What the real modesty of a woman looks like. Do guys like modest girls

An interesting question, which girls are most popular with young people? It is not uncommon to hear the opinion that modest girls attract the attention of guys. But in practice, quite often, a young person is carried away by completely different qualities. Should you strive for modesty in the modern world?

Even in the last century, modesty was considered an undeniable virtue. However, at present, a very modest girl runs the risk of being unclaimed both in her personal life and in her profession. The conditions of modern life are such that you need to be able to present yourself in order to please men and colleagues. In this case, excessive tightness can become a serious obstacle.

Young guys rarely pay attention to shy girls who do not stand out from the crowd. Nevertheless, when it comes to a serious relationship and readiness for marriage, a man really evaluates his companion according to several criteria, which include her behavior. In this case, a modest, beautiful girl has more chances to become a legal spouse.

We can say that the future spouse makes quite practical requirements for the bride:

  • First of all, if the girl is very modest, there will be no family problems associated with jealousy. By her nature, a lady of the heart is not prone to windy behavior and will not provoke her husband to inappropriate actions, flirting with his friends and strangers;
  • As a rule, a shy woman prefers the silence of her apartment to noisy entertainment in nightclubs. Such brides subsequently turn out to be magnificent wives who are able to create comfort in the house and feed the whole family with culinary masterpieces;
  • Another reason that makes shy girls very attractive in the eyes of guys is the lack of interest in shopping. Shyness and modesty will save the family budget, since the future wife will completely manage with a minimal set of wardrobe and will never spend finances on excesses;
  • Virginity is one of the most common reasons why guys like shy girls. Any man is pleased to know that he is the first and only one, this significantly increases their self-esteem.

Is it really so?

The naivete of the male is striking. Stereotypes that have developed over the centuries are perceived as unshakable, although over time everything changes. In most cases, all of the above arguments have nothing to do with modesty and can lead to erroneous opinions when choosing a spouse.

For example, a beautiful girl who does not show coquetry can become the subject of persistent courtship and, accordingly, provoke jealousy. Fortunately, deprivation of virginity is currently not considered a crime. You can remain a humble person knowing what sexual intimacy is.

Not necessarily a shy woman will become an excellent housewife. Often, girls of this type prefer to sit over a romantic story all day than to cook pickles.

Clothing is a controversial issue! An independent young woman with a stable income should dress with dignity.

You don't have to spend all your free time in stores. However, the cost of the chosen items can sometimes shock the gentleman. Outwardly modest clothes of a girl can be purchased in a well-known boutique, where, by definition, it is impossible to buy a cheap and vulgar thing.

Modesty should be separated from stiffness. The first quality is characterized by tact, education, the ability to behave in society, the absence of a touch of vulgarity in appearance and habits. The pinched girl is filled with complexes that make her blush from every male gaze, disguise her adorable figure with baggy outfits, and refuse to use cosmetics.

It is these personalities that become devoted housewives, quiet and obedient wives. By the way, guys are often bored of spending time with a girl who is insecure, unable to take the initiative, who has no personal opinion and is wringing her hands in horror at the slightest hint of intimacy. Usually a young man is interested in the opinion of others about his girlfriend, he is pleased if his friends like her.

For a status person, excessive modesty of a life partner can become a problem. Due to his duty or social status, such a man is often present at corporate parties or social events. A chosen one, unable to hold a conversation, can seriously damage his reputation.

Can you cultivate humility? Psychologists are confident that with due diligence, a persistent person is able to develop almost any quality in himself.

Becoming a modest girl: how to develop the right qualities in yourself

In fact, the set of rules that a shy woman must adhere to is quite simple:

  • If a girl uses obscene expressions in speech, it is impossible to call her educated, and even more so a modest person. However, you can sometimes resort to the emotional manifestation of negative feelings with the help of a mat, but only in the circle of close friends. In a conversation with unfamiliar people, especially men, one should behave culturally.
  • One of the hallmarks of modesty is appearance. Of course, no one calls for disfiguring your figure with shapeless skirts and stretched T-shirts. However, it is problematic to become a shy person, emphasizing the appearance with bright cosmetics and catchy things. You should carefully work out your image, leaving defiant cleavages and tight silhouettes for parties.
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking that causes laughter is also not worth practicing, especially in public places. Negative factors in assessing behavior are hysteria, moodiness, obsession.
  • The presence of tact is a rare quality that it is desirable to cultivate in oneself. You should not discuss other people's mistakes out loud. Better in private, advise the person to monitor their behavior.

