Making an angel with your own hands. Various crafts, handmade New Year angels always fill the house with positive energy, just like this energy of goodness, creativity and warmth of human hands !!! We sew an angel from fabric

The simplest dIY fabric angel created from a handkerchief or a piece of burlap, and is called a primitive. More complex figures are made using the technology of soft toys from full-fledged patterns. Knowing the principles of sewing souvenir angels, you can fantasize with patterns, decorate products with beads, decorative thread and rhinestones.

Methods for making textile angels

A primitive angel is made on its own in a couple of minutes with a piece of fabric and filler material. Soft toys require more time, more painstaking work and special skills.

Primitive angels

Primitives are a budget option for a festive angel figurine. They got their name for the following reasons:

  • waste of cutting fabrics are used
  • simple manufacturing methods are used
  • the shape of the dolls turns out to be primitive, only the general appearance of the recognizable character is outlined
  • blank - a square piece of 20 x 20 cm textiles (poplin, organza, tulle, linen, burlap, matting) for the torso, 15 x 15 cm for the wings and knitting thread (best with lurex, acrylic)

  • edge decoration - 1 - 2 cm around the perimeter must be "swept" by stretching the longitudinal wefts of the textile

  • head - cotton wool or synthetic winterizer rolled into a ball is placed in the center of the square (you can wrap it with thread), textiles are folded diagonally

  • neck - it is formed with a thread below the head, while the "face" needs to be straightened, folds can be made on the sides for a clearer outline of the contours of the face

  • arms - the edge is bent inward by 2 - 3 cm, folded with an envelope, tied with a thread, as in the lower figure, the second brush is formed in the same way

  • wings - the small square is folded diagonally, then into an "accordion", which is tied with a thread to the angel's back with the long part of the accordion, as in the photo

The last operation is the most difficult; when attaching the wings to the body of the toy, it is necessary to assemble it into a bundle. Three turns obliquely enough for normal fixation, the thread passes through the left shoulder under the right hand, then over the right shoulder and below the left hand.

Attention: A cross is obtained on the chest, a knot is tied on the back of the doll in the form of a loop for hanging an angel.

For the category of craftsmen who prefer sewing to the knitting technique, angels made of matting or burlap with soft filling are more suitable. In this primitive, the "recognizability" of the character's appearance is achieved due to the shape of the blanks:

  • pear-shaped body
  • round head
  • graceful small wings

This option can be attributed to soft pillows, toys, pendants and primitives at the same time. If necessary, angels are hung on a Christmas tree, in a car salon, on windows and in any other convenient place.

Stuffed Toys

Depending on your drawing skills, patterns for soft toys in the shape of cute angels can be made in several ways. The main task of the master is how to make the figures recognizable, it is solved by the following methods:

  • required attributes - the figurine may be completely shapeless, but if it has wings, a star and a halo, it will be possible to recognize an angel in it
  • motion simulation - giving the doll's body the shape of an arc and sharpening the edges of the workpiece, you can ensure the swiftness and airiness of the craft, causing associations with an angel on a subconscious level
  • similarity of outlines - legs, torso, wings and arms are created from individual patterns, the figure is complemented by a star or halo, special symbols embroidered on the torso

By default, angels have miniature sizes for easy placement on key chains, inside car salons, on branches of New Year trees. Therefore, simple outlines of patterns are preferable for small stitches of a thread seam.


The easiest way is to sew dolls with "humanized" contours, in which it is easy to identify the angel by the wings on the back.

Master Class for making a primitive pendant looks like this:

  • cut - 2 parts "head", 2 parts "torso-dress", 2 parts "wings"
  • suspension - a fabric loop is sewn to one piece "head" from the inside
  • sewing - each piece "head" is sewn to the element "torso" with a transverse purl seam, then the halves are stitched to each other and turned outward, a hole should be left in the lower part of the doll to fill the figure

  • padding - made with padding polyester, foam rubber or cotton wool, the hole is sewn up with 1 - 2 stitches

12. Padding

  • hair - can be made from threads, cotton wool, other materials suitable for the texture, by gluing them in the form of a hairstyle

13. Hair, face and wings

  • face - colored with a marker, paint or pencils
  • wings - toys are attached to the back
  • bow - pinned or sewn with a thread, decorated with rhinestones, a bead on the belly of the figure

Using this technique, in a day, you can build up to two dozen toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands from the remaining textile scraps and scraps.


