Calculation of compatibility by date of birth. Karmic love by date of birth

". It goes back to ancient Indian religious philosophy. It is understood as the actions of higher forces that regulate our life. It can be translated from Sanskrit as "retribution". The law of karma is to receive in life what you deserve by your actions. In the karmic system, a person is responsible for all the moments that occur in his life. Some people simply consider karma to be synonymous with fate. It relates to most aspects of our life, including relationships.

Fateful connection between people

In the course of life, we meet a huge number of people. These meetings are different. We part with some people in a few seconds, and with others we stay for life. All these processes are not accidental. People who appear in our destiny are given by the highest law of justice according to the quality of our life.

Have you met a new person, and you have the feeling that you have known him for a thousand years? What are you kindred spirits with? This state can be explained by the fact that you knew each other in past lives. You could be:

  • friends,
  • enemies
  • relatives,
  • lovers
  • spouses,
  • colleagues.

You cannot define exactly who you were to each other. The only thing that is clear is that you have experienced something powerful. And now you have met again in order to continue them or to solve problems that you did not manage to cope with in the last incarnation. A relationship with such a person will be a karmic connection.

How to define a karmic connection with a person?

Here you have met a kindred spirit. You understand each other perfectly and cannot get enough of each other. It seems to you that life with this person will pass in constant joy and harmony. But don't jump to conclusions. There are two categories of karmic relationships: constructive and destructive.

A creative karmic connection. In a past life, you may have been a very good person. You were open to the world and people. They helped everyone, shared their savings, did not leave people in difficult situations. And with your beloved in the past earthly incarnation, you created true love, which, according to the words of the Apostle Paul, can wait, will be merciful, does not consist of envy, anger or irritation, can go through everything. You were honest with your loved one and helped him in everything. In this case, the universal karmic law will reward you with a fair reward.

With a karmic connection, the same person with whom you were in a previous life will be with you. Fate gives you a chance to establish yourself in your true love affair, which has been going on for more than one millennium. But do not relax, you must accept this gift with appropriate respect.

Realizing that the person with whom you are creating a karmic connection is with you, you should try to create harmony in your relationship. This energy has a positive meaning, but it is extremely powerful!

To cope with it, you need to lead a morally good lifestyle, to truly love your person. Then you will continue the great cycle of your love energy in the universe.

Negative karmic connection... You met a person with whom you are very good together. You cannot imagine a day without him. Even the mental separation from him gives you the most intense heartache? Perhaps this is your destiny or your cross, which was given to you for the mistakes of the past.

We all commit bad deeds towards our neighbors in our life. It is not necessary that we killed someone in a past life or left them homeless. No. Hundreds of years ago, you could be with someone you cheated on, betrayed, or otherwise hurt. Or he brought it to you. It would seem, why meet with him again, already in the current incarnation? But the karmic law is not guided by our down-to-earth logic. It comes from the eternal laws of the universe, which are much older than humanity and in general everything that was created.

The universe allows you to experience a karmic connection with this person for pedagogical purposes. You are given the chance to try to create a good relationship with him or end it if over hundreds of centuries they have finally reached a dead end. What to do, of course, is up to you. Each person should be responsible for his own life and for his actions, which is what the laws of karmic truths want to teach us.

Situations can be very varied. You may have someone with whom you experienced crazy romantic ecstasy. You accepted him as your destiny, but he began to be rude to you or deceive you. You leave him, but some unprecedented force pulls you to him again and again. You come back and everything is repeated again.

You must clearly understand for yourself that if you have repeatedly tried to fix your relationship, but it did not bring results, you need to immediately leave this person and cut off any contact with him.

The law of karma is just, but also harsh. A karmic connection can bring you a share of intense suffering. If you realized that the karmic connection gives you only pain, then you need to interrupt it immediately, otherwise it will repeat itself in new incarnations, and it will ruin your life now.

Signs of a common share between partners

The general share has a number of possible signs that are associated with extraordinary situations in life. Below we give the most vivid examples that can make it clear that your relationship with your loved one is a karmic connection.

