What needs to be done to have bright eyes. Makeup secrets: how to make eyes more expressive? How to brighten up your eye color

Eye color depends on your state of health in an indirect way, and on the content of melatonin in the iris of your eyeballs in a direct way. And, since the iris is a complex of muscles that constrict or dilate the pupil, the color of your eyes depends on the tension or relaxation of these muscles. From their tone.

The color of the whites of the eyes is more dependent on the general condition of your body.

Oddly enough, but the process of changing the brightness of the iris occurs throughout our lives. Eye color can change to a brighter side, and not just fade.

And regular consumption of certain foods can change the color of your eyes: the iris and whites. It can happen right before your eyes, in just two or three months.

Here are the products:

bearberry tea

A relaxing herbal tea used as a mild remedy for urinary tract infections. It has a diuretic effect, is indicated for arthritis.

A rich source of easily digestible sugars, a good antiseptic. Constant consumption of honey leads to brightening of the eyes.

Rich in carotenoids and minerals. Strengthens bones, prevents the development of asthma. Makes eye color brighter.

Since fish and seafood are rich in minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids, eating fish on a regular basis leads to a healthy glow in the eyes.

Chamomile tea

Soothing tea reduces the level of stress hormones, disorders of the digestive tract. With regular use, it gives warm shades to the iris and whites of the eyes.

Olive oil

It makes no sense to repeat the benefits of olive oil, it treats all chronic diseases. And the eyes - do you remember what expressive eyes the inhabitants of the Mediterranean have? Including because they eat olive oil all their lives.

Rich in sulfur compounds, and, oddly enough, vitamin C. The folic acid contained in onions alleviates depression, insomnia, and even helps reduce appetite. For the eyes, this means a healthy glow and a brighter color.

It is important to remember here that most of the healthy fats are found in unroasted nuts. Regular consumption of raw or dried nuts, especially almonds, in your food will cause your eye color to lighten.

The proteins and minerals contained in the meat give you the opportunity to provocatively sparkle with shiny eyes from under the eyelashes. But good in moderation, the meat should not be too fatty, otherwise you risk getting high cholesterol and broken blood vessels in proteins.

A universal medicine that relieves pain attacks, relieves colds and indigestion. If you want an example of the effects of ginger on the eyes, watch any Indian film. Hindus eat ginger every day, and the result is obvious.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that the eyes are the most expressive part of our face. And ... the most informative: age, mood, how the day went and the previous night - everything will be told by the eyes and the delicate skin underneath. How to maintain a radiant, fresh look, maintain good vision and tighten the skin of the eyelids at home?

If we cried or sat for a long time at the monitor in an office with dry air conditioning, a red cobweb of burst blood vessels will appear on the proteins. If we are no longer very young and do not lead a very healthy lifestyle, no makeup will hide swelling and wrinkles on the thin skin around the eyes. And a sleepless night is unmistakably given out by "bruises" that cannot be covered with any corrector. For those who do not neglect the health and beauty of their "mirror of the soul" - we will tell you how to maintain a radiant, fresh look, maintain good vision and tighten the skin of the eyelids.

Dropsfor eyes

Such eye drops act directly on the cornea and can be of two types: vasoconstrictor or moisturizing.

Vasoconstrictor drops, for example, "Vizin" - the fastest and surest way to get rid of redness and burst blood vessels in the eyes. These drops should never be used every day! But if on Friday you spent the whole day in hard work at the computer, and in the evening you are going to "go out", vasoconstrictor drops will help to "refresh" your eyes.

But moisturizing drops are just right for daily use. In terms of composition, moisturizing drops are closest to natural human tears; they are based on saline. This tool is the best friend of office workers who spend a lot of time in air-conditioned rooms, as well as contact lens wearers.

A recipe from the arsenal of traditional medicine: instill honey diluted in boiled water into reddened eyes (about a quarter of a teaspoon of honey per one tablespoon of water) - 2 drops per eye. The honey solution prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Many people find it unpleasant to instill the remedy directly into the eye. There is a way out: tilting your head back, gently apply a few drops in the corner of your eye, and then blink.


Another way to get rid of "bruises" and swelling of the eyelids is compresses. There are many effective folk recipes. Choose any depending on what you have in your refrigerator or kitchen cabinet.

