Ideas for a small wedding for 20 people. Getting ready for a small wedding. Small wedding - small restaurant

Previously, wedding celebrations were necessarily large-scale, many guests were invited: friends, neighbors, relatives, close and distant. A wedding of fifty invited guests was not considered a big one. But more - that's it! In the last decade, bridal fashion has changed, probably following the trends of the times. Now the trend is a rational approach even to the organization of a wedding celebration. Small wedding celebrations are increasingly being organized.

A wedding for a small company for 10-20 people has many advantages over the traditional one:

  1. Significant savings in material resources;
  2. Simplified event organization;
  3. The opportunity to pay attention to each other and the closest people and others.

Before you start organizing your small wedding, decide on the format. What will be your wedding, themed, with an off-site registration, or will you go to, or maybe you even want to organize an exotic wedding in a tropical country.

Go where you would like the most. In many countries today it is possible to organize a symbolic wedding ceremony if you want to have it. Book a wedding photo session in a swimsuit with a veil on the shores of the azure sea, or in a wedding dress in a medieval castle.

Original detail. It will not be difficult for a small company to add some original detail, zest to the script of the holiday.
An hour-long cruise on a pleasure yacht with a buffet table between the registration ceremony and an evening gala dinner can become such a highlight.

It's great if the holiday is planned outside the city, on the river bank in a place where there is an opportunity to moor a boat. Alternatively, it can be a boat trip between marriage registration at the registry office and dinner at a restaurant.

So a little wedding - this is less trouble, less costs and much more opportunities to devote this solemn day of your life to each other and the most dear people.

Today, newlyweds often prefer to hold chamber weddings for 15-20 people, rather than magnificent celebrations with a large number of relatives, friends and acquaintances. Wedding ideas for a small company are so diverse that they will surely leave a mark on the soul of every guest.

Someone wants to spend their honeymoon as soon as possible, someone wants to share their joy only with the closest people, and someone cannot afford to widely celebrate the wedding due to limited budget.


Newlyweds who choose the format of a chamber (budget) wedding appreciate, first of all, its comfort and warmth, because on this day only relatives will be with them. And the small wedding itself has other advantages:

  • Saving your budget. A modest ceremony allows you to save money that can later be spent on the first family vacation or on the arrangement of an apartment.
  • Feeling of comfort and calmness. Unlike a large wedding, where the newlyweds face a number of difficulties, preparing a small wedding involves a minimum of hassle. In addition, knowing that the closest ones will be present at the ceremony, the bride and groom are less nervous on the eve of the celebration and do not worry that they may find themselves in an awkward position in front of tens or hundreds of acquaintances if any unforeseen difficulties arise.
  • Warm atmosphere. Only the closest people will be around. This means that each guest can personally congratulate the couple on the wedding, say kind words. In addition, in such a company the invitees themselves will feel comfortable, relaxed and willingly take part in the proposed entertainment.
  • Choosing a place for a celebration. Ideas for a small wedding for 10 people involve holding the party in a cafe or restaurant. It will be easier for young people to find a suitable institution and do not have to save on dishes.
  • An original holiday. What will be a small wedding - it depends on the preferences of the newlyweds, because there are a lot of ideas for holding it! Entertainment for guests can also be original or even extreme.

Ideas for a small wedding, of course, allow you to cut costs, but this does not mean that you need to save on wedding dress, a banquet, the services of a stylist-make-up artist or refuse a photo shoot. Despite the fact that only relatives and best friends will come, it is necessary to spend the holiday at a decent level.

If the young people have opted for a restaurant, then you should not choose a too large banquet hall - it will look somewhat ridiculous, because there will be few guests. Better to gather in a circle of loved ones in a cozy and light cafe. Another or apartment. If the budget does not allow you to celebrate a holiday in a cafe or restaurant, then the banquet can be held at home. In this case, you can beautifully decorate the room and hold a theme party. And if the weather permits, you can hold a wedding outside the city in nature, having prepared a site for this in advance.

Do not forget that this day does not cease to be solemn, despite the small number of guests. The moments of an important event must be captured on film in order to preserve them as a keepsake: the morning of the bride and groom, gatherings at the registry office, wedding, first dance, walk, banquet. You can arrange a thematic photo session, having prepared the necessary attributes in advance, or go to the park for good shots.