    No logic. Your relationship began completely from scratch, for no apparent reason. A share of illogicality can manifest itself in a large difference in age, in earnings, in habits, or you are simply completely from different cultures and social strata. You could have known each other for a very long time, but one meeting determined that you like each other and will be together.
    Swiftness. Your union is formed very quickly. You seem to be guided by some kind of force, which after one or two months of relationship will take you right down the aisle. When this obsession is gone, you simply will not understand how and what moved you in those crazy days. Having removed the veil from your eyes, you can consciously fall in love with this person, or, conversely, you will realize that he does not suit you at all.
    An abrupt change of scenery. If at the very beginning of the relationship you moved with your lover to a new place of residence, maybe to another country altogether. They began to communicate less with a relative, changed the circle of friends. All these factors show that your relationship is conditioned by the laws of karmic connection.
    Childlessness. If the Universe does not give you children in marriage, then you should concentrate your spiritual efforts on solving problems with your half. You cannot blame each other for this situation. You both made decisions to create this union and all problems must be solved together. If both partners are aware of this, then they can adopt a child, if only one - the Universe will give him a second chance with another person, with whom he will most likely already have children.
    Serious problems. After a couple of years together, lived happily, it may turn out that one of the partners suffers from some kind of ailment: an addiction to alcohol, drugs or gambling. It may also turn out that he is sick with an incurable disease that will bring him pain and early death. This is an example of a negative karmic connection in which you pay the price for past life mistakes. Again, it all depends on your understanding of these events. Perhaps this connection is aimed at bringing you suffering, or maybe it gives you a chance to carry the cross of pain with this person and make amends for your guilt that you caused him during your last incarnation.
    Wrestling. This is one of the most important signs of a karmic connection. Your life with this person is one big test - this. You got it by destroying another family. Or, on the contrary, during your relationship, he himself seeks to leave or you from him. You understand the full weight of your union, but there is nothing you can do about it. There is a kind of repetition of the phases of "love" and "hate", which replace each other in a circle.

Calculation of karmic intimacy between two halves

You can understand whether your relationship is a karmic connection not only by observing the processes in your relationship, but also with help. You need to match yours with the dates of your half.

For example, 07/23/1990 and 07/01/1985. Now it is necessary to summarize the individual numbers in these dates. In both cases, you get 31. This is a direct indication that your marriage is a karmic connection.

Also, meanings fall under the karmic connection when the results are multiples of each other. For example, 30 and 40 or 21 and 49. If in your calculations the values ​​are not the same or not a multiple of each other, then your relationship is not of a karmic nature, but of course it can become successful and happy.

If the number 10 is present in your date of birth, you do not need to divide it into units, but sum it up as 10. For example, 10. 03. 1955 will equal 33.

A karmic connection can be a gift from higher powers, and it can also become a punishment. The main thing is, if you find that your relationship fits the description of a karmic connection, then try to realize that your life is part of one big story that began a long time ago and continues now. And it is in your power to influence her.

Numerology is a science that allows you to calculate karmic relationships based on the dates of birth of partners. Moreover, you can make these calculations yourself using simple mathematical calculations or for free on the Internet online. Let's figure out what the methodology for such calculations is and how reliable they are.

Method for calculating karmic numbers

To calculate the karmic date of fate, you need to know your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner. Next, you need to write all the numbers in a line, skipping the number zero, and calculate the amount. We will carry out an example of the calculation below. Let's take two dates as an example: a girl on 09/11/1986 and a man on 04/30/1975. Then add the components: 1 1 9 1 9 8 6 3 4 1 9 7 5 = 64.

Further, the same magic number 22 must be subtracted from the result obtained. This must be done as many times until the result is less than 22. It is this number that will be the very karmic number that will describe the compatibility of the pair.

Let's continue the calculations with our example. We subtract 22 from 64, we get 42, respectively, we subtract again, the result is the number 20. Next, we look at the meaning of each number in the decoding.

The value of numbers from 1 to 9

Number 1. This number indicates that karmic relationships will never be easy and smooth. There will always be a note of rivalry between partners, as both will strive to take a leadership position. It is important to keep the middle ground, not letting anyone feel unnecessary.

Number 2. These karmic relationships can be called the most touching and tender of all possible. Man and woman in this union are one, like yin and yang. Such a union lasts for decades and often lives up to the golden wedding.

