How to remove paint from a thing. How to remove paint from clothes: one hundred percent methods. Ways to clean old oil paint from clothes

Sometimes, by an unfortunate accident, paint gets on the clothes. Do not immediately panic and worry that your favorite thing is irretrievably damaged. There are many ways to remove paint from clothes.

The main thing is to determine what type of paint got on the clothes in order to use exactly the product that can remove it, since for some types you need to use a simple powder, and for others - solvents.

How to get paint out of clothes?

  • Acrylic and enamel stains are best removed with kerosene, gasoline, mineral spirits, or gasoline. Be sure to follow all safety precautions when using these products. It is impossible to carry out the processing of clothing near an open fire, to allow the product to get into the eyes. After work, the room should be well ventilated.
  • Apply the selected solvent to the paint stain and wait a while until it gets wet. Then take a clean cloth, soak again in the solvent and try to wash the traces as thoroughly as possible. To remove residual dirt on white things, use bleach, and for colored clothes, use a stain remover. After that, wash things as usual.
  • Try to wash the stain from gouache or water-based paint. Pour hot water into the basin, soak the soiled clothes and leave for 2-3 hours. If the stain does not disappear during this time, soak the item without adding powder for a day. Wash it the next day.
  • Hair dye stains can be washed from clothing immediately after contamination. Here it is very important to wash the stain with warm water as soon as possible. You can remove the remnants of the dye by washing the place with a stain with soap, and then washing the clothes in soapy water. If the garment has faded after washing, rewash it at a higher temperature while it is still wet.
  • If the paint has had time to dry, then spray it with hairspray and wash it. You can dilute the vinegar in warm water and rub it on the stain, then soak the clothes in a mixture of ammonia and water. You can also get rid of hair dye from clothes with a sponge soaked in gasoline or kerosene. After processing, the clothes must be washed.
  • If this does not help wash the paint, take regular stain remover. Pour water into a basin and dilute the amount of stain remover indicated on the bottle. Leave the clothes for several hours in the water. But do not put all the soiled things together in the water. In this case, each item must be soaked separately.

If it does not wash off, then it is better to seek help from a dry cleaner.

How to clean paint from clothes?

On hit water-based paint on clothing, do not attempt to wash it with solvents. Remove drops with paper or dry newspaper, and then rinse the stained area well with water. Water-based paint dissolves perfectly with water, so it can be quickly washed off the surface of clothing.

If it has already dried out, then it needs to be softened with water. If the area of ​​contamination is large, then put a wet rag on it for half an hour. Small stains are easy enough to wet. When the stain softens, it should be removed with a brush, an ordinary rag, or carefully removed with a spatula.

Acrylic paint stains should be removed as soon as possible. This will allow you to cope with pollution with the least loss of time and effort. Moisten the newly formed stain with soap and water and use a cloth or sponge to wipe it off the surface. When the paint begins to dry, add a small amount of vinegar or baking soda to the water.

The hardest thing to remove is a dried stain. wash away dried acrylic paint stain plain water is impossible. A special wash will help here, which you can buy at any building materials store.

Pour a small amount of the remover onto the stain and wait 4 minutes. Then wipe the stain with a sponge dipped in this solvent. After using the wash, wash the thing, as the solvent has a too pungent odor.

How do you remove oil paint stains from clothes?

To remove fresh stains from oil paint, you need to take laundry soap. But if more than 3 hours have passed, then you will need ammonia, gasoline, turpentine or acetone. In order not to spoil the thing, wipe the seam or the wrong side of the product with the chosen solvent. To do this, apply the mixture to cotton wool or a piece of white soft cloth and wipe the cloth.

If no side effects occur, remove the dust from the stain with a brush, turn the clothes inside out, place a white paper towel or cloth under the stain. After that, moistening the swab in a solvent, which may consist of turpentine and kerosene or acetone and alcohol, moisten the stain, starting from its edges and reaching the middle. Leave the swab on the stain for a few minutes. To remove the paint stain completely, treat the fabric with cotton wool soaked in ammonia.