An alternative to the previous "fat men" are "soaring" New Year's angels made of light flannel. Their recognizable shape has become popular thanks to the author Silvia Sartorio:

  • the torso is bent in an arc at the lower back
  • arms spread apart at approximately 45 degrees
  • the doll does not have a neck, but has a stylish hairdo and beady eyes
  • wings of equal length with hands are decorated with embroidery or rhinestones

  • cut and procurement of parts - separately sewn the body with the head, legs, arms and wings
  • assembly - all elements are stuffed with soft material, sewn to each other, as in the bottom photo

15. Patterns

Following the indicated principles of making soft toys, you can modify the shape and size of patterns, apply additional elements, and experiment with materials.

From a simple pattern

Do-it-yourself smart Christmas angels are made from bright fabric using a very simple pattern:

  • torso - conical cap, the reamer of which can be made without special education
  • plug - installed in the lower part of the cap, so that the stuffing material does not fall out of it, the figure has greater stability
  • wings - sewn from 2 pieces of the same size in the shape of a heart

16. Step by step manufacturing

To assemble a funny figure with your own hands from fabric, you need to follow the steps:

  • the tip of the textile cone is wrapped with a seam outward, clings to the doll's body with a stitch of thread, these will be the lowered hands of an angel, into which you can "put" (sew from below) a bell, a horseshoe, a bead, any other decorative trifle, as in the bottom photo
  • in the place of the bend, the doll is sewn with a “head” made of a large bead or a detail sewn from textile

The templates for this doll are given below, there are no problems with patterns and sewing, even with minimal skills in working with a needle. A master class on making an original primitive angel is given in detail in the video:

Thus, there are a lot of options for making a textile angel for Christmas, SV Day, New Year and other holidays. That allows you to choose the best option, taking into account specific conditions.

Thanks for attention! Happy New Year, everyone!

The warmest family holidays are New Year and Christmas. So you want to fill the house with coziness and give your relatives something unusual. If you want to make an angel for the New Year with your own hands, master classes on making it will be very useful to you. Such a hand-made little thing will fully convey the festive mood and give a little warmth to its owner.

Crafts with kids

Why not involve kids in decorating your home? Let the little ones help you make simple angels that can be used as a Christmas tree decoration or as a gift to your beloved grandparents.

To work you will need:

  • Paper filters for coffee. You can use crepe paper or white three-layer napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • A piece of cotton wool;
  • Thin ribbon;
  • Glue (since the paper is thin, use a glue stick or glue gun);
  • Chenille wire is golden. If you don't find it, you can simply use a copper wire and refine it with a gold cord.

Prepare the paper by cutting it into circles. Depending on their diameter, the angel can be tiny or quite large. You will need three circles in total. Place a ball of cotton in the first circle. He will serve as the head of the future celestial. Wrap cotton wool in paper and secure with tape. Tie it up with a nice bow. To make the skirt more magnificent, fold the second circle, fixing the top of the head with thread. Gently glue it to the head fixation point (bottom side). The angel will immediately become more magnificent. To make the wings, it is enough to fold the circle in half and fix the middle with a thread. Glue them in place. Roll the chenille wire into a halo, as shown in the photo. Reinforce on the back of your head. If you are using regular wire, pre-glue it with a golden satin ribbon.

The napkin angel is ready! You can decorate it to your liking with sparkles or sequins. Even preschoolers can cope with its manufacture. For them, doing such work will be not only interesting, but also useful. When creating a toy, the kid will wield his hands and develop fine motor skills. And the decorating process will bring real pleasure.

For older children

Schoolchildren are also capable of creating a New Year's miracle. They can embody it from pastry napkins. These napkins are used as a stand for cakes and pastries. Quite thick paper is equipped with a beautiful openwork edge.