Number 3. Such karmic relationships are characterized as romantic. Often, more than one child is born in such a tandem. The whales on which the marriage is held are:

  • Mutual respect
  • Confidence
  • Romance

However, it is important not to allow outsiders into such a union, since they can destroy the karmic relationships built brick by brick to smithereens.

Number 4. There is pure patriarchy here. And from the outside, such a relationship is similar to the everyday life of an Italian family. There simply cannot be a single day without a showdown and passionate reconciliation. The primary problem the couple faces is excessive jealousy.

Number 5. These karmic relationships may not be so long, but they will play a bright role in your life. This will most likely be an unequal union:

  • Union with an older man
  • A marriage where the woman is older

Your partner will be a teacher, mentor, someone who will show you the right path in life and turn your world upside down.

Number 6. One of the strongest couples. Harmony, mutual understanding and respect reign here. But, unfortunately, love very quickly develops into a habit under the influence of everyday problems. It is worth saying that this outcome of relations suits many, so the tandem can be called quite successful.

Number 7. A man and a woman in this combination will be constantly in motion, they will not have to sit still. Both halves of the union strive for development, love to travel and discover more and more new facets of the world.

Digit 8. It is impossible to call such a union 100% successful, since there is no love, like friendship, in it. However, there is a complete understanding that is so necessary in the work. Such people can be excellent business partners, as each of them can fully trust their partner.

Number 9. This marriage is called ambiguous, since a man and a woman continue to live their separate lives, which is unacceptable in a love karmic relationship. Each side will feel lonely and inferior. Therefore, with a high probability, such a union will not exist for a long time and the couple will soon disintegrate.

Digit values ​​from 10 to 15

Number 10. The future of this couple is cloudless and, for the most part, prosperous. However, one should beware of the influence of the evil eye, which can ruin karmic relationships. Numerologists do not exclude the possibility that such a marriage can be built on financial relations, that is, money will dominate.

Number 11. Two units mean that each partner will tend to pull the blanket in his direction. Finding compromises and giving in to a friend is extremely difficult for them. This can be the reason for the breakup. Parents can often interfere with the relationship of such a couple. How long such a relationship will last will largely depend on their opinion.

Number 12. There is love in this relationship, it is indisputable. But in order to keep the sparkle and not let the flame go out, you need to endure a lot and make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. You need to be prepared for the fact that a man's partner can cheat and only you can decide whether to put up with it or not.

Number 13. The most fragile tandem. In many ways, this is due to the fact that the karmic number is unfavorable, since many negative magical prejudices are associated with the number 13. If we trace in more detail the development of such relations, it will be clear that their roads will never cross for a long period.

Number 14. Pure patriarchy is observed here. And from the outside, such a relationship is similar to the everyday life of an Italian family. There simply cannot be a single day without a showdown and passionate reconciliation. The primary problem a couple faces is work, which could be the top priority on a man's list of priorities.

Number 15. The most insincere relationship. There is always room for deception, blackmail and betrayal. This may be due to a banal mismatch of characters or outside influence. Often magic intervenes in such an alliance, leaving its indelible mark. If the relationship is not worth it at the very beginning, it is better to abandon their further development.

Value from 16 to 22

Number 16. Such a union cannot be called long, most likely it is a fleeting affair. Both partners will experience tremendous passion and sexual attraction. However, it is unlikely that they will be able to build a family. Even if Mendelssohn's march sounds, and wedding rings shine on your fingers, sooner or later the idyll will lead to divorce. The fact is that a man and a woman do not suit each other at the level of space.

Number 17. This marriage is called ambiguous, since a man and a woman continue to live their separate lives, which is unacceptable in a love relationship. Each side will feel lonely and inferior. Therefore, with a high probability, such a union will not exist for a long time and the couple will soon disintegrate.

Number 18. Such relationships only live as long as the woman wants it. While she is ready to put up with all the shortcomings of her partner and forgive his behavior. It often happens that a man in a relationship plays a role that he invents for himself. And his real face is not visible to anyone, so it is difficult for a partner to understand who the man really is.

Number 19. A man and a woman in this combination will be constantly in motion, they will not have to sit still. Both halves of the union strive for development, love to travel and discover more and more new facets of the world.