It is difficult to say whether men like modest girls or not, this is a matter of taste. However, having chosen the image of "your boyfriend" or "broken youngster", you should not be surprised why young people are in no hurry to show interest.

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Time constantly dictates its conditions: fashion, values, concepts of human character traits change. What seemed normal for another twenty years now looks ridiculous. Or vice versa.

So it is with female modesty: even girls in the USSR were taught by mothers that modesty adorns a girl, but now this quality is associated with a gray mouse. Let's figure it out, is modesty good or bad for a girl?

Ostentatious modesty

The most dangerous type of women is the she-wolf in sheep's clothing. They look righteous shy, but inside are insidious bitches. Here's what a girl looks like with feigned modesty:

    He dresses strangely, like a monk. Buttoned button at the throat, hem below the knee, faded colors. Hairstyles, as usual, no - a ponytail at the back of the head. The best option is sheep brooches around the face.

    In communication, she disposes of people who are far from psychological analysis. Kind of like the cutest bell girl. It's scary to breathe on it - it will crumble from its fragility, like a dandelion.

But where is the "dog buried"? Yes in the shower. The main signs of insidiousness are contempt for everything that is personally taboo or inaccessible to her:

    She condemns any feast with fun, considering it a vulgar drunkenness with terrible harm to health.

    Bright girls in mini-bikinis generally cause righteous anger in her. Especially if nature itself has not endowed it with beauty.

    She pretends that for her men, as a class, do not exist. She accepts their courtship with feigned disdain and dislike.

    She condemns rich people if her standard of living is much lower than others. She believes that all the wealth was acquired dishonestly - it cannot be otherwise.

Such a woman can be found praying in church, and five minutes later on the bus, where she will shout at the top of her throat at a fellow traveler who stepped on her foot. Her modesty flies with the mask. She loves gossip, knows how to envy and gloat over someone else's misfortune, without understanding the details of the incident.

Such a woman is pitied and takes her side if she cries in public at her fate. Like, the husband is an alcoholic, the children are seven in the shops, and I'm all such a shy woman with a weak character. But in fact, in her sobs, she is looking for benefits, knowing that such an image of a modest simpleton is sad for others and arouses sympathy.

Yes, in some ways you can regret her: the one who was able to rip off her mask and saw her true appearance, he will never contact her again. She will not be invited to a fun feast and an interesting guy will not rush to her. But even those who could not see through her, stay away from this righteous shy woman. Hence the complexes and condemnation of the people around.

So, for such a lady, modesty is only an ostentatious shell, and clumsily smeared, and it looks most likely frighteningly repulsive. The article describes the behavior of a woman who may be hiding under the "skin of a lamb".

True female modesty

We are talking about a girl who does not hide her real nature, and she is really shy, she does not need any image. She will not put on the dresses of the "poor orphan from the poorhouse" and read to those around her morality about how to live.

Her credo is not to stand out from the crowd. Therefore, even a floor-length dress with a deafly buttoned collar looks defiant in the modern world. What an ordinary shy woman looks like:

    She loves a simple style without flashy colors. Trousers, skirts, T-shirts, shoes and sneakers - everything for everyday life. Even at some kind of celebration, she prefers to wear a simple suit than a fluffy evening dress.

    In both cosmetics and jewelry, she loves a minimum, but does not neglect these things. The main thing is that everything looks lively and tasteful. For her, a bunch of sparkles all over her body and a face painted with makeup is the height of vulgarity.

In modesty there is a share of social phobia - fear of society, outside views, public speaking. True, social phobia in full measure is already a mental illness, and in a shy man it is not very pronounced.

A modest girl can work in an office plankton with a large number of colleagues, but still prefers to stay away from any active participation in anything. Shy women are mostly introverts, they focus on their inner world and find it difficult to establish contacts with people around them.

The pros and cons of being humble

Answering the main question - whether a girl is adorned with modesty, one can say one thing: it depends on what kind of society she is in. She can be a black sheep in the world of show business, for example. But on the other hand, in the place of a librarian, she will be irreplaceable. And many men love to marry modest young ladies, although they look with admiration at sexy ladies.

Cons of a modest girl

Yes, many "gray mice" really expect the same gray life. Especially if the mentality of the country requires the submissiveness of women. But even if a girl lives in a free country, and her character is nevertheless very modest, then this is what you can expect from her:

    She is impenetrable. A career requires great strength, capabilities and even arrogance. A modest simpleton does not have such a thing. But not everyone can break the walls with their foreheads. If you are in the same position, then in the article, there is a small test that will help you understand yourself.

