How much urine comes out at one time. An increase in the amount of urine excreted. The rate of daily urine output and the main types of urine tests

Is a method of laboratory diagnostics, in which the object of the study is the entire daily diuresis (urine excreted by the patient per day) at once.

When a daily urine test is prescribed

Daily urine analysis is prescribed primarily to check the functioning of the kidneys, as well as to control the substances excreted from the body in the urine during the day.

Indications for the appointment of a daily urine test are:

  • suspicion of some kidney disease;
  • diabetes. The test is used to monitor daily urinary glucose levels;
  • pregnancy. The test is used to assess how well the expectant mother's kidneys are coping with increased stress.

Preparation for 24-hour urine analysis

Special preparation for daily urine analysis is not required. On the day of urine collection, diuretic drugs should be excluded. It is also necessary to observe the usual drinking regime on this day (the amount of fluid consumed should be the same as usual).

How to collect daily urine for analysis

Collect urine in a large sterile container. It is preferable to use a container with graduated divisions (then it will be necessary to establish the entire volume of collected urine).

The morning urine is discharged into the toilet. The next time you urinate, the urine is collected in a container. It will be necessary to notice what time it happened. Further, all urine during the day (until the same time the next day) should be collected in the same container.

It is imperative that all daily urine is collected, so long trips should not be planned on the day of collection of the analysis material.
The container with urine must be kept in the refrigerator.

At the end of the collection of material, it will be necessary to independently assess the total volume of collected urine. Then the urine is mixed and part of it (up to 200 ml) is poured into a special container. It is this container that is delivered to the laboratory (the entire volume of urine does not need to be delivered).

When submitting urine to the laboratory, it is necessary to indicate from what time to what time the urine was collected; what is the total urine volume. In some cases, you will need to indicate your exact height and weight.

Indicators of daily urine analysis

The main indicators that are assessed during 24-hour urine analysis are:

  • total urine volume (daily diuresis). Normally, the daily urine output should be: for women - 1000-1600 ml, for men - 1000-2000 ml;
  • creatinine... The norm for this indicator is 5.3-16 mmol / day for women and 7-18 mmol / day for men. Higher values \u200b\u200bmay indicate diabetes mellitus, acute infections, hypothyroidism (thyroid disease), and some other pathologies. Values \u200b\u200bbelow normal can be observed in kidney disease, anemia and other pathologies;
  • urea... The norm is 250-570 mmol / day. Increased values \u200b\u200bare characteristic of hyperthyroidism or pernicious anemia; they can also be observed with significant physical exertion or ingestion of foods high in protein;
  • protein... A 24-hour urine test for protein is usually prescribed after an elevated protein has been detected in a general clinical analysis. Normal values \u200b\u200bfor daily analysis: protein release 0.08-0.24 g / day, concentration - 0.0-0.14 g / l;
  • glucose... Daily urine glucose test is prescribed for diabetes mellitus. With its help, the patient's condition and the effectiveness of the therapy are monitored. The normal value of this indicator is no more than 1.6 mmol / day.
  • oxalates... Norm: 228-626 μmol / day or 20-54 mg / day (for women) and 228-683 μmol / day or 20-60 mg / day (for men).
excreted by the kidneys over a period of time. Assessment of diuresis allows you to understand what pathological processes develop in the body.

Photo 1. There is a certain rate of how much urine the body should excrete. Deviation from it is a reason for examination. Source: Flickr (David Malan).

Diuresis is influenced by many conditions:

  • The amount of liquid you drink;
  • The presence of kidney pathology (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, amyloidosis, etc.);
  • The presence of endocrine pathology (diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, adrenal gland disorders);
  • Arterial pressure;
  • Mental condition;
  • Physical work performed;
  • The amount of sweat produced;
  • Acute intestinal infection;
  • Intoxication of various nature;
  • Food accepted.

Types of diuresis and possible problems

There are many classifications of diuresis, based on the time of day, the nature of urine excreted, its volume, the time during which diuresis is recorded, etc.

By the amount of urine excreted per day, they are distinguished:

  • ... An increase in the amount of urine excreted. It can be caused by kidney damage or endocrine system pathology, excessive drinking, high blood pressure, during psychosis;
  • ... Decreased urine production. It manifests itself with low blood pressure, intoxication, severe sweating, shock, depression, acute intestinal infection;
  • Anuria... Complete absence of urine or less than 50 ml per day. It is a life-threatening condition. It develops during preagonal states, acute renal failure, shock conditions and other life-threatening disorders.