Number 20. Couples, whose karmic number is twenty, have a very tender relationship. In such a union, many children are born, often more than two. It is about this marriage that words can be said - both in sorrow and in joy, and in health and during illness, and so on.

Number 21. Difficulties can arise only at the stage of the inception of a relationship. However, in the future there is complete mutual understanding, which is so necessary to build a strong union. In order for such a relationship to continue, it is important to go through the initial stage, to show maximum patience and respect for each other. If this fails, then at least you will remain good friends for centuries.

Number 22. Is in a relationship like living on a powder keg. You never know what to expect from a partner, the reaction can be so unpredictable. You must be ready not only for quarrels and frequent showdowns, but also for violent reconciliation and passionate sex. In order for a relationship to be long-lasting, you need to try hard and make every effort.

Let's sum up that the most favorable karmic numbers for relationships, based on the date of birth, are: 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 14, 17, 19 and 21. The numbers that should be avoided are 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18 and 22

With the help of numerology, the science of numbers, you can independently learn how to determine compatibility. These calculations allow you to know in advance what to expect from the relationship and how to behave. With the help of simple calculations by date of birth, you can find out if you are suitable for each other.

First, on a piece of paper, write your date of birth and your partner in one row without (0) zeros. Next, add up the written numbers. After that, you must subtract 22 from the resulting number, subtract until you get a number less than 22. The result (number) is your compatibility index.

For example: Maria was born on 09/12/1980, and Eugene was born on 12/2/1978 - respectively, we write out all the numbers in a row without zeros. It will smooth it out like this 1 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 60. Subtract from 60-22, we get 38, and again subtract 22. As a result, we get the index = 16.

Numbers 1 to 22 have their own compatibility value.

1 - There will be a constant open leadership debate in your relationship. Some of you will constantly strive to manage relationships, in other words, to establish their own laws in the family. The main thing is not to conflict about this, the scandal will not help here. Despite the disagreements, the relationship is interesting, a lot depends on the mood of the partners, everything can be changed and settled. If the couple is creative, it's good to be creative together.

2 - Gentle and very harmonious relationship. Soul kinship is embedded in a couple, they are as one. Partners literally understand each other perfectly. A rich inner world is a good help in relationships. It is safe to say that the couple will have a favorable relationship and complete understanding for many years. Union as properly strong and long-lasting.

3 — A warm and strong relationship that often leads to marriage. The birth of a child is possible in the union. A trusting relationship of purposeful people will bring prosperity and stability to a couple. However, you shouldn't let others interfere with your love life, especially mothers. In this union, the leading role in the couple belongs to the woman. Looking into the future will help.

4 - Relationships in which a man plays a leading role. Passions and emotions are constantly raging between partners. The main thing is not to let jealousy ruin the relationship. The desire to completely own a loved one, real selfishness can destroy a lasting union. Gossip can become the main enemy in a relationship; you should avoid such situations and not pay attention to them.

5 - Important life-changing relationships will play a significant role in your life. But there can be obstacles, for example, social differences or outlook on life. Relationships can develop in two directions: your partner will be your support and teacher, or you will become his guiding star. In any case, this is a strong union, the main mutual understanding is that you complement each other.

6 - Among all unions, this is the strongest, partners create strong families. Mutual love, complete harmony and inner peace. However, there is a likelihood of getting used to it, at the beginning of a relationship it is difficult to understand each other to the end. Do not worry, addiction comes over time. The main thing is that there is unlimited love between you. On our website you can read what is love spell.

7 —Relationships involve constant change, frequent travel and meeting new people. There is a lot of inconsistency between partners. Due to distance and frequent separations, there can be betrayals. Usually these relationships are fleeting, ending before they begin. Take your time to make an important decision about your relationship, there is a high probability of making a mistake.

8 - It will be more a business union than a love one. There is a chance that this is a karmic relationship in a past life, you met each other and made a number of mistakes. In this life, you have been given another chance to reconsider your mistakes. This union is difficult to break. The main thing is not to alter the partner. If you have financial difficulties on our website, you can find out how to attract money.

9 - Complex relationships between partners, an alliance where everyone is on his own. May haunt a constant feeling of loneliness, calculation will help to avoid this date of birth compatibility... Such an alliance will eventually disintegrate. Unrequited love when you are loved and vice versa.

