How to dress at home? Let's talk about perfect home clothing. Home wardrobe: What to wear at home

What makes a modern woman? It completely changes the attitude towards himself and remains a real lady in any circumstances, including at home - surrounded by its closest and dear people. Yes, and manufacturers of high-quality clothes for home are trying to make a woman even more charming, releasing new collections of stylish homemade clothing. Now the neat and beautiful home suit came to replace shapeless bathrobes and stretched on the knees of bridges! But even Turkey with her brands known for the whole world will not be able to create a fashionable home image, if you do not take into account some nuances of home fashion.

Fashion secrets.

Home fashion, like any other, subordinate to its own rules ... And so as not to look at home too pregnant and ridiculous, you should apply in practice only three small secrets from famous fashionistas:

Secret number 1 - moderation.

Excessive commitment and desire to follow the latest trends in the home fashion can sometimes lead to the exact opposite result. Fashion fashion, and a combination of its individuality and charming appearance is only a lady with a competent approach to fashion trends. Agree that colorful leggings with a short top will be suitable for a young girl or a slim woman, but not a lady with a size of Plus Size. It is better to select models in accordance with the size of the next and its age group. For example, summer tunics and large-sized t-shirts that can be happy to wear with bridges or shortened pants-Capri.

Secret number 2 - femininity.

Women's feminine style styles are able to work wonders, turning any fine sex representatives in sophisticated and glamorous beauties. This will require some perseverance in finding a suitable model, fantasy and desire to look attractive in a circle of loved ones. Velor costume female as it is impossible to meet all the listed requirements - it is light, soft, cozy and stylish ... It is such a suit that the costume is able to emphasize all the advantages of the female figure and hide her flaws. Tight trousers and fitted sweaters will emphasize the beautiful hips and a thin waist, and straight or slightly narrowed to the bottom of the pants of a home suite and a coftener of a free cut will make you significantly slimmer and elegant.

Secret number 3 - a combination of colors.

A balanced and correct combination of colors in homemade clothing emphasizes female beauty no worse makeup or expensive jewelry. When choosing the color combinations, you must stick to your "colorage", as follows as possible or suitable for hair color, eyes and skin. The most successful color combinations in domestic costumes:

  • Pink with blue, gray, coral and black.
  • Coral with beige, peach, black and brown.
  • Beige with any shades of blue, blue and turquoise.
  • All sorts of shades of lilac with pink.
  • Classic red with white and black.

Online store Kalak In Ukraine, it offers to choose and buy various models of high-quality and fashionable clothes for the house. Make your stylish image right now!

P. Outdoor clothing is the minimum set of things that allow us to dive into everyday life accordingly.

Of course, the wardrobe of two people can differ dramatically by virtue of different lifestyles and interests. In this article we will try to consider the casual clothing of the average woman in the heyday of the forces that works and therefore already has all the basic things from the business wardrobe.

Home wardrobe

Let's discuss this type of homemade clothes as a bathrobe. Ideally, in a bathrobe it is better to walk in the souls in the morning and in the evening from the soul. This is not the clothes in which you walk in the afternoon, doing homework. For winter, you can buy a warm bike bathrobe, for summer - easier of cotton. For evening and husband - beautiful silk.

Sleep better in hygroscopic, "breathable" and natural clothes. When choosing between beautiful but synthetic underwear (night shirt) and cotton pajamas, give preference to the latter. The body must rest during sleep. You can have several sets for sleep at different times of the year. It can be pajamas, and night shirts, and panties with T-shirts.

Choosing clothes for everyday wearing at home, you need to pay attention to the following nuances. First, such clothes should be breathable, well absorbed moisture, pleasant to the body, fairly free, comfortable. Secondly, it should be practical, easy to wear (and, most importantly, it is easy to dump), and better if it is not necessary to iron. At the same time, it should well hold the form even after a large number of washes (and this is achieved due to the quality of the product and the composition of the fabric with the addition of a small amount of synthetic fibers). It is desirable that they are not formed by katovka (pilla).

It is better not to wear heavy and dense tissue as home clothing, such as denim.

As you can see, a lot of requirements for home wardrobe, and find the product at once that meets all of them, and even so that it is beautiful, not so simple. In great demand, sports pants and shorts, T-shirts, T-shirts and tops enjoy in good demand. It is desirable to have several sets of such clothes for the warm and cold season, and just to shift. And as soon as your home outfit stretched out, polished, laid out, throw him out, do not spare! Buy yourself a new one!

Casual wardrobe

To enter the street, very many women in everyday life give preference to semi-spositive style things. They are comfortable, functional and practical. At a minimum, it is necessary to have some jeans or pants of a free, adjacent or classic cut without arrings. They can go anywhere, except for work and theater. Therefore, it is better to have some more such trousers than one.