For removal of old drops paints can be used in two ways:

  1. Apply turpentine and then clean the fabric with a concentrated baking soda solution. Wash the contaminated area with water.
  2. Lubricate with a little butter or margarine, and then wipe the soiled area with gasoline, turpentine or kerosene. Then wash your clothes.
  3. For removing oil paint from white clothes make a mixture of the same parts of ammonia, chalk and turpentine. Apply the finished mixture and leave for 3 hours. Then soak the swab in gasoline, turpentine or acetone and wipe the contaminated area.

The best way to deal with paint is prevention. Therefore, wear clothes that you do not mind and will not need to be cleaned. When dyeing your hair, use protective gloves and a cape that will help protect even old things. It is also very important to remove the paint immediately after contact with clothing.

A paint stain on clothes is not a sentence and not a reason to get rid of your favorite wardrobe item. Almost any type of pollution can be dealt with independently, given the type of fabric and the nature of the stain. How to remove paint stains from clothes? Let's figure it out.

Oil paint

Oil paint stains penetrate very deeply into the structure of the fabric, and it takes a lot of effort to remove them. First of all, remove the top layer of paint with a knife or a stiff brush. To make it easier to remove, soften the stain with sunflower oil, grease, or petroleum jelly. At this stage, be especially careful not to get the product on a clean cloth and create a new stain. After removing the top layer, use a thinner, special stain remover or other product.

Acetone can effectively cope with oil paint or nail polish remover. Apply liquid to the stain and leave for a few minutes, then wash. Remember: acetone is quite aggressive, so using it can cause the fabric (for example, silk) to dissolve or the paint to fade. Before use, be sure to check how the material reacts to the solvent on a small inconspicuous area.

Helps remove oil paint stains petrol. Soak a clean cloth or cotton swab in the liquid and clean the place of contamination. Leave the product for a while so that the gasoline is absorbed and dissolves the paint that has eaten into the fibers. Wash the stain and wash the product completely, using powder or soapy water. A similar method can be used with turpentine or white spirit.

Often, after removing the stain, greasy traces remain. To remove them, iron the product with a warm iron through paper or use ammonia. In addition, remember: solvents leave an unpleasant odor, which can only be removed with a few washes and prolonged airing of the item.

To make it easier to remove, soften the stain with sunflower oil, grease, or petroleum jelly.

Can be used to remove oil paint from clothes unique remedy. To prepare it, mix softened butter with washing powder in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mixture to the dirt and rub well so that it penetrates into the fibers. Wait 5 minutes, then wash the stain. Such a tool will help you quickly, safely and effectively get rid of a fresh stain of paint.

Hair dye

Of particular difficulty is the removal of stains from hair dye. Timely detection of the stain will help to effectively cope with such contamination, so carefully inspect the clothes after the staining procedure. First, use hairspray, which will neutralize the effects of chemicals and prevent damage to the fabric.

To remove a stain from white material, use hydrogen peroxide. Apply the product to the dirt and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse the product and wash it with powder in an automatic machine. A similar effect can be achieved using vinegar.

The stain can be removed with ready-made stain removers, which are presented in a large assortment in household chemical stores. Use them according to the instructions on the package, strictly follow the dosage and take into account the nature of the contamination and the type of fabric.

Water based paint

Latex or water-based paint is actively used in modern repair work, and stains from it often appear on clothes. Alcohol will help get rid of this kind of pollution. Just wipe the stain with a cotton swab dipped in a "flammable" liquid, and remove the residue with a clean cloth.

In some cases, removing traces of water-based paint from clothes will help the usual washing with powder. Wash the product in cool water by hand, and only if there are no visible results, use hot water.

A variety of water-based emulsion is acrylic paint. To remove this kind of stain, prepare a special solution: combine a bite and ammonia (2 tbsp each) and add 1 tbsp. l. salt. Apply the resulting product to the site of contamination and leave for a while for the main components to react. Rub the stain with a brush, then rinse the product and wash it in the usual way using powder or laundry soap.

Features of removing stains from different types of fabric

Each material requires special care, including the removal of paint stains.