How to celebrate

Ideas for a small wedding are associated with the seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring. A spring wedding has its advantages: low prices for wedding dresses, many free dates in the registry offices, discounts on the rental of premises. In summer, there are much more ideas for organizing a small celebration: you can choose, for example, an off-site ceremony and it is more pleasant to go on a honeymoon at this time.

A good option for a spring or summer intimate wedding is a boat trip and a "sea" holiday with the appropriate attributes. A small wedding in the fall of the idea is somewhat limiting, like a winter celebration. But you can always find an interesting way out. Ideas for a small wedding in the summer are more varied and budget-friendly.

The first thing to think about when preparing for the wedding - Of course, when there are few guests, you can call them all and invite them simply by phone, but it will be much more pleasant if each friend and relative receives an individual invitation to the ceremony. Postcards should be decorated in accordance with the style of the wedding, and a small present can also be presented with them.

Wedding planner

It is a mistake to believe that you do not need to invite a presenter to a small wedding, because it is he who will help to hold the celebration at the proper level: correctly beat awkward situations, announce the names of congratulators. Singers or dancers will make the holiday magnificent.

Elena Sokolova


Ideas for a small wedding for 20 people do not exclude an entertainment program, because guests should not get bored.

Yaranov Artyom

A small wedding - how to hold it in order to successfully implement the ideas of the newlyweds? First of all, you need to choose the format of the celebration: perhaps it will be a theme party, off-site registration or a wedding on the seashore. The bride and groom will not be wrong if they decide to hold a ceremony in the bosom of nature and organize a family dinner under the shade of trees.

But the classic version with painting in the registry office and celebration in the restaurant is also excellent. Nevertheless, regardless of the venue, you should try to make the atmosphere joyful, cozy, romantic and not create the feeling that this is an ordinary family dinner and not a wedding. Each guest should be comfortable and not bored.

If the celebration takes place in a restaurant, then you can choose an institution with a home atmosphere, where instead of the usual strict chairs there are soft sofas. Guests will not sit at separate tables, but at one large one. This will allow you to settle in comfort and feel at ease throughout the evening.

But it is important to consider that even a small company will need a dance floor and competition area, as well as a photo zone, a zone of congratulations, where those present can leave their messages and parting words to the newly-made spouses in a special book.

If young people are not adherents of the classics, they can choose unusual places for a ceremony and a festive dinner, for example, a forest glade, a river bank or the sea. The main thing is to prepare in advance: put a table, chairs, armchairs, get pillows and blankets, take care of awnings.

For the best place for the celebration - a country house with a fireplace. A real winter fairy tale and magic: guests can be treated to delicious mulled wine, homemade dinner. Each of those present will surely take with them a piece of warm memories associated with gatherings by the fireplace, an extraordinary photo session in the winter forest.

As for the menu of a small wedding held in a restaurant, the list of dishes should be discussed with the chef in advance. If the feast is organized outdoors, then it makes sense to use the catering service. Of course, the menu is also discussed with the company in advance, and it should be thought out taking into account the chosen style. So, a Russian wedding will not be complete without caviar on the table, dumplings, mushrooms and cucumbers. The "sea" wedding will be reflected in fish dishes, seafood delicacies, etc.

The variety and size of dishes depends on the number of guests. It is much easier to organize a feast for a narrow family circle, because, knowing the taste preferences of your loved ones, you can unmistakably choose snacks and main dishes, drinks that guests will definitely like.

Images of the groom, bride and guests

Every bride wants to look perfect on her wedding day, even if her closest ones are present. Choosing the format of a chamber celebration, which, in one way or another, helps to save a significant part of the budget, some brides prefer not to look at the price of the dress and choose the option they like.

Others believe that at a modest celebration the dress should not be too pretentious and choose an outfit at an acceptable cost. For a small wedding, colors are also well suited, which will emphasize the natural beauty and give the image brightness. In addition, such a dress can subsequently be worn at various events.

In addition, the bride can choose a fluffy princess outfit that suits almost any type of figure, an Empire style dress, a straight cut model or a Mermaid dress. You will definitely need to take care of accessories: veil, diadem, jewelry, shoes, as well as makeup and hair.