For five to ten minutes, put freshly cut slices of cucumber or potato on closed eyelids. Cotton wool soaked in chilled tea leaves or cooled tea bags will also work. Lotions with infusion of chamomile, dill or mint work well on tired eyes.

You can rinse closed eyes with cold water or wipe the skin around the eyes with ice cubes. Cold has a vasoconstrictive and tonic effect, making the look fresh and shiny.

A wonderful effect is produced by a compress with slightly warm milk. Just do not use a fat-free product for this: it is animal fats and milk origin that have beneficial properties.

Creams and masks for the skin around the eyes

Probably every self-respecting brand of cosmetic products produces tonic products for the skin around the eyes, which improve blood circulation, relieve swelling and reduce dark circles. Such products are recommended to be applied to the skin in a special way: either with circular massage movements, or by lightly tapping on the skin, as if “driving in” the cream with fingertips. It turns out that you simultaneously apply the product and conduct a massage, which accelerates its absorption and enhances the beneficial effects.

By the way, the cream around the eyes should not be applied not directly under the lower and upper eyelashes. It should be distributed in this way: at the bottom - in the area where the bone already begins, and at the top - under the very eyebrow. Cosmetologists explain: when we blink, the cream applied in this way spreads to the entire skin in the eye area. It is advisable to apply any night remedy for edema and "bags" under the eyes 2 hours before bedtime.

Eye massage

We have already talked about massage of the skin around the eyes. But not everyone knows that you can massage the eyeballs themselves.

Close your eyes, gently rub them with your fingers, lightly “tap” on the closed eyelids. Of course, this should be done very carefully, without pressing on the eyeball, but only touching it. Grab the corners of your eyes and pull them outward for a few seconds, then release. Repeat this movement five to seven times. Open your eyes and blink forcefully for 30-40 seconds. Such a massage is useful not only for appearance, but also for vision: it improves blood flow and relieves tension from the eye muscle. Another way: rub your palms together to keep them warm, and then cover your closed eyes with them for a few minutes. Warmth and lack of light will have a calming and relaxing effect.

It is probably unnecessary to remind you that before any eye procedure, make-up must be removed.

Eye exercises

Gymnastics for the eyes relieves fatigue and strengthens the eye muscle. It is very useful for the prevention of myopia and is simply necessary for those whose vision is already far from ideal.

Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds - and then open them as wide as possible and try not to blink for 5-7 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times.
As far as you can, squint your eyes to the left, then move to the right. Repeat this movement 10-15 times.

Look all the way up, and then down as far as possible. Also repeat 10-15 times.

Rotate with your eyes closed, drawing an imaginary eight with them - first in a vertical plane, then in a horizontal one. Imagine that you are "writing" letters of the alphabet or whole words with your eyes closed. Try to make as many movements as possible with your eyeballs.

Look for an object as far away from you as possible. Hold your gaze on it for a few seconds, then look at the tip of your nose. Repeat 20-30 times.

Take care of your eyes and let them always shine!

If you have your own folk ways to take care of your eyes, please leave feedback on these methods in the comments below.

  • Can you brighten your eyes with makeup?
  • What tools are needed for bright eye makeup?
  • How to make your eye color brighter?
  • How to brighten up your eyes with makeup
  • How to make eyes brighter: useful life hacks

There is no need to complain about the lack of ways to emphasize the eyes in makeup. Arrows, smoky eyes, makeup with an emphasis on the crease, false eyelashes, inner contour eyeliner, inviting cat eyes - these are just a small part of the possibilities to draw attention to the eyes. In the material - more about what to do to make the color of the eyes perceived brighter.

Can you brighten your eyes with makeup?

A well-thought-out and well-executed make-up can do a lot, and making your eyes brighter is definitely not a problem. Choose a tactic that suits you: for some, for example, it is important to visually enlarge the eyes, others would like to create a contrast with the help of different shades of cosmetics, for others it is enough to emphasize the graceful almond shape using graphics.

There are many options - you need to proceed, first of all, from the features of your appearance. The choice of makeup products also largely depends on this.

How to make your eye color brighter?

The first step is to study the shades that combine with the color of your eyes most advantageously.

Green eyes

What should be done to make green eyes appear brighter? Use shades of brown, green (it is important that they do not match the color of the eyes - you need a soft contrast), plum, burgundy, gray - both light and dark, graphite, as well as gold and bronze. Products with a shimmery texture will help green eyes shine.

