How easy it is to make soap at home. Business idea: how to make handmade soap and make money from it

We encounter this subject several times every day. Without it, it is impossible to take a full shower, or make sure that your hands are clean. It can be in liquid form or in bars. There is household, children's, cosmetic, moisturizing soap and other varieties of such an item that we all need. It would seem that such an ordinary thing, but how much can be said about it. This is the history of the appearance of soap, its evolution, and methods of production, as well as various types and methods of using this tool. Do you know how to make soap at home? And what can be made from lonely, useless remnants? Not? Then we will tell you.

Appearance soap

The reader will probably be surprised, but the appearance of soap is attributed to 2500 BC. e. On a tablet of clay, the Sumerians wrote down the recipe for its preparation. Here they also indicated the date. The method of its production consisted in the manufacture of a mixture, which included wood ash and water boiled with fat. At that time, such a suspension did not have any name. There is also no evidence that the solution brewed by the Sumerians was used to make soap. It is also unknown how it is used.

Most historians assume that the Romans invented soap. And this was done in the first millennium BC. e. There is a legend that says that the term "soap" comes from the name of the mountain, the top of which served as a place of sacrifice to various gods. And once, during the next ritual, a mixture of the same wood ash, fat and water appeared on the mountain, and then glassed to the banks of the Tiber. At the same time, women were washing clothes by the pond. The substance that emerged from the mountain mixed with water and got on the clothes, which were being washed. Women noticed that things became much cleaner than they were when they simply rinsed them in water. After the incident, the soap solution began to be actively used as a means for hygiene and washing. During the excavations of Pompeii, scientists found a real soap factory. And this indicates that the subject in question has indeed existed since ancient times. And, most likely, even then people knew how to make soap with their own hands.

Soap varieties

In the modern world, there are many different types of soap: perfumed, liquid, natural, fragrant, scrub soap and antibacterial. Also emit special soap and odorous. Some of these varieties are subdivided into separate species. And each of them performs its function. So, if you want to cleanse the skin of dust, cosmetics or secretions of sebaceous origin, then ordinary soap will do. It will also help in preparation for procedures such as application of nutrients, moisturizing or deep cleansing of the skin.

You can separately pick up soap for a particular type of hygiene. This is possible thanks to the components included in the composition of the tool. There are such types of soap: natural, exfoliating, hygienic, antibacterial and perfumery. Each of the varieties has its own excellent qualities. But not all people can use any of them. For example, if a person suffers from allergies, then perfume soap is contraindicated for him. And in the case when he has very dry skin, the use of an antibacterial variety will only harm her. Therefore, it is better to learn how to make soap at home, learn how to cook it and use a natural quality product.

There is also a soap that is made especially for the little ones. This product does not contain any chemical ingredients. It contains exclusively hypoallergenic and natural ingredients. Baby soap can be used by both kids and adults. Hygienic in its composition resembles that of a child, but it is unsuitable for toddlers. It does not contain chemical additives, but there are no components that are allowed to wash babies.

What is natural soap

When discussing what can be made from soap, how it should be and how to use it correctly, one thing should be remembered: the best and highest quality is natural. There are many varieties of it.

For example, natural castile soap. Its main ingredient is olive oil. Handmade castile soap is solid, beige or white. At the beginning of its use, it does not create a large amount of foam, but later a rich creamy cap appears. It is so soft that even children can use this product.

How to make homemade soap? For example, using a method that produces natural alcoholic soap. Alcoholic beverages are added to this product instead of water. As a result, it comes out very smooth and plastic. Such a hygiene item has a special charm and delicate texture. They also prepare natural soap with clay. Depending on how the clay is ground, the bar will provide a gentle peeling or a slippery, pleasant silkiness. This soap cleanses the skin very well.

homemade soap

Today, many consumers prefer homemade soap over store-bought soap. "Your" product is considered more valuable and useful. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in this. It doesn't take much time, effort or expense. All the components necessary for this process are sold in almost any locality.

How to make soap at home? The easiest way to make your own product is to create it from a store-bought bar of baby soap or from a special soap base. It is necessary to melt the base or soap, add healing or aromatic ingredients (it depends on your wishes) and leave the mixture until it solidifies completely. A homemade product is used in the same way as a store product.

If you decide to make soap from a special base, then it will not take you more than 20-30 minutes. And as soon as your masterpiece hardens, you can immediately use it. The only thing to keep in mind is that such a product can be very aggressive for sensitive and delicate skin. This is due to the fact that the alkalinity of the base is set in advance by its manufacturer. But this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​​​finding out how to make soap at home.

If desired, the tool can be welded, so to speak, from scratch, without the use of a purchased basis. Then you will get a unique and gentle product. There are two ways to do this soap making.

hot soap making

For this method, you will need an alkali (caustic potash or caustic soda) and a mixture of fats (solid or liquid vegetable oils: olive, palm, castor, coconut, etc.).