By the time of day it happens:

  • Daytime diuresis;
  • Night diuresis.

Normally, daytime diuresis prevails over nighttime from a ratio of 3: 1 - 4: 1. A change towards nocturnal diuresis is typical, as a rule, for endocrine pathology, but it can be a sign of mental disorders.

Depending on the time for which the excreted urine is counted, diuresis can be:

  • Minute;
  • Daily.

By the nature of the excreted urine it can be:

  • Water diuresis... The concentration of substances dissolved in urine is extremely low, and its total volume exceeds the norm. It develops with increased physical activity, increased fluid intake, diabetes, while taking diuretics, with renal failure.
  • Osmotic diuresis... With an increased amount of excreted urine, it contains a large concentration of excretory substances (products of secondary metabolism). It occurs with diabetes mellitus, glomerulonephritis, taking osmotic diuretics, poisoning with poisons or toxins.
  • Antidiuresis. It is characterized by a small amount of urine with a high concentration of excreted compounds. It can develop due to a low intake of fluid in the body, low blood pressure, during conditions that threaten the patient's life, in stressful situations, in acute intestinal infection.

The rate of urine production in adults per day

Healthy kidneys excrete 67 - 75% of the absorbed volume of fluid in 24 hours. With a normal diet (1 - 2 liters per day are drunk), daily urine output fluctuates from 800 to 1500 ml... The minimum daily volume of urine, with which all metabolic products and toxic compounds can be excreted, is 0.5 liters.

From 0.55 to 1 ml of urine is released per minute, which is necessary to calculate the renal clearance, which determines the state of functioning of these organs.

Reasons for deviation from the normal level

Simplified, the urinary excretion mechanism is based on two main factors: the pressure in the renal arteries and the concentration of hyperosmotic (pulling water) substances in the renal tubules.

When one of these parameters changes up or down, there is a corresponding change in the volume of urine excreted.

For instance, with low blood pressuredue to anaphylactic shock, blood perfusion of the kidneys almost completely stops, which leads to anuria. Or, when taking osmotic diuretics(mannitol, urea) their content in the renal tubules increases, they pull water molecules with them, which causes an increase in the volume of excreted urine.

Method for diagnosing the problem

As a rule, they turn to a doctor for help with complaints about: increased or decreased amount of urine excreted, frequent night trips to the toilet. To identify the cause of the pathology, the following studies should be carried out:

  • Kidney ultrasound.

After receiving these studies, depending on the alleged pathology, the following instrumental and laboratory studies may be required:

  • Blood sugar test;
  • ECG;
  • Doppler study of renal vessels;
  • A blood test for the level of corticosteroids, vasopressin;
  • Urinalysis by and / or ;
  • Evaluation by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

This algorithm of actions does not make sense in acute conditions requiring immediate intervention. Life-threatening pathologies include: acute intestinal infection, acute renal failure, shock or collaptoid conditions, poisoning with toxins and poisons.

Photo 2. If urine output is abnormal, the heart may need to be checked as well.

People, especially those suffering from frequent urination, may ask questions - how many times a day an adult should write (urinate) and whether there is any norm or volume on this score. Let's try to answer these questions.

First, a little about the urine itself. It is a biologically active fluid that is produced by the kidneys, excreted, and travels down the ureter to the bladder and urethra. Together with urine, the body removes the end products of metabolism. If the body becomes ill, pathological metabolic products, as well as drugs and foreign substances, begin to be excreted in the urine.

The process of urination in a completely healthy person, it happens freely, painlessly and without any effort. After the completion of urination, the person has a pleasant feeling of complete emptying of the bladder. If soreness appears during urination or the process proceeds with effort, these are signs of an inflammatory process in the urinary system. In this case, urgent treatment is required.

The rate of the amount of urine released

Fine per day in an adult can vary from 800 to 1500 ml, depending on age and other factors. The entire volume of urine excreted by a person per day is called daily urine output. A healthy adult urinates 4-7 times a day and no more than 1 time per night. Daytime and nighttime diuresis are correlated within 3 to 1 or 4 to 1. Each portion of urine averages 200-300 ml, sometimes up to 600 ml (usually the largest amount is in the portion of morning urine upon waking). If more than 2000 ml or less than 200 ml are released per day, this is already considered a pathological amount.

