What is Vaseline for and where is it used. Vaseline Application in various spheres of our life

Vaseline is a rather useful medical product, but it should be noted that it is inexpensive and is always available in the pharmacy. It provides comprehensive and fairly effective skin care, and is also considered an integral component of creams and masks for beauty and skin health.

This drug not only softens dry, chapped skin, but also has many other interesting properties. Vaseline was created in 1859, and even then it instantly became very popular, to our time it remains an indispensable means of traditional medicine.

Since ancient times, Vaseline production technology has not changed. This folk remedy includes:

  • mineral oil;
  • oil;
  • paraffin.

Vaseline differs from other products in that it has no smell, no taste, and even almost no color. Thanks to this, it is remarkably tolerated even by people who suffer from allergies.

The use of petroleum jelly in facial care

1. Very often, female representatives are unhappy with their eyelashes, everyone wants their eyes to sparkle and attract the opposite sex, and this requires lush and long eyelashes. In this case, the well-known Vaseline will come to the rescue. You should regularly apply a little petroleum jelly to your eyelashes before going to bed, and after a short time the eyelashes will accelerate their growth, become much longer and thicker.

2. Everyone has long known that Vaseline is the first lifeguard for chapped and chapped lips. This remedy will not only help cure the problem, but also warn it if you smear your lips before going outside. We can say that Vaseline is the most budgetary and safest lip gloss.

3. Vaseline has the ability to store odor. This is a wonderful adaptation for volatile spirits. If you lubricate small areas of the neck with this product, and apply perfume on top, the scent will last much longer.

4. If you mix petroleum jelly and fine sea salt, you get a wonderful homemade scrub. Salt will help cleanse the skin, and Vaseline will instantly moisturize it and smooth out imperfections.

5. If you did not have cosmetic milk for removing make-up at hand, it can be replaced with great success with petroleum jelly, since it is an absolutely safe remedy for traditional medicine.

6. If you dye your eyelids with shadows, petroleum jelly can easily complement your makeup. You should apply a thin layer of it on the eyelids, and then apply shadows. This will give you a brilliant effect.

7. If a man does not have an aftershave balm at hand, it can be replaced with petroleum jelly. This product has a beneficial effect on the skin, softens it and relieves irritation.

8. With the help of Vaseline, you can fix the hairs on the eyebrows, while the desired shape of the eyebrows will be maintained for a long time.

Hair care with petroleum jelly

1. This folk remedy relieves hair remarkably. At the same time, it softens the itching that was caused by it.

2. If a girl is faced with such a nuisance as petroleum jelly will help not to cut off her favorite curls. You can smear the damaged ends with a thin layer of Vaseline and comb your hair. Thus, the problem will be disguised, and the girl will be happy.

Hand care

1. If you are experiencing dry elbows, you can also use petroleum jelly. It is worth applying a remedy to your elbows daily, and soon the problem will leave you.

2. If you daily lubricate the cuticle with petroleum jelly, over time it will become softer and more transparent, thanks to this women's fingers will always look neat, moreover, they will be much healthier.

3. Vaseline is considered ideal for dry skin of hands, for a pleasant smell it can be mixed with a regular multi-purpose cream. With its regular use, not only the condition of the skin improves, but also its color.

4. On cold and windy days, petroleum jelly will gently protect your skin from the effects of natural phenomena.

Expert opinion

Skin care is an integral attribute of hygiene procedures and cosmetic procedures at all times. Often a person, due to genetic characteristics or working conditions, is faced with coarsening of the skin on the hands, in the elbows and heels. To eliminate such metamorphoses, you only need 2 things - pumice and petroleum jelly. First, you remove dead epithelium, and with the help of petroleum jelly, soften the skin and prevent cracking.

In some cases, petroleum jelly is used instead of wax: this substance perfectly fixes eyebrow hairs, masks split ends, adds gloss to the lips and protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment.

Feet care

1. Very often, especially adults, are faced with the problem of rough and cracked heels. To get rid of this ailment, it is worth lubricating the heels at night, wearing warm socks. The next morning, yesterday, rough layers will take on an infant appearance, become much softer and more tender.

2. One of the most nasty diseases on the feet is eczema. But here, too, the long-known Vaseline will come to the rescue. It will not only soften the skin, but also allow you to get rid of the unbearable itching.