Now let's look at how to make soap with your own hands using this method. First of all, protect your body: put on goggles, gloves and a gown, a hat and a respiratory mask. Now mix all the fats prepared for soap (if necessary, melt them first in a water bath). Put a homogeneous fat mass on a steam bath and carefully add a solution of alkali and water to it. After that, mix the whole mass thoroughly. Once done, remove the pan from the stove. Keep stirring its contents until a trace forms. To determine its presence, run a non-metallic spatula over the surface of the soap mass. During this maneuver, the aforementioned trace should appear.

If it is formed, again put the mass in the bath and continue to cook it for two to five hours. The temperature should reach 60-65 degrees. At the end of the process, mix honey, oatmeal, nuts or essential oils into the soap. Pour the product into molds and leave until completely hardened. Immediately after the soap becomes solid, it can be used.

Cold soap making

Now let's get acquainted with how to make soap yourself using the cold method of soap making. Before a trace is formed on the mass, it is necessary to do the same manipulations as with the hot method. After the appearance of a trace, the container with the mixture does not need to be put back into the hot bath. You can add all the cooked ingredients (herbal extracts, fruits, cream, milk or something else) to it and arrange it in small containers. It will take from one to nine months for such soap to mature - it all depends on the initial composition.

Homemade liquid soap

In addition to solid bar soap, there is also a liquid product that is bottled in plastic bottles. We already know how to cook the first variety. But how to make liquid soap? Let's deal with this issue. Required Ingredients: 10 cups of water, 1 cup of soap shavings, and 1 tablespoon of glycerin. Also prepare the following tools: a grater, a large saucepan, a measuring cup, spoons, a spatula with which you will stir the food, a pump bottle, a funnel and a container for leftovers.

First, rub the soap on a grater. The process is simple, but takes a lot of time. Soap shavings will resemble grated hard cheese. About one and a half cups of chips come out of one bar. The recipe calls for just one cup. Therefore, either we do not rub the whole piece, or we put the excess aside. We take a large saucepan and combine soap chips and the required amount of water in it. Place over medium heat and stir until soap is completely dissolved. This work will take just a couple of minutes. When the mass has completely cooled, add glycerin to it. It will make the soap moisturizing. Pour the mixture through a funnel into a bottle. This recipe fully describes how to make soap at home (its liquid variety).

Remnants are never redundant

Many housewives are very unnerved by the remnants left from a full-fledged bar. It is a pity to throw them away, and they are not quite suitable for use. Therefore, we will tell you how to make soap from remnants. Grate them. Pour the resulting mass with water in a ratio of 1: 1. If the volume of rubbed soap residue was one liter, then the same amount of liquid will be needed. This solution must be boiled over low heat for about two hours. Stir the mixture from time to time. At the end of cooking, you can add aromatic oil, finely ground coffee or any other ingredients that have a pleasant smell to the suspension. After adding these components, boil the composition a little more and pour it into molds previously greased. Keep the soap in them for several days until it dries completely. Now you can tell your friends about how to make soap from remnants.

Baby soap soap

Making detergent from baby soap is the best way to learn the basics of making it. So, take an odorless baby soap, a base oil (from almond seeds, olive or some other), a liquid with which you will dissolve this mass, the necessary additives, dyes and essential oils. Now let's take a step-by-step look at how to make soap from baby soap.

  • First step. We rub one bar on a grater.
  • Second. Soap shavings are filled with water and put on a steam bath. It will take ten to thirty minutes for it to melt completely. To speed up the process a little, you can add half a teaspoon of honey or sugar. The resulting mass should resemble sour cream. It does not contain lumps.
  • Third. Now add dry ingredients, base oil, dyes. We mix all this. Remove the composition from the stove and pour in the essential oils. Mix and distribute the soap into the molds.

Leave the product to dry. This happens within one day.

Cleansing soap

There are many ways to make handmade soap. We have described some of them above, but I would also like to talk about the production of a cleansing variety of the product at home. Such a product can effectively cleanse the skin of the face, and it can easily compete with expensive lotions.

Prepare the following ingredients: a 100-gram bar of baby soap, two teaspoons of camphor alcohol, one and a half small spoons of glycerin and ammonia, one teaspoon of lemon juice, 50 grams of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and one glass of water.

Grate the soap, pour it into a half-liter jar of water and leave for several hours to swell the chips. As soon as this happens, put the jar on the steam bath and, stirring constantly, heat the suspension. After the composition becomes homogeneous, add both types of alcohol and lemon juice to it. Mix all contents. Continuing to stir, remove the jar from the stove. Leave the mixture to cool down. But do not forget to stir it from time to time. In the still warm "brew" gradually pour in the peroxide. Again, mix everything until smooth. Soap is considered ready immediately after the suspension has completely cooled. That's it: you already know how to make hand soap.

If you want to learn how to make soap yourself, then read the article. Here you will find a detailed description of the process and what ingredients are needed for this.

Now on the shelves of the supermarket you can find a wide variety of soaps. There is a baby, there is a cream soap, there is also an antibacterial soap. However, making a product with your own hands is much more pleasant. Moreover, buying raw materials for it is not a problem. Also, soap making is a kind of hobby, because the product obtained after cooking pleases not only with its pleasant aroma, but also with a beautiful appearance, original shape.