For more responsible events, it is quite possible to borrow classic pants from the basic working wardrobe.

To jeans and trousers for the summer, consider the possibility of acquiring two or three Tekshek, T-shirts or shirts, as well as cotton cardigan. For cool and cold season, it is better to purchase several tight shirts with long sleeves, woolen jumpers, a couple of turtlenecks, if you wear them, a warmer cardigan and a sweater.

For the summer you can buy one skirt and one dress of the one you like. Well, if the tops you bought and Top will look equally good and with jeans (trousers), and with a skirt. And the dress and skirt will be harmonized with summer cardigan.

In addition, on windy days you need a windbreaker or a light jacket. And maybe two jackets: one more sporty style under jeans and a sports skirt, and one more suitable for dress and a more feminine skirt. But, in principle, you can choose a classic cut of one single everyday jacket and wear and with the other. Do not forget about lightweight raincoat from business base wardrobe. In some situations, he can help you out. The main thing is to remember that the hem of dresses looks very ugly, if sticks out from under the cloak.

At the cold season, think about warm woolen (knitted) dress and warm skirt. Accordingly, they must be harmonized with warm cardigan, as well as all the above shirts, sweaters and turtlenecks. Outerwear for such seasons can be represented by a warmed jacket for spring-autumn, and completely warm - for winter.

"On the output" you need to have at least one evening dress, even though it is not the subject of everyday wearing. But if financial capabilities do not allow, then borrow from the basic working wardrobe ordinary black (dark) dress, add it with elegant accessories, buy a beautiful miniature ladder for him and boldly intend to the theater, etc.

And a few words about shoes. Of course, under the clothes close to the athletic, it is necessary to wear the appropriate shoes. Dresses and skirts fit shoes and boots at a low heel. You can use those that purchased in the framework of the basic work wardrobe. In addition, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with some recommendations for choosing good high-quality shoes for daily socks and not only.

Here, in general, and the entire small list of things that are able to fully close your current daily and home needs. This article does not consider special things for sports, the requirements for which are very different depending on sports.

It has long been outdated stereotype "Woman in a bathrobe and curiosity". Famous brands offer a huge range of homewear for women, which varies from the season for the season. You can flip catalogs for a long time, trying to choose a suitable style. But to buy the most beautiful clothes for the house, you need to decide in advance what you want, and do not succumb to seductive photos of models and research calls.

The value of beautiful homewear for a woman - what is the female clothes for the house attractive for men?

So, in what clothes to go at home: in light peignoire, sports pajamas or fluffy bathrobe? Of course, the listed models will look attractive and feminine. And it would be meaningless to prove that only the silk peignoir can attract the attention of your man.

On the contrary - as many men say, they are pleased to see a satisfied woman in a warm and cozy bathrobe. Also many couples like to wear similar comfortable pajamas With funny drawings or inscriptions. Nephnutical Silk peignoir It serves, rather, by manifesting respect for the sexuality of your man, or simply as a glamorous thing to increase self-esteem.

Video: how to choose a woman to choose home clothes

Let's figure it out in the whole manifold of female home clothing. Bathrobes, pajamas, shorts, pants and dresses - about home clothes with a photo of more below.

Fashionable and comfortable bathrobes - cozy homemade clothing for women

The most popular model of women's clothing for home - warm bathrobe. The natural terry product is suitable for frequent bathing procedures. It unobtrusively surrounds the body and absorbs all the extra moisture.

Fleece robe Attracts with its soft pile and is suitable for a cozy pastime, but he absorbs moisture badly. It stays on his surface and quickly cools, so after the shower in such a coat there will be a feeling of cold humidity.

Silk gowns For the house very loved by fashionistas - they are beautiful, romantic, sexy. But in Silk Boltik, it is cozy in the warm season or in a very warm room, because in the cool it will be very "calming" the body.

Fashion dresses for home - Stylish home clothing with photos

Among fashionable clothes for the house you can allocate stylish and romantic dresses. Usually they are sewn from natural fabrics and differ some free cut.

However, this does not mean that they should look like a kind of like a long shapeless T-shirt. They can be decorated with lace, rhinestones, floral and geometric prints or embroidery .

Much attention is paid to color - from neutral gray to brightly crimson.

Home comfortable pants and shirts - beautiful home clothing

Warm synthetic or natural fleece pants will be useful in any wardrobe. They will allow you to feel sexually, just change the comfortable T-shirt on the lace top.

Usually, similar shirts are attached to the pants. This year at the peak of fashion - home suits in a cage and a Scandinavian pattern.

Still popular sets with cute prints from Disney cartoons and other fabulous characters.