3. Petroleum jelly promotes rapid healing of wounds, in addition, it is an excellent antiseptic. This folk remedy is used in medicine in order to keep the wound clean and keep moisture around it, so that healing occurs much faster.

4. The knees, as well as the elbows, tend to dry out. You can easily get rid of this problem if you lubricate the dry skin of your knees with petroleum jelly before bed.

If in your house until now there was no petroleum jelly, be sure to purchase this excellent, and most importantly inexpensive traditional medicine, and it will certainly become your indispensable assistant in taking care of yourself.

On May 14, petroleum jelly, which is probably in every medicine cabinet, will celebrate its 145th birthday. In 1878 a chemist from England Robert Chesbrough patented his invention and began to sell oily ointment as a therapeutic and cosmetic product. Petroleum jelly still remains one of the most inexpensive means for protecting the skin from negative external influences, softening it, and healing wounds. But with the development of science, the product began to arouse more suspicion and apprehension among ordinary people. No wonder - it is made from petroleum products. It's safe to say that petroleum jelly today is a component in cosmetics with a bad reputation. Together with MedAboutMe we will figure out whether petroleum jelly is good or bad for the skin. Is it so terrible, as opponents of "chemistry" in cosmetics are trying to prove it to us?

English chemist Robert Chesbrough "Invented" Vaseline in 1859 - then the oil boom began. Interested in mining, he often visited the processing rigs to do research. And one day he noticed that a thick oily mass was accumulating on the drills and in the pump valves. The workers "intrigued" Cesbro by saying that they use this unsightly mixture to heal burns and wounds. And the chemist began experiments. He managed to isolate useful substances from the oil "semi-finished product". He called his brainchild oil jelly.

"Oil jelly" doesn't sound very nice, does it? So Cesbro realized this when in 1870 he began to sell the invented product. Of course, he did not enjoy popularity. People were frightened off not even by the oil composition of the product, but by the fact that it was associated with flammability - they were afraid to inadvertently burn out alive or burn down a house.

And then Cesbro changed the name. This is how petroleum jelly appeared. And after receiving a patent in 1878 for petroleum jelly as a brand, the chemist began selling the product. At the moment, the copyright holder of the trademark is the Unilever company, which produces a wide range of cosmetics with petroleum jelly in the composition. The story with petroleum jelly is a rare case when the brand name has passed into general use as a common name. And this opens up the possibility of using this name for any manufacturer. What we are now seeing is that pharmacies have a huge selection of the same product, but different brands.

In the cosmetic industry, petroleum jelly is used, purified according to special methods - ideally, it should not contain harmful impurities that are potentially dangerous to the skin. Vaseline is a part of many medical ointments, nourishing and protective cosmetic creams, lip glosses and lipsticks, hair styling products - the scope of use is huge. You can check it yourself by carefully studying the composition, for example, of a protective winter cream for the face or hands - for sure, petroleum jelly will appear somewhere at the end of the list. It is often used as an independent cosmetic product, applying to the hardened areas of the cover to soften it, heal cracks, peeling and wounds, to protect it from wind and frost.

On sale you can find not only "pure" petroleum jelly. Products are sold with various additives - natural vegetable and animal fats, plant extracts. There are products designed for the skin of the hands and body, especially for the lips.

Cosmetic Vaseline, "Nevskaya Cosmetics", tube 30 ml

"Since then, this fatty remedy has brought many benefits to people. A well-known cosmetic and medical drug was invented by the Englishman Robert Chesbro who emigrated to America. And the useful composition got its name from the German" wasser "- water and the Greek" elaion "- olive oil.

Vaseline: Nasty, nasty, but it helps with burns

When the oil boom began in 1859, Robert Chesbrough, a chemist by training, became interested in the business. Communicating with oil workers, he drew attention to the paraffin-like mass that adhered to the drills and clogged the pumps. Workers noticed that this nasty thing helped with burns and cuts. Robert began experimenting with the substance, trying it on himself. He was able to isolate useful ingredients and first named the resulting product oil jelly, which he began to produce in 1870.

But it was not popular, since everything related to oil was associated with flammability. Then he had a brilliant idea to call the ointment Vaseline. It is derived from two words: the German "wasser" - water and the Greek "elaion" - olive oil. Various vaseline varieties used in medicine, electrical industry, impregnation of paper and fabrics, as antifriction and protective lubricant. The scars and burns inflicted during the experiments healed safely, and the inventor lived for 96 years.