DIY soap making kit. Handmade soap ingredients

You can make your own soap three options:

  • out of the ordinary children's, just grate it, melt it, then add dye, oils and other ingredients, pour into molds
  • from soap base- the principle of preparation is the same as from baby soap
  • product preparation from alkalis and fatty acids- a time-consuming process that requires compliance with safety regulations
Necessary components and utensils for making soap

Soap making ingredients

  • the foundation(soap) or baby soap - the base is found as a white solid and transparent, which allows you to make beautiful soaps of various tones
  • base oil- you can use both ordinary vegetable and olive, etc.
  • essential aroma oils- choose what you like, the range of such products is diverse
  • dye special or food
  • additives- you can use various ingredients that improve skin conditions (honey, glycerin, clay)
  • alcohol in a spray bottle
  • herbal decoction, water
  • molds for pouring tableware for kindling the base, grater, knife for cutting the finished product

Ingredients for making soap at home

Templates and molds for handmade soap

If you decide to take soap making seriously and make a profit from the sale, then you will need templates that will indicate the composition of the products, the name, etc. Such templates can be downloaded on special portals. In addition to labels, various forms will also come in handy. Such containers are made of plastic, rubber or silicone. It is impossible to use molds made of glass, metal, because it is problematic to get the product out of solid containers, the metal corrodes.

Handmade soap molds

Heat resistant plastic molds are made taking into account the fact that the soap base will be poured into them hot, and the molds, in turn, will not be deformed. Their great advantage is that there are a lot of such products - there are both small figures and large ones - for the preparation of several bars of homemade soap at the same time.

Plastic molds for soap

Silicone forms are also convenient to use. They do not need special care and besides they are soft, which makes it much easier to “release” the soap when it is ready. The service life of such a container is longer than that of plastic ones.

Silicone molds for making soap

IMPORTANT: Before pouring the base, grease the molds with oil, then the soap will be easier to come out of the molds. If this does not help, then put the container of soap in the freezer, after a while pull it out by pressing on the mold.

DIY soap flowers

If you are a creative person, like to do DIY crafts, then you can make flowers from soap on your own. Some doubt creeps in - is this possible, because the soap base is not plastic? To make the material softer, you need to apply a little trick when preparing the base.

To prepare it you will need:

  • base (soap), or baby soap - 230 grams
  • regular gelatin, which is sold in supermarkets - one large spoon
  • water or decoction of herbs - 8-9 large spoons
  • dyes, aroma oils - optional
  • regular knife, potato peeler

soap base roses


  1. Pour gelatin with water (cold), leave for 43-56 minutes to swell
  2. Prepare the base - grate it, melt it, add a teaspoon of water there
  3. Then pour aroma oil, dye, etc. into the base, mix the resulting mass with ready-made gelatin
  4. Pour the mixture into round molds
  5. When it hardens, pull out the resulting cylinders
  6. Now it remains only to cut the rose petals with a vegetable knife and mold a flower, as if from plasticine

DIY soap rose

You can also make flowers simply in special molds. It is enough to fill the container and a few minutes after solidification, remove the finished flower from it. Any flight of fancy is welcome. You can come up with different shades for the flower and leaves.

Soap "Rose", made in a special silicone mold

If you have artistic talents, you have the skills of a sculptor, then carving (carving shapes) will be easy for you. Below you can watch a video tutorial for beginner soap makers.

Carving - carved flower

Video. Soap rose

Handmade soap. How to make soap? Recipes

There are many recipes for handmade soap. Above, we talked about the fact that you can cook a product from a base and baby soap. Now let's take a closer look at their subtleties of manufacture.

Puff soap - from a transparent, white base

base soap recipe


  • one hundred grams of transparent base
  • half a teaspoon of honey
  • some yellow dye
  • two drops of lemon essential oil

Melt the base, in no case boil it, pour in liquid honey, drip dye, essential oil. Pour the finished composition into the mold. When dry, pull out the soap.

Baby soap recipe


  • 100 grams of baby soap
  • half a cup of milk or herbal tea
  • ½ teaspoon (large) olive oil
  • a little aroma oil, dye
  • a teaspoon of an oil solution of vitamin A, E

In the bath (water), dissolve the soap, add milk. When removed from the oven, add the rest of the ingredients. Mix, pour into molds.

Original handmade soap

DIY coffee soap

Most often, soap with black, ground coffee is used as a natural skin scrub. Ground, black coffee is suitable for adding to the base, and coffee beans as a decoration. Drinking coffee grounds for soap making should not be used, because there are no longer any useful components for the structure of the skin.

Coffee scrub soap
  • RECIPE: Melt the white base (100 grams) in the microwave. Add two large spoons of ground coffee. Then pour in a small spoonful of cocoa butter. Drip brown dye there. Pour into molds
  • RECIPE: Two pieces of baby soap, rub. Pour water (150 grams) into a bowl, melt the mass. Add three teaspoons of olive oil, and the same amount of sugar. At the end, add a teaspoon of cream, dye. Pour into moulds, let dry

Homemade soap made from baby soap and coffee

To get a honey, healthy soap, you need to take eighty grams of a white base. Cut it into small cubes, melt in the microwave. Do not overheat the mixture above 64 degrees, otherwise the soap will not lather. Add 45 grams of non-candied honey.