  • Cotton clothes. A specially prepared solution will help remove contamination from such a fabric: add 1 tsp to 1 liter of water. soda and a bar of soap, grated. Place the mixture in an enamel bowl and bring to a boil, then place the item with the stain in the resulting broth for 1 minute. Repeat the procedure several times, then wash the clothes in the usual way.
  • Natural silk. To remove dirt, use laundry soap: rub the stain with it and leave for a while. Next, heat the denatured alcohol in a water bath and wipe the stain with a sponge soaked in it. Continue until the complete disappearance of the trace of paint.
  • Woolen. Rub the stain with laundry soap, then immerse the item in boiling water - repeat this several times until the paint disappears completely. Finally, wash the product in soapy water.
  • Capron or nylon. Warm alcohol will help remove the stain from such material. Put a white cloth on the dirt, and wipe it from the wrong side with a sponge dipped in warm alcohol. Wash the product in salted water. Repeat if necessary.

Household stain removers and special home remedies will help get rid of traces of paint on clothes.

In the daily hustle and bustle, you have to solve many everyday problems, for example, removing paint stains from clothes. Of course, you can accept the situation and just throw away the stained item, or you can quickly and safely remove the stain, thus extending the life of the clothes.

It is not difficult to remove stains of watercolor or water-based paint from clothes: it is enough to wash the thing and there will be no trace of the problem. But with oil paint you have to tinker.

How to remove oil paint from clothes

In order not to spoil the thing, you need to remove stains from the wrong side. A clean towel or several paper napkins should be placed under the front side: thanks to this, the dissolved paint will be absorbed into the towel or napkin, but not into the fabric of the clothes.

In addition, the sequence of removing the stain is important: first you need to moisten the edge of the stain, rub it gently, and only then smoothly move to the middle of the stain. And thus remove all pollution.

How to remove oil paint from clothes at home

Refined gasoline perfectly fights this problem. You need to moisten a cotton swab in this product, gently apply to the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothes (from the wrong side) and rub. After such a procedure, there will be no trace of the stain, but the “resurrected” thing must still be washed.

In no case should you use ordinary gasoline: this product will completely ruin your clothes

If the stain was placed on a woolen or cashmere item, it will have to be removed with sunflower oil. It is necessary to apply a little stain remover on the wrong side of the product, lightly rub with a cotton swab and remove excess oil. Then, of course, the clothes should be washed.

Also at home, the following agents can be used to combat oil paint stains: - kerosene, - alcohol, - acetone, - turpentine, - ammonia, etc.

Just remember that ammonia is not used on colored fabrics, as it changes color. Also, do not use acetone to remove paint stains from synthetic fabrics or leather products.

It is much more difficult to remove strongly ingrained paint from clothes: it will take a lot of effort. First you need to carefully remove the crust of paint with a knife or razor (this should be done so as not to damage the clothes). Then, depending on the fabric, it is necessary to apply a little refined gasoline, ammonia, turpentine or other “stain remover” to the stain and rub it lightly.

To cope with this problem yourself, you will have to perform this procedure two or even three times (constantly you need to change the napkins or towels placed under the front side). When the stain is completely removed, it is necessary to treat this place with a strong soda solution and wash the thing.

Spots appear on any clothes over time, so they are washed. But what about heavy contamination, for example, from paint? If you've been doing renovations, sitting on a painted bench, or leaning against a wall, don't panic.


Such stains can ruin a thing forever, but there are ways to remove paint from clothes at home.

paint type

The first step is to determine what type of paint is at the site of contamination, and how much the stain has eaten into the fabric.

The type of dye that gets on the clothes will depend on the method of its removal. Some paints are easily washed off with ordinary water, and some stains will have to work hard. Consider the main types and how to remove them:

Watercolor or gouache paints

These types are easily soluble in water, so it will not be difficult to remove paint from clothes at home. First, the pollution is washed with cool water, after which it is soaked for half an hour in a soapy solution and washed in the usual way. After such processing, no traces remain.