The total amount of urine per day depends on several factors.: age, liquids drunk, including soups, compotes, etc., from the presence of diarrhea, the amount of perspiration (urine flow decreases markedly with increased sweating of a person), from body temperature, from the loss of water by the lungs and other factors.

It is important for a sick person to know - what is the total amount of urine excreted in one day and what is its ratio with the liquid taken during this time. This is the water balance. If the amount of fluid consumed is much higher than the amount of urine excreted and is accompanied by an increase in the patient's weight, then there is reason to believe that the patient has. If a person excretes more urine than drinks liquids, then this means that there is a diuretic effect from the drugs or herbal infusions taken. In the first case, it is called negative diuresis, in the second - positive.

One of the most important points in examining the functionality of the systems of the human body, in particular the kidneys, is the daily analysis of urinary fluid. Most often, in their medical practice, nephrologists use the measurement of daily urine output - excreted urine per day, and minute - to determine the work of the kidneys, using the clearance method.

General concepts and disorders of deurination

Daily urine output is the amount of urine that the body produces within twenty-four hours. It is an assessment of the correct functioning of the kidneys. An adult per day, with normal kidney function, excretes about 75% of the fluid consumed, not counting its intake into the body with food.

Therefore, every adult who drank two liters of liquid per day should normally excrete at least one and a half liters of urine. To investigate kidney function, it is important to determine the daily urine output by calculating clearance. In this case, the patient collects the test material for 24 hours in a container for collecting urine.

To pass the analysis, the patient must be prepared. On the day of the procedure and three days before, it is necessary to exclude the intake of diuretics. During all this time, he must count the biological fluid produced by the kidneys and the amount of water, juice, tea and other liquid products drunk. Measure the daily volume of urine, starting at six o'clock in the morning of today and until six o'clock in the morning of the next.

Depending on the volume of urine excreted by the kidneys, the following clinical forms of urinary disorders are noted.

Polyuria - increased urine production per day (up to three liters). It manifests itself when tissue swelling decreases. It can develop with diabetes mellitus and is a characteristic symptom of diabetes insipidus.

Oliguria is a condition in which the amount of urine excreted decreases and can be half a liter or less. Occurs when swelling worsens; liquid is excreted through the skin, with diarrhea, with vomit; with ascites; in acute renal failure.

Anuria is when about fifty milliliters of urine is produced per day. With anuria, urine filling of the bladder stops. The reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • Severe blood loss.
  • Constant gag reflexes.
  • Sharp jade.
  • Severe kidney disease.
  • Various states of shock.

Blocking the patency of the ureters by calculi or squeezing them by neoplasms of the pelvic organs.

Ishuria is a pathological type of diuresis, in which urine is retained in the bladder due to the impossibility of urinating on its own. This condition can be provoked: various formations of the prostate gland, prostatitis, blockage of the outlet from the bladder, pathological narrowing of the urethra. Distinguish between complete and incomplete ishuria.

Urine is excreted by the kidneys unevenly within 24 hours. There is day and night diuresis. Normally, daytime urine output is much higher than nighttime and is expressed in a ratio of 4: 1 or 3: 1.

By the daily amount, you can easily determine the development of nephrological pathologies. Correctly collected and conducted analysis is one of the conditions for successful therapy of the disease.

What indicators of daily urine volume are considered the norm?

To assess daily urine output, the amount of excreted urine is compared with the amount of fluid that came from the outside. Basically, this procedure is carried out in a hospital when the patient is being treated. But there are times when the analysis is collected at home.

Normal diuresis per day is approximately 75% of the fluid intake. Normally, the excretion of urine for the most part falls on the day and should be 2/3 of the total amount of excreted urine per day. The rest of the urine is excreted at night. To accurately estimate the daily volume of fluid secreted, it is necessary to record the daytime and nighttime diuresis separately.

Normal indicators of daily urine output are about two liters: in men from 1 to 2 liters, in women from 1 to 1.6 liters, with a standard water regime - one and a half to two liters.

Scientists, scientific studies have proved that the smallest amount of urine - 500 ml is enough for the physiological implementation of metabolic processes in the human body. The main condition for this is the mandatory consumption of at least eight hundred milliliters of liquid during the day.