What is petroleum jelly and its types

Modern petroleum jelly Is a purified mixture of solid and liquid carbohydrates, which is an odorless and tasteless buttery mass. Well-purified medical and cosmetic petroleum jelly is white. Technical (insufficiently refined) petroleum jelly can be yellow to dark brown in color. The melting point of petroleum jelly is about 60 ° C, it dissolves in ether and chloroform, but it is insoluble in water and alcohol, mixes with any oils (except castor oil). Vaseline is obtained today by distillation of low-boiling petroleum fractions.

Vaseline is natural and artificial

Natural Vaseline is obtained from hardwood paraffin resins, followed by cleaning and bleaching with special substances. Unlike artificial petroleum jelly, it is more viscous, transparent, colorless, tasteless and odorless. It has antimicrobial properties and attracts water. When applied to the skin, it is difficult to wash off, leaving a sticky residue.

Artificial Vaseline is a combination of solid ceresin and paraffin with refined vaseline or perfume oil. Special substances are also added to it to increase the viscosity. Artificial petrolatum is obtained in the woodworking (technical petroleum jelly) or cosmetic (cosmetic petroleum jelly) industry. This petroleum jelly is not so viscous, cloudy white or yellowish, greasy, odorless and tasteless.

Depending on the degree of purification and on where petroleum jelly is used, it is divided into technical and medical.

Where is technical petroleum jelly used?

Technical Vaseline is used for impregnation of insulators in the electrical industry, for the lubrication of various parts. Technical vaseline is of great importance in industry, protecting metal from corrosion, therefore, all metal parts of machine tools and machines are often lubricated with technical Vaseline.

The use of medical petroleum jelly

Medical petroleum jelly is used as a laxative, externally as an emollient, as a base for various medicinal ointments. Vaseline is also used to soften the skin before setting cans (this prevents skin burns), to lubricate cracks in the skin (for example, on the lips, in the anus), for various medical procedures (for example, when setting an enema or a gas outlet tube - they are lubricated vaseline so that the hard tips do not hurt the delicate rectum).

Outwardly petrolatum can be used after exposure to unfavorable weather factors (wind, sun, frost), applying it in a thin layer on previously cleansed skin and rubbing in lightly. Vaseline is practically not absorbed into the blood when applied externally. This is what he is, our old friend - Vaseline.

Vaselinum, Paraffinum unguinosum, Petrolatum ) is an odorless and tasteless buttery liquid. With incomplete cleaning, the color is from black to yellow, with complete cleaning - to white. Consists of a mixture of mineral oil and paraffinic solid hydrocarbons. Melting temperature - 27-60 ° C, viscosity - 28-36 mm² / s at 50 ° C. Let's dissolve in ether and chloroform, insoluble in water and alcohol, miscible with any oils except castor oil. Received from vacuum distillate oil fractions by thickening with petrolatum, paraffin and ceresin. It is not saponified with alkali solutions, does not oxidize, does not turn rancid in air and does not change when exposed to concentrated acids.
  • Tula pharmaceutical factory
  • Yaroslavl pharmaceutical factory

see also



  • Petroleum products
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Medicines alphabetically
  • Dermatotropic agents
  • Excipients, reagents and intermediates
  • Anti-friction materials
  • Trademarks that have become common nouns
  • Cosmetic substances

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what "Vaseline" is in other dictionaries:

    - (new lat.). Thickened oil essence in the form of an ointment. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. VAZELINE yellowish composition of carbon and hydrogen, extracted from oil, used. on ointments, lipstick, lubrication of parts ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    petrolatum - a, m. vaseline f. A greasy substance obtained from oil and used as a drug or as a basis for the preparation of various medicinal, cosmetic, lubricating, etc. products. ALS 2. Vaseline, name given by an American ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian GallicismsSynonym dictionary

    PETROLATUM - VAZELIN, F (VII), Vaselinum flavum, Vaselinum album, Cosmolinum, Petrolatum (amer.), Is a thick product of a buttery consistency, obtained from crude oil after distilling off kerosene and other, lighter products [V.'s name is given ... ... Big medical encyclopedia