Deserves special attention. The choice of colors and shades should be approached carefully: they should be perfectly combined with the dress and the color scheme of the groom's boutonniere. Recently, flower arrangements from many buds of small roses have been popular, which do not fade for a long time, retain their freshness and beauty.

The groom can wear both a traditional costume and a modern fashionable outfit. The most important thing is that the images of the bride and groom are harmoniously combined with each other. For a small wedding in a relaxed atmosphere, a convenient option is suitable. Guests can also choose the outfits they like, but it will be great if the bridesmaids choose dresses in the same color scheme.

Important! The wedding stylist will competently select the right one, taking into account the type of figure, color type of appearance and the style of the wedding.

Entertainment for 10-20 people

A small wedding suggests that special attention will be paid to every detail. So, in the morning you can arrange a photo session on the gathering of the bride and groom, then go for a walk to the registry office, and after that - for dinner at a restaurant or a country house.

Various board games, creative contests with memorable gifts are suitable as entertainment. For young people, a quest with a variety of tasks and an unexpected ending will be an excellent option. If an even number of guests are invited to the wedding, they can split into two teams and have a battle for the grand prize!

Budget planning

When planning wedding expenses, you need to consider how many guests are invited, as this affects the cost of the restaurant and the rental of the motorcade. If the budget is modest, it is worth giving up an expensive car and reducing the cost of a banquet by choosing a smaller hall and decorating it yourself. But what you shouldn't save on is outfits, accessories, a festive table, a presenter and artists, fireworks.

Important! You can save money by setting the wedding date on a weekday in the fall, winter or spring months.

It is important to remember that organizing a small celebration is a serious task: you need to find a site, prepare a program and ideas for a photo session. To create a memorable, romantic wedding, it's important to take on a few expert tips:

  • The end of the holiday should be original and memorable: fireworks, launching balloons or Chinese lanterns.
  • Take care of background music and dance music by making a playlist of your favorite songs, or invite a professional DJ.
  • Be sure to have a joint photo session with guests.


The format of a small wedding is very popular today due to the simplicity of organization, the minimum of worries and a special warm, sincere atmosphere. If you have a small wedding planned, ideas for 10 people will make the celebration truly soulful. At such a celebration, the newlyweds will be surrounded only by close people.

Today, chamber wedding ceremonies are again in vogue. Only the bride and groom and their witnesses or close relatives or friends can attend the wedding. Restaurants for small weddings - venues for 10-20 people. It can be a standard banquet hall, a summer veranda for a modern buffet table, a VIP room in a cafe or a karaoke club. You can find the perfect place for a holiday with our help. We offer fast and profitable solutions for organizing celebrations. Don't forget to order!

Search criteria for a restaurant for a small wedding

It is best to start choosing a hall for a celebration at least 1-2 months in advance. Before starting your search, decide on the exact date of the wedding and the number of guests. It is best to make a list of invitees by name. So, you can understand which restaurant is ideal for a small wedding for you. Focus on the following points when searching for a site:

  • photos of restaurants for small weddings;
  • user reviews;
  • descriptions of sites;
  • availability of additional services and services.

All this you can find on the pages of our site. We provide only objective information about the capital's institutions.

Help in choosing a restaurant for a small wedding

In order to find a venue, specify the main parameters in the search form - the date of the celebration, the type of party, the number of guests. You can narrow your search using additional filters. If you need help, please contact us by phone. We will find a restaurant for a small wedding in a matter of minutes, and if your wedding is in the summer, please rate it.

IQ-Banquet service is absolutely free for users. Our site contains the largest database of real restaurants in Moscow. The most relevant information, discounts for related services, a convenient search system - all this is only with us.

Weddings are very different, from chic and stunning celebrations in their scale, to modest family and low-key events. Marriage can be customized for any wishes and financial capabilities, but at the same time it should be borne in mind that a significant day should touch the hearts of the newlyweds and their guests. And a wedding script will help create the right atmosphere.

A wedding without a script risks turning into an endless and boring feast with family and friends. Competitions and different plot twists are important precisely because they do not let guests get bored... People who do not know each other get to know each other during various games and relay races.

If the wedding is designed for a small number of guests (from 10 to 30), then the presence of a toastmaster is optional.