Mix thoroughly with a wooden stick. Then drop 4 (citrus) drops into the aroma oil mixture. Pour in two tablespoons of carrier oil (olive or rosehip oil). Stir again, spray the soap with alcohol and pour into a pre-prepared form. Sprinkle a little alcohol on top too so that there are no bubbles. The cream soap will be ready in about one hour.

DIY clay soap

RECIPE: Take one hundred grams of white base, chop and melt in the microwave. For this soap, it is advisable to take the mold in the pattern above. Fill the drawing with the prepared mass. Add clay (pink) to the rest of the mixture - two small spoons, grape seed oil, wheat germ oil one teaspoon each, D-panthenol (12 drops), aroma oil (3 drops). We mix the mass well. We wait until it begins to harden slightly, only then pour it into a mold. This will prevent the clay from settling.

Clay soap

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to spray the soap with alcohol before pouring it into the container. This helps the layers stick together and eliminates bubbles.

Handmade glycerin soap


  • pure water - 706 grams
  • base oil (palm) - 1131 grams
  • oil (coconut) - 451 grams
  • castor oil - 708 grams
  • 96% alcohol - 792 grams
  • glycerin - 226 grams
  • solution of chilled water, sugar - respectively: 423 grams, 566 grams

Glycerin soap


  1. We heat the oils in the bath
  2. We take 33 percent (of the amount of oils) of chilled water, dissolve the alkali. We begin to gradually heat it in the bath (water)
  3. Then mix both heated mixtures. Their temperature should be 40-42 degrees
  4. It is advisable to pour alkaline water into oils through a strainer, suddenly not all the alkali has yet dissolved
  5. Put a pot of water on a slow gas so that the mixture does not overheat, keep the temperature at 60-62 degrees (minutes: 35-42)
  6. The mass thickens at first, and then a beautiful translucent gel is obtained. When this happens, add extra fat (olive oil) so that the soap does not further dry out the skin tissue.
  7. Then you can slowly pour in warm alcohol, just do not rush (soap can foam)
  8. We leave the mixture to languish further, and in the meantime we prepare sweet syrup
  9. Then pour it into the soap, mix again, a transparent mass is obtained.
  10. After five minutes, add glycerin. After two hours of the total languishing time of glycerin soap, remove the mixture from heat
  11. It remains to drip the dye, sprinkle with alcohol and pour the mass into the molds
  12. You need to take out the finished soap already in a day, and use it in a week

Handmade soap with glycerin

IMPORTANT: The dishes that you used for alkali should be treated with vinegar, and then washed.

Do-it-yourself liquid soap from remnants

The crisis forces us to save on everything. But this process sometimes turns into a very pleasant, useful experience. After all, you can make useful liquid soap from the remnants of soap.


  1. Grate soap residue finely
  2. Boil the water
  3. In a glass jar, mix soap, boiling water
  4. Then add citrus juice (for flavor), glycerin - one spoon
  5. Stir the solution again, pour into a container with a dispenser
  6. Leave to infuse for two to three days (do not forget to periodically shake the gel), after which you can use it

Oils for handmade soap. What oils are used in handmade soap?

For cooking soap at home, base oils or the so-called base oils and aromatic oils are used. Their choice must be approached more than responsibly. After all, quality products will not be cheap. The manufacturer most often reduces prices if there are chemical components available. What oil to add - decide for yourself. The main thing to keep in mind is that you or your family members are allergic to a particular type of product. And we talked about the proportions in the paragraph - Handmade Glycerin Soap.

Oil selection table by skin type

For beginner soap makers, it is best to start making a product from baby soap, base soap. Making soap from scratch is harder. Experienced soap makers apply their technologies. They advise adding decoctions of herbs of chamomile and calendula to the product instead of water. Then the finished soap has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Soap made by yourself

Video: How to make soap at home yourself?

Beginning soap makers are advised to train on an ordinary children's soap without additives and fragrances. If you are confident in yourself, then purchase a professional soap base in specialized stores. They sell white, transparent and multi-colored bases with the addition of oils in packages of 250, 500 and 1,000 grams.

What to buy:

base oil

It can be anything: coconut, almond, olive, castor, grape and apricot seeds. Oil almost entirely consists of organic compounds: fatty acids, vitamins, waxes, microelements, which are extremely beneficial for the skin.

Add no more than ½ teaspoon of oil to 100 g of soap base. An overdose of essential oils can cause severe allergies, and soap will stop lathering.