Aniline dyes

Paints based on organic synthetic compounds can be cleaned with technical alcohol in combination with potassium permanganate and oxalic acid. Mode of application:

  1. Using a cotton swab, alternately apply all the solvents to the stain, moving from the edge of the contamination to its center.
  2. After the procedure, clothes must be washed and dried.

Acrylic paints

Most often, acrylic paints are water-based, so they are easy to remove from the fabric. To begin with, the place of contamination is washed under a tap, after which the clothes are washed in an automatic machine with the addition of powder. At the same time, it is important to choose the lowest temperature and the longest wash cycle.

Also, to dissolve the stain from acrylic paint, use a soft toothbrush:

  1. Washing powder and tinder are applied to the place of contamination.
  2. Then wash the stain.

The most difficult to remove are stains from oil paint and enamel. Let's consider them in more detail.

Oil paints and enamel

For most people, getting oil paint on clothes is a huge problem. And if the pollution was noticed at the wrong time, and it had time to dry, then this is a real tragedy. But not everything is so bad, oil dye can also be removed from clothes, you just have to make a little more effort. Consider the main ways to remove paint from clothes at home.


  1. The first method will require pure gasoline or another strong solvent and a cotton pad. The liquid is applied to the disc, and with gentle movements from the edge to the center, the stain is cleaned off. After the procedure, the place is treated with ammonia and washed.
  2. You can also mix refined gasoline and acetone, in a 1: 1 ratio. The stain is wiped with this mixture, and the remnants of the product are removed with an ammonia solution.
  3. Another solution, which contains gasoline, will help soften the dried stain. To prepare it for gasoline, you will need to add turpentine and alcohol in equal parts. After that, the stain is treated with a soft cloth soaked in the solution. If the contamination is very dry, then you can leave the solution at the site of contamination for 20-30 minutes, after which the stain should be cleaned with a non-sharp knife or other metal object.
  4. Kerosene and turpentine proved to be excellent solvents for oil paint. The method of work is similar to the previous ones: we moisten, wipe, erase.
  5. There is another option that can be used to remove paint from clothes at home if there is no solvent on hand. But it will take some time. We take butter or vegetable oil, wipe the stain with it and leave it for two hours. Then you can take an old toothbrush and clean the softened paint. Then the clothes are washed.

Important! Enamel stains are the most persistent, so the same methods are used to remove them as for oil paints, but stronger solvents are chosen. For example, white spirit.

When everything becomes clear with the type of paint, it is necessary to take a closer look at the types of fabric, since the same paint can be removed from different materials in different ways.

Removing paint from fabric

We note right away that if you are afraid to spoil the material, then it is better to seek help from a dry cleaner. If the risk of ruining the fabric does not exceed the possible effect, then you can learn how to remove paint from clothes at home, and feel free to get down to business.


Cotton clothes are easy to clean from almost any kind of dye. For this material there is a universal solution:

  1. In 1 liter of distilled water, pour a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and about 100 g of soap crumbs.
  2. This solution must be boiled and removed from heat.
  3. After that, the clothes are lowered into the mixture that has not yet cooled down for 10-15 seconds and repeated until the dirt comes off.

Natural silk:

  1. For delicate silk, you can try rubbing the stain with soap and letting it soak in.
  2. After that, it is necessary to heat the alcohol in a water bath, but not to a boil.
  3. A soft cloth is moistened with alcohol and the contaminated area is wiped until the stain disappears completely.
  4. After all procedures, alcohol and soap are removed with water.

Important! Never use aggressive solvents for this material to remove paint from clothes at home. From such processing, the material can, at least - lose its color, as a maximum - spread before your eyes into separate fibers.


You can try to remove dyes from woolen fabric with laundry soap: the stain is generously rubbed, and then dipped in hot water for a few seconds. If the dirt has not disappeared, repeat all the steps again. When the stain is gone, the clothes are washed and dried as usual.

Important! Staying in hot water should be kept to a minimum as this can cause woolen garments to change their size and become deformed.

Nylon and kapron

When working with thin synthetic fabrics, special care is required:

  1. Slightly heat the alcohol in a water bath.
  2. Next, a soft cloth is placed on the contaminated place, and from the inside of the stain they begin to be wiped with warm alcohol.
  3. After - the thing is washed in water with the addition of salt.