To create an angel you will need:

  • Confectionery napkin;
  • Paper handkerchief;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue stick;
  • Thread;
  • Satin ribbon.

Divide the prepared handkerchief into layers, you will need two of them.

Roll one of the layers into a tight ball.

Place it in the center of the second napkin.

Carefully fold the edges of the handkerchief under the ball.

Form the handles by bending the corners and pressing them slightly against the body.

Twist the edges of the handkerchief.

To create an angel dress, cut half of a pastry napkin and roll it into a cone.

Remove the top of the workpiece and glue it along the side line.

Place the body twisted from handkerchiefs into the conical piece and fix it with glue. Remove excess scarf sticking out under the skirt.

Use the openwork edge of a pastry napkin to make the wings. Cut out the details as shown in the photo.

Fasten the wings of the heavenly dweller on its back.

Form a halo from a napkin flagellum, decorate the angel's head with it.

Tie a thread around the figure's neck. It will serve as a pendant to hang the toy on the Christmas tree. The neck will become a little thinner and tidier. All that remains is to decorate the front of the dress with a thin satin ribbon.

Seashell souvenir

Junk and natural material is widely used by teachers and needlewomen to create beautiful crafts. You can create an elegant angel from ordinary scallop shells.

To make it you will need:

  • Golden lace;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue "Moment crystal";
  • Scallop shells - 1 large and 2 small;
  • Wooden bead;
  • Some yellow yarn;
  • A ring made of golden foil or wire (for a halo);
  • Satin ribbon.

First, a hole must be made in the narrow part of the large shell.

Attention! Take your time grabbing a drill or looking for a small drill. Use nail scissors.

Mark the location for the hole and carefully screw the tool to the desired point. Do not rush or press too hard, the shell may crack. Make a knot on the lace so that it does not pop out of the hole. Insert the cord as shown in the picture.

Put a bead on the string that will serve as the head of the figurine. Tie a beautiful ribbon bow under it. Fix the small shells with glue so that they form the wings of an angel. Decorate the surface of the head with yellow yarn, evenly distributing it on the curls. It remains only to crown the head with a halo, and the Christmas tree toy is ready! You can see the process of its manufacture in detail in the photo below.

Paper crafts have always been very popular with children and adults. The availability and cheapness of materials, ease of manufacture is understandable even for young children, as well as a huge variety of types of crafts on various topics. We all remember very well the various airplanes and boats, bombs and flowers of the period of carefree kindergarten and school life.

It is difficult even to imagine a holiday for which you will not find any paper decorations. New Year with its snowflakes and garlands, birthday with volumetric inscriptions, caps and pipes, Easter and Christmas with festive napkins, stars and appliques.

But among all the immense variety of paper crafts, there is one unique creation suitable for almost all holidays and celebrations. This is an angel that brings joy and peace.

Everyone's favorites

Everyone likes angels, everyone loves angels. They are always welcome both on the New Year tree and when decorating a room for a birthday celebration. There is nothing to think about Easter and Christmas. Here, as they say, God himself commanded.

Even on weekdays, you must admit, a charming angel carelessly hovering under a chandelier or cornice will add tenderness and warmth to your daily life and make you smile once more.

There are a huge number of varieties of these cute heavenly creatures. It is enough just to look at photos of paper angels on the Internet. Their number can make your head spin.

There is a huge variety: from angels of very complex structures, the production of which takes several hours, or even days, and it is necessary to complete a master class, to very simple little angels, which can be made in a few minutes.

How to make an angel out of paper with your own hands?

First of all, you need to decide what kind of angel you will make. Probably, you should not start with complex crafts that require special skills. Better to start with simple but very cute angels.

You don't need a lot of experience and knowledge to cut a simple angel out of paper. Just take a sheet of thick paper and draw a cute angel on it. Cut and color it. Glue a loop of string or ribbon at the top of the craft. Voila! The lovely creation is ready!

In order for the angel to delight you for more than one season, it is better, of course, to make it out of thick paper or stick it on cardboard.