There are many varieties of base oils, each of which has its own therapeutic effect and saturates homemade soap with skin-friendly properties.

base oil skin type Property
From apricot kernels Any Saturates the skin with vitamins: A, B, C, E, F. Moisturizes, softens, improves elasticity, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands
From grape seeds Oily and mixed Regulates the function of sweat glands, restores the natural oiliness of the skin
castor dry and mixed Well removes age spots, whitens and nourishes the skin, fights fine wrinkles
Almond Any Saturates the skin with vitamins E and F, moisturizes, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, prevents expansion
coconut Any Protects the skin from UV rays, smoothes and makes it more tender
Eucalyptus Oily and mixed It is used for skin whitening, treatment of furunculosis and acne.
sage Oily and mixed Smoothes wrinkles, normalizes the sebaceous glands. Great product for acne and other skin problems
Palm Any It is an antioxidant and a natural source of vitamin E
Cocoa Any Accelerates the process of restoration of damaged skin cells, eliminating various cosmetic defects

What to buy:

One-color handmade soap can be obtained using food-grade water-soluble dyes.

  • Cocoa and coffee will make the soap chocolate.
  • An infusion of chamomile will give the soap a yellow tint.
  • Saffron and curry - bright yellow.
  • Spinach, dill and parsley - green.
  • Beetroot juice - red or pink.
  • Essential chamomile oil - blue.

Do not use red rose petals (gives a dirty gray color) or hibiscus tea (gives a dirty green color) to get red shades.

Natural dyes have low light fastness and quickly fade in the sun. Therefore, such soap must be stored in a dark place.

Layered multi-color soap uses liquid or dry pigment in standard and neon shades. Pigment dyes give a bright, rich color and make the soap slightly matte. Before adding to the soap base, the dry pigment must be rubbed with oil or glycerin.

Mother-of-pearl, a mineral dye in powder form, gives a beautiful shimmer and shine to homemade soap. It perfectly emphasizes the relief of the product. Mother-of-pearl is used in soaps with a transparent base and is applied to the surface of the product with a brush or fingertip.

Such a dye does not need to be pre-dissolved and is added dry to the molten base.

What to buy:


Various additives are used to give homemade soap additional properties: glycerin, cream, honey, herbal infusions, dried flowers.

For example, finely ground coffee, oatmeal, ground nut shells can be added to scrub soap during the preparation process. Some of these recipes are easy to make on your own. But, for example, bamboo powder or baobab fruit will have to be purchased.

What to buy:

What tools are needed

  1. Heat-resistant containers with a spout that can be heated in a microwave oven or in a water bath.
  2. Silicone 2D and 3D soap molds.
  3. Alcohol for lubricating the surface of the molds and for better bonding of the soap layers. Alcohol must be kept in a 30–150 ml spray bottle.
  4. Glass or wooden sticks for stirring the soap base.
  5. Thermometer for liquids.

What to buy:

How to make homemade soap

Step 1

Prepare all the necessary components in advance: dyes, oils, fillers, and so on. Cut the soap base into small cubes and melt it in a water bath. Make sure that the substrate temperature does not rise above 60 °C. Otherwise, bubbles will form in the soap, and its quality will deteriorate.

Step 2

When the soap base is completely melted, add any base oil you like, dye and one teaspoon of filler, such as ground, to it. In this case, coffee will act as a dye and give the product a deep chocolate shade.

Step 3

Pour the mass into the mold, after sprinkling it from the spray bottle with alcohol. If you are working with several layers, then when pouring a new one, do not forget to sprinkle the previous one with alcohol and slightly scratch its surface for better adhesion of the layers. The surface of the soap can be decorated with whole coffee beans.

Step 4

Place the mold in a cool place for 2 hours (never in the freezer!). Then remove the soap from the mold by immersing it in hot water for a few minutes, and lay it on paper to dry for 1-2 days. Finished soap should be stored in a breathable container. For example, in cling film.

Bonus: 4 homemade soap recipes

Homemade face soap

  • soap base white;
  • 2 tablespoons of lanolin oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of any aromatic oil;
  • 1 tablespoon crushed oatmeal;
  • 1 tablespoon ground almonds.

Chocolate and vanilla

  • soap base;
  • a few drops of vanilla essential oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of almond oil;
  • 1 teaspoon ground coffee;
  • a few drops of honey and ylang-ylang oil.

Strawberries with cream

  • opaque soap base;
  • ½ teaspoon olive oil;
  • ½ teaspoon strawberry seed oil;
  • red or pink dye;
  • 2 tablespoons of cream;
  • strawberry and cream flavors.

pink dream

  • white soap base;
  • 1 tablespoon pink clay;
  • 1 teaspoon apricot essential oil;
  • 5 drops of vanilla oil;

The foundation homemade soap- ordinary soap, preferably for children, with a minimum amount of fragrances. In addition, you can buy a more advanced composition - a soap base. It is odorless, white or transparent.

Base oils are laid in the basis of soap shavings. These include olive oil, cedar, almond, vitamin E, jojoba oil, cocoa butter, sea buckthorn and others. They improve the meltability of the soap. Essential and aromatic oils will give the soap a pleasant aroma. You can also add coffee, cocoa, various herbs and much more to the soap.