    - (French vaseline, from the German Wasser water and the Greek elaion olive oil), homogeneous buttery mass; a mixture of heavy petroleum oil and solid hydrocarbons (paraffin, ceresin, etc.). In technology, it is used as an impregnation for paper ... ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (French vaseline) homogeneous buttery mass, a mixture of heavy petroleum oil and solid hydrocarbons (paraffin, ceresin, etc.). Obtained by melting hydrocarbons in oil, followed by purification of the mixture with sulfuric acid and bleaching clay. IN … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    VAZELIN, a (y), husband. Ointment, consumable in medicine, cosmetics, technology. Borny V. | adj. vaseline, oh, oh. Vaseline oil. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (Vaseline) odorless thick mass, white or orange. Obtained from oil. It is used to lubricate some devices and mechanisms. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine dictionary

We are used to the fact that home cosmetics and caring products are eggs, honey, kefir, oatmeal, as well as essential oils, etc. All of this is correct, useful and wonderful. But something we have ignored is such a universal and beloved by many means - Vaseline. We will correct this annoying oversight and talk about applying petroleum jelly to our skin.

Vaseline itself is considered a neutral agent and therefore universal. One of its advantages is that it is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream when applied externally, which means that petroleum products will not enter your body.

Although doctors even prescribe it internally as a laxative.

For dry skin

Lubricate your body and lips with petroleum jelly to create an invisible barrier against bad weather and dehydration. Vaseline protects the skin well, it literally melts on it. Moisture remains in the skin, which means that it does not crack and flake.

Hands and feet

Before going to bed, apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly to your hands and feet, then put on cotton gloves and socks and go to bed. Overnight, petroleum jelly will repair damaged skin, heal microcracks, and make the skin more resilient and help prevent further skin "troubles". We are sure that when you wake up, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result of using Vaseline: the skin of the hands and feet will become smooth and soft - tested on ourselves;)

Makeup remover

You can use petroleum jelly as a regular makeup remover milk. Apply it in a small amount on a cotton swab, remove makeup from your face. According to reviews, it removes even the most persistent cosmetics.

Eyebrows and eyelashes

For the correct shape of the eyebrows, which should be unchanged during the day, girls purchase a special eyebrow modeling gel. But you already have it. Indeed, for these purposes, you can use petroleum jelly, old, kind, eternal. Rinse the brush from the old mascara, squeeze a drop of Vaseline onto it, comb the eyebrows as they should be fixed. The petroleum jelly will dry out and in addition to the correct shape for the whole day, your eyebrows will also have a natural shine.

By the way, petroleum jelly can also be used to lengthen eyelashes: apply petroleum jelly to the eyelashes with a clean brush (from old mascara) and mascara on top.


You can't make perfume out of Vaseline. But with it, you can make the scent of your perfume more stable. The secret is simple - before using your favorite scent, apply petroleum jelly to those areas where you plan to "squeeze" the perfume. Now your scent will stay with you all day.

Blush and lipstick

Make them yourself just like that, or if your store runs out and you haven't bought new ones yet. Add the food color you want to the petroleum jelly, mix, apply to lips and cheekbones. Of course, the key word here is hue. Here you really need to get used to to make "your".

By the way, we have already made the pigment for the lips with the addition of wax (""). Now you can try it with Vaseline.

Petroleum jelly does an excellent job of moisturizing the skin after exfoliation. And petroleum jelly is used for burns, eczema and other skin troubles.

I would like to make a reservation: petroleum jelly is not the most environmentally attractive substance, because, as already mentioned, it is also made from oil. However, the use of petroleum jelly is still reasonable, because it is, firstly, hypoallergenic, has neither smell, nor color, nor taste, which means it is suitable even for those for whom ordinary cosmetics are not suitable, and secondly, it is cheap. Of course, using herbs, food, oils for cosmetic purposes is healthier. However, if we have to choose between two evils, it is better to stay on the lesser. In addition, not every cosmetic product can be prepared from oils and herbs (the same lipstick), and petroleum jelly will help in this matter :)

There is also a petroleum jelly of vegetable origin, obtained from hardwood paraffin resins. However, in pharmacies, most likely you will find exactly the one made from oil.

By the way, unlike in Russia and Ukraine, where the use of petroleum jelly is not very common, Europe is even actively using it for cosmetic purposes. On the jar of Vaseline it says: “lip hand face body”.