Materials you may need to craft:

  • thick paper (whatman, cardboard);
  • scissors;
  • paints, pencils;
  • multi-colored glitters;
  • glue stick);
  • beautiful ribbon or lace.

Volumetric angels

The next most difficult are the volumetric angels made of paper. When making them, you already need to show some ingenuity. Here, probably, there will already be a clear sequence of actions, the implementation of which is necessary to obtain a result.

First of all, you will need to print an angel stencil out of paper on a printer, or draw it by hand directly on the sheet that you are going to use. Then, carrying out strictly sequential actions, such as cutting, folding, folding, gluing, you will eventually give the angel the required volumetric shape.

In the end, it remains only at your discretion to decorate the angel and carefully glue to it a loop from a string or ribbon.

To make such angels you will need:

  • template, stencil crafts;
  • scissors;
  • thick paper, whatman paper (or whatever paper you like);
  • a beautiful ribbon or string for the suspension;
  • paints, pencils, crayons;
  • multi-colored glitters;
  • scotch tape (transparent and colored, with pictures).

As mentioned earlier, there are many more ways and options to make an angel craft. There are complex and bulky designs that combine many paper elements and parts, requiring extraordinary knowledge and skill from their creator. We have already examined two simple types of crafts that even a child can handle.

In any case, no matter what type of paper angel craft you choose, it is guaranteed that you will have a wonderful time. You will have fantastic opportunities to decorate your personal angel as your heart dictates.

The main thing to remember is that you are not doing just a craft, you are creating an angel. Hardly anyone who dares to challenge your vision of the image, unless the one who saw a living angel with his own eyes or is himself.

Photo of paper angels

Some of the most memorable lessons in the spiritual and moral education of children are about Christmas and about the guardian angel. Crafts in the form of angels will be appropriate to make with children, not only on the eve of the Nativity of Christ, but also in the form of pendants for the New Year tree. And also as a touching gift for Mother's Day or any other family holiday.

In this section, we have tried to collect for you master classes and useful tips for making angels in a variety of creative techniques, from all kinds of materials. Here you can easily find ready-made solutions for creating crafts for both kids and adults.

We make crafts-angels together with our little "angels"!

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Angel in translation from Greek means "messenger, messenger, bringing messages". Therefore, making and presenting to a loved one is a great way to convey your best wishes, to encourage and charge with positive energy. And that is why we are assembling our collection, because lovers of needlework actively use this opportunity and use various needlework techniques for creativity.

Many people believe that angels of various shapes and sizes are usually given at Christmas and New Years. What about Valentine's Day or Easter? Birthday or christening gift? And why not make an angel just like that, for no reason? After all, this is a great way to embody the material joy and warmth of your own heart into something.

Today we will look at several popular ways to make an angel with your own hands. We already have a large selection of angels on our site for the keyword "". We invite you to pay attention to two notes:

And now we have a video watching plan. Begin!

How to make an angel out of paper?

How to make a papier-mâché Easter angel. Master class from the program "Handmade":

Angel made of paper for New Year and Christmas. Crafts with children. Master class from Ulyana Umnichka:

How to make a Christmas angel out of paper. Crafts with children. Master class from Taisiya Cherevatova:

How to make an angel out of fabric?

How to make an Easter angel out of fabric. Master class from the "Vytvoryashki" channel:

How to make an angel out of felt?

Afinka DIY channel tells in its master class about how to make an angel out of felt:

Another master class on beautiful felt angels from Anna Konstantinova:

How to make an angel with wire edged ribbon?

Angel made of ribbon with a wire edge. Christmas decorations. Video from Olga Llgus's channel:

Christmas angel made of ribbon with a wire edge. Video from the channel "Sisters EM":

How to make an angel out of polymer clay?

Tatiana Bryntseva's channel shows how to make an angel out of polymer clay:

How to crochet an angel?

The channel "Knitting Lessons" tells about how to crochet an angel:

More patterns and lessons on knitting angels can be found under the keyword "".

Enjoy your creativity!