10 - A happy life awaits a couple in the future. The union of happy people will bring success and good luck. Your partner is sent into your life, for a reason, he is like a lifeline, a fence from possible adversity. Under adversity may hide spoilage or evil eye... Meeting with a partner will change your life and broaden your horizons. It is possible that this union will be of convenience. In any case, the relationship will be strong and harmonious.

11 - A difficult relationship awaits a couple. Despite their warm feelings, both partners have a strong and domineering character. In this relationship, both sides try to dominate, which generates constant conflicts and discord in the family. Moreover, third parties will intervene in conflicts. There can be treason in the union. Relationships in which it is necessary to learn how to adapt to each other, always find a compromise, otherwise the relationship will fall apart. Despite frequent conflicts, full compatibility in sex.

12 - For the sake of this relationship, you can make any sacrifices. Relationships for which you will have to endure a lot in order to preserve love. More often these are complex, unrequited feelings, often resentment and misunderstanding. These relationships can leave an indelible mark on your soul. On our site you can find out what the magic of love is and perhaps you will find here the answer to your questions about maintaining a relationship.

13 - The most fragile union, many attribute such a meaning to it, because of the number "13". Sooner or later, this union will fall apart like a house of cards. On the face of a complete energy incompatibility between partners. Relationships can portend danger, possibly marital violence. The harmony of relations can be established if your house lives, how to do this, you can read on our website.

14 - Calm, peaceful relationship. An excellent alliance of partners from all compatibility options. Complete understanding, common goals and interests. A strong and lasting union guarantees a long and stable relationship. There is a possibility in the future of a large family. The main thing is not to let your union be destroyed, so that you do not wake up salt discord.

15 - More often, this dangerous alliance is built neither honestly or by blackmail. The connection can be caused by magic or strong sexual addiction. Perverted relationships, black magic. Try not to tie your life with this partner, this union against will. An alliance was built against the will of one of the partners. Before building a relationship, you need to cleanse yourself of negativity.

16 - Temporary, unstable relationship. In the union there will be a constant presence of groundless swearing and quarrels. Sooner or later there will be a divorce. Partners initially don't fit together. This relationship is dangerous for both. Close relatives can have a strong influence on relationships. An outburst of emotions can be the result of negative influences known as energetic vampirism.

17 - A wonderful harmonious union. Partners complement each other perfectly. The couple, whose union is a foregone conclusion in heaven, is sent by a guardian angel. The union promises strong and long-term relationships, a great common future. Joint business, more often associated with creativity. On our website you will learn how to meet year 2013 and how to choose the right gift.

18 - Relationships are built on only illusions, there is nothing real. You yourself have not yet fully understood who is next to you. They promise constant betrayal and deception. Council, come down from heaven to earth. You are in danger of making the wrong choice in your life. In this case, you cannot use love magic or black love spell. Only the magic of a chicken egg will help, seek professional help, cleanse yourself and your partner of negative energy.

19 —Warm, gentle and harmonious relationship. A strong union, true love between partners. In the future, the birth of healthy children, two or three. Throughout life, there will be complete mutual understanding and support between partners. If suddenly after giving birth a woman has a problem of excess weight, on our website you can find out how to lose weight by.

20 - Not a simple relationship, but this is only at the initial stage of rubbing against each other. Maybe everything is quarrels and scandals, it is not easy to adjust to each other. But after a while, the problems themselves will fade into the background. Strong feelings will develop between partners. The main thing is to withstand the time of getting used to each other. It is more than love, like a loyal friendship.

21 - Strong harmonious marriage. Partners with serious intentions to build a family. There is a concern for each other. There is excellent energetic and sexual compatibility between partners. The relationship that many dream about, the case when the number "21" bestows union with everything that can only be dreamed of.

22 - The most unpredictable relationships. The partners are driven alternately by the thirst for freedom. Non-standard relationships, constant power struggles, quarrels, reconciliation, emotions and passion. Like a volcano that can explode at any inopportune moment. To maintain the relationship, it will be necessary to make a lot of efforts to make the relationship smooth, otherwise the divorce.