To make one bar of homemade soap, you will need:

  • Baby soap - 2 pieces.
  • Water (or some other liquid) - 100-200 milliliters per piece. The melted soap should be the consistency of batter or slightly thicker.
  • Base oil - 2-3 tablespoons per 100 grams of soap.
  • Essential oils - 3-5 drops.
  • Soap molds.

How to make beautiful soap at home:

Step 1. Rub the soap on a fine grater. For this, you can also use a combine, blender, electric graters.

Step 2. First you need to put the water to boil. We need a "water bath".

Step 3. Pour the base oils into a saucepan and put in a water bath for a couple of minutes.

Step 4. Pour soap chips into the same place and mix well.

Step 5. Interfering with soap chips, carefully, slowly pour in hot (but not boiling) water / milk / coffee / cocoa / orange juice (it can be diluted with boiling water). It is important not to pour the liquid, it is better to add it later in the process. On average, a bar of soap takes a little more than half a glass.

Step 6. For a long time, slowly stir the resulting soap solution until the lumps are completely dissolved. On average, the melting process takes from 30 minutes to three hours.
Recommendation: If there is no desire to wait so long, then you can rub the soap, pour the required amount of warm water and leave it overnight. Overnight, the soap will dissolve, and you will get a wonderful soap base. After that, it will only be necessary to warm it up.

Step 7. When the soap dissolves, you need to pour additives into it and hold it in the bath a little more.

Step 8. Remove from heat and quickly drip the required amount of essential oils. They erode when heated, so mix thoroughly, but quickly.

Step 9. Pour everything into pre-prepared molds. Any plastic container is suitable as a mold: a jar of mayonnaise, a glass, packaging for cakes, cakes, cookies. It is important that her neck diameter is wider than the bottom. Otherwise, the soap will be problematic to pull out. It is also good to use various children's molds.

Step 10. Set to cool. Leave for several hours (better for a day) in the refrigerator.

Step 11. When, when you press the soap, it will not be pressed through and move well away from the walls of the container, it can be removed. After that, the soap will need to be dried.

Step 12. Put the soap in a dry, warm place, preferably on a newspaper, so that the moisture is well absorbed. Soap needs about 2-7 days to mature.

How to make baby soap

for 100 grams of a solid piece you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon base oils;
  • 100 grams of liquid, including milk, decoctions, and so on;
  • 6-7 drops of essential oil;
  • 4-5 drops of dye;
  • other additives (chocolate, sugar, honey, coffee, oatmeal, etc.) 50 grams per 100 grams of soap.

To make baby soap:

  • "Melt baby soap"
  • To do this, first grate the pieces of baby soap on a grater. You should get soap shavings.
  • Now prepare a water bath: pour water into a saucepan that you put on the stove, so that the plate with chips is immersed to the brim in water. Heat must be transferred from the boiling water to the plate.
  • To make the chips melt well and quickly, add water to it, but milk is better, as it will give special soft properties. Melters can also be used: sugar (you can use vanilla sugar), honey or chocolate. These components speed up the melting process. Alternatively, add a decoction of herbs, but after diluting it with milk. Add all these components when the soap is in the bath. After 15-30 minutes, the melting process will be completed. Make sure that the mass does not boil, otherwise there will be unwanted bubbles in the soap.
  • As soon as the soap melts, becomes viscous without lumps, feel free to add base oils (1 tablespoon per 100 grams). Remove from the bath and add essential oils, dyes and other components to the warm mass. Since they are volatile, it is better to do this at the very end.
  • Thoroughly stir the finished mass and pour into molds. You can also add components in molds if you are making different soaps at once.
  • Leave the soap to cool in the refrigerator until it becomes solid.
  • Then place in the air to evaporate the remaining moisture. Because of the water, the soap will dry out, so cut off the excess with a knife

Baby soap with jojoba oil

Add 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil to 100 grams of melted baby soap. Mix thoroughly so that the oil does not come to the surface. Soap with jojoba oil softens the skin well, suitable for dry and sensitive. Do not add more oil, because. soap will not lather well.

Soap based on chocolate (white or black).

Chocolate can be added to soap with jojoba oil. If using chocolate, use it while melting the baby soap as it will act as a melter. No more than 50 grams of chocolate should be added per 100 grams. To add a scrub effect, add ground coffee (no more than 1 teaspoon), this soap will exfoliate dead cells. Add orange essential oil to enhance the fragrance. Get a New Year's piece of fragrant soap!

Soap with oatmeal

Melt baby soap and add jojoba oil to it. For 100 grams of prepared base, add 1 tablespoon of oatmeal (can be ground). Stir the mass until the flakes no longer settle to the bottom of the mold. Stir with a spoon so as not to form extra bubbles in the soap. After that, take your soap well with a spoon and put it in the refrigerator to cool.

In everyday life, a person is constantly faced with the use of various chemicals. Every day, to keep clean, millions of people use them to wash dishes, floors, laundry and, of course, for personal hygiene. Moreover, a person comes into contact with toxic substances in the course of his normal life. This cannot but affect our health and general condition: dangerous components of conventional products - hair dyes, cosmetics, shampoos and hair balms, etc. enter the body through the skin, negatively affecting the body as a whole and causing various diseases.