Shorts in female home clothing - photo of home shorts

In the warm season you can wear beautiful shorts with tops and jerseys .

Speaking about shorts, you should not represent the standard model, because modern shorts for the house are simply amazed by their diversity. Lace with rhinestones, sports, denim, from soft viscose - Everyone will find shorts to their taste.

Usually, soft satin ribbons, wide gum or soft buttons are used as the fasteners. This allows you to use them like clothes for sleep.

Romantic Peignoirs, as the most sexy women's clothing for home

Luxury penuairs from natural or synthetic silk Have very seductive views, but they will not provide you with 100% home comfort. They can be applied by mood, or on the morning tea.

At home we change heels, narrow pants and skirts on comfortable and cozy home clothes . It is here that we are free from stereotypes and dress-code.

But this is not a reason to forget about your beauty and self-esteem. Stylish home clothing improves self-esteem and delivers aesthetic the pleasure of you and your loved ones.

We all try to look beautiful and attractive, leaving home, but few of us think about the fact that you need to be beautiful on the street, away or at work.

It is important to preserve worthy appearance At home, because it does not only increase your self-esteem, as well as is considered a sign of respect for your loved ones and serves an excellent example if there are children in the house.

With this, the home capsule will help us. How to make it properly and what things will be particularly relevant?

To compile a home capsule, it is enough to adhere to several basic rules:

  • clothing should be convenient for you, should not flex and stronger movement;
  • choose simple practical things from natural materials and without unnecessary decor;
  • focus on the season (warm and cozy - winter, light and air - in summer);
  • it is important to take into account not only comfort and convenience, but also aesthetic component. You should look neat and stylish. Imagine that I suddenly got the guests, how would you like to appear in front of them? Remember the image that drew in your head and embody it in the form of a home capsule;
  • do not overdo it, remember that in fashion careless chic. Maintain a stylish homemade bow - does not mean to dress up to the head. There are several trend things that are harmoniously fit into the home wardrobe and the corresponding home furnishings.

For connoisseurs of comfort

Stylish training in combination with shortened T-shirts, T-shirts and tops are the most suitable option for those who appreciate the convenience in the first place. Such a bow can be diluted with thin jampers with the linen of the shoulder, and the workouts can be replaced with cotton pants in a pajama style, like a girl with coconuts. Add accessories so that the image does not look like you just got out of bed. It can be round earrings, numerous bracelets on hand, headbands on the head and even neatly executed hairstyles in the form of a brand or cute beam.

For connoisseurs of Utut

Warm volume sweaters and cardigans not only conquer the streets, but also create a cozy home atmosphere, filling it with heat, and warming after a heavy working day. Models covering the hips will be good in a pair with leggings and knitted golf.

Purchase a couple of pretty woolen socks so that your footsteps are always warm. For amateur unusual, you can advise you to buy a cardigan long midi or even Maxi! Out of the threshold of the house, it will risen not to wear not every, but to replace its robe with something like this will be quite by the way.

For sophisticated and feminine young lady

The linen style is still popular and therefore boldly take into service this fact! Complement the OVERSIZ cardigans, which were written above, with combination dresses, dresses in lace, silk tops and shorts.

Beautiful lace strap from a bra can be slightly looking out of a velvet home overalls or cashmere sweaters, demonstrating the readiness of the appearance and some sophistication.

Applying the "linen" approach in the home capsule is important to know the measure and not go beyond. Combine things right: Demonstrating one part of the body - cover the other!

Romantic Natures will like light overalls, made in pastel shades and decorated with floral print, as well as sundresses of flowing fabrics with embroidery, a little in the style of boho.

Natural curls falling off the shoulders will only strengthen all the femininity of the image, and ethnic rings and neat pendants are the very raisin of your kit.

Dresses and skirts to the floor were always considered an excellent female energy storage. Wear their homes to please our home, because they are not only practical and convenient due to their length, but also perfectly adjust the shape, pulling the silhouette.

Knitted models will not shy your body and movement, and fashionable can afford lace options, while remaining a boho-diva even at home. I can assure you - the guests will not tear away from you!

Lithuanians of Denima

Those who cannot present their lives without a pair of favorite jeans and feel comfort in them absolutely in any atmosphere - choose models with an overwhelmed waist and combine with cotton tires on thin straps, with bodies, ethnic capes and knitted products. Now in stores you can find a large number of ribbon jeans - a good idea for homemade bow, because it's already cold on the street, and it will completely come for home.

It looks good - direct duty of every woman, so you need to look wonderful regardless of where you are, do you live one or you have a big family. And if you take into the calculation of the case of heart, then the women of the East never understood European ladies: how can you dress up, going out to the street and at the same time walk at home with your man in stretched pants or an old coat? Take for weapons and, - be beautiful!