Normal values \u200b\u200bof daily urine output in children:

  • 1-3 months - 180-600 ml
  • 4-6 months - 260-690 ml
  • 7-9 months - 285-750 ml
  • 10-12 months - 350-820 ml
  • 1-5 years old - 620-900 ml
  • 6-10 years old - 710-1250 ml
  • 11-14 years old - 1000-1400 ml
  • 15-18 years - 1200-1500 ml

The approximate daily urine output in a healthy child who is more than a year old is calculated by the following formula:
600 + 100 (x - 1) ml in 24 hours, where x is the child's age in years.

The daily urine output of a woman who is carrying a child varies from 60% to 80% of the volume of liquid meals and water taken. During pregnancy, an increase in the body weight of the expectant mother is accumulated due to fluid. The volume of urine excreted by the kidneys from the body of a pregnant woman is a serious criterion for her condition. During this period, there is a desire to drink a lot and urination naturally increases. This is considered acceptable.

If there is no failure in the functioning of the kidneys, then the fluid that has entered the body of the expectant mother should almost completely exit. Fluid retention in the body can adversely affect the well-being of the pregnant woman and the development of the child.

Various changes in the normal indicators of daily urine output can be a signal of the presence of pathologies. Gynecologists recommend that all women who are five months pregnant undergo a laboratory study of this test to monitor their well-being and identify the initial signs of the disease. And also, the doctor prescribes a urine analysis for daily diuresis for pregnant women when a woman has visible swelling of the lower extremities or he suspects hidden ones.

For each age and gender, there are indicators of the normal amount of urine excreted by the body per day. The slightest manifestation of deviations from the normal level of daily urine output requires immediate medical attention.

Determination of daily urine volume

In the laboratory conditions of each medical institution it is possible to calculate the daily urine output using special methods. These include the samples of Adiss-Kakovsky, Nichiporenko, Zimnitsky. Be sure to carry out microscopy of urinary sediment, which determines the quantitative presence of red and white blood cells, salt crystals, cylinders.

In medical practice, the following methods are used to determine the functioning of the kidneys:

  • Urine analysis for the Adiss-Kakovsky test is carried out as follows. The test material is collected in the morning. A certain amount of urine is taken and centrifuged, as a result the resulting sediment is microscoped. Urine for this sample must be collected using a catheter.
  • Nicheporenko's test is carried out until 8 o'clock in the morning, after a thoroughly performed hygienic procedure of the genitals. For this analysis, an average portion of urine is taken in the amount of one hundred milliliters. The correct collection of urine is as follows: the patient begins and finishes urinating in the toilet, and collects the middle portion in a container and takes it to the laboratory. The analysis is not carried out when a woman has critical days.

Normal indicators of daily urine output are less than 100 erythrocytes per ml of urine, no more than 2000 leukocytes and 20 cylinders.

To get a reliable analysis result, you need to properly prepare for this procedure:

  • Three days before the test, you should not eat spicy and sour foods, minimize the intake of sugar and salt.
  • Refuse to use diuretics for this period.
  • Follow your usual daily drinking regime.
  • Carry out a hygienic treatment of the genitals immediately before taking the analysis.
  • Purchase a special container for delivery of material at the pharmacy.

It is imperative to follow the recommendations of the correct collection of the analyzed urine. Urine is collected over 24 hours, starting in the early morning (from 6 o'clock). Immediately after sleep, the patient should urinate into the toilet, and then into a prepared clean container for analysis, which holds at least three liters.
Store it in a cool place. On the day of delivery - the urine must be mixed and poured into a container at least 100 ml and sent to the clinical laboratory.

Failure to comply with the rules for collecting and storing material, as well as personal hygiene, violation of diet and drinking regime significantly affects the result of daily diuresis. But compliance with all the rules for a full examination is not enough. Also, an important role is played by the doctor's appointment to conduct the correct analysis.

By watching the video, you will learn about the work of the kidneys.

One of the most important indicators used to determine the presence of pathological processes in the body is the daily rate of urine output. But in addition to the amount of collected liquid, it is also recommended to pay attention to its color, smell, transparency and other indicators. Any urinalysis is an excellent assistant in diagnosing diseases of any etiology.

There are certain norms of urination per day, and deviations from them signal serious pathologies occurring in the ureteral organs. The indicators of the norm in adult patients and children differ, they also depend on gender.

