the family, where the husband is the head. Patriarchy is not a form of oppression of women, as many people think, but the normal functioning of the family and society, where everyone knows their duties and functions.

But now everything is mixed up. Women have become masculine and perform tasks that are not characteristic of them. So the men became weak and began to resemble women more, both externally and in character. And in order for our society to become harmonious, successful and happy, we need to remember what a real man should be, and what a real woman should be.

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