Who to entrust the preparation of the script and holding?

  • Most organically in the role of presenters will look witness and witness... They, as confidants of the newlyweds, will be able to compose a script in tandem with the bride and groom, and then beat it at the wedding;
  • If the wedding is mostly attended by adults and elderly people, you can entrust the event with parents of a newly-made family... Well, the script can be found on the Internet and adjusted to suit your personal wishes;
  • If you do not want to involve guests in organizing the wedding, invite a friend from the outside... In fact, he will take on the role of toastmaster, but he will not have to pay with money (payment can be organized by holding paid contests, the money from which your host will take for himself).

At home or in a restaurant?

You can have a beautiful wedding both in a restaurant and at home. But a home meal will cost much less than finding and booking a hall, paying for a buffet and the work of service personnel.

Home wedding


  • saving money;
  • the ability to adapt to any situation (including quickly washing off a white dress with a stain from wine, hemming unexpectedly torn pants of a witness and finding props for the competition);
  • the opportunity to send guests who have gone over too much to sleep in the next room;
  • no need to go home after a tiring but happy day, taking with him numerous gifts.


  • "Simplicity" and lack of entourage;
  • monotony of wedding photographs (home environment does not favor luxurious photo sessions);
  • the likelihood that in the process of violent fun the interior of the apartment may be seriously damaged;
  • lack of space;
  • self-service.

Restaurant wedding



  • serious cash spending;
  • limited actions (all problems and tasks will have to be solved on the spot, with the help of improvised means);
  • the need to return home with "luggage" gifts, alcoholic beverages, etc.

As you can see, both options have their pros and cons. However, a good wedding scenario without a toastmaster for those closest to you will compensate for any disadvantages and help people relax.


Before writing the script, choose the direction in which you will move. This could be:

As a basis for creating your script you can take a classic wedding plan.

  1. Bride and groom meet with a loaf, and the mother-in-law sprinkles the young couple with millet. Then the newlyweds are seated in a specially designated place and the parents make a parting speech (introductory words prepared in advance). Then the word is passed on to the relatives and friends of the newly-made family.
  2. After all the invitees have had a couple of glasses and the first toasts have been pronounced, you can proceed to the competition program. Active games are diluted with drinking games... Relays are held between meals and congratulatory words (if guests wish to make a toast). The hosts of the event, focusing on the mood of the people, can announce musical breaks (disco).
  3. The first dance of the bride and groom is announced when the guests drank no more than 3-5 glasses of alcohol. It is very important to get the script right to this touching moment. For example, a musical gift from parents may be presented before the dance, and close family friends may read beautiful poems.
  4. Towards the end of the festive evening, it is announced disco and group games (eg boys versus girls). All guests must be involved in the final contests. The scenario of a home wedding without a toastmaster can be planned without a disco, replacing it with singing in karaoke or dancing mini-contests.
  5. After cutting wedding cake or a loaf. Parents conduct a ceremony of farewell to bachelorhood for their children. Mothers take off the veil from the bride and "hand over" the young wife into the safe hands of her husband. A beautiful point will be lighting a wedding candle, which symbolizes the birth of a new family.

Suitable contests, moving and drinking

The scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster in a narrow circle can be "seasoned" with the most bold and unusual contests, which guests who are hot with alcohol will welcome with a bang.

Kisses sweet

Couples consisting of girls and boys (at least 6 couples) are called to the center of the hall. Then the representatives of the stronger sex are offered to kiss their partners, voicing the places for the kiss.

For example, "I'll kiss Marina on the cheek." You cannot repeat yourself, which complicates the task for the next applicants.

The losers are those who did not find a place for a kiss.

Heart Gift

Couples again participate in the competition. Men write on a piece of paper what they plan to give their companion. And women, not suspecting what they are going to give them, tell how they will use the gift. This is quite a fun competition, because in the process the girls can dress for the holiday in a new frying pan or hang new earrings on the wall.

Inflatable tango

Several people come out to the center of the hall and randomly split into pairs. On a signal (when the music starts), people who find themselves in a pair should unite in a passionate dance, holding the inflated balls between their stomachs. The winners are those who burst the balloon the fastest, while performing the original dance.