The liquid drunk per day also affects them. If urine begins to constantly be released in an accelerated mode, then it is recommended to contact a specialist who will assist in restoring a normal state.

Urination rate

The data on urine urine output is average, because the process is individual for each patient. And if you talk about an increased level, then it is necessary to imply deviations from your rhythm, assessing the frequency of visits to the toilet with a normal urine flow regime. In an adult, the norm is from four to ten approaches to the toilet during the day, while at night there are no more than two emissions of urine, the volume of which does not exceed three hundred milliliters.

Men visit the toilet up to six times, women up to nine. Babies who are not yet a year old urinate about twenty-five times. The age group from three to five years, this process is reduced to eight. With age, the indicator becomes even lower.

Sometimes babies cry when they pass urine, but this should not be considered a deviation. Sometimes children are afraid of the process itself, but as soon as the urine comes out, the state becomes normal. But the child should be taken to the doctor in order to completely exclude pathological changes.

It is considered normal if an adult excretes from the body from eight hundred milliliters to one and a half liters of urine in one day.

Causes and symptoms of frequent urination

When the number of urges exceeds a dozen times, you need to pay close attention to your own body in the process of passing urine. There are a lot of reasons why urinary excretion becomes more frequent. A number of factors and characteristic symptoms are known that affect the frequency of urine removal from the body.


Painful sensations during frequent urination - sometimes this is manifested due to large neoplasms appearing in the lower abdomen. The number of urges may increase when the tumor reaches a size at which it can press on the bladder, preventing it from filling completely with biological fluid. In this condition, other signs of pathology may also be observed:

One of the main reasons is hyperaldosteronism. With this disease, the adrenal glands produce an excessive amount of aldosterone, and the number of urinations increases. The disease provokes an increase in the production of hormones that affect the performance of the paired organ.

By the evening, the number of trips to the toilet may increase in patients with heart or kidney failure.

Another problem is hyperparathyroidism. Excessive parathyroid hormones are produced, which regulate the process of urine formation.

Most of the problems occur with morning urine flow. This is accompanied by the following symptoms:


Diabetes insipidus can increase your bladder emptying rate. By its characteristics, it is similar to sugar, but the level of glucose in the blood does not exceed the normal value. In the process of regulating the drainage of urine through the paired organ, violations occur.

More frequent strong urges are considered a sign of diabetes mellitus, in which the glucose content increases, the excess of it begins to be excreted along with the urine. This process of urine emission is called hyperglycemia, supplemented by some symptoms:

  • feeling thirsty and dry;
  • weakness;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • itching of the skin.

Problems with the urinary system

A specialist will help prevent possible complications. Infectious kidney disease and urinary problems are considered sufficient causes for increased urinary output. If the process is painful, then it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo the examination prescribed by him.

Independent medical procedures will only relieve or partially reduce the painful sensations during urine discharge, but they will not completely cure the problem. In this case, the likelihood of the formation of a pathology of a chronic nature arises, the consequences of which can be very serious.

Doctors believe that in stressful situations, with significant physical exertion and from hypothermia of the body, the increased frequency of urine emission is quite normal.

Psychosomatics can also affect morning and afternoon visits to the toilet. In the female half of the population, the frequency of urges may be increased after menstrual cycles.

Medicines can only be prescribed after performing laboratory tests.

Diet and nutrition

If you follow the correct diet, then night visits to the toilet will not be scary for you. The diet will completely eliminate significant amounts of liquid and food containing it in large quantities. You should not drink water at night to avoid waking up to the toilet. It is not recommended to eat salty and spicy foods.

How to help at home?

Tinctures and teas, which reduce the emission of urine, are excellent. At home, it's easy to make tea from cherry twigs and. This drink will help relieve inflammation and stabilize the process of urine emission.

It is allowed to use a decoction made from birch buds. It is drunk repeatedly during the day, especially in the evening. But you should not refuse to visit the polyclinic, since herbal medicine for such problems is considered only a means of an auxiliary nature.

Preventive measures

To avoid such situations, it is necessary to comply with the hygiene requirements in the evening and morning. In addition, protective equipment must be used during sexual intercourse. Strengthens the immune system with normal nutrition, helping it fight harmful bacteria. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to be examined by a doctor annually. A timely detected disease will allow starting adequate treatment, preventing its transition to the chronic stage.