One way to avoid such exposure can be to make various products yourself. You can start simple - by making homemade soap. Soap is one of the simplest and most affordable things with which it is easy to maintain cleanliness and personal hygiene. Having mastered soap making, you can avoid unpleasant allergic reactions to purchased products, as well as enjoy the process itself.


There are many types of handmade soap: each sample can be absolutely any and correspond to the tastes of different people, as well as meet various tasks. To soothe problem skin, you can prepare honey, milk or chamomile soap. In this case, it will soften the influence of the environment and relieve irritation. This product is perfect for dry and normal skin.

For various purposes, you can prepare a cream soap, scrub soap, shampoo or anti-cellulite soap. A self-made product can be used not only by adults, but also by children, especially the children's version is relevant for those parents whose children suffer from allergies.

Glycerin soap can be especially distinguished, however, it is necessary to be careful with it and use it in moderation, because despite its positive properties - a high degree of skin hydration and the ability to make it more toned and elastic, it has a number of contraindications and possible side effects. It is especially dangerous to use it on inflamed and sensitive skin, and if used excessively, it will dry it out, depriving the outer layer of moisture. When making it at home, it should be controlled that the percentage of glycerin does not exceed 5% and never mix it with substances containing silicone. However, you should not be afraid of it - with moderate use, it will only be useful.


Soaps that are sold in stores are usually far from ideal, so homemade soap can guarantee you reliability and confidence in the absence of side effects. Among other irrefutable advantages - such soap, unlike the samples sold, will be fragrant and useful. The process of its manufacture will interest people of any age: for it you can use not only all kinds of aromatic additives and color dyes, but also various shapes and interesting decorations, as a result you will get not a simple toilet soap, but an original work of art.

Manufacturing process

Experienced soap makers make soap from scratch from lye and fat. Beginners are offered a ready-made soap base, which can also be replaced with baby soap. The modern market offers many options for creativity, including special kits for beginners.

Basic set for soap making

The standard soap making kit is quite simple. You need to prepare a container in which all the ingredients will be mixed, prepare the necessary raw materials: base or baby soap, oils and desired additives (it is better, of course, to use all natural) and a form into which the prepared solution will be poured. Before use, the mold should be lubricated with oil so that the finished product can be easily removed from the container. It’s good to have alcohol on hand: it will help get rid of bubbles on the surface if they appeared while mixing the composition.

In order for the result to please you, it is recommended to use various additives in the preparation of homemade soap. Variants with dry herbs (celandine, succession, chamomile), with sea salt are popular. These options can be used as a scrub: grains of salt and herbs cleanse the skin of impurities well, so the effect of salt soap will be doubly beneficial. In addition, you can make a product with goat's milk or make it with clay or honey. Such products will be very useful if your skin is prone to redness and rashes, as they will relieve irritation.

Another way to make your soap unique is to add dyes to it. Soap making is a very creative process, and with dyes you get a beautiful and interesting result. Decorative soap will not only delight your eyes when used, but can also be a great gift for any occasion.

Natural dyes:

  • Green - herbs.
  • White - clay (white) or milk powder.
  • Orange - sea buckthorn oil or carrot juice.
  • Pink and burgundy - clay (pink), grated beets or its juice.
  • Yellow - turmeric will give a rich color, marigold petals.
  • Brown - coffee (ground), cocoa powder.

To decorate a gift soap, you can make it with a picture: just paste the printed image into a sample that has not yet set. Soap can also have prints with lemons, oranges, watermelon and other fruits or flowers, depending on the smell of the soap itself. Another decoration option is fancy ornaments inside the product - swirls, and coloring. And if you make some kind of inscription on top, for example, with the name of the recipient of the gift, it will become even more pleasant.

Step by step instructions with photo

To make classic soap you need:

  • soap base,
  • form,
  • essential oil,
  • dye.

Manufacturing steps:

  1. Add essential oils to the soap base.
  2. Add the dye to the mixture and stir gently so that no air bubbles form inside the mixture.
  3. Pour the mixture into molds previously greased with oil. If you want the surface to be perfectly smooth, sprinkle some alcohol on top.
  4. Take the soap out of the mold. Ready! Such a tool is suitable not only for washing hands, but also for washing wool and textile products.

We offer you a simple and quick master class on making glycerin soap. It will help you prepare with your own hands an excellent tool that can be used for frequent use, including shaving. You will need:

  • a piece of baby soap or soap base;
  • 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of the main oil (you can use natural olive, grape seed oil, almond, rosehip, sea buckthorn, cedar, palm and others);
  • 1 st. a spoonful of glycerin;
  • 50 ml of boiling water.

First you need to prepare the raw materials: an alkaline mixture (mix glycerin and base; if baby soap is used, melt it first) and oils, and then heat them up to 40 degrees separately. Gradually pour the lye into the oil mixture, immerse the blender in a bowl and mix the contents for three minutes, using sets of several seconds.