The walls have ears too

This competition can be held to collect money. The presenters prepare facts about the bride and groom in advance, and the guests need to guess whether the named facts are true or false. The one who is wrong pays the "tax".

My beloved

You can take an arbitrary number of people to the competition. Each is invited to name the most beautiful part of the body of the person standing next to him. When everyone in a circle voices his own version for the neighbor on the left, the presenter announces that now the "favorite place" needs to be kissed.

Young mother

For the competition, you need to prepare plastic bottles and nipples that are put on the bottles.

A sprite, cola or phantom can be used as a "food".

The winners will be those who drink the contents of the bottle more accurately and faster.


Several men are seated on chairs. The bride, blindfolded, is brought to the contestants. She must find her betrothed by only feeling the boys' noses.

Good luck knot

Several couples are selected from those who wish. The united guys and girls are placed shoulder to shoulder and tied with touching hands. Further, the contestants, using only their free hands, must lace up the sneaker and tie a bow on it. Those who quickly and "cleanly" cope with the task will win.

You can easily create cool wedding scenarios without a toastmaster, the main thing is to make an effort and not limited to standard canons the celebration.

The more creative and funnier the organization of the celebration, the more pleasant it will be for guests and newlyweds to remember this exciting and joyful day.

Ready scripts

Option number 1

Option number 2

A mini wedding can be fun, groovy and incredibly memorable if you organize it creatively. After all, a holiday "for our own" is a minimum of conventions and formalities.

  • Closed area with a well-groomed garden and a pond with sturgeon;
  • 4 types of premises for creative organization: a summer veranda, a modern tent, fireplace rooms, a banquet hall;
  • Own kitchen. We cook from natural products from the farmer's market;
  • Great views for your wedding photos;
  • Country paradise in a forest belt just 6 km from the Moscow Ring Road;
  • Venues for organizing contests, sports competitions, horseback riding and other entertainments at a wedding;
  • Possibility to accommodate guests in rooms;
  • Honeymoon suite.

In short, a wedding at Sweethotel is always a lot of fun and a minimum of worries, especially if you approach the organization of the celebration inventively.

Small wedding - small restaurant.

Mini wedding is a popular choice for modern newlyweds. Sometimes young people are driven by the desire to give up on their honeymoon, and not contemplate dozens of unfamiliar characters at their own wedding. Sometimes the budget of a young couple is limited and is able to cover the costs of organizing a small wedding. But more often than not, the bride and groom dream of seeing really close people at the ceremony in order to have a small wedding in a warm company. A chamber celebration "among friends" in a secluded picturesque place is perhaps the recipe for an ideal mini wedding.

We offer weddings:

  • In summer - from 10 to 80 people;
  • In winter - up to 30 people;
  • In the summer - on the street in a tent or on a summer veranda in the garden;
  • In winter - in the banquet hall or fireplace halls, of which we have two.


from 3500 g

Our club-hotel in Peredelkino - a place near Moscow with stunning landscapes - will hospitably host a small wedding. We have everything to make a small wedding a truly unforgettable event. Cozy banquet rooms for a small company at any time of the year, snow-white tents for summer holidays, comfortable rooms in a mini-hotel for guests and a luxurious suite for newlyweds. Our chefs will satisfy the most demanding wishes by preparing traditional dishes and delicacies from various cuisines of the world. Designers skillfully style the celebration to your liking. Creative organizers will add unique zest to the scenario of your small wedding.

Wedding tent

Mini wedding - wedding with a small budget

This is indeed the case. In any case, we work in the interests of our clients and make sure that you do not pay extra. But even a mini wedding requires careful preparation, so we are ready to prepare all the necessary little things - inside and out. Professional photo and video shooting, original script of the ceremony - your little wedding will take place on a royal scale. And no one will guess that your wedding with a small budget, that all the festive fireworks - from snow-white doves, champagne fountains to the grand fireworks in the sky near Moscow in your honor - were quite inexpensive.

What you can save on:

  • We are flexible in discussing the conditions of each event;
  • You can bring your own alcohol and drinks;
  • Fruits and other products - by agreement. Negotiated individually;
  • We can provide the minimum decoration as a gift;
  • On weekdays, great discounts await you on all wedding planning services.