The most favorable relationship between partners - 2; 3; 5; 6; ten; fourteen; 17; 19; 21

The most unfavorable relationship between partners - 9; 12; 13; 15; 16; eighteen; 22

Numerology is a science that allows you to calculate karmic relationships based on the dates of birth of partners. Moreover, you can make these calculations yourself using simple mathematical calculations or for free on the Internet ...

Numerology is a science that allows you to calculate karmic relationships based on the dates of birth of partners. Moreover, you can make these calculations yourself using simple mathematical calculations or for free on the Internet online. Let's figure out what the methodology for such calculations is and how reliable they are.

Method for calculating karmic numbers

To calculate the karmic date of fate, you need to know your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner. Next, you need to write all the numbers in a line, skipping the number zero, and calculate the amount. We will carry out an example of the calculation below. Let's take two dates as an example: a girl on 09/11/1986 and a man on 04/30/1975. Then add the components: 1 1 9 1 9 8 6 3 4 1 9 7 5 = 64.

Further, the same magic number 22 must be subtracted from the result obtained. This must be done as many times until the result is less than 22. It is this number that will be the very karmic number that will describe the compatibility of the pair.

Let's continue the calculations with our example. We subtract 22 from 64, we get 42, respectively, we subtract again, the result is the number 20. Next, we look at the meaning of each number in the decoding.

The value of numbers from 1 to 9

Number 1. This number indicates that karmic relationships will never be easy and smooth. There will always be a note of rivalry between partners, as both will strive to take a leadership position. It is important to keep the middle ground, not letting anyone feel unnecessary.

Number 2. These karmic relationships can be called the most touching and tender of all possible. Man and woman in this union are one, like yin and yang. Such a union lasts for decades and often lives up to the golden wedding.

Numerology is a science that allows you to calculate karmic relationships based on the dates of birth of partners. Moreover, you can make these calculations yourself using simple mathematical calculations or for free on the Internet online. Let's figure out what the methodology for such calculations is and how reliable they are.

Method for calculating karmic numbers

To calculate the karmic date of fate, you need to know your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner. Next, you need to write all the numbers in a line, skipping the number zero, and calculate the amount. We will carry out an example of the calculation below. Let's take two dates as an example: a girl on 09/11/1986 and a man on 04/30/1975. Then add the components: 1 1 9 1 9 8 6 3 4 1 9 7 5 = 64.

Further, the same magic number 22 must be subtracted from the result obtained. This must be done as many times until the result is less than 22. It is this number that will be the very karmic number that will describe the compatibility of the pair.

Let's continue the calculations with our example. We subtract 22 from 64, we get 42, respectively, we subtract again, the result is the number 20. Next, we look at the meaning of each number in the decoding.

The value of numbers from 1 to 9

Number 1. This number indicates that karmic relationships will never be easy and smooth. There will always be a note of rivalry between partners, as both will strive to take a leadership position. It is important to keep the middle ground, not letting anyone feel unnecessary.

Number 2. These karmic relationships can be called the most touching and tender of all possible. Man and woman in this union are one, like yin and yang. Such a union lasts for decades and often lives up to the golden wedding.

Number 3. Such karmic relationships are characterized as romantic. Often, more than one child is born in such a tandem. The whales on which the marriage is held are:

  • Mutual respect
  • Confidence
  • Romance

However, it is important not to allow outsiders into such a union, since they can destroy the karmic relationships built brick by brick to smithereens.

Number 4. There is pure patriarchy here. And from the outside, such a relationship is similar to the everyday life of an Italian family. There simply cannot be a single day without a showdown and passionate reconciliation. The primary problem the couple faces is excessive jealousy.

Date of birth compatibility in love and marriage.

Compatibility of partners by date of birth. Astrology, Palmistry and Numerology

Numerology, compatibility in love by date of birth.

Date of birth compatibility

Number 5. These karmic relationships may not be so long, but they will play a bright role in your life. This will most likely be an unequal union:

  • Union with an older man
  • A marriage where the woman is older
  • Same-sex relationship

Your partner will be a teacher, mentor, someone who will show you the right path in life and turn your world upside down.

Number 6. One of the strongest couples. Harmony, mutual understanding and respect reign here. But, unfortunately, love very quickly develops into a habit under the influence of everyday problems. It is worth saying that this outcome of relations suits many, so the tandem can be called quite successful.