    She is uncommunicative. Modesty doesn't give her a chance to be a leader that everyone around her listens to. She is rarely seen at a corporate party. If you can find her there, then somewhere there, at the end of the table - silent and in a gray blouse.

    She is insecure. It takes a lot of effort to introduce her to a guy. She will find so many excuses, referring to her complexes, that it is easier to tie her to a chair for the bride to take place. And the groom will be embarrassed by her insecurity.

The pros of a modest girl

Let many shy women are considered outdated and uninteresting, but still they have more advantages. And here they are:

    She is a peaceful and kind person. She will not cheat on colleagues at work, she is docile in the family, affectionate towards children. It is difficult to quarrel with her - she is more likely to withdraw into herself in any conflict or try to hush it up from the very beginning.

    She listens to people, draws conclusions, understands them and gains wisdom. She is like a filter, she transfers all the everyday problems of other people through herself, so she can give her girlfriend good advice.

    She is lacking in initiative, but in a good way. All the same, the initiative, as you know, is punishable. She will not annoy her boss or enrage her colleagues, because she can hardly be seen at work. Only the results of her work will be visible, which, as a rule, are at their best.

    She will never become a freak. Such a woman is unlikely to find herself in some kind of embarrassing situation for which she and her loved ones will be ashamed. She will definitely not become a YouTube star. She doesn't need success through shame. She will find other ways to fulfill herself.

    She has a good upbringing. She will not become a habalka in society, she is not instilled in such qualities as rudeness, arrogance and bitchiness. It is cozy and comfortable next to her, and it is from such a girl that you can expect a disinterested ambulance.

Unfortunately, not all shy girls are happy with their "gray" character. On the contrary, they consider it to be a huge complex. Seeing that men "peck" at the brighter representatives of the fairer sex, they are undermined by the worm of envy, although it is safe for others - the "virus" is excluded.

If you yourself consider your modesty to be a big drawback, then read,. And yet - do not lose your main dignity in character, someday those times will come when modesty will again come into fashion, and you will win against the background of these slap-lipped girls.

As you know, modern girls are different: modest, fashionistas, vamp women, and so on. In this article we will talk about what a modest girl she is.

For some reason, many girls believe that in our time, modesty is a vice. In fact, the opposite is true. Only modesty must, so to speak, be correct. We will talk about this further.

A modest girl is a gentle and meek character.

The one who loves to make noise, swear, meet all the guys in a row, is very far from a modest girl. Let's get to know the latter. Imagine a quiet girl who does not get involved in empty talk or gossip with anyone. She is quiet, talking only about business and only politely.

1. Simple but tasteful clothing

A modest girl should not wear miniskirts, ripped jeans, and naked T-shirts. She has a knee-length or ankle-length skirt, or tailored trousers. A well-closed blouse on top. It is not forbidden for such a girl to wear sundresses and suits. She just does not stand out in the crowd, does not expose all parts of the body. Her things are simplicity but tasteful.

2. Appearance

She will not paint brightly, pierce her ears all over the auricle and do piercings. She has no tattoos. The modest woman is either completely without makeup, or she chooses everything to match her face and no frills.

3. Hairstyle

The braid is the symbol of the Russian girl. As a rule, a shy woman does not dye her hair in bright colors, does not make stunning hairstyles. Her hair does not irritate or surprise anyone.

The mistakes of modern prudes

Often in the Orthodox environment you can find a shy woman who is difficult to distinguish from her grandmother: a skirt just below the knees, a jacket, a scarf tied at the chin. And all this in brown or gray tones.

In no case should you be so “modest”. People will turn around and twirl their fingers at their temples.

Also, a modest girl should not sit quietly, huddled in a corner or in the shade. She needs to be in society. But in a society such where people are cultured, educated, correspond to its interests, religion.

Why is modesty needed, and how will it help in life?

What does a free girl dream about? About marriage! But who do they marry? Good, well-mannered. Modern fashion, psychology imposes its own. As a result, the bride does not know what is right, why the advice from the magazines does not work.

And the reason is this: you need to learn to love everyone, provide help, be merciful, caring, friendly and at least a little smiling. Men love cheerful and caring girls. They need a kind wife, a sensible hostess.

An interesting question, which girls are most popular with young people? It is not uncommon to hear the opinion that modest girls attract the attention of guys. But in practice, quite often, a young person is carried away by completely different qualities. Should you strive for modesty in the modern world?