Important! Under no circumstances should strong chemical solvents be used on synthetics. They completely dissolve the fibers in the fabric base.

If the clothes are white

Next, we will figure out how and how to wipe the paint from clothes at home, if it is white. White clothes get dirty twice as fast. And if a dye has got on it, then you need to urgently remove the stain before it has eaten into it.

This will require:

  1. Mix in equal parts purified gasoline and white clay.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain and leave to dry for 4 hours.
  3. After - remove the homemade product with a brush.
  4. Next, the clothes are washed with bleach.

Important to consider

Any ink on the fabric is unpleasant, and if you do not remove the pollution in time, you can ruin the clothes forever. There are a few things to keep in mind when cleaning:

  1. If an oil-based dye gets on a leather product, take vegetable oil and rub the stain, moving from the edge to the center. Grease stains from the skin are much easier to remove than dyes.
  2. Denim can be cleaned with gasoline, turpentine or kerosene. The main thing is not to forget after processing to remove the remnants of the cleaning agent with ammonia.
  3. Wash and dry clothes in a well-ventilated area to get rid of solvent odor.
  4. You should not beat off the smell of solvents with deodorants or perfumes, so the smells will mix and the clothes will still have to be aired.


Almost any paint stain can be removed if you act immediately. But even if the paint has already eaten in, there are many tips that will definitely help. The main thing is to be patient and take into account the characteristics of the fabric, the dye. If self-removal threatens things to be irretrievably damaged, it is better to turn to professionals.

Each of us can get our clothes dirty, it's just a matter of seconds: repairs in the house, cottage, apartment, children's games, painted fences and benches. There are many reasons that can ruin a thing, which is why the question of how to wash paint from clothes is relevant today and is of interest to many people leading an active lifestyle.

Paint on clothes, what you need to know?

The main thing is that if you get dirty, you don’t need to immediately lose heart and throw the thing in the trash, there is always a way out. The first thing to remember is not to let the stain dry, then the chances of washing off the paint so that there is not even a trace of almost 100%.

It is also worth paying attention to what kind of paint you get dirty. The correct choice of a cleaning agent depends on this. For many, a simple washing powder is suitable, and there are those that need to be removed with a solvent.

Advice! If the stain is fresh and the paint dissolves in water, wash the clothes with powder or laundry soap as soon as possible.

We will reveal a couple of three tips, following which you can easily remove the stain:

  • The clothes that you are going to clean must be turned inside out, the means to help wash the paint are quite aggressive and can ruin the appearance of the thing.
  • It is advisable to put a napkin or towel on the front side, while you remove the stain, the dirt will be absorbed into the towel.
  • If you will be cleaning with a solvent, first make sure that the fabric of your clothing does not deteriorate, test the reaction on a small, inconspicuous area.

These tips will help you remove the stain easily, save time, and avoid staining other surfaces.

How to clean clothes from paint?

There are many ways to clean stains. But in order to choose the most effective and efficient method, two factors must be taken into account:

  1. paint type;
  2. type of fabric.

Consider what you need to use in order to wash different types of paints:

  • Watercolor, gouache. Such species tend to dissolve in water, so it is easy to remove them. You need to moisten the stain in cool water or soak using washing powder, then wash.
  • Oily. In order to wash such paints you need to use: gasoline, alcohol, acetone, kerosene and turpentine. The application is the same for everyone, moisten a cotton pad liberally and blot the stain, gently removing any remaining dirt.
  • Acrylic, latex. Everything here is just turn the fabric inside out, moisten with cool water, apply the powder, take a toothbrush and rub the powder well, if the type of fabric allows, soak in warm water.
  • aniline. Here, denatured alcohol, potassium permanganate and oxalic acid two percent help.
  • silicate. Vinegar can be used: take a toothbrush well dipped in vinegar, treat the contaminated area, then wash using laundry soap and warm water, then rinse the item thoroughly.

That's all, now you know how to wash the stain, which means you are armed to the teeth. And let nothing spoil your mood.