Number 7. A man and a woman in this combination will be constantly in motion, they will not have to sit still. Both halves of the union strive for development, love to travel and discover more and more new facets of the world.

Digit 8. It is impossible to call such a union 100% successful, since there is no love, like friendship, in it. However, there is a complete understanding that is so necessary in the work. Such people can be excellent business partners, as each of them can fully trust their partner.

Number 9. This marriage is called ambiguous, since a man and a woman continue to live their separate lives, which is unacceptable in a love karmic relationship. Each side will feel lonely and inferior. Therefore, with a high probability, such a union will not exist for a long time and the couple will soon disintegrate.

Digit values ​​from 10 to 15

Number 10. The future of this couple is cloudless and, for the most part, prosperous. However, one should beware of the influence of the evil eye, which can ruin karmic relationships. Numerologists do not exclude the possibility that such a marriage can be built on financial relations, that is, money will dominate.

Number 11. Two units mean that each partner will tend to pull the blanket in his direction. Finding compromises and giving in to a friend is extremely difficult for them. This can be the reason for the breakup. Parents can often interfere with the relationship of such a couple. How long such a relationship will last will largely depend on their opinion.

Number 12. There is love in this relationship, it is indisputable. But in order to keep the sparkle and not let the flame go out, you need to endure a lot and make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. You need to be prepared for the fact that a man's partner can cheat and only you can decide whether to put up with it or not.

Number 13. The most fragile tandem. In many ways, this is due to the fact that the karmic number is unfavorable, since many negative magical prejudices are associated with the number 13. If we trace in more detail the development of such relations, it will be clear that their roads will never cross for a long period.

Number 14. Pure patriarchy is observed here. And from the outside, such a relationship is similar to the everyday life of an Italian family. There simply cannot be a single day without a showdown and passionate reconciliation. The primary problem a couple faces is work, which could be the top priority on a man's list of priorities.

Number 15. The most insincere relationship. There is always room for deception, blackmail and betrayal. This may be due to a banal mismatch of characters or outside influence. Often magic intervenes in such an alliance, leaving its indelible mark. If the relationship is not worth it at the very beginning, it is better to abandon their further development.

Value from 16 to 22

Number 16. Such a union cannot be called long, most likely it is a fleeting affair. Both partners will experience tremendous passion and sexual attraction. However, it is unlikely that they will be able to build a family. Even if Mendelssohn's march sounds, and wedding rings shine on your fingers, sooner or later the idyll will lead to divorce. The fact is that a man and a woman do not suit each other at the level of space.

Number 17. This marriage is called ambiguous, since a man and a woman continue to live their separate lives, which is unacceptable in a love relationship. Each side will feel lonely and inferior. Therefore, with a high probability, such a union will not exist for a long time and the couple will soon disintegrate.

Number 18. Such relationships only live as long as the woman wants it. While she is ready to put up with all the shortcomings of her partner and forgive his behavior. It often happens that a man in a relationship plays a role that he invents for himself. And his real face is not visible to anyone, so it is difficult for a partner to understand who the man really is.

Number 19. A man and a woman in this combination will be constantly in motion, they will not have to sit still. Both halves of the union strive for development, love to travel and discover more and more new facets of the world.

Number 20. Couples, whose karmic number is twenty, have a very tender relationship. In such a union, many children are born, often more than two. It is about this marriage that words can be said - both in sorrow and in joy, and in health and during illness, and so on.

Number 21. Difficulties can arise only at the stage of the inception of a relationship. However, in the future there is complete mutual understanding, which is so necessary to build a strong union. In order for such a relationship to continue, it is important to go through the initial stage, to show maximum patience and respect for each other. If this fails, then at least you will remain good friends for centuries.

Number 22. Is in a relationship like living on a powder keg. You never know what to expect from a partner, the reaction can be so unpredictable. You must be ready not only for quarrels and frequent showdowns, but also for violent reconciliation and passionate sex. In order for a relationship to be long-lasting, you need to try hard and make every effort.

Let's sum up that the most favorable karmic numbers for relationships, based on the date of birth, are: 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 14, 17, 19 and 21. The numbers that should be avoided are 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18 and 22.