Blue eyes

Avoid black and dark brown. Instead, choose shades such as taupe, coffee, beige, pink (rose gold is perfect, for example), purple, lilac, eggplant, amethyst, aqua, burgundy and copper - among these options there is definitely one that can complete the image.

Brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls do not need to be afraid of catchy colors - bright shades, perhaps, best reveal the depth of the look. Makeup artists recommend using colors such as gold, caramel (both with shimmery particles), purple, wine, plum, turquoise, emerald green, swamp green, neon green, blue and pink in brown eye makeup.

How to make eyes brighter: useful life hacks

    Relying solely on makeup is not always worth it. Sometimes the lack of make-up can also become an accent on the eyes - this is evidenced by the recent trend of abandoning mascara. "Pure" images allow you to admire your beauty in a natural way. This option is good for those who regularly get enough sleep and spend a lot of time outdoors.

    If this is not your story, then eyes without makeup are unlikely to look brighter and it is worth listening to the recommendations suggested above.

    You need to follow not only the regime, but also nutrition - this improves the quality of the skin, and when it is clean, without visible imperfections, the eyes automatically become the center of attraction in the image.

What techniques do you use to make your eyes appear brighter? Write in the comments.

If you want to make a portrait lively and expressive, the eyes of the person in the photo must be bright. To achieve this, you almost always need an additional light source, such as a flash or a reflector. Unfortunately, they are not always at hand, and in the photographs taken as a result of the shooting, the eyes look dark. In Photoshop, there is a very simple trick that allows you to get rid of this drawback. As with almost all the photo editing articles on this site, you will need minimal .

Let's choose a suitable photo to make the eyes brighter. Generally speaking, if you don't overdo it with lightening, this method gives positive results for most close-up portraits. For group portraits or in the case when a person is standing at some distance from the photographer, processing of this kind is unlikely to change anything, because. the result will simply be invisible. I'll use the photo on the right, which was just taken without a flash. Although there was enough light for shooting, the eyes turned out darkish and they can be made brighter. The portrait from this will look more expressive, and the look will become more alive. At the beginning of the work, as usual, copy the image to a new layer.

Now in the layers panel at the top left, change the blending mode for the top layer from " Normal» (« Ordinary") on " Screen» (« Lightening"). So we double the overall illumination of the image. Then add a mask to the top layer. You can do this through the menu layer» (« Layer«) — « layer mask» (« Layer mask«) — « hide all» (« Hide all"), or with the pressed key" alt»click the left mouse button on the icon for adding a mask at the bottom of the layers panel. Now the top layer is hidden behind the mask and we need to select the brush tool and paint over the eyes with white on the mask.

The result is a little intimidating due to the too high brightness. To eliminate this effect, you need to reduce " Opacity» (« Transparency") layer. Each photo will have different values, but between 25% and 45% depending on the overall brightness. For this frame, I chose 35%.

It should be noted that when lightening the eyes become brighter, but visually change their shape a little. So the iris seems smaller, and the eye itself is somewhat larger than in the initial image. To get rid of this, you need to take a brush and paint black over the iris on the top layer mask, returning it to its original state. Which option is better is up to you, but if you do not hide the iris, then the color of the eyes seems more saturated.

In this simple way, you can make the eyes in the portrait brighter, while enhancing their color. The photo from this becomes more effective, and the look seems deeper.

The easiest and most proven way to change the color of the eyes are lenses. But what about those who have itchy and watery eyes from them, and want to surprise their friends with a change in appearance?

What determines eye color?

Often our desires seem impossible to fulfill. This is the opinion of many of those who wonder if it is possible to change the color of the eyes. Of course, many will argue that you cannot go against genetics and that it is impossible to do so. But doctors, as well as lovers of experiments, believe otherwise.

So, eye color is completely dependent on heredity. It affects how much melamine is in the iris. The more it is, the darker the eyes will be. Therefore, most dark-skinned people will have brown or even black eyes. Fair-haired and white-skinned people can boast gray, blue or light green eyes. Of course, there are often exceptions.

Selection of wardrobe and makeup

If you are thinking about how to change eye color at home, then the following tips will come in handy.