Why do guys like shy girls?

Even in the last century, modesty was considered an undeniable virtue. However, at present, a very modest girl runs the risk of being unclaimed both in her personal life and in her profession. The conditions of modern life are such that you need to be able to present yourself in order to please men and colleagues. In this case, excessive tightness can become a serious obstacle.

Young guys rarely pay attention to shy girls who do not stand out from the crowd. Nevertheless, when it comes to a serious relationship and readiness for marriage, a man really evaluates his companion according to several criteria, which include her behavior. In this case, a modest, beautiful girl has more chances to become a legal spouse.

We can say that the future spouse makes quite practical requirements for the bride:

  • First of all, if the girl is very modest, there will be no family problems associated with jealousy. By her nature, a lady of the heart is not prone to windy behavior and will not provoke her husband to inappropriate actions, flirting with his friends and strangers;
  • As a rule, a shy woman prefers the silence of her apartment to noisy entertainment in nightclubs. Such brides subsequently turn out to be magnificent wives who are able to create comfort in the house and feed the whole family with culinary masterpieces;
  • Another reason that makes shy girls very attractive in the eyes of guys is the lack of interest in shopping. Shyness and modesty will save the family budget, since the future wife will completely manage with a minimal set of wardrobe and will never spend finances on excesses;
  • Virginity is one of the most common reasons why guys like shy girls. Any man is pleased to know that he is the first and only one, this significantly increases their self-esteem.

Is it really so?

The naivete of the male is striking. Stereotypes that have developed over the centuries are perceived as unshakable, although over time everything changes. In most cases, all of the above arguments have nothing to do with modesty and can lead to erroneous opinions when choosing a spouse.

For example, a beautiful girl who does not show coquetry can become the subject of persistent courtship and, accordingly, provoke jealousy. Fortunately, deprivation of virginity is currently not considered a crime. You can remain a humble person knowing what sexual intimacy is.

Not necessarily a shy woman will become an excellent housewife. Often, girls of this type prefer to sit over a romantic story all day than to cook pickles.

Clothing is a controversial issue! An independent young woman with a stable income should dress with dignity.

You don't have to spend all your free time in stores. However, the cost of the chosen items can sometimes shock the gentleman. Outwardly modest clothes of a girl can be purchased in a well-known boutique, where, by definition, it is impossible to buy a cheap and vulgar thing.

Modesty should be separated from stiffness. The first quality is characterized by tact, education, the ability to behave in society, the absence of a touch of vulgarity in appearance and habits. The pinched girl is filled with complexes that make her blush from every male gaze, disguise her adorable figure with baggy outfits, and refuse to use cosmetics.

It is these personalities that become devoted housewives, quiet and obedient wives. By the way, guys are often bored of spending time with a girl who is insecure, unable to take the initiative, who has no personal opinion and is wringing her hands in horror at the slightest hint of intimacy. Usually a young man is interested in the opinion of others about his girlfriend, he is pleased if his friends like her.

For a status person, excessive modesty of a life partner can become a problem. Due to his duty or social status, such a man is often present at corporate parties or social events. A chosen one, unable to hold a conversation, can seriously damage his reputation.

Can you cultivate humility? Psychologists are sure that with due diligence, a persistent person is able to develop almost any quality in himself.

Becoming a modest girl: how to develop the right qualities in yourself

In fact, the set of rules that a shy woman must adhere to is quite simple:

  • If a girl uses obscene expressions in speech, it is impossible to call her educated, and even more so a modest person. However, you can sometimes resort to the emotional manifestation of negative feelings with the help of a mat, but only in the circle of close friends. In a conversation with unfamiliar people, especially men, one should behave culturally.
  • One of the hallmarks of modesty is appearance. Of course, no one calls for disfiguring your figure with shapeless skirts and stretched T-shirts. However, it is problematic to become a shy person, emphasizing the appearance with bright cosmetics and catchy things. You should carefully work out your image, leaving defiant cleavages and tight silhouettes for parties.
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking that causes laughter is also not worth practicing, especially in public places. Negative factors in assessing behavior are hysteria, moodiness, obsession.
  • The presence of tact is a rare quality that it is desirable to cultivate in oneself. You should not discuss other people's mistakes out loud. Better in private, advise the person to monitor their behavior.

It is difficult to say whether men like modest girls or not, this is a matter of taste. However, having chosen the image of "your boyfriend" or "broken youngster", you should not be surprised why young people are in no hurry to show interest.