Pour a teaspoon of cinnamon oil into the prepared fragrance solution, at the same time you can implement any ideas you have: use dyes or other additives to achieve the desired result. Then mix again, pour the mixture into a mold pre-greased with olive oil, wrap with a towel or blanket and set to harden for a day.

The best options for making homemade soap are difficult to choose, each of them is worthy of attention. We offer you the most interesting ways, everyone will find something to their liking.

For those who live outside the city in their home, the easiest way may be to make soap from ash - lye.

It very well and quickly cleans the dirt, leaving a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. To cook it, you need to collect a third of a bucket of wood ash (namely, wood, ash of deciduous trees is best) and pour it to the top, removing the floating pieces. The ash must be allowed to infuse for about three days, or the mixture should be boiled until it becomes soapy to the touch - this will take an hour or a little more time. It is important to dilute the lye with water 1 to 10 or more, otherwise severe irritation cannot be avoided. Then it is not necessary to add natural flavors and useful additives to the product and send it to harden in the forms for a day.

Used to fight cellulite and for weight loss soap with orange shavings. Orange peel has the properties of a scrub, gently cleanses and massages the skin.

To make this soap, we need the following ingredients:

  • soap base (preferably transparent);
  • grape seed oil;
  • orange peel;
  • essential oil of orange.

Grind the orange zest with a blender or coffee grinder. Prepare 150 g of soap base, melt it and add grape seed oil. Pour one heaping teaspoon of orange zest into the base and mix well. The zest will not only add a natural smell, but also color the future soap in a light orange color, so you can do without other dyes. When the base has cooled down a bit, add a few drops of orange essential oil.

Prepare the molds and fill them with the resulting mixture. If bubbles appear on the surface, sprinkle alcohol on top. Wait for the base to cool completely and take out the finished handmade soap from the molds. Wrap it up the next day.

Another soap option is a product with loofah (natural washcloth). There are practically no allergies to it, so it suits all skin types and perfectly cleanses it of dead cells. In addition, for the preparation of washing scrubs, you can use oatmeal (hercules), which must be ground in a coffee grinder before adding to the base. After using these products, the skin becomes very smooth and silky.

Aleppo soap It is one of the varieties of Castile soap. It is considered one of the most delicate and suitable for delicate skin, and its recipe is simple: 100% olive oil and a precisely calculated amount of alkali. Allepse soap differs from Castile soap in that it contains bay oil.

Laurel oil is taken in various percentages. To increase the antiseptic and antibacterial effect of the use of Aleppo soap, a larger percentage is added. Soap is traditionally recommended for cleansing and caring for oily, problematic skin.

Another variant similar to Castilian is Marseille soap. Unlike Castilian, it does not contain 100% olive oil, but at least 72%. It is very soft and pleasant, and most importantly - does not tighten the skin after application. The process of its preparation is similar to Aleppo.

Sweet lovers will surely love it. chocolate soap. It is a natural antioxidant, which means it is a fighter for a beautiful appearance. It improves mood by stimulating the production of serotonin (“happiness hormone”), and also invigorates and increases blood circulation.

Required Ingredients:

  • 500 g soap base;
  • 50 g of dark chocolate;
  • 1 st. spoons of cocoa;
  • 0.5 st. spoons of coconut oil;
  • 50 ml wheat germ oil;
  • 10 drops of essential oil (lavender, mint, bergamot, cinnamon, cypress, coriander, cardamom or fennel).

The soap base must first be crushed and melted. As soon as it melts, grated dark chocolate should be added to it, mix until smooth. After that, add cocoa, add coconut oil, mix and pour in wheat germ oil. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous again, it must be removed from heat or a water bath, add essential oil, cool slightly and pour into molds.

If you add not cocoa, but ground coffee to chocolate soap in the process, you get a great coffee option. The smell of this soap is unusually attractive and even appetizing: closing your eyes, you can imagine that you are drinking freshly brewed coffee and eating a delicious cake or pastry.

Floral and soap motifs are very popular. Such soap is usually somewhat jelly, transparent, every flower and blade of grass is visible in it. Chamomile and lavender soaps hold the lead in this, being the most popular among home soap makers. The aroma also plays a role in their success: when using such a product, it seems that somewhere nearby there is a bouquet of freshly cut flowers.

An affordable way to get rid of acne and blackheads is to cook soap with activated charcoal. To do this, you need to follow the standard cooking recipe, but before adding oils and other additives, you need to pour crushed charcoal tablets into the solution. If you use this soap regularly, within a week the problem areas on your face and body will become noticeably smaller, and after a while you will forget that you once had acne on your skin. It is also a good idea to add lavender oil to this soap to consolidate the action of coal.

Frequent visitors to the hammam know that it is customary to use the national moroccan black beldi soap. It simultaneously acts as a scrub, skin cream, and also perfectly cleanses. To prepare an analogue of beldi at home, You need:

  • 100 g grated baby soap;
  • 150 ml green tea (brewing);
  • 0.5 tsp dry ginger;
  • 50 g ground eucalyptus;
  • 20 ml of olive oil;
  • 40 drops of eucalyptus oil.