The easiest way for owners of gray eyes. Even a small scarf in bright blue or green can help them. A jacket or any other piece of clothing is also suitable. The main thing is that it should be visible. A well-chosen combination will help make gray eyes appear blue. This method is considered the easiest and safest.

Owners of a green iris can make the color more expressive if they listen to the advice of makeup artists. They can definitely tell you how to change eye color at home. To do this, they will need a gray or brown contour pencil. Such an accent changes the color perception right before your eyes.

Stages of growing up

Everyone knows that most babies are born with blue eyes. But for many of them, the color changes already by the year. It can turn green, honey, or even dark brown. The dominant role in this process belongs to genetics, and parents cannot influence this process.

But with age, people cease to be interested in whether it is possible to change the color of the eyes. After all, their iris begins to brighten. Bright blue eyes turn to light gray, burning dark brown become honey.

Serious illnesses

Sometimes people who do not think about how to change eye color at home find that another person is looking at them in the mirror. Blue-eyed people are most likely to experience this. But brown-eyed is not threatened. The iris changes its shade with the progression of the Fuchs and Posner-Schlossmann syndromes. These are diseases of the cornea. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor if you notice that your color has begun to change.

Posner-Schlossmann syndrome is manifested by an increase in intraocular pressure. But it is not accompanied by glaucoma. Doctors suggest that this may be an allergic disease. But Fuchs's syndrome is a corneal dystrophy. It is characterized by the fact that epithelial cells begin to die, which are responsible for pumping fluid from the transparent layer - the stroma. With these diseases, only one eye can change color.

Intraocular pressure

The shade of the iris also changes in patients with glaucoma. The drops prescribed to such patients contain special substances identical to prostaglandins. This means that hormones also affect the intensity of the color of the iris. Their regular use leads to the fact that the iris begins to darken. As a rule, drugs such as Unoprostone, Latanoprost, Bimatoprost, Travoprost are prescribed. They help reduce intraocular pressure.

Knowing about their properties to make eye color more saturated, many begin to experiment with them. But it is worth remembering that by checking how to change eye color to blue with drops, you risk your health. They can only be used as directed by an ophthalmologist if indicated.

The power of autosuggestion

If you are a fan of non-traditional approaches to all the processes that take place in life, then you will like the auto-training method. To do this, every morning and evening you need to imagine yourself with the desired eye color and pronounce your desire out loud. You can make appropriate changes to your photos for better visualization. Fortunately, modern computer programs for image processing allow this.

This is the easiest and most affordable method if you can't figure out how to change eye color at home. The main thing is to believe in the result and do it in a relaxed state. It is believed that it is best to influence the subconscious in the first minutes after waking up and before falling asleep. If you come up with a rhymed plot and pronounce it, it will be just wonderful.

Science achievements

But everyone understands that it is impossible to change one's own genetic characteristics with the power of thought. In this case, ophthalmologists will come to the rescue. They will tell you how to change brown eye color. This is easy to do if you buy lenses of the shade you need.

At the same time, please note that only Color lenses are suitable for a dark iris. They are able to completely change the color of the eyes. But people with blue or gray eyes can opt for tint options. They will give the iris brightness and make the look more expressive.

With the right selection of lenses, addiction passes in a few minutes. The main thing is to listen to all the advice of an ophthalmologist, take care of them properly, remove lenses at night. It is also important to change them in time. Remember to thoroughly rinse the lenses that change the color of the eyes with a special solution and make sure that the container for their storage does not get infected. Otherwise, you may start having problems with your eyes, they will turn red, inflammation will go.


Not everyone knows about it yet, but now there is an opportunity not to even think about how to change the green color of the eyes. You can have surgery and get the color you want for the rest of your life. True, it is quite difficult to find a clinic specializing in such procedures. Such an operation was invented by the ophthalmologist Delary Albert Kahn. He received a patent for his invention in 2006, which will expire in 2023.

Initially, such an operation was performed on patients with certain eye defects, such as ocular albinism, heterochromia, coloboma. But now it is used simply to change the color of the eyes.

The procedure consists in the fact that a special implant is implanted into the iris. He covers it with a disk of the chosen color. You can make blue, brown or green eyes. Moreover, if the patient changes their mind, the implant can be removed. But the cost of such an operation is quite high. You will have to pay about 8 thousand US dollars to make your dream come true.