The author of the article is the stylist Katerina Pasynkova. Ask a question or order a style consultationlink .

Hello everyone! What are you going at home? Rather, what clothes choose? Bathrobes, old fucking things or beautiful and comfortable clothes? Many women, for some reason, do not think about home wardrobe, as an important thing about. Well, she dressed an old T-shirt or a shaded robe, well, that here, no one sees me anyway, I'm at home. And relatives who live with you blind? Do you think they are nice to look at a kind of misunderstanding? Yes, I do not argue, it happens that there is not enough time for yourself, but this is not a way out. You do not go out or on the street in what got? No, of course, after all, people will look at your oblique, and wonder your slopes, and at home there is a completely different matter. So, you need to drastically change the situation and be able to look decent, carefully and beautiful is not dependent on the place of your stay.

As a rule, working women look more better than a housewife. Unfortunately it's true. But on weekends, many relax and turn into a gray mouse again. This article is designed not only to young mothers, housewives, but also those who want to rejoice at the mirror always and everywhere.

Imagine how the husband will be happy if you will meet it not only with a delicious dinner, but in all our glory and with a good mood. It is necessary to learn to be a woman, and not to regret yourself. You work on yourself, and then everything will turn out.

Maybe someone will seem that I express very rude and I do not understand what I'm talking about. I used to talk directly and express my thoughts clearly. I have two young children. I know what is sitting at home and keep a household, while looking and care for children. I know how sometimes it's not sweet to young mothers and how disastrously they lack time not only for themselves, but also sorry, go to the toilet. I know what I'm talking about, but I repeat once again, it is not to mean that you must lower your arms and spit on your face. Remember, you are a woman and should always remain it.

What looks beautiful at home?

The answer is one, choose a good wardrobe. Roll into all the rags with holes, scuffs, all shapeless things in the garbage and forever forget that you once dressed. Let you have 2-3 sets of home clothes, but you will look at all 100.

Do not invent excuses. Yes, it is convenient, yes, it is a pity to throw it out, yes she is new. But ask yourself one is the only question: you would have come out on the street, drove to work or visit friends. If there is no answer, then boldly get rid of this rubbish.

Why is it very important to dress beautifully at home? First of all, you do it for yourself. A hundred percent cases, a woman who dresses is beautifully comfortable and fashionable, increases self-esteem. It is very important, especially for a housewife or mothers on maternity leave. The second plus of such a transformation is to preserve warm and love relationships between spouses. Who will like to see a mouse every day, if a man constantly observes beautiful and well-groomed women at work, on the street and so on.

Make a home wardrobe

Let's figure it out how to choose home clothes, and what criteria it must match.

  • First, the clothes that you wear at home must necessarily be neat, that is, without holes, rollers, sticking threads, clean. Its price does not matter, how do Chinese consumer goods like or brand brands? You are welcome! But the path she emphasizes your advantages, and do not open disadvantages. Nobody canceled beauty yet.
  • Another quality you do not need to neglect is convenience. Do not rape yourself, dressing a completely uncomfortable thing that you constantly need to correct, sweep away and so on.
  • Choose clothing from natural fabrics, which least allows, such as knitwear.
  • Now, good, in stores sell a huge number of different models of home clothing. Prices also collapse. If you can't make shopping for a long time, online stores will come to the rescue. Pay attention and selection of home wardrobe at least time than clothing you dress up.

How to make a home wardrobe

I propose to do it for the purpose that every thing is haunted.

Sleep clothes. It is necessary to give preference only cotton, flares or silk. Your skin should breathe at any time of the day. Pajamas or shirt, peignoir or a T-shirt set with shorts, but not a bag.

Clothes for every day. Here, the flight of fantasy can throw you very far. Now sell fashionable and inexpensive home dresses, beautiful styles and colors, any length and widths.

Sets with shorts will make you younger for years, and the husband does not bring a close look from your legs.

Sports costumes can also be the subject of your home wardrobe. But they must need to decorate you, sit good and emphasize your advantages.

From the gowns I advise you to get rid of and leave only one, warm plush or terry. In which in the winter cold evening you will not only get warm, but also warm your loved one with your warmth.

How to look at home beautifully we figured out, and what to do with hair and face? Of course, every day evening hairstyles do not. But you can take on armament by a couple of fast laying, which will not take a long time. Makeup home also do not necessarily, just tinkering the cilia, and you are already a beauty.

Dear my girls and women! Love yourself, raise yourself self-esteem, look beautiful and tidy, you are a wonderful half of humanity! Do not lower your hands, believe in good and everything will be fine. I hurt everyone and hug!